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Unit Planning

Year: A1/A2 Subject: English Prepared by: Samuel Matsinhe

Topic of Unit: Life stories & now and then, famous live, travel & what do you want & fact or fiction Number of Lessons: 5

Objectives Contents Ressources Evaluation

Vocabulary Structure
At the end of each unit  Months of the year Past tense was/were.  Speakers  Diagnostic test
students will be able to:
 Ordinal numbers and Negative and questions  Worksheets Assessments will be given to
 Ask and answer
questions using was/ date Past regular verbs. Positive,  Flashcards the student to check their
were negative and questions
 Years  Cue/prompt cards progress of topics dealt with
 Talk about events in
the past  Others: national Past irregular verbs the end of each Unit
 Computer
 Tell one’s life stories Past yes/no questions
or someone’s holiday, president,  Whiteboard
 Talk about things you sporting event, noisy, Wh-questions
 CDs
did/didn’t do in the Want and want to
quiet, clean, dirty,
past  WhatsApp
 Ask and answer about naughty, yesterday. Past time phrases
 Facebooks
an evening in and out
 Verbs-life events
that you had  YouTube
 Arrange an evening in (leave primary school,
and out with friends.  Realia
go to/leave university,
 Ask and answer
questions about pass your driving test,
important dates etc)
 Ask and answer
questions about one’s  Creative jobs:
childhood dancer, fashion
 Ask and answer
questions about
people’s famous designer, singer)
people lives
 Transport and travel
 Take part in a quiz
about creative people  Time expression: in
 Write a thank you
June, two years ago,
card, email or text
message last week, first, the,
 Apologise and
after that
responds to apologies
 Holidays activities
 Ask and answer
 Other: raise money
questions about
journey for…, go across,
tunnel, etc.
 Interview someone
about their holiday  Describing object,
colours and size
 Write a short/long
blog about a journey  Other: fun, boring,
frightening, exciting,
 Buy a ticket and ask
for information at a sociable, carry, buy
 Talk about things you  Wants: verb phrases
want to do
 Things you can buy
 Ask and answer
questions about
things you want to do

 Choose a present for

someone and say why
you chose it

 Say goodbye to
someone at a leaving

 Write formal/informal
text message.

The Teacher: Samuel Matsinhe Date: ___/___/___

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