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Using Satellite Imagery Workflow

This section describes the steps involved in a typical photogrammetry workflow that uses satellite imagery.

The Satellite Imagery Workflow

The figure below illustrates how satellite triangulation fits into a photogrammetry production workflow. The tasks in the workflow are performed
with commands that are found in ISPM, ISAT, and ISRU. For differences between this and an IKONOS and GeoEye imagery workflow, see The
IKONOS and GeoEye Imagery Workflow.

Create the Project

As in any photogrammetry workflow, the first step is to create a project. Use the New Project command (File menu) to create a new project. Be
sure to select Satellite Imagery as the project type.
Except where indicated, the commands referred to in this section are found in ISAT. Where a command is also available in ISPM, you can
perform the same task in ISPM.
In addition to the standard file and subfolder set that is created in the project folder, an MST subfolder is created. When you create a satellite
imagery project, the cameras for your project are automatically created. See Setting Up a Satellite Imagery Project for more information about
creating a project.
You must use the Define Coordinate System dialog from GeoMedia’s Coordinate System Service to set up your coordinate system
files (CSF file) with the proper map projection, geodetic datum, and mapping working units that will be used when generating rational functions.

Prepare the Satellite Imagery

Next, use the Many/Raw File Converter command (Raster Utilities menu) to convert your source satellite images to a format for use in satellite
triangulation processing and Intergraph applications. As desired, choose either Intergraph or TIFF for the output format. Compression is optional
but recommended if you are short on disk space. JPEG compression, using a small Q factor, is recommended. You must specify tiled output. A
tile size of 256 works best in ImageStation applications. And you must specify a full set of overviews be created for each image, the Averaging
method or the Gaussian method being recommended.
Even if your source imagery is already in TIFF format, you will still need to convert it to a tiled format and to create a full set of
overviews for each image. The Many/Raw File Converter command can perform both these tasks.

Create Photos
Once you have prepared the images, use the Photos command (Edit menu) to link the image files to their sensor type and to photo IDs and also
to specify the source of the image support data and the "bitmap" mask—ISPM provides a default bitmap file—required for generating rational
function coefficients later in the workflow. See Creating Photos for more information.

Create Models

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If your purpose is to view the satellite imagery in stereo for data compilation with ISSD or ISSG, or create surface data automatically with ISAE,
you will have to create models using the photo IDs you have just created. See Creating Models for more information.

Enter Control Data

Next, add control data—consisting of control points, diagnostic points, and standard deviations—to your project. See Adding Control Point
Information for more information.

Perform Multiphoto Point Measurement

Once all the inputs have been defined you will then use Multiphoto Orientations to measure ground control points on the satellite photos. See
Measuring Points for information about the control point measurement process.

Perform Satellite Triangulation

After the control points have been measured, Performing Triangulation explains how to use the Triangulation command to select photos, to define
parameter weights and grid definitions for the different sensor types, and to compute a triangulation. If you are not satisfied with the results, you
can withhold, delete, re-measure, or add points, as necessary, and then re-compute the triangulation.
The computation also creates rational function coefficients for each photo that allow you to use the photos directly in Base Rectifier and OrthoPro.
If your purpose instead is to view the satellite imagery in stereo for data compilation with ISSD or ISSG, or automatic surface generation with
ISAE, you must perform to the next step, Generating Rational Functions.

Generate Rational Function Coefficients

Instead of creating exterior orientation (EO) parameters for each photo as in an aerial imagery workflow, you generate coefficients for a function
of predefined terms that provide the orientation parameters for satellite scenes. If your intent is to view the satellite imagery in stereo for data
compilation with ISSD or ISSG, or automatic surface generation with ISAE, you must perform to the this step. See Generating Rational Function
Coefficients for an explanation of this procedure.

Setting Up a Satellite Imagery Project

This section explains how to set up a satellite imagery project by creating the project and by adding data that is necessary for performing satellite
Project setup for IKONOS and GeoEye imagery is explained in The IKONOS and GeoEye Imagery Workflow.

Creating the Project

To create the project, you can select New Project—an ISPM command, also accessible in ISAT— from the File menu or click on the toolbar.
This will activate the New Project wizard, which is a step-by-step series of dialog boxes designed to assist you in creating a new project. Simply
fill in all the necessary information in the dialog boxes to create the project. The first dialog box will prompt you to enter the project name and
location. As you type the project name, it is automatically appended as a folder name to the location in the Location box.

You can click the Location button to choose a different folder for storing the project you are creating, or you can simply type the desired path.
The project name and folder name do not have to match, but it is generally a good idea.
If your computer is a client of a TerraShare™ data management system, select the Create in TerraShare check box if you also want to add the
project to TerraShare. See the instructions in the ISPM User’s Guide for using the New Project wizard and also the TerraShare User’s Guide for
more information about TerraShare.
Then click Next to open the second dialog box, Project Type, which asks you for the data type and the output file type. Select Satellite Imagery for
the data type, as shown below.

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ASCII output files are larger than binary files and are slower to read and write. However, they allow you to look at your data in a text editor. The
ASCII file type is recommended. For smaller projects, there is little advantage to binary storage.
Click Next to go to the Project Parameters Settings dialog box.
The New Project wizard will skip the Project Units dialog box because units are preset within ISPM for satellite imagery projects.

Enter one of the following Std. Dev. Of Measurement values, according to the sensor you will be using.

Sensor Standard

Landsat 4-5 TM Multispectral 52

Landsat 7 ETM Plus 52


Landsat 7 ETM Plus 26


IRS-1C, IRS-1D 3.5

OrbView Multispectral 12.0

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OrbView Panchromatic 3.0

QuickBird Multispectral 24

QuickBird Panchromatic 6

WorldView Panchromatic 4.0

WorldView Multispectral 16.0

SPOT 1-4 Multispectral 13

SPOT 1-4 Panchromatic 6.5

SPOT 5 Multispectral 6.5

SPOT 5 Panchromatic (2.5 m) 1.625

SPOT 5 Panchromatic (5 m) 3.25

You can later override the setting for a particular photo with the Photos command on the Edit menu.
Enter one of the following Flying Height values, according to the kind of satellite imagery you will be using.

Sensor Flying Height (meters)

Landsat 4-5, 7 705000

IRS-1C 817000

IRS-1D 780000

OrbView 470000

QuickBird 450000

WorldView 496000

SPOT 1-5 832000

Next, enter a reasonably accurate average Ground Elevation value for the imagery. As desired, change the Convergence Tolerance Settings. (If
you are not sure which values to use, leave the Max Iterations set to 10 but change the Delta Position to 0.1 meter and the Delta Attitude to 0.01
degree.) You need not enter Coordinate Refinement Settings values because they are not used for satellite triangulation.
Then click Next to open the User Settings dialog box. Under Acceptable AO/Bundle Adjustment Limits, enter some realistic values for the Max
RMS and Max Residual values, such as those shown below. These settings will vary depending on the sensor type and quality of ground control.

The default values are much too small, and if you leave them as they are, you will find that perfectly good bundle solutions are flagged as being
out of tolerance. A good rule of thumb is to enter the acceptable mapping accuracy tolerances for these parameters.
Then click Next to go to the Default User Points dialog box, the last page of the New Project wizard, which will ask for default user point

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Defining default user points provides a means of predefining pass point locations and of establishing naming conventions for these points.
However, you may skip this page of the wizard because pass points, in a satellite imagery workflow, are used only to "tie" scenes from adjacent
orbits together, and it is more efficient to do so by entering new pass point IDs as needed during point measurement (Multiphoto command,
Orientations menu).
Click Finish, and then confirm when prompted that you want to create the project. A message will appear announcing that the project was
successfully created or that it was not created because of a protection problem.

Adding Data to the Project

Once you have finished creating the project, you are ready to start adding the data that you will need to perform satellite triangulation. You will not
have to use the Camera Wizard command (Edit menu), as in an aerial imagery project, to create a camera because ISPM automatically creates
all "cameras" supported. But you will have to do the following: read satellite images and associated information into the project, create photos,
enter control point information, and create models.

Prepare the Satellite Imagery

Next, use the Many/Raw File Converter command (Raster Utilities menu) to convert your source satellite images to a format for use in satellite
triangulation processing and Intergraph applications. As desired, choose either Intergraph or TIFF for the output format. Compression is optional
but recommended if you are short on disk space. JPEG compression, using a small Q factor, is recommended. You must specify tiled output. A
tile size of 256 works best in ImageStation applications. And you must specify a full set of overviews be created for each image, the Averaging
method or the Gaussian method being recommended.
Even if your source imagery is already in TIFF format, you will still need to convert it to a tiled format and to create a full set of
overviews for each image. The Many/Raw File Converter command can perform both these tasks.

Creating Photos
Once the image data has been formatted, you can create photos that correspond to each satellite scene by using the Photos command (Edit
menu). This command will use the satellite imagery and associated image support data to create photos.
The image support data file(s) for each image is used to obtain initial estimates of the exterior orientation parameters, and to create initial rational
functions, which assist with point measurement.

Creating the Photos

To create a photo for a satellite imagery project, simply enter the photo ID and image file information as you would for any aerial photo. Select the
camera, such as SpotPan for the SPOT 1-4 panchromatic imagery in the following example. (Remember that cameras for all supported sensors
are created automatically when you create a satellite imagery project.)

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If the support data file(s) can be automatically identified by the application, there is no need to open the "Edit Satellite Photo" dialog. Simply click
Apply, and the photo will be created and its Photo ID will be added to the list in the Active Photo area. If a unique set of support data files could
not be found for the photo, then you will be notified. If the support data files cannot be automatically identified, click the Satellite button to open
the Edit Satellite Photo dialog box. For a new photo, the Support Data Files list will contain the string "No support data files specified.". Click the
Change button, which will open a Select <Satellite> Support Files dialog that is different for each satellite. If a unique set of support data files can
be found for the current image, they will be listed on the dialog. If not, the text boxes for each different support data file needed will be blank.
Enter the path and file name for the support data files in the appropriate text boxes. Once the full set of support data files for the photo have been
specified, click OK to dismiss the Select <Satellite> Support Files dialog and return to the Edit Satellite Photo dialog.

Click OK to close the Edit Satellite Photo dialog box, and then click Apply in the Edit Photos dialog box. In background, a process will be run to
create drive parameters for the photo, and you will see the Photo ID added to the list in the Active Photo area.
Repeat this process for each photo for the project. When you are finished, click the OK button or the Cancel button to close the Edit Photos dialog

Creating Models
Creating models is not necessary unless you intend to use the satellite imagery in a data compilation application (ISSD or ISSG), or in the
automated surface generation application (ISAE).
Once you have successfully created photos, select the Models command (Edit menu) to open the Edit Model dialog box. Then do the following:
1. In the Available Photos list, select the left photo for the model, and then click Left Photo.
2. Select the right photo for the model, and then click Right Photo.
3. Click Generate Model ID form Photo IDs, and then click Apply.
4. When you are asked to verify that you want to create the new model, click Yes.
You will see the new model added to the Active Models list.

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Repeat this to create all the models the project. When you are finished, click the OK button or the Cancel button to close the Edit Model dialog

Adding Control Point Information

Next, add ground control data to the project.

Importing Control Points

A common and convenient way of adding control point information to any project is to import control point coordinates and associated data from
an ASCII file. For this, use the Control Points command (Translators menu, Import submenu).
You should be aware that, by creating a satellite imagery project, you have automatically set your project coordinate system to
Geographic with a WGS84 datum. You must store the Longitude and Latitude in DDD.MMSSssss format—for example, 115.30025380, that is,
115 degrees, 30 minutes, and 02.5380 seconds—and the elevation in meters. However, the standard deviations of all three must be in meters.
The following is an example of how you might populate the Import Control Points dialog box for a SPOT project.

If the file that you are importing is already in DDD.MMSSssss format, leaving the Convert Using option to Linear Units Only will cause the
coordinates to be imported as they are without any conversion process taking place.
If the coordinates you are importing are in a projected coordinate system or are in a geographic coordinate system but in decimal degrees, set the
Convert Using option to Coordinate System. Then use the Define command to define the coordinate system object to match your input control
points, or use the browse button to select a pre-defined .CSF file that matches the coordinate system of the input control points. The points will
then be converted to geographic WGS84 ellipsoid coordinates and stored in the project's control file.
In the Import Control Points dialog box, under Control Point Information, the Lat column is ordered before the Long column. This means
that the Lat field refers to the Y coordinate and the Long field refers to the X coordinate.
Click the Help button on the dialog box for more information about the command.

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Checking Your Setup

It is probably a good idea at this point to check the project setup to verify that the photos, models, and control points have been added to the
project correctly. You can do a quick visual check by selecting the Footprint Viewer command (Tools menu) and selecting the appropriate display
options to verify that the control points exist in the project,

and that they overlay the photos and models.

Measuring Points
Now that you have created the project and added the necessary data, it is time to perform point measurements.

Selecting Photos
To start the point measurement process, select the Multiphoto command (Orientations menu) to open the Select Photos dialog box. If you choose
to, verify that the images you want to measure are available by clicking Refresh Status. The Status column will indicate "Online" if the satellite
image, or "scene," for the corresponding photo ID is available at the location you specified when you created the photo.
It is not necessary to perform interior orientation (IO) for satellite scenes.
Select the scenes you want to measure as you would any photos in an aerial project.

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Measuring the Points

When you click OK on the Select Photos dialog box, the photos you have selected are opened in the Multiphoto Point Measurement environment.
Once they are open, you should notice that the control points are overlaid on the images at their approximate location in ground space. If they are
not, there has been a mistake in the photo creation phase, and you must correct it.

The control points are overlaid at their approximate locations, but you will have to identify more precise locations in the scenes for measurement.


Click and click near a control point in an overview to "grab" it for display in the detail views. Right-click to return to the measurement pointer,
and then measure the point in the usual way by left-clicking on the control point target in the image in a detail view.

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A tone indicating success (as defined in the Matching Options dialog box, which is accessed from the Matching submenu of the Multiphoto
shortcut menu) will sound if the point was successfully matched with the point on the other photo and measured on both photos. If matching is not
successful, measure the point manually on the other photo(s).
Repeat the process until you have measured all control points on all photos.

Updating Point Drives

To assist in quickly identifying proper control point locations for measurement, measure one control point in which you have a high degree of
confidence in one or more scenes, and then click Apply to save the measurement. Doing so will update the point drives so that, as you select
control points for measurement, you should see that their predicted locations are very close to their actual object space location in the photo.
For example, let us suppose, in the data pictured in this document, that we can precisely identify the location of point 133, which we know is at a
particular highway intersection (indicated by the red measurement cursor). Select point 133 in the Multiphoto Point Measurement dialog box to
center its predicted location in the detail views of the two displayed photos. Measure the same location in the detail view of the other photo, using
roam to bring it into view if necessary.

Then click Apply in the Multiphoto Point Measurement dialog box. In the overview windows, you will see a slight shift in the positions of the control
points, indicating that their predicted locations have been adjusted.

Performing Triangulation
Once the control points have been measured you are now ready to perform triangulation of the satellite imagery.

Opening the Triangulation Environment

Open the triangulation working environment by selecting the Triangulation command (Orientations menu, Satellite Triangulation submenu), which
will open the Select Photos dialog box. Although it is not required, you may click Refresh Status to verify that the photos you want to select for
triangulation are "Online." Then select the photos you want to process and click OK.

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The Satellite Triangulation Results dialog box will open to the Photo Statistics tabbed page, which displays statistics for the control points that you
measured on the selected photos.

Use this dialog box to select points to withhold, reinstate, or delete during the satellite triangulation process, define which headings appear on the
Satellite Triangulation Results dialog box display for photo statistics, object statistics, and point statistics, and designate which options to use for
the satellite triangulation process.

Selecting Satellite Triangulation Options

You may want to select options and edit parameters that will affect the results of the triangulation. To do so, click Options on the Satellite
Triangulation Results dialog box to open the Satellite Triangulation Options dialog box.

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You can set thresholds for computed residual values, below which points will not be listed in the tabbed pages of the Satellite Triangulation
Results dialog box, set the decimal precision of displayed values, and so on. (For more detailed descriptions of the options, click Help.) If you
have a particular need to edit the default parameter weights or grid definition values of the sensor for your satellite imagery, you can select
commands for doing so on the dialog box, but as a general rule this is not typically necessary.

Editing Sensor Parameter Weights

Click Parameter Weights on the Satellite Triangulation dialog box to open the Satellite Triangulation Parameter Weights dialog box. In the Sensor
Type list, select the appropriate sensor to display its current standard deviations. (If they were previously edited, you can click Default if you want
to restore the default values.)

Edit sensor parameter weights only if necessary to correct systemic errors and you have a good understanding of the parameters’
effects on triangulation results. Inappropriate values will cause erroneous triangulation results. It should not be necessary to modify the default
parameter weights when using the sample data shown in this document.
For detailed descriptions of the options, click Help.
When you have finished your edits, click OK to return to the Satellite Triangulation Options dialog box.

Editing the Sensor Grid Definition

Click Grid Definition on the Satellite Triangulation dialog box to open the Satellite Triangulation Grid Definition dialog box. In the Sensor Type list,
select the appropriate sensor to display its current grid definition values. (If they were previously edited, you can click Default if you want to
restore the default values) Set the elevation planes to a set of 5 well-spaced values that span the elevation range of your project.

For detailed descriptions of the options, click Help.

When you have finished your edits, click OK to return to the Satellite Triangulation Options dialog box.

Performing the Triangulation

After having selected options and edited parameters as desired, perform the triangulation by clicking Compute on the Satellite Triangulation
Results dialog box. Observe the new figures—that is, the residuals—that appear in the various statistics tabs, and evaluate them as you would in
an aerial imagery project. As necessary, click Cancel to close the Satellite Triangulation Results dialog box without saving the results, again use
the Multiphoto command to remeasure the points, and repeat the triangulation process. When you are satisfied with the results, click OK to save
If you want to convert triangulated pass points to control points, you can then do so using the Densify command (Orientations menu, Satellite
Triangulation submenu).

Generating a Report
After computing the triangulation, if you want to generate a report from the results displayed in the Satellite Triangulation Results dialog box, click
the Reports button to open the Satellite Triangulation Report Options dialog box.

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Select the information that you would like to appear in the report, and then click Display to display the report in the Satellite Triangulation
Reporting dialog box.

As desired, use the options on the dialog box to save the report as a text file or to print the report. You can even change the font in which the
report is displayed.

Saving the Triangulation Results

If you are satisfied with the triangulation results and want to save them permanently in the project, click OK on the Satellite Triangulation Results
dialog box.

Generating Rational Function Coefficients

After having performed the triangulation of the satellite scenes successfully, you must use the Generate Rational Functions command to update
the model files for use with Intergraph data compilation applications (ISSD, ISSG, and ISAE).

What is a Rational Function?

In mathematics, a rational function is one that is defined by the divison of one polynomial by another polynomial. As it applies to Intergraph
satellite triangulation, "rational function" denotes a rational function of predefined terms that provides a realtime math model that can generate
coefficients for multiple images. Generating rational function coefficients prepares satellite imagery for stereo feature collection in the ISSD and
ISSG environments, and for automatic DTM collection (ISAE), by creating stereo-wise grid files for each model. It is not necessary to run this
command prior to performing orthorectification with ISOP.

Using the Generate Rational Functions Command

Select Generate Rational Functions from the Edit menu to open the Generate Rational Functions dialog box. The options specify parameters that
are used in the rational function generation process.

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Defining the Parameters

Active Model
Select one or more models for which you want to generate rational function coefficients.

Target CSF or DGN File

Displays the name of the coordinate system to be associated with the model(s) for which coefficients are to be generated.

Target Coordinate System

This is a read-only field that displays the coordinate system of the target CSF or DGN file, selected in the Target CSF or DGN File field, and that
will be used as your output coordinate system.

Output Pixel
If necessary, change the current value to match the pixel size of your imagery.

Left/Right Model RF Raw Bitmap File

Files that you can edit to enable and disable terms of the model rational functions whose coefficients are to be computed. These rational functions
are used for converting target coordinates to local space rectangular (LSR) coordinates in a stereo viewing environment. (You can go so far as to
disable all the terms of the denominator so that a polynomial is used in the computation.) A default BITMAP.DAT file is delivered in the ISPM
product directory. In the file, the data is presented in three columns. In the second column, a "1" enables the function term in the third column. A
"0" disables the term. Saving BITMAP.DAT as two new files, you can edit and specify one for the left photo and one for the right photo of the
model. Or you can specify the same file if you want to use the same settings for both photos.

Generating the Coefficients

When all the parameters have been entered into the Generate Rational Functions dialog box correctly, you are ready to generate rational function
coefficients for the photos in the selected model(s). Click Apply to start the process. After clicking Apply, the Generate Rational Functions Results
dialog box appears.

All results from all processing of all photos in all selected models will be displayed in this dialog box. Any time you would like to stop processing
and discard the results, click Cancel.
Click Accept to accept the results to the project. If you would like to discard the results, click the Reject button.
Observe that a *.SLG and a *.SRG file are created, respectively, for the left and right photos. These files are read by ISSD for use during stereo
display. At this point, the selected model(s) are ready to be opened and viewed in stereo with ISSD.
When you move a satellite imagery project to a new location, it is always best to open the project with ISPM and use the Save Project As
command (File menu) so that the paths to the supporting grid files are automatically changed with the PHOTO and MODEL files.

The IKONOS and GeoEye Imagery Workflow

The ISAT orientations products, as delivered, contain tools that let you perform triangulation with IKONOS and GeoEye imagery. Purchase of a
separate IKONOS and GeoEye triangulation product is unnecessary. The IKONOS and GeoEye workflow is similar to the general satellite
workflow presented in the preceding sections but some steps require the use of tools that are specifically designed for IKONOS and GeoEye
projects. This section explains how to use these tools and also conventional application commands to perform an IKONOS and GeoEye imagery

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IKONOS and GeoEye Product Options

The IKONOS and GeoEye imagery workflow described in this chapter can use the following IKONOS and GeoEye products offered by Space
Imaging®: Geo, Reference, Pro, Precision, and Precision Plus. The products are categorized by positional accuracy, their absolute (RMS, 1-
sigma) accuracies being 25 meters (Geo), 11.8 meters (Reference), 4.8 meters (Pro), 1.9 meters (Precision), and 0.9 meter (Precision Plus).
Except for Geo, these products are all orthorectified images. The Reference and Precision products also have a stereo imagery option.
Depending on which IKONOS and GeoEye product you are using, you may be able to omit triangulation from the workflow. For example, if you
are using Reference images and consider their positional accuracy to be already good enough, you could prepare the images and generate the
ISPM project, as explained later in this chapter, and then import the images directly into ImageStation OrthoPro to create orthophoto-mosaic
products. If you are using a stereo product, you could prepare the images, generate the ISPM project, check to be sure that models are
provided—and create them if they are not—and then open the models in ISSD or ISSG for stereo data compilation, or generate surfaces
automatically with ISAE.
If greater accuracy is desired, you can also perform the complete triangulation workflow, that is, perform multiphoto measurement using ground
control data and compute a bundle adjustment.

How is the IKONOS and GeoEye Workflow Different?

The following are the chief differences between the IKONOS and GeoEye imagery workflow and that of other sensors:
n Source IKONOS and GeoEye imagery must first be processed and output in a format that may be used efficiently by Intergraph
photogrammetry and remote-sensing applications. The Reformat Images command (Tools menu, IKONOS/GeoEye submenu) is provided for
this purpose. See Preparing IKONOS and GeoEye Images.
n The Generate ISPM Project command (Tools menu, IKONOS/GeoEye submenu) replaces the New Project wizard as the means of creating
the satellite imagery project. See Generating the ISPM Project.
n It is not necessary to create photos for the IKONOS and GeoEye imagery.
n It may not be necessary to create models. Once an IKONOS or GeoEye ISPM project has been generated, open the project, then open the

Footprint Viewer (Tools menu), select the Models display option, and click the button. Model footprints will appear in the footprint pane if
models were created when the project was generated. Otherwise create models as explained in the Creating Models section .
n A special set of satellite triangulation options is provided for IKONOS and GeoEye imagery within the Satellite Triangulation command. See
Selecting IKONOS or GeoEye Triangulation Options.
n Model rational function coefficients are generated automatically when the triangulation is computed. There is no need to use the Generate
Rational Functions command (Edit menu).
The following sections explain the workflow steps that are unique to IKONOS and GeoEye imagery and refer you to those chapters in which the
other steps are addressed in more detail.

Preparing IKONOS and GeoEye Images

The first step in a workflow that uses IKONOS and GeoEye imagery is to prepare it for use with Intergraph photogrammetry and remote-sensing
applications. Start the process by selecting the Reformat Images command (Tools menu, IKONOS/GeoEye submenu) to open the Reformat
IKONOS/GeoEye Images dialog box.

The Reformat Images command outputs tiled TIFF image files, with overviews, and are (optionally) JPEG-compressed. The utility is compatible
with images that are 8 to 16 bits per band, with either 1, 3, or—without JPEG compression—4 bands, in either TIFF or NITF format.
The compression option will not work with imagery that exceeds 12 bits in depth.
The output image header will contain the RPC coefficients, and, if available, the name of the stereo mate for the image.

In the Input IKONOS/GeoEye Images Folder text box, enter, or click to select, the path and file name of the folder that contains the NITF
format or TIFF format IKONOS or GeoEye images to be reformatted and their associated metadata files. TIFF files must have *_rpc.txt files. In
the case of NITF files, the RPC coefficients will be stored in the header of the image file. For both TIFF and NITF images, .hdr files are optional.
The metadata files must have the same base name as the image. For example, an image named po_36668_rgb_000101.tif would have metadata
files po_36668_rgb_00101_rpc.txt and po_36668_rgb_00101.hdr. The .hdr file is used to identify the stereo mate and is required only if automatic
stereo model setup is to be performed.

In the Output Images Folder text box, enter, or click to select, the path and file name of the folder that is to contain the output image files. The
output folder must be different from the input folder, must already exist, and be writable. The _rpc.txt and .hdr files will not be written to the output
folder, as the information is stored in the header of the output images.
If the input directory contains files with identical names, except for a spectral identifier (one of: _red_, _grn_, _blu_, or _nir_), then the
Reformat Images command may combine these to create a single color file. The command will use the original file name, with one of _rgb_, _cir_,
or _4bd_ in place of the spectral identifier. For example, if the command finds file_red_01.tif, file_grn_01.tif, and file_nir_01.tif, then a single
composite image file, file_cir_01.tif (color infrared) will be created. Four-band TIFF files will be created if all four bands are present.
The default Output Option settings for compression, tile size, and overview generation will generally yield good results.

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Be sure to check before you start the process that there is enough free disk space for the output images. The Reformat
IKONOS/GeoEye Images command does not check for sufficient disk space.
When you click OK, you will be asked if you want to overwrite output images if they already exist, and you must click Yes to start the process.
Otherwise, the process will start immediately, a window similar to the following will be displayed, and it will remain open until all the images have
been processed.

The process may take some time to complete, depending on the number of images being processed. When it is finished, you are ready to
generate the ISPM project.

Generating the ISPM Project

The Generate ISPM Project command (Tools Menu, IKONOS/GeoEye Submenu) will create an ISPM photogrammetric project, complete with
stereo models if the stereo-mate information is contained in the image headers, from the images created by the Reformat Images command.
Each model ID is created from the file name of the left image. All of the models created are ready for use in ISSD, ISDC, ISAE, and ISOP.
Select the Generate ISPM Project command (Tools menu, IKONOS/GeoEye submenu) to open the Generate ISPM Project From
IKONOS/GeoEye Images dialog box and enter the required information.
The Average Project Elevation corresponds to the ground elevation that you define when using the New Project command or Edit Project
command. In a satellite project, elevation is referenced to the WGS84 ellipsoid.

In the Project Name field, enter the name for the project. Notice that this name is automatically appended to any path appearing in the Output
Project Folder text box. The usual practice is for the last element of the project folder path to be the same as the project name.

In the Output Project Folder text box, enter, or click the button to select, the path to a folder that will contain the files for the project being
generated. If you select the path using the button, the project name, if specified, will be automatically appended to the path. If you enter or edit
the output project folder path directly, be aware that the project name will not be automatically appended. If you wish to follow the usual practice
in such a case, you must ensure that the project name is the last element of the path.

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In the Input Image Folder text box, enter, or click the button to select, the path to a folder containing prepared IKONOS or GeoEye images
that will be used to create photos (and possibly models) for the project to be generated. (See Preparing IKONOS and GeoEye Images for a
discussion of the image preparation workflow.)
If you would like to use geographic coordinates with any models produced, select the Geographic radio button. If you would like to use a mapping
coordinate system with any models produced, select the "Projected" radio button and specify the path to a CSF or DGN file that specifies the
mapping coordinate system to be used when generating model rational function coefficients in the project to be created.
The Define Coordinate System dialog from GeoMedia’s Coordinate System Service is required for defining projected coordinate system
information in a CSF file.
Clear the check box if you do not want the CSF or DGN file to be copied to the project’s CSF folder when the ISPM project is created.
Click OK to create the project. You will be notified via a pop-up dialog when the process is finished.
Once the project has been created, open it as you would any ISPM project. The project is not automatically opened.

Adding Project Data

Next, if necessary, create models. First use the Footprint Viewer (Tools menu) to check for model footprints. Then import control points as in any
satellite triangulation project. It is not necessary to create photos for the IKONOS or GeoEye imagery, as this task was performed automatically
when the project was created.

Measuring Control Points

See Measuring Points for information about measuring control points on satellite imagery with the Multiphoto Point Measurement command.

Performing Triangulation
See Performing the Triangulation Process for information about the Triangulation command (Orientations menu, Satellite Triangulation submenu)
and how to use it.

Selecting IKONOS or GeoEye Triangulation Options

When you open the Satellite Triangulation Options dialog box (see also page ) in an IKONOS and GeoEye imagery workflow, the IKONOS
Options button is available.

Click IKONOS Options to open the IKONOS/GeoEye Options dialog box.

For descriptions of the options on this dialog box, click Help.

If you select the Update Model Grids and Rational Functions on Accept option, all models that were included in the set of photos
selected for triangulation will be updated when you click the Apply button or OK button on the Satellite Triangulation Results dialog box. A model
is considered included when the model’s left photo and right photo have both been selected for triangulation. When a model is updated, stereo-
wise grid files and rational function coefficients are calculated using the photo rational function coefficients that have been modified by
triangulation. If you do not need to update the models, clear the check box. Doing so will reduce processing time.

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When you have finished selecting options for IKONOS or GeoEye triangulation, click OK, and then click OK again to return to the Satellite
Triangulation Results dialog box to proceed with the computation.

Exporting IMAGINE Satellite Projects to ImageStation

Sometimes ImageStation customers come across satellite sensor projects that they would like to ortho-rectify, stereo compile, or generate
surfaces for in the ImageStation suite of applications. Unfortunately, ImageStation Stereo Triangulation (ISST) does not support the aero-
triangulation process for some of these sensors. However, in many cases one can use the IMAGINE Photogrammetry suite to perform the aero-
triangulation of such projects and store them in "block" files (*.BLK). These BLK files can then be run through a couple IMAGINE programs to
generate NITF files which can then be ingested with tools in ImageStation to create projects ready for stereo compilation and/or ortho production.

Create the Project with IMAGINE Photogrammetry

The first step in this whole process is to create a project with IMAGINE Photogrammetry. Refer to the IMAGINE Photogrammetry Help for
assistance with this process. Note that the various satellite sensors have different characteristics so you need to be sure to select the proper
camera type when creating the project. The Help clearly lists which options to use for each satellite sensor type.
Once the project is created, use the IMAGINE Photogrammetry application to perform pass point and control point measurement as needed, and
compute an adjustment to update the rational function polynomial coefficients (RPCs) for the satellite scenes. Be sure to save the BLK file before
exiting the program.

RPC Generation
Next, from the IMAGINE ribbon menu click Raster >> Geometric Calibration >> RPC Generation. Use the dialog that appears to open the BLK
file created during the previous step.

After the images have been opened a dialog like the one shown here will appear.

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Use the file browser at the end of the Output Template field to specify the output location for the UAI and AUX files that will get created during
this step. Select the Row for the image that you want to process, then click Run to generate the files. Repeat this step for each Row/image that
you intend to export to the ImageStation environment.

Create NITF Files

The next step in the process is to create NITF files that have the updated RPCs embedded in the header of the image files. These files will be
used by the ImageStation Photogrammetric Manager (ISPM) IKONOS/GeoEye tools to create new images and an ImageStation project.
On the IMAGINE ribbon menu click Home >> Manage Data >> Export to display a dialog as shown here.

Set the Format to NITF 2.1 from Imagery. For the Input File, use the browser to locate one of the *.uai files created from the previous step. Set
the Output File name and location to wherever you want to write the new image files to. Click OK to open the dialog as shown here.

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If you click on the RPC tag in the left column more information is displayed. This step is not really necessary but just provides more information
about the imagery. Simply click OK to generate the NITF image at this point. Repeat these steps for each NITF image that you need to create.

Reformat the Image Files

By now you should have image files that are ready for the first step to ingest them into an ImageStation project. The NITF files have the RPCs
embedded in them. The first step in the ingestion process is to reformat these files to TIFF format with ISPM.
In ISPM, from the pull down menu click Tools >> IKONOS/GeoEye >> Reformat Images to open the dialog shown below.

Set the Input Images Folder to wherever you wrote the NITF files to. Create and/or specify an Output Images Folder for the new images you
are about to create. For most applications you will want to make the files tiled TIFF with overviews as shown here. Compression is optional.

Create the ISPM Project

Next, from the ISPM pull down menu click Tools >> IKONOS/GeoEye >> Generate ISPM Project to open the dialog as shown here.

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Key in a Project Name and Output Project Folder location as shown. The Input Images Folder should point to the output location used in the
previous Reformat Images step. The Average Project Elevation is not critical but should be set to a value somewhat representative of the
average ground elevation of your project above MSL. For ease of instruction purposes, leave the Mapping Coordinate System set to
Geographic. Click OK to create the project.
You should now have an ImageStation project with individual photos for use with ImageStation OrthoPro. If you want to use any of the stereo
products, such as ImageStation Stereo Display, ImageStation Stereo Display for GeoMedia, and/or ImageStation Automatic Elevations,
you will need to create models with ISPM's Edit >> Models command, and then use the Generate Rational Functions command prior to using
the project with those applications.

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