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of Median Salaries for State Schools

Map of State School Salaries

Bottom 10 Mid-Career Salary


Top 10 Mid-Career Salary


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This is a map of the 151 schools in United States, showing both the median starting salary of each school's graduates and
the median mid-career salary of their graduates. The shade of the dot (light or dark) is representative of graduates median
starting salary: a lighter dot indicates a lower starting salary and a darker dot indicates a higher starting salary. The size of
the dot (small or large) is representative of median mid-career salary: a smaller dot indicates a lower mid-career salary and a
larger dot indicates a higher mid-career salary. The sliders in the bottom of the map are an interactive tool, which illustrate
both the top and bottom 10 schools based upon average mid-career salary. When clicking the arrow on the slider to the
right:(ALL) this will show all of the dots on the map, (IN) will only show the top or bottom 10 dots on the map, (OUT) will show
you all of the dots outside of the top or bottom 10 range. A pattern on the map is that the darker circles (higher starting sal..

Linear Trendline Logarithmic Trendline

$110,000 $110,000

$100,000 $100,000
Mid-Career Median Salary

Mid-Career Median Salary

$90,000 $90,000

$80,000 $80,000

$70,000 $70,000

$60,000 $60,000

$35,000 $40,000 $45,000 $50,000 $55,000 $35,000 $40,000 $45,000 $50,000 $55,000

Starting Median Salary Starting Median Salary

Based upon visual interpretation, it appears that the Logarithmic Trendline slightly better fits the data. However, the
r-squared says the linear fits better. For this reason, I would recommend further testing. The highest performing school was
University of California, Berkeley, which has both the highest starting salary and mid -career salary. This makes sense
because UC Berkeley is a good school.  The lowest performing school was Morehead State University, Kentucky. This makes
sense because Morehead has both the lowest starting salary and mid -career salary. Boulder University was above the
Trendline and thus over performed mid-career expectations by about $12,000. University of Texas at El Paso was below the ..

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