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Airport business lecture 1 week 1

General know-how
There is a difference between the owner and operator of an airport.
TBV = Taken, Bevoegdheden en Verantwoordelijkheden
Some questions that may arise are:
- Who owns the airport?
- Who owns what at the airport?
- Who operates the airport?
- Who operates the different activities at the airport?
- Who decides at the airport and who decides for the airport?
- Who pays for what at the airport?
- Who do they pay?
- What does the airport?
- Who controls, and/or is responsible for what?
The airport can be owned privately, publicly, semi-pubic or mixed. -> See ICAO DOC 9562
There is a difference between airside owners(runways, terminals, equipment) and landside
owners(shops, hotels, parking). Airports are not allowed to make a profit, regulated in ICAO
DOC 9562, but this counts only for airside. They are allowed to make a profit on landside.
Airport operators need an airport operating licence. Therefore they will need an Operating
Manual(OM, AM, AOM). The operator is responsible for the compliant airport
operations(SMS, safety management system, CMM, ERP, Emergency Response Plan)

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