l2 Unit 4 - Projects Reflection 2 v2

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Identify the contextual research you have been required to carry out for the following projects?
This might include use of images, use of typography, use of sound, existing examples of media products
and roles within the industry itself.

Horror Film Poster (if you started the course in September)

Photoshop tutorials
Existing film posters
Lost Short Film
Video editing tutorials
Audio editing tutorials
Blair Witch Trailer Project
Trailer research
Video editing tutorial
Audio editing tutorial
Website research


How did you use contextual knowledge in one of the following projects;
EG Colours, images and typography in the Horror Film Poster Project?
EG Sound, locations, shot types, props and editing techniques in the Lost Short Film Project?
EG Replicating (and updating) existing footage for the Blair Witch Trailer Project

Horror Film Poster – paste link to this project here

Lost Short Film – paste link to this project here

Blair Witch Trailer Project – paste link to this project here

Looking at video editing tutorials helped me to replicate the original trailer with my own footage. I also
used the worksheets to understand what props were needed in the trailer. I was also taught how to use
a microphone and this improved my foley skills because of it. I used another worksheet to track what
lines of dialogue were spoken and this made recording the trailer audio much easier.


Identify examples within your own work of where your research and application of contextual
knowledge was successful?
Researching and reviewing the original Blair Witch trailer allowed me to more accurately recreate the
trailer myself in my project. I also used the skills I had learned to use the camera more efficiently which
allowed me to take more quality shots.

What do you feel you have learned from this process that you could carry forward for future projects?
I have learned how to edit video footage that I have shot and I believe this skill will help me out in future
projects. I also have learned how to record and edit my own audio thereby growing my foley skills which
I will be able to use in my future projects. I have also learned that if making a work based on an already
existing product to use that original product as much as possible for inspiration and guidance.

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