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Nguyen Thi Bao Phuong



1. Review key concept: Airline Industry, Motor Coach/Bus,
Automobile, Cruise Lines, Rail travel.

Airline industry:
 Dominates long and medium trip passenger market
 Carry ~4.5B pax/year
 Create >57M jobs and $220B in economic activity

Motor Coach/Bus:

 Used more when traveling to or from rural areas and small towns
 Lower average revenues than other modes

 Most popular mode in the world
 Affordability, flexibility, convenience
 Rental car industry growing

Cruise Lines:
 Fastest growing segment of travel industry
 Expanding fleets, adding new ports of call
 Tied in with other modes of transportation

Rail travel:
 Efficent, economical, high speed trains can replace air travel
 Passengers service depends on public sectors
 Major railroads want out of the passengers service business

2.How important role does passenger transportation play in tourism?

Transportation is one of the most essential segments in tourism since transportation

 give people motivation to travel from their homes to other places

 enable people to travel to places far away from their places in a short time
 help visitors commnute while visiting the attractions

3.Briefly describe main types of passenger transportation in tourism?

Main types of passenger transportation in tourism includes:

 air transportation: the safest type of transportation

 road transportation: the most popular type of transportation (car, automobile)
 rail transportation: the most economical, convenient, and popular mode of travel especially for long
distance travel all over the world
 water tranportation: The cruise lines are the new attraction among the tourist
 other types
4.Evaluate the importantance of safety and security in all forms of
travel? What is the safest mode of passenger transportation?
- The provision of quality in tourism depends on safety and security. The ability to offer guests a safe and
secure environment is more important to a tourism destination's success or failure than any other
economic activity. Visitors won't want to travel again if they don't feel comfortable and secure while
they're there.

Air travel is the safest form of passenger transportation; only.006 fatalities per billion miles of travel are
caused by aircraft accidents. Private aircraft are involved in the majority of aviation crashes. 5.What
have been the most dramatic changes in passenger transportation over the centuries?
The most changes in passenger tranportation over the centuries are:

 The emergence of airline industry, especially the low-cost carrier

 Cruise tourism become more popular

6.What is the main reasons air travel dominates the long and medium trip
passenger market?
Reasons air travel dominates the long and medium trip passenger market is the characteristics of air

 Fast: it’ll only take customers a short period of time to get to their destinations compared to using other
transportation methods
 Service: during the long and medium trip, customers will receive the luxurious services from the air line,
that will make them more comfortable

7.High speed trains are very successful in European and in Japan.

Would such development in Vietnam likely to be successful? Why/why not?
In the past, Vietnam has intended to create high-speed trains, but none of those plans ever materialized.
The major source of the collapse was a money issue. Even if there were projects, the governments
couldn't risk a large sum of money on them because the cost to create a high speed rail was roughly equal
to the country's GDP.

However, I think the government will be able to create high speed trains in Vietnam in the future when
tourism in our nation grows and contributes more to the economy. This mode of transportation will
promote domestic travel inside the nation.
8.Discuss some examples of how a growth in tourism would result in
stress on the transportation system?

the increase of demand on traveling necessities, fuel and taxes, are high which
which keeps many people from traveling -- adverse effect
Example 1: With

Venice in the past 10 years attracted such large numbers of people that made streets, bridges, boat stops,
and boats have become very crowded. Attempting to navigate through the City becomes a severe
frustration, even forcing some Venetian citizens to change their daily routes in order to avoid the crowds.

Example 2: The rise in demand for transportation in Thailand have contributed to the growth of
congestion in the city areas. The growth of economy and social development enhance mobility in urban
and encourage the use of personal transportation. Yet, transportation road and rail network is restricted
and is not constantly exploited in the most favourable approach.

9.To what extend does “booming” of low-cost airlines affect passenger

transportation? What are advantages and disadvantages?
The affects of low-cost airlines on passenger transportation:

 Bring air travel closesr to massive

 Help traveling be more convenient, accessible to everyone


 Cheaper: airline tickets are much cheaper than normal airlines

 Cheap parking fee: LCCs often fly to small airports, that means parking fee is cheaper


 Poor service: customers will not have meals or drink during the flight
 Distance airport: aiports are far from the city, therefore, customers have to take taxi to get to the city
 Extra costs: customers have to pay for anything they buy during the flights.

10.How Coronavirus pandemic impacts on the development of the

global’s airline industry and Vietnam airlines?
Global airline industry:

 Decrease of 60.2% of passengers

 International passenger demand decreased by 75.6%
 Domestic air passenger demand dropped by 48.8%
 Revenue was only $189B, dropped by 69%
 The decline in 2020 was the largest recorded in airline industry since 1950

Vietnam airline industry:

 Revenue: more than 43B VND, decreased 59% compared to 2019

 16.4M pax
 110800 flights (187 rescued flights)
 Used of 66-68% employees
11.What do you think passenger transportation will be like in 5 years
from now?
In 5 years, there could be many changes in passenger transportation, such as:

 Public transportation:
o AVs combined with artificial intelligence (AI) will provide a future of convenience
and comfort when it comes to future transport. Banished to yesteryears will be bus
timetables and shelters, and nose-to-bumper stress driving. Self-driving public
vehicles running on advanced algorithms will pick up people who are going in the
same direction.
o In the future, it’s possible we’ll see large-scale charging hubs for HGVs, buses and
public fleet, such as council and blue light vehicles, all in one location to minimise
disruption. We may see the end of bus depots in central locations and the
opportunity for town and city planners to create pleasant, social spaces.
o In the future, robot vehicles may look entirely different from the hands-free/big-
screen version we expect. Envision a transport capsule that blurs the boundaries
between home, car, entertainment centre, workplace and wellbeing hub – and a
whole new in-car services industry.
o Central AI software may control urban traffic systems, directing traffic flow so
congestion and road accidents are both consigned to history.

 Air travel By 2030, Virgin Hyperloop could be whisking people and freight from London to
Edinburgh in 45 minutes, or between New York and Washington DC in just 30 minutes.
Reaching speeds of up to 670 miles per hour, the futuristic pods in Virgin Hyperloop are
powered by electromagnets that push them through a vacuum tube, which eliminates the air
resistance experienced by other modes of transport.
 Hard-hit by the coronavirus pandemic, the global aviation industry is nevertheless
continuing to pursue ways to reduce planes’ carbon impact by replacing traditional fuels
with synthetic jet fuels and hydrogen, alongside radical new futuristic engine and aircraft
designs.Rail travel could be diminished, rail could only used for transporting goods
 Cruise travel would blow up and become an affordable type of transportation for visitors

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