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Research on Complaint Operation Management System Based on

digital Transformation
Liping Zhang∗ Kefeng Yu
Institute of basic operation technology, Research Institute Institute of basic operation technology, Research Institute
of China Telecom Co., Ltd. of China Telecom Co., Ltd.

Yingmao Hu Ying Wu
Institute of basic operation technology, Research Institute Institute of basic operation technology, Research Institute
of China Telecom Co., Ltd. of China Telecom Co., Ltd.
With the application of new digital information technologies such The 2019 digital economy report released by the United Nations
as big data, artificial intelligence and cloud computing becoming points out that The drivers of the expansion of the global digital
more and more mature, all walks of life are accelerating the trans- economy are digital data and digital platforms. The expansion of
formation to digital. Focusing on the management and promotion the digital economy can help improve economic and social out-
of users’ digital assets, this paper takes the digital transformation of comes and become the driving force of innovation and productivity
China Telecom customer service as an example, and puts forward growth.
the implementation plan of digital complaint operation manage- With the emergence of covid-19, people’s daily life style has
ment. By focusing on the construction of digital service capability also undergone earth shaking changes. Among them, as the basic
of complaint acceptance, return visit, archiving, analysis and super- supporting service of emerging technologies such as mobile Internet
vision modules, and combining AI intelligent analysis capability, [1-5] and big data [6], the number of telecom service businesses
the system is applied to practice, and finally the feasibility and has increased sharply [7]. Literature [8] pointed out that in March,
effectiveness of the system are verified. The research results of 2020, the number of mobile telecommunication services was about
this paper improve users’ experience perception and enhance the 5.74 million. By November of the same year, the number increased
influence of corporate brand. At the same time, this paper provides by 7.12% to 6.18 million Complaint handling is the most important
an empirical basis for the research on the digital transformation part of customer service. Its purpose is to help customers solve
of enterprise system applications, and provides new insights for problems. The quality of complaint handling results directly affects
optimizing other application systems. customer satisfaction and loyalty.
In this study, firstly, the key challenges encountered in the exist-
CCS CONCEPTS ing China Telecom customer service operation are analyzed. Then,
• Information systems; • Enterprise applications; the corresponding solutions to these key challenges are put forward.
At the same time, a specific implementation scheme is proposed for
the whole process application of complaint operation management.
KEYWORDS Finally, the application experimental effect and evolution direction
Digital transformation, China Telecom, Complaints operation man- of the system are discussed.
agement, AI

ACM Reference Format:

Liping Zhang, Kefeng Yu, Yingmao Hu, and Ying Wu. 2022. Research on For China Telecom operators, with a huge inherent user group,
Complaint Operation Management System Based on digital Transformation. complaints are the main communication channel for accepting
In 2022 the 5th International Conference on Information Science and Systems the needs of telecom users, making the China Telecom Complaint
(ICISS 2022), August 26–28, 2022, Beijing, China. ACM, New York, NY, USA, Operation Management System an important part of supporting
6 pages. the digital transformation of enterprises.
At this stage, complaints operation management has the follow-
∗ Corresponding author. Email address: ing difficulties in terms of service digitization :
• Service levels in different provinces: The provinces have in-
consistent customer service complaints, resulting in a large
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed gap between developed and backward provinces, which can-
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation not bring users a consistent user experience.
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM • Support mechanism for complaint services: At this stage,
must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish,
to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a there is a lack of effective support means for complaints,
fee. Request permissions from which can allow agents to work more efficiently and reduce
ICISS 2022, August 26–28, 2022, Beijing, China call time.
© 2022 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9683-7/22/08. . . $15.00 • Empowerment system of the bottom layer of the ability + the top layer of the application has not been formed: Many

ICISS 2022, August 26–28, 2022, Beijing, China Liping Zhang et al.

provinces have not yet built a complete support structure key nodes realize the user query function in the transparency
for the complaint operation management system. of the work order.
To sum up, in order to improve customer perception, customer • In the existing work order system, "follow-up processing
service efficiency, service value, and give full play to the value of status" is added. When the complaint work order is com-
customer service, it is necessary to "handle complaints immedi- pleted and filed, the complaint work order that is "currently
ately". unresolved and has a solution to be tracked" will be synchro-
nized to the network again. Department, for the network
3 SOLUTIONS department to fill in after the network quality is improved.
• When the work order is completed and filed, an associated
In order to do a good job of communication and information feed-
work order ("to-be-tracked order") will be automatically gen-
back with users, this solution follows the three principles of "pro-
erated for the "currently unresolved, solution to be tracked"
duction automation, management visualization, and analysis intel-
complaint work order, and the order will be redistributed to
ligence", and mainly proposes solutions from the following aspects
the corresponding network The department is used to syn-
to improve the level of intelligent application.
chronize the key nodes of the problem processing progress
• The network department needs to contact the user within after 48 hours.
24 hours after receiving the complaint, and clarify the cause
of the problem through communication or on-site testing; 4 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION PLAN
• If the order is not resolved within 48 hours, a solution should As mentioned above, in the era of digital transformation, in or-
be proposed (suggestions include estimated solution time); der to meet the needs of users to keep pace with the times, the
• When the network quality is clearly improved, users should complaint operation management system promotes process opti-
be notified actively; mization from the acceptance, processing, return visit, filing, and
• The 10000 China Telecom customer service hotline will pay analysis of complaints. The system implementation process is as
a return visit to the complaint sheet that has been clearly follows:
resolved. Next, we will introduce the contents in Fig. 1 from the work
order source, work order acceptance, complaint handling, complaint
3.1 Resolution within 48 hours of complaint return visit, complaint filing, complaint analysis and supervise
Each province builds or uses the existing work order system, adds handling.
new accounts through decentralization and sub-domains, or opens
up the interface between systems to handle complaint work orders, 4.1 Work order source
and realize work orders from 10000 Department, Network Opera- According to different work order sources, intelligently build orders,
tion Department, Cloud Network Development Department, and and obtain the unique code of the complaint through the unified
5G Co - construction and Sharing Department circulation. complaint code pool of the enterprise when building the order.
• The cloud network operation department should contact the Work order sources include but are not limited to:
user for the first time within 24 hours after receiving the • Upgrading the complaint work order, that is, the establish-
order. ment of the group’s complaint acceptance channel, the main
• If the order is not resolved within 48 hours, a solution should sources are: the Ministry of Industry and Information Tech-
be formulated within 48 hours (return orders resolved within nology’s transfer order (including government and enter-
48 hours will be sent to 10000). prise units, the Ministry of Industry and Information Tech-
• The operation department is responsible for the repair of net- nology, etc.), the 10005 hotline acceptance work order, the
work faults; the cloud network development department is group’s letter and visit work order; The high-level work order
responsible for the construction of new base stations, and the system is dispatched to the provincial complaint handling
5G co-construction and sharing department is responsible subsystem for disposal.
for the sharing of Unicom base stations. • Provincial-level complaint work orders, and the construc-
• If the problem is not solved within 48 hours, the follow-up tion of the provincial complaint acceptance channels, the
departments should cooperate with each other to reduce the main sources are: provincial No. 10000 complaints, provin-
work order circulation link. cial WeChat public account complaints, provincial Internet
channel complaints, etc.
3.2 Resolution after 48 hours of complaint
For network fault repair, network optimization completed, interfer- 4.2 Work order acceptance
ence source processing completed, new base station construction The intensive management of group complaints realizes the mon-
started, new base station testing completed, base station capacity ex- itoring of complaint work orders and construction orders of the
pansion and other key nodes in the progress of clear improvement whole network by monitoring the unified coding pool of enter-
of network quality, users should be actively informed. prises. By invoking the transparent query capability of complaint
• The system has the function of SMS triggering, the key nodes work orders, the group realizes transparent query of the whole
of the progress of clear improvement of network quality, trig- process of complaint work orders on the whole network. The query
ger the SMS notification of related complaints users, and the content includes: work order content, processing track, processing

Research on Complaint Operation Management System Based on digital Transformation ICISS 2022, August 26–28, 2022, Beijing, China

Figure 1: System implementation process.

results, etc., and the channels include: No. 10000 intensive operation 4.5 Complaint filing
platform, Huango, WeChat public account, etc. Customer approval, filing of complaint work orders, and release
of archived data. If the customer does not approve, a secondary
4.3 Complaint handling processing process will be initiated. If the customer still does not
After the handling of the escalation complaint work order in the approve after the second processing, it will be archived as an unap-
province is completed, the handling result will be reported to the proved work order.
group as required, and the handling result will be reviewed by an
intensive special seat. If the review is approved, it will enter the 4.6 Complaint analysis
unified return visit process. If it fails, it will be returned to the After the work order is archived, the intensive center (complaint
province to continue processing. Complaint work orders in the management and control personnel) conducts random inspection
province shall be handled according to the original procedures. on the archived work order, associates with the big data system,
realizes intelligent marking and analysis of the whole network work
4.4 Complaint return visit order, and outputs multi-dimensional reports. If it is judged that
After the complaint work order is closed, we will pay a return visit the complaint work order has telecommunications responsibility
and collect customer opinions in a unified manner. or is a typical complaint, a supervision and handling process will
• If the provincial company chooses intelligent return visit, it be initiated, and the provincial company will be required to rectify.
can use one or more methods such as Internet questionnaire • According to the identified keywords, match the correspond-
push, intensive intelligent outbound call, SMS push and so ing work order classification label information, and output
on through configuration to collect customer opinions. the most similar 3-5 complaint reason classification labels,
• If manual return visit is selected, the provincial complaint such as:
handling personnel will use the intensive operation platform
to perform outbound return visits, collect customer opinions In Fig. 2, the traffic service is taken as an example. When the
uniformly and synchronize the information to the provincial content of the user’s complaint is a traffic usage dispute, the sys-
complaint handling subsystem. tem classifies the cause of the complaint as mobile data or traffic
• During the promotion of No. 10000 intensive work (tran- problems.
sition period), the provinces that have been cut over will • Multi-dimensional perspective analysis is to present the
adopt a unified return visit process, and the provinces that word relationship structure in the work order. When the
have not been cut over will maintain the original complaint batch of work orders satisfy the same conceptual structure
handling process in the province. relationship, the perspective analysis structure diagram of

ICISS 2022, August 26–28, 2022, Beijing, China Liping Zhang et al.

Figure 2: Intelligent marking multi dimension Report.

Figure 3: Data analysis perspective.

the Semantic Web is formed. Customize the filter dimension • Synonyms/Synonyms: clustering words with similar/same
based on the left node filter to obtain pivot data. As shown meanings;
below: • Common words: words that are generally applicable to vari-
ous models, such as sensitive words;
In Fig. 3, the product node is filtered on the left side of the
• Stop words: words that cannot be used for the time being,
perspective analysis diagram, and the statistics of 1137 complaints
words that are not used for the time being. As shown below:
related to the product are displayed on the right side. The system
display content mainly includes the number and proportion of value 5.1.2 Thesaurus management ability.
added services, mobile services, broadband services, smart homes, • The system has the ability of word segmentation. Through
and fixed-line services. the application of semantic recognition ability, the content
of the work order is disassembled by keywords to form unit
4.7 Supervise handling words with the smallest granularity. According to the nature
of the words, clusters are added to the thesaurus. As shown
After the rectification of the provincial company, upload the rectifi-
cation results, and the intensive center will review it. If the review
is approved, the process is over. If the review fails, the supervision In Fig. 5, China Telecom customer service system inputs cus-
will be initiated again. tomer information into the intelligent word segmentation system,
and captures keywords and outputs it to the passenger dispatching
system. Finally, return the processing result to the intelligent word
5.1 Complaining about the AI capability of • Concept labeling ability. Apply semantic recognition capa-
operation bilities, and label each word with a concept according to the
scene example, which is used for thesaurus analysis, sorting
5.1.1 Thesaurus operation ability. Thesaurus is the basis for model
and machine self-learning.
construction and application. The thesaurus contains four cate-
• Support manual word segmentation, tagging and importing
gories: proper words, synonyms/synonyms, common words, and
stop words. As the picture shows:
• Supports maintenance operations such as modifying, delet-
Next, we will introduce the contents in Fig. 4 from the proprietary
ing, and querying words in the thesaurus.
words, synonyms, common words, and stop words.
• Support to disable/enable the words of the thesaurus.
• Proprietary words: words that describe proprietary products, • Support upload and download synchronization with provin-
bills, behaviors, etc. cial thesaurus, and iterate thesaurus.

Research on Complaint Operation Management System Based on digital Transformation ICISS 2022, August 26–28, 2022, Beijing, China

Figure 4: Thesaurus operation model.

Figure 5: System word segmentation diagram.

5.1.3 Data auditing capabilities. The system automatically clas- As can be seen from table 1, after the digital system for complaint
sifies and marks the phenomena and causes, and each marking operation management is deployed in the province, the error rate
is completed within five seconds to save a lot of manpower. At of quality inspection and sampling has been reduced from 22.5% in
the same time, the manual review function is set up. If the ma- the first month to about 2%.
chine marking is not accurate, it can be modified manually and In order to continue to strengthen the application of digital capa-
automatically learned by the machine. As shown below: bilities in the customer complaint service process, and to consider
In Fig. 6, the 5G service is used as an example, and data auditing the general needs of digital system construction in the follow-up,
is performed automatically according to user complaints about busi- the Group is responsible for the construction of departmental ca-
ness rules, channel, network quality, installation and maintenance pabilities or platforms in an intensive manner, such as the "Group
services, and other categories. Intelligent Voice Recognition Platform", etc.; According to the actual
conditions, the group can selectively put forward the capacity use
5.2 Experimental results requirements (or self-built platform), and the construction and ex-
The above-mentioned digital results of complaint operation man- pansion of specific applications are still dominated by the province.
agement have been applied in the Group and 31 provinces. Now, the
application system is verified by taking the GIS marking complaint ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
data before and after the deployment of the complaint operation The authors would like to thank the finically support by key sci-
management digital system in a province as an example. Among entific and technological project form the China Telecom Co., Ltd.
them, the first month is the data of complaint handling before the (Project No. T-2022-20). In addition, the authors would also like to
application is deployed, and the next five months are the data of thank the members of the smart customer service project team for
complaint handling after the application is deployed. their timely feedback and valuable suggestions.

ICISS 2022, August 26–28, 2022, Beijing, China Liping Zhang et al.

Figure 6: 5G classification marking.

Table 1: GIS marking complaint quality inspection

Month Spot check work Longitude and latitude inefficiency Specific address, but GIS is unable to dot
order quantity
Oct, 2021 620 3 0.48% 140 22.58%
Nov, 2021 739 9 1.22% 65 8.80%
Dec, 2021 953 1 0.10% 62 6.51%
Jan, 2022 563 0 0.00% 19 3.37%
Feb, 2022 330 0 0.00% 5 1.52%
Mar, 2022 418 0 0.00% 10 2.39%

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