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Sentence Subjects Verbs Objects

starter (person/things/place/ (past/present/ (got nouns/verbs/adjective or etc to complete the whole sentence).
beautiful still found looked wished (Time animal/building) future/continuous)

The Crow and The Swan

One day, a crow saw a (1)__________ swan near a pond.
The crow (2)__________to be as white as the swan.
The crow (3)__________ that the swan
always swim in the pond. Then, the crow thought, “If
I stay in the water like the swan every day, I could be
as white as the swan.”
So, it flew to the pond and stayed in it. After a few
days, the crow found that it was (4)__________ black in
colour. It (5)__________ at its own feathers in wonder.
food decided happy greedy killed
Once upon a time, there was a hungry snake. He came out
to look for (1)__________.
He saw a little frog. He thought that the frog was
too small. He (2)__________ to wait for other animals.
Then came an elephant. The snake was very
(3)__________. He wanted to eat the elephant. The
elephant did not see the snake. He walked and stepped on Sentence Subjects Verbs Objects
the snake. starter (person/things/place/ (past/present/ (got nouns/verbs/adjective or etc to complete the whole sentence).
(Time animal/building) future/
The snake was (4)__________.The story teaches marker/Sequence continuous)
us not to be (5)__________. We must always be thankful
with what we have.

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