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Family Biography

A child prodigy, Gray is the intelligent and resourceful son of Silver Fullbuster and Scathach.
The Fullbuster family is a prominent family in the Kingdom of Isvan, proficient in politics,
the academe, the arts, alchemy and magic and have been very influential in the Kingdom,
owning many properties. Gray's grandmother, Hinagiku Kurosaki-Fullbuster, descended
from a lineage of mages that were proficient in Ice Magic. Silver is an influential magnate in
the city of Chago, one of the major port cities in the kingdom. Trained in the ways of both
magic and business, the Fullbusters were the Isvanian counterparts of the Heartfilias.

Scáthach was a female warrior-queen from Ancient Scotland. The queen and gatekeeper of
the foreign territory/haunted ground called the "Land of Shadows'', she is a prodigy of
spearmanship and Rune magecraft. She possesses a power immense enough to obtain control
over and close the gate of the "Land of Shadows'', which is overflowing with countless
ghosts, to ward off the dead.It has been said that she became the mentor of Cú Chulainn -
who would later grow into the hero of Ulster - guiding him, teaching all sorts of techniques
and even bestowing his favourite magic spear. Due to her nature, the Land of Shadows itself
eventually became completely sundered from the mortal world, fully becoming a land of the
dead.Still existing unto modern times and unable to become a Heroic Spirit on the Throne of
Heroes, Scáthach had not ventured outside of the Land of Shadows for two thousand years.
Unable to die, she could only wait until the time the World and its outside finally disappear.

Due to living for a millenia, Scáthach has had the knowledge and skills of different worlds.
She was able to enter Isvan thanks to Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg’s machinations. He gave
her knowledge about the realm and access to Archive and Requip magic. In Isvan was where
Scáthach met and married Silver after she saved him from goons of his family’s enemies. She
later gave birth to Gray on the winter solstice, to which according to legends, people born
during the solstice are born with the power of snow and ice.

Zelretch had the Fullbusters get Heroic Spirits to train the young boy, sensing his potential as
a powerful mage. Merlin also joined the fray by training Gray in his dreams. Scáthach used
Archive magic to transfer information about her true identity, her knowledge and skills to
Gray so that his training would be less rigid. As a child prodigy, Gray excelled in many
things. Trained by his parents and the Heroic Spirits they chose, he skipped grades in school.

Iced Shell
Gray’s life went south when the demon Deliora destroyed Chago in the Deluge, which
destroyed the Kingdom of Isvan. Sliver died while protecting Gray and the citizens at the
expense of his magical energy. Scáthach, however, managed to survive when Zelretch sent
her back to the Land of Shadows to recuperate.

Lyon, along with Ur, a powerful ice Mage who Jellal claimed could have been one of the Ten
Wizard Saints, came investigating Deliora's destruction, and found Gray alive among the
ruins. Ur took Gray in as her second student and taught him and Lyon Ice-Make Magic.
Despite already proving that he knows magic, Gray accepted the training in order to
eventually avenge his deceased parents by killing Deliora using Ur's unorthodox methods.
Merlin still trains him in his dreams. Gray, thanks to his previous training, managed to adapt
Ur’s teachings at a fast pace, much to her surprise.

When Gray heard of Deliora's current location, he decided to challenge it, ignoring Ur and
Lyon's warnings. Gray collapsed from battling Deliora and woke up to see Ur battling it. Ur
told him to take Lyon and run. Gray carried Lyon and saw that Ur had lost her leg and
replaced it with ice. Suddenly, Scáthach appears to Gray’s rescue and tries to reason with
Ur’s questionable methods. Ur explained to mother and son that Iced Shell was the only thing
that would beat Deliora, and was surprised to know that Lyon had tried to do what she
planned. She then used Iced Shell which caused her body to be destroyed. Ur then pleads to
Scáthach to take care of Lyon in her stead to which the woman accepts. Before turning into
ice, she made Gray promise to tell Lyon that she died and told him to step into the future,
since she would seal his darkness. The next day, Lyon woke up and discovered Deliora
encased in ice and Ur's sacrifice. He then joins Gray and Scáthach in their journey, vowing to
protect people from Deliora

Entering Fairy Tail

Following Ur's advice to find strong wizards in the west, Scáthach, Gray, and Lyon arrived at
Fairy Tail and asked the master for a way to reverse the effects of the Iced Shell. Makarov,
however, told him that the only method that could possibly reverse it would kill Ur in the
process as she lived on as the ice encasing Deliora. After using her Archive magic on Lyon,
Scáthach resumes the young boy's training alongside the Heroic Spirits. She then asks them
to keep their knowledge of the Heroic Spirits a secret.

In Fairy Tail, Gray and Lyon befriended Cana, a young girl who is the same age as them.
They were also present when Erza, a ward of Makarov’s late friend, entered the guild. Gray
and Erza’s dynamic consists of insults and back-handed compliments that managed to turn
the guild hall into a battlefield of intellectual elitism. This dynamic continued until he found
her crying by the riverside. He became flustered and refused to battle her. Upon questioning
her about why she was always alone, she replied that she preferred being alone, but Gray
retorted that she wouldn't be crying if that was true.

Gray and Lyon continue to train while balancing socialising with their friends.

Gray's most prominent feature is his spiky black-coloured hair. He has dark red eyes, and his
body is toned and muscular. His member stamp is below his collarbone on his right pectoral
muscle and is dark blue in colour.

Unlike almost all other characters, Gray does not consistently wear the same type of clothes,
though he is often shown wearing some kind of white coat. His style is very casual and laid
back. He favours comfortable street wear such as oversized graphic shirts and denims. He has
an aversion to more eclectic or extravagant clothing, believing it makes him "stick out."
Though Gray has been known to dress up when needed, such as when he goes to parties or
important social events, giving everyone an aura of his noble upbringing. With his magic, he
can design his clothes to whatever style he wants.

Gray has a laid-back personality, but will get serious when the time calls for it. He is fierce,
intelligent, cunning, and wise. He and Natsu have a friendly rivalry, and while they can often
be seen fighting one another verbally or physically, the two are actually quite concerned
about each other.

He is very concerned about his comrades and is truly loyal towards his guild, but will not
hesitate to call them out, to which he gets called as “Erza Lite”. Gray can be sarcastic and
never hesitates to snap a witty retort when annoyed or hurt. As much as he may appear aloof
and uncaring at times, it hides how emotionally exhausted he has been and how vulnerable he
can be.


Silver: Anguished by the death of his father, Gray made it his mission to destroy Delior for
ruining his family. After reuniting with him during the battle with Tartaros, Gray breaks
down, apologising for failing to save him.

Lyon: Gray sees Lyon as an uptight older brother. Lyon, on the other hand, views him as the
unhinged younger brother. They have witty banters like most brothers do.As he is older,
Lyon considers himself to be Gray's superior and tries his best to prove to know better than
him, much to Gray’s dismay. Despite that, Lyon loves Gray and is willing to go on a warpath
for the latter.

Natsu: Gray and Natsu have a friendly rivalry that involves words and fists. According to
Lucy and Erza, it has something to do with their elements being the opposite of each other.
Despite this, they both care for each other. On a comical note, Natsu considers Gray to be
scary if the latter reaches his limit.

Lucy: According to Erza, Lucy used to have a crush on Gray. She considers Gray, Levy, and
Freed to be the three brains of the guild. The two also have a shared love of books
considering Lucy once let Gray borrow a book from the Heartfilia mansion.

Erza: Most of the guild agreed that Gray and Erza started off as two authoritarians who'd try
to destroy each other with words. As time passed by, Gray considered Erza as a caring older
sister. Erza sometimes teases Gray about Juvia because he is adorable when he pouts and

Juvia: Gray and Juvia share a close relationship. It was love at first sight for Juvia, and for
Gray as well. Originally, he is portrayed to be uncaring towards the Water Mage's advances,
with her attempts of earning his affections resulting in disaster. However as time passed by,
Juvia managed to thaw his frozen and fragile heart and gave him purpose in life.

Cana: As one of his first friends, Cana has a special place in Gray’s life. She was the first
person Gray lost to in chess. She basically teased him for a week, seeing how much of a sore
loser he was. She is also someone Gray opens up to about things Natsu, Lucy, and Erza could
not understand.

Physical Abilities
Expert Weapons Specialist: Thanks to the training with the Heroic Spirits, Gray has
displayed considerably great ability in wielding the weapons either from his Requip storage
or produced by his Ice-Make spells. Like his mother, he is a master of spearmanship. He is
also very skilled in swordsmanship with his constructed ice swords of various forms and
sizes, and is also more than capable of wielding other types of bladed weapons. He has also
shown to be adept at marksmanship, using his ice bow to shoot arrows from great distances
with pinpoint accuracy.

Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Gray possesses great skill in hand-to-hand combat

having been trained in Bajiquan by Li Shuwen. This was first seriously shown when, despite
his grievous wounds, he managed to overwhelm Fukuro when the latter angered him in battle,
and generally displayed in a comical way during his scuffles with Natsu. He is capable of
packing powerful punches and kicks, and he often employs unarmed combat in conjunction
with his Ice-Make spells to gain the upper hand in battle. Gray was able to defeat the Thunder
God Tribe in unarmed combat on his own.

Polyglot: Gray is noted for his knowledge in the field of languages, and can even translate
several ancient scripts. Through accurate, grammatical examination, plus the use of his Gale-
Force Reading Glasses, he can decipher almost any ancient text. His knowledge is so broad
that even the likes of Lucy, Levy and Fried are amazed.

Magical Abilities
Ice-Make: A form of Molding Magic that allows the user to create ice at his will and to shape
it into objects. In Gray's case, he uses Static Ice-Make, meaning he can shape his ice into
inanimate things or weapons. Ice-Make is known as an extremely versatile form of Magic,
coming in useful both in battle, for offensive and defensive purposes, and outside of it.
Specialising in it and having been practising it for years, Gray possesses extreme mastery
over it, being capable of creating countless amounts of objects for a multitude of uses. Also,
according to him, Ice-Make allows the user to produce virtually anything, granting the user
an unmatched creation capability. As an Ice-Make user, Gray is an individual resistant to cold
and as such is able to take damage from ice and snow-based attacks without sustaining major
injury and is either completely immune to snow based attacks such as Eve Tearm's Snow
Magic or is more resilient to it than other people. Gray can also freeze and reshape Juvia, a
Water Magic user while in her liquid form into various Ice-Make creations.
Cyrokinesis: Gray possesses the magical ability to conjure and manipulate ice and snow.
Gray can manifest and shape various structures made of ice and snow or cold phenomena
with the abilities she was born with, from snow flurries to blizzards. Gray is capable of
freezing objects he comes into contact with. Gray was able to turn the entire guildhall into a
winter wonderland. He is capable of creating enchanted snowmen (both large and small), ice
structures such as his ice water slide, deadly blizzards, and more. He can move ice structures
at will. Gray, with his great mastery of ice spells, has proven himself capable of freezing even
burning things such as Juvia's boiling water and Fukuro's flames, as well as to freeze an
object faster than Sugarboy's Rosa Espada could soften it.

Ice Devil Slayer Magic: A form of Devil Slayer Magic that Gray can manifest at will which
allows him to produce, manipulate and control the element of ice. Like other Slayers, Gray is
able to consume external sources of ice in order to replenish his strength and enhance his
power while at the same time granting immunity to it. This form of Magic is extremely
powerful and effective against Demons. Gray was given his father's Magic following his
defeat and departure. To some degree, it appears that Devil Slayers have the ability to resist
the effects of Curses (or at least the "Ultimate Curse" Memento Mori). Gray has become
proficient enough in this Magic to be able to encase an enemy in a spiked cocoon of ice, roll
him across a field of enemies and manipulate it into an immense burst of ice in a matter of
seconds. Gray also can use this Magic to boost the power of his Ice-Make. One of the most
effective aspects of this type of Magic is its ability to completely freeze everything within a
large radius with a mere flick of the wrist.

Requip: The Knight: Gray makes use of this particular form of Requip called The Knight to
change his armors and weapons in battle. He has proven himself to be a very skilled user of
this Magic; he is able to chain different requips in short periods of time.

Sword Magic: In addition to his signature Magic, Gray is also an extremely talented user of
Sword Magic. As the name implies, this is a type of Magic which revolves around the use of
swords. Through the use of this Magic, Gray is capable of using his swords to perform
different magical attacks. This is usually done in combination with specific armors of his,
which makes him a very deadly combatant.

Unison Raid: Gray is capable of using this ability, although he has only performed it
alongside Juvia till now.

Elemental Magecraft: Gray is skilled in using all five elements, especially water and wind.

Runes: Being Scathach’s son, Gray is an expert on utilising Runes; he employs several that
are etched or embroidered onto his clothing. One such example is a Rune etched onto the sole
of his shoes that allows him to jump much higher than normal. He also uses the Gandr rune,
a simple curse originating from Scandinavia, which decreases the physical health of the
target. Because the curse properly said is released from the caster’s index finger and the
target must be within the field of vision to be aimed at, it is dubbed Gandr Shot. A Gandr
with so much Magical Energy concentrated into it that it becomes capable of physical
interference is called Finn Shot. Gray's Finn Shot has roughly the destructive power of a
pistol bullet and while a single hit is not enough to kill someone, it is still capable of
knocking out a normal person. Though not using any Rune letter, it is of Rune Magecraft.
Gray also employs runic sorcery on her limbs, hands, and feet to increase his fighting

Enchantment: Taught by Medea, Gray has shown extremely high proficiency in the art of
enchantment; so much that his skills is comparable to a High Enchanter, evidenced by his
ability to change and alter climates, as well as manipulate the atmosphere, objects, people,
even able to turn inanimate objects into fully functioning people or humans into animals.

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