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Enhance Your Roadmap

for Data and Analytics


© 2021 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. CM_GTS_1201083
What makes establishing effective data and analytics
governance so challenging?

One reason data and analytics (D&A) leaders struggle with

governance is that they attempt to develop governance policies Barriers to Achieving Data Governance Objectives
in advance of D&A use cases. Conventional approaches to
55% Lack of Standardized Approach to Governance
D&A governance generate more friction than value. This friction Across the Organization
49% Lack of Key Roles
arises because organizations overcorrect in their attempts
47% Lack of Skills/Experience to Drive the Initiative
to control chaotic data use. They either rely on top-down, 45% Lack of Funding to Drive Governance Outcomes
command-and-control styles of D&A governance to govern 38%
Resistance to Governance Adoption From Business
Areas (Bottom-up)
data “ex-ante” (in advance of its use) or ignore the issue outright. 36% Inability to Enforce Governance in Business Area

33% Lack of Support From Business Leadership (Top-down)

31% Lack of the Right Technology for Governance

29% Lack of Education and Training

18% Lack of Commitment From Governance Leadership

4% No Barriers

n = 55 All Respondents
Q07. Which of the following are barriers to achieving data and analytics governance objectives?
Note: Values 2% or below not shown
Source: Gartner

Enhance Your Roadmap for Data and Analytics Governance Become a Client | 2 
How can data and analytics governance
help you succeed in achieving your
digital business ambition?

A traditional one-size-fits-all approach to data and analytics

governance cannot deliver the value, scale and speed that digital
business demands. Adaptive and flexible governance enables
data and analytics leaders to select different governance styles
for differing business scenarios.
60% 20%
From our expert research and interactions with thousands of
companies in a wide range of industries, we’ve compiled data of organizations with more of organizations investing
governance best practices into a customizable roadmap. Your than 20 data scientists will in information governance
require a professional code of will succeed in scaling
organization can use this roadmap to understand the key stages,
conduct incorporating ethical governance for digital
resources and people required to plan and execute an effective use of data and AI by 2023 business through 2022
data governance initiative.

Source: Gartner

Enhance Your Roadmap for Data and Analytics Governance Become a Client | 3 
Some of the top questions of managing/maintaining data and analytics governance are:

Does your existing data governance
How do you evaluate data
Which teams need to be involved
model align with your data and governance maturity? in defining data governance?
analytics strategies?

What are the key stages?

This best-practice insight is distilled from interactions with
clients who have successfully implemented data governance
initiatives. The roadmap shows the sequence of objectives and
desired outcomes and is useful for aligning all stakeholders.

A few key milestones and a sample of associated Gartner

resources follow, but the full roadmap includes complete
details of all milestones and resources for each stage.

Enhance Your Roadmap for Data and Analytics Governance Become a Client | 4 
Align Develop Begin Optimize
strategy action plan execution and scale

Align strategy
Set the right governance foundations

Actions to take: Sample of associated Gartner resources include:

• Consultation: Discuss data and analytics strategy ambition of

   enterprise and develop roadmap accordingly.
Analyze mission- Define the scope Agree on strategy, • 5 Steps to Build a Business Case for Data and Analytics That Even
critical priorities of governance and align outcomes Humans Will Understand
and how D&A is evaluate options with phased
essential to deliver for deploying governance • Toolkit: Build the Business Case for Data and Analytics Governance
targeted business a governance initiatives and
• IT Score for Data & Analytics
value. framework. show impact
on business key • Analyst inquiry: Assess current status of data and analytics governance
initiatives. capability needed to stay relevant to business needs.

+ more
+ more

Enhance Your Roadmap for Data and Analytics Governance Become a Client | 5 
Align Develop Begin Optimize
strategy action plan execution and scale

Develop action plan

Build an effective governance structure

Selected tasks include: Sample of associated Gartner resources include:

• Analyst inquiry: Develop data and analytics governance charter

   and framework connected with business outcomes.
Assess existing Define the Set up • Data Governance Playbook
governance operating model governance
capabilities and for governance footprints for • Use Gartner’s Value Pyramid to Connect Data and Analytics
maturity in key and design initiatives and to Business Value
areas such as governance address the need
• Consultation: Apply techniques such as three rings model
accountability and deployment. for strategic
to scope the governance initiative.
ethics. oversight.
• Analyst inquiry: Engage with an analyst to develop the operating
+ more model and roadmap for the governance program.

+ more

Enhance Your Roadmap for Data and Analytics Governance Become a Client | 6 
Align Develop Begin Optimize
strategy action plan execution and scale

Begin execution
Design and deploy governance policies and standards

Selected tasks include: Sample of associated Gartner resources include:

• Gartner Peer Connect Perspectives: Finding the Right Approach to

   Formulating a Data Governance Policy
Analyze existing Engage with key Establish the • Analyst inquiry: Review and feedback draft governance policies
policies and stakeholders to technology and standards improve likelihood of successful adoption.
standards and define the content infrastructure,
assess overlaps, of policies and workflows, and • On-site workshop: Assess governance framework, operating
gaps and standards compliance model and roadmap against targeted business outcomes.
conflicts. and assess the and reporting
+ more
deployment plan. mechanisms.

+ more

Enhance Your Roadmap for Data and Analytics Governance Become a Client | 7 
Align Develop Begin Optimize
strategy action plan execution and scale

Evaluate and improve performance

Selected tasks include: Sample of associated Gartner resources include:

• Analyst briefing: Where to Organize the Work of Data and Analytics

Toolkit: Leadership execution
Assess actual Use automated Evaluate impact
operational workflow of governance — Leadership Vision for 2021: Data and Analytics
behaviors and processes and risk policies on
• Consultation: Review recent research and new case studies to
results against thresholds to drive business
support team insights.
expectations, and behavioral change. outcomes and
address issues. identify areas for + more

+ more

Enhance Your Roadmap for Data and Analytics Governance Become a Client | 8 
Align Develop Begin Optimize
strategy action plan execution and scale

Optimize and scale

Establish process of iteration and learning

Selected tasks include: Sample of associated Gartner resources include:

• Consultation: Review progress and chart the next iterations

   by connecting data and analytics strategy with governance
Track data- Devise new Reassess strategy improvement.
related issues and enterprise and model — Data and Analytics Leaders Must Use Adaptive Governance
ensure timely and processes, roles and conduct to Succeed in Digital Business
effective routing and skills plan controlled
and resolution. informed by testing before — IT Score for Data & Analytics
maturity, culture enterprisewide
• Research: Periodically assess status of data and analytics
and risk appetite. launch.
governance capability needed to stay relevant to business needs.

+ more + more

Enhance Your Roadmap for Data and Analytics Governance Become a Client | 9 
Who needs to be involved?

The most successful companies establish cross-functional teams for their data
and analytics governance initiatives. We have outlined the recommended functions
to involve and their roles to ensure the best success in hitting the milestones.

Collaborates with organizational leaders and helps guide D&A governance strategy, operating
model and deployment efforts; strategizes capabilities needed for delivering new value
through data and analytics capabilities; communicates mission and goals across organization

Application Data and Program and Infrastructure and Security and risk Technical
and software analytics leader portfolio/PMO operations (I&O) management professionals
engineering and team leader and team leader and team leader and team teams
leader and team Establish the foundations Assist with creating a Contribute insights on Engage with D&A Architect and deploy
Inform strategy and and framework for D&A program plan to enable I&O competencies and leaders to ensure that data management
provide guidance for governance practices effective governance; help guide planning risk management governance technologies
enterprise applications; and processes; evaluate enable effective activity for infrastructure and information and procedures like
manage adoption of maturity and cultural investment stewardship and operational changes security implications master data management
new technologies, barriers to change; and prioritization, program required for data are understood and to improve data quality
delivery methods and coordinate and enable coordination and delivery, governance efforts; addressed in the and increase business
organizational models; governance activity value realization, talent develop I&O service governance initiative; analytics and intelligence;
support and manage through engagement enablement, and effective strategy and technical guide planning activity for constantly improve
applications to achieve with key business and IT organization change roadmap and deliver data asset management analytics to meet
D&A strategy and stakeholders to deliver management necessary integrated IT service and governance and risk changing business needs;
governance objectives success to establish adaptive D&A management landscape and compliance activities improve skills as needed
governance to enable new capabilities

Enhance Your Roadmap for Data and Analytics Governance Become a Client | 10 
Gartner roadmaps are designed to help CIOs and IT leaders successfully
execute new initiatives and reduce time and costs. Our suite of roadmaps
Contact us to explore the provides extensive coverage of IT leaders’ top priorities, such as:
complete IT Roadmap
• Digital Business • Cloud Migration • Operational Efficiency
for Data and Analytics Transformation • IT Organization Design: Project • Maturing Information Security
Governance • Data and Analytics Versus Product Program
US: 1 855 534 9015 • Cloud Strategy • Application Modernization • Infrastructure Modernization
• Cost Optimization • Customer Experience • Modernize Business Through
Global: +44 (0) 33 3222 1751 Technology

Explore additional resources to learn more about data and analytics governance:
Becoming a Gartner client means joining
the world’s largest community of CIOs Chief Data Officer to Build Data & Analytics Leadership Traits
and IT leaders. Get access to this level of
insight all year long — plus contextualized
Gartner IT Score for Data & Analytics
support for your strategic priorities. Top Priorities for IT: Leadership Vision for 2021 — D&A
100 Data and Analytics Predictions Through 2024
Become a Client
The IT Roadmap for Data and Analytics

© 2021 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. CM_GTS_1201083

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