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Headquarters:Mettler InstrumenteAG,CH-8606Greilensee,

Switzerland,Tel.(01) 9442211, Telex54592

A Mettler InstrumenteGesellschaltmbH.,A-1030Wien,
Baumgasse72, Tel.(0222) 7891 07~, Telex114890
B SA H.V.L.NV,Chausseede Louvain1026-1048, B-1140Brussels,
Tel.(02) 7204830, Telex21084
CH Mettler Verkaulund ServiceSchweiz,Greilenseestrasse25,
CH-8604Volketswil,Tel.(01) 9451616, Telex56170
D Mettler-WaagenGmbH,Postlach110840,D-6300 Giessen,
Tel.(0641) 507-0, Telex482912
F SolranieS.A.,boite postale14- l.A.E.,18-20, avode la Pepiniere,
F-78220Virollay, France,Tel.(1) 30241314, Telex696840
GB Mettler InstrumentsLtd.,AbbeyBarn Road,HighWycombe,
BuckinghamshireHP111QW, Tel.(0494) 450 202, Telex837564
I Mettler Strumentis.r.i.,Via Vialba,42-44,
1-20026NovateMilanese,Tel.(02) 3566825, Telex315078
NL Mettler InstrumentenB.V.,Postbus6006, 4000 HATiel,
Holland,Tel.(03440) 11311',Telex70179
USA Mettler InstrumentCorporation,Box 71,Hightstown,N.J.08520,
USA.Tel.(609) 448-3000. Telex843352
AE260 DeltaRange
Operatingelements and connections
Please note: Further capabilities
The display indicates four decimal places in the Delta-
Range (60 g). If the DeltaRangeis exceeded,the last 20 Cover
decimal place blanks out. By pressing the bar again to 21 Screw
tare, it is possible to again use the DeltaRange (de- 22 Hook
scribed in the Paragraphentitled, 'Weighing-in").
Weighing-in (ASd 1 or 2) 21
- Open the sliding glass door.
- Fill in substance up to the desired target weight (to
read the weight accurately,the door must be closed).
If different componentsare to be weighed, one after the GD hanger (for weighingbelowthe balance)
other, into the same container,it is possibleto tare after - Openall slidingglassdoors.
each weighing and start the next weighing from zero - Removetheweighingpan.
(up to 60 g in the DeltaRange).This can be done until - Placethe balanceon its back.
the tare container and all the components together - Loosenthescrewon the bottomof the balance.
reach the end of the weighing range: - Swingthe coverto oneside.
- Retightenthe screw.
A hook is visible in the opening;the objector sub-
DeltoDisploy: stancecanbeweighedbyattachinga hangerfromthis
- Place the balance back on its feet, place the weigh-
ing pan back on and level the balance.
- Withthe hangerattachedto the hook,presstare.
Preliminary steps
Note: The weighing pan does not have to be placed
Checkingthe operatingvoltage back on if the hanger is at least as heavy as the pan.
I The hanger is not available from METTLER!
I The operating voltage setting must agree with your

local power-line voltage; please check this setting

and,if needed,changeit. The DeltaDisplay switches on automatically when Care and maintenance
weighing in substances quickly; the last two digits in
Admissiblepower-linevoltagein the switchpositions: the DeltaRangeor the last digit in the coarse range are Cleaning
115V: 92V...132V blanked out and the display change sequence speeds A cloth with somesoapywater is sufficientto clean
220V: 184V...265V up. This allows the increase in weight to be followed theweighingpan and housing.Do not useany strong
better. When weighing in slowly towards the target solvents.Toremoveresiduesfromtheweighingcham-
Location weight, the two digits (DeltaRange) or the last digit in ber,usethe smallartisfs brushthat is includedin the
- A stablelocation;as freefromvibrationas possible. the coarse range switch back on. balancestandardequipment(do not blowair through
- Makesurethereare no largetemperaturefluctua- The display change sequence remains rapid. Only thechamber).
tions. when weight changes are very small does the balance
- Avoiddirectsunlightand drafts. switch back to the normal display change with the full Replacingthe micrafuse
- Connectthepowercableat theworkstation. number of decimal places. - Disconnectthe powercable.
Stability detector: - Turnout the fuse holder(in the power-lineconnec-
Installing the weighing pan and the windshield
rinn. louolinn tho hnlnnf'o ~h. en,!!ityi~~ ~.~!ev~d,
(d,et~r~ined by th~ ~t~p~e- ~on .sock.~t) ~ith 9 ~c!e~~d!iv~~ 'L ~ . ~ L ~. ~ ~~,
._-"-- . -. , " ~. --. ...
..-, ._vv \V,._. - ._v- .., ...
- Place weighing pan on balance; the conical peg - Place the fuse holder back on.
Theresultis thenstable. - Plug the power-line cable back in.
centers the pan in the opening in the base of the
weighing chamber. Note: When the green dot lights up in the display, the
- The two leveling screws should be adjusted so that data interface is blocked; when the green dot goes out
the bubble is in the middle of the circle. (stability), the data interface is unblocked. Accessories
Wheneverthe location of the balance is changed, the Optional equipment Order No.
balance should be releveled. DeltaRange: - Windshieldring,can be stacked:1 unit 38594

Weiahina ranae 205 n /1 mn - Tweezers,210 mm long (with plastic tips) 70209

Operation - Density (specific gravity) determination kit 33340
- Foot pedal 46278
Short-form operating instructions - Handkey 42500
Short-form operating instructions can be found on - Microfuses,160 mA slow-blowing (set of 3) 55144
~eltaRang~ I
a card that swings out from underneath the balance g/O.l mg - Data interfaces:
housing. 011 Option - CL/RS232Cunidirectional 38750
YourAE260 has a coarse range from 0..,205 g; in this 012 Option - CL/RS232Cbidirectional 38751
Switching the display on/off range, readability is 1 mg, The DeltaRange(fine range) 013 Option - IEEE488 38752
- Briefly press the single control bar; all display seg- turns your "milligram balance" into an "analytical 040 Data Output (unidirectional mode) 38795
ments light up for several seconds: balance", This means that the readability is increased
to 0,1mg in a range of 60 g (by pressingtare each time, Standard equipment
O ,rl ,r:i f ,-.,
,rl . O CI Orl ..,.n
CI CI r:I it can be moved throughout the entire weighing range). - Power-linecable neutral 87576
.-'.-'.-. , Everytime the fine range is exceeded,the last decimal
goes out; you are then weighing in the coarse range.
Switzerland 87920
- Afterwards, the display automatically sets itself to Germany 87925
zero. USA 88668
- Weighing pan, 80 mm dia. 38590
- Lightly lift the control bar; the display is switched off.
- Centering disk (for windshield ring) 38609
- Hair-bristle brush 70114
- Windshield ring 38689
I Make absolutely sure:
The balance must be left connected to the power
supply for at least 60 minutes before "calibrating", Specifications AE260 DeltaRange
- Press and hold the single control bar until -CAL- 60 a DeltaRanae 200 a
appears in the display, then release control bar. The Readability 0.1 mg 1 mg
display changes to CAL , then to CAL 100 (blinks), Weighingrange 0...60 9 0...205 9
- Move calibration lever all the way to the rear; the Tarerange(subtractive) 0...60~ 0...205 9
display changes to CAL , followed by 100,000, Reproducibility (standarddeviation) 0.1 mg 0.5 mg
then to CAL a (blinks), Linearity ::to.2 mg :t:1 mg
- Move calibration lever all the way back towards the
Stabilizationtime (typically) 5 sec
front of the balance; the display changes to , Integrationtime (adjustable) 1.5/3/6sec
followed by zero, Displaysequence - MettlerDeltaDisplay off 0.4sec
- MettlerDeltaDisplay
on 0.2/0.4 sec
Measuring cycle/measuring accuracy
By selecting a particular integration cycle, as well as - Sensitivityselectablein threesteps 1/2/off
a particular stability detection step, the balance can be
canfigured according to your weighing location and
Sensitivitydrift (lO...30°C)
needs. Calibrationweight(built-in),adjustedto an
n egrQ'i\i5fi Time; 100 g;ucfJustBt1to:fo:l'"mg
Step 1: Used for very stable, vibration-free weighing 0 mg
table (short measuring cycle). niml!n!:inn!:: Weighingpan (stainlesssteel) 80 mmdia.
Step 2: Normal setting. Openspaceaboveweighingpan 215mm
Step 3: Used for unfavorable ambient conditions (long Balancehousing(WxDxH) 205x410x290 mm
measuring cycle). Netweight 10.3kg
- Press the control bar and hold it until -Int- appears
in the display, then release the control bar.
Powersupply: Voltage,adjustable 115V/-220V
- Immediately press the control bar briefly; the display Admissiblevoltagerange 92...132V,184...265V
will change to the next step. Frequency 50...60 Hz
- Stop at the step you wish to use and wait for the dis- Powerconsumption 10VA '""",C"", 'ccc

play to return to the weighing mode (zero). Admissibleambientconditionsduringoperation:

Stability detector:
Temperature lO...40°C
Relativehumidity(non-condensing) 25...85%
Step 1: Great sensitivity (long pause before data are
released). Whors wrong if... then...
Step 2: Less sensitivity (short pause before data are - no powerreachingthe instrument.
... the entire display does not light up?
released). - thefuse is defective.
Normal setting. - a temporarypowerfailurehastakenplace.
... theOFFdisplayappears?
off The stability detector is switched off. Make sure
(Pressthe controlbar.)
Step: that when this is the case, DeltaDisplay is also - theweighingrangehasbeenexceeded.
switched off (described in Paragraph entitled,
... only the upper horizontal segments
light up in thedisplay? - thecalibrationweighthasbeenactivated.
"Weighing-in"). - therewas weighton the panwhenthe instrument
- Press the control bar and hold until -ASd- appears
was switchedon.
in the display, then release control bar, - theweighingpan is not installed.
- Immediately press control bar again briefly; the dis- only the lower horizontal segments - therewas weighton the panwhenthe instrument
play changes to the next step. light up in the display?
- Stop at the step you wish to use and wait for the was switchedon.
- therearetoo manydrafts.
display returns to the weighing mode (zero). the weighing result is unstable? - theweighingtableis unstable.
Note: After selecting the integration time, you can go - the integrationtimesettingis too low.
directly to the selection of the stability detector setting - theobjectbeingweighedis not at roomtemperature.
by holding the control bar down. - the balancemustbe calibratedor hasbeencali-
theweighingresultis obviouslyincorrect? bratedusingthewrongexternalweight.
- a temporary malfunction has occurred (pull out
onlya portionof thedisplaylightsup? power cable and plug it back in).
- Open the sliding glass door.
- the weighing table or the load is too unsteady (close
- Place a tare container on the weighing pan. the middlehorizontalsegmentsin thedisplay
- Close the sliding glass door. sliding glass doors, set a longer integration time
are blinking(for morethan30 sec)? and/or change the stability detection setting). .
- Press the control bar briefly; the display changes to
- the weighing pan was not unloaded before calI-
zero. CALErrappearsin thedisplay? brating the balance, or the wrong external cali-
Note: It is possible to carry out external taring by using bration weight was used (return to the weighing
the hand key or foot pedal from the "accessories, op- mode by pressing and holding the control bar).
tionar (connection sockets on rear of balance). - a temporarymalfunctionhasoccured(recalibrate
no CALappearsin thedisplay? balance).
The weight of the container is now tared out. To weigh- - the weighingtableor the load is too unsteady
in, the balance weighing range - minus the weight of a zero display does not appear after (close sliding glass doors, set a longer integration
the tare container - is now available. pressing tare? time and/or change the stability detection setting).
~ Mettler InstrumenteAG1987 ME-702504Printed in Switzerland 1.5/870212.12 Subject to technical changes and to the availability of the accessories supplied with the instruments.

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