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Bio paper2 (year end exam 2023)

Answer all questions.

1. a) Diagram 1.1 shows two red blood cells in solutions of different concentrations.

Diagram 1.1

(i) Based on diagram 1.1 , state the type of solutions X and Y compared to the
red blood cell.

X: Hypertonic solution Y: Hypotonic solution

Both answer need to be correct to obtain full marks
[1 m]
(ii) Explain the differences between the process occurred in red blood cells P
and Q after being immersed for half an hour.

Red blood cell P undergoes crenation, whereas red blood cell Q undergoes
[2 m]
(iii) Explain the process that takes place in cell Q.
Solution Y is hypotonic to blood cell Q. -1 m
Water molecules diffuse into the cell by osmosis. -1m
The cell expands and eventually burst. -1m
Any two points.
[2 m]
(b) Diagram 1.2 shows a palisade mesophyll cell immersed in 30% sucrose solution
for a certain period of time.
cell wall

plasma membrane
Diagram 1.2
Explain what will happen to the components of the cell.

P: 30% sucrose solution is hypertonic to the palisade mesophyll cell. -1m

E1: Water molecules diffuses out from of the cell through osmosis. -1m
E2: The cell membrane is pulled from the cell wall. -1m
E3: The cell Undergoes plasmolysis. -1m
1P with any E.
[2 m]
2. Diagram 2 shows the production process of an extracellular enzyme.
a) Name P and Q in Diagram 2.

P: Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Q: Golgi Apparatus

[2 m]
b) Extracellular enzymes are enzymes that are synthesized in cells but are
secreted outside the cell.
i) Name two examples of extracellular enzymes produced by the

Amylase/ Trypsin/ Lipase

Any two
[2 m]

ii) Explain what will happen to the production of the extracellular

enzyme if P does not function.

Extracellular enzyme production will be disrupted. -1m

Proteins produced by the ribosomes cannot be transported via
P and proteins cannot be modified by Q. -1m
[2 m]

c) Name one enzyme used to remove oil stains on clothes. Give suggestion to
improve the enzyme’s effectiveness.

P: Lipase. -1m
E1: Make sure the temperature is around 36-38 ° C. (optimum
temperature for lipase to work) -1m
E2: Increase the concentration of the enzyme. (The higher the
concentration of enzyme, the higher the rate of enzyme reaction.) -1m
1P + any E

[2 m]

NO Marking Scheme Mark

3 a P: Metaphase 1
T: Telophase 1
b Cytokinesis in animal cell occur via the formation of cleavage furrow
whereas the cytokinesis in plant cell occurs via the formed vesicles
combine to form cell plates at the middle of the cells. 1
Cell wall formation does not occur during the animal cytokinesis but
cell wall formation occurs during the plant cytokinesis. 1
c tissue culture 1
d Meristem cells are placed in a sterile culture that contains nutrients and
growth hormones. 1
Each cell divides by mitosis to form a mass of tissue (callus). 1
Callus differentiates to form a plantlet with roots & shoots. 1
Plantlets are transplanted to the soil for growth into an adult plant. 1
Max 3
NO Marking Scheme Mark
4 a P: alveoli/lung 1
Q: gills 1
b Fishes have filaments and gills as their
respiratory structures while humans have alveoli. 1
The respiratory tract/opening of fish is the mouth and operculum while
in humans, it is the nose. 1
Max 1
c Both surface of P and Q are always moist because they are covered in a
film of fluid that helps respiratory gases to dissolve. 1
Both are having the large number of respiratory structures that
provides a large total surface area for respiratory gaseous exchange. 1
d R: Humans have diaphragm and intercostal muscles 1
E: to aid in the breathing mechanism. 1

R: Humans have a muscular heart 1

E: that is able to pump oxygenated blood to the whole body faster. 1
Max 2
The pumping of blood by human heart is more powerful and strong as
the left ventricle and atrium received oxygenated blood, unlike the
heart of fish that received deoxygenated blood
NO Marking Scheme Mark
5 a A: oesophagus 1
D: duodenum 1
b Structure E/ liver 1
c Protein digestion 1
d The acid in oranges reduces the pH value in the duodenum. 1
This reduces the starch digestion rate/reduce the activity of pancreatic 1
e C secretes pancreatic juice that contains digestive enzymes into D. 1
Pancreatic amylase hydrolyses starch to maltose. 1
6ai P: closed double circulatory system 1
Q: closed single circulatory system 1
Ii P:human 1
Q: fish 1
b Opened circulatory system 1

Either one of the following for 1 point only

one or more hearts pump haemolymph through the blood vessels into the
• Haemolymph flows out from the heart into the haemocoel when the
heart contracts.
• In the haemocoel, substance exchange between haemolymph and body
cells occurs through diffusion.
• When the heart relaxes, haemolymph flows back into the heart through
tiny openings called ostium.

c Heart of P is with 4 chambers but for Q is with only two chambers 1

Question SUGGESTED ANSWER Mark (s)

(a)(i) X: Lymphocyte 1
Y: Neutrophil 1 2
(b) (i) Phagocytosis 1 1
2 2

(c) -Cell X produces antibodies in response to the presence of an antigen. 1

-The antibodies destroy the antigens in different ways such as neutralisation of
antigens, 1
1 3
-agglutination of antigens or making precipitates of dissolved antigens.


8a Name: Synapse 1
Function : Transmits nerve impulses across the synaptic cleft between two neurones. 1
8b  When an electrical nerve impulse reaches the presyanaptic membrane, it triggers the 4
synaptic vesicles to release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft.
 The neurotransmitters diffuse across the synaptic cleft.
 The neurotransmitters bind to receptors at the postsynaptic membrane.
 The binding of the neurotransmitter to the receptor generates a new electrical

8c Sensory neurone has a long dendron but short axon while motor 1
neurone has a long axon but short dendrite/dendron

No Suggested Answer Mark

9 a  Someone who rarely exercises will experience muscle cramps when
they do heavy exercises because the number of mitochondria in their
cells are very few. 1
 Therefore, during vigorous exercise, complete cellular respiration does
not take place and a lot of lactic acid will be formed. 1
 To overcome this problem, an athlete needs to undergo consistent
training to produce more mitochondria in their cells. 1
 The high number of mitochondria can help an athlete’s cellular
respiration. 1
 Faster uptake of oxygen and oxidation of lactic acid can reduce muscle
fatigue during vigorous activities. 1
b Warming up
• Increase breathing rate to take in / inhale more oxygen. 1
• Increase heart beat to supply more oxygen to the muscle cells. 1
• Increase blood flow / blood pressure to supply oxygen and nutrient to 1
the body cells at faster rate.
• Increase body temperature for nerve impulse transmission and muscle
metabolism. 1
• Increase contraction and relaxation of muscle to prevent injury. 1
Cooling down
• Slow down breathing rate / heart beat / blood pressure gradually until it
to return to normal. 1
• Helps to remove the lactic acid that accumulates in the body. 1
• Prevent muscular pain / muscle cramp / stiffness. 1
Max 5
c  Carbon dioxide is transported in three ways in the blood circulatory
system: 70% is carried in the form of bicarbonate ion (HCO3ˉ), 23%
carbon dioxide combines with haemoglobin to form
carbaminohaemoglobin, 7% is dissolved and carried as carbonic acid
(H2CO3). 1
 The higher CO2 partial pressure in body cells compared to that of the
tissue capillaries causes CO2 to diffuse from body cells into blood
plasma. 1
 A small portion of carbon dioxide blood plasma is dissolved and
another portion is transported by the haemoglobin. 1
 Most of the carbon dioxide diffuses into the red blood cells
(erythrocytes). 1
 In the erythrocytes, carbon dioxide combines with water to form
carbonic acid (H2CO3).
 The carbonic anhydrase enzyme in erythrocyte catalyses this reaction.
 Carbonic acid break down/dissociates to bicarbonate ions (HCO3–) and
hydrogen ions. 1
 HCO3– diffuses into the blood plasma and is carried to the lungs. 1
 HCO3– ions then combine with H+ to form carbonic acid (H2CO3)
again in the erthrocycte. 1
 Carbonic acid then dissociates to produce carbon dioxide and water. 1
 The high in the lung capillaries as opposed to the low CO2 partial
pressure in the alveoli causes 1
 CO2 to diffuse from the lung capillaries into the alveoli and
subsequently, expelled through exhalation.
Max 10

10 (ai) Q is interstitial fluid/tissue fluid (1 mark)

When blood flows from artery to arterial end of blood capillary, the diameter of
lumen of blood vessel is decreasing (1 M),
The blood experience high hydrostatic pressure (1M)
The high hydrostatic pressure cause fluid to leak out from blood capillary into
the space between the cells, forming fluid Q (1 M)

(aii) P is blood (1m); R is lymph (1 M)

Similarites between P (blood) and R (lymp)

Both contain water, nutrient, waste products, hormones,gases and small
proteins (1).
Blood and lymph are the main component of our body (1).

P IS red in colour which comprises of R is a colorless fluid which lacks RBCS
RBCs, WBCS and platelets but have WBCS and less amount of
P supplies oxygen to the different parts R supplies nutrients like fat soluble
of the body vitamins and fats in the form of
P circulates throughout the body R circulates in lymphatic system.
through circulatory system
P is red in color due to presence of R lacks RBCs so it is colorless.
P carries high amount of oxygen and R carries less amount of oxygen and
nutrients nutrients.

( any 3 point for differences, any 1 point for similiarities)


A blood clot/scab that is formed at the wound prevent the entry of 1


The formation of blood clot/scab is formed by the following


The coagulated platelets, damaged cells and clotting factors

in the blood plasma will form an activator (thrombokinase). 1

Thrombokinase, with the aid of calcium ions and vitamin K, converts 1

prothrombin to thrombin.

Thrombin (active plasma protein that acts as an enzyme).

Thrombin catalyses the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin.

Fibrin is a threadlike protein fibre that forms a network on the wound 1

surface to trap erythrocytes and to close the wound to prevent blood loss
and entry of pathogenic microbes.


11b) sbp mahir pg 120

No Suggested Answer Mark
11 ci Quartered of plate comes from carbohydrates/ examples (rice,bread) 1
Sufficient carbohydrate intake for energy requirement. 1
Excess carbohydrate lead to obesity/diabetes mellitus/cardiovascular 1

Quartered of plate comes from protein/examples (chicken, fish, egg) 1

Sufficient protein intake for cell growth/ repair 1
Excess protein intake lead to gout.

Half of plate comes from vitamin & minerals. 1

Sufficient vegetable/ fruits/ fibre for body health/ prevent disease/ 1
constipation/colon cancer/haemorrhoid/ help in peristalsis action.
Max 5
cii No/ does not satisfy the pregnant women daily energy requirement. 1

Total energy value intake less than total energy needed. 1

Total energy value intake: 11499 kJ 1
She takes less rice/bread/ carbohydrate 1
Less source of energy 1
She takes more butter/ lipid 1
Lead to cardiovascular disease/ obesity 1
Max 5

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