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(Mechanical Engineering Department)

Energy Conservation and management (2181916)


1. What is Energy? Classify it with examples.

2. Write a note on Indian energy scenario and energy intensity.
3. Explain the long term energy scenario for India and energy pricing.
4. Write about energy security. What are the strategies of energies for future?
5. What do you mean by the energy conservation? Give its importance.
6. Discuss in brief energy conservation Act 2001 and its features.

ASSIGNMENT 2: Basics of Energy its various forms and conservation

1. Explain the various forms of energy?

2. Define: (1) AC & DC Current (2) Apparent power (3) Reactive power (4)
Active power (5) power factor (6) kilowatt hour (7) maximum demand (8)
load factor (9) time of day tariff.
3. Define and explain: (1) Temperature and pressure (2) Heat and specific heat
(3)sensible heat and latent heat (4) latent heat of vaporization and latent
heat of fusion (5) humidity and relative humidity (6) calorific value
(7)conduction (8) convection (9)thermal radiation.

Subject In charge H.O.D. Mechanical

(Mechanical Engineering Department)
Energy Conservation and management (2181916)

ASSIGNMENT 3: Energy Management & Audit

1. Define energy management.state the basic principles and benefits of

energy management.
2. Define energy audit as per the energy conservation act-2001.explain need
of energy audit and types of energy audit.
3. Illustrate the steps methodology of detailed energy audit.
4. List four important duties of energy manager in industry as per energy
conservation act-2001
5. Define and explain : (1) plant energy performance (2) Production factor(3)
Reference year Equivalent Energy (4)Monthly Energy performance
6. List down and explain about instruments for energy audit

ASSIGNMENT 4: Financial Management

1. Explain need, appraisal and criteria of investment.

2. Explain simple payback period and return on investment (ROI) methods
with its advantage & limitation.
3. Discuss the role of energy service companies (ESCOS).

Subject In charge H.O.D. Mechanical

(Mechanical Engineering Department)
Energy Conservation and management (2181916)

ASSIGNMENT 5: Energy Monitoring and Targeting

1. Definition and elements of Monitoring and targeting system.

2. Explain the relation between energy consumpation and production using
graph and bar chart method.
3. Explain in brief CUSUM technique. Give the steps for CUSUM technique
with example.

ASSIGNMENT 6: Energy Efficiency in Thermal Utilities and systems

1. Write step wise procedure to calculate boiler efficiency.

2. Prepare a list of measures for energy optimization in boilers, lighting and
HVAC systems.
3. List the factors affecting furnace performance.
4. List the important suggestions for energy saving in pumps, blowers,
compressors & fans.
5. List the energy saving opportunities in refrigeration and cooling tower.

ASSIGNMENT 7: Heat Recovery and Co-generation

1. Explain principle of co-generation and its need. Also explain the bottoming
and topping cycles.
2. With a neat sketch explain steam and gas turbine co-generation systems.
3. Advantages and disadvantages of various co-generation systems.
4. Discuss the sources of waste heat and its potential applications.
5. List the benefits of waste heat recovery system.
6. List down the waste heat recovery devices and explain working principles of
(1)Recuperators (2)regenerator (3)heat wheels(4)heat pipe(5)waste heat
boilers(6)thermo compressors

Subject In charge H.O.D. Mechanical

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