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English Midwifery Quiz

Name : Mira Huzaimah Komara

Student Number : F622374

Prodi : S1 Kebidanan Alih Jenjang / B

1. Toothache : Sakit Gigi

2. Backache : Sakit Punggung
3. Headache : Sakit Kepala
4. Soar arm : Sakit Lengan
5. Soar Knee : Sakit Lutut

Task 2 Conversation

Patient : “ Excuse me ma’am, can I ask you something?

Midwife : “ sure, What is it?
Patient : “I have problem with my vaginal discharge, its itch and smell. What should I do

Midwife: “Ok, Take it easy I will explain what is the vaginal discharge , Most vaginal
itching will actually be a result of irritation and not a symptom of anything
bigger or badder. Many, many things can irritate your diva-level-sensitive
vagina, including (but by no means limited to) soaps, bubble baths, perfumes,
moisturisers, tampons filled with chemicals, detergents, fabric softeners, and
toilet paper (usually the scented kind). Before you rush off to the doctor or
slide down a google rabbit hole (never a positive experience), check the
products and materials that have come into contact with your vagina lately.
Are there new substances that could have triggered this itchy vagina
business? Are your bathroom toiletries and period products filled with toxic
chemicals and a cocktail of synthetic materials? If the answer is yes to any of
these questions, start eliminating those products until you’re no longer
suffering from the burning itching sensations in your pants!

If it’s not caused by external stimuli, your vaginal itching could be a
symptom of an infection, STI, or (rarely) vulva cancer - before you get your
knickers in a twist over that bomb, see below for discussion of the likelihood
of itching being a sign of cancer! 
We’ve all heard about thrush. We have all either had thrush or know
someone close to us who has. All of this to say: it’s pretty bloody common.
Thrush is a very common yeast infection that anyone of any sex and body
type can get. Thrush in people with vaginas is characterised by a white, thick
discharge with the consistency of cottage cheese but is odourless (note that in
people with penises it often comes with a smell) and itching. It can also cause
a sore or stinging sensation while peeing or having sex. It’s mostly harmless
but does cause discomfort (see: itching) and usually treated with antifungal
medication. Tl,dr: nothing to lose sleep over, but not to be ignored, either, as
there’s usually a simple fix. Any why suffer unnecessarily?
Similarly, one of the main symptoms of Trichomoniasis, which is an STI
caused by a tiny parasite, is vaginal itching. Along with soreness, swelling,
and even vaginal odor, yellow or green discharge is a common symptom, as
is discharge that becomes significantly thicker or thinner, and even… frothy
(sorry) in consistency. Trichomoniasis can also cause pain when peeing or
having sex and the vaginal itching, soreness, and swelling can affect the
upper thighs as well as the vulva. People with penises can also experience it.
See below for more on the smell caused by Trichomoniasis.
Why does my vagina smell?
You’re going to need to be more specific when wondering why your vagina
is smelly. Where do you think the smell is coming from? Is it your vaginal
discharge that smells bad? Does it occur only at certain times of your cycle or
after you’ve worn a particular type of non-breathable underwear that makes
your vulva feel sweaty? Or is it persistent and/or irregular?
If it’s your discharge, you need to be mindful that just because there is a
smell doesn’t mean it’s a bad smell. Discharge is supposed to have a smell. If
your discharge smells musty or slightly sour, that’s normal. If, however, you
detect an unpleasant smell in your discharge such as (gird your loins for this
next bit) a fishy or rotten smell kind of like gone-off meat, then
that is something to worry about. Most of us who have had discharge for
years will be able to tell when it smells different, but if you’re experiencing
puberty or just recently post-pubescent, it’s totally understandable that you
might be worried by the new but perfectly natural, safe smells your body is
priducing. Just try to learn the difference so you can a) dismantle that damn
shame (it doesn’t serve you!) and b) know when you actually have something
to be concerned about.
Okay, so what if it’s not your discharge? Other largely non-alarming reasons
for unusual smells wafting up to your unsuspecting nose from down there
could be: you’ve recently had sex, recently engaged in high-impact exercise
(aka it’s just regular ol’ body sweat), or might have an old tampon in there
patiently waiting to be removed (friendly reminder that we really, really want
to avoid leaving tampons inside our bodies for longer than the recommended
amount of time to avoid TSS!)
The most common cause of unpleasant vaginal odour, however, is Bacterial
Vaginosis, AKA BV. BV is characterised by a strong fishy smell that often
gets more powerful after sex. A white-ish grey, thin, watery discharge can
also be a sign of BV. It’s caused by an upset in your vagina’s natural pH
balance. It’s not characterised as an STI, but I feel some type of way about
that due to the fact that a women can pass it onto another woman during
sex. Which sounds to me like a bacterial infection that can be transmitted
sexually. A sexually transmitted infection. But hey, welcome to another day
under the cisheteropatriarchy! If you are experiencing a fishy smell, greyish
discharge, or even have had sex with someone who has it, it’s worth getting
to a sexual health clinic or doctor to get checked out. BV can increase your
chances of contracting STIs as it lowers your vagina’s acidity (which acts as
a defensive mechanism) so be safe!
As mentioned above, Trichomoniasis is an STI caused by a tiny parasite. It
can also lead to vaginal odor. Again, the smell here would be a fishy vaginal
odour - similar to that of BV, so it’ll depend on your other symptoms to
determine if this is Trichomoniasis or not. 
A rectovaginal fistula which can also cause bad vaginal odour. It occurs
when there’s an abnormal connection between your rectum and your vagina
or ‘hole’ allowing feces or gas to pass through from the base of your large
intestine (yeah, where you poop) to your vagina. Symptoms include gas, pus,
or stool coming out of your vagina rather than anus, frequent infections,
irritation or pain in your perineum, and a ‘foul’ smell coming from your
vagina or in your discharge. Not nice, but it can be treated with surgery.

Patient :” So, is it so dangerous ma’am?”

Midwife : “It is a likely that you need medication, Be brave and you’ll be okay, I’m
sure you’ll be alright”
Patient : “Thank you ma’am”
Midwife : “ Welcome

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