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Why did Kraft Australia need an

analytic solution?

- Kraft Australia may have needed an analytic solution to analyze data related to their
products, customers, sales, and marketing efforts. This could help them gain insights
into consumer preferences, identify opportunities for growth, and improve efficiency
and profitability. An analytic solution could also help monitor key performance
indicators, track market trends, and make data-driven decisions in a timely manner,
making it an essential tool for organizations to stay competitive and succeed in their
respective markets.

2. How did they use the solution?

What was the specific analytic
solution that was implemented?

- The specific analytic solution implemented by a company like Kraft Australia can vary
depending on their needs and the data they have available. Some examples of
analytic solutions that could be used by a food and beverage company include data
visualization tools, predictive analytics software, and machine learning algorithms.
Ultimately, the specific implementation of an analytic solution will depend on the
unique business needs of the company and the insights they hope to gain from their

3. How is Kraft Australia

performing now?

- Mondelez International, the parent company of Kraft Australia, is a publicly traded

company that has reported steady revenue growth in recent years, driven by strong
performance in its North American and emerging markets segments. The company
has also emphasized its commitment to sustainability and has set ambitious goals to
reduce its environmental impact and improve the sustainability of its operations.

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