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MR Imaging System

Description of Functions (V5.0R - )


Special Notes to Operators and Maintenance Managers

★ Before using this system, be sure to thoroughly read this manual and make
yourself familiar with this system.
★ After reading this manual, keep it in a location near the system for easy

Tokyo, Japan


Copyright © Hitachi Medical Corporation. 1999-2006. All rights reserved.

This manual is intended to describe how to operate the Hitachi MR Imaging System, AIRIS-II.
For safe and correct use of the equipment, it describes the functions of the various

Symbols used in this manual:

This symbol indicates an indirect danger that could result in death, serious
injury, or serious property damage such as fire or total loss of equipment.

This symbol indicates possible danger that could result in light or moderate
injury, partial equipment damage, or computer data loss.

This symbol indicates any recommended procedure, condition, or action that

requires care when operating the equipment.

This symbol indicates supplementary information.

Copyright © Hitachi Medical Corporation. 1999-2006. All rights reserved and
unauthorized use, reproduction, or disclosure is prohibited.
Portions copyright © 2003, Cedara Software Corp. All rights reserved and
unauthorized use, reproduction, or disclosure is prohibited.

Trademarks and registered trademarks:

Company names and product names used in this manual are the trademarks and registered
trademarks of each company.

Precautions that must be taken when exporting this equipment:

When exporting this equipment, be sure to check the Foreign Exchange and Foreign
Trade Control Law and the regulations related to export control of the United States of
America, and take the necessary procedures. If any question arises, contact Hitachi or an
authorized representative.

Revision history:
First edition : 1999
15th edition : December 2005
16th edition : March 2006
System that are labeled with CE mark comply with the following EU directive.

93/42/EEC : Medical Devices directive

Product Name : MR Imaging System

Product Classification : II - a

Model : AIRIS-II

Manufacturer : Hitachi Medical Corporation

1-1-14 Uchi-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku

Tokyo, Japan

European Representative : HITACHI MEDICAL SYSTEMS GMBH

Großenbaumer Weg 5

40472 Düsseldorf

Phone : +49 211 16651 11

Fax : +49 211 16651 69

Q1E-BM5256 i
To use this equipment safely and correctly, and to maintain its performance normally for a
long period, it is essential to have a full understanding of its functions and operation.
Read this instruction manual thoroughly before using this equipment.

This instruction manual describes the functions of MRI System, as well as the items
displayed on each screen. Refer to the “MR Imaging System, AIRIS-II, Description of
Operations” for information regarding the procedures for operating this device.

ii Q1E-BM5256
NOTE TO USERS .................................................................................................................................... ii

Contents .................................................................................................................................................. iii

1. Outline............................................................................. 1
1.1 Card Structure ....................................................................................................................................1

1.2 Input Devices......................................................................................................................................2

2. Tray Functions ................................................................ 5

2.1 Patient Registration and Selection.....................................................................................................6

2.1.1 Query Condition screen .....................................................................................................................10

2.1.2 Image Preview screen........................................................................................................................11

2.1.3 Job Sort Dialog ..................................................................................................................................12

2.1.4 Patient Registration screen ................................................................................................................13

2.1.5 Registration Problem screen ..............................................................................................................19

2.1.6 Confirm Deletion of Folders screen...................................................................................................20

2.1.7 Patient Folder registration..................................................................................................................21

2.2 System Tools ....................................................................................................................................22

2.3 Status Area .......................................................................................................................................23

2.4 Scanner Status .................................................................................................................................23

2.5 Archive Queue Dialog ......................................................................................................................24

2.5.1 Displays for jobs being processed, or on standby..............................................................................24

2.5.2 Displays for finished jobs ..................................................................................................................25

2.6 Film Job Queue Dialog.....................................................................................................................26

3. Patient Folder Functions ............................................... 29

3.1 Structure of a Patient Folder ............................................................................................................29

3.1.1 Status Display of Cards in Patient Folders ........................................................................................31

3.1.2 Editing Libraries ................................................................................................................................32

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3.2 Editing Patient Folders .................................................................................................................... 33

3.2.1 Selecting a Patient Folder ................................................................................................................. 33

3.2.2 Card Settings..................................................................................................................................... 33

3.2.3 Card Library...................................................................................................................................... 34

3.2.4 Clinical Study Library....................................................................................................................... 37

4. Task Cards.....................................................................41
4.1 Control Face .................................................................................................................................... 42

4.1.1 Methods for Setting and Unsetting Card Input Data......................................................................... 44

4.1.2 Methods for Selecting Input Data Images (Pick Images).................................................................. 46

4.1.3 Methods for Running, Pausing, and Stopping Card Processing........................................................ 49

4.1.4 Database Functions ........................................................................................................................... 50

4.2 Review Face.................................................................................................................................... 54

4.2.1 Film Tool........................................................................................................................................... 60

4.2.2 Auto Film Setting Function (Film Options) ...................................................................................... 65

5. Card Details ...................................................................67

5.1 Scan Card........................................................................................................................................ 67

5.1.1 Functions Common to Each Group................................................................................................... 68

5.1.2 Basic Group ...................................................................................................................................... 73

5.1.3 Technique Group............................................................................................................................... 80

5.1.4 Particular Group................................................................................................................................ 85

5.1.5 Matrix Group .................................................................................................................................... 91

5.1.6 Gating Group .................................................................................................................................... 94

5.1.7 Dynamic Group............................................................................................................................... 103

5.1.8 Filter Group .................................................................................................................................... 108

5.1.9 Fatsup Group [optional]...................................................................................................................112

5.1.10 Others Group..................................................................................................................................117

5.2 2D Card ......................................................................................................................................... 121

5.2.1 Adaptive Image ............................................................................................................................... 123

iv Q1E-BM5256
5.2.2 Edge Enhancement ..........................................................................................................................123

5.2.3 Shading Correction ..........................................................................................................................124

5.2.4 Background Noise Reduction ..........................................................................................................125

5.2.5 Addition/Subtraction(Add/Sub).......................................................................................................126

5.2.6 T1/T2 Calculation processing (T1/T2) ............................................................................................129

5.3 3D Card ..........................................................................................................................................131

5.3.1 MIP (Maximum Intensity Projection)..............................................................................................133

5.3.2 MPR(Multi Planar Reconstruction) .................................................................................................138

5.4 Data Card .......................................................................................................................................143

5.4.1 Image List Selection Method...........................................................................................................146

5.4.2 Image List Deselection Method.......................................................................................................146

5.5 Maintenance Card..........................................................................................................................147

5.5.1 SNR (S/N Check) ............................................................................................................................148

5.5.2 Special Text (Detailed Acquisition Information Display/Change Name of Contrast Agent) ...............149

5.6 Analysis Card .................................................................................................................................154

5.6.1 Velocity Calculation [optional]........................................................................................................155

5.6.2 Dynamic Scan Analysis ...................................................................................................................156

5.7 Viewport Tools Function .................................................................................................................160

5.7.1 Static Tools ......................................................................................................................................161

5.7.2 Window Width/Level Tool...............................................................................................................163

5.7.3 Cine Tool .........................................................................................................................................166

5.7.4 Comment/Annotation Tool ..............................................................................................................168

5.7.5 Magnify/Shift Tool ..........................................................................................................................171

5.7.6 Region-Of-Interest Tool...................................................................................................................173

5.7.7 Rotate/Reverse Image Tool..............................................................................................................178

5.7.8 Measurement Tool ...........................................................................................................................179

5.7.9 Statistics Tool...................................................................................................................................181

5.7.10 Album Tool ....................................................................................................................................183

Q1E-BM5256 v
6. Archiving and Restoring...............................................187

7. Function of System Tools Function..............................191

7.1 System Status................................................................................................................................ 192

7.2 Preferences ................................................................................................................................... 195

7.2.1 Registering names........................................................................................................................... 195

7.2.2 Display Settings .............................................................................................................................. 197

7.2.3 Filming settings............................................................................................................................... 202

7.2.4 Card settings ................................................................................................................................... 204

7.2.5 System Settings............................................................................................................................... 206

7.3 Stop Watch .................................................................................................................................... 209

7.4 WaveForm ..................................................................................................................................... 210

7.5 Error Log.........................................................................................................................................211

7.6 Library Archive/Restore ................................................................................................................. 212

7.7 Raw Data Read/Write.................................................................................................................... 215

7.8 Version........................................................................................................................................... 217

7.9 Raw Data Save.............................................................................................................................. 218

7.10 Snapshot ..................................................................................................................................... 222

7.11 Quit .............................................................................................................................................. 228

8. List of Error Messages.................................................229

8.1 Guides ........................................................................................................................................... 229

8.2 MR Unit Errors............................................................................................................................... 230

8.3 I/O Errors ....................................................................................................................................... 233

8.4 Scan Errors.................................................................................................................................... 235

8.5 Incorrect Operation........................................................................................................................ 239

8.6 Errors ............................................................................................................................................. 239

INDEX.................................................................................................................................................. 241

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1. Outline
The user interface for this system has been designed and constructed for simple, rapid,
comfortable, and consistent operation.
The various tools and information in this system have been organized into function groups. The
tools and functions assigned to a group are controlled with a single card for that group. This
system is constructed from the integration of these cards.

1.1 Card Structure

The user interface for this system is structured as shown below.

Patient Folder

Task Clinical
Card Study

Task Card
Task cards provide the tools and data required for the user to operate system functions.
There are 6 types of cards: Scan Card, 2D Card, 3D Card, Data Card, Analysis Card, and
Maintenance Card.
A combination of related cards is called a clinical study. For example, as a clinical study
you could register a combination of processes in which an image scanned with Scan Card
1 is used as the positioning image for Scan Card 2, and then the image scanned with Scan
Card 2 is processed by a 2D card.

Patient Folder
Patient Folders are containers for all of the information required for a study, as well as the
tools required to use that information. In addition, Patient Folders contain clinical studies,
the tools for editing and operating clinical studies, and data that has been created from
clinical studies.

Trays are at the top level of the user interface in this system. Trays are composed of
Patient Folders and the tools for operating them.

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1.2 Input Devices

This system uses a mouse and a keyboard as input devices.

The mouse is used to select targets and set values on the screen.

The keyboard is used to enter text and to enter values directly.

Mouse operation
Basic mouse operations include moving the cursor and selecting targets.
When the mouse is moved, the cursor ( ) on the screen moves in the same direction.
You use the following buttons on the mouse to select items: the left button, center button,
and right button. Each button has a different use, as shown in the table below. In addition,
the functions for each button differ depending on how you press the button. Throughout
this manual, if no button name is specified for a particular mouse operation, assume that
the left button is to be used.
The following chart indicates the mouse button functions used for this system:

Operation Left button Center button Right button

Click Select target Confirm Free shape ROI Maximize/Minimize of

creation image viewports
Fix a curved line for Curved Select the Done button
MPR (This operation cannot be
Display Numeric Input performed on some
Control Panel screens.)
Start Image Preview

Double-click Pop-up the Viewport Tool N/A N/A

Drag Move or resize a target Change the window Delete a Free shape ROI
on the screen width/level line for MIP (while
Rotate an MIP image creating ROI)
Create a Free shape ROI Delete a curved line for
for MIP Curved MPR (while
Draw a curved line for drawing curve)
Curved MPR

Click Move the cursor onto the target, and press the button once.

Double-click Move the cursor onto the target, and press the button twice.

2 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Drag Move the cursor onto the target, and then press and hold the button
while moving the mouse to reposition the target.

By pressing and holding multiple buttons at the same time and dragging with the mouse, you
can perform the following operations:
Left and Middle buttons
Moves an image. Move the mouse in the direction to which you want to move an image.
Right and Middle buttons
Magnifies or minifies an image. Drag the mouse away from you to magnify the image, or
toward you to minify it.

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4 Q1E-BM5256
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2. Tray Functions
Tray is the top level of the user interface in this system. Trays are composed of Patient Folders
and the tools for operating them.
The basic Tray screen is shown below.

(1) (2)


(4) (5) (6)

(1) Patient Selector Tool button (See “2.1 Patient Registration and Selection”.)

(2) System Tool button (See ”2.2 System Tools”.)

(3) Status Area (See “2.3 Status Area”.)

(4) Scanner Status button (See “2.4 Scanner Status”.)

(5) Archive Queue Dialog button (See “2.5 Archive Queue Dialog”.)

(6) Film Job Queue Dialog button (See “2.6 Film Job Queue Dialog”.)

The appearance of the Archive Queue Dialog and Film Job Queue Dialog buttons
change in accordance with the processing status.
Status Archive Queue Dialog button Film Job Queue Dialog button




Q1E-BM5256 5
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2.1 Patient Registration and Selection

The Patient Registration and Selection screen is used for operations such as registering,
selecting, and deleting Patient Folders.
To display this screen, click the Patient Selector Tool button ( ).
The Patient Registration and Selection screen is shown below.




(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)

(1) Set Condition button

The Query Condition screen is displayed. The conditions for searching through the data
displayed in a folder list are specified on this screen. See “2.1.1 Query Condition screen”
for more information on this screen.

(2) Folder List

The screen displays a list of registered Patient Folders and Teaching Folders.
The items displayed in the list are shown below.
Indicates that this Patient Folder is currently displayed in Image
Preview. Clicking this mark will close Image Preview.
Click this icon to change between Display ( ) and Hide ( ) for the
Series content in the Patient Folder.
Patient Name Displays the patient’s name.
Age Displays the patient’s age.
Sex Displays the patient’s sex:
M: Male F: Female O: Other
Patient ID Displays the patient’s ID.

6 Q1E-BM5256
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Study Date Displays the study date.

Anatomical Region Displays the anatomical region.

Image # Displays the number of images.
Indicates that all images within the Patient Folder have been
Indicates that archiving is in progress. The green area indicates
an estimate of the percent archived. This changes to the
icon when archiving finishes.
Indicates that the folder is a Teaching Folder.
Indicates that the Patient Folder is protected.
The number shown below indicates the number of filmed
films in the folder. If no image in the folder has been filmed, the
icon is not shown.

(3) Series List

When the Patient Folder icon ( ) is clicked to expand a Patient Folder, the Series
directory is displayed. The following items are displayed inside the Series directory. To
hide these items, click the ( ) icon.
The items displayed in the list are shown below.
Indicates that this Series is currently displayed in Image
Preview. Clicking this mark will close Image Preview.
# Displays the Series number.
Name Displays the Series name.
Proc Displays the name of the post-processing.
Plane Displays the plane.
SQ Displays the pulse sequence name.
TR Displays the repetition time.
Contrast Displays the name of the contrast agent.
TE1 Displays the No. 1 echo time.
TE2 Displays the No. 2 echo time.
# Of Img Displays the number of images included in the Series.
100.0% Displays the percent archived.
Indicates that the Series is protected.
Number at the right edge Indicates the number of filmed films of the images in the Series.
If no image in the Series has been filmed, the number is not shown.

Q1E-BM5256 7
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(4) Preview button

Click this button to display the images included in selected Patient Folders and Series in
the Image Preview. The Image Preview Display Mark ( ) will appear to the left of
Patient Folders and Series that are displayed in the Image Preview, and a frame will
appear around the Series.
: Image Preview Display Mark
Indicates Patient Folders and/or Series currently displayed in the Image Preview.
Image Preview can be closed by clicking this mark. For more information about
Image Preview, see “2.1.2 Image Preview screen”.

(5) Select All button

Click this button to select all Patient Folders.

(6) Clear All button

Click this button to deselect all Patient Folders.

(7) Sort By button

Click this button to display the Job Sort Dialog. The display order for Patient Folders is
set on this screen. For more information about this screen, see “2.1.3 Job Sort Dialog”.

(8) Register New Patient button

Click this button to display the Patient Registration screen. Patient data is entered, and
new Patient Folders are registered on this screen. For more information about this screen,
see “2.1.4 Patient Registration screen”.

(9) Duplicate Folder button

Use this button to duplicate the content of a registered Patient Folder.
After entering patient data, click the Save button to register duplicate data before exiting.
Click the Cancel button to exit without registering duplicate data. For more information
about the input items for patient data, see “2.1.4 Patient Registration screen”.

(10) Create Teaching Folder button

Click this button to register a new Teaching Folder. For more information about the input
items for patient data, see “2.1.4 Patient Registration screen”.

Although Teaching Folders are handled in the same manner as Patient Folders,
Teaching Folders are different from Patient Folders in the following ways.
Image data from multiple patients can be entered on each card.
Patient names that have been entered are disabled.
For normal scanning, use the Register New Patient button to register Patient Folders.

8 Q1E-BM5256
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(11) Delete button

Click this button to delete registered Patient Folders.
Click a Patient Folder to select it (multiple selections are possible), and then click the
Delete button. The Confirm Deletion of Folders screen will appear. For more information
about this screen, see “2.1.6 Confirm Deletion of Folders screen”.

(12) Protect button

Use this button to protect registered Patient Folders and Series from being deleted.
The Protection Mark ( ) is displayed at the right of Folder Lists and Series Lists for
protected Patient Folders and Series.

(13) Unprotect button

Use this button to unprotect Patient Folders and Series.

(14) Correct Patient button

Click this button to edit the patient data of existing Patient Folders.
After editing patient data, click the Save button to save the edited content. Click the
Cancel button to cancel the edited content. For more information about input items for
patient data, see “2.1.4 Patient Registration screen”.

(15) Cancel button

Use this button to cancel the selection of a Patient Folder and exit the Patient Registration
and Selection screen.

(16) Done button

Use this button to exit the Patient Registration and Selection screen and open the selected
Patient Folders.

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2.1.1 Query Condition screen ············································································

The conditions for searching through the data displayed in a folder list are specified on the
Query Condition screen.
This screen is displayed by clicking the Set Condition button on the Patient Registration and
Selection screen.
The Query Condition screen is shown below:


(3) (4) (5) (6)

(1) Patient Name

Enter the first and last names of the patient for which to search.

(2) Patient ID
Enter the ID of the patient for which to search.

(3) Help button

Used to display the help file for this function.

(4) Clear button

Used to clear the settings.

(5) Cancel button

Used to cancel the settings, and exit the screen.

(6) Done button

Used to search the database under the set conditions, and display data that meets these
conditions in the folder list.

Searching in the Query Condition Dialog

Searches can be performed using either the patient’s first name, last name, or ID.
A wild card (* or ?) can be used as the value entered for Patient Name or Patient
ID. * is used to indicate a character string of at least one character. ? is used to
indicate one character. An example of a search using a wild card for Patient
Name (Last) is shown below:
Values Entered Search Results
J* Last names beginning with J (Jackson, Jefferson,
Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Joyce, etc.)
Jo??? 5-letter last names beginning with Jo (Jones, Joyce, etc.)

10 Q1E-BM5256
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2.1.2 Image Preview screen··············································································

Images selected from Patient Folders and/or Series lists are displayed on the Image Preview screen.
This screen is displayed by clicking the Preview button on the Patient Registration and
Selection screen.
The Image Preview screen is shown below.


(1) Title bar

This is the title bar of the Image Preview screen. To move the Image Preview screen,
place the cursor here and drag.

(2) Image
The image from the Series indicated with an Image Preview Display Mark ( ) on the
Folder List/Series List is displayed here.

(3) Series number

The current Series number is displayed here. You can change the displayed Series by
using the keyboard to enter a number and then pressing the Enter key.

(4) Multi-Slice number

The current multi-slice number is displayed here. You can change the displayed slice by
using the keyboard to enter a number and then pressing the Enter key.

(5) Multi-Echo number

The current multi-echo number is displayed here. In addition, you can change the
displayed echo by using the keyboard to enter a number and then pressing the Enter key.

(6) Change Displayed Image buttons (by Patient Folder/Series)

Use these buttons to change to an image in next/previous Series or Patient Folder.

(7) Change Displayed Image buttons (by slice)

Use these buttons to change to next/previous image in the same Series.

(8) Reset button

Use this button to reset the Image Preview screen to its default position and size.

(9) Close button

Use this button to close the Image Preview screen.

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2.1.3 Job Sort Dialog ·························································································

The display order for Patient Folders is set on the Job Sort Dialog. This screen is displayed by
clicking the Sort By button on the Patient Registration and Selection screen.
The Job Sort Dialog is shown below.



(3) (4)

(1) Sort By
If multiple attributes are selected, they are prioritized in the order they were selected.
In addition, the sorting order of the attributes is changed according to the direction of the
arrow displayed to the left of the attributes. Click the arrow to change its direction.
Indicates the following types of sorting: alphabetic order, ascending numeric order,
older date/time order.

Indicates the following types of sorting: reverse alphabetic order, descending

numeric order, newer date/time order.

(2) Sort Attributes

The screen displays sort attributes. You can use the following attributes for sorting:
Patient Name
Patient ID
Study Date and Time
Anatomical Region
Referring Physician
Percent Archived

(3) Clear button

Use this button to clear the current sort attributes.

(4) Done button

Use this button to apply the sort attributes, and close the Job Sort Dialog.

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2.1.4 Patient Registration screen ······································································

In the Patient Registration screen, you can enter patient data and register a new Patient Folder.
This screen is displayed by clicking the Register New Patient button on the Patient Registration
and Selection screen.
The Patient Registration screen is shown below.


(8) (9)
(10) (11)





(23) (24) (25) (26) (27)

(1) Name: Last

Enter the patient’s last name, in 16 characters or less.
Alphanumeric characters and symbols can be used. However, the “\” (backslash), “^”
(caret), “`” (backquote), and “~” (tilde) cannot be used.

(2) Name: First

Enter the patient’s first name, in 16 characters or less.
Alphanumeric characters and symbols can be used. However, the “\” (backslash), “^”
(caret), “`” (backquote), and “~” (tilde) cannot be used.

Q1E-BM5256 13
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(3) ID#
Enter the patient’s ID, in 16 characters or less.
Alphanumeric characters and symbols can be used. However, the “\” (backslash), “^”
(caret), “`” (backquote), and “~” (tilde) cannot be used.
The patient ID can be set automatically when a new patient is registered by setting the
Patient ID Auto Increment item under the System tag in Preferences to On. See “7.2.5
System Settings” for more information on the automatic setting of patient IDs.

(4) Sex
Enter the patient’s sex.

(5) Birth Date/Age

Select one of the following 2 entry methods for entering the patient’s date of birth and
Birth Date
Enter the patient’s date of birth.
There are 3 entry formats for entering the date of birth: yyyy/mm/dd, mm/dd/yyyy, and
dd/mm/yyyy. yyyy indicates the year, mm indicates the month, and dd indicates the
Be sure to enter a slash (/) between the year, month, and day.
The following examples are for October 3, 1976.
Entry Format Values Entered
yyyy/mm/dd 1976/10/03
mm/dd/yyyy 10/03/1976
dd/mm/yyyy 03/10/1976
Enter the patient’s age. If the patient is less than 1 year old, select m (month) or d
(day) from the pull-down menu, and enter the number of months and/or days since
For information about the default selection of Birth Date/Age selection, see “7.2.5
System Settings”.

(6) Weight
Enter the patient’s weight.

(7) Patient Comment

Enter a comment regarding the patient, in 64 characters or less.
Alphanumeric characters and symbols can be used. However, the “\” (backslash), “^”
(caret), “`” (backquote), and “~” (tilde) cannot be used.

14 Q1E-BM5256
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(8) Study
Displays the study ID.

(9) Accession#
Enter the accession number, in 16 characters or less.
Alphanumeric characters and symbols can be used. However, the “\” (backslash), “^”
(caret), “`” (backquote), and “~” (tilde) cannot be used.
The accession number is displayed only if Accession Number Availability on the System
page of System Preferences screen is turned ON. See “7.2.5 System Settings” for more
information on System tabs.

(10) Planned Study: Date

Enter the planned date for the study.
For details on the entry format and method, see “(5) Birth Date/Age”.
Be sure to enter a slash (/) between the year, month, and day.
The default is the current date.

(11) Planned Study: Time

Enter the planned time for the study. There are 2 types of entry format: HH:MM for a 24
hour clock, and HH:MM AM and HH:MM PM for a 12 hour clock. It is also possible to
display seconds with an HH:MM:SS format. HH indicates hours, MM indicates minutes,
SS indicates seconds, and AM/PM indicate daytime/evening. For information about entry
format settings, see “7.2.5 System Settings”.
Be sure to enter a colon (:) between the hours and minutes, and the minutes and seconds.
The following examples are for 5:03:10 pm.
Entry Format Values Entered

HH:MM (24 hour clock) 17:03

HH:MM (12 hour clock) 5:03 PM

HH:MM:SS (24 hour clock) 17:03:10

HH:MM:SS (12 hour clock) 5:03:10 PM

The default is the current time.

(12) Study Comment

Enter a comment regarding the study, in 64 characters or less.
Alphanumeric characters and symbols can be used. However, the “\” (backslash), “^”
(caret), “`” (backquote), and “~” (tilde) cannot be used.
Select New Series from (13) New Series pull-down menu, and then enter comments to
the input field. These comments will be copied into the following series.

(13) New Series

When you choose a Series number from the pull-down menu, the comment you input on
the chosen Series is displayed in (12) Study Comment.

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(14) Anatomical Region

Select the patient’s anatomical region from the pull-down menu.
The items that can be selected are shown below.
C-SPINE Cervical Spine
T-SPINE Thoracic Spine
L-SPINE Lumber Spine
PIT Pituitary
IAC Internal Auditory Canal
TMJ Temporomandibular Joint
SHOULDER Shoulder Joint
ELBOW Elbow Joint
WRIST Wrist Joint
KNEE Knee Joint
ANKLE Ankle Joint

(15) Laterality
Select the laterality of the area to be scanned from the pull-down menu.
The items that can be selected are shown below.
Laterality selection is possible for the following anatomical regions: TMJ, SHOULDER,

16 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined.Error! Style not defined.

(16) Orientation
Use the pull-down menu to select the direction and orientation in which the patient enters
the gantry.

Entering the gantry head-first

Entering the gantry feet-first

Supine position

Prone position

Right lateral position

Left lateral position

(17) Performing Physician

Select the name of the performing physician from the pull-down menu.
A name can also be entered from the keyboard, but the entered name cannot be saved as a
default setting for the system.
For more information about registering performing physicians’ names, see “7.2.1 Name

(18) Technologist
Select the name of the radiological technologist from the pull-down menu.
A name can also be entered from the keyboard, but the entered name cannot be saved as a
default setting for the system.
For more information about registering technologists’ names, see “7.2.1 Name

(19) Reading Physician

Select the name of the reading physician from the pull-down menu.
A name can also be entered from the keyboard, but the entered name cannot be saved as a
default setting for the system.
For more information about registering reading physicians' names, see “7.2.1 Name

(20) Primary Care Physician

Select the name of the primary care physician from the pull-down menu.
A name can also be entered from the keyboard, but the entered name cannot be saved as a
default setting for the system.
For more information about registering primary care physicians' names, see “7.2.1 Name

Q1E-BM5256 17
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(21) Department
Select the name of the department requesting the study from the pull-down menu.
A name can also be entered from the keyboard, but the entered name cannot be saved as a
default setting for the system.
For more information about registering department names, see “7.2.1 Name

(22) Referring Physician

Select the name of the referring physician from the pull-down menu.
A name can also be entered from the keyboard, but the entered name cannot be saved as a
default setting for the system.
For more information about registering referring physicians’ names, see “7.2.1 Name

(23) Register Another button

Click this button to register the current patient data, and then enter new patient data.

(24) Cancel button

Use this button to cancel registration of the current patient data and exit the screen.

(25) Save button

Use this button to register the current patient data and exit the screen.
If any required item in the patient data has not been entered, or if an invalid entry has
been made, a notification message will appear. Follow the instructions indicated in the
notification message. For more information about this message, see “2.1.5 Registration
Problem screen”.

(26) Proceed button

Use this button to register the current patient data and then open a Patient Folder.
The Patient Registration screen will close, and the clinical study library will open.
If any required item in the patient data has not been entered, or if an invalid entry has
been made, a notification message will appear. Follow the instructions indicated in the
notification message. For more information about this notification message, see “2.1.5
Registration Problem screen”.
Also, for more information about the clinical study library, see “3.2.2 Card settings”.

(27) Emergency Registration

Use this button to register a patient without filling any patient data.

18 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined.Error! Style not defined.

2.1.5 Registration Problem screen ····································································

When registering patient data, if any one of Name: Last, Name: First, ID#, Birth Date/Age, and
Weight is left blank, or if an invalid value is entered, the Registration Problem screen will
appear when you click the Proceed button.
The Registration Problem screen is shown below.

(1) (2) (3)

(1) Cancel button

Click this button to cancel the current patient data and close the Patient Registration

(2) Try Again button

Click this button to return to the Patient Registration screen and re-enter the patient data.

(3) Proceed button

Use this button to register the patient data, ignoring missing and/or invalid data.
Appropriate data will automatically be inserted for missing and/or invalid data.

Q1E-BM5256 19
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

2.1.6 Confirm Deletion of Folders screen ··························································

The Confirm Deletion of Folders screen appears when you select a Patient Folder and then click
the Delete button on the Patient Registration and Selection screen.
The Confirm Deletion of Folders screen is shown below.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

(1) Folder content

The content of the folder(s) the user has selected for deletion is displayed here. For more
information about the meanings of these items, see “(2) Folder List” in “2.1 Patient
Registration and Selection”.

(2) Help button

Use this button to display the Help screen regarding folder deletion.

(3) No button
Use this button to cancel the deletion processing, and return to the Patient Registration
and Selection screen.

(4) Yes button

Use this button to delete the folders displayed in (1), and return to the Patient Registration
and Selection screen.

Information and data (images) in the selected Patient Folder will be completely
deleted. Data that has not been archived cannot be recovered.

If you attempt to delete any of the following types of data, a notification message will
Unarchived data
To delete, click the Yes button on the notification message. To cancel the deletion
processing, click the No button on the notification message.

20 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined.Error! Style not defined.

Protected data
Protected data cannot be deleted. Click the Done button on the notification
To delete this data, unprotect the folder first, and then delete.
Data being processed
Data that displays images on the screen, and data being archived cannot be deleted.
Click the Done button on the notification message.
To delete data, wait until all processes are completed.

2.1.7 Patient Folder registration ······································································

Patient Folder registration
Generally, Patient Folders are created by operations performed by the user. However, they
are created by the system when new data is transferred from a different location (such as
an MOD/DVD).
In addition, Patient Folders can be created/stored prior to a study. This function can be
used to reserve a study.

Opening Patient Folders

The following 2 methods can be used to open Patient Folders.
Select the Patient Folder to be opened
Click the desired Patient Folder to select it. The color of the selected Patient Folder
To open the selected folder, either double-click it or click the Done button on
Patient Registration and Selection screen.
A maximum of 3 Patient Folders can be opened simultaneously.
If you select and attempt to open 4 or more Patient Folders, an error message
appears, and the 3 Patient Folders selected first will be opened.
Select a Series, and then the Patient Folder to be opened.
Click the desired Series to select it. The color of each selected Series changes. To
open the selected Series, click the Done button. Each Series is opened within
corresponding Patient Folder. When a Patient Folder is opened, the selected Series
is displayed in its image display area.
A maximum of 3 Patient Folders can be opened simultaneously.
If the user selects and attempts to open 4 or more Patient Folders, an error message
appears, and the 3 Patient Folders selected first will be opened.

Q1E-BM5256 21
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

2.2 System Tools

The System Tools are displayed by clicking the System Tools button ( ).
The following service processes can be selected from System Tools. For more detailed
information about each function, see “7. Function of System Tools”.

System Status
Displays the system status.

For making system settings. The following functions are available.
Name registration Card settings
Display settings System settings
Filming settings

For setting the stopwatch.

Displays the waveforms of electrodes and sensors connected to the patient.

Error Log
Displays the error log.

Library Archive/Restore
Used to store the clinical study library and card library in an MOD/DVD, and restore the
data to the database.

Raw Data Read/Write

Used to read raw data from an MOD/DVD to a magnetic disk, and write raw data from a
magnetic disk to an MOD/DVD.

Displays the version of the system.

Raw Data Save

Used to read raw data from system memory and save it to a magnetic disk.

Used to perform film processing.
Processing can be performed for multiple Patient Folders and multiple cards.

22 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined.Error! Style not defined.

2.3 Status Area

The system processing status is displayed in the Status Area. If an abnormality occurs, this
entire area is displayed in yellow.
In addition, if an abnormality occurs while archival or film processing is being performed in the
background, a notification message will appear in this area.

2.4 Scanner Status

Displays the system status.
Click the Scanner Status button ( ) to display the Scanner Status.
This function is the same as System Status in System Tools. For more details about System
Status, see “7.1 System Status”.

Q1E-BM5256 23
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

2.5 Archive Queue Dialog

This function is for displaying the Archive Queue Dialog and/or canceling related processing.
2.5.1 Displays for jobs being processed, or on standby ····································
Click the Archive Queue Dialog button ( ) to display the Archive Queue Dialog.
The Archive Queue Dialog is shown below.




(5) (6) (7) (8)

(1) Device
The name of the device being used and the job currently being processed are displayed.

(2) Resume button

If an MOD or DVD runs out of the free space during an archiving process, this button is
used to resume the process after replacing the MOD/DVD. In this case, select a device
from the Device list, and click the Resume button.

(3) Finished Jobs button

Jobs for which processing is complete for the device selected in the Device list are
displayed. See “2.5.2 Displays for finished jobs” for more information on the content of
the display. see .

(4) Jobs
Displays the jobs being processed or waiting to be archived.

(5) Select All button

Selects all jobs waiting to be archived.

(6) Deselect All button

Deselects all jobs waiting to be archived.

(7) Delete button

Deletes selected jobs waiting to be archived.

24 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined.Error! Style not defined.

(8) Done button

Closes the Archive Queue Dialog.

2.5.2 Displays for finished jobs··········································································

Click the Finished Jobs button on the Archive Queue Dialog to display a list of completed jobs
and jobs for which the process failed.
See “2.5.1 Displays for jobs being processed, or on standby” for more information on the
Archive Queue Dialog.



(3) (4)

(1) Error Jobs

Used to display failed jobs.

(2) Successful Jobs

Used to display successful jobs.

(3) Clear All

Used to clear all jobs displayed in the Finished Archive Jobs Dialog.

(4) Done button

Used to exit the Finished Archive Jobs Dialog.

Q1E-BM5256 25
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

2.6 Film Job Queue Dialog

This function is for displaying the Film Job Queue Dialog and/or canceling film jobs.
Click the Film Job Queue Dialog button ( ) to display the Film Job Queue Dialog.
The Film Job Queue Dialog is shown below.




(5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

(1) Imagers
Displays the transmission destination imager.

(2) Pause Imager button

Pauses film processing (data transmission to the imager).

(3) Resume Imager button

Resumes film processing (data transmission to the imager).

(4) Jobs
Displays the jobs currently awaiting the filming process.

(5) Select All button

Selects all jobs.

(6) Deselect All button

Deselects all jobs.

(7) Delete button

Deletes the selected job(s).

(8) Pause Job button

Pauses the selected job(s).

(9) Resume Job button

Resumes a paused job.

26 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined.Error! Style not defined.

(10) Done button

Closes the Film Job Queue Dialog.

If an error occurs in the imager, a warning message is displayed in both the status area
and the Film Job Queue Dialog. For temporary errors, the process is restarted and the
warning message is not displayed on the Film Job Queue Dialog.

Q1E-BM5256 27
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

28 Q1E-BM5256
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3. Patient Folder Functions

A Patient Folder sets the environment, such as specifying required processing and data flows,
for the implementation of 1 study for 1 patient.
A maximum of 3 Patient Folders on a tray can be opened and processed in parallel. However,
since scanning processing corresponds to only a single Scan Card, scans cannot be processed in

3.1 Structure of a Patient Folder

As shown in the following figure, a Patient Folder is composed of an image display area (1) and
Folder Tools (2) to (16). The following figure shows 3 Patient Folders opened.


(6) (8)
(7) (9)


(13) (14)



(1) Image Display area

The functions for the image display area are the same as those for a Data Card. For more
information, see “4. Task Cards” and “5.4 Data Card”.

Q1E-BM5256 29
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(2) Teaching Folder Card Display

Indicates that the folder is a Teaching Folder.

(3) Patient name

Displays the name of the patient.

(4) Patient ID number

Displays the patient’s ID number.

(5) Scanning region

Displays the scanning region. For more information about the displayed items, see “2.1.4
Patient Registration screen” and “(13) Anatomical Region”.

(6) Referring physician

Displays the name of the Referring physician.

(7) Protocol name

Displays the name of the protocol.

(8) Correct button

Click this button to edit patient data.

(9) Card name

Displays the card name.

(10) Card status display

Displays the card status. For more information about the displayed items, see “3.1.1
Status Display of Cards in Patient Folders”.

(11) Detailed card information

Displays the information set on the card.

(12) Card input information

Displays the number of the card set as an input card.

(13) Clinical Study Lib button

Click this button to select the clinical study library. For more information about this
button, see “3.2.4 Clinical Study Library”.

(14) Modify button

Click this button to edit the folder structure. If this button is clicked, the display area for
the Card Settings button (15) will change to the Edit Library screen (Modify Mode). For
more information about the Edit Library screen, see “3.1.2 Editing Libraries”.

(15) Card Settings button

Click this button to make new settings for a card. There are 6 types of cards: Scan Card,
2D Card, 3D Card, Data Card, Analysis Card, and Maintenance Card.

30 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(16) Close Folder button

Click this button to close the current folder display.

3.1.1 Status Display of Cards in Patient Folders ···············································

The following tables shows the symbols, the card status, colors, and descriptions:
Symbol Card Status Color Description

IDLE N/A Indicates that a processing can be received. Make

parameter settings in this status.

READY Yellow Indicates that the processing is Ready. If a processing can

be performed after clicking the Start button, it will begin.

RUNNING Green Indicates that the processing is running.

STOPPED/PAUSE Red Indicates that the processing has stopped/paused.

STOP Green Indicates that the processing has stopped.

and Red

DONE Black Indicates that the processing is complete.

Filming complete Black If the output image for the card has been filmed or is being
(Filming in progress) filmed, this is displayed below the above mark.

Q1E-BM5256 31
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

3.1.2 Editing Libraries ························································································

Click the Modify button to change the display location of the Card Settings button to the Edit
Library screen (Modify Mode), shown below. On the Edit Library screen you can register or
delete a library, and register or delete a card.


(1) Done button

Used to return from the Edit Library screen to the normal Card Settings button screen.

(2) Study Save button

Used to register cards in a Patient Folder into the clinical study library.

(3) Study Remove button

Used to delete all cards in a Patient Folder.

(4) Card Save button

Used to register a card in the card library.

(5) Card Remove button

Used to delete a card.

32 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

3.2 Editing Patient Folders

3.2.1 Selecting a Patient Folder ········································································
A maximum of 3 Patient Folders on a tray can be opened.
If multiple Patient Folders are placed on a tray, the folder in the foreground is the target of
operations. To select a different Patient Folder as the target of operations, click the
corresponding tab.

3.2.2 Card Settings····························································································

A new patient has no cards in the Patient Folder. Cards will be set and placed into the Patient
Folder according to the procedures for studies and processing to be performed. There are 2
methods to set cards. Manual settings and automatic settings.

Manual settings
This method is for making individual settings from Scan Card, 2D Card, 3D Card, and
Data Card shown in the lower right side of the screen. Click the desired Card Settings
button to open it.

Selecting a card with the default conditions

Double-click the button of the desired card.
A card is set with the default conditions into the Patient Folder.

Selecting a card with pre-registered conditions

Click the button of the desired card.
The card library is displayed. Select the card that meets the desired conditions. A card
is set with the selected conditions into the Patient Folder. For more information
about the card library, see “3.2.3 Card Library”.

Automatic settings
This method is for selecting and setting the procedures for processes that meets the
desired routine from the Clinical Study Library. Click the Clinical Study Lib button in the
Folder Tools on the lower right side of the screen. For more information about the clinical
study library, see “3.2.4 Clinical Study Library”.

Q1E-BM5256 33
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

3.2.3 Card Library······························································································

The card library is for pre-registering the processing procedures for each card and card type.
Click the desired Card Settings button in the lower right side of the screen to display the Card
The Scan Card Library is shown below as an example of a card library.






(4) (7) (8)

(1) Card Library List

This area displays a list of registered card libraries. The items displayed are shown below.
Name Card name

Region Scanning region

Synopsis 2D/3D, sequence name, scan section, scan time

Description Card description (“DEF” indicates that this card is set as the current default
If some cards in the list are not displayed on the screen, use the slider on the right side to
display the cards that are hidden.

(2) Filter List By/Sort

This function sets the display controls and sort order by card type in the library list.
It is composed of the following items.

34 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Anatomical Region Cards for the selected anatomical region are displayed.
Select the desired anatomical region from the pull-down menu. For
more information about the items that can be selected, see “2.1.4
Patient Registration screen” and “(13) Anatomical Region”.

Acquisition Type Cards for the selected scan type (2D or 3D) are displayed. Select
the scan type from the pull-down menu.
You can select from All, 2D, and 3D.

Sequence Type Cards for the selected scan sequence are displayed.
Select the desired scan sequence from the pull-down menu.

Sort By button Used to set the display order of libraries.

Click the Sort By button to display the following dialog.

③ ④

① Sort By
Indicates the sort order. If multiple attributes are selected, the
priority is given in the selected order.
② Sort Attributes
Displays the sort attributes. You can select from Scan Time,
Section, Acquisition Type, and Sequence Type.
③ Clear button
Use this button to clear all sort settings.
④ Done button
Use this button to apply the sort settings, and close the Job Sort

Q1E-BM5256 35
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(3) Set As Default button

Used to set the conditions of the selected card as the default conditions.

(4) Delete button

Deletes the selected card condition from the card library.

(5) Select All button

Used to select all cards registered in a card library.

(6) Clear All button

Used to clear all cards registered in a card library.

(7) Cancel button

Used to exit the Card Library without implementing the processing set there.

(8) Done button

Used to place a card for the selected condition into the Patient Folder, and close the Card

Selecting cards
Either of the following methods can be used to set a card with the selected conditions into
the Patient Folder.
Click the location where the desired card conditions have been entered, and then
click the Done button.
Double-click the location where the desired card conditions have been entered.

36 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

3.2.4 Clinical Study Library················································································

The Clinical Study Library is for pre-registering procedures for studies and processes (groups of
cards arranged for the processing procedures).
To display the clinical study library, click the Clinical Study Lib button in the Folder Tools on
the lower right side of the screen.
The Clinical Study Library is shown below.






(4) (7) (8)

(1) Show Details

Used to display the detailed information of the selected protocol.
To view detailed clinical study information, click the name of the desired clinical study to
select it, and then click the Show Details button. The detailed protocol information,
shown below, will be displayed.

Q1E-BM5256 37
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

The information displayed is the card information (card name, card type, card content
description) that makes up that clinical study.
If some cards in the list are not displayed on the screen, use the slider on the right side to
display the cards that are hidden.
To close the display of the detailed clinical study information, click the active Show
Details button. The screen returns to Clinical Study Library.

(2) Technical Study Library List

Displays a list of registered clinical study libraries. The items that are displayed are
shown below.
Name Protocol name

Region Scanning region

TotalScanTime Scanning time

Description Protocol Description

The information displayed for these items is the information that was entered at the time
the protocol was registered.
The clinical study libraries of the scanning region when the patient was registered with
are displayed.
If some clinical study libraries in the list are not displayed on the screen, use the slider on
the right side to display the protocols that are hidden.

38 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(3) Filter List By

This function is used to implement display controls in Study Library List by kinds of
It is composed of the following items.
Anatomical Region Only libraries for the selected anatomical region are displayed.
Select the desired anatomical region from the pull-down menu.
For more information about the items that can be selected, see
“2.1.4 Patient Registration screen” and “(13) Anatomical Region”.

Referring Physician Only physicians for the selected anatomical region are displayed.
Select the name of the referring physician from the pull-down

Performing Physician Only libraries for the selected performing physician are displayed.
Select the name of the performing physician from the pull-down menu.

Technologist Only libraries for the selected technologist are displayed. Select
the name of the technologist from the pull-down menu.

(4) Delete button

Used to delete the selected protocol from the clinical study library.

(5) Select All button

Used to select all cards registered in a card library.

(6) Clear All button

Used to clear all cards registered in a card library.

(7) Cancel button

Used to exit the clinical study library without performing the processing selected there.

(8) Done button

Used to set and place the selected protocol in the active folder, and close the clinical
study library.

Selecting Clinical Study Libraries

Either of the following methods can be used to set cards with the selected clinical study
into the active Patient Folder.
Click the location where the desired clinical study has been entered, and then click
the Done button.
Double-click the location where the desired clinical study has been entered.

Q1E-BM5256 39
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

40 Q1E-BM5256
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4. Task Cards
Task Card is the minimum unit for performing processing. There are 6 types of Task Card.
Scan Card
2D Card
3D Card
Data Card
Maintenance Card
Analysis Card
This section explains the functions common to each type of a card.
For more information about the functions specific to each type of a card, see “5. Card Details”.

Each type of a card has 2 operation screens: a Control Face and a Review Face.

Control Face
This screen is used to control the processing contents of a card.

Review Face
This screen is used to display and processing the images acquired from a card.

Q1E-BM5256 41
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

4.1 Control Face

The Control Face is used to operate the functions that the card can processing, and perform all
operations related to the selection and control of those processes. For example, Scan Card is
used to set scan parameters. Click the page tabs on the lower left side of the screen to select the
scan parameters. The page for the selected parameter appears on top of all other screens. The
screen displayed on top of all other screens in this way is referred to as the “active” screen.
An example Control Face for a Scan Card is shown below.
If the Review Face is currently displayed, click the Control tab ( ) on the upper right side
of the screen to switch to the Control Face. For more information about the Review Face, see
“4.2 Review Face”.
(1) (2) (3)





(1) Viewport Tool button

Used to start the Viewport Tool.
The Viewport Tool is used to perform the following functions for the image data
displayed: Window Width/Level, Cine, Comment, Magnification/Minification, Move
Image, Set ROI, Rotate Image, Measure Distance/Angle, Profile/Histogram. For more
information about the Viewport Tool, see “5.7 Viewport Tool Functions”.

42 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(2) Scope
This function is used to select the range of images to be set as processing targets. Select
from the following ranges:
Image 1 selected image
Echo The same echo images in the Series of the selected image
Series Series of the selected image
All Images in all Series

(3) Pick Images button

This function is used to set the order of images and for selecting images. For more
information about Pick Images, see “4.1.2 Methods for Selecting Input Data Images (Pick

(4) Card Status

Displays the current status of the card. There are 5 card statuses.
Status Explanation

RUNNING Card processing is running.

READY If conditions are satisfied, the card processing can start automatically.

IDLE Conditions can be set. Click the Start button (9) to switch to Running
status (when conditions have been met) or Ready status (when
conditions have not been satisfied).

PAUSE Card processing is paused.

STOPEPPED Card processing has stopped.

(5) Data save settings

Used to select whether to automatically save the data output by the card processing to a
magnetic disk.
If selected, output data is automatically saved to a magnetic disk.
If not selected, the data is not saved to a magnetic disk.
This setting is always selected for Scan Card.

(6) Input data setting

This region contains tools for setting input data. The tools in this region are used to
set/unset input data.
For more information about the input data setting region and the methods for
setting/unsetting input data, see “4.1.1 Methods for Setting and Unsetting Card Input

Q1E-BM5256 43
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(7) Slice position copy

This region contains tools used for setting slice lines that are the same as cards that have
already been scanned. The tools in this region are used to set/unset slice position copying.
For more information about the slice position copy region and the methods for
setting/unsetting slice position copying, see “5.1 Scan Card”.
This region is displayed for Scan Card only.

(8) Scan Time

Displays the scan time for a Scan Card.
This is displayed for Scan Card only.

(9) Start/Continue button

In the STOPPED status, this functions as a Continue button. At all other times, it
functions as a Start button.
Click this button to run or restart the card processing.
For more information about running/restarting card processing, see “4.1.3 Methods for
Running, Pausing, and Stopping Card Processing”.

(10) Stop/Pause button

In the STOPPED status, this functions as a Stop button. At all other times, it functions as
a Pause button.
Click this button to pause or stop the card processing.
For more information about running/restarting card processing, see “4.1.3 Methods for
Running, Pausing, and Stopping Card Processing”.

4.1.1 Methods for Setting and Unsetting Card Input Data ·································
The Set/Unset button on the input data setting region of the Control Face is used to set and unset
input data for cards.
The input data setting region is shown below.




(1) Card number display for input data

Displays the card name and number for the card used for input data.

(2) Input Data Set button

Click this button to set input data.

44 Q1E-BM5256
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(3) Input Data Unset button

Click this button to unset input data.

(4) Database Input Selection button

Click this button to select input data from the database. For information about the
methods for selecting image data from the database, see “4.1.4 Database Functions”.

Set/Unset cannot be performed while the card that creates input data is running.
Use a card that uses input data to set/unset card input data.

Method for setting card input data

1. Click the Set Input Data button.
2. In the Patient Folder, click the tab of the card to be used as the input data for this card.
The selected card is set as the input card. The input Data Card name and card number
are displayed on the input Data Card number display.

Method for unsetting card input data

1. Click the card name for the input data displayed on the input Data Card number
The selected card name and card number are highlighted in black.
2. Click the Unset Input Data button.
The selected card is removed from the input data. The input Data Card name and
card number displayed on the input Data Card number display disappear.

Restriction on card input data setting numbers

The setting number for card input data differs for each card. The input data values that
can be set are shown below.
Card Type Setting Value Remarks

Scan Card 1 or 2 2 types of positioning images can be used.

2D Card 1 or 2 2 can be set for Add/Sub and T1/T2 only.

3D Card 1 N/A

Data Card 1-4 Input from a card or database.

Q1E-BM5256 45
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4.1.2 Methods for Selecting Input Data Images (Pick Images)··························

If you want to target only a portion of the input data already existing in the database for
processing, use Pick Images ( ) to select the image data.
Click the Pick Images button to display the Image Selection.



(3) (4)

(5) (6)

(1) Image Selection area

The image data output from this card are displayed in the square boxes. An index
consisting of the Series number and image number for each image is displayed in its box.
If some images in the list are not displayed on the screen, use the slider on the right side
to display the indices that are hidden.
To select an image, click the top of it in the displayed index. The frame of the image
becomes selected.
To deselect an image, click the selected index. The selected frame becomes deselected.

(2) Selected Image Series/Image Information area

The information for the clicked image is displayed.
The displayed information includes Series Number, Image Number, TR, TE, Slice
Number, Scan Time, Slice Position, Sequence Name, Section, Post-processing, Delay
Time, and Image Type.

(3) Select area

Used to control the selection/deselection of all target images.
In addition, only specified attributes can be selected.

46 Q1E-BM5256
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All button Used to select all image data.

None button Used to deselect all image data.

By Attribute button Used to select images with specified image attributes.

The image attributes that can be specified are shown below.
Image Attribute Details
Series Series number
Sequence Sequence
TR Repeat time
TE Echo time
Time Scan time
Process 2D/3D processing
Position Slice position
Delay Time Delay time
Type Image comment

(4) Sorting
Used to set the display the order for the Image Selection region.
Click the Sorting button to display the following Sort Dialog.

③ ④

① Sort By
Displays the sort order. If multiple attributes are selected, the priority is given in
the selected order.
In addition, the sorting order of the attributes is changed by the direction of the arrow
displayed to the left of the attributes. The arrow can be clicked to change its

Q1E-BM5256 47
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Indicates the following types of sorting: alphabetic, smallest value, oldest


Indicates the following types of sorting: reverse alphabetic, largest value,

latest date/time.
② Sort Attributes
Displays the sort attributes.
Series Series number

Image Nr. Image number

Slice Slice number

Date and Time Scan date/time

Position Slice position

TE Echo time

Process 2D/3D Processing

Delay Time Delay time

Type Image comment

③ Clear button
Used to clear all sort settings.
④ Done button
Used to apply the sort settings, and close the Sort Dialog.

(5) Cancel region

Cancel button Used to cancel Image Selection processing without applying them.

(6) Done region

Used to control whether to enable selected and/or deselected images as input or output
data for this card.
Include button Used to enable import/export of selected images.

Exclude button Used to enable import/export of deselected images.

48 Q1E-BM5256
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4.1.3 Methods for Running, Pausing, and Stopping Card Processing ·············
After specifying settings for card input data and completing the settings for all parameters, you
need to issue a command to execute processing. In addition, you can pause and stop processing
while it is running. You use the Start/Continue button and the Stop/Pause button on the Control
Face and Review Face for these commands. The operations for these buttons differ depending
on the status of the card. For more information about the status of the card, see “4.2 Review
Face” and “(6) Card status”.
The methods for running, pausing, and stopping card processing are indicated below.

Method for running card processing

Click the Start button.
If the card conditions are satisfied, the card status changes from IDLE to RUNNING, and
the card processing is executed.
If the card conditions are not satisfied, the card status changes from IDLE to READY.
After all conditions are satisfied, the card processing is executed. For example, if some
image data is specified as input data for a card, the card processing will execute after the
image data is created.

Method for pausing card processing

Click the Pause button.
If the card status was READY, it changes to IDLE.
If the card status was RUNNING, it changes to STOPPED. At this time, the Start button
and Pause button change as indicated below.
Start button → Continue button

Pause button → Stop button

If you click the Continue button, the card status changes from STOPPED to RUNNING
and the card processing is executed.
If you click the Stop button, the card status changes from STOPPED to IDLE and the
card processing is cancelled.

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4.1.4 Database Functions··················································································

Database Save function for image data (Save as)
This function is used to save, to a database, the image data created with a 2D Card or 3D
After the 2D Card or 3D Card processing, select (so that it appears pressed in) the Save
As button to automatically save the created data to the database. The image data is saved
to the database with the displayed number as the Series number.
The Save as button is always selected for Scan Card.

Database input selection function (Database)

This function is used to select input data from the database.
Click the Database button to display the Load Series from Database screen.
If All Folders (displays a list of all image data registered in the database) are selected for
the Teaching Folder, the desired images from the image list (all images) can be selected in
units of Clinical Studies or Series.
If This Folder (displays a list of image data registered in this folder) is selected for the
Teaching Folder, the desired images from the image list (images in the folder) can be
selected in units of Series.
Both screens are shown below.

All Folders is selected:



(6) (7) (8)

50 Q1E-BM5256
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This Folder is selected:



(6) (7) (8)

(1) Preview button

Use this button to display, in the Image Preview screen, the images included in the
selected Patient Folders or Series. For more information about Image Preview, see “2.1.2
Image Preview screen”.

(2) Select All button

Used to select all image data lists.

(3) Clear All button

Used to deselect all selected image data lists.

Q1E-BM5256 51
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(4) Sort By button

Used to set the display the order for image data lists. This button is displayed only when
All Folders is selected for Teaching Folder.
Click the Sort By button to display the following Job Sort Dialog.

③ ④
① Sort By
Displays the sort order. If multiple attributes are selected, the priority is given in the
selected order.
In addition, the sorting order of the attributes is changed by the direction of the arrow
displayed to the left of the attributes. The arrow can be clicked to change its
Indicates the following types of sorting: alphabetic, smallest value, oldest

Indicates the following types of sorting: reverse alphabetic, largest value,

latest date/time.
② Sort Attributes
Displays the sort attributes. The attribute items are shown below.
Patient Name
Patient ID
Study Date and Time
Anatomical Region
Referring Physician
Percent Archived
③ Clear
Used to clear all sort settings.
④ Done
Used to apply the sort settings, and close the Job Sort Dialog.

52 Q1E-BM5256
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(5) Image data list display controls

Used to set the method for displaying image data lists. This is displayed for Teaching
Folders only.
This Folder Used to display the image data lists registered in this folder.

All Folders Used to display all image data lists registered in the database.

(6) Cancel button

Used to close the data list screen without reading image data from the database.

(7) Load Single button

Used to set all selected image data to a single display area.

(8) Load Multi button

Used to set all selected image data to separate display areas.

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4.2 Review Face

The Review Face is used for performing functions such as displaying/archiving (storing to
MOD/DVD)/filming (outputting to imager) the image data created by the card, as well as all
operations related to the control of the processing of image data created by this card.
An example Review Face for a Scan Card is shown below.
If the Control Face is currently displayed, click the Review tab ( ) on the upper right side
of the screen to switch to the Review Face.
For more information about the Control Face, see “4.1 Control ”.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


(1) Viewport
The left side of the screen is the Viewport (image data display region). This region
displays the image data created with this card. If some images in the list are not displayed
on the screen, use the slider on the right side to display the image data that are hidden.
For more information about changing layouts, see “(5) Layout Selection button”.

(2) Viewport Tool button

This button is used to start the Viewport Tool.
The Viewport Tool is used to perform the following functions for the displayed image
data: Window Width/Level, Cine, Comment, Magnification/Minification, Move Image,
Set ROI, Rotate Image, Measure Distance/Angle, Profile/Histogram. For more
information about the Viewport tool, see “5.7 Viewport Tool Functions”.

(3) Scope
This function is used to select the range of images to be set as processing targets. Select
from the following ranges:

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Image 1 selected image

Echo The same echo images in the Series of the selected image
Series Series of the selected image
All Images in all Series

(4) Pick Images button

This function is used to set the order of images and for selecting images. For more
information about Pick Images, see “4.1.2 Methods for Selecting Input Data Images (Pick

(5) Layout Selection button

Use this button to select the Viewport screen format.
Click this button to display the following Layout Selection screen.
Click the desired format to select it.

① Cancel button
Use this button to close the Layout Selection screen without making changes to the

(6) Card status

Displays the current status of the card. There are 5 card statuses.
Status Explanation

RUNNING Card processing is running.

READY If conditions are met, the card processing can start automatically.

IDLE Conditions can be satisfied. Click the Start button (16) to switch to
Running status (when conditions have been met) or Ready status (when
conditions have not been met).

PAUSE Card processing is paused.

STOPPED Card processing has stopped.

DONE The card process is complete.

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(7) Archive button

Use this button to set whether to use the Auto Archive function.
The Auto Archive function is used to automatically save all Series image data created
with the card to an MOD/DVD. At folder auto-archive, you can set whether or not to
store card information (card order). For details about how to set, see “7.2.4 Card
If the button on the left is clicked to change the setting to ON, an archive is generated
whenever data is created on the card. Click the button on the left to switch between ON
( ) and OFF ( ). In addition, you can click the button on the right to immediately
generate an archive (manual function).

(8) Auto Film button

Use this button to set whether to use the Auto Film function.
The Auto Film function is used to automatically output images created with the card to
the imager.
If the button on the left is clicked to change the setting to ON, filming is performed
whenever data is created on the card. Click the button on the left to switch between ON
( ) and OFF ( ). In addition, you can click the button on the right to immediately
begin filming (manual function).
Set the film output conditions, such as the layout of the film to be output, under Film
Options. Film Options is accessed by clicking the Film Options button (10). This can also
be output to the film by using the Film function on the Review Face. For more
information about these functions, see “4.2.1 Film Tool”.

(9) Preview button

When you turn the button ON by clicking it, a preview (print image) is displayed during
filming with the Auto Film button. Each time you click the button, it switches between
ON ( ) and OFF ( ). When the Preview button is ON, the (10) Film Options and (11)
Sheet Layout buttons are enabled, allowing you to change output information to the
imager or to change layout.

(10) Film Options button

With this function, you can choose the output information used when performing filming
with the Auto Film button. This function is available when the (9) Preview button is ON.
When you click the Film Options button, the following Film Options screen is displayed.

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The setting items for this screen are the same as (3) through (10) of the Auto Film Setting
Functions. For details about the setting items, see “4.2.2 Auto Film Setting Function
(Film Options)”

(11) Sheet Layout button

This sets the format of films that are output to the imager. This function is available when
the (9) Preview button is ON.
Click the Sheet Layout button to display the following screen.

① ②
① Cancel button
Used to close the Layout Selection screen without changing the format.
② Done button
Used to apply the format changes, and close the Layout Selection screen.
First click the desired sheet format to select it, and then click the Done button.

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When you change formats, if frames with the previous layout include more contents than
one page of the new layout, new pages are added automatically. An example is shown
below, where the format of all frames is changed from 3x3 to 2x2:
Before change After change
I1 I2 I3
I1 I2 I5 I6 I9
I4 I5 I6
I3 I4 I7 I8
I7 I8 I9

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3

If a page includes only positioning images (Scano) and measurement information

(Text) after the change, the page is not added. For example, if l9 shown above
includes only positioning images or measurement information, the third page is not

(12) Film Tool button

Use this button to output data created with the card to the imager. For more information
about this function, see “4.2.1 Film Tool”.

(13) Reference button

Use this button to output images that embed slice lines to the positioning image. (See the
figure below.)

slice lines

This is displayed for Scan Card only.

If the button on the left is clicked to change the setting to ON, a reference image is
generated whenever data is created on the card. Click the button on the left to switch
between ON ( ) and OFF ( ). In addition, you can click the button on the right to
immediately generate a reference image (manual function).

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(14) Block button

The Block function is used to temporarily stop the connection between cards, to check the
imaged data created by the card immediately after it has been created. This function is
used to check whether the image data output by the card is correct.
The Block function is switched between ON ( ) and OFF ( ) each time this button is
clicked. If the Block function is ON, data created by the card will no longer be
automatically set as input data for other connected cards, even if it has been set as input
data for other cards. This allows you to check (temporarily) whether the data created with
this card is correct
If the Block function is OFF, it will be treated as input data for other connected cards.

(15) Output Series function

This function is used to display the Series number created with this card.
If there are multiple Series in the card, the Series number output by the Review Face can
be changed. Click the desired Series number to change it.
This function can only be used when the Block function is ON. For more information
about the Block function, see “(11) Block button”.

(16) Load button

Use this button to read the Series number created with this card. Select the Series to be
output with “(12) Output Series function”, and then click the Load button. Multiple Series
can be selected.
This function can only be used when the Block function is ON. For more information
about the Block function, see “(11) Block button”.

(17) Start/Continue button

In STOPEED status, this functions as Continue button. At all other times, it functions as
Start button.
Click this button to run or restart the card processing.
For more information about running and restarting card processing, see “4.1.3 Methods
for Running, Pausing, and Stopping Card Processing”.

(18) Stop/Pause button

In STOPEED status, this functions as Stop button. At all other times, it functions as Pause
Click this button to pause or stop the card processing.
For more information about stopping and pausing card processing, see “4.1.3 Methods for
Running, Pausing, and Stopping Card Processing”.

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4.2.1 Film Tool ··································································································

Use this button to output images created with the card to the imager. Click the Print button to
output image data to the imager in the set format.
The filming process using the Film Tool is enabled on the Control screen and the Review screen
of the same card.
(1) (2) (3) (4)(5) (6) (7)

(8) (9)


(10) (11)
(12) (13)

(14) (17)
(15) (16)

(18) (19)
Lays out and outputs images in the (a) region (sheet). An area in the sheet, where each images is
laid out, is referred to as frame. In the figure above, there are 12 frames (4 × 3) in one sheet.

(1) Frame button

Use this button to layout the image in the desired frame.
To use the Frame button to layout the image:
1. Click the desired image on the card.
A red frame is displayed around the clicked image.
2. Click the desired frame on the sheet.
A red frame is displayed around the clicked frame.

60 Q1E-BM5256
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3. Click the Frame button.

The selected image is displayed in the frame.

(2) Page button

Use this button to layout an a flame, using the layout displayed on the card.
To use the Page button to layout the image:
1. Click the desired image on the card.
A red frame is displayed around the clicked image.
2. Click the desired frame on the sheet.
A red frame is displayed around the clicked frame.
3. Click the Page button.
The images displayed on the card are displayed in the frame.

(3) Series button

Use this button to layout Series images in order in a frame.
To use the Series button to layout the images:
1. Click the desired image on the card.
A red frame is displayed around the clicked image.
2. Click the frame where the layout is to begin.
A red frame is displayed around the clicked frame.
3. Click the Series button.
The Series images are displayed on the sheet.

(4) Seq button

Use this button to layout the images displayed on the card in order in a frame.
To use the Seq button to layout the images:
1. Click the desired image on the card.
A red frame is displayed around the clicked image.
2. Click the frame where the layout is to begin.
A red frame is displayed around the clicked frame.
3. Click the Seq button.
The images displayed on the card are displayed in order on the sheet.

(5) A. Pos button

Use this button to automatically layout images in a frame.
To use the A. Pos button to layout the images:
1. Click the desired image on the card.
A red frame is displayed around the clicked image.
2. Click the A. Pos button.
The images are displayed on the sheet with the details set in Film Options and Sheet

Q1E-BM5256 61
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(6) Scano button

Use this button to layout the positioning image in a frame.
To use the Scano button to layout the images:
1. Click the desired image on the card.
A red frame is displayed around the clicked image.
2. Click the frame where the layout is to begin.
A red frame is displayed around the clicked frame.
3. Click the Scano button.
The positioning image is displayed in 1 frame.

(7) Text button

Use this button to layout image measuring information (text) in a frame.
To use the Text button to layout the information:
1. Click the desired image on the card.
A red frame is displayed around the clicked image.
2. Click the frame where the layout is to begin.
A red frame is displayed around the clicked frame.
3. Click the Text button.
Measurement information is displayed in 1 frame.

(8) Zoom
Used to set the magnification rate of images to be output.
To set the desired magnification rate, either click Zoom and use the keyboard to enter a
value, or click the ▲▼ buttons.
This value will be used when A. Pos is used.

(9) Copies
Used to set the number of copies of film to be output.
To set the desired number of copies, either click Copies and use the keyboard to enter a
value, or click the ▲▼ buttons.
This value will be used for the Auto Film function.

(10) Film Options button

Use this button to specify settings when using the Auto Film function and A. Pos.
For more information, see “4.2.2 Auto Film Setting Function (Film Options)”.

(11) Sheet Layout button

Used to set the format for filming to be output to the imager.

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Click the Sheet Layout button to display the following screen.

① ②
① Cancel button
Used to close the Layout Selection screen without changing the format.
② Done button
Used to apply the format changes, and close the Layout Selection screen.
First click the desired sheet format to select it, and then click the Done button. This
sheet format will be used for the Auto Film function and for A. Pos.

When you change formats, if frames with the previous layout include more contents than
one page of the new layout, new pages are added automatically. An example is shown
below, where the format of all frames is changed from 3x3 to 2x2:
Before change After change
I1 I2 I3
I1 I2 I5 I6 I9
I4 I5 I6
I3 I4 I7 I8
I7 I8 I9

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3

If a page includes only positioning images (Scano) and measurement information

(Text) after the change, the page is not added. For example, if l9 shown above
includes only positioning images or measurement information, the third page is not

Q1E-BM5256 63
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(12) Priority
Used to set the priority for outputting data to the imager.
Select the desired priority from the pull-down menu. This priority will be used for the
Auto Film function.
Low Sets a low output priority.

Normal Sets a normal output priority.

Rush Sets a high output priority.

(13) Page
Used to display another sheet.
To set the sheet number to be displayed, either click Page and use the keyboard to enter a
value, or click the ▲▼ buttons .

(14) Clear Frame button

Use this button to delete the content of the frame.
To delete the content of a frame, click the frame to be deleted, and then click the Clear
Frame button.

(15) Delete All Sheets button

Use this button to delete all sheets.
Click the Delete All Sheets button to delete all sheets.

(16) Delete Sheet button

Use this button to delete the currently displayed sheet.
Click the Delete Sheet button to delete the currently displayed sheet.

(17) New Sheet button

Use this button to add a new sheet.
Click the New Sheet button to add a sheet.

(18) Print button

Use this button to send film output command to the imager.
Before clicking this Print button, prepare the imager for output . Output data is registered
in the queuing table sent to the imager.

(19) Done button

Use this button to exit the Film Tool.

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4.2.2 Auto Film Setting Function (Film Options)················································

Use this button to specify the settings for a using the Auto Film function and A. Pos Film Tool.


(3) (7)



(9) (10)

(1) Echo Split

Used to select whether to layout only the same echo images in the Series of the selected
image. Click this button to switch ON/OFF.
This function is enabled only for the Series button and the Seq button.

(2) After Selected

Used to select whether the selected image and all following images are to be the targets
for layout. Click this button to switch ON/OFF.
This function is enabled only for the Series button and the Seq button.

(3) Scanogram
Used to specify whether to output the positioning image to the imager.
Select the desired setting from the pull-down menu.
None Positioning image is not output.

Each Page Positioning image is output for each page.

Each Series Positioning image is output for each Series.

(4) Text Page

Used to specify whether measurement information is output to the imager.
Select the desired setting from the pull-down menu.
None No measurement information is sent.

Each Page Measurement information is sent for each page.

Each Series Measurement information is sent for each Series.

Q1E-BM5256 65
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(5) New Sheet

Used to specify the conditions for output to the imager for a new sheet.
Select the desired setting from the pull-down menu.
None No conditions for creating a new sheet are set.

Echo/Series A new sheet is created for every change in Echo Number or Series.

Series A new sheet is created for every change in Series.

(6) Insets
Used to select whether to display a positioning image on the image. Click this button to
switch ON/OFF.

(7) Frame
Used to set the layout for a frame.
Click the Frame button to display the Frame Layout screen. Set the desired layout.

(8) Result
Displays the combined results of the frame layout and the sheet layout.
The frame displayed here is the actual frame that will be output on the film.

(9) Cancel button

Use this button to exit the Film Options screen without making changes to the Auto Film

(10) Done button

Use this button to apply the changes to the Auto Film settings, and exits the Film Options

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5. Card Details
5.1 Scan Card
Scan Card is used for performing scans on patients.
A card includes information and tools required for scanning.
The Scan Card screen is shown below.

All parameters used for scanning are divided into groups. Tabs indicating the group names
appear in the lower left side of the screen. Click a tab to change to the screen of the selected
Scan parameters are classified into the following groups:
Basic group Made up of the basic scan parameters. For more information about this group,
see “5.1.2 Basic Group”.

Technique Made up of additional functions and internal sequence parameters useful for
group improving image quality. For more information about this group, see “5.1.3
Technique Group”.

Particular group Made up of specific parameters for each sequence. For more information
about this group, see “5.1.4 Particular Group”.

Matrix group Made up of parameters related to matrices. For more information about this
group, see “5.1.5 Matrix Group”.

Gating group Made up of parameters related to gated scan. For more information about this
group, see “5.1.6 Gating Group”.

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Dynamic group Made up of parameters related to dynamic scan. For more information about
this group, see “5.1.7 Dynamic Group”.

Filter group Made up of parameters related to image filters. For more information about
this group, see “5.1.8 Filter Group”.

Fatsup group Made up of parameters related to fat suppression. For more information about
[optional] this group, see “5.1.9 Fatsup Group”.

Other group Made up of other parameters. For more information about this group, see
“5.1.10 Others Group”.

5.1.1 Functions Common to Each Group ··························································

This section explains the functions common to each Scan Card group.





(1) Center slice display function for input data

If data is entered with a Scan Card, the display automatically scrolls to the slice
positioned in the center. The slices that are displayed are shown below:
When there is an odd number (n) of images Slice (n+1)/2

When there is an even number (m) of images Slice m/2

For Multi Echo Center slice for echo No. 1

For dynamic scan Center slice for scan No. 1

For Multi-angle Center slice for angle No. 1

In addition, when entering the same image twice for dual surface positioning, the slice
after the center slice is displayed in the No.2 Viewport.

68 Q1E-BM5256
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(2) Slice Position Copy function

Used to set the slice position to the same position as the card already scanned.

③ ④

① Area for displaying the card number of the Slice Position Copy source
Displays the card name and card number for the Slice Position Copy Source.
② Slice Position Copy source display
For copying the slice position. For reference, the original lines are displayed even if
the slice position is moved.
③ Set Slice Position Copy
For setting the Slice Position Copy source for the card. When you click this button
and then click the Scan Card to which the slice position is to be copied, the name and
number of the Scan Card set in ① (area for displaying the card number of the Slice
Position Copy source) are displayed.
④ Disable Slice Position
Use this button to disable Slice Position Copy for this card. When you click this
button and disable Slice Position Copy, the name and number of the Scan Card set in
① (area for displaying the card number of the Slice Position Copy source) disappear
from the card.
⑤ Copy Slice Position
Use this Copy button to copy the slice position from the copy source.
This button is used to set the slice position to the same position as the card already
scanned. At this time, the same slice as the one displayed at the copy source is
scrolled to and displayed automatically.

When setting and disabling the Slice Position Copy function, use the Scan Card that
was used to set the slice position.

Q1E-BM5256 69
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Method for setting Slice Position Copy

1. Click ③ (the Set Slice Position Copy button).
2. Click the tab of the card that is the copy source, in the Patient Folder that is currently
The card name and card number for the copy source are displayed in ① (the area
for displaying the card number of the Slice Position Copy source).

Method for disabling Slice Position Copy

1. Click the name of the card that is displayed as the copy source in ① (the area for
displaying the card number of the Slice Position Copy source).
2. Click ④ (the Disable Slice Position Copy button).
The card name and card number for the copy source disappear from ① (the area for
displaying the card number of the Slice Position Copy source).

(3) Scan Time Display function

Displays the Scan Time when performing scans with the set scan parameters.

(4) Overview function

Use this function to display scan parameters classified by group on a single screen.
The scan parameters can be changed on this Overview screen.
Click the ▼ button to exit the Overview screen.
An example of the Overview screen is shown below.

70 Q1E-BM5256
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(5) Image Quality

This function indicates expected changes in the output image due to modifications to the
scanning parameters. When the scanning parameters are modified, the values calculated
from the scanning parameters following the modification are compared with the values
calculated from the scanning parameters set when the Image Quality Graph was run, and
the graph is updated automatically.

④ ⑤

① SN Ratio
Change of the S/N ratio is displayed. If the button is turned ON, a color will be
attached to the label of the scan parameter which is deeply related to the S/N ratio.
② Spatial Resolution
Change of the spatial resolution is displayed. If the button is turned ON, a color will
be attached to the label of the scan parameter which is deeply related to the spatial
③ Scantime
Change of the scan time is displayed. If the button is turned ON, a color will be
attached to the label of the scan parameter which is deeply related to the scan time.
④ Reset button
Used to reset the standards. If the Reset button is clicked, all graph will be reset to
100. Then, when a scan parameter is changed, the value calculated from the
parameters at the time under Reset button clicked is set as the comparative value.
⑤ Done button
Used to exit the Image Quality Graph screen.

Q1E-BM5256 71
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(6) Limit Graphs

This function is used to change the scan parameters, and the display function for the
upper and lower limit values of the scan parameters for the groups of separately classified
scan parameters.

① ② ⑤ ③ ④
① Setting value for scan parameter
Displays the setting value for each scan parameter. The setting value can be entered
from the keyboard.
② Lower limit value for scan parameter
Displays the lower limit value for each scan parameter.
③ Scale bar
Drag the bar to change the setting value for the scan parameter.
④ Upper limit value for scan parameter
Displays the upper limit value for each scan parameter.
⑤ Done button
Used to exit the Limit Graphs screen.

72 Q1E-BM5256
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5.1.2 Basic Group······························································································

The Basic group is made up of basic scan parameters.
The screen areas for setting scan parameters of the Basic group (for 2D and 3D) are shown
Slice Plane Sequence Name

Acquisition Mode Scan Option

Slice Plane Sequence Name

Acquisition Mode Scan Option

(1) Slice Plane

You can select from the following 3 types of slice plane:
TRS Transverse

SAG Sagittal

COR Coronal

TS Transverse and Sagittal

SC Sagittal and Coronal

TC Transverse and Coronal

TSC Transverse, Sagittal, and Coronal

(2) Acquisition Mode

You can select from the following 2 types of acquisition:
2D 2D acquisition

3D 3D acquisition

Q1E-BM5256 73
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With 3D Acquisition, data encoded with slice direction position information is also
collected, in addition to phase encoding and frequency encoding. Therefore, multiple
slices of image data are reconstructed using 3D Fourier conversion on the obtained
measurement data. The 3D Acquisition function is effective for studies that require
images with a high resolution for slice direction, since images with thin slice
thickness can be achieved.

(3) Sequence Name

For displaying/selecting the pulse sequence.
SE Spin Echo sequence
Used to acquire images that enhance proton density distribution, longitudinal
relaxation time (T1), and transverse relaxation time (T2).
IR Inversion Recovery sequence
Used to acquire images that indicate signal control for specific structures, such
as longitudinal relaxation time (T1) enhancement, fat suppression, and water
GE Gradient Echo sequence
Used to acquire images that emphasize longitudinal relaxation time (T1) or
transverse relaxation time (T2*) in short, repetitive intervals.
FSE Fast Spin Echo sequence
Used to acquire images that indicate proton density distribution and transverse
relaxation time (T2) enhancement at speeds that vary from a few multiples to
dozens of multiples of SE.
FIR Fast Inversion Recovery sequence
Used to acquire images that emphasize longitudinal relaxation time (T1) at
speeds that vary from a few multiples to dozens of multiples of IR.
TOF Time Of Flight sequence [optional]
Used to acquire an MR angiography that uses inflow results of the blood flow.
PC Phase Contrast sequence [optional]
Used to acquire an MR angiography that uses phase information of the blood
FatSepS Spin Echo type fat separation sequence
Used to acquire images of water and fat.
FatSepG Gradient Echo type fat separation sequence
Used to acquire images of water and fat.
FatSepF Fast Spin Echo type fat separation sequence
Used to acquire images of water and fat.
SE EPI Spin Echo sequence using EPI [optional]
Used to acquire images at extremely high speeds.
IR EPI Inversion Recovery sequence using EPI [optional]
Used to acquire images at extremely high speeds.
GE EPI Gradient Echo sequence using EPI [optional]
Use to acquire images at extremely high speeds.
DW EPI Diffusion Weighted EPI sequence [optional]
Used to acquire images emphasizing diffusion.
Shim Shimming [optional]
Used to perform highly precise corrections of static magnetic field.

74 Q1E-BM5256
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(4) Scan Option

You can select from the following 7 types of scan sequence options.
This is displayed only if the sequence is GE, TOF, FatSepG, or GE EPI.
Norm No options selected.

SG SARGE (Steady state Acquisition with Rewound Gradient Echo)

This is a gradient echo sequence for acquiring signals in a specified state. Used
to acquire images that emphasize longitudinal relaxation time (T1), and
transverse relaxation time (T2).


Used to control echo signals through excitation with RF. Used to acquire
images that emphasize longitudinal relaxation time (T1), in particular.

TRSG Time Reversed SARGE

Used to acquire signals excited by the previous RF pulse. Used to acquire
images that emphasize transverse relaxation time (T2), in particular.

BASG Balanced SARGE [optional]

An image with low TR and high S/N T2/T1 contrast is acquired. For more
information, see the “Balanced SARGE/Phase Balanced SARGE Measurement
Function” Instruction Manual.

PBSG Phase Balanced SARGE [optional]

Images with suppressed artifacts (caused by inequalities in BASG magneostatic
fields) are acquired. For more information, see the “Balanced SARGE/Phase
Balanced SARGE Measurement Function” Instruction Manual.
The following limitations apply to the values that can be set, depending upon scan

GE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


FatSepG Yes Yes Yes

Legend Yes: Value that can be set

(5) Sequence number [optional]

This is displayed for GE RSSG only.
SQ#1 Suitable for normal scanning.
SQ#2 Suitable for high-speed scanning.

Q1E-BM5256 75
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(6) FOV
Displays the size of the field of view to be reconstructed after scanning. The units are
The values that can be set are limited by sequence and scan conditions.

(7) TR (Repetition Time)

Displays the repetition time for pulse sequences. The units are ms.
The values that can be set are limited by sequence and scan conditions.

(8) TE1 (First Echo Time)

Displays the echo time for the first echo. The units are ms.
The values that can be set are limited by sequence and scan conditions.
If the pulse sequence is FSE, it is automatically set from the setting value in the Particular
group. In this case, the setting cannot be made directly.

(9) FA (Flip Angle)

Displays the spin excitation angle implemented with the RF pulse. The units are deg.
The values that can be set are limited by sequence and scan conditions.
If the pulse sequence is SE, the excitation angle of the 90°pulse will be changed.

(10) TI (Inversion Recovery Time)

Displays the time from the inversion pulse until the excitation pulse. The units are ms.
This is displayed only if the pulse sequence is IR, FIR or IR EPI.

(11) Multi Slice (Multi Slice number)

Displays the number of slices acquired from a single scan.
This is displayed for 2D acquisition only.
The values that can be set are limited by sequence and scan conditions.

(12) Multi Echo (Multi Echo number)

Used to simultaneously scan images of differing echo times, when the pulse sequence is
SE or FSE.
The values that can be set are limited by sequence and scan conditions.

(13) TE2 (Second Echo Time)

Displays the echo time for the second echo when the number of multiple echoes is 2 or
greater. The units are ms.
The values that can be set are limited by sequence and scan conditions.
If the pulse sequence is FSE, it is automatically set from the setting value in the Particular
group. In this case, the setting cannot be made directly.

(14) S. Encode (Slice Encode number)

Displays the number of encodes in the slice direction.
This is displayed for 3D acquisition only.

76 Q1E-BM5256
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(15) Multi Slab (Multi Slab number)

Used to set the number of slabs.
The values that can be set are limited by sequence and scan conditions.

A Slab is a collection of slices to be excited with a single excitation pulse, for 3D


(16) Angle # (Angle number)

Displays the number of parallel slices/slabs when acquiring multiple angles for which
non-parallel slices/slabs can be set.
The values that can be set are limited by sequence and scan conditions.

(17) Thickness (Slice Thickness)

Used to set the slice thickness of the image to be scanned. The units are mm.
The values that can be set are limited by sequence and scan conditions.

(18) Interval (Slice Interval)

Used to set the intervals between parallel slices during 2D multi slice acquisition. The
units are mm.
The values that can be set are limited by sequence and scan conditions.

(19) Multi Scan (Multi Scan Mode)

Used to select the mode for Multi Scan. The values that can be set are limited by
sequence and scan conditions.
Interlvd Used for acquisition by thinning out the slice positions for each scan.

Seq. Used for acquisition by classifying slices by order.

Stack Used for acquisition by classifying by angle.

Single Used for acquisition with one slice as one acquisition.

(20) Number (Multi Scan number)

Used to set the number of multi scans. This can be set only if Interlvd or Seq. has been
selected for (21) Multi Scan.
Example 1: Multi Slice = 6, Multi Scan = Interlvd, Number = 2
Used to thin out 1 slice at a time, classify them by 3 slices,
acquire a solid line, and then acquire broken lines with the same

Q1E-BM5256 77
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Example 2: Multi Slice = 6, Multi Scan = Seq., Number = 2

Used to classify slices by 3 slices without thinning them out,
acquire a solid line, and then acquire broken lines with the same

Example 3: Multi Slice = 6, Angle Number = 2, Multi Scan = Stack

Used to classify slices by angle, and then acquire broken lines
with the same TR.

Example 4: Multi Slice = 4, Multi Scan = Single

Used to acquire each line per slice, repeated for the number of

(21) Slice Order

Used to select the slice order for each acquisition. This can be set only if Seq. or Stack
has been selected for Multi Scan.
Seq. Used to scan the slices in order from the end.

Zigzag Used to scan all slices in the fastest order possible.

(22) Freq # (number of acquisition points in the frequency direction)

Indicates the number of acquisition points in the frequency direction.
This value can be changed to a value between 64 and 512, in 4-step increments.
However, if the pulse sequence is FSE or FIR, it can be changed to a value between 128
and 1024.
The values that can be set are limited by sequence and scan conditions.

(23) Phase # (number of acquisition points in the phase direction)

Indicates the number of acquisition points in the phase direction.
This value can be changed to a value between 64 and 512, in 4-step increments.
However, if the pulse sequence is FSE or FIR, it can be changed to a value between 128
and 512.
The values that can be set are limited by sequence and scan conditions.

(24) Half Scan

Used to estimate the remaining data from approximately half or 3/4 of acquisition data in
the phase direction, and create an image.
In this way, images can be acquired at the same spatial resolution in a short amount of
time. However, the S/N ratio will be reduced.

78 Q1E-BM5256
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Select from the following 3 Half Scan modes:

off All data is acquired.

ON 1/2 Approximately 1/2 of the data is acquired, and the rest is estimated.

ON 3/4 Approximately 3/4 of the data is acquired, and the rest is estimated.
Pulse sequence cannot be selected for FSE or FIR.
The values that can be set are limited by sequence and scan conditions.

(25) Dual Slice

Used to acquire twice the number of images under the same scan conditions.
off Dual Slice function deselected

ON Dual Slice function selected

However, this function has the following limitations.
There is a limit to the sequences that can be used.
Only an even number of cycles can be set for NSA.
Only an even number of slices can be used. In this case, the settings will be for
parallel slices in pairs.

(26) NSA (Number of Signals Averaged)

Used to set the number of signals averaged.
If the number of signals averaged is increased, the S/N ratio of the image improves.
However, the scan time increases.
Set an integer from 1 to 99.

Q1E-BM5256 79
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5.1.3 Technique Group ····················································································

The Technique group is made up of additional functions useful for improving image quality and
internal sequence parameters.
The screen area for setting scan parameters of the Technique group is shown below:

(1) S.Presat (Spatial Presaturation)

Presaturation is a function used to control artifacts by controlling the signals of areas that
cause artifacts, such as blood flow signals and abdominal walls, through auxiliary
A maximum of 6 regions can be set. However, the first 2 regions are automatically set as
the parallel regions adjacent to the slice surface, to prevent effects due to blood flow
signals flowing into the slice plane. The mouse can be used to rotate, move, and magnify
this region.
If S.Presat mode is selected, set the numbers for all presaturation to be used.
Presaturation numbers can be set from 0 to 6. 0 indicates deselection.

(2) Intermittent (Intermittent Presaturation)

The Intermittent Presaturation function is used to apply presaturation for each TR
(Repetition Time). Normal presaturation is applied for every slice acquisition.
If the release time controls a long signal, such as the flow of blood flow signals into the
slice plane, Intermittent Presaturation can be used to increase the number of multi slices
more than with the use of normal presaturation. However, the longer TR becomes, the
less effective presaturation is.
If Intermittent is set, Intermittent Presaturation will be performed up to the first 2 regions
on the surface set for S.Presat. The mouse can be used to rotate, move, and magnify this
On the reference screen, the regions are displayed in a color different from that for
normal presaturation.
The Intermittent Presaturation values that can be set vary depending upon the values set
for S.Presat. 0 indicates deselection.
S.Presat Intermittent
0 Deselected
1 0 to 1
2 or more 0 to 2

80 Q1E-BM5256
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(3) Walking (Walking Presaturation) [optional]

Used to set a single Walking Presaturation. This can only be set when 2D/3D TOF is
selected. For more information, see the “TOF Angiography Acquisition Function”
Instruction Manual.

(4) Rephase
Used when conforming to the flow rephasing field pulse to control artifacts with blood
off Without rephase

ON With rephase
In addition, during multi echo acquisition, the following applies for each echo. Rephase
can be applied only up to the second echo.
Sequence Setting First Echo Second Echo

SE/IR ON Without rephase With rephase

FSE/FIR ON With rephase With rephase

(5) Mode
Used to select the direction to apply to the flow rephasing field pulse. This function can
be used to control artifacts that flow along the selected direction.
This is displayed only if the pulse sequence is FSE or FIR.
Freq. Rephase in the frequency direction

Slice Rephase in the slice direction

(6) IR Pulse [optional]

Select whether to implement the STIR type fat suppression method. This is displayed
only if the pulse sequence is DW EPI. In addition, if ON is selected, it is possible to enter
TI. For more information, see the the “EPI Acquisition Function” Instruction Manual.
off The STIR type fat suppression method is not implemented.

ON The STIR type fat suppression method is implemented.

(7) Bandwidth (Reception Frequency Bandwidth)

Used to set the frequency bandwidth for the reception signal. The units are kHz.
Noise is distributed evenly across all frequency bandwidths. Therefore, reducing the
frequency bandwidth (reducing the value) reduces the noise, and improves the S/N ratio.
For SE multi echo acquisition, set all frequency bandwidths after the second echo to level 2.
Select from the following 2 frequency bandwidth setting modes:
Reduces the reception frequency bandwidth to the scope allowed by the scan

ON Enter the frequency bandwidth.

Q1E-BM5256 81
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As the frequency bandwidth of the reception signal is reduced, the S/N ratio of the
image increases. However, chemical shift artifacts (phenomena where the difference
in the resonance frequencies between water and fat diverge on the image) will become

(8) AMI (Asymmetric Measurement Imaging)

Used to set the Asymmetric Measurement Imaging for acquired echo signals in regards to
the peak of the echo signal (reception signal). The units are %.
Asymmetric Measurement Imaging for echo signals is indicated as a ratio of the first half
of the peak of the echo signal deleted and a ration of the second half as 100%.
This allows the minification of TE, an improvement in the contrast of T1-weighted
images, and an increase in the number of slices. However, if excess Asymmetrica
Measurement Imaging is set with half echo deselected, there may be degradation in
spatial resolution.
Select from the following 2 AMI modes:
Adjusts to appropriate Asymmetric Measurement Imaging based on the set

Manual Enter the Asymmetric Measurement Imaging.

The values that can be set are limited by sequence and scan conditions.

Direction GC AMI (%)

Echo Signal

As the AMI value increases, TE is minificated. However, if half echo is deselected,

there may be degradation in the spatial resolution.

82 Q1E-BM5256
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(9) Half Echo

Used to create an image by estimating the uncollected data based on collected data, to
prevent the degradation of spatial resolution during Asymmetric Measurement Imaging.
Select from the following 2 Half Echo modes.
off Half Echo deselected

ON Half Echo selected

(10) #RF Prep (number of test runs) [optional]

Used to set the number of test runs for RF before the actual measurement. Test runs are
used to run the sequence without collecting signal data, in order to prepare the equipment
for operation. This is enabled for GE BASG and GE PBSG only. For more information,
see the “Balanced SARGE/Phase Balanced SARGE Measurement Function” Instruction

(11) Navi Echo [optional]

Used to indicate whether the navigation echo used for body movement correction is
acquired. For more information, see the the “EPI Acquisition Function” Instruction

(12) Mode [optional]

Used to select whether to implement NARM (Navi Accept Rejection Method) acquisition.
If NARM is selected, the presence of body movement is determined with Navi Echo, and
body movement artifacts can be reduced. For more information, see the “EPI Acquisition
Function” Instruction Manual.
This is displayed only if the pulse sequence is DW EPI.
off NARM acquisition is not performed.

NARM NARM acquisition is performed.

Q1E-BM5256 83
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(13) MTC (MTC Selection)

MTC (Magnetization Transfer Contrast) is a function used to change the contrast of an
image, using the field movement from bound water to free water. The excitation of slice
plane is performed first, followed by the irradiation of the MTC pulse displayed next.
The values that can be set are limited by sequence and scan conditions.
Select the type of MTC pulse from Wave. You can select either Gaussian function type
and Sinc function type.
Duration (ms) Used to set the application time for the MTC pulse.

RF amp. (μT) Used to set the application strength for the MTC pulse.

Off.Freq (kHz) Used to set the amount of frequency offset for the MTC pulse.

MTC Gaussian
function type

RF amp.

MTC Sinc
function type Duration

RF amp.

84 Q1E-BM5256
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5.1.4 Particular Group ·······················································································

The Particular group is made up of fixed parameters in sequence.
The screen area for setting scan parameters of the Particular group is shown below:

(1) TE2 (Second Echo Time)

Displays the echo time for the second echo. The units are ms.
Displayed only when the pulse sequence is SE or FSE, and 2 or more Multi Echoes have
been set. If the pulse sequence is FSE, the value is determined automatically according to
conditions such as E.Factor.

(2) TE3 (Third Echo Time)

Displays the echo time for the third echo. The units are ms.
Displayed only when the pulse sequence is SE, and 3 or more Multi Echoes have been

(3) TE4 (Fourth Echo Time)

Displays the echo time for the fourth echo. The units are ms.
Displayed only when the pulse sequence is SE, and 4 or more Multi Echoes have been

(4) RF phase (RF Spoil Phase Angle)

This is used to indicate the phase angle of the RF pulse, when the RF pulse is used to
control the excitation signal immediately before. The units are deg.
Displayed only if the sequence option is RSSG, BASG or PBSG.
Auto Used to automatically set an optimum phase angle.

Manual Used to enter the RF pulse phase angle for Angle.

(5) Shot Num. (Shot Number)

Indicates the number of phase spatial partitions. For more information, see the “Fast Spin
Echo Acquisition Function” Instruction Manual.
Displayed only if the pulse sequence is FSE, FIR, FatSepF, SE EPI, IR EPI, GE EPI, and

Q1E-BM5256 85
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(6) E. Factor (Echo Factor)

Used to set the number of echoes used to create a single image.
An acceleration rate based on the number of echoes used is acquired. For more
information, see the “Fast Spin Echo Acquisition Function” Instruction Manual.
Displayed only if the pulse sequence is FSE, FIR, FatSepF, SE EPI, IR EPI, GE EPI, and
The values that can be set are limited by scan conditions.

(7) 1st E. Factor (1st Echo Factor)

This is displayed only if 2 has been set for Multi Echo and Share for E.Alloc. in FSE. The
number of echo factors for the 1st echo is displayed. The 1st E.Factor is determined
based on the value of the 2nd E.Factor. For more information, see the “Fast Spin Echo
Measurement Function” Instruction Manual.

(8) 2nd E. Factor (2nd Echo Factor)

This is displayed only if 2 has been set for Multi Echo and Share for E.Alloc. in FSE. It is
used to set the number of echo factors for the 2nd echo. For more information, see the
“Fast Spin Echo Measurement Function” Instruction Manual.

(9) Inter E. Time (Inter Echo Time)

Used to set the echo interval. The units are ms.
A practical echo time (effective TE) is calculated to determine the enhancement of the
image from the combination of Echo Factor, Echo Layout method, and Echo Shift, in
addition to this parameter. For more information, see the “Fast Spin Echo Measurement
Function” Instruction Manual.
Displayed only if the pulse sequence is FSE, FIR, FatSepF, SE EPI, IR EPI, GE EPI, and
The values that can be set are limited by scan conditions.

(10) E. Alloc. (Echo Allocation Method)

This is used to select the Echo Allocation method. There are nine types of echo
allocation: Seq. (Sequential), R.Seq. (Reverse Sequential), Cent. (Centric), AntiC. (Anti
Centric), ADA (Asymmetric Data Allocation), R.ADA (Reverse Asymmetric Data
Allocation), PEAKS (PEak Artery enhancing K-space filling Sequence), RPEAKS
(Reversed PEak Artery enhancing K-space filling Sequence), and Share (Echo Sharing).
However, the values that can be set are limited by sequence and scanning conditions.
See the “Fast Spin Echo Measurement Function” Instruction Manual for more
information on Seq., Cent., AntiC., ADA, and Share. See the “EPI Measurement
Function” Instruction Manual for more information on R.Seq. and R.ADA. See the
“Contrast MRA Measurement Function” Instruction Manual for more information on

86 Q1E-BM5256
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(11) E. Shift (Echo Shift)

This parameter is used for making settings when changing Effective TE with the same
echo number to adjust image contrast.
Effective TE is changed at steps equal to the Inter E. Time, for 1-step shifts. For more
information, see the “Fast Spin Echo Acquisition Function” Instruction Manual.
Displayed only if the pulse sequence is FSE, FIR, FatSepF, SE EPI, IR EPI, GE EPI, and
The values that can be set are limited by scan conditions.

(12) SSP (Sloped Slab Profile) [optional]

This is used to apply the RF pulse with the gradient profile excitation method. By
changing the RF excitation angle inside the slab, the saturation of the blood flow spin
flowing in the direction of the sloped direction inside the slab can be controlled, and
extracted with a high signal to the end of the slab outflow area.
You can select from the following 2 types of SSP:
off The SSP method is deselected.

ON The SSP method is selected.

In addition, the following parameters can be set for the SSP method:
Rate RF pulse ratio for the inflow and outflow areas

Direction RF pulse slope direction

F→H From feet to head

H→F From head to feet

R→L From right to left

L→R From left to right

A→P From anterior to posterior

P→A From posterior to anterior

The items that can be selected for each slice plane are shown below:
Slice Plane Item

TRS F→H or H→F

SAG R→L or L→R

COR A→P or P→A

This is displayed only if the Acquisition Mode is 3D and the Pulse Sequence is TOF. For
more information, see the “TOF Angiography Acquisition Function” Instruction Manual.

Q1E-BM5256 87
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(13) Target Vel. (Target Velocity) [optional]

This is used to set the axis for sensing Target Velocity and flow, when the Pulse Sequence
is PC. For more information, see the “PC Angiography Acquisition Function” Instruction
Target Vel. Target Velocity [cm/s]
A-P Used to select whether to set the Flow Encode Pulse for the A-P axis
off Flow Encode pulse is deselected.
ON Flow Encode pulse is selected.
R-L Used to select whether to set the Flow Encode Pulse for the R-L axis
off Flow Encode pulse is deselected.
ON Flow Encode pulse is selected.
H-F Used to select whether to set the Flow Encode Pulse for the H-F axis
off Flow Encode pulse is deselected.
ON Flow Encode pulse is selected.

(14) Noise Level [optional]

When the Pulse Sequence is PC, this function is used to remove signals at the noise level
and below when creating a flow diagram. The Noise Level indicates that threshold value.
The units are %. For more information, see the “PC Angiography Acquisition Function”
Instruction Manual.

(15) Org. Image (Create Original Image)

This is used to select when reconstructing the original image, in addition to Sub. Comb.
off Original image is not reconstructed.

ON Original image is reconstruced.

(16) Vel. Image (Reconstruct Velocity Images for Each Axis) [optional]
When the Pulse Sequence is PC, this is used to select when reconstructing a velocity
image for each axis, in addition to Sub. Comb. Images (angiography images). For more
information, see the “PC Angiography Acquisition Function” Instruction Manual.
off Velocity image for each axis is not reconstructed.

ON Velocity image for each axis is reconstructed.

88 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(17) Comb. Image (Reconstruct Combined Image) [optional]

When the Pulse Sequence is PC, this indicates the reconstruction of the Sub. Comb.
Image to be used as an angiography image. The display is always ON. For more
information, see the “PC Angiography Acquisition Function” Instruction Manual.

(18) through (25) are parameters regarding DW EPI measurement. These parameters are
displayed only if the pulse sequence is DW EPI. For more information, see the “EPI
Measurement Function” Instruction Manual about these parameters.

(18) MPG(Motion Probing Gradient) [optional]

Select the method for setting MPG pulse application from the following:
Auto b-factor can be entered. The application time is automatically calculated.
Manual MPG Int. [%] can be entered. b-factor is automatically calculated.

(19) DW Mode [optional]

Select the method for setting DW EPI measurement from the following:
Single Used to apply the set MPG pulse one time.

Trace Used to apply the set MPG pulse in the following order: MPG OFF, MPG A-P
axis, MPG R-L axis and MPG H-F axis. Four types of differing images are
displayed in order.

(20) MPG A-P [optional]

Select whether to apply the MPG pulse to the A-P axis.
off The MPG pulse is applied to the A-P axis.

ON The MPG pulse is not applied to the A-P axis.

(21) MPG R-L [optional]

Select whether to apply the MPG pulse to the R-L axis.
off The MPG pulse is applied to the R-L axis.

ON The MPG pulse is not applied to the R-L axis.

(22) MPG H-F [optional]

Select whether to apply the MPG pulse to the H-F axis.
off The MPG pulse is applied to the H-F axis.

ON The MPG pulse is not applied to the H-F axis.

Q1E-BM5256 89
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(23) MPG Int. [optional]

This is used to indicate the ratio of the application strength of the MPG (Motion Probing
Gradient) pulse for the maximum slope magnetic field strength. The units are %. Set
further ratios for each direction as A-P (%), R-L (%), and H-F (%), for the strength set for
MPG Int.

(24) b-factor [optional]

This indicates parameters related to diffusion enhancement.

(25) S-delta [optional]

Indicates the application time for the MPG pulse.

90 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

5.1.5 Matrix Group·····························································································

The Matrix group is made up of parameters related to matrices.
The screen area for setting scan parameters of the Matrix group is shown below:

(1) Rect. FOV (Rectangular Field of Vision)

This function is used to make a scan by reducing the number of acquisition points in the
phase direction (Phase#) matched to the size of the phase encode direction of the scan
target, for the Field of Vision that has been set. Therefore, the Scan Time is minificated by
the amount that the acquisition number has been reduced.
Although the spatial resolution is the same as for a normal scan, the S/N ratio will be
reduced according to the number of phase acquisition points.
You can select from the following 3 types of Rect. FOV:
off Rect. FOV is deselected.

Auto The size of the patient in the phase encoding direction is acquired, and the
number of acquisition points in the phase direction is automatically

Manual The size in the phase encoding direction is entered in the Size field.

(2) Anti. aliasing

Used to remove aliasing artifacts produced when the patient is larger than the scanning
field of view in the phase encoding direction. There are 3 modes for this function:
Uniform Scan Time Mode, Uniform Spatial Resolution Mode, and Uniform Scan
Time/Spatial Resolution Mode.
In addition, anti-aliasing is effective in reducing artifacts in movable regions.
You can select from the following 3 types of anti-aliasing:
off Anti-aliasing is deselected.

Auto The size of the patient in the phase encoding direction is acquired, and the
FOV actually acquired and the number of acquisition points in the phase
direction are automatically determined based on the mode.

Manual The size in the phase encoding direction is entered in the Size field.
If either Auto or Manual is selected for anti-aliasing, select from one of the following 3
types of mode.

Q1E-BM5256 91
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Time Uniform Scan Time Mode

The number of acquisition points in the phase direction is used as is, and the
acquisition FOV is increased according to the Size. Therefore, although the
scan time does not change, the S/N ratio reduces according to the Size.

Res Uniform Spatial Resolution Mode

The number of acquisition points in the phase direction is increased according
to the Size. Therefore, although the spatial resolution does not change, the scan
time increases according to the Size.

Tm/Rs Uniform Scan Time/Spatial Resolution Mode

Acquisition is performed with the number of acquisition points in the phase
direction doubled, and the NSA reduced by half. Therefore, the S/N ratio, scan
time, and spatial resolution are not changed.
However, this is enabled only for even numbered calculations.

(3) Phase Dir. T

Used to set the phase encode direction for the TRS plane. The following 2 directions are
available for phase encoding direction:
A-P Anterior -Posterior

R-L Right-Left

(4) Phase Dir. S

Used to set the phase encode direction for the SAG plane. The following 2 directions are
available for phase encoding direction:
A-P Anterior -Posterior

H-F Head-Feet

(5) Phase Dir. C

Used to set the phase encode direction for the COR plane. The following 2 directions are
available for phase encoding direction.
R-L Right-Left

H-F Head-Feet

92 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(6) Recon. Matrix (Reconstruction Matrix)

Select the reconstruction matrix size for the image.
Only values larger than the number of acquisition points in the frequency direction and
the number of acquisition points in the phase direction can be selected for the
reconstruction matrix size.
For 3D acquisition, the matrix size in the slice direction can also be set. This value must
be larger than the slice encode number.
You can select from the following 2 types of Recon. Matrix Mode.
Auto The matrix size is automatically determined from the set number of acquisition

Manual Set the matrix size.

For 3D acquisition, set the matrix number in the slice direction.

(7) Slice Reject

This function can be used to prevent the reconstruction of slice surfaces on unnecessary
slab ends with low S/N ratios.
For 3D acquisition, the S/N ratio for slices positioned at the ends of slabs based on the
selected characteristics for RF pulses is lower than for slices positioned in the center of
off Slice Reject is deselected.

Auto Automatically set to the default value.

Manual Set the rate (%) for rejection.

(8) Overlap [optional]

Used to select the amount of slab overlap for improving the continuation between slabs,
for 3D TOF multi slab acquisition. For more information, see the “TOF Angiography
Acquisition Function” Instruction Manual.
off Slab overlap is deselected.

Auto Automatically set to the default value.

Manual Set the rate (%) for overlap.

Q1E-BM5256 93
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

5.1.6 Gating Group ····························································································

The Gating group is made up of parameters related to gated scan.
The screen area for setting scan parameters of the Gating group is shown below:

(1) Gating (Gated Scan Selection)

Used to set the type of gated scan.
Select from the following 4 types.
off Gated scan is deselected.

CG Electrocardiogram gated scan is selected.

PG Pulse gated scan is selected.

RG Respiration gated scan is selected.

Since the set parameters vary depending upon the type of gated scan, set the required
parameter ((2) or later) after selecting the type of gated scan.
The mode required for the parameter is indicated inside the brackets for (2) and below.

(2) Gate Mode (Electrocardiogram Simultaneous Mode Selection) [CG, PG]

Indicates the necessary

parameters in CG of PG mode.

For more information about the method for installing the electrodes for the various types
of gated scan, see the “Gated Scan Function” Instruction Manual.

(2) Gate Mode (Electrocardiogram Simultaneous Mode Selection) [CG, PG]

Used to set the Electrocardiogram Simultaneous Mode.
Select from the following 2 modes.
However, the Trigger method will be used in all instances except sequences for the Gate
Trigger Trigger mode selected

Gate Gate mode selected

94 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(3) Resp. Mode (Respiration Simultaneous Mode Selection) [RG]

Used to set the Respiration Simultaneous Mode.
Select from the following 2 modes.
Trigger Trigger mode selected

PERRM Perrm mode selected

(4) MG Delay (Delay Time Setting Mode for Multi Gate Acquisition) [CG,
This can be selected only when Trigger is selected for (2) Gate Mode or (3) Resp. Mode.
Select from the following 2 types.
Inc.(increment) Acquisition is performed for each gate at a phase delayed by each
delay time interval. The interval delay time between each slice is
Interval X Delay.

Const. (constant) Acquisition is performed at the same phase for each gate. The
interval delay time between each slice is Interval.
Generally, a greater number of multi slices can be scanned with Const. than with Inc.

(5) TR (Repetition Time) [CG, PG, RG]

Used to set the repetition time. This setting can be made only when Gate has been
selected for (2) Gate Mode, and Auto has been selected for (9)Segment and (11) Card.
When the setting cannot be made, the following settings are made automatically.
When Trigger Mode is selected (R-R interval or respiration simultaneous) × Count

When TR cannot be entered for

Gate Mode
If PERRM has been selected for (3) Resp. Mode, set the Basic group. For more
information about the Basic group, see “5.1.2 Basic Group”.

(6) Beat Rate (average heart rate or average respiratory rate), Units:
times/minute [CG, PG, RG]
When either CG or PG is selected, enter the heart rate.
When RG is selected, enter the respiratory rate.
Refer to the value displayed in the simultaneous waveform display window for the value
to enter.

(7) Count (Gate Number) [CG, PG, RG]

Enter the interval for the R wave or the respiratory waveform to be performed
If Gate has been selected for (2) Gate Mode, 1 will be set automatically and no value can
be entered.

Q1E-BM5256 95
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(8) Multi Phase [CG, PG]

Used to set the number of images with different multi phase in the same position to scan.

(9) Segment (Segment Number Setting Mode) [CG, PG]

Used to select the Segment Number Setting Mode. This can be selected only when Gate
is selected for (2) Gate Mode.

In the Segment Number Setting Mode, the following processing is performed:

1. Partitioning of the K space in the same way as for FSE.
2. Acquiring a signal temporally connected to the number of partitions for the K. space
3. Allowing each differing phase encoding.
4. Reconstructing as an embedded multi-phase image in space K.

If there are a large number of segments, the scan time can be reduced but the number of
multi phases will also be reduced. On the other hand, if there is a small number of
segments, the acceleration rate for scan time will drop, but the number of multi phases
will increase.
Select from the following 2 types of segment number setting methods:
Auto For 3D-PC, the number of segments found with the following formula is set as
the maximum value for Cine acquisition.
Cardiac cycle
Number of Segments =
Multi Phase × TR

Manual Allows the setting of a segment number.

(10) Number (Segment Number) [CG, PG]

Used to set the partition number. This can be set only if Manual has been selected for (9)

(11) Card. Phases (Delay Time Setting Mode) [CG, PG]

Used to set the delay time and the delay time interval.
Select from the following 2 setting methods:
Auto Used to set the minimum values for delay time (Delay) and the delay time
interval (Interval).

Manual Allows the setting of the delay time and the delay time interval.

96 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(12) Delay (Delay Time) [CG, PG, RG]

Used to set the delay time from the trigger signal. The units are ms. This can be set only if
Manual has been selected for (11) Card. Phases.
This value becomes the delay time for the acquisition start slice position. Set the multi
slice acquisition time so that the delay time for the most important slice surface becomes
this value.
If Card. Phases is set to Auto, the minimum delay (= TE+α) is set automatically. α
is the fixed excitation preparation time for the sequence.
This can be set when either Trigger or Gate Mode is selected.

(13) Interval (Delay Time Interval) [CG, PG, RG]

Used to set the scan time interval for each slice or each phase. The units are ms. This can
be set only if Manual has been selected for (11) Card. Phases.
If Card. Phases is set to Auto, the minimum interval is set automatically.
This can be set when either Trigger or Gate Mode is selected.

For Trigger Mode during Multi Gate acquisition, the definitions will differ depending
upon the mode selected for (4) MG Delay.

(14) Echo Alloc. (Echo Allocation Method) [CG, PG]

Used to select the Echo Allocation method. This can be selected only when Gate is
selected for (2) Gate Mode.
Select from one of the following 2 echo allocation methods.
Seq(Sequential) Segments are allocated sequentially.

Cent(Centric) Segments are allocated centrically.

Examples of the allocation of acquisition data are shown below.

Phase Encoding Direction

Segment#1 Segment#4
Segment#2 Segment#3
Segment#3 Segment#2
Segment#4 Segment#1
Segment#5 Segment#1
Segment#6 Segment#2
Segment#7 Segment#3
Sequential Centric

Q1E-BM5256 97
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(15) Echo Shift (Echo Shift Number Setting Mode) [CG, PG]
Used to set the setting mode for echo shift number. Echo shift number is the shift number
for allocating segments. This can be selected only when Gate is selected for (2) Gate
Select from the following 2 echo shift number setting modes.
Auto Setting is made automatically according to the scan sequence.

Manual The echo shift number (Shift #) can be set.

(16) Shift # (Echo Shift Number) [CG, PG]

Used to set the echo shift number. This can be set only if Manual has been selected for
(15) Echo Shift.
The setting range is dependent upon the segment number. For more information, see the
“Gated Scan Function” Instruction Manual.
An example of echo shift is shown below.
Phase Encoding Direction

Segment#1 Segment#6 Segment#3 Segment#3

Segment#2 Segment#1 Segment#2 Segment#3
Segment#3 Segment#2 Segment#1 Segment#2
Segment#4 Segment#3 Segment#1 Segment#1
Segment#5 Segment#4 Segment#2 Segment#1
Segment#6 Segment#5 Segment#3 Segment#2

Sequential/shift:0 Sequential/shift:1 Centric/shift:0 Centric/shift:1

(17) AR (Arrythmia Rejection function selection) [CG,PG]

Select whether to use the Arrythmia Rejection function with the Trigger mode for
simultaneous measurement.
This can be set when Trigger Mode is selected.
off The Arrythmia Rejection function is not used.

ON The Arrythmia Rejection function is used.

(18) Skip Beat.

Several RR intervals after the onset of arrythmia have become irregular due to blood flow
regulation. In order to remove this irregularity, Skip Beat. uses the number of trigger
signals to specify the data targeted for removal.
The measured data for the specified number of trigger signals is rejected, regardless of
whether arrythmia occurred or not.
This can be set when AR is ON.
Setting range: 1 to 5

98 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Data measured at the same time as trigger signals occurring immediately before
the onset of arrythmia are rejected. These trigger signals are not included in the
specified number. An example using 2 as the value specified for Skip Beat is
shown below.

trigger signal occurring immediately

after the onset of arrysthmia target

trigger signals

measured data

rejected data

The number specified for this parameter indicates the number of trigger signals,
and is not necessarily the same as the number of data rejected. For example, if a
trigger occurs during signal measurement, the number specified for the
parameter and the number of data rejected are not the same, since further
measurements will not be performed simultaneously to that trigger. An example
of a measurement with 2 specified for Skip Beat and a trigger occurring during
signal measurement, is shown below.

trigger signal occurring immediately

after the onset of arrythmia target

trigger signals

measured data

rejected data

(19) G. Margin (Margin Value Setting Mode) [CG, PG, RG]

This margin is used to completely collect all multi phase data within a single heart beat.
Select from the following 2 margin value setting methods.
Auto The Level is set to 90.

Manual When Trigger Mode is selected

(R-R cycle) × (G.Mergin) becomes the time applied to acquisition.
When Gate Mode is selected
The Margin value (Level) can be set within the following limitation.
(Multi phase)×(segment)×TR ≦ (R-R cycle)×(G.Mergin)

Q1E-BM5256 99
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(20) L Level (Shortest Regular Rhythm Range) [CG, PG]

Specify the range for a regular heart rhythm for a trigger signal (shortest RR interval
ratio). The units are %.
This setting can be made when AR is ON and G.Margin is Manual. The following values
can be set: 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, and 100.

(21) H Level (Longest Regular Rhythm Range) [CG, PG]

Specify the range for a regular heart rhythm for a trigger signal (longest RR interval ratio).
The units are %.
This setting can be made when AR is ON and G.Margin is Manual. The following values
can be set: 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, and 150.

(22) Slice Order (Slice Order Selection) [CG, PG, RG]

Used to select the order (slice order) for scanning. This can be selected only when Trigger
is selected for (3) Resp. Mode.
Select from the following 2 types of scanning order.
Seq(sequential) Scanning is performed in the order of slices.

Zig(zigzag) Pulses are irradiated in zigzag patterns. However, this applies to single
gates only.
If acquisition is performed in zigzag order, the delay time does not lengthen in the order
of slice number. Rather, it lengthens in the data acquisition order. Therefore, when it is
convenient to determine the slice number as the order for delay time, such as for when
studying the heart, select Seq. However, when acquisition is performed by slice order, it
is possible that artifacts may occur due to interference with adjacent slices. Therefore, set
the slice interval to a value larger than the slice thickness.

Sequential 1 2 3 4 5

Slice Position
(The numbers indicate the
irradiation order.)

Zigzag 1 4 2 5 3

100 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(23) Mon. Mode (Abdominal Wall Position Monitor Setting Mode) [RG]
Used to select from the following 2 Abdominal Wall Position Monitor Setting modes.
This can be selected only when PERRM is selected for (3) Resp. Mode.
Auto Monitors the abdominal wall position for one patient during the first PERRM
acquisition only.
No monitoring is performed for the second or later PERRM acquisitions. The
information monitored the first time is used.

ON Monitoring of the abdominal wall position is performed during every PERRM


(24) Mon. Time (Abdominal Wall Position Monitor Time) [RG]

Used to set the abdominal wall position monitor time for the creation of tables for
abdominal wall position/phase encoding amounts. The units are seconds. This can be
selected only when PERRM is selected for (3) Resp. Mode.
Select a monitoring time between 10 to 255 seconds.

Example settings for the parameters for a Gating group are shown below. The following signals
were used for the examples.


Indicates Phase Number

Indicates Slice Number

Example 1 : Multi Phase=1, Slice Number=7, Gate Count=1, Slice Order=Seq.

Interval Min.TR

1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1 5-1 6-1 7-1


Interval ≧ Min. TR

Example 2 : Multi Phase=1, Slice Number=7, Gate Count=1, Slice Order=Zigzag.

Interval Min.TR

1-1 3-1 5-1 7-1 2-1 4-1 6-1


Interval ≧ Min. TR

Q1E-BM5256 101
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Example 3 : Multi Phase=1, Slice Number=18, Gate Count=3, Slice Order=Seq., MG Delay=Inc.

Delay (Interval) × (Gate Count)

1-1 4-1 7-1 10-1 13-1 16-1


2-1 5-1 8-1 11-1 14-1 17-1

Interval Min. TR

3-1 6-1 9-1 12-1 15-1 18-1


Min. TR
Interval ≧
Gate Count

Example 4 : Multi Phase=1, Slice Number=21, Gate Count=3, Slice Order=Seq., MG Delay=Count.

Delay Interval

1-1 4-1 7-1 10-1 13-1 16-1 19-1


2-1 5-1 8-1 11-1 14-1 17-1 20-1

Min. TR

3-1 6-1 9-1 12-1 15-1 18-1 21-1


Interval ≧ Min. TR

102 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

5.1.7 Dynamic Group ························································································

The Dynamic group is made up of parameters related to dynamic scan.
The screen area for setting scan parameters of the Dynamic group is shown below:

(1) Cont. Agent (Contrast Agent Name)

Select the name of the Contrast Agent.
If no Contrast Agent is used, select off.

(2) Volume (Contrast Agent Volume)

Set the amount of contrast media. Note that this cannot be set, if Cont Agent has been set
to off.

(3) Travel Time [optional]

This is primarily used for contrast MRA. For dynamic scan acquisition, you can enter the
elapsed time until a test injection was acquired. For more information, see the “Contrast
MRA Measurement Function” Instruction Manual.

(4) Injct SWT [optional]

This is primarily used for contrast MRA. For dynamic scan acquisition, the timing for
Contrast Agent injection is displayed. For more information, see the “Contrast MRA
Measurement Function” Instruction Manual.

(5) Scan SWT [optional]

This is primarily used for contrast MRA. For dynamic scan manual acquisition, the
timing for when the CONT button is clicked after Contrast Agent injection is displayed.
For more information, see the “Contrast MRA Measurement Function” Instruction

(6) Segment [optional]

The number of segment divisions for K-space is shown. This is enabled only when the
PAPE measurement function is set. For more information, see the “Partial Phase Encode
Scan Function” Instruction Manual.

(7) Data Rate [optional]

The ratio of low frequency data lines is shown. This is enabled only when the PAPE
measurement function is set. For more information, see the “Partial Phase Encode Scan
Function” Instruction Manual.

Q1E-BM5256 103
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(8) Breath-hold (Breath-hold Selection)

Select this for scanning in Breath-hold Mode.
If this mode is selected, acquisition will be temporarily paused after prescan is complete.
Therefore, instruct the patient to hold his/her breath, and then click the CONT button.
This starts the acquisition.
Select from the following 2 Breath-hold modes.
off Breath-hold Mode is deselected.

ON Breath-hold Mode is selected.

(9) Timing
Used to select what timing to use for breath-hold. This can only be selected when the
multi scan number is 2 or greater, and Breath-hold Mode is selected.
First Regardless of multi scan, the processing is paused during the first acquisition.
(However, when performing dynamic acquisition, the processing is paused at
every dynamic acquisition.)

Every The processing is paused for every multi scan.

(10) Dynamic Scan

Used to repeatedly scan at the same conditions for the specified number of cycles.
This scanning method is effective for viewing changes over time in structural signal
intensity occurring in the same slice position.
However, this cannot be used for angiography scan sequences.
Select from the following 3 Dynamic Scan modes.
off Dynamic Scan is deselected.

Auto Scanning is performed at the specified number of cycles and time intervals,
without any other operations.

Manual The Start operation must be performed for each scan.

The Auto Mode and Manual Mode operations are explained below.

104 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Auto Mode Operations

When Auto Mode is selected, set the following parameters. A maximum of 3 sets of
scan cycles and time intervals can be set.
Start [sec] The time to wait until the first scan

1st Number Number of scans for the first set

1st Interval Time interval between the start of scans in the first set

2nd Number Number of scans for the second set

2nd Interval Time interval between the start of scans in the second set

3rd Number Number of scans for the third set

3rd Interval Time interval between the start of scans in the third set
However, the following limitations apply to the number of scans.
1st. Number+2nd. Number+3rd. Number ≦
(Slice Number)×(Echo Number)

Scan Start
Start button


Acquisition Start
Wait Display

Acquisition Start
Continue button

Scan1 Scan1 Scan1 Scan2 Scan2 Scan3 Scan3

Interval 1 Interval 1 Interval 2 Interval 2 Interval 3

Start Time

Manual Mode Operations

When Manual Mode is selected, set the following parameters.
- Number All scan numbers to be scanned
However, the following limitations apply to the number of scans.
Number ≦
(Slice Number)×(Echo Number)

Q1E-BM5256 105
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Scan Start
Start button


Acquisition Start Acquisition Start Acquisition Start Acquisition Start

Wait Display Wait Display Wait Display Wait Display

Acquisition Start Acquisition Start Acquisition Start Acquisition Start

Continue button Continue button Continue button Continue button

Scan1 Scan1 Scan1 Scan1

(11) Int. Pause [optional]

This is primarily used for contrast MRA. For Dynamic Scan Acquisition, select the
dynamic scan operation method. For more information, see the “Contrast MRA
Measurement Function” Instruction Manual.
off Performed without referring to Travel Time.
ON Performed while referring to Travel Time.

(12) Fluoro (Fluoroscopy Acquisition) [optional]

Used for continuous high-speed scanning under the same conditions, and the continuous
display of images. For more information, see the “Fluoroscopy Acquisition Function”
Instruction Manual.
Select from the following 2 Fluoro modes.
off Fluoro mode is deselected.
ON Fluoro Mode is selected.

Set the Disk Save parameters.

off Image data is not saved. When approximately 40,000 images are displayed,
acquisition stops automatically.
ON Image data is saved to magnetic disk. A maximum of 1024 images can be
saved. If 1024 images are exceeded, acquisition stops automatically.
An outline of the MR Fluoroscopy Acquisition Function is shown below.
Scan: 1 2 3 4 5

Reconstruction: 1 2 3 4 5

Scan 1 Scan 2 Scan 3 Scan 4 Scan5

Image Image Image Image Image

106 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(13) PAPE (Partial Phase Encode Imaging) [optional]

This is enabled only for the PAPE measurement function. Select the PAPE measurement
function from the following modes. For more information, see the “Partial Phase Encode
Scan Function” Instruction Manual.
off Normal measurement is performed.
ON PAPE measurement is performed.

(14) Update (Scroll Selection) [optional]

For Dynamic Scan Acquisition, select the image display method. For more information,
see the “Contrast MRA Measurement Function” Instruction Manual.
Scroll Images are displayed by scrolling.
Fixed Images are displayed without scrolling.

(15) Sub. Image (Differential Image Reconstruction Selection) [optional]

For Dynamic Scan Acquisition, select the method for reconstructing differential images.
For more information, see the “Contrast MRA Measurement Function” Instruction Manual.
off Differential images are not created.
Fixed A differential image for the first scan image is created.
Moved A differential image for the previous scan image is created.
Fx/Mv Two types of differential image are created using the Fixed and Moved methods.

Scan 1 Scan 2 Scan 3 ~

Differential Differential Differential

image image image ~
Scan 1 Scan 2 Scan 3 ~

Differential Differential Differential

image image image ~

(16) Src. Image (Dynamic Image Reconstruction Selection) [optional]

Used to select the reconstruction of Dynamic Scan Acquisition images, for dynamic scan
acquisition. For more information, see the “Contrast MRA Measurement Function”
Instruction Manual.
off Image not created.
ON Image created.

Q1E-BM5256 107
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

5.1.8 Filter Group·······························································································

The Filter group is made up of parameters related to image filters.
The screen area for setting scan parameters of the Filter group is shown below:

(1) Truncation (Truncation Removal Filter)

If fewer acquisitions than the required encoding number are performed due to the data
collection conditions, artifacts will appear on the image. This filter is for reducing these
Select from the following 3 Truncation Removal Filter modes.
off Truncation Removal Filter is deselected.

Auto Truncation filter is selected automatically according to the number of


ON Truncation Removal Filter is selected.

(2) Shading (Shading Filter)

Shading with a signal intensity of the scanned image as low as the edges can occur, due to
the sensitivity distribution of the reception coil. The Shading Filter is used to correct the
drop in signal intensity for these edges.
Select from the following 4 Shading modes.
off Shading correction is not performed.

Auto Shading correction is performed according to the correction mode preset for
that coil. If scans are performed in the same position, as with dynamic scans,
the amount of correction used for the image from the first scan is also applied
to all subsequent image scans, since the correction level is set the same for
each image.

Manual A correction mode is selected from 1 to 5. Shading correction is performed for

each image.

Hybrid A correction mode is selected from 1 to 5. If scans are performed in the same
position, as with dynamic scans, the amount of correction used for the image
from the first scan is also applied to all subsequent image scans, since the
correction level is set the same for each image.

108 Q1E-BM5256
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(3) Correction (Correction Number)

A correction mode is selected. This selection can be made when Shading is set to Manual or Hybrid.
1 Soft correction is performed for images in which the center has a lower
sensitivity than the surrounding area.
2 Hard correction is performed for images in which the center has a lower
sensitivity than the surrounding.
3 Correction is performed for secondary dents and rises, and primary sensitivity.
4 Soft correction is performed for images in which the center has a higher
sensitivity than the surrounding area.
5 Hard correction is performed for images in which the center has a higher
sensitivity than the surrounding area.

Setting Correction example

1 (Soft correction)

2 (Hard correction)

4 (Soft correction)

5 (Hard correction)

(4) FOV Filter

Used for water-fat separation sequences.
Select a image display region format for the addition and subtraction images for the
water-fat separation sequence, from the following 2 types.
off Sets the display regions as square.
Auto Sets the display regions as circular.

(5) Adaptive (Adaptive Image)

Used to perform smoothing processing for improving the S/N ratio of an image. To
perform processing that meets the structure of the image, processing that controls the
degradation of spatial resolution, which is different from simple smoothing, is performed.

Q1E-BM5256 109
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Select from the following 2 adaptive images.

off Adaptive image is deselected.
ON Adaptive image is selected.

(6) Adap. Sel (Adaptive Mode Selection)

This can be selected when Adaptive is ON.
Select the appropriate processing from the mode.
For more information about adaptive image parameters, see “5.2.1 Adaptive Image”.

If this processing is applied to an image with a low S/N ratio due to improvement of
the S/N ratio through post-processing of the image, structural noise may occur. Check
the characteristics of the processing and parameters before applying this processing.

(7) k space (k Space Filter)

Used to apply a low pass filter in the k space (on Raw Data) to improve the S/N ratio.
off Deselected
1~5 The effect is increased as the value is increased.

(8) T2 Correction (T2 Amplitude Correction Filter)

Signal intensity is reduced the slower the echo is, due to the attenuation of signal amplitude
caused by the transverse relaxation in magnetization. Artifacts called blurs and linkings are
easily produced on images due to differences in signal amplitude, because of the creation of
images using multiple echo signals with differing echo times in FSE and FIR. The Amplitude
Correction Filter is used to suppress artifacts due to differences in signal amplitude.
However, using the Amplitude Correction Filter could cause a drop in the image’s S/N ratio.
Select from the following 2 types of T2 Correction modes.
off T2 Amplitude Correction Filter is deselected.
Auto T2 Amplitude Correction Filter is selected.
Set the Amplitude Correction Level (Level [%]). Setting the level to 0% is the
same as deselecting the correction filter. The larger the value, the greater the
amount of correction.
Manual T2 Amplitude Correction Filter is selected.
Set the T2 value for the amplitude correction area.
This is displayed only if the pulse sequence is FSE or FIR.

(9) W-Width 1 (Display Window Width for one echo)

Set the window width for the display of one echo. After the image is displayed, the
window width can be changed.
This parameter applies to the window width when first displaying the image.
Input range: 1 to 6000

110 Q1E-BM5256
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(10) W-Level 1 (Display Window Level for one echo)

Set the window level for the display of one echo. After the image is displayed, the
window level can be changed.
This parameter applies to the window level when first displaying the image.
Input range: -2000 to 4000

(11) W-Width 2 (Display Window Width for two echoes)

Valid when the number of multi echo is 2 or greater.
Set the window width for the display of two echoes images or greater. After the image is
displayed, the window width can be changed.
This parameter applies to the window width when first displaying the image.
Input range: 1 to 6000

(12) W-Level 2 (Display Window Level for two echoes)

Valid when the number of multi echo is 2 or greater.
Set the window level for the display of two echoes images or greater. After the image is
displayed, the window level can be changed.
This parameter applies to the window level when first displaying the image.
Input range: -2000 to 4000

Q1E-BM5256 111
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5.1.9 Fatsup Group [optional] ············································································

This Fatsup group is made up of parameters related to the Fat Suppression function.
The screen area for setting scan parameters of the Fatsup group is shown below:

(1) Fat Sat. (Fat Saturation)

Used when the fat signal obstructs the diagnosis.
A specific RF wave is irradiated to suppress the MR signal produced by the fat
components, to make the MR signal from the water components, which had been
obstructed by the fat signal, easier to see.
If fat suppression is performed, the maximum number of multi slices that can be set with
the same TR reduces, S/N ratio drops due to the parameter settings in (3) to (6), and there
will be changes in contrast.
Select from the following 2 Fat Sat. modes.
off Fat suppression is not performed.

ON Fat suppression is performed.

The following items (2) to (4) are displayed.

The acquisition of frequency is performed in the center of the magnetic field.

(2) Wave (Fat Suppression Pulse Irradiation Waveform)

Displays the fat suppression pulse irradiation waveform.
The irradiation waveform cannot be selected.

(3) Duration[ms] (Fat Suppression Pulse Irradiation Time)

Used to determine the irradiation time for the fat suppression pulse.
This value determines the frequency bandwidth for the patient signal suppressed by the
fat suppression pulse.
The shorter the irradiation time, the wider the frequency bandwidth; the longer the
irradiation time, the narrower the frequency bandwidth.

112 Q1E-BM5256
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(4) RF amp. (Fat Suppression Pulse Irradiation Strength)

Used to determine the irradiation strength (RF amplitude) for the fat suppression pulse.
The units are %. The logical value for the optimum strength determined by TR is set as

(5) Freq. Graph (Frequency Graph Display)

Used to determine whether to use a frequency acquisition results graph display.
off Frequency acquisition results graph is not displayed. If acquisition is performed
with Fat Sat. ON, the setting value for (6) is used.

Auto If the offset frequency for the fat suppression pulse is determined in the folder
during acquisition, that value is used. At this time, the frequency acquisition
results graph is not displayed.
If the offset frequency for the fat suppression pulse is not determined in the folder
during acquisition, the frequency acquisition results graph is displayed. Enter the
central frequency and the offset frequency.

ON The frequency acquisition results graph is displayed. Enter the central frequency
and the offset frequency.
If ON or Auto is selected, the items in (6) are not displayed.

(6) Off Freq. (Fat Suppression Pulse Irradiation Offset Frequency)

Used to set the offset frequency from the central frequency of the fat suppression pulse
irradiation frequency. The units are Hz.
Generally, the frequency of the fat component is 3.5[ppm] lower than the frequency for
the water component.
The fat suppression results and S/N ratio may drop, to a balance with (3).

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Frequency Acquisition Results Graph

If frequency acquisition is implemented according to the conditions displayed by the
frequency graph, the Frequency Graph screen is displayed.
The Frequency Graph screen is shown below.

① ④
② ⑤

⑥ ⑦

① Frequency (Central Frequency)

Used to set the central frequency. The units are MHz.
If this value is changed, the graph will be redisplayed.
② Offset Frequency
Used to set the irradiation frequency for the fat suppression pulse at the relative value
for the central frequency. The units are Hz.
If this value is changed, the graph will be redisplayed.
③ Search Mode (Frequency Search Mode)
Used to specify the method of searching for frequency values.
Select from the following 3 types.
Peak Peak method
Used to set the frequency at the signal’s maximum value as
the central frequency.

Center of gravity Center of gravity method

Used to find the central frequency from the center of gravity
for signal values at the threshold value and greater.

Best Fit 2D function approximation method

Used to find the central frequency by performing a 2D
function approximation for signal values at the threshold
value and greater.

114 Q1E-BM5256
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④ Noise Threshold (Noise Threshold while Searching)

Used to determine the threshold value when determining the central frequency with
the center of gravity method. The units are %. If this value is changed, the graph will
be redisplayed.
The center of gravity is found using data for the set threshold value and greater.
However, if the peak method is selected, there is no point in using this procedure.
⑤ Reset Param.
Used to return the parameters for ① to ④ to their initial values.
⑥ Cont button
Used to close the Frequency Graph screen and begin scanning.
⑦ Stop button
Used to close the Frequency Graph screen and stop scanning.
In addition to ① through ⑦, the following items are displayed on the graph.
Axis or line color Explanation

Vertical axis Signal value

Horizontal axis Frequency [MHz]

Vertical dotted line Central frequency

Vertical green line Offset frequency

Horizontal brown line Signal value at the set central frequency

Threshold value when performing the center of

Horizontal dotted line gravity method or the 2D function approximation

Red point Acquisition data point

Supplementary line for acquisition data point, or

Blue line
approximation curve

The following operations can be performed on the graph.

Drag vertical dotted Used to set the central frequency while viewing the graph.
line By moving the vertical line that indicates the offset frequency
while also moving the central frequency, the displayed value for
Frequency [MHz] is also changed simultaneously.

Drag vertical green Used to set the offset frequency while viewing the graph.
line The displayed value for the Off Freq. [Hz] is also changed.

Drag horizontal brown Used to set the threshold value for the center of gravity method
line while viewing the graph.
The displayed value for Noise Threshold [%] is also changed.

Q1E-BM5256 115
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If the central frequency is changed using the frequency acquisition results graph,
some position disparities will appear in the acquisition slice. Therefore, scan the
positioning image again. If the STOP or ABORT button is clicked while the graph is
displayed to stop prescanning, the frequencies set for all following acquisitions will
not be applied.
In addition, once the central frequency and offset frequency have been set, they are
maintained until the following acquisitions are performed.
Acquisition where (5) Freq. Graph is ON for the Fatsup group
Acquisition where (13) Prescan is ON for the Others group
Acquisition where the Patient Folder is changed
Acquisition where the reception coil is changed

116 Q1E-BM5256
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5.1.10 Others Group··························································································

The Others group is made up of parameters not in other groups.
The screen area for setting scan parameters of the Others group is shown below:

(1) Carry Offset (Depth Position)

Used to determine the depth of the slice position when determining position.
You can select from the following 4 types of Carry Offset.
Mag Sets the slice depth to the center of the static field.

Image1 Sets the slice depth to the center of the first reference image.

Image2 Sets the slice depth to the center of the second reference image.

Free The depth is automatically set to Free when none of the above 3 types apply.

(2) Line/Box (Slice Line Selection)

Used to set the shape of the slice line displayed on the image when determining position.
You can select from the following 2 types of slice line selection.
Line Used to display the slice surface as a line.

Box Used to display the slice surface as a box.

However, this selection cannot be made for 3D acquisition.

(3) Inf. FOV (Positioning Handle Length Selection)

Used to determine the length of the dotted line for changing the positioning position and
the number of slices.
Yes Makes the dotted line longer than the slice line.

No Makes the dotted line approximately the same length as the slice line.

(4) Stack Mode

Used to select the operation of the image slice line when using 2 reference images.
Select from the following 2 types.
Locked Used to lock the movement of the central point of the slice line on one
reference image.

Normal Does not lock the movement of the central point of the slice line on one
reference image.

Q1E-BM5256 117
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Locked Normal
Rotational Axis Rotation
Rotation Axis
Movement Movement

Reference Reference Reference Reference

Image 1 Image 2 Image 1 Image 2

(5) G. Intvl
Used to select whether to change the slice interval for each slice/slab group for multi
Select from the following 2 types.
off The slice interval for each slice/slab group for multi angle can be changed.

ON All slice intervals for each slice/slab group for multi angle are set to the same

(6) Oblique
Set the method for checking measurement parameters. When determining the positions of
slices, the possible range for parameter selection will vary depending upon the angle set.
Select the method for checking whether scanning can be performed from the following 2
Full Only parameters that can be measured, regardless of angle, can be selected. If
the setting conditions are the same, any angle can be scanned. However, the
range of conditions that can be selected is narrow.

Limited A parameter can be selected if there is a slice angle that can be measured. Even
if the setting conditions are the same, some scans may not be possible if the
angles that have been set are changed.

(7) Slice Ord. T

Used to set the direction of the order for TRS plane images scanned and displayed.
There are 2 types of order direction.
H→F From head to feet

F→H From feet to head

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(8) Slice Ord. S

Used to set the direction of the order for SAG plane images scanned and displayed.
There are 2 types of order direction.
R→L From right to left

L→R From left to right

(9) Slice Ord. C

Used to set the direction of the order for COR plane images scanned and displayed.
There are 2 types of order direction.
A→P From anterior to posterior

P→A From posterior to anterior

(10) Plane Order (Slice Plane Order Selection)

Used to set the order of the slice plane scanned and displayed.
S→T SAG plane → TRS plane

T→S TRS plane → SAG plane

S→C SAG plane → COR plane

C→S COR plane → SAG plane

C→T COR plane → TRS plane

T→C TRS plane → COR plane

S>C>T SAG plane → COR plane → TRS plane

S>T>C SAG plane → TRS plane → COR plane

C>S>T COR plane → SAG plane → TRS plane

C>T>S COR plane → TRS plane → SAG plane

T>S>C TRS plane → SAG plane → COR plane

T>C>S TRS plane → COR plane → SAG plane

The items that can be selected for each scan slice plane are shown below.
Slice Plane Items that can be selected




S > C > T、S > T > C、

C > S > T、C > T > S、T > S > C、T > C > S

If the slice plane is only TRS, only SAG, or only COR, Plane Order cannot be selected.

Q1E-BM5256 119
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(11) Sync.
Used to select whether to simultaneously change other plane settings when the settings
for position, angle, and slice number are changed when selecting multiple planes. This
function is enabled only when the slice plane is TS, SC, TC, or TSC.

ON Settings for other planes are also changed.

Off Settings for other planes are not changed.

(12) RCoil Mode (Reception Coil Selector) [optional]

Used to set the mode used, only for reception coils with multiple modes.
Select the desired scanning range for the reception coil selector, from “A”~“H”, “J”, or
For more information, see the Instruction Manual for the reception coil.

(13) Prescan (Selection for the Implementation of Prescan)

Used to select whether to implement prescan.

Auto The optimum prescan acquisition is performed.

ON A prescan acquisition the same as that performed for the patient the first time is
forcibly performed again.
The shimming results (VolShim) are cleared.

(14) VolShim [optional]

Used to set the use of shimming results when scanning.

Auto Shimming results are used.

However, if there is a change to the patient and/or a coil, the shimming results are
not used.

off Shimming results are not used.

(15) Check Seq. [optional]

A check of the GC and/or reception coil status is performed. For more information, see
the “Morning Check Function” Instruction Manual.

off Normal mode is selected.

GC GC check mode is selected.

Coil Reception coil check mode is selected.

120 Q1E-BM5256
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5.2 2D Card
2D Card is used to perform 2D post-processing of scanned image data.
The different types of 2D post-processing are listed below:
Adaptive (Adaptive Image)
EdgeEnhan (Edge Enhancement)
Shading (Shading Correction)
BNR (Background Noise Reduction)
Add/Sub (Addition/Subtraction)
T1T2 (T1/T2 Calculation)

The adaptive image screen is shown below as an example of a 2D Card.

Starting 2D Card Processing

Tabs that display the processing names are in the lower left corner of the screen. To select
a type of processing, click the tab that displays its name. The screen changes to the screen
of the selected processing.
To start the 2D processing, click the Start button on the Control Face.

Q1E-BM5256 121
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Results of 2D Card Processing

The 2D processing results screen differs depending on whether a processing results image
was saved to the database.
If a processing results image was not saved to the database:
The processing results are displayed on the Control Face.
If a processing results image was saved to the database:
The processing results image saved to the Review Face is displayed.
The processing results image is displayed in the same way as when not saved to the
Control Face.

An example of image layout both before and after processing is shown below.
Control screen after processing, if
process results image not saved

(A) Processed Image
Original Image 1 for Original
Image 1

Control screen before processing (D)

(C) Processed Image
Original Image 2 for Original
Image 2
Original Image 1

Review screen after processing, if

(C) processing results image saved
Original Image 2
(A) (B)
Processed Image Processed Image
for Original for Original
Image 1 Image 2

(C) (D)
Processed Image Processed Image
for Original for Original
Image 3 Image 4

The Control Face for Addition/Subtraction and T1/T2 Calculation differ from what is
shown above.
Also, you can change the image layout by using the Layout Selection button.

122 Q1E-BM5256
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5.2.1 Adaptive Image ·······················································································

Smoothing processing is performed to improve the S/N ratio of images. To perform processing
that meets the structure of the image, processing that controls the reduction of spatial resolution,
which is different from simple smoothing, is performed.
With this processing, post-processing can be performed on the image to improve the S/N ratio.
Therefore, when applied to images with low S/N ratios, structural noise may occur. Check
the characteristics of the processing and parameters before applying this processing.
The screen area for specifying settings for adaptive processing (for 2D Card) is shown below:

(1) Filter
Used to select the processing level. The processing differs between A, B, and C.
For A (normal processing), the smoothing effects improve in the following order: Sharp,
Normal, Smooth. In addition, as the value after Sm (Smooth) increases, the smoothing
effect increases; as the value after Sh (Sharp) increases, edge enhancement increases.
For B (processing for 256 matrix) and C (processing for 512 matrix), the smoothing
effects improve in the following order: Mild, Normal, Clear, Super, Extra. MRA is used
for MR angiography.

5.2.2 Edge Enhancement ················································································

Edge Enhancement is used to enhance edges and perform a smoothing processing on image
The screen area for specifying settings for Edge Enhancement processing (for 2D Card) is
shown below:

(1) Smoother Edges/Sharper Edges

Used to set the level of enhancement or the level of smoothing.
1 to 5 indicates the level of enhancement, while –1 to –5 indicates the level of smoothing.
The greater the value, the stronger the level.

Q1E-BM5256 123
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5.2.3 Shading Correction ···················································································

Shading Correction is used to perform sensitivity correction processing on image data.
The screen area for specifying settings for Shading Correction processing (for 2D Card) is
shown below:

(1) Coil Type

Used to set the initial value for (2) Coil Size.
Head Used to set the Coil Size to 100.

Shoulder Used to set the Coil Size to 180.

(2) Coil Size

Indicates the size of the coil. The units are mm. This is one of the parameters that
determines the function for Shading Correction.

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5.2.4 Background Noise Reduction···································································

This function is used to reduce the spatial noise in the displayed image.
There are 2 types of Background Noise Reduction.
Automatic Mode The image area is recognized, and the noise external to the image is

Manual Mode ROI is set for the image area, and noise external to the ROI is
For more information about ROI settings, see “5.7.6 Region-Of-Interest Tool”.
The screen area for specifying settings for Background Noise Reduction processing (for 2D Card)
is shown below:

(1) Threshold value

Used to specify the noise level to be reduced.
A noise level from 0 to 9 can be selected. As the value increases, the level of reduction

(2) Mode
Used to select from the following 2 processing modes.
Automatic Mode for reducing noise external to the image.

Manual Mode for reducing noise external to the ROI set for the image. Only one
ROI can be set. If two or more ROI are set, the processing will be the same
as for Automatic.

(3) No. of divisions

Used to increase the noise reduction efficiency by setting the maximum partition size for
space in the image.
Select a partition size from the pull-down menu.
Select either 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 as the partition size.

Q1E-BM5256 125
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5.2.5 Addition/Subtraction(Add/Sub) ·································································

This function is used to create Addition Images by adding the data between 2 images,
Subtraction Images by subtracting the data between 2 images, and/or images that have only had
their positions corrected.
The screen area for specifying settings for Addition/Subtraction processing (for 2D Card) is
shown below:

The images are displayed in the Viewport allocation shown below.

(A) (B)
Ref Image Move Image

Process Image

(1) Operation
Used to select the details of the processing.
Subtraction Used to subtract the Move Image from the Ref Image.

Inv. Sub Used to subtract the Ref Image from the Move Image.

Addition Used to add the Move Image to the Ref Image.

Correct Pos. Used to reference the Ref Image to correct the position of the Move

Sub + Pos Used to correct the position of the Move Image, and then subtract it
from the Ref Image. In this processing, the position is corrected using
the middle slices in the series read for both the Ref Image and the
Move Image.

Inv. Sub + Pos Used to correct the position of the Ref Image, and then subtract it from
the Move Image. In this processing, the position is corrected using the
middle slices in the series read for both the Ref Image and the Move

126 Q1E-BM5256
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(2) Use Current Image

Used to select which image from the image series read for (A) or (B) as the target of the
Move image (used: ALL) Used to select all image series as targets of the

Move image (ser:* slice: *) Used to select the image displayed on the screen as the
target of the processing.

(3) Pairing Condition

Used to select the combination of Ref Images and Move Images from the following
None Used to create a desired image combination.

Slice Pos Connects images of the same slice position

Slice Num Connects images of the same slice number

(4) Translucency
Used to specify the weight level for Ref Images and Move Images.

(5) Mean Balance

Balance the average values for Ref images and Move images at Translucency = 0 when
making calculations.

(6) Link
Used to create the connection between Ref Images and Move Images.

(7) Split
Used to delete the connection between Ref Images and Move Images.

(8) Processing Information

Displays the connection between image information used for the processing.

(9) WW
Set the initial value for window width after the preview image is made.

(10) WL
Set the initial value for window level after the preview image is made.

Q1E-BM5256 127
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Method for reading images

With the Add/Sub Card, a Sequential button is displayed in the input data settings region
of the Control Face. If this function is selected and input data entered, 2 cards will be set
for the same card. If this method is used to read images, the series created second from
last is displayed as the Ref Image, and the series created last is displayed as the Move

With the Sequential button ON, images cannot be read from the database. In addition,
when this function is used, do not use folder covers or Data Cards as input data.

Positioning + Subtraction processing

This function is operated by selecting either Sub + Pos or Inv. Sub + Pos from the
Operation pull-down menu. If an image is read after selecting either Sub + Pos or Inv.
Sub + Pos, it is displayed as follows.
Image Region Displayed Image

(A) Ref Image Middle slice in the read image

(B) Move Image Middle slice in the read image

(C) Process Image Results of the Subtraction processing, after positioning each
middle slice in the original position

When the Move Image is moved with the Viewport Tools, automatic positioning
cannot be performed.
In addition, if the Viewport Tool is used to move an image relative to the center slice
for the Move image, that amount of movement is reflected on all other images.

128 Q1E-BM5256
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5.2.6 T1/T2 Calculation processing (T1/T2) ····················································

Used to create a T1 Image from an IR Image and an SE Image.
Used to create a T2 Image from an SE Image with a different echo time.
Used to create an M0 Image from a T2 Image and an SE Image with a short echo time.

T1 Calculation processing
This processing is used to create a T1 Image from an IR Image and an SE Image that
have the same number of slices, slice thickness, slice position, FOV, echo time, and
repetition time for the same patient.
The screen area for specifying settings for T1 Calculation processing (for 2D Card) is
shown below:

The images are displayed in the Viewport allocation shown below.

(A) (B)
Original Image 1 Original Image 2

Processed Image

(1) T2
T2 Calculation Processing screen
(2) M0
M0 Calculation Processing screen

T2 Calculation processing
This processing is used to create a T2 Image from an SE Image with a different echo time,
and the same number of slices, slice thickness, slice position, FOV, and repetition time for
the same patient.
The screen area for specifying settings for T2 Calculation processing (for 2D Card) is
shown below:

The images are displayed in the Viewport allocation shown below.

Q1E-BM5256 129
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(A) (B)
Original Image 1 Original Image 2

Processed Image

(1) T1
T1 Calculation Processing screen
(2) M0
M0 Calculation Processing screen

M0 Calculation processing
This processing is used to create an M0 Image from a created T2 image and an image
with a short echo time used in a T2 Calculation processing.
The screen area for specifying settings for M0 Calculation processing (for 2D Card) is
shown below:

The images are displayed in the Viewport allocation shown below.

(A) (B)
Original Image 1 Original Image 2

Processed Image

(1) T1
T1 Calculation Processing screen
(2) T2
T2 Calculation Processing screen

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5.3 3D Card
3D Card is used to perform 3D post-processing for acquired image data.
The different types of 3D post-processing are listed below:
MIP (Maximum Intensity Projection)
MPR (Multi Planar Reconstruction)

The MIP screen is shown below as an example of a 3D card.

Starting 3D Card Processing

Tabs that display the names of the processing are in the lower left corner of the screen. To
select a type of processing, click on the tab that displays its name. The screen for the
selected processing is displayed.
The 3D processing is started by clicking the Start button on the Control Face.

3D Card Processing Results

The 3D processing results screen differs depending on whether a processing results image
was saved to the database.
When a processing results image was not saved to the database:
The processing results are displayed on the right-bottom viewport on the Control
When a processing results image was saved to the database:
The processing results image is displayed on the Review Face.
The processing results image also is displayed on the right-bottom Viewport on the
Control Face.

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Comment Copy function

This function is used to copy comments to the processing results image.
The copy procedure is shown below.
1. Set the Save as button to OFF.
The Save as button can be set to ON if it is not necessary to correct the comments
after they are copied. In this case, step 4 and after need not be performed.
2. Use the Viewport Tools to enter comments for the image in the right-bottom Viewport
on the Control Face.
3. Click on the Start button.
All comments are copied to the processing results image.
4. Add/delete/correct comments or lines for each image.
5. Set the Save as button to ON.
The processing results image and comments are saved to the database. When the
processing results image is displayed next time, the comments will also be displayed.

Comments saved to the database cannot be modified and then saved again.

132 Q1E-BM5256
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5.3.1 MIP (Maximum Intensity Projection)·························································

This function is used to generate projection images (MIP images) from multiple scanned
This function is particularly effective when generating angiography projection images from
angiography images. The projection axis of the projection image can be changed in real time using
mouse. In addition, by entering the initial value for the projection angle, updating the angle, and the
number of images to create, you can create projection images at multiple angles as a single series.
In addition, you can create multiple MIP series from one input image series on a single 3D card.

The screen when selecting Series page and Selection MIP page are shown below:

When Series Parameters are selected

When Clipping Parameters are selected

When Image Quality Parameters are selected

The images are displayed in the Viewport allocation shown below.

(A) (B)

(C) (D)
TRS MIP Image Post-Process
MIP Image

(1) Viewing Direction

Used to specify the view direction of the MIP image.
Head view

Foot view

Q1E-BM5256 133
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If the Viewing Direction is changed, the image displayed for the COR and TRS MIP
images will be flipped horizontally.

(2) Manual (rotation of MIP image using the mouse)

Move the mouse to place the cursor on the post-process MIP image. Use the mouse to
drag the image in the direction you wish to rotate it. If the mouse is used to rotate the
image, the angle of the rotated image will be displayed in the Start Rotate and Start Tilt
setting regions for Series Parameters.

(3) Show Cube (rotational position reference)

This function is for using a cube to display the current plane of projection, so that the 3D
position of the post-process MIP image can be grasped visually.

(4) 3DAI (3DAdaptive Imaging)

This is used to select the process type of 3DAI to use.
None Do not use 3DAI.

Sm.Ves Use 3DAI for small blood vessels. This is primarily effective in images of
blood vessels in the brain and limbs.

Lg.Ves Use 3DAI for large blood vessels. This is effective in images of all other
blood vessels.

3DAI suppresses the background of the input series and smoothes the blood
Compared to None, when Sm.Ves or Lg.Ves is selected, more time is required to
load the input series.
There are limitations to the matrix size and number of images that can be used
with the 3D Adaptive Imaging processing. If these limitations are exceeded, the
3D Adaptive Imaging Processing function will be disabled.
If the system default is used to generate a 3D card, the default 3DAI will be the
process set in System Preferences.

(5) Parameter page selection

Series Parameters
The page for setting the parameters for the creation of series 1, such as the number of
MIP images to create and rotation angle, is displayed.
Clipping Parameters
The page for setting the parameters for ROI and volume settings is displayed.
Image Quality Parameters
The page for setting the parameters for image quality is displayed.

134 Q1E-BM5256
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(6) Series Parameters

The following parameters are set in Series Parameters:
No. of Views (Number of MIP images created)
Enter the number of MIP images to create.
Input range: 1 to 360

Start (specification of start position for rotating MIP image)

Rotate (start angle for the Y axis) + Direction
Set the angle for starting the rotation along the Y axis.
Input range: -360 to 360
X axis
Tilt (start angle for the X axis)
+ Direction
Set the angle for starting the rotation along the X axis.
Input range: -360 to 360 Y axis

Increment (specification of amount of change in rotation angle of MIP image)

Rotate (incremental rotation angle for the Y axis)
Set the amount of change in the rotation angle along the Y axis.
Input range: -360 to 360
Tilt (incremental tilt angle for the X axis)
Set the amount of change in the rotation angle along the X axis.
Input range: -360 to 360
Description (Output series name for each series setting page)
Set the series name. Create multiple series setting pages, and make series names for
each series to be created for those pages. Up to 16 characters can be entered.
If left blank, the series name displayed on the card’s tag will be used.

(7) Clipping Parameters

The following parameters are set in Clipping Parameters:

Select the type of area sampling process.
Volume The areas inside the yellow frames displayed on the three Viewports
((A), (B), and (C)) are the target areas for MIP processing. This area is
called Volume. The desired Volume can be achieved by adjusting the
yellow frame. Drag the corners of the yellow frame to change the size of
the Volume. Drag the yellow frame or an area inside it to move the

ROI Areas enclosed by ROI can be clipped. See Operation, Shape, and
Corrections for more information on the methods for setting ROI.

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Select the ROI operations from the following.
Used to take a sample from inside ROI.

Used to take a sample from outside ROI.

Used to move, rotate, or resize ROI.

Used to select the ROI shape.
Free shape ROI

Elliptical ROI

Rectangular ROI

Used to modify an area that has been set using ROI.
Undo Last Used to cancel the last ROI set, and return to the area previously set.

Clear View Used to delete all ROI for the selected Viewport.

Clear All Views Used to delete all ROI.

(8) Image Quality Parameters

The following parameter is set in Clipping Parameters:

Enhanced Quality
Set to ON (pressed in) to create high-quality MIP images.

(9) Update Ortho. Views

The MIP clipping results are applied to the images appearing on the three Viewports ((A),
(B), and (C)).

(10) Hide ROIs

Used to hide ROI.

(11) Reference plane display

This sets a reference plane. A processed MIP image viewed from the set reference plane is
displayed on the lower right viewport (D).
TRS (Transverse)

SAG (Sagittal)

COR (Coronal)

136 Q1E-BM5256
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(12) Selecting Series Setting Pages

Parameters (5) through (10) are used to create 1 series. The area for setting these
parameters is called the Series Setting Page. Multiple series can be created on the Series
Setting Page. At that time, a number appears on the right side of the Series Setting Page
to count the series, starting with “1”.
Click the numbered tab of the desired Series Setting Page to select it.
When image processing starts, the series are created in this order. The progress of the
image creation process is displayed on the card tab and the numbered tab for the Series
Setting Page.
Card tab Series Setting Page tab

Series setting page tab Progress for the MIP series currently being created

(13) Operating Multiple Series Setting Pages

Series setting pages can be added and deleted, and their order can be changed.
A new Series Setting Page is added below the currently selected Series Setting
Page. All parameters for the Series Setting Page added are copied from the
parameters for the Series Setting Page currently selected. Maximum number of the
Series Setting Page is 5

Used to move the selected Series Setting Page up one place in the order.

Used to move the selected Series Setting Page down one place in the order.

Used to delete the selected Series Setting Page. However, if there is only one Series
Setting Page, it cannot be deleted.

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5.3.2 MPR(Multi Planar Reconstruction) ···························································

This function is used to generate and display an image sectioned as desired from multiple
scanned images. MPR can be roughly divided into the following 3 categories.
Parallel MPR: used to generate parallel planar sections
Curved MPR: used to generate curved sections
Radial MPR: used to generate radial planar sections

The screen area for specifying settings for MPR is shown below:

The images are displayed in the Viewport allocation shown below.

(A) (B)

(C) (D)
TRS MPR Image Post-Processing
MPR Image

(1) Defining View

Used to select the MPR image used for determining the position of the slice line.

TRS (Transverse)

SAG (Sagittal)

COR (Coronal)
The slice line specified for (2) Cut set type is displayed on the image selected for
determining position.
If Orthogonal is selected, neither the slice line nor the MPR image for Viewport (D) will
be displayed.
The 3 colored lines indicate the following relationships between planes.
Line Color Meaning Displayed image (Displayed Viewport)

Yellow Section position of COR plane SAG image (B), TRS image (C)

Green Section position of SAG plane COR image (A), TRS image (C)

Red Section position of TRS plane COR image (A), SAG image (B)

138 Q1E-BM5256
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(2) Cut set type

Used to specify the cut plane.
TRS (Transverse)

SAG (Sagittal)

COR (Coronal)




(3) View Direction

Used to specify the view direction of the plane.
Head view

Foot view

View Direction cannot be changed while using Curved MPR.

(4) Clear All

Used to delete curved lines, and allow the drawing of new curved lines. This function can
only be used with Curved MPR.

(5) Slice Ord.

This selects a slice order (in which direction section images are created). If you change
Slice Ord., slice line numbers displayed on a positioning image are sorted in the reverse
F→H From foot to head

H→F From head to foot

R→L From right to left

L→R From left to right

A→P From anterior to posterior

P→A From posterior to anterior

Items that can be set depending on other set values such as one in Cut set type are as

Q1E-BM5256 139
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Cut set type Definig View angle Slice Ord.

TRS - - F->H or H->F

SAG - - R->L or L->R

COR - - A->P or P->A

Oblique 0-45, 136-225, 316-360 R->L or L->R

46-135, 226-315 F->H or H->F

0-45, 136-225, 316-360 A->P or P->A

46-135, 226-315 F->H or H->F

0-45, 136-225, 316-360 R->L or L->R

46-135, 226-315 A->P or P->A

Curve - - Can not be set

Radial - - Can not be set

The last selected slice order is saved by cut set type.

If Slice Ord. is changed, the active cut number is kept unchanged. Therefore, the
image displayed in the vewport of (D) may be changed.
If Defining View has been set to Orthogonal, the slice order cannot be changed.

(6) Parameters
Used to set the parameters for generating MPR images.
The parameters displayed will vary depending on what is selected in Cut set type. The
parameters displayed for each cut set type are shown below.
COR SAG TRS Oblique Curve Radial
number of cuts Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
cut spacing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
thickness Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FOV Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
active cut Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
angle Yes
curve dir. Yes
delta angle Yes
start angle Yes
end angle Yes
Legend Yes: Used parameter
Each parameters are explained below.

140 Q1E-BM5256
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number of cuts
Used to set the number of cut plane.
Input range for Parallel MPR 1 to 999

Input range for Curved MPR 1 to 100

Input range for Radial MPR 1 to 180

However, the input range is variable for Radial MPR, depending on the values for
delta angle, start angle, and end angle.
cut spacing
Used to specify the interval between each plane in units of mm.
Input range: 1 to 100
Used to specify the slice thickness of a cut plane in units of mm.
Input range: 1 to 100
Used to specify the FOV of a cut plane in units of mm.
Input range: 4 to 450
active cut
For multiple cut planes, this is used to specify the number of the image you want to
display in the Viewport for (D).
Input range: 1 to (value specified for number of cuts)
Used to specify the oblique angle of a cut plane.
Input range: 0 to 360 (Clockwise in the Viewport is the + direction, with 12 o’clock
as 0 degrees.)
curve dir.
Used to set additional directions for slice lines. The same number of slice lines is
added to both sides of the curved line drawn. However, if an even number has been
set for the number of cuts, the additional slice line will be on the side of the curve
Input range: 0 to 360 (Clockwise in the Viewport is the + direction, with 12 o’clock
as 0 degrees.)
An example of this setting is shown below.
Slice line drawn by user

number of cuts :5 number of cuts :6

curve dir. :270 curve dir. :315

Q1E-BM5256 141
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delta angle
Used to specify the interval between each plane in units of degrees, when performing
Radial MPR.
Input range: 1 to 179
However, the input range is variable for Radial MPR, depending on the values for
number of cuts, start angle, and end angle.
start angle
Used to specify the start position of the radial slice line, in degrees.
Input range: -360 to +360 (Clockwise in the Viewport is the + direction and
counterclockwise is the - direction, with 12 o’clock as 0 degrees.)
end angle
Used to specify the end position of the radial slice line, in degrees.
Input range: -360 to +360 (Clockwise in the Viewport is the + direction and
counterclockwise is the - direction, with 12 o’clock as 0 degrees.)

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5.4 Data Card

Data Card is used to display, compare, and film multiple image data at the same time.
The image data displayed on these cards can be used as input data for post-process function
cards in the same manner as 2D Cards and 3D Cards.
An outline for the structure of Data Card is shown below.

Patient A Patient A Patient B Patient B

1 2 1 2

Patient C Patient C Patient D Patient D

1 2 1 2

Data Card

2D Card 3D Card

Use the Teaching folder to display image data from different technical studies
(different patients, or different study folders for the same patient) at the same time.
Image data in different technical studies cannot be displayed at the same time in a
normal Patient Folder.

The Data Card screen is shown below.

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Click on the Database button to display Image List screen. Select the desired images (by
Clinical Study or by series) from the image list.
For more information about the Image List screen, see “4.1.4 Database Functions”.
For more information about the selection method for the image list, see “5.4.1 Image List
Selection Method”.
The screen area for specifying Data Card settings is shown below:

(1) Viewport Layout

Used to select the layout for the Viewport.
You can select one of the following layouts: 1×1 (1 flame), 1×2 (2 flames, vertically), 2
×1 (2 flames, horizontally), or 2×2 (4 flames).

(2) Viewport Content

Used to select viewport loaded the input data.
Click one of the buttons (1 through 4) to select a Viewport. Select a input data from
Viewport Content using mouse. Multiple input data can be selected.

(3) Synchronous Scroll

Used to select whether images on other viewports is synchronously changed when
changing an image with the scroll bar.
Off Images on other Viewports are not changed.

On Images on other Viewports are changed simultaneously.

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(4) Output
Used to select the display order for the Review Face.
The relationship between the display orders of selected items on the Control Face and the
Review Face are shown below.
Control Face Review Face (interleaved) Review Face (sequential)
S1 S2 Image 1 for Viewport 1 Image 1 for Viewport 1
I1~… I1~… Image 1 for Viewport 2 Image 2 for Viewport 1
S3 S4 Image 1 for Viewport 3 Image 3 for Viewport 1
I1~… I1~…
Image 1 for Viewport 4 …
Image 2 for Viewport 1 Image 1 for Viewport 2
Image 2 for Viewport 2 Image 2 for Viewport 2
Image 2 for Viewport 3 Image 3 for Viewport 2
Image 2 for Viewport 4 Image … for Viewport 2
… …
The images are displayed in The images are displayed in
this order. this order.

An example Review Face is shown below.

Control Face Review Face (interleaved) Review Face (sequential)
S1 S2 S1 S2 S3 S4 S1 S1 S1 S2
I1~I3 I1~I3 I1 I1 I1 I1 I1 I2 I3 I1
S1 S2 S3 S4 S2 S2 S3 S3
S3 S4 I2 I2 I2 I2 I2 I3 I1 I2
I1~I3 I1~I3
S1 S2 S3 S4 S3 S4 S4 S4
I3 I3 I3 I3 I3 I1 I2 I3

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5.4.1 Image List Selection Method ····································································

Image List Selection Method
Click the display area that indicates the desired data. The selected data is highlighted.

Selection Method for Continuous List

Drag the mouse on the desired lists.

Image Selection Method by Series

Click on the icon ( ) placed the left of the desired list, to display the Series Directory.
Then, click on the desired series.
Click on the icon ( ) once again to hide the Series Directory.

After completing the selection operation, click on the Start button to store the selected image
data to a Data Card.

5.4.2 Image List Deselection Method ································································

To deselect a list, use the same procedure as for selecting a list.

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5.5 Maintenance Card

Maintenance Card is used to check image quality.
The following processing are performed with a Maintenance Card.
SNR (S/N check)
Special Text (Detailed Acquisition Information Display/Change Name of Contrast Agent)

The SNR screen is shown below as an example of a Maintenance Card.


Tabs that display the names of the processing are in the lower left corner of the screen.
Click on the tab to select the desired Maintenance prosesssing.

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5.5.1 SNR (S/N Check) ·····················································································

S/N check is used to calculate the average value and standard deviation for each ROIs, which is
set on the center and four corners of an image, and then use the following equation to find the
S/N ratio.
(S/N Ratio)=

The screen area for specifying settings for SNR S/N checks (for a Maintenance Card) is shown

Display Screen
5 ROIs are displayed on the image. Check the display position of the ROI.
If the display positions for the ROI in the center and the four corners are not appropriate,
click on an ROI to select them and allow them to be moved. Drag the center marker and
move it to an appropriate position.

(1) ROI Display

There are two defaults for the ROI Display.
Click on the Default Selection button to select the desired setting.

(2) Display Units

The display units can be set to mm or pixels.
Click on the Display Units Selection button to select the desired units.

The S/N check processing is started by clicking on the Start button on the Control Face.
The results of the S/N check processing are displayed under Signal-to-Noise Ratio.

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5.5.2 Special Text (Detailed Acquisition Information Display/Change

Name of Contrast Agent) ···································································
Detailed information for acquisition and image reconstruction is displayed on the detailed
acquisition information display.
Modifying of Contrast Agent names can be performed by selecting the name of Contrast Agent
from the registered name list.
The screen area for specifying settings for special text is shown below:

The images and information are displayed in the Viewport allocation shown below.

(A) Detailed
Original Image Acquisition
Page 1

(C) (D)
Detailed Detailed
Acquisition Acquisition
Information Information
Page 2 Page 3

(1) Page 1
Used to select the detailed acquisition information displayed on the right-top Viewport.

(2) Page 2
Used to select the detailed acquisition information displayed on the left-bottom Viewport.

(3) Page 3
Used to select the detailed acquisition information displayed on the right-bottom

(4) Cont. Agent

Used to switch between Detailed Acquisition Information Display Mode and Contrast
Agent Change Mode.
If no image is loaded, you cannot change to the Contrast Agent Change Mode.

(5) Name
Used to select the name of the Contrast Agent.
The name of the Contrast Agent can be selected from the names registered in System
Preferences. For more information about System Preferences and the registration of
Contrast Agent names, see “7.2.4 Card settings”.

Q1E-BM5256 149
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A Contrast Agent name can be selected only when Contrast Agent Change Mode is
selected (when Cont. Agent is ON). Select a Contrast Agent name and click on the Start
button to save the image data.

(6) Cont. Volume

This sets the amount of contrast agent by agent types.
Display Content
Display contents for frmt 1
Name Patient’s name
ID Patient’s ID
Date Study date
Time Study time
Sex Sex
Weight Weight
Age Age
Birth Date Date of birth
Comment Comment
Study Comment Study comment
Patient Comment Patient comment
Orientation Patient orientation
Anatomical Region Anatomical region
Laterality Laterality
Referring Physician Referring physician’s name
Technologist Technologist’s name
Performing Physician Performing physician’s name
Reading Physician Reading physician's name
Primary Care Physician Primary care physician's name
Department Referring department
Institution Name Hospital name
Protocol Name Protocol name
Contrast Agent Contrast agent
Contrast Volume Contrast agent volume
Stopwatch Time Stopwatch time
Series Number Series number

150 Q1E-BM5256
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Display content for frmt 2

Coil Name of coil in use
Scan Time Scan time
Sequence Sequence name
Acquisition Type Acquisition type
Sequence Variant Sequence variant
Scan Options Scan options
Anti-Aliasing Anti-aliasing
Precess Freq Scan center frequency
Slice Plane Slice plane
FOV Filter FOV filter
Slice Thickness Slice thickness
Shot Number Shot number
Dual Slice Dual slice
Display Matrix Display matrix size
Actual Freq # Number of acquisition points in the frequency direction
Actual Phase # Number of acquisition points in the phase direction
FFT Image reconstruction data shift value
Tune (HEX) Scan tuning value
H1 Value RF gain value
Gain (HEX) Scan gain value
No. of Slices Number of multi slices
Multi-Echo Number of multi echo
Position Slice position
Interval Interval between slices
PSAT's Number of presaturations
PSAT1 Pos Presaturation position
PSAT Thickness Presaturation region
Phase Dir. Phase direction
AMI Asymmetric measuring imaging

Q1E-BM5256 151
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Acq. Matrix Acquisition matrix size

Half Echo Half echo
Half Scan Half scan
FOV Field of view
Perc FOV Rectangular field of view
TR Repetition time
TE Echo time
FA Flip angle
TI Inversion recovery time
NSA Number of signals averaged
Actual NSA Actual number of signals averaged

Display content for frmt 3

X Offset X coordinates offset value
Receiver Bandwidth Input signal frequency range
Y Offset Y coordinates offset value
H1 SpoilValue RF spoil phase angle
Procedure Type Procedure type
Wave Type of MTC pulse
Duration Application duration of MTC pulse
RF Amp Application Intensity of MTC pulse
Off-Freq Frequency offset value for MTC pulse
F-sup Amplitude Fat Sup amplitude
EF Number of multi echoes
F-sup OffFreq Fat Sup offset frequency
Echo Time Echo time
Echo Alloc. Echo allocation method
Echo Shift Echo shifts
Breath Hold Breath hold mode
Gate Window Gate window value
Interval R-R cycle
Flow Axis Dir Axis of flow velocity

152 Q1E-BM5256
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Beat Rate Average heart rate

Count Number of synchronous signals
Slice Sequence Slice sequence during synchronous scanning
E.Offset Echo offset value
Multi-Phase Multi phase number
Dynamic Scan Mode Dynamic Scan mode
Trigger Time Trigger time
Truncation Artifact Truncation removal filter
VENC Velocity
Shading Correction Shading correction filter
Strength Shading correction filter strength
Mode Shading correction method
B Factor b-factor value
Diffusion Diffusion mode
Diff GR Dir Application direction for MPG pulse
Diff GR Amp MPG pulse strength
Diff GR Dur Application duration for MPG pulse
Diff GR Intrvl Application interval for MPG pulse

Display content for frmt 4

Frequency Central acquisition frequency [kHz]
Gain (HEX) Acquisition gain value
Tune (HEX) Acquisition tuning value
FFT Image reconstruction data shift value
Coil Name of coil used
RF gain RF gain value
F0 Shift F0 shift
Shim Value Shim value

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5.6 Analysis Card

Analysis Card is used to analyze scanned image data.
The following analyses are performed with an Analysis Card.
Velocity Calculation [optional]
Dynamic Scan Analysis

The Velocity Calculation Processing screen is shown below as an example of an Analysis Card.

Tabs that display the names of analysis processing are in the lower left corner of the screen.
Click a tab to change to the screen of the selected processing.

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5.6.1 Velocity Calculation [optional]···································································

The Velocity Calculation processing is used to calculate the following for a velocity image:
mean velocity value, standard deviation, and the area and pixel count for ROI .
Multiple ROI can be set.

The screen area for specifying settings for velocity calculations is shown below:

(1) Instructions
Explains the operation procedure.

Processing Results Screen

The velocity analysis results display the ROI name, velocity (cm/s), mean pixel value
(mean), standard deviation (Std.Dev.), ROI area (mm2), and pixel count for each ROI.

Processing Target Image

Only images scanned with the Phase Constrast method are targets of the Velocity
Analysis processing. If image data scanned with any method other than the Phase
Contrast method is used, the mean velocity value will not be calculated. However, all
other values will be calculated.

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5.6.2 Dynamic Scan Analysis ···········································································

Dynamic Scan Analysis is used to analyze the changes over time in images obtained from
processing such as dynamic scans.
The Dyamic Scan Analysis processing is made up of the following 3 types of analysis
Signal intensity (normalized display) – time graph processing
This processing is used to compare the value of ROI set on an image to the conditions
both before and after the Contrast Agent was injected, and display the changes over time
of the difference on a graph.
Signal intensity (magnified display) – time graph processing
This processing is used to compare the value of ROI set on an image to the conditions
both before and after the Contrast Agent was injected, and display the changes over time
of the magnification on a graph.
Signal intensity change rate – time graph processing
This processing is used to compare the value of ROI set on an image to the conditions
both before and after the Contrast Agent was injected, and display the speed of the
changes over time on a graph.
The screen area for specifying settings for dynamic scan processing is shown below:

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An example of the processing results is shown below.

(B) Signal Intensity (Normalized Display)
(A) Original Image – Time Graph

(C) Signal Intensity (D) Signal Intensity

(Magnified Display) – Time Graph Change Rate – Time Graph

(1) ROI Copy

Used to copy ROI set on an image to other images as well. Use the Viewport Tool to set
the ROI, and then click this button.The ROI will be set in the same position on other

(2) Edit Axes’ Range

Used to set the range for the vertical and horizontal axes for each graph shown for
Viewports (B), (C), and (D).

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Intensity (%)
Signal Intensity (normalized display) – Used to set the range for time graph (B).
Input range: 0 to 10000
Intensity (Ratio)
Signal Intensity (magnified display) – Used to set the range for time graph (C).
Input range: 0 to 10000
Difference (%)
Signal Intensity Change Rate – Used to set the range for time graph (D).
Input range: 0 to 10000
Use this button to apply the range settings, and close the Edit Axes’ Range screen.
Use this button to close the Edit Axes’ Range screen without applying the range
Used to specify the set range as the initial system values.

(3) Instructions
Displays the operation procedure.

Results of Dynamic Scan Analyses

The following items are displayed on the Dynamic Scan Analysis Results screen:
sequential number (Num.), slice number (Slice Num.), elapsed time set as standard for
first image (Acquisition Time), ROI name, signal intensity, and signal intensity ratio for
each ROI.
If an image obtained through any type of scanning other than dynamic scanning is used,
“Image Number” will be used as the horizontal axis for each graph, rather than “Time”.

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Analysis Data Calculation Methods

① Signal Intensity (normalized display) – time graph processing
Analysis data for each image is found using the calculation method shown for
Formula ①-1.
(Analysis Data) = (image data after the injection of Contrast Agent)
– (image data before the injection of Contrast Agent) [Formula ①-1]
In order to display the anaylisis data on a graph, calculation is performed with the
maximum value for data obtained with the calculation method indicated for
Formula ①-2 is set as 100%, and the minimum value is set as 0%.
(Analysis Data for Each Image) - (Min. Value)
(Analysis Data) = [Formula ①-2]
(Max. Value) - (Min. Value)
② Signal Intensity (magnified image) – time graph processing
Analysis data for the ratio of image data before the injection of Contrast Agent for
all images is calculated using the method shown for Formula ②.
(Image Data after Injection of Contrast Agent)
(Analysis Data) = [Formula ②]
(Image Data before Injection of Contrast Agent)
③ Signal Intensity Change Rate – time graph processing
Analysis data for each image is found using the calculation method shown for
Formula ③-1.
(Image Data for Next Image) - (Image data)
(Analysis Data) =
(Acquisition Time for Next Image) - (Acquisition Time for Image)
[Formula ③-1]
In order to display the analysis data on a graph, calculation is performed with the
maximum value for data obtained with the calculation method indicated for
Formula ③-2 is set as 100%, and the minimum value is set as 0%.
(Analysis Data for Each Image) - (Min. Value)
(Analysis Data) = [Formula ③-2]
(Max. Value) - (Min. Value)

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5.7 Viewport Tools Function

The Viewport Tools are used to perform various image processing on displayed images.
The Viewport Tools screen is shown below.

Static Tools

Tool Sets

The Viewport Tools are made up of the following 2 parts.

Static Tools
Used to perform selected functions independent of image processing functions.
For more information about Static Tools, see “5.7.1 Static Tools”.

Tool Sets
Used to perform the selected image processing functions. Tool Sets includes the
following tools.
Window Width/Level Tool See 5.7.2.
Cine Tool See 5.7.3.
Comment/Annotation Tool See 5.7.4.
Magnify/Shift Tool See 5.7.5.
Region-Of-Interest Tool See 5.7.6.
Rotate/Reverse Image Tool See 5.7.7.
Acquisition Tool See 5.7.8.
Statistics Tool See 5.7.9.
Album Tool See 5.7.10.

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5.7.1 Static Tools ·······························································································

Static Tools are used to perform selected functions independent of image processing functions.

(1) (4)


(1) Maximize Display

Used to display the entire image display region of the currently selected image.
You can switch between maximum display and standard display with a click of the

(2) Scope
Used to select the image to be the target of a processing.
Select the target of the processing from the pull-down menu.
Scope Target of Processing

Image 1 selected image

Echo The same echo image in the series of the selected image

Series Series of the selected image

All Images in all series

If the Scope icon is shaded, this function cannot be selected.

(3) Capture current image

With this function you can capture displayed images. The captured images are saved in a
new series for each series on which capture is performed. However, if you reload and
capture images, those images are stored in a new series different from those that are not
reloaded. You can set whether the captured images are stored as MR or SC (Secondary
Capture) images. For the setting method, see “7.2.2 Display settings”.
The saved images can be displayed in the ImagePreview or sent by DICOM, in the same
manner as for the other images.

Images cannot be captured on the following Viewport:

Images in the Teaching Folder
Images in the Film Tool and ImagePreview
When texts are displayed
When images are maximized

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(4) Display ID Information

Used to switch between displaying/hiding ID data on the image.
You can switch between display mode/hide mode with a click of the mouse.

All preset ID data is displayed

ID data is hidden

For more information about setting the information that appears when supplemental
information is displayed, see “7.2.2 Display settings”.

(5) Delete Annotation/ROI/Line

Used to delete text or graphic information on the image on the current Scope.
A notification message is displayed when this button is clicked. If deletion is confirmed,
the text and/or graphic information on the image is deleted.

(6) Exit Tools

Use this button to exit the Viewport Tools.

162 Q1E-BM5256
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5.7.2 Window Width/Level Tool ·········································································

This function is used to adjust the Window Width and Level of the image.
Click the tab ( ) for the Window Width/Level Tool to display the following screen.

(1) (2)

(3) (5)
(4) (6)

(1) Change Window Width

Used to adjust the Window Width of the image.
Use the slider, or enter a value from the keyboard to adjust the Width.
Use the slider by clicking the areas shown below.
① ① Window Width +1

② Window Width +10

③ ③ Window Width -10

④ ④ Window Width -1

(2) Change Window Level

Used to adjust the Window Level of the image.
Use the slider, or enter a value from the keyboard to adjust the Level.
Use the slider by clicking the areas shown below.
① ① Window Level +1

② Window Level +10

③ ③ Window Level -10

④ ④ Window Level -1

(3) Compute automatic W/L

Used to display a normalized Window Width/Level for the image.
Click this button to display the image at a normalized Window Width/Level.

Q1E-BM5256 163
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(4) Invert gray scale

Used to reverse the gray scale of an image.
The gray scale of the image is reversed each time this button is clicked.

(5) Jump level to ROI mean

Used to calculate and set the Window Level value from the data in the ROI set for the
After setting the ROI in an image, click this button to set the Window Level based on the
maximum and minimum values for the ROI.

(6) Change nonlinear win.

Used to set the Non-Linear Window Width/Level.
Click this button to display the following Non-Linear Window Dialog.

② ③ ④
① Conversion Curve
Drag to set the Window Width/Level.
While dragging, the position of the cursor is displayed as X and Y coordinates.
② Cancel button
Used to exit the screen without applying the settings.
③ Reset button
Used to return the curve to its original value (straight line).
④ Done button
Used to apply the settings and exit the screen.

164 Q1E-BM5256
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(7) Reset to prior state

Used to return the Window Width/Level values for the image to the initial values, and
display the image.
Click this button to return the Window Width/Level values for the image to the initial

Initial values of the window width and level, after post 2D and 3D processing, are as
2D card Same as the original image
3D card (MIP) 1000/500
3D card (MPR) Same as the middle slice

(8) Access Presets

Used this function to register and call for the preset Window Width/Level of an image.
Click this button to display the following Window Width/Level Presets screen.

② ③ ④
① Registration information
Displays the registration name, Window Width/Level, invert gray scale, and
non-linear settings.
If the invert gray scale and non-linear settings have been changed from their default
values, “Y” is displayed. If the default values are used, nothing is displayed.
② Add button
Used to register the current setting values.
③ Delete button
Used to delete the selected registered information.
④ Done button
Used to set the selected registration information for images, and exit the Window
Width/Level Presets screen.

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5.7.3 Cine Tool···································································································

The Cine Tool are used for displaying Cine/slide images.
Click the tab ( ) for the Cine Tool to display the following screen.

(1) (2)



(1) Cine speed (images/sec)

Used to adjust the Cine speed.
Use the slider, or enter a value from the keyboard to adjust the speed.
Use the slider by clicking the areas shown below.
① ① Speed +1

② Speed +10

③ ③ Speed -10
④ ④ Speed -1

(2) Image number

Indicates the Cine display position while a Cine is playing.
While the Cine is paused, you can use the slider to select the image to display. Click the
following areas to use the slider function indicated.
① ① Next image

② 10 images forward

③ ③ 10 images back
④ ④ Previous image

(3) Stop and Start

Used to stop, start, and pause Cines.
Use the mouse to click the stop, start, and pause buttons.

166 Q1E-BM5256
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Stop Cine
Used to stop the Cine
When the Cine is stopped, the Cine’s starting image is displayed.

Start Cine
Used to start the Cine
Pause Cine
When this button is clicked, the Cine pauses at the image currently displayed.
While a Cine is paused, you can use the Cine position slider described in (2)
above to change the image displayed.

When the following operations are performed, the Cine changes from Pause to Stop
and the Cine’s starting image is displayed.
Exiting the Viewport Tool (including events where the Viewport Tool is exited as
a result of other operations)
Changing images on the Viewport
Using Pick Images to select images

(4) Cine mode

Used to select the Cine mode for an image.
Click the desired mode.
Swing mode
Repeatedly moves from the first image to the last image, then from the last image
back to the first image.

Loop mode
Repeatedly moves from the first image to the last image.

(5) Number of images to Cine

Used to set the range of images displayed in the Cine.
Move the mouse to the image displaying either the First or Number value, and use the
keyboard to make the setting.
First First image number displayed by the Cine

Nr. Image number displayed by the Cine

Q1E-BM5256 167
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5.7.4 Comment/Annotation Tool ········································································

The Comment/Annotation Tool are used to enter comments and lines.
Click the tab ( ) for the Comment/Annotation Tool to display the following screen.




(1) Add text

Used to enter a comment.
To enter a comment:
1. Click the button.
2. Move the mouse to the position on the image to enter the comment, and click.
3. Enter a comment from the keyboard.
Press the Enter key to perform a carriage return.
4. After entering a comment, move the mouse outside of the image display area, or
press the Enter key in an empty row.
The Comment/Annotation Tool function ends at that position.
5. To enter another comment, move the mouse to the position on the image where you
want to enter a comment, and click.
You can now enter another comment.

(2) Edit text

Used to edit a comment.
To edit a comment:
1. Click the button.
2. Move the mouse to the row to edit the comment, and click.
3. Edit the comment from the keyboard.
Use the Backspace key to delete the text from the end of the row, and then enter new
text. (Comments can only be edited from the end of the row.) Press the Enter key to
perform a carriage return.

168 Q1E-BM5256
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4. After editing a comment, move the mouse outside of the image display area, or press
the Enter key in an empty row.
The Edit Comment function ends at that position.
5. To edit another comment, move the mouse to the position on the image where you
want to edit a comment, and click.
You can now enter another comment.

(3) Enter Line

This function is used to enter lines.
Click the button of the desired one out of three following types.
Add lines

Add arrow lines

Add double arrow lines

Move the mouse to the start position on the image, and click. (set start point)
Move the mouse to the end position on the image, and click. (set end point)

(4) Move/resize comments

This function is used to move comments and lines.
To move a comment or line:
1. Click .
2. Move the mouse to the comment on the image or the position of the line, click, and
The comment or line will move with the mouse.
To stop moving the comment or line, stop dragging.

(5) Delete Comments

This function is used to delete comments and lines.
To delete a comment or line:
1. Click .
2. Move the mouse to the comment on the image or to the position of the line, and click.
The comment or line will be deleted.

Q1E-BM5256 169
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(6) Set Comments and Lines

This function is used to make settings for comments and lines.
Select comment color
There are 3 types of text color and line color (white, yellow, and red). Click the
mouse to change the colors in the following order, and select the desired color:
white→yellow→red→white …

Select text shadow

There are 4 types of background color for text (no color, gray, white, and black).
Click the mouse to change the background colors in the following order, and
select the desired color: no color→gray→white→black→no color …

Select text size

There are 3 settings for text size. Click with the mouse to change and select the
desired text size.

Select comment attachment

There are 2 types of writing surfaces (image surface, view surface) for text and
lines. Click with the mouse to change between image surface and view surface, to
select the desired writing surface.
image area
If this area is used for writing comments and lines, these comments and lines will
move along with the image when it is moved.
view area
If this area is used for writing comments and lines, these comments and lines will
not move along with the image when it is moved.

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5.7.5 Magnify/Shift Tool ·····················································································

The Magnify/Shift Tool are used to magnify/minify and move images.
To display the following screen, click the tab ( ) for the Magnify/Shift Tools.




(1) Magnify/Minify Image

Used to magnify/minify an image.
To set a width, use the slider, or enter a value from the keyboard.
Use the slider by clicking the areas shown below.
① ① Magnify/Minify rate +0.05
② ② Magnify/Minify rate +0.5
③ ③ Magnify/Minify rate -0.5
④ ④ Magnify/Minify rate -0.05

(2) Move and Magnify/Minify Image

Used to move and magnify/minify an image.
To move an image, drag outside of the triangular range, and move the mouse.
Also, click the arrow buttons at the top, bottom, left, and right to move the image by
the minimum units. Normally, an image is moved one pixel at a time. However, if the
position correction processing for Add/Sub on a 2D Card is selected, the image is
moved 1/8 pixel at a time.
To magnify the image, drag the triangular region at the lower right in the direction of
the upper left corner.
To minify the image, drag the triangular region at the lower right in the direction of
the lower right corner.

Q1E-BM5256 171
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(3) Reset Magnify/Shift

Used to reset the magnify/minify and movement values for an image to the initial values.

Regarding drag adjustments

The operation of Move and Magnify/Minify can be performed using either the
middle and left/right mouse button.
Move While holding the middle and left mouse keys, user will be able to
pan by moving the mouse around.
Magnify While holding the middle and right mouse keys, keep moving the
mouse up to zoom in.
Minify While holding the middle and right mouse keys, keep moving the
mouse down to zoom out.

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5.7.6 Region-Of-Interest Tool ············································································

The Region-Of-Interest Tool is used to make ROI (Region Of Interest) settings on an image.
To display the following screen, click the tab ( ) for the Region-Of-Interest Tool.





(1) Enter ROI

Used to make an ROI setting.
Select the desired ROI form button from the following list.
Rectangular ROI

Elliptical ROI

Free shape ROI

The setting method for ROI is shown below.

[Rectangular or Elliptical ROI]

1. Click the desired ROI form button.
2. Move the mouse to the start position on the image, and click. (set start point)
3. Move the mouse to the end position on the image, and click. (set end point)
Steps 2 to 3 can be repeated to set multiple ROIs.

[Free shape ROI]

1. Click the Free shape ROI form button.
2. Move the mouse to the start position on the image, and click. (set start point)
3. Move the mouse to the next position on the image, and click. (set next point)
Or, drag with the mouse.
When the position for the next point is clicked, it will be connected to the start point
by a line.
If the mouse was used to drag, a line will track the movement of the mouse.

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4. Repeat steps 2 to 3 to create a Free shape ROI.

To edit ROI that have already been set while creating ROI, press the right button on
the mouse to trace a line. The previously set area is deleted, and the new one can be
5. Click the middle mouse button.
The start and end points are connected.
Steps 2 to 5 can be repeated to set multiple ROIs.

(2) Edit ROI

Used to move, resize, rotate, delete, and edit ROI.
Move/Resize/Rotate ROI
Used to move, resize, and rotate an ROI.
To move, resize, or rotate an ROI:
1. Click the Move/Resize/Rotate ROI button.
2. Drag the ROI line.
To move an ROI, drag a point other than the four corners.
To resize, drag one of the four corners of the ROI.
To rotate, drag a click point other than the four corners.
Moving, resizing, and rotation stop when dragging is stopped.

Delete ROI
Used to delete an ROI.
To delete an ROI:
1. Click the Delete ROI button.
2. Click the line of an ROI on the image.
The ROI is deleted.
The ROI can also be deleted by clicking the ROI name.

Edit (Add) ROI

Used to edit (add) the form of a set ROI.
To edit (add) the form of a set ROI:
1. Click the Edit (Add) ROI button.
2. Click the ROI you want to edit.
3. Use the same operation as when setting the Free shape ROI to edit it.

Edit (Delete) ROI

Used to edit (delete) the form of a set ROI.
To edit (delete) the form of a set ROI:
1. Click the Edit (delete) ROI button.
2. Click the ROI you want to edit.
3. Use the same operation as when setting the Free shape ROI to edit it.

174 Q1E-BM5256
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Only rectangular and elliptical ROI can be rotated. Free shape ROI cannot be rotated.

(3) Grouping
Used to group/ungroup multiple ROIs.
Used to group multiple ROIs.
To group multiple ROIs:
1. Click the Group button.
2. Click the ROI you want to group.
Used to disable groups.
To cancel the grouping of an ROI group:
1. Click the Ungroup button.
2. Click the ROI you want to ungroup.

(4) ROI Properties

Used to perform settings and make information displays for the text and lines of ROI.
Text/Line Color Setting Mode
Used to set text/line colors.
To switch among the 3 colors (white→yellow→red→white…), click this
Text Size Setting Mode
Used to set the size for text.
To change the text size, click this button

Q1E-BM5256 175
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ROI Information Display

Used to display information in an ROI.
To display the following ROI Pixel Information screen, click this button, and
then click the number of the ROI on the image.

① ②

Displayed Item

ROI name ROI name

Folder Folder name

Series Number Series Number

Image Number Image Number

Centre [mm] Central coordinates

Perimeter [mm] Perimeter length

Area [mm2] Area

Pixel Count Number of pixels

Minimum [abs.] Minimum value (absolute value)

Minimum [rel.] Minimum value (relative value)

Maximum [abs.] Maximum value (absolute value)

Maximum [rel.] Maximum value (relative value)

Mean [abs.] Mean value (absolute value)

Mean [rel.] Mean value (relative value)

Std. Dev. [abs.] Standard deviation (absolute value)

Std. Dev. [rel.] Standard deviation (relative value)

176 Q1E-BM5256
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① Copy to Image
Used to write ROI information to the image area.
Select and click on the image of the item to write. The item to write is set
as the default. The item to write can also be changed.
A toggle method is used to select the item to write. To deselect the item,
click once again.

② Done
Used to exit the ROI information display.

Copy to Image shortcut

Used to write ROI information to the image area.
To copy the ROI information to an image, click the ROI Statistics button,
and then double-click the ROI on the image.

Q1E-BM5256 177
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5.7.7 Rotate/Reverse Image Tool ······································································

The Rotate/Reverse Image Tool are used to rotate and reverse images.
To display the following screen, click the tab ( ) for the Rotate/Reverse Image Tool.




(1) Rotate Image

Used to rotate an image.
The rotate angle can be set as 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°, or freely set to the desired angle.
To set the angle to 0°, 90°, 180°, or 270°, simply click the button that indicates that angle.
To set the angle to any other value, enter that value from the keyboard.

(2) Reverse Image

Used to reverse an image horizontally or vertically.

Reverse horizontally

Reverse vertically

(3) Reset Image Rotate/Reverse

Used to return a rotated/reversed image to its initial state.
Click to return the image to its initial state.

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5.7.8 Measurement Tool····················································································

The Measurement Tool are used for distance and angle measurement.
To display the following screen, click the tab ( ) for the Measurement Tool.



(1) Measure Distance button

Used to measure a distance.
To measure a distance:
1. Click the Measure Distance button.
2. Move the mouse to the start point of the distance measurement on the image, and
click. (set start point)
3. Move the mouse to the end point of the distance measurement on the image, and
click. (set end point)
The distance between the start and end points is displayed.
Steps 2 to 3 can be repeated to measure the distance in a different location.

(2) Measure Angle button

Used to measure an angle.
To measure an angle:
1. Click the Measure Angle button.
2. Move the mouse to the start point on the image, and click. (set point A)
3. Move the mouse to the second point on the image, and click. (set point B)
4. Move the mouse to the end point on the image, and click. (set point C)
The angle and length of the lines for Line AB and Line BC are displayed.


Steps 2 to 4 can be repeated to measure the angle in a different location.

Q1E-BM5256 179
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(3) Move/resize
Used to move and/or resize a measurement point of distance/angle.
To move or resize the measurement point of distance/angle:
1. Click the Move/resize button.
2. Move the mouse to the measurement line of the distance/angle on the image, and
To move the line, drag a point on the distance/angle other than the ends.
To resize, drag the boxes displayed at the ends of the distance/angle.
Moving, and resizing stop when dragging is stopped.

(4) Delete measurement

Used to delete a measurement line of a distance/angle.
To delete a measurement line of a distance/angle:
1. Click the Delete measurement button.
2. Move the mouse to the position measurement line of the distance/angle on the image,
and click.
The measurement line of the distance/angle is deleted.
Also, clicking the line name of the measurement line will delete the distance and angle
measurement lines.

(5) Caliper Tool

Used to display a caliper on the screen for measurement. With this function, you can
translate, rotate, or clear the caliper.
Displays a line caliper on an image.
Displays a closs-scale caliper on an image. Small graduations are 10mm apart
and large graduations are 50mm apart.
Translates or rotates a caliper on an image/
To rotate a caliper, click this button to depress it, and drag the handle (○) on the caliper.
To translate a caliper, click this button to depress it, and drag the caliper.
Clears a caliper displayed on an image.
To clear a caliper, click this button to depress it, and click the caliper you want to clear.

Calipers are displayed in the Viewport (see 4.2. (1)). Calipers will not be displayed
outside of the Viewport, even if you scroll the image. The calipers will not be
copied into Film Tool even if you click on the Series button or the A. Pos button when
using Film Tool or Snapshot.

Displayed calipers are not changed when the position of the image is changed or the
image is reversed or rotated.

180 Q1E-BM5256
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5.7.9 Statistics Tool····························································································

The Statistics Tool are used to display profiles and histograms.
To display the following screen, click the tab ( ) for the Statistics Tool.



(1) Profile
Used to generate a profile.
To generate a profile:
1. Use the Measure function of Measurement Tool to set the line to create the profile on
the image.
2. Click the Profile button.
3. Move the mouse to the line name for creating the profile on the image, and click.
A screen displaying the profile is displayed.

To exit the Profile display, click the Done button on the Profile screen.

Q1E-BM5256 181
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(2) Histogram
Used to generate a histogram.
The horizontal axis of the histogram is set using the parameters shown below.
Bins Number of bars in a bar graph

First Bin Number of pixels at the start point

Bin Width Range of pixel value/bar

To generate a histogram:
1. Use the Region-Of-Interest Tool to make ROI settings.
2. Click the Histogram button.
3. Click the ROI name for creating a histogram on the image.
A screen displaying the histogram is displayed.

To delete the displayed Histogram, click the Done button on the Histogram screen.

182 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

5.7.10 Album Tool······························································································

The Album Tool are used to make changes to the image display size (Clipping), display gray
scale, display positioning images, display a grid, and display scale.
To display the following screen, click the tab ( ) for the Album Tool.




(1) Clipping
Used to select the method for displaying a square image in the rectangular image display
The clipping button can be set to select or deselect.
Selected Fits square images to the long Display area
dimension of the display area.

Deselected Fits the square image to the short Display area

dimension of the display area

If Selected is used, a portion of the image may not fit into the display area, and
therefore will not be displayed.

Q1E-BM5256 183
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(2) Show Gray Scale

Used to display/hide the gray scale displayed on an image.
You can switch between display and hide with a click of the mouse.

(3) Show Inset

Used to display/hide the positioning image displayed on an image.
You can switch between display and hide with a click of the mouse.

(4) Intersection Lines

Used to display the intersection lines indicating the positional relationships between
Click the Intersection Lines button to display a screen for selecting the series/images
shown below.

⑤ ⑦
⑧ ⑨

① Series Information
Displays the information for all series in the Patient Folder. Select the desired series.
② Next/Previous Series Selection
Used to deselect selected series, and select next and previous series.
③ Image Display
Displays all images within the Patient Folder. Select the desired image.
④ Next/Previous Image Selection
Used to deselect selected images, and select next and previous images.
⑤ Clear All button
Used to clear all selections.
⑥ Select All button
Used to select all items.
⑦ Save button
Used to save images upon which intersection lines have been drawn.

184 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

⑧ Cancel button
Used to exit the screen without applying the changes.
⑨ Done button
Used to apply the changes and exit the screen. Drawn intersection lines remain on the

(5) Display Grid

Used to display a grid on the image.

Hide grid/scale

Display grid (grid interval: large)

Display grid (grid interval: medium)

Display grid (grid interval: small)

Click the button for the desired grid pattern to display it on the image.

(6) Display Scale

Used to display/hide a scale an image.
Click the Display Scale button to select display or hide.
The scale on the image is displayed/hidden.

Q1E-BM5256 185
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186 Q1E-BM5256
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6. Archiving and Restoring

The Archive function is used to write image data in the database to an external memory device
The Restore function is used to read image data from an MOD/DVD into the database.
Click the Patient Selector Tool button ( ), and then click the Archive tab ( ) in
the upper right corner.
You can use either a new MOD/DVD, or one in which folders or Series (image data) have been

MOD and DVD are optional, depending upon the structure of your system.

The Folder Archive and Restore screen is shown below.


(5) (10)
(13) (14)

(1) Set Condition button

The conditions for searching through the data displayed in the list for (2) are specified in
the database.
The conditions for searching through the data displayed in the list for (3) are specified in
the external memory device.
See “2.1.1 Query Condition Screen” for more information on Set Condition.

Q1E-BM5256 187
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(2) Image data in the database

Display a list of the image data stored in the database.

(3) Folders in external memory devices

Displays a list of the folders in the external memory device (MOD/DVD).

(4) Preview button

For the database, display the image in the selected Patient Folder or Series on the Image
For the MOD/DVD, display the image in the selected Patient Folder or Series on the
Image Preview.
For more information about the Image Preview screen, see “2.1.2 Image Preview screen”.

(5) Archive Device

Select the external memory device (MOD/DVD) to be used for archiving and restoring.

(6) Select All button

Use this button to select all folders.

(7) Clear All button

Use this button to deselect all folders.

(8) Sort By button

Use this button to set the display order for Patient Folders.
Click the Sort By button to display the following Job Sort Dialog.

③ ④
① Sort By
Display the sort order.
If multiple attributes are selected, they are prioritized in the order they were selected.
The sorting order of the attributes is changed according to the direction of the arrow
displayed to the left of the attributes. The arrow can be clicked to change its direction.
Selected sort orders cannot be disabled individually. Use the Clear button ③ to
disable all sort orders, and then make your selections again.

188 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Indicates the following types of sorting: alphabetic, smallest value, oldest


Indicates the following types of sorting: reverse alphabetic, largest value,

latest date/time.
② Sort Attributes
Display the sorted attributes.
Patient Name
Patient ID
Study Date and Time
Anatomical Region
Referring Physician
Percent Archived
③ Clear
Use this button to disable all sort settings.
④ Done
Use this button to apply the sort settings, and close the Job Sort Dialog.

(9) Archive button

Use this button to archive folders and the Series in folders.
To begin archiving, select the desired folder or Series, and then click this button.

・ If archiving is performed while a folder is open, the task card information inside
the folder will not be saved. Make sure that folders are closed before archiving
・ To archive images to the MOD initialized with MRP-20, MRP-5000AD, MRP-7000,
and AIRIS is not supported. Do not archive images to the above MOD.

(10) Restore button

Use this button to restore folders and the Series in folders.
To begin restoring, select the desired folder or Series, and then click this button.

Images archived on an MOD using MRP-5000AD, MRP-7000, and AIRIS are for
reference only.

Q1E-BM5256 189
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(11) Initialize button

Use this button to initialize the MOD/DVD, when using a new MOD/DVD or reusing a
used MOD/DVD.

Initializing an MOD/DVD will delete all of the data stored in it.

Click the Initialize button to display the following screen. Enter the Volume Label with
the keyboard.

① ②
① OK button
Use this button to apply the entered Volume Label, and exit the screen.
② Cancel button
Use this button to cancel the entered Volume Label, and exit the screen.

(12) Uninitialize button

Used to perform unintialization. Unintialization is used to return an MOD or DVD that
has been mistakenly initialized to its pre-initialized state. However, uninitialization can
only be performed immediately after initialization has been performed.

・ If after uninitialization the list in the external memory device does not update,
remove the disk from the drive and then insert it again.
・ Disks that have been initialized on the Raw Data Read/Write screen cannot be
uninitialized. See “7.7 Raw Data Read/Write” for more information on the Raw
Data Read/Write screen.

(13) Library Archive/Restore button

Use this button to archive or restore clinical study libraries and card libraries.
For more information about this function, see “7.6 Library Archive/Restore”.

(14) Cancel button

Use this button to exit the Folder Archive and Restore screen.

190 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

7. Function of System Tools Function

The System Tools include functions for specifying settings and for acquiring information related
to the system.
To select one of the System Tools, click the System Tools button ( ) to display the pull-down
menu, and then click the tool.


This chapter explains the following tools:

(1) System Status (See “7.1 System Status”.)

(2) Preferences (See “7.2 Preferences”.)

(3) Stop Watch (See “7.3 Stop Watch”.)

(4) Wave Form (See “7.4 WaveForm”.)

(5) Error Log (See “7.5 Error Log”.)

(6) Library Archive/Restore (See “7.6 Library Archive/Restore”.)

(7) Raw Data Read/Write (See “7.7 Raw Data Read/Write”.)

(8) Version (See “7.8 Version”.)

(9) Diagnostics (See “7.9 Raw Data Save”.)

(10) Snapshot (See “7.10 Snapshot”.)

(11) Quit (See “7.11 Quit”.)

Q1E-BM5256 191
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

7.1 System Status

The System Status tool displays the system status
The System Status screen is shown below.





(5) (6)

(1) Server State

Display the server state if a server abnormality has occurred.
Nothing is displayed if the server is operating normally.

(2) Coil Status

Display the coil status.
Coil Status
The status during the acquisition of coil information is displayed.
OK Acquisition of coil information was successful.
NG Acquisition of coil information failed.
Coil Name
Display the name of the currently connected coil.
Nothing is displayed if the acquisition of coil information failed (when the coil is not

192 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(3) Scanner Status

Display the status regarding MR scanning.
Scanner Status
Display the acquisition of the MR scanning status.
OK Acquisition of the status was successful.
NG Acquisition of the status failed.
Magnet Type
Display the magnet type for the device.
PM Permanent magnet type
Fe Status
Display the front end processor status.
NOT_READY The front end cannot be operated.
READY The front end can be operated.
System Status
Display whether MR imaging can be performed.
NOT_READY MR imaging cannot be performed.
READY MR imaging can be performed. (The front end can be
operated, and all MR units are normal.)

The following indicate the same state: READY in Fe Status, and CPU_READY lamp
is on.
The following indicate the same state: READY in System Status, and MR_READY
lamp is on.

Scanner Units
Display detailed information for MR units.
Click the buttons on the right side to display the detailed information. If the
Ready Status is “Yes 0”, operation is normal. If it is “No ***” (where *** is the
status code), the operation is abnormal.
The following items are displayed.
1. RF
2. Heater Cont.
3. Field Comp

Q1E-BM5256 193
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(4) System Status

Display the status regarding the system.
System Status
Display the transmission status with the server for status acquisition related to the
current system.
SCNRQ_OK Acquisition of status was successful.
NG Acquisition of status failed.
Head View
Use to set the Field of View direction for the head TRS image.
Select from one of the following.
TOP Displays an image as seen from the head.

BOTTOM Displays an image as seen from the feet.

Auto Voice
Use to set the Auto Voice.
This function is not yet supported.

(5) Update button

Use to update the information for the system status display.

(6) Dismiss button

Use to exit the system status display.

194 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

7.2 Preferences
The Preferences tool is used to specify system settings. You can use the Preferences tool to do
the following:
Register names
Specify display settings
Specify Filming settings
Specify Task Card settings
Specify system settings
7.2.1 Registering names ···················································································
Using this function, you can register the names of performing physicians, technologists, reading
physicians, primary care physicians, referring departments, and referring physicians.
The function adds the names of performing physicians, technologists, reading physicians,
primary care physicians, referring departments, and referring physicians that can be selected
when registering a patient.
To display the People/Names screen, click the People/Names tab ( ).

The People/Names screen is shown below.

(1) (1)
(2) (2)

(1) (1)
(2) (2)

(1) (1)
(2) (2)

(3) (5) (6) (4)

Q1E-BM5256 195
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

The People/Names screen is structured as shown below.

Performing Physicians Technologists

Reading Physicians Primary Care Physicians

Departments Referring Physicians

(1) Add button

Use this button to add names.
To add a name:
1. Click Add.
A blank for adding a name is added.
2. Click the input area (the newly added blank).
3. Enter a name with the keyboard.
4. Press the Enter key.
The input data is applied.

(2) Delete button

Use this button to delete a name.
To delete a name:
1. Click the name to be deleted.
The Delete button for that item is enabled.
2. Click the Delete button.
The name is deleted.

(3) Institution Name

Use this text box to register the name of the institution.

(4) Station Name [optional]

Use this text box to register the name of the station.

(5) Cancel button

Use this button to cancel the registration of a name, and exit the screen.

(6) Done button

Use this button to register a name, and exit the screen.

196 Q1E-BM5256
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7.2.2 Display Settings························································································

The Display Settings tool is used to set the parameters for the display.
To display the Viewing screen, click the Viewing tab ( ).

The Viewing screen is shown below.







(7) (8)

(1) Album Gray Scale Bar

Use to set the type of gray scale.
Select the desired gray scale.
Discrete 16-level gray scale

Continuous Continuous gray scale

(2) Album Caliper

Used to display or hide the Line Caliper when creating a new card.
Off Hides the Line Caliper.

On Displays the Line Caliper.

(3) Window Level

Scaled Window/Level
Use to regulate the window width/level for the image display.

Q1E-BM5256 197
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Direct Window/Level Sensitivity

Use to set the amount of change in Window Width/Level corresponding to the mouse
movement, for when using the middle mouse button to change the Window
Width/Level of an image.
The smaller the value, the smaller the sensitivity for Window Width/Level. The
larger the value, the greater the sensitivity.
Input range: 0.1 to 9.9.

(4) Image Text

Use to specify whether to show/hide the supplementary information displayed with
Show Selected Items
Use to show items that are hidden.
Select the items to be shown, and click the button.
Hide Selected Items
Use to hide items that are displayed.
Select the items to be hidden, and click the button.
The supplementary information displayed with each image is shown below.
(# indicates the layout, shown on p. 200.)
# Displayed Item System Preferences Remarks
(A) Patient name PatientName
(B) Sex Sex M, F, O display
(C) Age PatientAge
(D) Weight PatientWeight
(E) Patient ID PatientId
Laterality Laterality
Anatomical Region AnatomicalRegion
Acquisition Type AcquisitionType 2D/3D display
Sequence Name Sequence
Repetition time TR
Inversion Time TI
Echo time TE
Half Echo EchoReduction er display
Flip Angle FA
Rephase FlowReduction FC display
Average Heart Rate/Average
(I) HeartRate
Respiration Rate
(J) Sequence Change Sequence SK, MTC, SSP display

198 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

# Displayed Item System Preferences Remarks

(K) Slice Plane SlicePlane
(L) Field of Vision FOV
(M) Slice Thickness SliceThickness
(N) Patient Orientation PatientOrientation
Acquisition Matrix AcquisitionMatrix
Half Scan PhaseReduction pr display
(P) Scan Options ScanOptions
RAPID,PAPE display
(Q) Slice number MultiSliceNumber
(R) Dual Slice DualSlice DS display
(S) Dynamic Number DynamicNumber
(T) Number of Averages NumberOfAverages
(U) Echo Number MultiEcho
(V) Image Type Type
(W) Acquisition Date AcquisitionDate
(X) Acquisition Time AcquisitionTime
(Y) Scan time ScanTime
(Z) Stopwatch Time Stopwatch
(a) Contrast Agent Type ContrastType
(b) Contrast Agent Volume Contrast Volume
(c) Contrast Agent Mark ContrastMark C mark display
(d) Phase Direction PhaseEncoding Arrow display
b-factor value b-factor
Speed Sensitivity ObjectSpeed
Echo Factor EchoFactor
Echo Acquisition K-SpaceOrder
AD display
Echo Shift Number K-SpaceShift
Shot Number ShotNumber
Flow Encode Direction FlowAxisDirection
(g) Display Matrix DisplayMatrix
(h) Series Name SeriesName
(i) Patient Comment PatientComment

Q1E-BM5256 199
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

# Displayed Item System Preferences Remarks

(j) Study Comment StudyComment
(k) Detailed Card Information CardDescription
Slice Location SliceLocation
MIP Rotation Angle RotateTilt
(m) Image Process ProcType
(n) Presaturation Number Presat
(o) Magnification Zoom
(p) System Model Name SystemType
Window Width WindowWidth
Window Level WindowLevel
(r) Hospital Name HospitalName

The layout of the supplementary information displayed for each image is shown below.

(A) (W) (X)

(B) (C) (D) (Y)
(E) (F) (d) (Z)
(G) (H) (I) (J) (a)
(K) (L) (M) (N) (b)
(O) (P) (c)
(Q) (R) (S)
(U) (V)

(h) (n)
(i) (o)
(e) (j) (p)
(f) (k) (q)
(g) (l) (r)

200 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(5) Slice Cross Mark

Used to set the behavior of the slice line.
Used to set the size of cross marks included in the slice lines of the scan images on
the scan card. Select the desired size from the following 2 sizes: Small and Large.
Used to display or hide the slice line when operating the mouse.
Select ON to display the slice line, and OFF to hide it.

Slice Cross Mark settings are enabled by rebooting the system.

(6) Viewport Capture Image Type

Select an image format for saving images created by the capture tool.
MR Select this format when you perform additional processing on
stored images, such as post-processing, changes in the Window
Width/Level, magnification or minification, etc.
SC(Secondary Capture) Select this format when you display images in other systems.
You can change only the window level and width of the
images stored in this format. Functions other than the Window
Level/Width change function, such as the Viewport Tool
function or post-processing, are not available.

(7) Cancel button

Use this button to cancel the display settings, and exit the screen.

(8) Done button

Use this button to save the display settings, and exit the screen.

Q1E-BM5256 201
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

7.2.3 Filming settings·························································································

This function is used to set the parameters for filming.
To display the Filming screen, click the Film tab ( ).

The Film screen is shown below.




(4) (5)

(1) Imager
Used to select the imager to connect.
Select the imager to connect.
If the imager is changed, the system will restart after the user clicks the Done button in
System Preferences.

(2) Quality
Used to set the film output quality.
Select the desired quality from the following 4 output qualities: Low, Medium,
Medium-High and High. Quality improves the closer you set the setting to High.
If High is selected, the film quality will improve, but the filming time will increase. This
is because the amount of data after correcting the image in the device is increased.

(3) Layout
Used to make the initial layout settings for film output to the imager. Layout settings will
be used as the initial layouts for when using FilmTool and Snapshot.
Click the Sheet Layout button to display the Layout Selection screen.

202 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

The Layout Selection screen is shown below.

Select the desired layout, and click the Done button.

Cancel Used to cancel without changing the layout, and exit the Sheet Layout
Selection screen.

Done Used to set the layout changes, and exit the Sheet Layout Selection screen.

(4) Cancel button

Use this button to cancel the filming settings, and exit the screen.

(5) Done button

Use this button to save the filming settings, and exit the screen.

Q1E-BM5256 203
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

7.2.4 Card settings ····························································································

This function is used to set the parameters for a card.
To display the screen for the Card Settings tool, click the System tab ( ).

The Task Card screen is shown below.




(4) (5)

(1) MIP Default Settings

Used to set the defaults for MIP processing.
Used to select the type of 3DAI (3D Adaptive Imaging) used as the default. The
3DAI that is set here becomes the default 3DAI for 3D cards created using the
system default.
Enhanced Quality
Used to set the quality for MIP images. Set to ON to create high-quality MIP images.
When set to ON, the creation speed will be slower than when set to off.

204 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(2) Contrast Agents

Used to set the name of the contrast agent.
Used to add contrast agent names.
Click Add, to add a blank space for entering the name of a contrast agent. Click the
blank space, and enter the name of the contrast agent from the keyboard. Press the
Enter key to apply the entered data.
Used to delete the name of a contrast agent.
Click the name of the contrast agent you want to delete. The Delete button becomes
enabled. Click the Delete button to delete the name of the contrast agent.

(3) TaskCard Auto Archive Setting

Use this button to set whether to use the Auto Archive function.
Clinical Study
Select this to save images with a card when performing auto archiving.
Used to specify the external memory device (MOD/DVD) to use as the save
destination when performing auto archiving.

The external memory device selection is not enabled when the system is configured
with only one external memory device (MOD/DVD).

(4) Cancel button

Used to cancel the parameter settings for the card, and exit the screen.

(5) Done button

Used to save the parameter settings for the card, and exit the screen.

Q1E-BM5256 205
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

7.2.5 System Settings························································································

The System Settings tool is used to set the parameters for the system.
To display the screen for the System Settings tool, click the System tab ( ).

The System screen is shown below.









(9) (10)

(1) Weight Units

Use to set the units for patient weight.
Select from one of the following.
Kilograms Use to set kilograms as units.

Pounds Use to set pounds as units.

(2) Preferred Registration Age Input

Use to set the input method for the patient's age.
Select from one of the following.
Birth Date Use to enter the patient’s date of birth.

Age Use to enter the patient’s age.

(3) Accession Number Availability

Use to specify whether to display/hide the accession number.
When using accession numbers as information for managing studies, select ON. If ON is
selected, an input field for the accession number will appear on the New Patient
Registration screen and the Patient Edit screen.

206 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(4) Patient ID Auto Increment

On the New Patient Registration screen, set whether to automatically set patient IDs.
If On is selected, the ID# on the Patient Registration screen will be automatically set
when a new patient is registered.
When a new patient ID is set, the value is determined by increasing the numeral farthest
to the right in the previously registered patient ID by 1. If the previous patient ID contains
no numerals, the same value will be used again. Only numerals are increased in this way.
Examples of newly registered patient IDs when Patient ID Auto Increment is set to On
are shown below:
Previously registered patient ID Patient ID set for new registration

000000000235 000000000236

999999999999 000000000000

MR000000235A MR000000236A

20FEB2004_03 20FEB2004_04

20FEB2004_99 20FEB2004_00


(5) Clock Style

Use to set the display format for the clock.
Analog Use to display an analog clock.

23:59:59 Use to display a digital clock. (24-hour clock, with seconds displayed)

23:59 Use to display a digital clock. (24-hour clock, without seconds displayed)

12:59:59 PM Use to display a digital clock. (12-hour clock, with seconds displayed)

12:59 PM Use to display a digital clock. (12-hour clock, without seconds displayed)

(6) Inactive Screen Blanking

Use to specify settings for the screen saver.
Idle Time: in units of minutes
Use to set the time for starting the screen saver.
This setting is enabled when Blanking Off is not selected.
Input range: 1.0 to 10.0.
Blanking Off
Use to disable the screen saver.
Select this box when you do not want to use the screen saver.

Q1E-BM5256 207
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

If Blanking Off is selected, displaying the same image for a long time could damage
the computer display.

(7) Cursor
Used to set the size of the cursor.
Select the desired size from the following 3 sizes: Normal, Medium and Large.

(8) Mouse Movement Acceleration

Use to set the movement of the mouse.
Fast Speed
Use to set the coefficient for the relationship between the speed the mouse is moved
and the movement of the cursor.
The larger this value, the greater that movement of the mouse will move the cursor.
Input range: 1.1 to 5.0.
Distance Moved before Acceleration
Use to set the mouse movement pixel distance before acceleration.
The smaller the value, the faster the mouse will accelerate with minor mouse
Input range: 5 to 50.

(9) Cancel button

Use this button to cancel the system settings, and exit the screen.

(10) Done button

Use this button to set the new information for the system, and exit the screen.

208 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

7.3 Stop Watch

The Stop Watch tool is used to specify settings for the stopwatch.

The Stopwatch screen is shown below.


(3) (4)

(1) Async (Asynchronous)

Use to operate the stopwatch asynchronously with scanning.
To perform scanning asynchronously with the stopwatch:
1. Click Async to select it ( ).
2. Click the START button.
The stopwatch will start.
While the Stop watch is running, the elapsed time for the stopwatch at the start time
will be entered in the ID information for the image.
When scanning by repeated acquisition, such as for Dynamic Scan or Fluoroscopy
(optional), the elapsed time for the stopwatch at each start time for scanning will be

(2) Sync (Synchronous)

Use to operate the stopwatch synchronously with scanning.
To synchronize the stopwatch with scanning:
1. Click Sync to select it ( ).
2. Click the START button.
The stopwatch will enter the Wait status.
3. Click the acquisition Start button.
The stopwatch will start simultaneously with the start of acquisition.
When the acquisition interval for Dynamic Scan (Manual) or Dynamic Scan (Auto) is
sufficiently long and “Dynamic Wait” is displayed, sychronization with the stopwatch is
possible even in the middle of a scan.
When performing scan with short acquisition intervals, such as Fluoroscopy (optional),
sychronization is not possible in the middle of a scan.

(3) START button

Use this button to start the stopwatch function.

(4) Dismiss button

Use this button to stop the stopwatch function, and exit the screen.

Q1E-BM5256 209
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7.4 WaveForm
The WaveForm tool is used to display the waveforms of electrodes and sensors connected to the

The WaveForm screen is shown below.

Normal display mode Reduced display mode
(1) (3)
(2) (4)
(5) (8)


(1) ECG
Use to display an electrocardiogram and the patient’s heart rate. Select this function
when electrocardiogram electrodes have been attached to the patient.

(2) Pulse
Use to display the patient’s pulse and heart rate. Select this function when pulse sensors
have been attached to the patient.

(3) Resp
Use to display the patient’s respiration waveform and respiration rate. Select this
function when respiration sensors have been attached to the patient.

(4) JOMO
This function is not supported.

(5) Gating Waveforms

Display the waveform of the selected item.

(6) Change to the small window button

Turns the Wave Form screen to reduced display mode.

(7) Large Window button

Turns the Wave Form screen to normal display mode.

(8) Done button

Use this button to exit the waveform display.

210 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

7.5 Error Log

The Error Log tool is used to display the Error Log.
You can select and display Error Logs for the previous 10 sessions the system has been started.

The Error Log screen is shown below.



(1) File
Use to select the Error Log to display.
Error Log file names are shown below.
File Name Content

Error.LOG Error Log for the system currently running

Error.LOG.0 Error Log for the system from one session previous

Error.LOG.1 Error Log for the system from two sessions previous

: :

Error.LOG.9 Error Log for the system from 10 sessions previous

(2) Done button

Use this button to exit the Error Log display.

Q1E-BM5256 211
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

7.6 Library Archive/Restore

The Library Archive/Restore tool is used to archive or restore clinical study libraries and card
You can use either a new MOD/DVD, or one on which folders or series (image data) have been
Click the tabs at the top of the screen to switch between the Clinical Study Library and Task
Card Library pages.

The Library Archive/Restore screen (containing the Clinical Study Library and Task Card
Library pages) is shown below.

(1) (2)


(3) (8)


(10) (11) (12)

(1) Clinical Study Library

Click this button to archive and/or restore a clinical study library.

(2) Task Card Library

Click this button to archive and/or restore a task card library.

(3) Select All button

Use this button to select all libraries.

212 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(4) Clear All button

Use this button to deselect all selections.

(5) Archive button

Use this button to archive clinical study libraries and card libraries.
To begin archiving, select the desired folder or series, and then click this button.

(6) Restore button

Use this button to restore clinical study libraries and card libraries.
To begin restorting, select the desired folder or series, and then click this button.

(7) Archive Device

Select the external memory device (MOD/DVD) to be used for archiving and restoring.

(8) Initialize button

Use this button to initialize an MOD/DVD.

Initializing an MOD/DVD will delete all of the data stored in it.

This action should be performed when using a new MOD/DVD, or when reusing a used
Click the Initialize button to display the following screen. Use the keyboard to enter the
volume label (the name to add to the MOD/DVD).

① ②
① OK button
Use this button to apply the entered volume label, and exit the screen.
② Cancel button
Use this button to cancel the entered volume label, and exit the screen.

(9) Uninitialize button

Used to perform uninitialization. Uninitialization is used to return an MOD or DVD that
has been mistakenly initialized to its pre-initialized state. However, uninitialization can
only be performed immediately after initialization has been performed.

Q1E-BM5256 213
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

If after uninitialization the list in the external memory device does not update,
remove the disk from the drive and then insert it again.
Disks that have been initialized on the Raw Data Read/Write screen cannot be
uninitialized. See “7.7 Raw Data Read/Write” for more information on the Raw
Data Read/Write screen.

(10) Help button

Use this button to display the procedures for archiving, restoring, and initializing.

(11) Cancel button

Use this button to cancel the archive/restore operations for a library.

(12) Done button

Use this button to close the Library Archive/Restore screen. If you click this button
during Archive or Restore processing, that processing will continue even after the screen
has closed.

214 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

7.7 Raw Data Read/Write

The Raw Data Read/Write tool is used to save Raw Data stored on a magnetic disk to an
MOD/DVD. It is also used to save Raw Data stored on an MOD/DVD to a magnetic disk. For
more information about saving Raw Data created by MR imaging to a magnetic disk, see “7.9
Raw Data Save”.

The Raw Data Read and Write screen is shown below.




(6) (7)

(9) (10) (11) (12)

(1) Select an Operation/Device

Used to select Read/Write operations and the external memory device (MOD/DVD) to
use as the write destination/read source.
Write Used to write from a magnetic disk to the selected external memory device.

Read Used to read from the selected external memory device to a magnetic disk

MOD Used to set an MOD as the target of the operation.

DVD Used to set a DVD as the target of the operation.

(2) File Set Name

Use to enter the name of the fileset used when writing from a magnetic disk to an
Fileset names are used as storage names when reading to a magnetic disk.

Q1E-BM5256 215
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(3) File Set Description

Use to enter a file description, which is used when writing from a magnetic disk to an

(4) Raw Data File List

Display a list of what is stored on a magnetic disk (Raw Data files).
Select the desired Raw Data file from this list when writing from a magnetic disk to an
Multiple Raw Data files can be selected simultaneously. You can switch between
selection and deselection with a click of the mouse.

(5) Archived Raw Data File Sets

Display a list what is stored on an MOD/DVD (fileset).
Select the desired fileset from this list when reading from an MOD/DVD to a magnetic
disk. Only one fileset can be selected at a time.

(6) Volume Label

Display the volume label of the MOD/DVD.

(7) Free Space

Display the free space on the MOD/DVD.

(8) Initialization
Use to initialize a new MOD/DVD, or when reusing a used MOD/DVD.
Enter label
Use to enter the volume label for an MOD/DVD.
Use this button to initialize an MOD/DVD.

(9) Help button

Use this button to display the help file for this function.

(10) OK button
Use this button to implement writing from a magnetic disk to an MOD/DVD, or reading
from an MOD/DVD to a magnetic disk.

216 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

The following notification message is displayed if all free space on an MOD/DVD

becomes used up while writing to it.

Click the Done button, and then replace the MOD/DVD. Once the MOD/DVD has
been recognized, click the Continue button.
To use a new MOD/DVD, it must first be initialized. After switching the MOD/DVD,
enter a volume label before clicking the Continue button. This procedure is not
required for an MOD/DVD that has already been initialized.

(11) Continue button

Use this button to continue a processing after MOD/DVD are switched, when using
multiple MOD/DVD for writing from a magnetic disk to an MOD/DVD and/or reading
from an MOD/DVD to a magnetic disk.

(12) Done button

Use this button to exit the Raw Data Read and Write screen.

7.8 Version
The Version tool is used to display the version of the software.

The Version screen is shown below.


(1) Done button

Use this button to exit the Version screen.

Q1E-BM5256 217
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

7.9 Raw Data Save

The Raw Data Save tool is used to save Raw Data, created with MR imaging, to a magnetic disk.
The tool can be used to save data that has been saved to a magnetic disk, to an MOD/DVD. For
more information about the method for saving data on magnetic disks to MOD/DVD, see “7.7
Raw Data Read/Write“.

The Raw Data Save screen is shown below.



(11) (12) (13) (14)

(1) Raw Data List

Display the Raw Data lists saved to a magnetic disk, in the following formats.
Raw Data file name Date saved Time saved Raw Data information

(2) Delete button

Use this button to delete the selected Raw Data from a magnetic disk.
To delete the selected Raw Data from a magnetic disk:
1. Click the desired Raw Data file from the Raw Data list.
The selected Raw Data file is highlighted in black. (This indicates that the file has
been selected.)
To delete a selection, click the selected Raw Data.
Multiple items of Raw Data can be selected.
2. Click the Delete button.
Only the selected Raw Data is deleted.

218 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(3) Select All button

Use this button to select all displayed Raw Data.
If all items are selected, they will all become deselected.

(4) Dynamic No.

Use to enter the acquisition number for the dynamic scan to be saved to the magnetic

(5) Echo No.

Use to enter the echo number for the Multi Echo to be saved to the magnetic disk.

(6) Sequence No.

Use to enter the sequence number for the Multi Sequence (PC Acquisition) to be saved to
the magnetic disk.
1 Original image sequence

2 R-L axis image sequence

3 A-P axis image sequence

4 H-P axis image sequence

(7) Slice No.

Use to enter the slice number for the Multi Slice to be saved to the magnetic disk.

(8) Comment
Use to add original information to Raw Data.
Enter a character string of no more than 16 characters with the keyboard.

(9) Channel
Use to select the receiver channel number for the MAC (Multiple Array Coil: optional) to
be saved to a magnetic disk.
When not using a MAC, select 1.

(10) Status Display

Display the status of the function.
Message Meaning

You can save at any time. Raw Data can be saved.

After scanning, push Refresh No Raw Data exists in the system memory, since scanning has
button. not been performed in this computer session. Click the Refresh
button after scanning.

Progress */* Saving is in progress. The saving progress is displayed in one

of the following formats.
Save slice no./number of all saves

Saving Completed. The Raw Data has been saved without error.

Q1E-BM5256 219
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(11) Save button

Use this button to save Raw Data in system memory to a magnetic disk. While saving, the
progress is displayed as the number of slices. The name of the Raw Data saved is
When repeatedly saving MR imaging, click the Refresh button after every scan. Also,
only one Raw Data can be saved. Therefore, it is necessary to back up all Raw Data to an

There is a limit to saving capacity. If the following warning message is displayed,

click the OK button and then perform the procedures instructed.

(12) Pause button

Use this button to pause the saving of Raw Data. Saving cannot be paused when there is
only 1 slice, or when the final slice is being saved.
The following message is displayed when you click Pause.

Continue button
Click this button to continue the pause.
Stop button
Click this button to stop the save.
However, the slices saved up until the point the processing was stopped will remain
saved. If a Raw Data file is not necessary, use the procedure in "(2) Delete" to delete

220 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(13) Refresh button

Use this button to update the scanning conditions information regarding Raw Data.
Be sure to click this button each time the scan conditions are changed.

If the information is not updated, Raw Data will not be saved correctly.

(14) Done button

Use this button to exit the Raw Data Save screen.

Q1E-BM5256 221
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

7.10 Snapshot
The Snapshot tool is used to perform film processing.
Filming processes using Snapshot are performed on multiple Study Folders and multiple Task

The Film Tool - Snapshot screen is shown below.

(1) (2) (3) (4)(5) (6) (7)

(8) (9)


(10) (11)
(12) (13)

(14) (17)
(15) (16)

(18) (19)
Lays out and outputs images in the (a) region (sheet). An area in the sheet, where each images is
laid out, is referred to as frame. In the figure above, there are 12 frames (4 × 3) in one sheet.

(1) Frame
Use this button to layout the image in the desired frame.
To display the selected image in the frame, select the image on the desired card, select the
desired frame on the sheet, and then click the Frame button.

(2) Page
Use this button to layout an image in frame 1, using the layout displayed on the card.

222 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

To display the image displayed on the desired card in frame 1, select the desired image on
the card, select the desired frame for layout, and then click the Page button.

(3) Series
Use this button to layout series images of the desired card in order in a frame.
To display the desired series images in order on the sheet, select the desired image on the
card, select the desired frame to begin the layout, and then click the Series button.

(4) Seq
Use this button to layout the images displayed on the desired card in order in a frame.
To display the images displayed on the desired card in order on the sheet, select the
desired image on the card, select the desired frame to begin the layout, and then click the
Seq button.

(5) A. Pos
Use this button to layout all images of the desired card in a frame.
Select the desired image on the card, and then click the A. Pos button. The images are
displayed on the sheet according to the details set in Film Options.

(6) Scano
Use this button to layout the positioning image for the images of the desired card in a
To display the positioning image in frame 1, select the desired image on the card, click
the desired frame for layout, and then click the Scano button.

(7) Text
Use this button to layout the acquisition information (text) for the series of images
displayed on the desired card in a frame.
To display the acquisition information in frame 1, select the desired image on the card,
select the desired frame for layout, and then click the Text button.
The contents of the displayed acquisition information is shown below.
Patient Name
Patient ID
Patient Birthdate
Patient Age
Patient Sex
Patient Weight
Study Date
Study Time
Hospital Name
Anatomical Region
Series Name
Sequence Type

Q1E-BM5256 223
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Scan Options
Repetition Time[TR]
Echo Time[TE]
Inversion Time[TI]
Flip Angle[FA]
Flow Compensation[FC]
Field of View
Slice Plane
Number of Signals Averaged
Echo Factor
Shot Number
Acquisition Matrix
Display Matrix
Slice Thickness
Slice Coverage
Slice Number
Dual Slice
Scan Time
Patient Orientation
Contrast Type
Referring Physician
Performing Physician
Reading Physician
Primary Care Physician

(8) Zoom
Use to set the magnification rate of images to be output.
Move the mouse to Zoom, and then either enter a value with the keyboard, or click the
▲▼ buttons to set the magnification.
This value is also used as the setting for the A. Pos button.

(9) Copies
Use to set the number of copies of film to be output.
Move the mouse to Copies, and then either enter a value with the keyboard, or click the
▲▼ buttons to set the number of copies.

224 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(10) Film Options

Use this button primarily to make the settings for when using A. Pos.
Click the Film Options button to display the following screen.

Echo Split
This function is used to layout only the same echo images within the series of the
selected image.
Move the mouse pointer to Echo Split, and then click to either select or deselect.
This function is enabled only for the Series button and the Seq button.
After Selected
This function is used to set the selected image and all following images as targets for
Move the mouse to After Selected, and then click to either select or deselect.
This function is enabled only for the Series button and the Seq button.
Use to set the layout conditions for the positioning image.
Click Scanogram to display the pull-down menu.
Select the desired setting.
None Layout of positioning image is not performed.

Each Page Layout of positioning image is performed for each page.

Each Series Layout of positioning image is performed for each series.

Text Page
Use to set the layout conditions for acquisition information.
Click Text Page to display the pull-down menu.
Select the desired setting.
None Layout of acquisition information is not performed.

Each Page Layout of acquisition information is performed for each page.

Each Series Layout of acquisition information is performed for each series.

Q1E-BM5256 225
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

New sheet
Use to set the condition for creating a new sheet.
Click New sheet to display the pull-down menu.
Select the desired setting.
None No conditions for creating a new sheet are set.

Echo/Series A new sheet is created for each echo number and series.

Series Used to create a new sheet for each series.

The positioning image is displayed on the image.
Move the mouse to Insets, and then click to either select or deselect.
Use to set the layout for a frame.
Click the Frame button to display the Frame Layout screen.
Set the desired layout.
Display the combined results for frame layout and sheet layout.
This is the frame actually output to the film.
Cancel button
Use this button to exit the Film Options screen without making changes to the Auto
Film settings.
Done button
Use this button to apply the changes to the Auto Film settings, and exits the Film
Options screen.

226 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(11) Sheet Layout

Use this button to set the layout for film to be output to the imager.
This layout is also used as the setting for the A. Pos button.
Select the desired layout, and click the Done button.

Use this button to exit the Layout Selection screen without changing the layout.
Use this button to change the layout, and exit the Layout Selection screen.

When you change formats, if frames with the previous layout include more contents than
one page of the new layout, new pages are added automatically. An example is shown
below, where the format of all frames is changed from 3x3 to 2x2:
Before change After change
I1 I2 I3
I1 I2 I5 I6 I9
I4 I5 I6
I3 I4 I7 I8
I7 I8 I9

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3

If a page includes only positioning images (Scano) and measurement information

(Text) after the change, the page is not added. For example, if l9 shown above
includes only positioning images or measurement information, the third page is not

Q1E-BM5256 227
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(12) Priority
Use to set the priority for outputting data to the imager.
Click Priority to display the pull-down menu. Set the desired priority. If no selection is
made, the default is Normal.
Rush Sets a high output priority.

Normal Sets a normal output priority.

Low Sets a low output priority.

(13) Page
Display a different page.
Either click Page and use the keyboard to enter the page number to be displayed, or click
the ▲▼ buttons to set a page number.

(14) Clear Frame

Use this button to delete the contents of the frame.
To delete the contents of a frame, select the frame, and then click the Clear Frame button.

(15) Delete All Sheets

Use this button to delete all sheets.
To delete all sheets, click the Delete All Sheets button.

(16) Delete Sheet

Use this button to delete the currently displayed sheet.
To delete the currently displayed sheet, click the Delete Sheet button.

(17) New Sheet

Use this button to add a new sheet.
To add a sheet, click the New Sheet button.

(18) Print
Use this button to send a film output command to the imager. After the imager has been
ready, click the Print button. The output job is registered on the queuing table for the

(19) Done
Use this button to exit the Snapshot screen.

7.11 Quit
Choose Quit to exit the system.

228 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

8. List of Error Messages

A list of the error messages displayed by this system is shown below.
If an error occurs, a dialog box containing the details of the error is displayed.
In addition to the error name, error message, and countermeasures message, the error code,
name of the task where the error occurred, and name of the hardware where the error occurred
are displayed in the dialog box. After checking the error name and message, follow the
instructions in the countermeasures message and then continue with the processing.
In addition to error information, some messages may include guidelines for operation.
The error names are listed below.
Guides (See p.229.)
MR Unit Errors (See p.230.)
I/O Errors (See p.233.)
Scan Errors (See p.235.)
Incorrect Operation (See p.239.)
Errors (See p.239.)

The errors are listed beginning in section 8.1 Areas shown in italics indicate information
dependent upon the conditions arising from the error.

If an error occurs that is not listed in the charts in this section, contact your service
representative with the error message and error code.

8.1 Guides

Error Message Countermeasure Message

Power failed.

Stopped in the emergency.

Scan card is on calculation suspended status. Please try once again.

Patient table is stopped by pressing the tape switch.

Q1E-BM5256 229
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

8.2 MR Unit Errors

Error Message Countermeasure Message

Error occurred in GC PSU (Xch Amp Fault). Scan is Shut down the power of the system, then start up again.
impossible. If the system is still in error, then contact the service office.
Error occurred in GC PSU (Ych Amp Fault). Scan is Shut down the power of the system, then start up again.
impossible. If the system is still in error, then contact the service office.
Error occurred in GC PSU (Zch Amp Fault). Scan is Shut down the power of the system, then start up again.
impossible. If the system is still in error, then contact the service office.
Error occurred in GC PSU (Xch Amp Overheat). Scan is Shut down the power of the system, then start up again.
impossible. If the system is still in error, then contact the service office.
Error occurred in GC PSU (Ych Amp Overheat). Scan is Shut down the power of the system, then start up again.
impossible. If the system is still in error, then contact the service office.
Error occurred in GC PSU (Zch Amp Overheat). Scan is Shut down the power of the system, then start up again.
impossible. If the system is still in error, then contact the service office.
Error occurred in GC PSU (Pri. Pow/HV Fault). Scan is Shut down the power of the system, then start up again.
impossible. If the system is still in error, then contact the service office.
Error occurred in GC PSU (Not Ready). Scan is Shut down the power of the system, then start up again.
impossible. If the system is still in error, then contact the service office.
Error occurred in GC PSU. Scan is impossible. Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.
(Detailed Error Information)
Error occurred in RFPA (Input Drive Power). Scan is Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
impossible. the system is still in error then contact the service office.
Error occurred in RFPA (Over Heat). Scan is impossible. Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.
Error occurred in RFPA (Peak Power). Scan is impossible. Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.
Error occurred in RFPA (Average Power). Scan is Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
impossible. the system is still in error then contact the service office.
Error occurred in RFPA (VSWR). Scan is impossible. Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.
Error occurred in RFPA (GATE Pulse Width). Scan is Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
impossible. the system is still in error then contact the service office.
Error occurred in RFPA (Power Supply). Scan is Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
impossible. the system is still in error then contact the service office.

230 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Error Message Countermeasure Message

Error occurred in RFPA (Cable). Scan is impossible. Please contact the service office.
Error occurred in KP (Power1 RFPA1, TB, RF). Scan is Please turn on the power of RFPA1, then start up again.
impossible. If the system is still in error then contact the service office.
Error occurred in KP (Power2 RFPA2, FC). Scan is Please turn on the power of RFPA2, then start up again.
impossible. If the system is still in error then contact the service office.
Error occurred in KP (Power3 GCPA). Scan is impossible. Please turn on the power of GCPA, then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.
Error occurred in KP (GCHV). Scan is impossible. Please turn on the RemoteControl of GCPA, then start up
again. If the system is still in error then contact the
service office.
Error occurred in KP. Scan is impossible. Please contact the service office.
(Detailed Error Information)
Error occurred in L-He Cold Head (L-He Chiller). Please contact the service office.
Error occurred in KP/L-He Cold Head. Scan is KP : [condition]
impossible. L-He Cold Head : [condition]
Please contact the service office.
Error occurred in Sense Unit (Water Chiller). Please contact the service office.
Error occurred in MPX Panel (Safety Lock). Scan is Please cancel the safety lock.
Error occurred in MPX Panel. Scan is impossible. Please contact the service office.
(Detailed Error Information)
Error occurred in Sense Unit/MPX Panel. Scan is Sense Unit : [condition]
impossible. MPX Panel : [condition]
Please contact the service office.
Error occurred in MR unit. Scan is impossible. GC : [condition]
RF2 : [condition]
KP : [condition]
L-He Cold Head : [condition]
RF1 : [condition]
Sense Unit : [condition]
MPX Panel : [condition]
Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.

Q1E-BM5256 231
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Error Message Countermeasure Message

Error occurred in MR unit. Scan is impossible. GC : [condition]
RF : [condition]
Heater : [condition]
Field Comp. : [condition]
Shut down the power of the system then start up again.
If the system is still in error then contact the service office.
Error occurred in MR unit. Scan is impossible. GC : [condition]
RF : [condition]
L-He Cold Head : [condition]
Sense Unit : [condition]
Shut down the power of the system then start up again.
If the system is still in error then contact the service office.
Error occurred in MR unit. Scan is impossible. GC : [condition]
RF : [condition]
L-He Cold Head : [condition]
Shut down the power of the system then start up again.
If the system is still in error then contact the service office.
Error occurred in RF unit. Scan is impossible. Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.
(Detailed Error Information)
Error occurred in L-He Cold Head. Please contact the service office.
(Detailed Error Information)
Error occurred in Heater. Please contact the service office.
(Detailed Error Information)
Error occurred in magnetic field comp. unit. Please contact the service office.
(Detailed Error Information)
Error occurred in shimming PSU. Please contact the service office.
Error occurred in MR unit. Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.
Error occurred in Sense unit. Please contact the service office.
(Detailed Error Information)
The communication with the patient table is failed. Please start the scan again. If the system is still in error
then contact the service office.
Error occurred in RF unit(NotReady/ Fault). Scan is Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
impossible. the system is still in error then contact the service office.
Error occurred in RF unit(Shutdown). Scan is impossible. Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.

232 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

8.3 I/O Errors

Error Message Countermeasure Message

Memory allocation error. Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.

The pressure of cryostat became negative. Please contact the service office.

L-He is below lower limit. Please replenish L-He.

Faster diminishing L-He. Please contact the service office.

Memory read out error. Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.

Failure on scanner connection. Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.

Failure on auto helium examination retry. Please check patient table and contact the service office.

The communication with the scanner was cut. Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.

The error occurred by the file access. Please contact the service office.

The communication with the scanner is not connected. Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.

No coil is connected to the system. Please connect a coil correctly.

Error occurred in the coil. Please contact the service office.

Error occurred in the patient table. Please contact the service office.

Error occurred in L-He measurement. Please check patient table and contact the service office.

The error occurred by the file "L-Helium Level" read. Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
service office.

The error occurred by the file "L-Helium Press" read. Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
service office.

The error occurred by the file "PRE-Scan Result<Long>" Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
read. service office.

The error occurred by the file "PRE-Scan Result<H1>" Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
read. service office.

The error occurred by the file "PRE-Scan Result<Freq>" Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
read. service office.

The error occurred by the file "PRE-Scan Result<Tun>" Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
read. service office.

Q1E-BM5256 233
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Error Message Countermeasure Message

The error occurred by the file "PRE-Scan Result<Rect>" Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
read. service office.

The error occurred by the file "PRE-Scan Result<P0>" Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
read. service office.

The error occurred by the file "PRE-Scan Result<Gain>" Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
read. service office.

The error occurred by the file "PRE-Scan Result<Epi>" Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
read. service office.

The error occurred by the file "PRE-Scan Result<Init>" Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
read. service office.

The error occurred by the file "PRE-Scan Result<Calb>" Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
read. service office.

The error occurred by the file "PRE-Scan Result<Th>" Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
read. service office.

The error occurred by the file "System OnOff Check" Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
read. service office.

The error occurred by the file "SEQTBL" read. Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
service office.

The error occurred by the file "scantbl" read. Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
service office.

The error occurred by "FlowcompMode Separate" value Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
get. service office.

The error occurred by the file "CheckListFile" read. Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
service office.

The error occurred by the file "SEQTBL2" read. Shut down the power of the system. Please contact the
service office.

Error occurred in FEreset lib. Please check FEreset lib. and contact the service office.

The manage information of logfile breaks. Please contact the service office.

No response from FE. Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.

234 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

8.4 Scan Errors

Error Message Countermeasure Message

Scan timeout has occurred. Shut down the power of the system, then start up again.
If the system is still in error, then contact the service office.

Error occurred in scan. Shut down the power of the system, then start up again.
If the system is still in error, then contact the service office.

The irradiation gain value is not found. Check the MR unit and the coil.
(H1 Adjustment)

Signal has overflowed. Check the MR unit and the coil.

(H1 Adjustment)

Signal has underflowed. Check the MR unit and the coil.

(H1 Adjustment)

Error occurred in pre-scan.(H1 Adjustment) Shut down the power of the system then start up again.
If the system is still in error then contact the service office.

The resonant frequency is not found. Check the MR unit and the coil.
(frequency search)

Signal has overflowed. Check the MR unit and the coil.

(frequency search)

Signal has underflowed. Check the MR unit and the coil.

(frequency search)

Error occurred in pre-scan.(frequency search) Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.

The resonant frequency is not found. Check the MR unit and the coil.
(frequency lock)

Signal has overflowed. Check the MR unit and the coil.

(frequency lock)

Signal has underflowed. Check the MR unit and the coil.

(frequency lock)

Error occurred in pre-scan.(frequency lock) Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.

The coil tuning value is not found. (coil tuning) Check the MR unit and the coil.

Signal has overflowed. Check the MR unit and the coil.

(coil tuning)

Q1E-BM5256 235
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Error Message Countermeasure Message

Signal has underflowed. Check the MR unit and the coil.

(coil tuning)

Error occurred in pre-scan.(coil tuning) Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.

The FOV value is not found.(FOV search) Check the MR unit and the coil.

Signal has overflowed. Check the MR unit and the coil.

(FOV search)

Signal has underflowed. Check the MR unit and the coil.

(FOV search)

Error occurred in pre-scan.(FOV search) Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.

Signal has overflowed. Check the MR unit and the coil.

(P0/P1 adjustment)

Signal has underflowed. Check the MR unit and the coil.

(P0/P1 adjustment)

Error occurred in pre-scan.(P0P1 adjustment) Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.

The receiver gain value is not found. (gain adjustment) Check the MR unit and the coil.

Signal has overflowed. Check the MR unit and the coil.

(gain adjustment)

Signal has underflowed. Check the MR unit and the coil.

(gain adjustment)

Error occurred in pre-scan.(gain adjustment) Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.

The pre-scan value is not found. Check the MR unit and the coil.

Signal has overflowed Check the MR unit and the coil.

Signal has underflowed. Check the MR unit and the coil.

The irradiation gain value has underflowed.(H1 Check the setting of patient and receiver-coil.

The irradiation gain value has overflowed.(H1 Check the setting of patient and receiver-coil.

The coil tuning value has underflowed.(coil tuning) Check the setting of patient and receiver-coil. This
receiver-coil needs re-adjustment, if this state happens at

236 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Error Message Countermeasure Message

The coil tuning value has overflowed.(coil tuning) Check the setting of patient and receiver-coil. This
receiver-coil needs re-adjustment, if this state happens at

The receiver gain value is not found.(EPI correction Check the MR unit and the coil.

Signal has overflowed.(EPI correction value) Check the MR unit and the coil.

Signal has underflowed.(EPI correction value) Check the MR unit and the coil.

Error occurred in pre-scan.(EPI correction value) Shut down the power of the system then start up again. If
the system is still in error then contact the service office.

Error occurred in pre-scan. Shut down the power of the system, then start up again.
If the system is still in error, then contact the service office.

Improper Parameters. (RAPID correction image) Increase FOV.

Improper Parameters. (RAPID correction image) Increase Thickness.

Improper Parameters. (RAPID correction image) Increase FOV or Thickness.

Improper Parameters. (RAPID correction image) Modify Acquisition parameters.

(FOV, Slice, Thickness, etc.)

Improper Parameters. Increase Bandwidth.

Improper Parameters. Increase FOV.

Improper Parameters. Increase Slice Thickness.

Improper Parameters. Turn off Rephase.

Improper Parameters. Increase TR.

Improper Parameters. Reduce Oblique Angle.

Improper Parameters. Increase Slab Thickness.

Improper Parameters. Increase TE.

Improper Parameters. Reduce TE.

Improper Parameters. Increase Gate Count.

Improper Parameters. Decrease Bandwidth or Increase FOV (Increase TR).

Improper Parameters. Increase TR (Decrease Bandwidth or Increase FOV).

Improper Parameters. Increase Thickness or S.Encode (Increase TR).

Improper Parameters. Increase TI.

Improper Parameters. Decrease Phase# or S.Encode.

Improper Parameters. Decrease RAPID or Increase Phase#.

Q1E-BM5256 237
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Error Message Countermeasure Message

Improper Parameters. Decrease FOV or Increase Freq#.

Improper Parameters. Decrease Phase#.

Improper Parameters. Increase FOV or Inter E.Time.

Improper Parameters. Decrease FOV or Inter E.Time.

Improper Parameters. Increase Inter E.Time or TE.

Improper Parameters. Decrease b-factor.

Improper Parameters. Increase FOV or Decrease Phase#.

Improper Parameters. Increase Thickness or Inter E.Time or TE.

Improper Parameters. Increase TR or Decrease b-factor

Improper Parameters. Increase TR or FOV.

Improper Parameters. Increase TR or FOV or Decrease b-factor.

Improper Parameters. Decrease FOV or Increase Bandwidth.

Improper Parameters. Increase FOV or Decrease Freq#.

Improper Parameters. Increase TE or Bandwidth.

Improper Parameters. Increase Inter E.Time.

Improper Parameters. Decrease TR or Segment Number.

Improper Parameters. Increase Delay Time.

Improper Parameters. Modify acquisition parameters.

(TR, TE, FOV, Bandwidth, Slice Thickness, etc.)

Improper Parameters Increase bandwidth or IET.

RF Power shortage Check the MR unit.

Gate sensor is disconnected. Check gate sensor connection.

Can’t read matrix data. Please contact the service office.

The MAC coil is disallowed to use in this sequence. Please change the coil or sequence.

Patient table position cannot be detected. Please take out the patient table once, and set the patient
position again.

Patient table status is emergency stop. Please press the release button.

Movement of a patient table is not allowed with the coil Please connect a suitable coil or turn off "Table Move".

The reference image for scan is not adequate. Please scan the reference image again.

238 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

8.5 Incorrect Operation

Error Message Countermeasure Message

Under scan-processing. Please restart after scanning execution ends.

Start is unacceptable.

Scan parameter is out of limit. Impossible start. Please check scan parameters.

"Table Move Position" is out of limit. Please change the value of "Table Move Position"
between [MIN] to [MAX].

Patient table position is different from the reference image. Please scan the reference image again.

Patient table position is different from the reference image. Please change the value of "Table Move Position" to

8.6 Errors

Error Message Countermeasure Message

Connected coil is not registered to the system. Register the coil information to the system.

Information on the connected coil is duplicated. Make the registration of information on the coil one
information about one coil.

Invalid Reconstruction Parameter. Please contact service office.

Digital-RF Failed. Please contact service office.

Signal Transfer Failed. Please contact service office.

Reconstruction finished before outputting all images. Please contact the service office.

RAPID is disallowed with the coil connected. Please change RAPID to 1.0.

Selected RAPID value is disallowed with the coil Change RAPID less than [MAX].

RAPID is disallowed with MRRCN PCB. Change to MRRCN2 PCB or change RAPID to 1.0.

The resonant frequency is not found. Please start the scan again.

In RAPID, Selected PhaseDir is disallowed with the Change PhaseDir to [DIRECTION].

coil connected.

Memory buffer for the echo data is insufficient. Acquisition parameters(MultiSlice etc.) may be restrained.
Please contact the service office.

Q1E-BM5256 239
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

240 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined.

block function.............................................................59

2D card..................................................................... 121

2D card processing results ....................................... 122 card...............................................................................1
card details .................................................................67
3 card library .................................................................34
3D acquisition ............................................................ 74 card settings........................................................33, 204
3D card..................................................................... 131 card settings button.....................................................30
3D card processing results ....................................... 131 card status...................................................................31
card structure................................................................1
A center button.................................................................2
active.......................................................................... 42 center slice display function for input data.................68
adaptive image ......................................................... 123 changing names of contrast agent.............................149
adding name ............................................................. 196 checking image quality.............................................147
addition .................................................................... 126 cine display...............................................................166
album tool ................................................................ 183 cine tool....................................................................166
analysis card............................................................. 154 click ..............................................................................2
analysis data calculation methods ............................ 159 clinical study ................................................................1
analyze ..................................................................... 154 clinical study lib button ..............................................30
angle measurement................................................... 179 clinical study library...................................................37
archive card libraries................................................ 212 coil status..................................................................192
archive queue dialog .................................................. 24 comment copy function ............................................132
archive queue dialog button ......................................... 5 comment/annotation tool..........................................168
archive/restore card libraries .................................... 212 confirm deletion of folders screen..............................20
archive/restore clinical study libraries and card libraries control face...........................................................41, 42
............................................................................. 212 COR ...........................................................................73
archive/restore libraries............................................ 212

archiving .................................................................. 187
auto archive function.................................................. 56 data card ...................................................................143
auto film function....................................................... 56 database functions ......................................................50
auto film setting function ............................... 57, 62, 65 database input selection function ...............................50
deletion of patient folders.............................................6
B detailed acquisition information display ..................149
background noise reduction ..................................... 125 detailed protocol information .....................................37
basic group ................................................................. 73 display settings .........................................................197
basic scan parameter .................................................. 73 displaying film job queue dialog ................................26

Q1E-BM5256 241
Error! Style not defined.

displaying gray scale ................................................183 function of system tools........................................... 191

displaying grid..........................................................183 functions common to each scan card group............... 68
displaying positioning images ..................................183
displaying scale ........................................................183 G
displays for finished jobs............................................25 gating group............................................................... 94
displays for jobs being processed, or on standby .......24 guides....................................................................... 229
distance measurement ..............................................179
double-click..................................................................2 H
drag...............................................................................3 heart rate .................................................................. 210
dynamic group..........................................................103 histogram display..................................................... 181
dynamic scan analysis ..............................................156

idle ............................................................................. 31
edge enhancement ....................................................123 image data display region .......................................... 54
edit library screen .......................................................32 image list deselection method.................................. 146
editing libraries...........................................................32 image list selection method ..................................... 146
editing patient folders.................................................33 image preview display mark........................................ 8
electrocardiogram.....................................................210 image preview screen .................................................11
entering comment.....................................................168 image selection .......................................................... 46
entering lines ............................................................168 image slide shows.................................................... 166
error log....................................................................211 improve S/N ratio .................................................... 123
Error Log..................................................................211 improving image quality............................................ 80
error message list......................................................229 incorrect operation................................................... 239
error messages ..........................................................229 initializing MOD/DVD............................................ 190
errors ........................................................................239 input data setting........................................................ 43
input devices................................................................ 2

fatsup group..............................................................112 J
film job queue dialog..................................................26 job sort dialog ............................................................ 12
film job queue dialog button ........................................5
film options ....................................................57, 62, 65 K
film processing .........................................................222 keyboard ...................................................................... 2
film tool......................................................................60
filming settings.........................................................202 L
filter group................................................................108 left button .................................................................... 2
fixed parameters in sequence .....................................85 library archive/restore.............................................. 212
folder archive and restore screen..............................187 limit graphs................................................................ 72
folder list ......................................................................6 load multi................................................................... 53
folder tools .................................................................29 load single.................................................................. 53
frame ..................................................................60, 222

242 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined.

M parameters related to image filters ...........................108

parameters related to matrices ....................................91
M0 calculation processing........................................ 130
particular group ..........................................................85
magnify images ........................................................ 171
patient data entry ........................................................13
magnify/shift tool..................................................... 171
patient folder ................................................................1
maintenance card ..................................................... 147
patient folder functions...............................................29
making changes to image display size ..................... 183
patient folder icon.........................................................7
matrix group............................................................... 91
patient folder registration ...........................................21
measurement tool ..................................................... 179
patient folder structure ...............................................29
method for disabling slice position copy.................... 70
patient registration and selection ..................................6
method for pausing card processing........................... 49
patient registration screen...........................................13
method for running card processing........................... 49
patient selector tool button ...........................................5
method for selecting input data images...................... 46
method for setting card input data.............................. 45
performing scans ........................................................67
method for setting slice position copy........................ 70
pick images.................................................................46
method for stopping card processing ......................... 49
pick images button .....................................................43
method for unsetting card input data.......................... 45
positioning + subtraction processing ........................128
minify images........................................................... 171
preferences ...............................................................195
MIP .......................................................................... 133
modify button............................................................. 30
processing results .............................................122, 131
modify mode .............................................................. 32
profile display...........................................................181
mouse ........................................................................... 2
projection images .....................................................133
moving images ......................................................... 171
MPR ......................................................................... 138
protected data .............................................................21
MR unit errors.......................................................... 230
pulse .........................................................................210

name registration...................................................... 195
query condition screen ...............................................10
noise reduction ......................................................... 125
quit ...........................................................................228

opening patient folders............................................... 21
ratio for amount of change to amount of mouse
others group ............................................................. 117
movement .............................................................198
output series function ................................................. 59
raw data read/write ...................................................215
overview function ...................................................... 70
raw data save ............................................................218
P reading image data from MOD/DVD into database .187
region-of-interest tool...............................................173
parameters related to dynamic scan ......................... 103
registering name of institution..................................196
parameters related to fat suppression function ......... 112
registering name of station .......................................196
parameters related to gated scan ................................ 94
registering names of radiologists..............................195

Q1E-BM5256 243
Error! Style not defined.

registering names of referring departments ..............195 server status ............................................................. 192

registering names of referring physicians.................195 setting stopwatch ..................................................... 209
registering names of technologists ...........................195 setting whether to display/hide supplementary
registration of patient folders .......................................6 information displayed .......................................... 198
registration problem screen ........................................19 shading correction ................................................... 124
regulating window width/level .................................197 sheet................................................................... 60, 222
respiration rate..........................................................210 slab............................................................................. 77
respiration waveform................................................210 slice position copy function....................................... 69
restore.......................................................................187 smoothing processing .............................................. 123
restoring....................................................................187 snapshot ................................................................... 222
restriction on card input data setting numbers............45 SNR ......................................................................... 148
results of dynamic scan analyses..............................158 spatial noise ............................................................. 125
reversing image ........................................................178 special text............................................................... 149
review face ...........................................................41, 54 start the viewport tool .......................................... 42, 54
right button ...................................................................2 start/continue button .................................................. 44
ROI...........................................................................173 starting 2D card processing ..................................... 121
rotate/reverse image tool ..........................................178 starting 3D card processing ..................................... 131
rotating image...........................................................178 starting processing ........................................... 121, 131
static tools................................................................ 161
S statistics tool ............................................................ 181
S/N check .................................................................148 status area .............................................................. 5, 23
S/N ratio ...................................................................148 statuses regarding MR scanning .............................. 193
SAG............................................................................73 statuses regarding system ........................................ 194
save raw data ............................................................218 stop watch................................................................ 209
saving raw data.........................................................215 stop/pause button ....................................................... 44
scan card.....................................................................67 stopped....................................................................... 31
scan errors ................................................................235 structure of data card ............................................... 143
scan parameters ..........................................................67 subtraction ............................................................... 126
scan time display function..........................................70 system processing status............................................ 23
scanner status .............................................................23 system settings................................................. 195, 206
scanner status button ....................................................5 system status...................................................... 23, 192
scanning......................................................................67 system tool button........................................................ 5
screen format ..............................................................55 system tools ............................................................... 22
selecting a patient folder.............................................33
selecting cards ............................................................36

selecting clinical study libraries .................................39 T1 calculation processing ........................................ 129
selection of patient folders ...........................................6 T1/T2 calculation processing................................... 129
sensitivity correction processing ..............................124 T2 calculation processing ........................................ 129
series list.......................................................................7 task card....................................................................... 1
series setting page.....................................................137 task cards ................................................................... 41

244 Q1E-BM5256
Error! Style not defined.

teaching folder ........................................................... 30 V

teaching folders ............................................................ 8
velocity calculation ..................................................155
technique group.......................................................... 80
version ......................................................................217
Tool Sets................................................................... 160
tray ............................................................................... 1
viewport tools...........................................................160
tray functions ............................................................... 5
TRS ............................................................................ 73
type of gray scale ..................................................... 197 W

waveforms of electrodes...........................................210
unarchived data .......................................................... 20
waveforms of sensors ...............................................210
user interface................................................................ 1
window level ............................................................163
window width...........................................................163
window width/level tool...........................................163

Q1E-BM5256 245

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