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Original Article

Efficacy and Safety of Autologous Serum Therapy in Chronic

Spontaneous Urticaria in the Pediatric Population: A Prospective Pilot
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Abstract Akash Agarwal,

Background: Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) in children is mostly spontaneous in Ajaya K. Jena,
onset (57%).Treatment comprises long‑term antihistaminic therapy without need for elaborate Mrutunjay Dash1,
investigations. A subset of such patients don’t respond to conventional treatment and novel therapies
to help reduce pill burden is the need of the hour. Objectives: To determine the efficacy and Maitreyee Panda
safety of autologous serum therapy  (AST) in pediatric patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria. Department of Dermatology,
Materials and Methods: All pediatric patients, aged between 6-16 years, attended to our OPD from IMS and SUM Hospital,
Bhubaneswar, 1Department
March 2019 to March 2020 were recruited. Clinico‑demographic data and baseline investigations of Pediatrics, IMS and SUM
of all patients were performed. Two‑weekly AST therapy was given for 8 visits with levocetrizine Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Odisha,
tablet 5mg on an on‑demand basis. Urticaria activity score (UAS) sheet was provided to record India
and return every 2  weeks. Statistical analysis was done using the IBM SPSS 26 software package.
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Results: Autologous serum skin test  (ASST) was positive in 63% patients. Both the ASST positive
and ASST negative group showed significant reduction in UAS7 score at week 14 compared
to baseline. The reduction in mean UAS7 score was associated with a decreased pill burden and
positive response in the patient and physician global assessment scale. No statistically significant
difference between the two groups in terms of mean UAS7 reduction was found. Conclusion: This
study has explored the efficacy and safety of autologous serum therapy in the pediatric CSU patients.
Both ASST positive and ASST negative group respond to AST therapy.

Keywords: ASST, AST therapy, chronic spontaneous urticaria, pediatric patients, pilot study

Introduction plasma extravasation.[3] Treatment includes

second‑generation H1‑antihistamines as
Pediatric urticaria has an estimated
first‑line therapy.In patients with CSU
incidence of about 3.5%–8%. Acute
not responding to conventional updosing
urticaria is more common with causes
of second generation H1-antihistaminics,
being viral, food allergy, and rarely drugs.
omalizumab, cyclosporine, first‑generation
Chronic urticaria, on the other hand, has
H1‑antihistamines, and leukotriene
a prevalence close to 1.8%, but the risk
antagonists, have been tried but no specific
factors are not precisely known. The latter
guidelines have been developed in pediatric
is defined as occurrence of spontaneous
wheals, angioedema, or both lasting for
more than equal to six weeks. Chronic Although second‑generation antihistaminics
urticaria is further divided into two groups: are considered the first‑line therapy, a Address for correspondence:
recent review concluded that anti‑H1 Prof. Maitreyee Panda,
chronic inducible urticaria  (CIU) and Department of Dermatology,
chronic spontaneous urticaria  (CSU).[1] The anti‑histamine drugs are beneficial in less IMS and SUM Hospital,
point prevalence of CSU in children ranges than 50% of cases.[1] Therefore, search for Bhubaneswar ‑ 751 013,
between 0.1 and 0.3%, and it represents a therapeutic modality that can provide Odisha, India.
extended relief and reduce pill burden is E‑mail: pandamaitreyee@gmail.
55.9% of pediatric chronic urticaria cases.[2] com
the need of the hour. Autologous serum
The pathogenesis of CSU revolves around
therapy containing tolerance‑generating
mast‑cell activation. The mediators involved
anti‑idiotype antibodies to mast‑cell Access this article online
are histamine, platelet‑activating factor,
degranulating antigens has been tried
leukotrienes, and prostaglandins that induce Website:
for disease remission in the treatment of
sensory nerve activation, vasodilatation, and DOI: 10.4103/idoj.idoj_376_22
How to cite this article: Agarwal A, Jena AK, Quick Response Code:
This is an open access journal, and articles are
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Dash M, Panda M. Efficacy and safety of autologous
Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which serum therapy in chronic spontaneous urticaria in the
allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work pediatric population: A prospective pilot study. Indian
non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the Dermatol Online J 2023;14:195‑9.
new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
Received: 07-Jul-2022. Revised: 09-Dec-2022.
For reprints contact: Accepted: 13-Dec-2022. Published: 03-Mar-2023.

© 2023 Indian Dermatology Online Journal | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 195
Agarwal, et al.: AST in pediatric urticaria

chronic urticaria. Many studies have depicted efficacy and sterile, disposable syringe from the antecubital vein in
safety of AST in chronic urticaria with almost negligible sterile BD Vacutainer® (BD, NJ USA) for serum collection.
side effects.[5] But all these studies included adult The blood was subjected to centrifugation using centrifuge
population, and no data is available regarding its safety and machine  (R‑8C laboratory centrifuge, REMI laboratory
efficacy in children.[6] Our study was aimed to assess the instruments, Mumbai, India) at the rate of 2000  rpm for
effectiveness and safety of autologous serum therapy (AST) 10  min at room temperature. 0.05  ml of the serum thus

as an adjunctive therapy to standard antihistaminics in separated was injected immediately intradermally into the
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chronic spontaneous urticaria in pediatric population. patients’ left flexor forearm 2 inches below the antecubital
crease and 0.05  ml sterile normal saline as negative
Materials and Methods control into right forearm using 31 G sterile disposable
The study was a single‑center, prospective pilot study at a 1  ml BD insulin syringe  (BD, NJ USA). The beveled end
tertiary care hospital in Eastern India. Institutional Ethics of the needle was kept in the upward direction producing
Committee clearance was obtained prior to study initiation, a palpable bleb on the skin. Areas which were involved
and written informed consent was taken from patient’s by spontaneous wheals within last 48  h were avoided.
caregivers. Duration of study was from March 2019 to A  reading of the weal was taken after 30  min. Patients
March 2020. All pediatric patients  (age between 6 and having weal of more than 1.5  mm perpendicular diameter
16  years) presenting with chronic spontaneous urticaria than that of control were considered to be suffering
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were screened for eligibility criteria. Chronic spontaneous from autoreactive urticaria  (ASST positive). All patients
urticaria was defined as itching and wheals occurring daily/ irrespective of ASST result were given autologous serum
near daily (≥3 times/week) for ≥6 weeks. therapy. 2  ml of the fresh serum separated from the
patients’ blood  (as stated above) was given deep IM into
Inclusion criteria the upper arm. Patients were asked to take levocetirizine
• Diagnosed case of chronic spontaneous urticaria (itching 5  mg tablet on an on‑demand basis but not more than
and wheals occurring daily or near daily[> =3 times per 1 tablet/day. Caregivers were given UAS sheets to record
week] for >=6 weeks) disease activity on a daily basis. In case of any untoward
• Age between 6 and 16 years. side effects, caregivers were instructed to contact the
Exclusion criteria
Follow‑up visits
• Patient suffering from immunosuppression from drug
and disease Patients were given AST therapy at an interval of
• Hepatitis B, C and HIV infection. 2  weeks for a total of eight visits including baseline.
• Inability to come for regular follow‑ups. UAS7 score was calculated at each visit. UAS7 score
• Concurrent infections or thyroid dysfunction. was primary effectiveness parameter. Pill burden using
• Personal or family history of atopy. a score  (0  =  none/week, 1  =  less than once or once/
• History of physical urticaria or angioedema. week, 2  =  2‑3  times/week, 3  =  daily or almost daily/
week) was recorded at each visit. Patient’s Global
Screening visit Assessment scale  (PGA) and Physician Global Assessment
scale  (PHGA) was calculated at each visit using a 5‑point
Clinico‑demographic data of all patients were recorded.
Likert scale  (0: no improvement, 1: mild improvement, 2:
Baseline investigations including complete hemogram, liver
moderate improvement, 3: marked improvement, and 4:
function tests, renal function tests, and thyroid panel were
excellent improvement). Spontaneously reported adverse
performed. Caregivers were instructed to discontinue oral
effects were noted at each visit. Baseline investigations
antihistaminics and provided urticaria activity score (UAS)
were repeated at end of eighth visit.
sheet to record and return after 1 week.
Baseline visit Outcome measures
Primary effectiveness outcome: Reduction in mean UAS7
Baseline UAS7 was recorded. UAS was calculated as
score between baseline and week 14.
wheals  [0: no wheals; 1: <20 wheals/24 hours; 2:  20‑50
wheals/24 hours; 3: >50 wheals/24 hours] and the itch Secondary effectiveness outcome: Comparison of
severity scores  (0: none, 1: mild  (present but not annoying reduction in mean UAS between ASST positive and
or troublesome), 2: moderate  (present and annoying but not ASST negative group. Reduction in pill burden and
interfering with sleep), and 3: severe  (present and interfering comparison with reduction in UAS7 between baseline
with sleep). Ease of estimation particularly in children was the and week 14.
reason of preference over use of urticaria total severity score.
Safety outcome parameters: Incidence of spontaneously
Autologous serum skin test  (ASST) was done at baseline reported adverse events and incidence of laboratory
visit. 5  ml venous blood of the patient was drawn with a disturbances between baseline and week 14 were recorded.

196 Indian Dermatology Online Journal | Volume 14 | Issue 2 | March-April 2023

Agarwal, et al.: AST in pediatric urticaria

Statistical analysis cognitive impairment during the autologous serum therapy.

Laboratory parameters at the baseline and eighth visit were
The sample size of 29  patients was taken over a duration of
1  year. It was a time‑bound study, so we recruited patients
presenting during that duration. Baseline demographic data, Discussion
pill burden, and safety data are presented as mean and standard

deviation with 95% confidence interval. Urticaria activity A subset of adult and pediatric patients (40%) with chronic
urticaria has a type  IIb autoimmune basis for their disease
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score  (UAS) is presented as mean with standard deviation at

95% confidence interval and median. Modified intention to pathogenesis. It is hypothesized that autoantibodies to
treat analysis was carried out in patients reporting for at least the high‑affinity IgE receptor are responsible for the
one follow‑up visit. Last observation was carried forward to
address the missing data either due to dropouts or patients who
achieved remission. Pre‑  and post‑treatment laboratory values
were compared in patients for whom both sets of data were
available. All data was analyzed using SPSS version 26.

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A total of 29  patients were screened for eligibility criteria,

and five patients were excluded (three did not meet eligibility
criteria and two did not give consent to participate). Two
patients were further lost to follow‑up (failing to report for
at least one follow‑up), and 22 patients were analyzed with
modified intention to treat analysis. Out of 22  patients, 12
were females and 10 were males. The mean age of patients Figure  1: Co‑relation between reduction in mean UAS7 and PGA and
PHGA, PGA: Patient’s Global Assessment scale, PHGA: Physician Global
was 12.09  ±  2.26  years. The mean duration of chronic Assessment scale, 5‑point Likert scale  (0: no improvement, 1: mild
spontaneous urticaria was 6.77  ±  2.02  months. The mean improvement, 2: moderate improvement, 3: marked improvement, 4:
weight was 34.18  ±  5.39 kilograms. ASST positivity was excellent improvement)
seen in 14 out of 22  patients. Both the ASST positive and
negative groups were comparable at baseline [Table 1].
There was statistically significant improvement in the mean
UAS7 at week 14 compared to baseline  (P  <  0.0001).
Significant reduction was noted from the fourth visit after
initiation of therapy. The reduction in mean UAS7 score
correlated positively with the improvement in patient and
physician global assessment scale [Figure 1]. The reduction
in UAS7 was also associated with a simultaneous reduction
in the pill burden [Figure 2].
Reduction in UAS7 between baseline and week 14
was statistically significant in both the ASST positive
and ASST negative groups  (P  =  0.001, ASST positive Figure 2: Comparison between mean UAS7 and pill burden; pill burden,
group) (P = 0.005, ASST negative test) [Figure 3]. However, 0 = none/week, 1 = less than once or once/week, 2 = 2–3 times/week, 3 = daily
or almost daily/week
intergroup comparison revealed no statistically significant
difference between the two groups (P < 0.05) [Table 2].
Injection site pain was the most commonly reported adverse
effect in 50% of patients. None of the parents reported any

Table 1: ASST positive Vs ASST negative group

ASST positive ASST negative P
Mean age (Years) 12.78±1.88 13.12±2.94 0.6537
Male 8 2 0.145251
Female 6 6
Duration of chronic 6.21±2.15 7.75±1.38 0.085
Figure 3: Mean UAS7 between baseline and week 14 in ASST positive and
urticaria (months) ASST negative groups

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Agarwal, et al.: AST in pediatric urticaria

Table 2: Table of P value of mean UAS7 between baseline Although, traditionally, the AST therapy was assumed
and week 14 in ASST positive and ASST negative groups to have a role only in those subset of chronic urticaria
Mean ASST positive ASST negative P patients with ASST positivity, many studies have
UAS7 group group documented efficacy in ASST negative patients as well.[6,12]
Baseline 30.42±2.73 29.37±1.92 0.34 The underlying pathomechanism, however, remains to be
understood. In our study as well, we found that both the

Week 2 29.21±2.72 29.12±2.35 0.9390

Week 4 25.14±2.79 24.37±2.06 0.5071 ASST positive and ASST negative groups both responded
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Week 6 16.35±5.95 17.37±6.23 0.7084 to the AST therapy; however, there was no statistically
Week 8 11.07±6.95 14.37±8.39 0.3317 significant difference between the two groups.
Week 10 7.42±8.42 10.75±9.67 0.4090 The safety parameters were encouraging with no
Week 12 5.92±9.12 8.5±10.43 0.5526 deleterious cognitive impairments reported to the therapy
Week 14 5.14±9.43 7.85±10.06 0.5306
among children in our study. The laboratory parameters
P value 0.0001 0.0005 were also comparable compared to baseline. These findings
corroborate to studies in the adult counterpart.[14]
mast cell and basophil degranulation via cross‑linking of
IgE receptors.[7] This subgroup is termed as autoimmune Limitations
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urticaria whose prevalence ranges from 27 to 61%.[6] There was no control group and there was no followup
There are two methods of detecting these autoantibodies after completion of the study period.
by either an in vivo test such as the autologous serum skin
test  (ASST) or in vitro test such as the basophil histamine Conclusion
assay.[8] In children with chronic urticaria, ASST positivity In conclusion, two weekly AST therapies represent a
rates have been found in the range of 35–47%.[9,10] In our viable option for children with CSU not responding to
study, a slightly higher incidence of 63% was found. conventional antihistaminic up dosing. Apart from being
Children with chronic urticaria suffer from the high efficacious in pediatric CSU, autologous serum therapy
disease morbidity due to the irritable itch and wheals helps to reduce pill burden without any deleterious
and are also subjected to a huge antihistamine pill side‑effects to the child’s development. This study has
burden. Several studies reported that, in children with explored the efficacy and safety of autologous serum
CU, discomfort caused by itching, aesthetic aspect, and therapy in the pediatric CSU patients with promising
unpredictability of manifestations can lead to anxiety results. Both ASST positive and ASST negative groups
and a higher risk of depression. The unpredictability respond to AST therapy and help reduce pill burden.
disease course, high pill burden, and impaired quality of A comparative study with a placebo group may be a future
life associated with CSU in children warrants the need research prospect to confirm findings noted in our study.
for adjuvant therapies so as to reduce the morbidity Financial support and sponsorship
associated with the disease. Autologous serum therapy
is a promising therapeutic option that has been explored Nil.
in the adult population for chronic urticaria. It works on
Conflicts of interest
the principle of induction of anti‑idiotypes to counteract
the autoantibodies in patients with autoimmune urticaria There are no conflicts of interest.
and also by possibly shifting Th2 response to Th1 type
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