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Definitions of Governance

a) "the manner in which power is exercised in the management of the country's resources for
development. It is referred to as the quality of the institutions to make, implement and enforce sound
policies in an efficient, effective, equitable and inclusive manner (ADB, 2005).

b) "the process by which we collectively solve our problems and meet society's needs. Government is the
instrument we use” (Osborne and Gaebler, 1992)

Actors of Governance

a) State- principal actor of governance; "enabler" which provides for the legal and regulatory framework
and political order; resource provider

b) Private/Business Sector (Corporate Governance)- also described as the" engine" of society as it

promotes economic development and generate jobs and income; resource provider

c) Civil Society - groups or associations outside the state but working in the public arena (NGOs, POs and
other voluntary sectors); mobilize various organizations to participate in planning and decision-making;
facilitate interactions among key players of governance

Major Characteristics of Good Governance (UNESCAP- United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific)

a) Participation- Could be either direct or through legitimate intermediate institutions or representatives

b) Consensus-Oriented - What is in the best interest of the whole community?

And how can this be achieved?

c) Accountability- An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions; an

organization or an institution is accountable to those who will be affected by their programs or policies

d) Transparency- Information is freely available and directly accessible to those who will be affected by
the information and their implications; Information is provided in easily understandable forms and media

e) responsiveness- Institutions try to serve all stakeholders within a reasonable time frame

f) Effectiveness and Efficiency

Effectiveness- processes and institutions produce results that meet the needs of society and improve the
quality of life of the people
Efficiency- making the best use of available resources; includes sustainable use of natural resources and
environmental protection

g) Equity and Inclusiveness- focuses on societal well-being, including the marginalized sector; "no one is
left behind"

h) Rule of Law- Requires fair legal frameworks; government officials must serve with fairness and
observe the principle that "Public Office is a Public Trust" ( Art. X1,Sec.! of the 1987 Phil. Constitution
and abide with the Code of Conduct and Ethics which govern public officials

Carino, Ledivina V. The Concept of Governance (2015)
SK Mandatory Catch-up Session ( Module 1, Session 1)'

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