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GoTI - Document Reading Assignment

Gulf of Tonkin: Most history books say that the United States war in Vietnam began in 1964,
after Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. However, it’s no secret that the United
States had been very involved in the region for at least a decade before. After reading all of the
primary source documents, answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. Document A (News Report by Robert Sharpe)

You now know what the American public knew in 1964. Sharpe based his news article on
information provided by the government. The Department of Defense issued all facts, details,
and conclusions. List 3 facts cited from the news report that were shared with the public.

2. Document B: (Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (Modified) Congressional Joint Resolution, August 7,

1964). Using this document answer the following:
a. According to this document, what did the North Vietnamese do?
b. Why did the U.S. feel compelled to respond at this point?
c. According to this document, was the U.S. planning to go to war in Vietnam before August
1964? Explain your answer

3. Document C: Memorandum from Foreign Affairs Advisor (Bundy) to The President (modified)
a. When was this document written? ____________________________________
b.Who wrote it? ___________________________________________________
c. What did Bundy suggest to the President? ______________________________
d. What are three reasons why Bundy made this recommendation?
e. According to this document, was the U.S. planning to go to war in Vietnam before August
1964? Explain your answer.
4. Document D:Telegram From the Department of State (Rusk) to the Embassy in Vietnam
a. When was this document written?________________________________ b.Who wrote it?
c. How did Rusk feel about the South Vietnamese government’s ability to fight the Communists?
Support your answer with evidence.
d. Why did Rusk think attacking the North Vietnamese is not a smart idea?
e. According to this document, was the U.S. planning to go to war in Vietnam before August
1964? Explain your answer.
5. Document E: Telephone Conversation Between President Johnson and the President’s
Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy)
a. What type of document is this? ________________________________________
b. How trustworthy do you think this type of document is? Why? _________________
c. What is the dilemma facing President Johnson?
d. According to this document, was the U.S. planning to go to war in Vietnam before August
1964? Explain your answer.
6. Using all your information write a paragraph in response to: Was the U.S. planning to go to
war in Vietnam before August 1964? Why? Give evidence

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