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Registon kutubxonasi Ingliz tili: Maxsus kitob

Reading & Writing

Part 1

Look and read. Choose the correct words and write
them on the lines.
There is one example.
A party Football The
countryside A Clown A Mouse The
Wind A Panda A Dentist

This place is outside the city. There are fields, trees,
and animals here. the countryside
1. This is a game. People kick a ball around a field.
2. This makes people happy. A lot of people come to
a house and eat cake and play games.
3. This is something outside that you can’t see, but it
can move things like leaves on a tree.

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Registon kutubxonasi Ingliz tili: Maxsus kitob
4. This person is a kind of doctor for your teeth
5. This small animal can run quickly and likes to eat
Part 2
-6 questions-
Read the text and choose the best answer.
Nick: Paul, are you sleeping?
Paul: A. No, thank you
B. No, I’m not
C. No I don’t
1. Nick: Can you see those birds on the rock?
Paul: A. Yes, I can
B. Me too
C. Yes that’s right
2. Nick: Paul, are you afraid?
Paul: A. Yes, you are
B. So do I
C. No, I am not

3. Nick: Do you think these birds are very big

Paul: A. No, I can’t see them
B. No, they aren’t
C. Yes, they were.
4. Nick: Paul, is that your towel on the sand?
Paul: A. No, it’s not mine
B. Yes, it’s theirs
C. No, these are yours
5. Nick: I’m hungry. Are you?
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Paul: A. Yesterday
B. On Sunday
C. I am very hungry
6. Nick: Well, what did you bring for breakfast?
Paul: A. it’s my pet parrot, Kim
B. I thought you brought breakfast!
C. I had an egg and a banana for breakfast

Part 3
-6 questions-
Party Cold Lion Ice cream
Lake Dirty
Tea PuppyThirsty

What did you do for your birthday, Jane? Lucy asked

her friend.
I had a ……party…….. on Saturday; Jane said. I’m sorry
you couldn’t come. I went to see my aunt and
uncle on Saturday. We drove to the (1)……………… and
sailed to the island. Lucy said. We wanted to have a
picnic, but it was too (2) ………………… and I
didn’t have my coat. So, how was the party? Well, the
party was good. There were lots of people and we ate
cake and (3) ………………… and we drank lemonade.
Jane told Lucy. And what did your mum and dad give

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you? Lucy asked. They gave me a brown (4)
……………………… . He’s very clever. He’s called Skip,
‘Jane said. Then Skip ran inside and jumped on Lucy’s
‘Look!’ Lucy said. He is very (5) …………………… . He
played in the grass and now he’s wet.’
‘Yes he is. ‘Jane said. So she got a towel and the two
girls cleaned Skip.

(6) Now choose the best name for the story.

A) A day at the lake
B) The birthday puppy
C) Lucy’s party
Part 4
-5 questions
Read the text. Choose the right words and write
them on the lines.
Example: Every city has a library and most small
towns have ……… . (1) ……………………... are lots
of books in the library and you can take them out for
one or two weeks. When you are in the library, you (2)
……………… to talk quietly and you can’t shout.
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Sometimes libraries have got CDs and films that you
can listen (3) ….……………. and watch. It’s naughty to
eat in the library because it makes the books dirty, and
people don’t want (4) …………………….. food on them.
You can find books about plants, computers, sharks
and trains. There are stories about (5)
……………………… football and stories about treasures
on the beach. Libraries are great!
Example it one both
1. There They
2. has having
3. to with form
4. many no any
5. plays playing

Part 5

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Registon kutubxonasi Ingliz tili: Maxsus kitob
-7- questions
Look at the pictures and read the story. Write some
words to complete the sentences about the story.
You can use 1, 2 or 3 words.

Vick’s holiday on the farm

Last week, Vicky went to see her grandparents. She
took a train to the countryside because her
grandparents live on a farm. They live in a big red
house next to a river. When Vicky saw her
grandparents, she said, ‘Hello, I brought you
something. Look in the box.’ She smiled and gave them
a box. There was a painting in it. ‘I painted it for you.
It’s a whale,’ Thank you!’ said Grandma and Grandpa.

Vicky took a ………train……... to her grandparents’ house.
Vicky’s grandparents live on a …………farm………..
1. Her grandparents’ house is near a……………………….
2. Vicky brought her grandparents
a……………………….in a box.
Grandma made vegetable soup for lunch and gave
Vicky a glass of milk to drink. After lunch, Grandma
went to the kitchen to clean the bowls and glasses.
‘Oh!’ She shouted. ‘There’s a mouse in the cupboard!
Grandma climbed up on a chair. Vicky was afraid, too.
But Grandpa opened the door and the mouse ran
outside and hid in the grass.

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3. Grandma cooked………………………. for lunch.
4. Grandma cleaned the……………….. in the kitchen
5. The mouse was in the………………..when Grandma
saw it.
The chickens are in there,’ Grandpa said.
‘Would you like to get their eggs?’ he said. ‘OK,’ Vicky
said. She found four eggs. After that, Vicky and her
grandfather went to the field opposite the river. There,
they planted carrots and beans. ‘You have a lot of
animals,’ said Vicky. She thought about the mouse. ‘But
you need a cat, too!’

6. Vicky got…………………………..from the chickens.

7. Vicky and her grandfather planted ………………… in
the field opposite the river.
Part 1
-5 questions-
Look and read. Choose the correct words and write
them on the lines.
There is one example.
A doctor A waterfall A pool
Coffee A bag
A helmet A village Feet

You carry your things in this when you go to school or
work. …..a bag……..
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Registon kutubxonasi Ingliz tili: Maxsus kitob
1. This is a small town. There aren’t a lot of houses in it.
2. You drink this hot in the morning.
3. This person helps people who aren’t well
4. This is the part of the body at the end of a person’s legs.
5. A place for people to swim in
Part 2
-6 questions-
Read the text and choose the best answer.
Example: Sam: What a nice boat you’ve got, Alex!
Alex: A. No, you haven’t.
B. Here you are.
C. Thank you.
1. Sam: Where are you going in your boat?
Alex: A. To Hippo island
B. To the hospital
C To the lift
2.Sam: When did you buy the boat?
Alex: A. From Peter.
B. Last Wednesday.
C. To sail to an island.
3. Sam: Did you paint it?
Alex: A. Yes, and my friend Paul helped.

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B. I’m red and yellow.
C. I saw the painting, too.
4. Sam: And what’s the boat called, Alex?
Alex: A. It’s my first boat.
B. I found it on the beach
C. Star of the Sea.’
5. Sam: It’s cold here at the lake.
Alex: A. So do I
B. Yes, it is
C. Yes, you are
6. Sam: How about going to the cafe for a hot drink?
Alex: A. Yes, let’s get a cup of coffee.
B. Yes, I would like some fruit.
C. No, it’s next to the library.
Reading & Writing
Part 3
-6 questions
Homework River Cage
Buy House Bottle
Road Play Cinema

After school, Sally said to Bill, ‘The teacher didn’t give

us any …..homework…… today.
How about going to the (1) ……………….?’
‘Yes,’ he said, which film do you want to see?’
Sally said, I want to see “Rainbow Fish” Me too, Bill
said, ‘But I must ask my mum. Let’s go to my (2)
………………… now,’

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The children went to see Bill’s mum. She said to Bill,
‘Before you go, you must give some food to your
rabbit. ‘Bill said ‘Ok,’ and put some carrots and apples
in the rabbit’s (3) ……………… ‘See you! he said to his
mum and his rabbit. Sally and Bill waited to (4)
……………….. their tickets for the film.
But the man who worked there told the children.
Sorry, we don’t have tickets for “Rainbow Fish” Would
you like to see “Motorbike Mouse”?’ ‘Well, what’s it
about? Sally asked. It’s a story about a mouse who
rides his motorbike down the (5) ………………. and
sees jungles and mountains, the man told them. OK.
Let’s see it! Bill said.
The children watched the film and they laughed a lot.
(6) Now choose the best name for the story.
A. Bill’s motorbike
B. Rainbows and fish
C. Watching a film

Part 4
-5 questions-

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Registon kutubxonasi Ingliz tili: Maxsus kitob
Read the text. Choose the right words and write them
on the lines.
Example: Dolphins are clever animals …….like………
to play.
They are grey and they have round , black eyes and
long noses. They like to (1)……….. fish. Dolphins don’t
live in houses. They live in water and (2)………. they
play near boats when people are fishing. Dolphins are
very good (3)……… swimming. They can swim more
(4)…….. than people. The most famous dolphin was
called ‘Sky’ He was on TV and he (5) ………….. very
Example: like liking likes
1. ate eat eating
2. sometimes never ever
3. for at to
4. quick quickly quicker
5. could had was

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