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Microalgae based wastewater treatment: a shifting

paradigm for the developing nations

Nandini Moondra , Namrata D. Jariwala & Robin A. Christian

To cite this article: Nandini Moondra , Namrata D. Jariwala & Robin A. Christian (2020):
Microalgae based wastewater treatment: a shifting paradigm for the developing nations,
International Journal of Phytoremediation, DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2020.1857333

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Microalgae based wastewater treatment: a shifting paradigm for the

developing nations
Nandini Moondra, Namrata D. Jariwala, and Robin A. Christian
Civil Engineering Department, S.V. National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), Surat, India

Decreased water quality in freshwater resources due to untreated or partially treated wastewater Chlorella vulgaris; municipal
disposal resulting in eutrophication has led to water scarcity. Hence, the present work was aimed wastewater; photosyn-
to determine the effectiveness of Chlorella vulgaris for municipal wastewater treatment in terms of thetic-aeration
various physico-chemical parameters and nutrient removal. Primary treated effluent was collected
from a sewage treatment plant as an influent for the study. Parameters analyzed during the lab-
scale batch study of 7 hours of detention time were pH, EC, TDS, TSS, TS, COD, phosphate, ammo-
nia, nitrate and DO. Removal efficiency reached 98.32, 97.26 and 84.71% for phosphate, ammonia
and COD, respectively, for non-filtered effluents. However, filtered effluent removal efficiency
reached 98.53, 98.63 and 89.41% for phosphate, ammonia and COD, respectively. The study
revealed that microalgal treatment, if incorporated in conventional wasteater treatment, can be a
solution to the limitations of the activated sludge process. It could be a promising technique for
low income and developing countries, which could efficiently reduce the effluent concentration to
much lesser than the desirable limits in an eco-friendly and cost-effective way.

Statement of novelty
Municipal wastewater treatment in most developing countries is confined to aerobic secondary
treatments, which are costly and are not efficient in removing nutrients from the treated effluents
before discharging and leading to the imbalance and eutrophication in the receiving bodies.
Hence in this study, an attempt was made to study the effectiveness of Chlorella vulgaris for
wastewater treatment at a detention time of 7 hours without any external aeration. The present
study revealed that microalgae have efficiently removed organics and nutrients to much lesser
than the desirable limit. Thus, if the Chlorella vulgaris is introduced in the wastewater treatment
system can reduce the nutrients and organics concentrations without the need for aeration, which
can be an energy-saving and cost-effective approach.

Introduction affects the aquatic ecosystem, mainly due to nitrogen and

phosphorus (Correll 1998; Lewis et al. 2011).
Clean water is an essential component of living. The reduc-
The Activated Sludge Process (ASP), secondary treatment
tion in water quality would also lead to water scarcity, a sig- systems in most developing countries, is hindered by the
nificant issue around the globe. The world will face a 40% variations in the sewage characteristics (Mennaa et al. 2019).
water deficit by 2030 due to the increasing water demand, ASP is associated with a high cost of treatment
contaminated water bodies and lack of technologies to (Amenorfenyo et al. 2019). ASP is a highly energy-intensive
reclaim the used water, a formidable challenge in societal system (Mennaa et al. 2019) with an average total daily
and economic development (Wang et al. 2016; Acien- power requirement of 187.5 kWh/MLD (Kumar and
Fernandez et al. 2018). Water pollution is a combined result Tortajada 2020) and consumes approximately 1 kWh electri-
of different anthropogenic activities like industrial effluents, city to degrade 1 kg BOD (Amenorfenyo et al. 2019). Also,
the generation of excessive sludge (Metcalf and Eddy 2003)
agricultural runoff, sewage discharge and unplanned urban-
and emissions (Umamaheswari et al. 2020) make it econom-
ization (Pradhan et al. 2017). The increasing world popula-
ically and environmentally unreasonable (Zhang et al. 2014;
tion, coupled with industrial growth, has given rise to a Amenorfenyo et al. 2019). Conventional treatment methods
continually growing demand for useful water and has led to face challenges in meeting stringent nutrient discharge
the increased release of pollutants into the environment standards with high efficiency and low costs (Kumar et al.
(Singh et al. 2019). The untreated/secondary treated waste- 2015; Whitton et al. 2016). In addition to these, each year,
water causes eutrophication, deoxygenated dead zones and wastewater treatment operations contribute 21.3 million

CONTACT Namrata D. Jariwala Civil Engineering Department, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), Surat,
Gujarat 395007, India.
ß 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

metric tons of CO2 emissions (Holmes et al. 2020); CO2 microalgal concentration. The study was conducted in a 2 L
alone contributes to 60% of greenhouse gas emissions glass beaker with a working volume of 1800 mL, with
(Molazadeh et al. 2019). The excessive sludge generated after 540 mL (30%) Chlorella vulgaris and the remaining 1260 mL
the convention wastewater treatment has to be incinerated, was primarily treated STP wastewater. The volume used in
land-filled or used as compost depending on its characteris- the experiment was selected considering the magnetic stirrer
tics, which calls for an additional cost and energy require- used for mixing the sample during the study. Algae was
ment. In an ASP, the nitrification process increases energy added only on the first day of the experiments, whereas, for
by 60–80% to maintain the DO in the system mechanically the remaining days of the study, only wastewater was added
(Molazadeh et al. 2019). each day to make the volume up to 1800 mL. The study was
Thus, advanced eco-friendly technology for sustainable conducted at 7 hours of detention time to simulate the
wastewater treatment is highly required in the present scen- detention time of the secondary treatment unit of the STP.
ario. Microalgae-based wastewater treatment is the one that Unlike at the STP, no external aeration was provided during
can meet the new demand for improved wastewater treat- the study; however, the magnetic stirrer was used for mixing
ment (Singh and Pandey 2018). Coupling wastewater treat- microalgae and wastewater. Intermittent mixing was pro-
ment with algae cultivation has been an excellent vided with 2.25 hours of mixing, followed by an hour of set-
economically viable opportunity for water treatment and tling, then again 2.25 hours of mixing followed by 1.5 hours
algal biofuel production, as municipal wastewater is rich in of settling. The experimental setup for the study is shown in
nutrients necessary for algal growth (Li et al. 2011; Lee et al. Figure 1. After the final settling, the supernatant was col-
2015). In the present study, an attempt was made to deter- lected for physico-chemical analysis. Parameters analyzed
mine the effectiveness of Chlorella vulgaris in removing the during the study were Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD),
nutrients and other physico-chemical parameters from the phosphate, ammonia, nitrate, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH,
primary treated wastewater of an urban Sewage Treatment Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS),
Plant (STP) at 7 hours detention time in the absence of Total Solids (TS) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) using
external aeration to the desirable disposable limits. standard methods (APHA 2012). Each parameter was deter-
mined thrice for a sample, and the average was considered
for analysis. During the initial phase of the study, a light
Materials and methods
greenish tint was observed in the effluent due to filamentous
Chlorella vulgaris, the microalgal species used for wastewater algae. Hence the study was conducted on both non-filtered
treatment, was provided by Phycolinc Technologies Pvt. Ltd, (NF) and filtered (F) effluent with a coarse filter of size
a consultancy in Ahmedabad. A lab-scale batch study was 4 5.5 mm. However, microalgal settablity increased with
conducted in an open environment under natural condi- time and color in effluent reduced to nil on visual
tions. Wastewater used as an influent for the study was col- observation.
lected from the outlet of a primary settling tank of an urban
STP of India. C. vulgaris was used in the present study
because of its characteristics features like (1) growth rate,
(2) fast nutrient removal rate, (3) strong adaptability to dif- During the study, the effectiveness of Chlorella vulgaris in
ferent types of wastewater and local climate. The previous wastewater treatment was determined based on the removal
study also concluded that 30% of microalgal concentration efficiency of the various parameters analyzed. Large varia-
is optimum for nutrient and organic removal among the dif- tions were observed in the primary treated wastewater col-
ferent microalgal concentrations taken under consideration lected from STP. The variation (mean and standard
(Moondra et al. 2020). Hence in the present study, the STP deviation) in characteristics of domestic wastewater before
wastewater treatment was explicitly done with 30% and after treatment with Chlorella vulgaris for various

Figure 1. Setup for treatment of primary treated STP wastewater with 30% microalgae without external aeration (a) Start of experiment (b) When stirring is
stopped (c) After settling.

parameters except for pH (only mean), for both non-filtered After treatment, it was found that phosphate concentra-
(NF) and filtered (F) effluent, is tabulated in Table 1. tion lowered to 0.08 mg/L (98.32%) with an average removal
Microalgal treatment of the primary treated domestic waste- efficiency of 86.81% in non-filtered effluent, whereas for fil-
water was found to be effective with significant removal in tered effluent average removal efficiency was 87.61% with
different parameters analyzed at a short detention time of maximum removal of 98.53% (0.07 mg/L). Similarly, efficient
7 hours, unlike various literature which stated that urban removal was also observed in ammonia concentration with
wastewater treatment with Chlorella vulgaris is a time an average removal efficiency of 85.67%; concentration was
demanding process with detention time varying from 9 to lowered to 0.56 mg/L (97.26%) in non-filtered effluent, and
10 days (Kim et al. 2010; Caporgno et al. 2015; Shaker for filtered effluent removal efficiency reached to 98.63%
et al. 2015). (0.28 mg/L) with an average treatment efficiency of 89.01%.
Reductions in ammonia lead to an increase in nitrate con-
Table 1. Variation in the parameters before and after treatment for both centration after treatment due to the nitrification process as
non-filtered and filtered effluents. the DO concentration increased in the reactor. After treat-
Parameter Raw w/w 30% M (NF) 30%M (F) ment, nitrate concentration reached 5.26 and 5.67 mg/L,
pH 7.28 8.59 8.77 respectively, with an average increase of 1.67 and 1.73 mg/L,
EC (mS/cm) 1.28 ± 0.16 0.95 ± 0.22 0.92 ± 0.23
TS (mg/L) 1977.90 ± 291.53 1475.78 ± 295.71 1221.60 ± 298.84
both in non-filtered and filtered effluent. COD reductions
TDS (mg/L) 637.00 ± 79.90 476.80 ± 109.63 460.30 ± 111.63 were also quite promising during the study, as COD reduced
TSS (mg/L) 1334.98 ± 298.80 985.50 ± 229.86 748.18 ± 231.91 to 41.60 mg/L (84.71%) and 28.80 mg/L (89.41%) in non-
DO (mg/L) 0.19 ± 0.09 4.89 ± 0.94 4.89 ± 0.94
COD (mg/L) 279.82 ± 40.17 75.20 ± 16.12 61.12 ± 15.42 filtered and filtered effluents, respectively, with an average
Phosphate (mg/L) 4.23 ± 0.49 0.67 ± 0.78 0.63 ± 0 .75 removal efficiency of 72.75 and 77.88% in the case of efflu-
Ammonia (mg/L) 21.90 ± 1.66 3.21 ± 3.0 2.71 ± 3.07 ents. Variations observed in phosphate, ammonia, nitrate
Nitrate (mg/L) 0.01 ± 0.02 1.67 ± 1.00 1.73 ± 1.07
and COD during the study are shown in Figure 2(a–d).

Figure 2. Variation in the concentrations and removal efficiency of (a) Phosphate (b) Ammonia (c) Nitrate and (d) COD during the study.

Figure 3. Variation in the concentrations of (a) pH and (b) DO before and after treatment.

Microalgal treatment also led to an increase in pH and concentrations and removal efficiency for TS, TSS, TDS and
DO concentration in the effluent. pH after the treatment EC during the study are shown in Figure 4(a–d),
increased to 8.61 and 9.38 in non-filtered and filtered sam- respectively.
ples, respectively. Similarly, DO concentration increased
both in non-filtered and filtered effluent to 4.90 mg/L. An
increase in pH and DO during the study is shown in Discussion
Figure 3(a,b). An increase in DO concentration through From the present study, it can be interpreted that Chlorella
microalgae was much higher than that found in other vulgaris can effectively reduce the organic matter and
experimental setups where external aeration was provided nutrients to much lesser than desirable limits if used in
for wastewater treatment (not presented in the paper). municipal wastewater treatment plants. Besides, it would
Huge variations were also found in solid concentrations reduce the solids and EC to a significant level. During the
in the primary treated effluent of STP. However, after the study, no external aeration was provided to the wastewater;
treatment with Chlorella vulgaris, it was found that microal- hence, it reflects that this system can reduce energy con-
gae not only efficiently removed nutrients and COD, but
sumption (Mallick 2002) and operational cost to a greater
significant reductions were also observed in solids (TS, TSS,
extent. Dissolved oxygen required for organics and nutrient
TDS) and EC concentrations. TS concentration in non-
removal was released by microalgae with the uptake of CO2
filtered effluent was reduced to 1073.00 mg/L (44.30%), with
as a carbon source for their growth (Verma and Srivastava
an average removal efficiency of 25.96%. In the case of fil-
2018; Singh et al. 2019), resulting in a symbiotic relation-
tered effluent average removal efficiency was 37.97%, with a
ship. Microalgae can fix GHG emissions by assimilating
minimum TS concentration of 890.00 mg/L (57.44%).
Maximum reductions were observed in TSS among different HCO3– via respiration and can fix approximately 183 tons
solids analyzed. After treatment, TSS concentration was of CO2 per million liters of wastewater treated in algal sys-
reduced to 690.00 mg/L (51.16%), with an average removal tems. They also produce tons of algal biomass, which can be
efficiency of 25.35% in the case of non-filtered samples. The used as bio-fertilizers and animal feed containing high pro-
filtered effluent average removal efficiency for TSS concen- tein and carbohydrates. In addition to this, 100–200 tons of
tration was 43.21%, with a minimum concentration of CO2 per million liters of wastewater are reduced because of
416.00 mg/L (68.65%). Maximum TDS removal observed in nitrogen assimilation through microalgae (Amenorfenyo
non-filtered effluent was 46.42% (347.00 mg/L), with an et al. 2019; Molazadeh et al. 2019). Algae can fix CO2 10–50
average efficiency of 26.78%. However, the filtered effluent times faster than terrestrial plants, eliminating only 3–6%
average removal efficiency was 28.24%, with the lowest TDS CO2 (Molazadeh et al. 2019). Microalgae can effectively han-
concentration of 338.00 mg/L (48.71%). Reductions in EC dle the variations in wastewater characteristics and act as a
were similar to that of TDS. The lowest EC concentration promising biological treatment system because of their meta-
observed in non-filtered and filtered effluent during the bolic flexibility (Wollmann et al. 2019).
study was 0.70 mS/cm (46.43%) and 0.68 mS/cm (48.47%), Mixing of wastewater and microalgae with the help of a
respectively. However, the average removal efficiency in EC magnetic stirrer was performed, enhancing proper gas trans-
concentration for non-filtered and filtered effluents was fer (Goncalves et al. 2017), nutrient dissolution and light
26.04% and 28.97%, respectively. Variations in penetration (Khan et al. 2018), thus reduce temperature

Figure 4. Variation in the concentrations and removal efficiency of (a)TS (b)TSS (c)TDS and (d) EC during the study.

variation within the system and to prevent microalgae from et al. 2019). COD removal was slightly lesser than nutrients,
settling. Stirring using magnetic stirrer in the present study as an increase in nitrate concentration caused interference
enhanced the natural aeration process, unlike artificial aer- in COD removal (Sawyer et al. 2003). COD removal was
ation in which the wastewater is in close contact with air mainly due to sufficient DO concentration, photosynthetic
bubbles introduced through blowers or aerators. effect (Wang et al. 2010) and low F/M ratio (Choi and Lee
The pH variation observed in the effluent was due to 2012). F/M ratio in the case of algal treatment ranges
photosynthetic CO2 assimilation (Daliry et al. 2017; Shahid between 0.05 and 0.1 (Choi and Lee 2012), which is similar
et al. 2020) and nitrification (Schumacher and Sekoulov to an ASP system’s extended aeration process. A low F/M
2003). High pH helped in the removal of suspended solids ratio also leads to less sludge generation as the microorgan-
through auto-flocculation, and also in phosphates reduction isms in the system are in the endogenous phase (Metcalf
via precipitation (Hoffmann 1998). Cellular uptake (Singh and Eddy 2003).
and Pandey 2018), assimilation (Wang et al. 2017) and Economic efficiency of ASP in terms of investment and
photosynthesis (Cai et al. 2013) also contributed to phos- operational cost is high as highly mechanized systems are
phate removal. Phosphates are majorly used for energy involved in the treatment with higher energy consumption
transfer, DNA and RNA generation in the algal cell (Hwang leading to the total annual maintenance and operational cost
et al. 2016). Ammonia was reduced in the study due to the of approximately 353.02 lacs Rs/MLD (Kumar and Tortajada
active transport and direct utilization by microalgal cells 2020). Majorly of the operational cost is contributed by the
(Han et al. 2019), nitrification and ammonia stripping (Lv blowers used for maintaining DO in the wastewater treat-
et al. 2017). Nitrogen uptake resulted in the formation of ment system. Phycoremediation can significantly reduce
peptides, proteins, vitamins, enzymes, chlorophyll, energy operational and maintenance costs of secondary treatment
transfer molecules (ATP, ADP) and genetic material (Han as microalgae are self-sufficient in DO generation higher

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