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SERVICE/PARTS MANUAL BOOA NAVOMATIC AUTOPILOT (Type AF-395A) NOTE ‘This manual contains recommended service Information and Alustrated parts breakdown applicable to the Cessna S008. [Navornatic Autopilot (Type AF=308A).. This information is supplemented and kept current by Service Letters and Service News Letters published by Cessna Aircraft Company. Recom- ‘mended replacement parts for your 300A Navomatie are avail- able from Cessna Service Parts Center. ‘The information in this Service Parts Manual does not profess to inelude all the details of design, production, or variations of the equipment, or to cover all the possible contingencies ‘which may arise during operation, installation or maintenance. Should special problems arise or further information be desired, contact the Service Department of Cessns Aircraft Company. THIS MANUAL REPLACES THE 300A NAVOMATIC AUTOPILOT (TYPE AF-395A) SERVICE/PARTS MANUAL D4537-13, DATED 15 JULY 1974, AND INCLUDES CHANGE 1, DATED 2 JUNE 1975. CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY WICHITA, KANSAS ORIGINAL ISSUE 15 JULY 1974 CHANGE 1 2 June 1975 4854-13. @AND-100-2177 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Dates of issue for original and changed pages are: Original... 0... . 15 July 1974 Change 2d... 2 June 1975 ‘TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES IN THIS PUBLICATION IS 74 CONSISTING OF TH Page Change No, No. Title Page . - A Page i thre it iii Blank 1-0 thew 122 Upon receipt of the second ond subsequent changes to this book, personn fesponsible for maintaining this publication in current stolus should ascertein thot all previous chonges have been received and incorporated A change 1 Contents CONTENTS Paragraph Page SECTION | - GENERAJ, INFORMATION ret Introduction tt 1-2) Purpose : i 1-3. specifications rat ra Units and Accessories | 1 | | wa 1s. Bquipment Required But Not Supplied Ditaa 16. [Deperighlow of Unica) eetestreree see ete ne ee Daa SECTION 2 - INSTALLATION a. General ee oO at 22. Installation Requirements | 200222222002 a 2-8. Cable Fabrication se Aes 5no08 ars 2-4. Intorcomection of Units «+ + Seco cee sea 25, Postinstallation Check | |... . SL 22 28, Rigging Procedures : 22 SECTION 3 - OPERATION Operating Controls and Indicators : Bet Operating Procedures es 8 SECTION 4 - PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION introduction ee eo Functional Deseription 2 PPP PETTITT Iiti it at SECTION 5 - MAINTENANCE Introduction... Bel ‘Mechanical Inspection Ba ere ho ono de coccan danas eee occa Test Equipment and Accéscories Bel Performance Checks... sss Bel System Interface. tt Bed Removal and Replacement of Actuator Parts 122) 2 5-6 SECTION 6 - DIAGRAMS SECTION 7 - PARTS LISTS CA-395A Computer-Amplifier Parts Lists 0.2 ee 12 Actuator-Mourt Asserably (PA-295B) Parts List: <> - - elt ‘Actuator -Mount Assembly (PA-495A) Parts List: = = 715 Change 11 3958 ILLUSTRATIONS Rigwe Page at Cessna 300A Navomatic (Type AF-395A) 1-0 2 CA-395A Computer-Amplifier, Installation Dimensions Dill i lll as 22) G-300A Rate Gyro, Installation Dimensions - Lillia 2-28, (G-5028 Directional Gyro, Part No. 40840-0114, installation Dimensions |...) 24a 223. G-5024 Directional Gyro or G-502H Directional Gyro, Part No. 40840-0108, | | 2-8 Installation Dimensions 2.4, Actuator-Mount (PA=295B), Installation Dimensions... 2... se 26 25. ‘Actuator Mount (PA-395A), Installation Dimensions...) 22.2221 1 1 24 26 IN-302A Slaving Meter, Installation Dimensions 28 2 CT-SO2A Flux Detector, Installation Dimensions | <>. > Dilli lize 2a 300A Navomatte, Interconnection Diagram... ee 2-10 1. 300A Navomatic (AF-395A), Operating Controls | 1... 1.) Dililias 41 300A Navomatic, Functional Block Diagram... 222 2D DDI 2 Dias e-1 CA-305A Computer-Amplifier, Al, Mother Board Assembly, Schomatic and Wiring Diagrams"... owe ee a cee BS 6-2. CA-395A Computer-Amplifier, A2, Power Supply Assembly, Schematic and Wiring Diagrams owe ee a see 6-4 6-3. CA-395A Computer-Amplifier, A3, eading Demodulator ‘Assembly, Schematie and Wiring Diagrams eee 6-5 6-4, CA-395A Computer-Amplifier, Ad, Pulse Width Moddlator ‘Assembly, Schematic and Wiring Diagrams es oe ce 86 6-5. (CA-395A Computer-Amplifier, AS, NAV Preamplifier ‘Assembly, Schematie and Wiring Diagrams ee et 6-6. CA-395A Computer-Amplifier, A8, NAV Amplifier ‘Assembly, Schematic and Wiring Diagrams... 2... ce OB 6-1. CA~395A Computer-Amplifier, AT, Summing Amplifier ‘Assembly, Schematic and Wiring Diagrams ee 69 6-8. (CA-295A Computer-Amplifier, AB, Control Assembly Schematic and Wiring Diagrams So acodcucualny) 6-9. PA-205B Actuator, Schematic and Wiring Diagrams DIlli lille 5-10, PAc4O6A Actuator, Schematic and Wiring Diagrams «2 2 <<. 1111... 68 Tr PA-205B Actuator, Exploded View ‘i ee ee T12 re. PA-495A Actuator, Exploded View 2221 LTT Lilia TABLES Tabe Page 11. Units and Accessories sees hooboducocuGaIe) za 300A Navomatic Actuators | > eee ec a st 300A Navomatic (AF-395A), Operating Controls | | st (iii Blank) Change 1 3954 DI INDICATORS 1 Loc 2L0c REVERSED REVERSED AILERON A t 1 1 AcTuaATOR— | MOUNT ASSY 1 Gh COMPUTER AMPLIFIER TURN COORDINATOR Figure 1-1, Cessna 300A Navomatic (Type AP-395A) 1-0 Change 1 General Information SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1-1, INTRODUCTION. ‘This instruction book contains installation, operation, principles of operation, maintenance, and parts infor~ mation for the Cessna 300A Navomatie (Type AF~ 895A Autopilot), 1-2, PURPOSE. The Cessna 300A Navomatic is an all-electric, single- axis, aileron control system that provides lateral and directional stability. Tk consists of a CA~395A Com~ puler-Amplifier, Actuator-Mount Assembly (consisting of a PA-295B or PA-495A Actuator and Mount), a G~300A Rate Gyro, anda G-502A or G-502B Directional Gyro. ‘Roll and yaw changes in the aireratt attitude are sensed by,the turn coordinator in the rate gyro and are transimitled as error signals from the gyr0 10 the computer-amplifier. Also, when the heading or ‘2 navigation function is selected, any deviation from the selected heading is transformed by the directional gyro into an error signal which is applied to the com- Puter-amplifier. ‘The computer-amplifier electroni- cally computes the amount of correction necessary to ‘cancel the deviations and signals the actuator to move the ailerons to return the alreralt to the commanded heading. ‘When the output signals from a VHF navigation set fare coupled to the computer-amplifier, the 300A Navomatie will also intercept and track a VOR or localizer course. 1-3. SPECIFICATIONS, Input Power Requirement: 2A nominal, 6 A peak at 14 Vde or 28 Vde ‘Basie Stability: ‘Wing rock of less than 12° at eruise; less than 2T" at best rate of climb ‘Turn Command: Infinitely variable from left standard rate turn to right standard rate turn, Rolls into standard rate turn in less than 7 seconds at cruise Heading Select Deviation: olds within #2° of nominal heading NAV Intereopt: 48° 45° nominal NAV Track, Hi Sens: With track established, holds within 1° dot with crosswind up to 25° NAV Track, Lo Sens: With track established, holds within £1-1/2 dots ‘with crosswind up to 25°, except in heavy course scalloping due to VOR radial irregularities, Weights and Dimensions: ‘See Figures 2-1 through 2-7. 1-4, UNITS AND ACCESSORIES. ‘Table 1-1 lists the units and accessories which com- prise the 300A Navomatic. One medel of each unit is ‘supplied with a system, depending on the requirements of the diserete airerait 1-5. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED BUT NOT SUPPLIED. A relay assembly (Cessna Part No. 3920155) and its associated connectors are required to complete a 300A installation. These items are available on special order. Also, interconnecting cable assem- blies are not supplied but must be fabricated from individual wires and the connectors listed in Table 1-1. The wire sizes required to fabricate the inter~ connecting cables are specified in Figure 2-8. ‘The factual Lengths of the wires and cables Will depend on the Location of the equipment in the alreraft. 1-6. DESCRIPTION OF UNITS. Computer Amplifier. The CA-395A Computer-Ampli- fier receives the attitude variation signals from the rate gyro and the direetional variation signals from the directional gyro. It computes the correction re~ quired to maintain the commanded attitude and head~ fing, ‘and supplies the error signals to the actuator to accomplish the correction, Except for the heading select control on the direction- al gyro, all controls for the 300A are mounted on the front panel of the computer-amplifier. Also, with ‘the exception of the de servo amplifier in the actuator, all electronic circuits are contained in the CA~305A. ‘These cirevite are assembled on six printed wiring boards, a printed-wiring mother board, and a front panel and control assembly. Any of the six printed ‘wiring boards, which plug into the mother board, may be replaced individually. Also, provision is ineluded on the mother board for plugging in 2 special test board to provide convenient test points for check- ing the computer-amplifier etrcuits. Electrical con nections to the unit are made through a connector ‘mounted on the rear of the mother board. The CA~ 395A is enclosed in a dust cover which algo serves as the mounting for the unit. Actuators-Mount, ‘The PA-295B Actuator is used in Ti-volt aireralt and the PA-495A. Actuator is used in 28-volt aireraft to supply the mechanical force re~ guired to move the ailerons to maintain the commanded Change 11-1 3958 TABLE 1-1, UNITS A: ND ACCESSORIES [= ve a 1 Actuator -Mount Assembly (PA495A) (for 28-volt operation)* 42730-2008 ‘Connector Kit (for CA-395A) (- ‘ 42636-0003 1 Connector, Plug (for G-502A or G=502B) ——— 43359-0000 + “Rieerative lama eben oy wih, attitude and direction, In response to a command sig- zal from the computer-amplifier, the de torque motor in the actuator drives an output sprocket through 2 ear train in the mount to accomplish the movement, ‘The actuator-mounts are similar in design. Each actuator consists of a motor and electronic assembly and each mount consists of a gear and bracket assem bly and a base. The actuator assembly may be re- moved from the mount for serviee without disturbing the chain and eable connection to the aileron control system of the aircraft. Since the actuator does not greatly affect the pilot force required for aileron control during manual air craft operation, no actuator disconnect mechanism is included. Also, during autopllot operation, the force required to overpower the actuator is only slightly greater than normal flight control effort. For safety, a shear pin installed in the output sprocket will free the alleron control cables in case of a malfunction. ‘The PA=495A additionally includes a thermostatic switch (part of the motor assembly) which monitors the operating temperature of the motor. If the tem~ perature becomes abnormal, the switch will open to emove power from the actuator; after approximately 10 minutes, the switch will automatically reset to re~ apply power to the actuator I Actuator-Mounte with different gear reductions and torque limits lo match the requirements of different [types of aireraft are available. ‘The part number ig coded to denote these differences. For example, 4-2 Change 1 for Part No. 42730-2008, the first dash-number (2) denotes a gear ratio of 2'1, the second and third ‘numbers (00) denote that no torque-lHimiting resistor 4s used, and the fourth number (8) denotes that the operating voltage is 28 Vde. Similarly, Part No. 43600-3004 denotes that the gear ratio is 3:1, no torque-limiting resistor is used, and the operating voltage is 14 Vae. Rate Gyro. The G-300A Rate Gyro (Turn Coordinator) is an electrically-driven instrument which supplies attitude-change signals to the compuler-amplifter and provides a visual, turn-coordination display for the pilot. The rate of turn is indicated by a symbolte airplane which is driven by the precession of the gyro. Slip and skid information is supplied by a conventional Vall inclinometer. A warning flag, when visible, in~ ‘dicates that the input voltage to the gyro has been Interrupted. A transducer coupled to the gyro supplies an electri cal signal to the computer-amplifier, the magnitude ‘of which is proportional to the rate of change of the roll and yaw components of the alreraft attitude. Direction of roll or yaw is indicated by the polarity of the signal. ‘Two models of the G-SO0A are available for use with the 3008 Navomatic. Although these models differ in physical size and appearance, they are functionally ‘the same. Blectrical connections for elther model aare made through a single connector on the rear of ‘the unit, Directional Gyro. The G-S02A and G-502B Direction- Gyros are vacuum-driven instruments that supply heading change signals to the computer-amplifier and provide a visual display for the pilot. Both units tave Similar presentations. The aircraft heading is indi= cated by a symbolic aircraft and pointer affixed to the face of the instrument, with respect to a gyro-posi~ tioned, 360-degree card. A heading selector knob (HDG)'is used to position a movable heading index (ous) associated with the compass card, to select the heading to be held when the autopilot heading or navigation function is selected. Heading error vol~ tage, proportional to the deviation of the indicated heading from the selected heading, is supplied to the autopilot for automatic course correction. (On the G=802A, a gyro adjustment knob (PUSH) is used to align the gyro with the magnetic heading indi- cated by the aircraft compass apd {o Feadjust the gyro as required to offset precession. On the G-5028, 2 slaving signal supplied by the CT-502A Flux Detector ‘automatically maintains the correct gyro magnetic heading, eliminating the need for periodie gyro read~ Justment. ‘The PUSH knob on the G-502A is used to cage the gyro whon desired and to manually set the ‘compass card to a new heading. ‘Vacuum gource and electrical connections to either gyro are made through connectors on the rear of the instrument. When the G-502B is installed, the CT= 502A Flux Detector and the IN-502A Slaving Meter are algo required. SHOP NOTES: General Information Flux Detector. ‘The CT-S02A Flux Detector is a Femotely-mourted deviee which senses the direction of the earth’s magnotie field and supplies magnetic reference data to the heading transducer of the G~ 502B Directional Gyro. The unit i8 sealed, with no moving parts, and requires an external, exciting current source. Once the flux detector is installed in the aircraft and aligned with the line of flight, it usually requires no further servicing. Electrical interface with the unit is provided by an attached ‘able and connector. Slotted cutouts in the flange of the flux detector assembly are used for mounting the unit in the aireratt, laying Meter. ‘The IN-502A Slaving Meter is a sealed 100-0-100 microammeter used to monitor heading displacement between the CT-502A Flux Detector and the G-502B Dircetional Gyro, It has & full-scale deflection of approximately 4.77 volts in either direction, When an error exists between the two heading signals, the IN-502A deflects in the di- rection of the polarity of the error. As the slaving circuit in the G-502B acts (o correct the gyro error, ‘the IN-5O2A needle slowly returns to the center (null) position, to indicate that the gyro heading indi~ cation is now correct. Solder terminals om the back of the meter are used for making electrical connec tions. 1-3/(1-4 Blank) See eet 7 Installation SECTION 2 INSTALLATION 2-1. GENERAL, J he Actuator-Mount Assembly must be Toented tnd installeg, and the aileron control cable adjusted, 4s specified by the manufactarer of each ciscrete ai raft snd approved by the FAA. ‘The general instal~ Iation information included in this section applies to all types of atrerat ‘The CA-895A Computer- Amplifier and the G-800A Rate Gyro, when supplied as original units of the 800A Navomatic, are matched for optimum perfor- ‘mance. When installed as supplied, no preinstalla~ tion adjustments are required. 2-2, INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. CA-95A Computer-Amplifier. The CA~395A ‘Couaputer-Arpliier Hust be Tocated within conven {ent reach and view of the operator. If a knockout pane] has not been provided in the instrument panel, an opening must be cut to accommodate the unit, and adequate support brackets must be fabricated as re~ aquired for the individval installation. Installation dimensions for the CA~395A are shown in Figure 2-1 G-S00A Rate Gyro. ‘The G-00A Rate Gyro is calt- ‘ated for mounting only m a vertical instrument panel. Iwill fit a standard instrument cutout, but St must be located within convenient view of the oper~ ator. Installation dimensions for the G-S00A are ‘shown in Figure 2-2 G-502A and G-502B Directional Gyros. ‘The G-502A Directional Gyro and the optional G-802B Directional Gyro are designed for mounting in a standard instru- ment cutout, located within convenient reach and view of the operator. "A connection to the aircraft vacuum system must be available, Installation dimen- ‘sions for the G-502A and G-502B are shown in Figures 2-2A and 2-3. Actuator-Mounts, ‘The various models, PA-295B, and PA-405A Actuators, are designed to meet the requirements of specific aircraft; they are identified by the dash portion of the part number (refer to paragraph 1-6) included on the nameplate. The Actuator model rust be compared with the informa~ tion in Table 2-1 to ascertain that the proper model ‘has been supplied. If the aircraft type in whieh the Installation is to be made is not Usted in Table 2-1, consult the airframe manual or contact the manu- facturer for the required information, Im general, the actuator must be located in an area convenient for connection to the aileron eables. Installation dimensions for the PA-205B are shown in Figure 2-4; those for the PA-A95A are shown in Figure 25. As shown in Figure 2-5, assembly of the PA~495A, ‘Actuator must be removed from the Mount to permit the installation of the actuator mounting bolts. When the actuator is replaced in the mount, the four assembly mounting bolts must be tightened to 90 to 35 in/ib, and replacement lockwires rust TABLE 2-1, 300A NAVOMATIC ACTUATOR-MOUNT Storer | Bart No. Voltage Nominal Stall Torque Cable Tension aram | 43600-2004 uv AT in/tb 215% 10 +Sbs. eitam | 43600-2004 z av AT in/o 215% 10 $3 Ibs. rRIv23 | 43600-8004 5 aay 25 in/lb 315% 10 +3 Ibs. 177B | 43600-1004 av 9 in/lb +15 10 43 Ibs. irre} 43600-1004 aay 9 in/ly 415% 1043 Ibs, FI7TRG] 43600-1004 av 9 in/lb +15 10 33 Ibs. asos | 43600-8004 e aay 25 in/lb 215% 10 +3 tbs. aissF | 43600-3004 3 MV. 25 in/Ib +15% 10 +3 Tbs. 1e2p | 48600-8004 Mv. 25 in/ib 215% 40 +3 tbs. u206F | 43600-3004 Mv. 25 in/Ib 215% 1043 Ibs. v20er | 42730-4008 av. 26 in/Ib 15% 10 43 Ibs. ‘ruzoer | 43600-3004 és Vv. 25 in/Ib 215% 40 +3 Ibs. ‘ruzo6r | 42130-4008 2 2Bv 26 in/Ib +15% 10 +3 Ibs. 43600-3004 Mv 25 in/b #15% 1043 Ibs, 42730-4008 2 2ev 26 n/t 515% 10 43 Ibs. 43600-3004 2 Mv. 25 in/Ib £15% 1043 Ibs, 42730-4008 20 26 in/Ib «15% 1043 Ibs. 42730-2008 2 2ev 14 in/Ib 215% 1043 Ibs, 42730-2008 2a 14 in/Ib 218% 1043 Ibs, Change 1 2-1 ‘395A be installed, Though It Is not necessary to remove the PA-2058 Actuator during installation, if i is removed, the four assembly mounting bolts of this anit rust also be tightened to 30 to 39 in/tb, and replacement lockwires installed, IN-502B Slaving Meter. The optional IN-SO2A Slay- Tag Melee may be momited in any convenient location on the instrument panel, within view of the operator, Installation dimensions for the meter are shown in Figure 2-6, CT-502A Flux Detector. ‘The optional CT-S02A Flux ‘Detector may be installed in any location that is clear fof moving controls, cables, and any variable magnetic fields. Tt must be installed with its mounting flange parallel to the horizontal axis of the aireraft. Also, only nonmagnetic mounting brackets and hard- ‘ware should be used, Recommended attaching hard~ ‘ware (not supplied) 1s three No. 4-40, brass binding head screws and brass lock nuts. Installation di- mensions for the CT-502A are shown in Figure 2-1, 23, CABLE FABRICATION. ‘The interconnecting cables for the 300A Navomatic are fabricated at the time of installation to meet the requirements of the individual aircraft (seo Figure 2-8). The cables are fabricated from individual ‘wires (not supplied) and the connectors and connect- SHOP NOTES: Co Kits supplied in Connector Kit 42636-0003 or 42636-1003, Connector Kit 42471-0002 for the CA-395A includes 28 contacts which will accept wire sizes between No. 20 and No, 24 AWG. These contacts should be in- serted in the appropriate terminals indieated on Figure 2-8. Connector Kit 42359-0000 for the PA-298B or PA-495A includes seven contacts which will accept wire sizes between No. 18 and No, 24 AWG; these contacts should be inserted in positions 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, and 11 of Connector 43014-0002, ab indicated in Figure 2-6, 2-4, INTERCONNECTION OF UNITS, {An interconnection diagram is shown in Figure 2-8, ‘Terminate wiring as shown, making sure that the autopilot ground connection is as close as possible to the autopliot circuit breaker. As shown, the relay assembly provides NAV signal switehing for back- course operation; if another switehing arrangement is used, connect as required. 2-6. POSTINSTALLATION CHECK, ‘When the 300A is installed as supplied, no postinstal~ lation adjustments are required, but a'postinstalla~ tion check should be performed on the ground to verify the operation of the system. Refer to Section 3 of this manual and perform the Preflight Check out- ined in paragraph 3-2. Uf, however, units other than those supplied as part of a diserete system are installed, or if operation of the autopilot 1s nol s factory, refer to Section 5 of this manual and per form the System Interface procedures described in paragraph 5-6. ae . RIGGING PROCEDURES. Refer to the appropriate Avionic Installations Service/Parts Manual for rigging procedures, 2-2 Change 1 Installation parma oe — INSTALLATION DIMENSIONS. — Pane. curour — BRACKET INSTALLATION DETAIL — Dimensions are in inches Novetog hordare not supple Figure 2-1, CA-208B Computer-Amplifier, Installation Dimensions Installation am 3.125, 2 >{-$——_—_"" ind ~ 3360010, ae 3.500 DIA, isnowes) Dimensions rein nce, \ os: 33 pounds —— Mounting sews (nt supaliad ae No, 6:32 binding hed en must be no longer than 1 inc aR '. Normal operating vacuum is benween 4.8 and 6.2 in, Haat # nominal si lw of 17 elmin, Ai How should not exceed 21 min 6. Aetin PaNeL curour 2 (nt suppl ae 1/och NPT. Figure 2-24. G-502B Directional Gyro, Part No. 40840-0114, Installation Dimensions Change 1 2-44 /(2-4B Blank) Installation [poses 4 ao | 2 6. Allow 3 inches for plug removal Pane! cutout i the sume fr both model Weight: 6.5028, 34 pounds: 65028, 4 pounds. Unies others indicatad dnsions apply 4 both the G-502A and G-£028, Mounting seraus (not supplied are No. 6:52 binding hea bd must be no Of 17 elmin, A How should not exceed 21 fin Air fitings (ot supplied ate 1/4inch NP. Figure 2-3. G-502A Directional Gyro or G-502B Directional Gyro, Part No. 40840-0104, Installation Dimensions bes Change 1 2 3958 ser BE Alle stfcont sce to remove four bolts and the motor sed tach to mounting utfae with four No, 10:32 bolts and ‘mathe (oot supe. 26 Figure 2-4. Actuator-Mount (PA~295B), Installation Dimensions Change 1 Installation em for No, 10 mounting bots and washes (not supoied Figure 2-5, Actuator-Mount (PA ~-495A), Installation Dimensions Change 1 2-7 Figure 2-6, IN-502A Slaving Meter, Installation Dimensions Installation 3-1, OPERATING CONTROLS AND INDICATORS. Operation SECTION $ OPERATION Figure 3-1. Aireraft attitude information is display~ fed by the G-8004 Rate Gyro (not shown), and heading Except for the heading control located on the direc information is displayed by the G-S02A or G-502B tonal gyro, all operating controls for the 300A Navo- Directional Gyro. Table 8-1 lists the control de~ ‘matic are located on the front panel of the CA~395A signations and describes the functions of the controls Computer-Amplifier. These controls are shown in and the incicators. ‘Table 3-1, 300A Navomatic (AF-395A), Operating Controls Control Function AP PULL TURN eo TRIM NAV HDG SEL NAV INT NAV TRK HI SENS ©9900 O00 06 @ ace ces HDG PUSH © Heading "Bug" Controls primary power to autopilot servo (turns autopilot on oF of) When pulled out and centered in detent, aireraft will fly wings-level; when turned to the right (R), alreraft will tura right; when turned to the left (L), aireraft will tura left, When centered in detent and pushed In, operating mode selected by pushbutton is engages. Used to trim autopilot to compensate for minor variations in aircraft trim or weight distribution. (Atreraft should be manually trimmed before the autopilot 's engaged. ) Selects NAV } or NAV 2 navigation set for operation with NAV INT or NAV TRK function, When PULL TURN control is pushed in, aircraft wilt turn to and hold heading selected by the heading "bug" fon the directional gyro. When heading "bug" on DG is set to selected course and PULL TURN contro! is pushed in, aircraft flies to intercept selected VOR or LOC course. When heading "bug" on DG is set to selected course and PULL TURN control is pushed in, alveratt tracks selected VOR or LOC course. During NAV INT or NAV TRK operation, snereases autopilot sensitivity to NAV signal to provide more precise operation during localizer approach. In low-sensitivity position (pashbuiton out), response to NAV signal is @ampened for smoother tracking of enroute VOR radials; also smooths out effect or course scalloping during NAV operation. Used with LOC operation only. With A/P switeh OFF or ON, ‘when navigation receiver selected by NAV switeh is set to 2 localizer frequency, reverses normal localizer needle indication (CDI) and eauses BC lamp to light. With A/P switeh ON, Feverses localizer signal to autopilot. Sets heading "bus" to desired magnetic heading. Sets gyro to correspond with alreraft magnetic headin Indicates selected heading, 895A G-502 A/B Directional Gyro Figure 3-1, Cessna 300A Navomatic (AF-395A), Operating Controls (On the CA-395A, the primary function pashbottons (IDG SEL, NAV INT, and NAV TRK) are interlocked so that only one function can be selected at a time. ‘The HI SENS and BACK CRS pashbuttons are not in terlocked so that either or both of these funetions can be selected at any time. NOTE ven with the A/P switch OFF, if the BACK CRS pushbution is pushed in and the selected navigation receiver is set to a loealizer frequency, the normal indiea~ ton of the associated course deviation indicator (CDI) is reversed. When the BACK CRS pushbutton is in, the BC amp on the instrument panel will light. ‘The GS indication is not affected. The remaining fonctions will be activated only Lf the A/P switch is ON and the PULL TURN control is pushed in, 3-2, OPERATING PROCEDURES. General. Detailed operating procedures for the 800A ‘Navornatic are included in the 300 Oumer's Manual. Operating procedures for a preflight check and a general flight check are outlined in the following paragraphs. eauTioR Before using autopilot, check that red flag on turn coordinator is not in view. If red flag is visible, it indicates that turn co ordinator information is rot reliable. Preflight Check, 1, ‘Turn TRIM control to neutral position. Pull out PULL TURN control. 2, Set A/P awitch ON. CAUTION] On 28-volt aireraft, to avoid overheating the actuator motor during ground testing, do not leave the autopilot on for more than 410 minutes continuously. Should the motor begin to overheat, the thermostatic switch in the motor assembly will turn the actuator off for approximately ten mingtes, and then automatically reset. Operation 8. Turn PULL TURN control fall left (L) Ailerén control wheel should rotate toward lefi-bank position, 4. Turn PULL TURN control fall right (R) Aileron contro} wheel should rotate toward right-bank position, 5. Return PULL TURN control to center (detent) position. Aileron control wheel should be free; when Ibis turned either lett or right and released, it should remain in released position, 6, Push in PULL TURN control, then depress HDG SEL pushbutton. ‘Turn HDG knob to move head- Ing "bug" fo right and then to left. Aileron control ‘wheel should follow the "bug" 7. Set NAV receiver selected by NAV switch to a localizer test signal and push in BACK CRS push- button, Vertical needle of associated indicator should reverse, and BC lamp should light. Disengage BACK CRS by pushing button in again, then release. [BC lamp should go out and vertical needle indication should be normal. 8. Set heading "bug" to "12 o'clock" pos Push in NAV INT pushbutton. Chock that HI SENS pushbutton is in low-sensitivity (out) position, 9. Set navigation receiver to VOR test signal and move omni bearing selector (OBS) for a right fand then a left deflection of the vertical needle. Aileron control wheel should turn in direction to recenter needle. 10. Push in HI SENS pushbutton, and repeat step 9; aileron control wheel should react faster. 11. Set A/P switeh OFF. 12. Cheek aileron control wheel for free movement to fuli-teft ana full-right position. General Flight Cheek. After the aircraft is airborne and has roached & selected altitude, check the opera~ tion of the 300A as follows: Step 1. Manually trim aireraft to center ball on rate gyro inelinometer. Step 2. Pull out PULL TURN control and center in detent. ‘Step 8. Set A/P switch to ON. Step 4. Adjust TRIM control for wing-level con- dition, Step 5. Turn PULL TURN control to maximum left position. Aircraft should make a standard rate tum to the left. Step 6. Recenter PULL TURN control. Aircraft should resume level flight. Step 7. Turn PULL TURN control to maximum right position. Aireraft should make standard rate tum to the right. Step 8. Recenter PULL TURN control. Aireraft should resume level flight. 3-3/(3-4 Blank) Principles of Operation SECTION 4 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 4-1. INTRODUCTION. ‘This section deseribes the functional operation of the Cessna 800A Navomatic. The description is related to the modes of operation and to the block diagram, Figure 4-1. The positions of the sections of mode selector switch A&S4 and PULL TURN switch A8S3, shown in Figure 4-1, will vary aecording lo funetion and are included on the diagram for reference only. ‘As an aid for checking performance and troubleshoot ing the equipment, Figure 4-1 also functionally lo- cates and identifies the test points included on Test Board Assembly 42729 and the principal circuit ad- Justment controls located in the CA-395A Computer- ‘Amplifier. Schematic diagrams of the CA-395A Compater-Amplifier and the PA-205B and PA-495A ‘Actuators are inchided in Section 6, 4-2, FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION. General. The 200A Navomatic uses the principle of Torce-proportional-to-error to maintain the basic stability of the alrcraft in whieh itis installed. De pending on the operating mode, turn signals {rom the rate gyro, beading signals from the directional gyro, ‘and navigation signals {rom a VHF navigation set may be selected to compute an error signal. ‘The error signal is translated into a mechanical force which Is ‘equal and opposite to the force causing the error. This force i8 applied to the aireralt aileron controls to turn the aircraft as directed to correct for the error signal. Power Supply. Refer to Figures 6-1 and 6-2, ‘The ‘TOOK operates {rom a 4-volt or 28-volt power source For 28-volt operation, the input voltage to the power cireuits is applied through voltage regulator A2VR2 fand A2RI lo drop the 28-volt input to approximately 20 volts for use in A2QI and AZUL. For all units, low voltage from the autopilot circuit breaker is also applied through a reverse current diode (AZCRI or ‘AICR2) to the autopilot on-off switch. Low voltage from the switch is applied through a relay In the actuator to the actuator power bridge. In power supply assembly A2, the input voltage is applied through a constant current source (AZQ1) to 49'V regulator drive A2U1A. A2ULA drives power transistor A1Q1 on the mother board to produce a regulated +9 volts for distribution to the various assemblies. ‘The regulated +9 volts is also applied through A2U3 to +5. 83 V regulator A2U1B, reference voltage divider A2U2B, and ¥3. 17 V regulator A2U2A. These eireuits produce a 12 V Limiter bias (v5.83 V), a signal common voltage (approximately one-half of 49 volts, or +4.5 volts), anda ~2V limiter bias 3.17 V). ‘These outputs are distributed to the computer-amplifler elreults as required. Basic Stability. The gyro in the G-300A Rate Gyro is gimballed at an angle that monitors both the roll fand yaw axis of the aircraft, Any change from straight and level fight due to a wind gust or other external cause is sensed by the rate gyro and is in~ terpreted as an error. The gyro supplies a rate signal proportional to the gyro error to the CA~395A, Computer-Amplifier. As selected by the pilot, the "TRIM control of the computer-amplifier also supplies ‘an error signal to compensate for minor variations in aircraft trim weight distribution. The error signal is added algebraically to the rate signal from the gyro, and the combined signal is examined to determine the ‘magnitude of correetion required. 4 corrective sig- ral developed in the computer-amplifier is applied to the PA-2958 or PA-495A Actuator. ‘The actuator motor produces torgue in the direction required to oppose the error signal and move the ailerons to re- ‘urn the aireraft to straight and level Might In the compuler-amplifier, the gyro rate signal is translated and inverted in gyro amplifier ATULA be- fore itis applied to summing amplifier ATUIB. Any Input signal from the TRIM control is also applied to the input of ATUIB and is included in the summing amplificr ovtpat. In ATUIB, the gyro signal is sum- med with composite commands to determine the:cor- rective action required. The duty-cycle limit of the summing amplifier output signal is established by ATCRI, ATCR2, and ATCHS before the signal is ap- plied through tuiffer amplifier A3U4 to the pulse ‘width modulator. In the pulse-width modulator, 1-kHz sawtooth genera tor ATUS produces a sawtooth output that is applied simultaneously to left and right summing amplifiers AAU2A and A4U5A along with the output from ASU4, ‘Tne error signal from the gyro is compared with the sawtooth output. Depending on the direction of the rale signal from the gyro, a trigger from either AMU2A or AMUSA is applied to squaring amplifier ‘A4U2B or AMUSB to cause the squaring amplifier to produce an output pulse. This palse 1s applied through achiator driver AdQl oF A&QS to the bridge cireutts in the actuator. The width of the output pulse is proportional to the level of the erzor signal from the summing amplifier and controls the length of time the actuator is turned on and the amount of force it ‘will develop (duty eyele). A cross-blanking circuit, composed of ACRI and AdCI or ASCR2 and AMC3, eods back a signal from the triggered squaring amplifier to the other eumming amplifier to keep the other eireuit untriggered until the initial pulse is processed. In the actuator, the bridge cireult determines the di- rection of torque produced by the motor to move the ailerons to compensate for the aitude error. De- pending on the signal direction, either Q1/Q2 and 3/Q8 oF Q8/Q4 and Q5/QS supply the motor control change 14-1 3954 signals. Current in the appropriate direction is applied to force motor BY, which in turn moves the actuator gear train connected to the aileron control, ‘The force through the aileron control moves the aile- rons to return the aircraft to straight and level flight Command Turns, With the PULL TURN control pale Ted out and rotated either left or right, the autopilot ‘can be commanded to turn the aireraft left or right, regardless of the position of the mode selectors. The turn knob can be moved fo command any kurn rate from 0° per second to 3° per second (standard rate turn) in either direction. "The 300A will automatically pat the aircraft into the required bank angle. When the PULL TURN control is pulled out, switch A8SS is closed and applies a blocking voltage to section ‘ATUZC and ATU2D of bilateral switeh ATU2. With ATU2D shorted, switch section ATU2C is opened, and any signals from the NAV oF heading eireuits are interrupted. A command tum signal proportional to the amount and direction the knob is turned is deve~ loped across turn command control ABRIB. This ‘signal is limited by the appropriate limiter circuit (ATCR4 and A7R22 for right turns or ATCRS and ‘ATRQB for left turns) before it is applied through pormally-closed bilateral switch ATU2B (NAV TRK not pushed in) to the input of tho summing amplifier, ATULB. If the NAV TRK switch is alreagy pushed in when the PULL TURN knob is pulled out for a com- mand tum, switch A8S3 applies a shorting voltage to bilateral switeh ATU2B to provide a path for the com- smand turn signal, In the summing amplifier, the command turn signal from ABRIB is processed as an error skgnal to direct the pulse-width modulator circuit to supply an error signal to the actuator. The aircraft will continue to turn at the rate and in the direction selected by ‘ABRIB until the PULL TURN knob is returned to the center (null) position, Heading Select Mode. With the heading bug on the G-502A or G-502B Directional Gyro set to the desired heading, the heading select circuits of the 300A are activated when the PULL TURN control and the HDG SEL pushbutton are pushed in. ‘The excitation for the pick-off in the directional gyro Is generated by 400-Hz square-wave generator ASUS ‘which drives 400-Hz amplifier A&I. A4.5-voll, peak-to-peak, signal from A3QI is coupled to the ‘irectional gyro for pick-off excitation. Heading information from the directional gyro to the computer-amplifier is applied to a synchronous head- lng demodulator circuit, ASU1A and ASU2A/B. In A3U2A/B, the heading signal is alternately chopped by the switching action of the cireuit to develop a de signal at a level proportional to the displacement and polarity of the signal resulting from the setting of the heading bug on the directional gyro. This signal is coupled through ASULA to heading buffer amplifier. ‘ASULB. A3UIB acts as a lowpass filter to remove the demodulator ripple from the heading signal. The filtered output from ASUID is applied to HDG/NAV amplifier ATUS. 42 If the heading bug on the directional gyro is not set to he twelve o'clock (cero) position, a voltage is present in the output of HDG/NAV amplifier ATUS.. If the PULL TURN control is pushed in and the HIDG SEL, NAV INT, or NAV TRK mode pushbutton is pushed in, this outpst from ATUS is coupled through bilateral switches ATU2C and ATUZB to the summing amplifier. ‘The signal is limited to a standard rate turn signal by urn limit ATCRS, and ATR22 or ATCRS, and ATR2S, In the summing amplifier, the heading signal is re- cognized as an error signal. The error signal is processed in the pulse-width modulator, as previously ‘described, and is applied to the actuator to cause the aircraft to turn to correct for the heading error ‘center the bug). Navigation Track Mode. For track operation, the ‘navigation signal from the selected VHF navigation Sst is combined with the heading signal from the di- rectional gyro to provide a command signal in the autopilot to fly the aireraft to track a navigation radial or path. The track circuits are activated when the PULL TURN control and NAV TRK push- button are pushed in, and when the heading bug on the directional gyro is set to the heading indicated on the ‘OBS of the selected navigation set. Displacement signals from the NAV 1 and the NAV 2 VHF Navigation sets are applied to preamplifters ASUI/ASUA and ASUS/ABUZB, respectively. The preamplifiers function as level translators, each with {ts own mull adjustment. Sections A and C of bilateral switch A5U3, controlled by the NAV 1-NAV 2 switeh ‘ABS2, Select the NAV signal to be processed. The selected navigation signal is coupled through front/ back course selector ASUSE or ASUSD to NAV amplifier ASU. (Back course can be selected only ‘when a localizer signal is selected on the navigation set and the BACK CRS pushbutton is pushed in.) ‘The outpat of the NAV amplifier is coupled through NAV track amplifier A8UIA to HDG/NAV amplifier AWS, The output of ABUIA is limited to a signal ‘equivatent to that required for 2 2-dot deviation of the navigation course indicator by 2-volt limit BCR and ‘AGCR2. ‘Track damping le provided by AIC25 when the AI SENS pushbutton switch ABSIB is not pushed in (low sensitivity). ‘A portion of the output of NAV track amplifier ASUIA ig also applied through integrator gate AGCRS and ‘AGCR6 and time-rate-change switch AGUZA to NAV integrator AGUSA. The integrator gate is set to block NAV deviation signals below 1/2-dot deviation. When the NAV deviation exceeds 1/2 dot, the integrator is ‘urned on and continues to operate until the deviation decreases to less than 1/2 dot. ABUZA is controlled by the position of HI SENS pushbutton switch ABSA. When ABS4B is pushed in, a fast integrator signal is applied through AGU2A to AGUSA. ‘The output of NAV integrator ASUSA is limited by 2- volt limit AGCRY and AGCR& before it is applied to HDG/NAV amplifier ATU, together with the output of NAV track amplifier AGU1A and the heading signal ae 3958 from the directional gyro, to provide crosswind cor= rection (heading crab angie). Track disable switch ‘AGU2B will discharge the integrator cireuit i the PULL TURN contro! is pulled out or the NAV TRK pushbutton is released he heading, NAV track, and integrator signals are combined in HDG/NAV amplifier ATU3, If the PULL TURN control and the NAV TRK mode selector push- bution are pushed in, the HDG/NAV signal from ATUB is coupled through ATU2C and ATU2D to the ‘summing amplifier. When the selected navigation signal is a VOR signal, the track bank-angle is Himit= ed to one-third standard rate turn by open track- Umit switch ATU2B. When the selected navigation signal is a localizer signal and the HI SENS mushbutton is pushed in, LOC enable logic cireult A1Q8 and AICRS-CR11 is turned on. This cirewit applies an enable signal to LOC rate switch ATU2A to change the track bank-angle limit from the one-third standard rate turn for VOR to a limit of one-half standard rate ‘urn for localizer tracking. More track anticipation (ead) is added by ATCT and ATCB. In summing amplifier ATUIB, the HDG/NAV signal is recognived as an error signal. ‘The error signal is processed in the pulse-width modulator as previ- ously doseribed, and is then applied to the actuator to cause the aircraft ip tum to track the selected navigation signal NAV Intercept Mode. For navigation intercept, the navigation signal from a VHF navigation set is com- bined with the heading information from the direction= al gyro to direct the autopilot to fly the aireraft to Intercept a navigation radial or path. The intercept ‘circuits are activated when the PULL TURN control tnd the NAV INT pushbutton are pushed in. The 44 heading bug must be set to the heading indicated on the OBS of the navigation set ‘The navigation input circuits are the same as deserib- ed for the NAV track mode, except that the output of NAV amplifier ASUS is applied through NAV intercept threshold gate AGCR9 and ACRIO to NAV intercept amplifier ASUSB. ‘The gate prevents A6USB from developing a signal until the NAV deviation on the course indicator exceeds about 1-1/2 dots. It also limits the maximum usable deviation to approximately 3 dots deviation when low sensitivity is selected, or to 8 dots deviation when HI SENS ig selected. The out~ pt from the NAV intercept amplifier is applied to EDG/NAV amplifier ATU3 along with the normal track signal, thus the 45-degree intercept angle is a function of track plus intereept. ‘When HI SENS is selected (ABS4B pushed in), a por- tion of the NAV amplifier output is also applied to NAY rate amplifier AGUIB. The NAV rate circuit is used primarily during loealizer operation to enhance the navigation error signal applied to HDG/NAV amplifier ATUS. If the deviation indication is chang- ing, the NAV rate circuit develops an output to anti- cipate (lead) the changing navigation situation. ‘The heading, NAV intercept, and NAV rate signals. are combined in HDG/NAV amplifier ATU3.. If the PULL TURN control is pushed in and a mode is se- lected, the BDG/NAV signal from A7U3 is coupled through A7U2C and ATU2D to the summing amplifier. In ATUIB, the HDG/NAV signal is recognized as an error signal. The error signal is processed in the palse-width modulator as previously described, and the output is applied to the actuator to cause the air craft to turn to intercept the selected navigation signal, Maintenance SECTION 5 MAINTENANCE 5-1. INTRODUCTION. ‘This section contains inspection instructions, general performance and adjustment information, and r moval and replacement procedures for the CA-395A, Computer-Amplifier and the PA-295B and PA-495A Actuators. ‘The maintenance information for the CA 505A is limited to those checks and adjustments that can be accomplished in the aircraft. No maintenance information is included for the G-800A Rate Gyro and the G-502A and G-502B Directional Gyros sinee these instruments may be serviced only by certified gyro repair slations. A review of the principles of operation of the equipment, as described in Section 4, and reference to the schematic and wiring diagrams in Section 6 will aid in isolating a defective unit and localizing trouble. 5-2, MECHANICAL INSPE "TION. Perlodie preventive maintenance inspections reduce the possibility of system failures, uncover defective parts, and enable service or operating personnel to take corrective action before overall operation of the equipment is affected. Perform the following proce ures at the annual ingpection, or every 100 hours of operation, whichever comes first, and also alter re~ placement of defective parts. Autopilot Units. a. Check connectors for dirty, loose, or broken terminals. Inspect interconnecting wires for loose or corroded connections and for stripped or broken in- sulation. Inspect mounting hardware on all units for tightness. a. Inspect sprocket and attached chain for signs of wear. Clean and lubricate as specified In para raph 5-3. ', Check mechanical connections between rig sing hardware and cables for security and signs of Check tension of aileron and actuator cables. It is essential that all cables be set to the correct tension for proper operation of the autopilot. See ‘Aireraft Service Manual for the particular aircraft involved for control cable tension valves. See Table 2e1 for actuator cable tension valves. @. Check alleron control system for binding and roughness of operation. 5-8. LUBRICATION, The actuator sprocket, drive chain, and gear teeth should be lubricated with a small amount of Aeroshell No. 7 grease at the annual inspection, or after every 100 hours of operation, whichever comes first. AC= cess to the actuator gears is obtained by removing the motor and electronic assembly (refer to para graph $1). Before applying new lubricant to any surface, remove the old lubricant with an approved ‘leaning solvent. NOTE Actuator bearings are not sealed; when ‘leaning surfaces, make sure solvent docs not get into bearings. Be sure to safety-wire mounting bolts when reinstalling motor and electronic assembly. 5-4, TEST EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES. For complete maintenance of the AF-195A Autopilot, Cessna 200A/300A Autopilot Test Set (H-42A) is required, Procedures for testing the AP-395A Auto pilot with the H-42A Autopilot Test Set are included tn the Sorvice/Parts Manval for the H=42A, When an H-42A is ot available, the test equipment required for fleld maintenance of the AF-395A is a Dumont Model 2100G Oscilloscope (dual trace) and a John Fluke Model 8000A Digital Voltmeter: equiva lent test equipment may be substituted, A VOR and ocalizer test signal must also be available, Acces- sorles required Include a TE-295 Test Extender, ARC Part No. 42525-0000, a Test Adapter Card, ‘ARC Part No, 43729-0000, and a stop watch. ‘The test extender allows the CA-205A Computer Amplifier fo be connected to the aireraft wiring ‘when the unit is removed from its mounting. The test adapter card provides access to and identifies computer-amplifier test points, 5-5, PERFORMANCE CHECKS. Goneral. When an H-42A Autopilot Test Set Is not available, the performance of the equipment ean be ‘checked in the aireratt to isolate a defective unit for elreult, and checks and adjustments for most of the elreuits can be made. The checks and adjust- ‘ants are made with the TE-295A Test Extender Installed between the CA-395A and its mounting, and with Test Adapter Card 43729-0000 installed in the unlt, All adjustment controls are identified on the side panel of the computer-amplifier and are accessible through holes in the panel. Except for ‘the oscilloscope connections for pulsewidth modu- Jator adjustment, all test points are located on the test adapter card and are identified on the eard by both number and function, The tests should be performed in the order given, since some checks resuppose previous satisfactory results. For all procedures, aircraft power is applied to the sys~ tem and the G-300A Ttate Gyro flag must be out of Change 1 5-1 3958 Sight, The checks are made with the A/P switch sat to OFF unless otherwise specified. When the tests are completed, the preflight check of the equipment toullined in Section 3 must be performed, Power Supply. ‘Slop 1. Pull out and center PULL TURN control. Step 2. Connect John Fluke Model 800A Digital Voltmeter to TP2 and TPI on the test adapter card. DVM should indicate +9 V +200 mde, Step 3, Connect DVM to TP16; DVM should Indicate +5. 83 V +100 mV. Step 4, Connect DVM to TP24; DVM should indicate one-half of vottage in step 2 ypleally, +4,5°V +25 mVde). Step 5, Connect DVM to TPIS; DYM should Indicate #9.17 V +100 mvée. Step 1. With PULL TURN control pulled out and centered, set heading bug on directional gyro to 12 o'clock position, Step 2. Connect DVM to TP22 and TP24 (14.5 V SIGNAL COMMON). DVM should indicate 0410 indication. Step 3. Move heading bug to 45-degree right position. DVM should indicate -900 265 mV. Step 4. Move heading bug to 45-degree left position. DVM should indicate +900 +65 mV. NAV Preamplifier. Step 1. Set NAV 1 VHF navigation set to receive a standard localizer test signal, and sot autopilot NAV switeh lo NAV 1. Check that navigation devia lion indicator needle is centered and BACK CRS push- batton is not pushed in. Step 2. Connect DVM to TPS and TP24; DVM should indicate 0425 mV. Uf not, adjust NAV 1 NULL control for 0 25 mV indication. Step 3. Push in BACK CRS pushbutton. NAV 1 back-courge lamp should light and DVM should indi~ cate 0425 mV. Release BACK CRS pushbutton; lamp should go out Step 4. Vary localizer test signal so that devia~ tion indicator needle deflects 3 dots to the right. DVM should indicate +840 250 mV. Step 5. Push in BACK CRS pushbutton, DVM should indicate =300 +50 mV; deviation indicator Should indicate 3 dots to lett Step 8. Repeat Steps 1 through 5, except use NAV 2 VHF navigation set and back-course lamp, select NAV 2 on CA-395A, and adjust NAV 2 NULL. control (Step 2) NAV Amplifier, Track. Step 1. Set NAV 1 VHF navigation set to receive a standard VOR test signal, and set autopilot NAV 5-2 Change 1 WV. Mf not, adjust HDG NULL control for 0 +20 mVde. switch to NAV 1, Push in HI SENS pushbutton, Step 2. Connect DVM to TP10 and TP24. Step 8. Vary navigation set OBS as necessary to center deviation indicator needle, DVM should * indicate 0 +75 mV. Step 4. Vary OBS so thal needle deflects one dot to the right, DVM should indicate -850 +100 mV. Step 5. Turn OBS so that needle continues to de- fect more to the right; DVM indication should increase. At between 2 and 3'dots deflection, the DVM should indicate =2 V +100 mV, saturation Step 6. Turn OBS so that needle moves hack to center, then slowly continue for left deflection. DVM. should indicate 0 475 mV when needle is centered, then indieation should inerease to +2 V +100 mV, saturation, at between 2 and 3 dots defiection, Step 7. Release HI SENS pushbutton for low sensitivity and repeat Steps I through 6. Voltage tracking at TP10 should be dampened (slower) for low sensitivity NAV Amplifier, Intercept Step 1. With standard VOR test signal applied to VHF navigation get, turn OBS to center deviation indicator needle. Check that low sensitivity is selected. Step 2. Connect DVM to TP14 and TP24, DVM. should indicate 0 2100 mY. ‘Step 3. Slowly burn OBS for a deviation indication to the right. Ae needle reaches a deviation of about one anda half dots, DVM indication should begin to go negative. Step 4 to the right. saturation, Continue to turn OBS for a full deviation DVM should indicate -2 V 1100 mV, Step 5. Slowly move OBS to bring needle back toward center. Ai approximately three dots right, voltage indicated on DVM should come out of satura tion and begin to move toward zero. Step 6. When needle is centered, wait for voltage to decay to 0 +100 mY, then repeat Steps 1 through 5 for deviation to the left. Saturation voltage should be 42, 3100 mvV for left deviation, ‘Step 7. Push in HI SENS pushbutton and repeat Steps 1 through 6. Voltage should reach saturation at about § dots deviation, NAV Integrator. Step 1. With standard VOR test signal applied to selected VHF navigation set, turn OBS to center de- ylation indicator needle, Step 2. Connect DVM to P18 and TP24. Step 3. Check that PULL TURN control is pul- Jed out, and push in HI SENS and NAV TRK push- battons. Step 4. Push in PULL TURN control. Observe that integrator output indicated on DVM does not drift more than 1 mV per second, Step 5. If drift is more than 1 mV per second, adjust NAV INTEGRATOR NULL as required to obtain a drift rate of less than I mV per second. Step 6. Slowly turn OBS for right deviation until integrator starts and DVM indicates a positive voltage (at between 1/2 and 1 dot deviation). Step 7. Continue turning to fall right deviation, ‘and pull out PULL TURN control Step 8. Simultaneously start stop watch and push in PULL TURN control. Voltage on DVM should reach positive saturation (+2 V) in approximately 65 +20 seconds, Step 9. Recenter needle; integrator output should start to bleed slowly down to 0 V. Step 10, Pull out PULL TURN control; integrator output should immediately drop to 0 V. Step 11. Select low sensitivity and push in PULL ‘TURN control. Step 12. Slowly move OBS for left deviation un- il integrator starts and DVM indicates a negative voltage (at between 1/2 and 1 dot). Step 18. Continue turning to full left deviation, and pull out PULL TURN control. Step 14. Simoltaneously start stop watch and push in PULL TURN control, Voltage on DVM should Peach negative saturation (-2 V) in approximately 1 220 seconds. NAV Rate. Nore NAV rate measurements may vary. Step 1. With standard VOR test signal applied to VHF navigation get, turn OBS to center deviation indicator needle. Step 2. Push in NAV INT and HI SENS push- buttons. Step 8. Conneet DVM to TPS and TP24, DVM I should indicate approximately 0V 475 mV. Step 4. Turn OBS for deviation indicator noedle movement of about 1 dot per second from left to right, DVM should indicate between -1 V and -2 V and will be erratic. Step 5. Turn OBS for needle movement of about Maintenance 1 dot per socond from right to left. DVM should indicate between 41 V and 42 Vand will be erratic, Gyro Amplifier. Step 1. Connect DVM to TP21 and TP24 and keep aircraft completely still. DVM should indicate 0 #200, nV. Step 2. Have someone yaw aircraft tail. DVM Indication should Nuetuate, Step 3. Remove screws that hold G-800A and hnand-hold rate gyro, Step 4. Till gyro as for right turn, DVM should Indicate a negative voltage, Step 5. Tilt gyro as for left turn, DVM should Indicate a positive voltage. Step 6.- Tilt gyro as for a "hard-over” right turn, DVM should indicate more than -1.5 V. Step 7. Restore G-800A in panel. ‘Trim Command Step 1. Connect DVM to TPIT and TP24, and center TRIM control. PVM should indicate 0 +100 BV. Step 2. Turn ‘TRIM control full right. DVM should indicate +650 mV, minimum, Step 8. Turn TRIM control full left. Dvat Should indicate -650 mV, minimum, Turn Command. Step 1. Pull out PULL TURN control, center TRIM control, and push in HDG SEL pushbutton, Step 2. Connect DVM to TP20 and P24, DVM should indicate 01150 mV. NOTE Do not make the following corrections un= less the in-flight aircraft bank angle and trim are not satisfactory. Step 3. Turn PULL TURN control full right, Adjust RIGHT TURN LIMIT for $1 V +120 mV. {indication on DVM. Step 4, Turn PULL TURN control ful left Adjust LEPT TURN LIMIT for -1V +120 mY indication on DVM, Stop 5. Center PULL TURN control, and set heading bug on directional gyro to 12 o'clock position, Step 6, Push in PULL TURN control, DVM should indicate 0 3150 mV. Change 1 5-3 395A Summing Amplifier. Step 1. Connect DVM to TPI9 and TP24, Step 2, With PULL TURN control pulled out and centered and TRIM control centered, adjust SYS NULL for indication of 0 :10 mV on DVAM. Step 3. Turn PULL TURN control full right (R), DVM shoula indicate -1.95 V 100 mV (CA~395A, Part No. 42660-1000) or -1.18 V +130 mV (CA-385A, Part No, 42860-1200), Step 4, Turn PULL TURN control full left (L). DVM should indicate +2.7 V £180 mV (CA-395A, Part No, 42660-1000), or #1,18 V +130 mv (CA- 395A, Part No, 42660-1200). Step 5. Push in HDG SEI, pushbutton and PULL, TURN control Step 6. Move heading bug on directional gyro until DVM indicates 0 V. Heading bug should be with- in 12 dogrees of 12 o'clock position Step 7. Adjust VHF navigation set to obtain full~ right devialion of the deviation indicator needle, and push in NAV INT pushbution. Step 8. Move heading bug to the left until indica 9) tion on DVM is 0 V; heading bug should be 45 +5 de~ grees left of 12 o'clock position. If not, adjust HDG GAIN as required Step 9. Set navigation for full-left deviation, ff and move heading bug to the right until indication on DVM is 0 Vz heading bug should be 45 +5 degrees right of 12 otelock position, NOTE For both Steps 8 and 9, because of lead 1 in the heading rate eirevit, the voltage will lead the heading bug and will be erratic, ‘The bug must be positioned and at rest before voltage is read. Also, HDG GAIN adjustment may have to be set for best compromise between left and right posi- tons set \. SYSTEM INTERFACE, General. As originally supplied, the units of the ‘BOA are matched as a system. ‘If any unit is re~ moved and a replacement unit installed, the system ‘must be checked and the computer-amplifier adjusted INFORMATION ON THIS PAGE HAS BEEN DELETED 5-4 Change 1 for optimum performance. ‘The checks and adjust- ments are made in the aireraft, with the CA-305A removed from its mounting and ‘Test Fxtender TE~ 2954 installed between the mounting and the computer- amplifier. Also, Test Adapter Card 43729-0000 must be installed in the mother board of the computer~ amphfier. Aircraft power must be applied to the system, All adjustment controls are accessible through the side panel of the computer-amplifier and are identi fied on the panel. All test points are located on the test adapter card and are identified by both number and function. When the checks and adjustments have ‘been completed, the tost extender and adapter card should be removed and the CA~395A should be re~ installed in its mounting. Both the preflight and flight tests outlined in Section 3 should be completed salisfactorily before considering the equipment operational. G-300A Rate Gyro. I a replacement G-800A Rate ‘Gyro te HEME, tne autopilot slandard rate turn mils must be checked. Proceed as follows: ‘Step 1. Connect John Fluke Mode} 8000 Digital Voltmeter (DVM) to test points P19 and TP24 on adapter card. Step 2. and contor TRIM control. in the OFF position) Poll out and center PULL TURN control, (A/P ewiteh may be Teft Step 3. Adjust SYS NULL for indication of 0 0 mV on DVM, Step 4. Connect DVM to test points TP20 and ‘7TP24, and torn PULL TURN full right Step 5. Adjust RIGHT TURN LIMIT for indica~ Bion of +1 V +125 mV on DVM, Step 6. Tarn PULL TURN full left B step7. mV on DVM, established. ) Adjust LEFT TURN LIMIT for -1.V+125 (Approximate standard rate turns are Step 8 Position CA-395A so that no short clr= cuit ean occur, and make sure A/P switch is set to OFF, Step 9. ‘Take off and climb to smooth air, then level aircraft and establish a trimmed ervise condi~ ton, Step 10. Repeat Steps 4 through 7 to establish exact standard rate turns, G-502A and G-5028 Directional Gyros. If a replace- ‘nent G-502A or G-S02B Directional Gyro Is installed, autopilot heading gain and heading null adjustment rust be checked. Proceed as follows: Step 1. Connect John Fluke Model 8000A Digital Voltmeter to test points TP22 and TP24 Maintenance Step 2. Set heading bug on directional gyro to 12 ofclock position, and adjust HDG NULL for indica ton of 0-110 mV on DVM. Step 8. Connect DVM to TP19 and TP24. Step 4. Pull out and center PULL TURN control and center TRIM contrcl. Step 5. Check that DVM indicates 0 £20 mV; if not, adjust SYS NULL for indication of 0 +20 mV. Step 6. Set heading bug to 45-degree right posi- tion, and select NAV INT’ mode with PULL TURN, control in and TRIM control centered. Step 7. Set NAV'switch to NAV 1, and adjust navigation set for full-left deviation of the vertical pointer, Step 8. DVM should indicate 0 £20 mV; if not, adjust HDG GAIN control for indication of 0':20 mV. Step 9. Connect DVM to TP22 and TP24, and check that heading output is ~900 +90 mV, Step 10. Adjust navigation set for full-right deviation of the vertical pointer, Step 11, Connect DVM to TP19 and TP24; DVM. ‘should indicate 0 +20 mV. not, vary heading bus {as necessary to obtain an indication of 0 +20 mV. Step 12. If heading bug variation is more than 5 degrees (less than 40 degrees or more than 50 de~ grees), readjust HDG GAIN for best compromise be- tween left and right intercept angle, (CA-395A Computer-Amplifier. a replacement CA~ ‘SG5A Computer-Amplifier is installed, the autopilot standard rate limits, heading gain, and heading null adjustments must be checked using the rate gyro and the directional gyro with which the replacement unit ‘will operate. Perform the procedures described previously for the replacement of both a rate gyro anda directional gyro. PA-295B or PA-495A Actuator, If the actuator is re~ placed, no adjustments of the CA-395A are required, However, the part number information af the replace- ment actuator should be compared with the informa tion on the original actuator to make sure the proper actuator for the aireraft has been selected. Also, the aircraft cable tension must be adjusted as speci- fied for the discrete aircraft model (see Table 2-1), Aiter the replacement actuator has been installed, its performance can be checked as follows: ‘Step 1, With power applied to the aireraft but ‘with the A/P switeh set to OFF, pull out and turn PULL TURN control, first to the left and then to the right. The aireraft Control wheel should not move. Step 2. Center PUL: AYP switch to ON. ‘TURN control and set Change 1 5-5 395A Step 3. Turn PULL TURN contro! to the right. Control wheel should turn to the right. Step 4. Turn PULL TURN control to the left. Control wheel should turn to the left. Step 5. Manually overpower control wheel and turn it to the right; thon release. Control wheel should return to the left 5-7. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF ACTUATOR PARTS, General. Group assembly parts lists for the PA- 295B and for the PA-495A, Keyed to the exploded views in Figure 7-1 and Figure 7-2, are included in Section 7. ‘The parts are listed in a recommended order of disassembly. ‘The actuator is designed ¢0 ‘hat the motor and electronic assembly ean be re- moved from the aireraft for inspection and repair without disturbing the connection of the aircraft control cable to the actuator sprocket. Schematic and wiring diagrams for the PA-295B are shown in Figure 6-9; those for the PA-4954 are shown in Figure 6-10. Removal and Replacement of PA-295B Actuator Assembly. To remove the actuator assembly — ‘from the aireraft, disconect actuator electrical connector (19, Figure 7-1) from aireraft connector. Clip lockwires and remove four bolts and washers @, 3) that hold assembly to mount assembly (44). Separate assembly from mount assembly and re- ‘move from aireralt, To replace assembly in aircraft, reverse the re- moval procedure. (See paragraph 5-3 for lubrication information, ) Make cortain that the gear teeth are properly meshed and that the assembly is secure. Tighten bolts (2) to 30 to 89 in/Ib, Replace lockwire, NOTE I Bolts @) may be removed and replaced up to I5times. After the fifteenth removal and replacement, new bolts must be Instal- led, Removal and Replacement of PA-A95A Actuator smbly. The PA-AQ5A Is designed 0 tat ‘ane reinoved from the alreraft for inspection and repair without disturbing the connection of the aireraft control cable to the sprocket assembly. ‘To remove the actuator assembly (1, Figure 7-2), disconnect the aircraft electrical connector from 1 (25) and clip the lockwires to remove the four bolts and washers (2, 3) that secure the assembly to the mount assembly (67). Lift up on the actuator assembly to separate it from the gear and bracket assembly (65) and from the mount assembly 67). ‘To replace the assembly in the aireraft, reverse the removal procedure. Replace the four bolts and [ washers 2, 3) to secure the assembly to the mount, 5-6 Change 1 and tighten botts to 90 0 95 w/b, Replace tockwice, Recomect sireraft electrical connector to P1 @5). NOTE Bolts (2) may be removed and replaced up 1 to 15 times. After the fifteenth removal and replacement, new bolts must be installed, Replacement of Parts of Actuator Assembly. To Femove the electronic assembly of the motor and electronic assembly, refer to Figure 7-1 or 7-2. ‘To locate and identify the components, see Figure 6-9 or 6-10, If any of transistors Ql through Q& are replaced, the mica insulator (sapplied with the transistor) should be coated on both sides with 1 thin coating of heat conducting paste, such a8 ‘Wakefield Type 120 Thermal Joint Cormpound. ‘The insulator must be installed between the transistor, land the mounting surface, If motor BI of tie PA-295B must be removed from the assembly, proceed as follow: Step 1. Refer to Figure 6-9 and unsolder the to ‘motor leads from the electronic assembly. Step 2. Clamp the motor in a viee or other suitable holding fixture. Step 3. Clip lockwire and remove two screws (80, Figure 7-1). Step 4, Clip lociwire and remove two bolts (9). If {caution} Bolts (9) secure motor end caps and main 1 housing; when they are removed, motor must, ‘be held together. “Failure to do So may Fe- Bull in aecidental separation of end caps and possible damage to internal parts of motor. Step 5. With motor clamped, carefully remove ‘motor bracket (43) and electronic assembly. 1 ‘To reinstall motor, reverse disassembly procedure. Use a torque wrench for tightening bolts; alternately tighten the bolls in increments of 15 inch-pounds to between 45 and 55 inch-pounds. After the bolts are installed, Triction torque of motor shaft must not exceed 14 inch-ounces. Lockwire the two bolts (@) and the two serews (I1) before reinstalling the motor and electronic assembly On the PA-496A, to separate the motor assembly (G, Figure 1-2) irom the electronte assembly @3), remove four screws (10, 20), two from each side, 4nd It off motor assembly, (EAUTION) Although front bracket (19) may be removed from motor as required, do not attempt to separate rear bracket (p/0 9) from motor. if front bracket is removed, the three mount ing screws (11, 12) must be resealed with Loctite CV-40, or equivalent, when the part is reassembied on the motor. If necessary, connector (25) may be disconnected from rear bracket by depressing clips on sides of connector. noval of Actuator-Mount Assembly from Alrer: If is necessary to remove the complole actuator. mount assembly from the aireraft, proceed as follows Step 1. Disconnect aireraft electrical connector from actuator. Slop 2, Remove four bolts and washers @, 3, Figure 7-2), and remove actuatar assembly (1). Step 3, Remove two cable-guard posts and washers (#7, 48, Figure 7-1 or 62, 64, Figure 7-2) Step 4, Slacken drive chain and remove chain from sprocket assembly (67, Figure 7-1 or 71, Figure 7-2). ‘Step 5. Remove bolts that secure mount to ‘mounting Surface, Ifthe shear pin (61, , Figure 7-2) has broken, the complete actuator must be removed from the aireraft, ‘Although the shear pin may be replaced by disassem~ bing the sprocket assembly (7, Figure 7-1 or 71, Figure 7-2) and inserting a new'pin, it is recommended ‘that the entize sprocket assembly be replaced, To replace the sprocket assembly, or to install a new Shear pin, proceed as follows: Maintenance Step 1. Remove retaining ring and 2nd washer (4, 55, Figure 7-1 or 68, 69, Figure 7-2) Step 2, Loosen setserew (8, Figure 7-1 or 72, Figure 7-2) in hub of sprocket assembly and remove sprocket assembly (67 or 71), Key (58 or 70) may drop out of shaft, step 3. If the shear pin is to be replaced, re- ‘move retaining ring, spacer, and shear pin (59, 60, G1, Figure 7-1 or 73, 4, 75, Figure 7-2). Step 4, Clean and inspect hub and sprocket for any signs of gauling. (If there is gauling, the com= plete sprocket assembly must be replaced; the hub for sprocket is not procurable individually. ) Step 5. Lubricate bearing surfaces of hub and sprocket with Aeroshell No, grease, or equivalent Install new shear pin in hub and sprocket. Step 6. Replace spacer (69, Figure 7-1 or 74, gure 7-2) and retaining ring, (14) Step 7. I key (61, Figure 7-1 or 75, Figure 7-2) has dropped out, replace. Install sprocket assembly on shaft. Tighten sotserew (8, Figure 7-1 or 72, Figure 7-2) and apply sealing enamel General Electric No, 1224, or equivalent, to setserew, Step 8, Orient washer (55, Figure 7-1 or 69, Figure 7-2) so that holes in washer line up with holes jn hub, and key tab on washer fits in slol on shaft. Install washer on shaft, Step 9, Replace retaining ring (64, Figure 7-1 or 66, Figure 7-2) on shaft. Change 1 §-7/(5-8 Blank) Figure SECTION 6 DIAGRAMS Title CA-395A Computer-Amplifier, Al, Mother Board Assembly, Schematic and Wiring Diagrams Pa CA-3EEA Computer Amplifier, AZ, Power Supply Assembly, Schematic and Wiring Diagrams CA-8954 Computer-Amplifier, 3, Heading Demodulator” “Assembly, Schematic and Wiring Diagrams . CA-395A Computer-Amplifier, Ad, Pulse Width Modulator ‘Assembly, Schematic and Wiring Diagrams CA-895A Computer-Amplifier, AS, NAV Preamplifier ‘Assembly, Schematic and Wiring Diagrams CA-895A Computer-Amplifier, A6, NAV Amplifier ‘Assembly, Schematic and Wiring Diagrams . CA-885A Computer-Amplifier, AT, Summing Amplifier ‘Assembly, Schematic and Wiring Diagrams - CA-395A Cominter-Amplifier, A8, Control Assembly, Schematic and Wiring Diagrams PA-205B Actuator, Schematic and Wiring Diagrams PA-495A Actualor, Schematic and Wiring Diagrams Relay Assembly (Cessna Part No, 3920155), Wiring Diagram... 0. sev ‘Change 1 Diagrams Page Lil ey 6-1/(6-2 Blank) 5), Wieye Diagram Assembly (Cossna Part No, 3920155) 6-13/(6-14 Blank) Parts Lists SECTION 7 PARTS LISTS ‘This section lists and describes the replaceable parts for the CA-395A Computer-Amplifier, the PA- 2958 Actuator, and the PA-495A Actuator. ' Parts lists for the G-300A Rate Gyro, the G-802A and G- 5028 Directional Gyros, the CF-502A Flux Detector, and the IN-502A Slaving Meter are not included since these units are not field-repairable "The parts for the CA-895A Computer-Amplifier are listed in an alphabetical-numerical sequence of the reference designations assigned to the parts shown on the schematic diagrams in Section 6. The reference designations as listed are abbreviated; for the complete designation, prefix the designation | ‘shown with the assembly designation included at the beginning of each assembly parts list. For example, the complete reference designation for capacitor Cl in assombly Al would be AICI. Within each assembly parts list, complete information is given for a part listed for the first time. Subsequent listings of the ‘same part within the same assembly are referred back to the original listing. Replaceable parts for the PA-205B and PA-495A, Actuators are also listed in an alphabetical-numerical Sequence of the reference designations assigned. But In addition, the parts list for each actuator also lists the replaceable mechanical parts (as well as some of the electrical parts) in a recommended order of disassembly, except for altaching paris which are listed directly after the part attached. Index numbers are assigned in sequence to each part and are keyed to the related exploded view, Figure 7-1 or 7-2, INFORMATION ON THIS PAGE HAS BEEN DELETED Change 17-1 3968 INFORMATION ON THIS PAGE HAS BEEN DELETED 7.2 Change 1 CA.395A COMPUTER-AMPLIFIER PARTS LIST ‘Refronce fat Designation Deerption amber At, MOTHER BOARD (Part No. 42734) (See Figure 61) a CAPACITOR, Fixed, caramis, 300 9F 410%, 200 Ve [ aewncaor Some a6 CI a Sime a C1 a Sue at C1 & Same at C1 cs Sime a8 C1 o Sime at C1 o CAPACITOR, Fixed, slecvolyte, 1.1 uF 210%, 4 Ve sor7san o ‘CAPACITOR, Fined, elacroliie, 47 uF £208, 10 Vdc 90268-2617 10 | Some ae co cn Some C1 c12 | Sime at C1 crs | Sime ar C1 cre | Same as C3 crs Sime a C1 as Same 28 C1 ar Same a¢ C1 cre | sme a cr cia | seme as ct 20 | Some a co an ‘Some a8 C1 cz | Sime ae ct 2s | Some ae ct cs Sime 2 C1 2 ‘CAPACITOR, Fixed, elecvolytc, 220 uF 420%, 10 Ve 40248.2126 cnt —_| seiconouctor Device, Diode sano 2 | Same as CRE cre cnt or | Same at CRY crs | Sime ae CRT one | Same az CRI cn? cat ons | Sime a8 CRY cro | Same as CRY R10 | Same os CRY crit | Sime at CRY cn12 | geiconoucToR oevIce, Diode 2689.0008 cra | samearcni2 P CONNECTOR, Eeewiea! 421080023, ar TRANSISTOR 41123.0099, oz TRANSISTOR 36961-4124 03 Some a 2 mi | RESISTOR, Fixed, comp, 9100 925%, 1/4 W se10912 2 | RESISTOR, Fined, comp, 90 KA 25%, 1/4 W 341-0003 Fa Some ot F2 Pa Same ae A Fs RESISTOR, Fixed, comp, 5100 0 45%, 1/4 W sar0512 *6 RESISTOR, Fined, comp, 7.5 kf 35%, 1/4 W a107s2 "7 |some ot AS cy RESISTOR, Fined, comp, 2 k2 48%, 1/4 W sara202 xar | socxer, transitor 26a Parts Lists Change 1 7-3 3058 1-4 Change 1 (CA.395A COMPUTER-AMPLIFIER PARTS LIST—Continued pe | Rerrence an | Deugetion | eterion amber "AZ, POWER SUPPLY (nt No. 42796) (Soe Figure 62) (ct | CAPACITOR, Find, caramic, OF nF 190.208, 500 vae | 207559103 (2 | CAPACITOR, Fined, seewolie, 150 uF +100 10%, 40 vee | 362684001, 3 CAPACITOR, Free, cram, Di uF "80 20%, 25 Ve 31486 0103 a CAPACITOR. Fined, secre, 100 uF 3208.20 Vee 402487228 S CAPACITOR: Flue eromie 300 BF 108, 200 vse rence.ano! & Some a 5 | car | semiconoucron oevice, vies 2891-0201 | Gre | Sane os mt | a TRANSISTOR | 20am jm RESISTOR, Fixe, comp, 270.2 25%, 1/4 W nen 2 | RESISTOR, vaste, 505 3108, 1/2 W | ss2a3.0sor ut MICROCIRCUIT, Lineer | 42603 U2 | Same an Us ) U3 | micnociReUrT, tineer 40026 var | semiconoueron oevice, ode 259290561 vr2—_| Same as VR ‘CA.395A COMPUTER-AMPLIFIER PARTS LIST—Continued Parts Lists “Refrence Pen Designation Descripvion umber ‘83, HEADING DEMODULATOR (Part No. 43360) (Ser Figie 63) a CAPACITOR, Fina, ceramic, OF pF 180 -20%, 25 vae 314560103 @ CAPACITOR: Fixed, electrolytic, 1.1 nF 10%, 4 Vie dorset 3 CAPACITOR: Fined, pasie, 0.38 nF 410%, 100 Vde 425960332, a Same a2 C1 o ‘CAPACITOR, Fixed, plastic, 022 AF #108, 250 Ve 425362223, a ‘TRANSISTOR 061.4124 Rt RESISTOR, Fixed, comp, 10 ki 45%, 1/4 W sar0108 R2 Same as Rt RO Some at RY Ra Some ot RY FS | ESISTOR, Fixed, comp, 12 ki 25%, 1/4 W mr0i23 6 RESISTOR, Fined, comp, 20 kit 25%, 1/4 W 3410203, "7 RESISTOR, Fined, comp, 5100 0 45%, 1/4 W sao | ra RESISTOR, Variable, 5 kit 10%, 172 W 38282.0502 ro RESISTOR, Fined, comp, 180 kA 25%, 1/4 W 2aro1n4 Rio | Sime at RG an Same at RE R12 | RESISTOR, Fined, comp, 150 £2 25%, 144 W sors R13 | Same os 12 Rie | Same ar RY Fis | RESISTOR, Fixed, comp, 1&2 25%, 1/4 W. anor02 RIG | RESISTOR, Finad, como, 1600 2 15%, 1/4 W. 341.0182 R17 | RESISTOR, Fined, comp, 91 Ko 45%, 1/4 W 30813 fig | RESISTOR, Fixed, comp, 200 kN 8%, 1/4 W 2avo208 Fig | RESISTOR, Fixed, comp, 200 Kt 35%, 1/4 W 341-0208 R20 | RESISTOR: Fixes, como, 82 kit 25%, 1/4 W bav0e23 uw MICROCIRCUIT, Lines «2609 v2 MICROCIRCUIT, Digit 42433-0001 v3 MICROGIRCUIT, Linear 42837-0001 us MICROCIRCUIT, Linear 41759-0005 Change 17-8 2958 1-6 Change 1 CA.395A COMPUTER-AMPLIFIER PARTS LIST—Continued eoence a) onsen ometoion |r ‘a, PULSE WIOTH MODULATOR fFat No. 4572) fo Foe 64) cr | eavncrron, rina, ote, 2 of 810%, 50 woe | sasaea2 S| incon i a om me | Seaton & | EAPACITOR, Fim, sae, 01 af A108, 10 we cassava a |sewnon Ge | Greco, Fa, soni, 018 AF S108, 19 wae sasseonea | Smser G—_| ERAGON, a, eet, 22 HF A208, 18 Vie ssn 2106 cn | sehconoueTon Device, ote aa4z2c008 re | Sim av ent a: | rnansiston anas7 902 Ge | ansisron aeoot sing ri —_| RESISTOR, Fn, como, 298, 14 W aerozee me__| Restsron; Fa, comp 10.023%, 4 aan fa—_| nesisron, ut, Toa 3on, 12 aereaa00 fit | Resisron Pa imo, 750 (030m, 14 pir fs | Resistor, vuoi comps kt #10 172 erase Re RESISTOR Fes omg 70 som, 4 W | Serotes mm | Semen me | Smeacat mo | Somneenz or | micnocincur, Liner sao G2 | menocincur, Liner ‘oo 63 | inemocineurr, Uns ‘operat ut | Mlenecimeurr tar ame Parts Lists (A358 COMPUTER-AMPLIFIER PARTS LIST—Continued Reteronce | Tae Designation | Dexrotion | number 'AS, NAV PREAMPLIFIER (Par No. 43374) (Sse Figure 68) | a ‘CAPACITOR, Fixed, ceramic, 30 BF 10%, 200 Vae 73448-0591 @ Some ae Ch | Joa Same o# C1 or) CAPACITOR, Fined, ceramic, IMF +80 20%, 28 vee | stase9103 [om RESISTOR, Voroble, 50 & +10%, 1/2 Ww | saz83.0503 re RESISTOR, Fixed, comp, 5100 1.45%, 1/4 W Dar 0512 Fa Same 98 2 | fa RESISTOR, Fixe, comp, 10 kA 25%, 1/4 W | sores le ne Same 98 A Re Same 18 RA 7 RESISTOR, Fixed, comp, 300 KA 5%, 1/8 W | ser0300 RB Same a8 RA } Ro ‘Some a RT 0 | Same ae 2 fit | Same as Ra | Riz | same at RA FI3-—_| RESISTOR, Verobe, comp, 10 KE: 410%, 172 W 889.0103 pia | Same ae RY RIS | Some ae RZ | ut MICROCIRCUTT, Linoor as7e4 w MICROCIRCUIT, Liner 42693 us MICROCIRCUIT, Digitat 42433-0001 ut MICROCIRCUIT, Linese 41753.0005, us MICROCIRCLIT, Liner aa7e8 Change 11-7 CA.295A COMPUTER-AMPLIFIER PARTS LIST—Continued retrace [aa Daipaton errition Nonber 1G, WAV AMPLIFIER (har No. 48576) (6m Fie 68 | CAPACHTOR, Fine, come, OF #00 20%, 25 Val sraceo0a @ | Smeser © | CAPACITOM, Fine, elecotye, 47 uF 470%, 6 Ye sont02617 ce | Sema 6 | OAPACITOR, Fina, pti, 0. gF 2108, 100 We sosseor02 | Simmer | | Smee lw ‘Same 38 C3 | | Som ores cro | Some sve | cnr | semiconoucron oevice, ode 1280-0008 ore | Sime or cm | Gra | Siren em | cra | Soman ont | cms | Some ov ont cao | Some at GR | cro | Some ov ont i | oe | Seen cme | cho | Some os ont | crto | Sime as oR | Joint | Sine a om | cm2 | Some as ont | nr | esisron, tint, om, 29 a a8, 14 W | tse | fe | estevon: Fis me a7 kat ao a W arora fo | Resisron: Fac, sone 0 ns, 14 0 Seroea a | fesisrom, Fine, com, 1 nn s0%, 1 sratee S| RESISTOR, Fines, comp, 200 kA 25%, 114 W werzot 6 | RESISTOR: Fad, como, 3300.7 358, 1 W senna fo | Sime fo | RESISTOR, Fa, mo, S100 838, 1/4 W saroeta fio | RESISTOR, Vnble, comp, 204A 2108, 12 W ene o100 mt | Sone en Bia | RESISTOR, Fad, om, 35%, 14 W rots mia | Seno we nd fits) | REEATOR, Fa, or, 00 40 AFR, sw | eases mis | Same mnie fie | Sess ne av? RESISTOR, Fixed, comp, 51 kM 48%, 1/4 W 341.0513 | AIS | Sane 17 F | is | RESISTOR, Fixe, come, 20 M2 95%, 1/4 W sone | | fro | Some anne | rat | Sor on 0 nz | Smeeenta aa | RESISTOR, nd, como, 20 4A 5%, 1/4 w sooo fee | Some os m3 nas | Sime oot | me | eran j mor | Senne noe | Some ase \ fou MICROCIRCUTT, Linear | 42603 | 2 | incnocimourr, et ‘282.001 Ja ey 7-8 Change 1 Parts Lists CA.395A COMPUTER-AMPLIFIER PARTS LIST—Continued a = outrton nrton ner : TA, SUMING ANPLIFVER ot No ATE 000 and 10) (oe Fare 7 CAPACITOR, Finn, ewer, 390 oF 310m, 200 wee «d Teneo | | Seaver a seireino CAPACITOR, Fan, se’ 04 MF 0%, 100 Yoo ‘30108 farncnon as eect ee wiceteee © 2 | sueceatas CAPACITOR, Fixed, electrolytic, 30 uF 410%, 4 Vide 39178-1200 Seren ss nl Setbbucton o€vice ide ue on 43781000) Sones CRY | ‘Same as CRI a SenicoNDUCTON oevicE, ce 5260 20s Sameer oat ‘Same as CRE " | SECOMUCTOR DEVICE, ide tnd on sre-rmno) | sen000s | Sannateron aovoraze | REOIGTOn, Pa, como, 5641 45%, 114 proses RESISTOR, Fee, como, 49 A 25%, 14 W aeons RESISTOR, Fn, comp, 100k 28%, 114 W sarovoe REETOR, Fixe, cn, 10 25%, WW saovca RESISTOR. Vert 10x) s10ws 12 W | Seonsor0s | mEstsron, Fins, smn Tt tom, W avons RESISTOR, Fined, como, 30017 28%, 14 W ae o%04 Sone | hn Reson, Fed, come, 0 0 a5n, v4 Wien aaare. | s¢to001 Some ‘3a FESISTON, Fine, comp, 9 kt #58, 14 W eo | RESISTOR, Fixed, comp, 5100 2 25%, 1/4 W 341.0512 Sore nit RESISTOR, Feed, come, 200 495%, 1 W | sar020e FESSTON, Fie, comp 100 0 25%, 14 W aero AESISTOM, Vrabi:cy, 2 ft 210%. 2 W Seaes 200 Sone nia } | ESTSTON. Fie, comp, 120 ke 58, 14 W | oworee | AESISTOR. Fine, comp, 61 v0 158-110 sae AESISTON, Fe, comp, 2 Mt 258,141 Stone AESISTOR. Fie, come, 160 ta 258,11 W Shores AESISTOR, Flan, con 10 nt 268, Ht Shoe FEsIsTOR, Fine, comp, 20 ssh 1a Seaees Simoni? 33, ‘Same 9s A7 | | ne | Se | eg [econ roe ee eta estan n) RB | RESTOR: res ome: BA“ a on | SSE oP RgsocReoies sr ‘SorS'z00) | 030 tz | mienocineur, grt Sec ts | ttenocineur unee Seo | L j Change 17-9 395A CA.395A COMPUTER-AMPLIFIER PARTS LIST—Continued ‘eterence Part Devgnaion Deseription Mmber A [FRONT PANEL ASSEMBLY (Part No, 42904.0001) (See Fire 68) pst LAMP, Incandescent V ssee70296 ps2 | some as O81 sa | Sime ar OSt ost | Some as O5t Pr CONNECTOR, Pug, etewial, ef Body 1 eo 42442-0016, Pin, Female 14 60 42442-2565, | Pl, polarizing 202 2442-4001 a RESISTOR, Vovcbe, wi, dual section, een section 2800.0 | 38681 220%, SW, with SPST switch $3 st SNITCH, Toe, SPOT 42936-0003, 2 SWITCH, Tog, OPOT ‘3445-0001 33 SWITCH, Push Pull, SPST toart of A) ‘ess s SNITCH, Pash, Siction, each section 4POT 42030 a KNOB, Pulte sees = SSETSCREW, Socket Md, hex, sl, 832 by 38 248028 | x08, Tem wasn : 'SETSCREW, Socket hd, tated, st, esd pl, 3.48 by 1/8 303-0008 rl Bezet 42631-0003, : SCREW, Setsapping fh, od 6, No. 2 by 14 325-4025, = PANEL, Primed '2674.0002 7-10 Change 1 PA.2958 ACTUATOR PARTS LIST Parts Lists | reterence [ Pat | onion Deetotion Munsber PRINTED WIRING ASSEMBLY (Part No. 49666) (Se Figure 69) et MOTOR, 0¢, 12 Vale (Se fig 7-8) REF Ct | CAPACITOR, Fined, electrolytic, 680 uF +100 -10%, 40 ve | 38268-4008 a Same at Ct 8 Some ae Ct car | senticonoucror DEVICE, Diode 324330003 cn2 | SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, Diade ‘831-0201 crs | Same as CR? cre | Some as CR? cas | Some a: CR? | crs | Same as cr car | Some at CR KI RELAY, Armature, 12 Ve (See fig. 7126) Aer u (COIL, AF, 120 pH +80 10% 33759.0001 pt (CONNECTOR, Pla, electrical (Seti. 71-19) ner a “TRANSISTOR (See tig. 7.30) nee a2 TRANSISTOR (Se fig. 7-129), Aer a3 TRANSISTOR (See fi, 7-1.27), REE 4 TRANSISTOR (See fig. 7-128) REF as Same at 02 06 Some as 7 Sone as 4 08 Same at 03, a RESISTOR, Fined, comp, 300 45%, 1/2 W 201.0201 Re RESISTOR, Fined, comp, 100 1 45%, 1/2 W 2010101 3 Some a8 Ri Ra Same a: RY 5 | Same as R2 RG ‘Some a RY Rr ‘Some a8 R2 8 Some as R2 Fo Not Used RIO | RESISTOR, Fined, wwe, 0.1 9 410%, SW aae2.0102 an Some 2¢ RIO xn | sockeT, Retry 35555-0001 xa | sockeT, Transistor 43681 x02 | SOCKET, Transitor 2087 x03 | Some ar xat x04 | Same as X02 x05 | Sime as X02 x06 | Sime as XO x7 | Some as x02 x08 | Sime at XQT | Change 1 T=11 Parts Lists ov Figure & Part Description a Index No. | Number a2aass = 7 ‘600000 | ACTUATORMOUNT ASSEMBLY, PA2950 1 4436002000 | ACTUATORMOUNT ASSEMBLY, Pa2058 : 1 ascoosne | ACTUATORAOUNT ASSEMOLY, PA 2958 1 1 | 43615-2008, ‘ACTUATOR, PA-2956 (used on 43600-1008) 5 1 436152008, ACTUATOR, PA2058 (wand on 49600-2004) 1 436183004, ACTUATOR, PA2060 (uses on 49600-2008) 1 [ATTACHING PARTS) 2 | 2sea2a00 BOLT, Hex ha, 1032 by 15/32 n ip 4 3 | 2asser010 WASHER, Fist, No. 10 wa ‘ 4 | 43602.008 [NAMEPLATE (used on 43615-1008) 1 1438022004, NAMEPLATE (wed on 43616-2008) 5 1 1436023004, NAMEPLATE (wed on 49618-2008) 5 1 | 2ascs-0028 RING, Retaining : 1 8 | azar GEAR (used on 43615 108), 1 424s GEAR losed on 436162008) 1 42483 GEAR (used an 436353008). : 1 (ATTACHING PARTS) a | a7750006 PIN, Spring (use on 43615-1008 and -2004), : 1 27750028 PIN, Spring (used on 43616-3008) 1 8 | 42283-0000 MOTOR, DC torque (81)... : 1 (ATTACHING PARTS) 2 | come BOLT, Hex nd, dled, 1/420 by 41/2 in ig (supplied with index No. 8) 2 10 | come WASHER, Fst 1/4 in .D-taupplied with index No. 8) a 11 | 2age74128 SCREW, Fil hd, ees, 1024 by 7/16 in Ip 2 13 | 3617 cover . ‘ 1 (ATTACHING PARTS) 14 | 955986020 SCREW, Gogh, st, 6-32 by 5/16 ing G 4 15 | soraeooos THE, Coble , 36 | $3605 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS ASSEMBLY 5 1 (ATTACHING PARTS) 17 | s8806036 SCREW, Bag, 28, 632 by 9/16 in . as | aa01e2190 PIN, Conngetor 10 19 | 430140001 CONNECTOR, Pug, electrical (Pt) 1 20 | as01¢0700 CLAMP, Connector 1 (ATTACHING PARTS! 2x | s20.6028 SCREWE'St, pan hy at, cad pl, No. 6, by 3/8 in Ig oou 2 22 | era GROMMET, Rubber. : 1 23 | aaaaeat0 CLAMP, csbie nt : 1 TATTACHING PARTS! 24 | s060028 SCREW, Bdgh. bes, pl 6-32 by 3/8 in Ig 1 25 | 26558-1006 WASHER, Flat. No. 6 : 2s | anaes LL NUT, Hex, sf locking 632 1 ar | anzs0039 «TRANSISTOR (03, 08) lea 2a | 411230009 TRANSISTOR (8, a7) | : eal 29 | a112s0081 TRANSISTOR (02, 05) | : 2 30 | arn2zz0037 ‘TRANSISTOR (01, 06) | eeeeeere eee q (ATTACHING PARTS FOR ITEMS 27 THRU 20) ar | toe0028 SCREW, Bagh, be, nt pl, $40 by 3/8 Ina a 32 | No NUMBER WASHER, Mics (opplied with traitor) 8 aa | 29982-1008 WASHER, Flat, No. 8 se | 29909.0008 WASHER, Lock, spit, No. & 8 35 | ano NUT, Hex, 440 8 Change 1 7-13 395A, av Figure Part Desrintion pe tndeco. | numbar [12:3 45 6 assy 736 | 36381-0005 RELAY, Armature (KH) Gegon000 1 37 | aov4ec00a THE, Cable : : 3 38 | 43608 HEATSINK 1! on si ‘ (ATTACHING PARTS! 0 INSERT, ‘i 6 40 ‘TERMINAL, Log (E10) : 1 “1 PRINTED WIRING ASSEMBLY 1 42 GROMMET, Rubber 1 43 SL BRACKET, ttotor 1 a + MOUNT, Actuator (used on 43600-1008) : 1 MOUNT, Actuator (used on 496002008) | 1 MOUNT Actuator fused on 49600008) 5.2L 1 45 {+ NAMEPLATE (used on 44862-1060) 1 4513-0002 NAMEPLATE (used on 444622060) 21 1 44513.0003 NAMEPLATE (ured on 44462060) | 1 46 | 2m GARD, Gear 5 en 1 (ATTACHING PARTS) 47 | 26503.0008 Post 2 48 | 2aesec00s | S| WASHER, Lock, mit, No. 6: : 2 49 | 200078224 SCREW, Fil b, res, 62 by 2/8 in 19 1 50 | 949-0062 NUT, Hox, selitocking, 692. + 1 st | a36ta-1060 GEAR AND BRACKET ASSEMBLY sed on 44862:1060) 1 43614-2080 GEAR AND BRACKET ASSEMBLY (ord on 44462-2000) 1 614.2050, GEAR AND BRACKET ASSEMBLY ford on 48462-3060) 1 IATTACHING PARTS) 2 | aos9-0082 NUT, Hex, seittocking, 832 4 so | s8r4.0002 PLATE, Information : 1 54 | 260650097 RING, Rewiing === == wt 1 5 | 43957 21 WASHER, Flt. toyod ©0002 LITIIITT 1 56 | 281870036 LD KEY, 88, 9/16 ing ee 1 57 | 43529.0060, SPROCKET ASSEMBLY... n 1 (ATTACHING PARTS) sa | a2eoor2 SETSCREW, Socket hd, hex, 1032 by 3/16 in Ig 1 PARTIAL BREAKOOWN FOLLOWS) so | 20665-0046 ING, Retaining 1 oo | aso58 ll spacér 1 61 | 381440060 2D LPN, shear : 1 2 | 20085-0031 DL RING, ‘Retaining 7 aa 1 63 | 175250001 BEARING, Bott. : 1 4 | 42445-0001 SPACER, 1/2 0.D. by 0.075 in tk 1 os | zane (GEAR (used on 43614-1060) 1 42489 121 GEAR (ured on 49614-2060) : 1 42437 (GEAR (ned on 43614-3060 ‘ (ATTACHING PARTS) 6 | s2eoor2 [SETSCREW, Socket hd, nex, 10:32 by 3/16 in 1 7 | zere7ou8 |. KEY. Stl, 9/16 te to : 6 | zerescoro | | SS shit, 618 0.0. by 0316 10. by 0010 In mk sss. 1 6 | 17525-0001 BEARING, Ball. 1 370 | 2eraccor0 SHIM, 5/8 0.0. by 0516 11. by 0510 in the aR 71 | 2ar96-0008, SHIM, 5/8 0.0. by 0316 1.D. by 0.005 in hk an 72 | 26650001 FING, Retaining ; 23 | soot SHAFT a . . 1 7a | zeae BRACKET | DU 1 a5 | azee9 BASE, Motor 5 1 7-14 Change 1

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