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a a Electyo statics ¥ Ctlectvic charges 3 — finations: Th e : is called flectrostatics £xample : Battery LS¥t CPreteny Chayges = : = = Celectron) Like chayges Repel to each othev. a act to i chorge value of electron is rexee charge Value of Proton is 1-6 x15'Ic_ : chaxges measured in Coulornb Cc) :mass of electron chasge Ie me = 4:1 x10 kg :_mass of Proton charge te mp = 61x10 kg : Formula _9.= T+ “Where 4: charge Z: current t+: time ai ——_| * itlectric field ce): a region of chayge clue —_|___11..______to_tl's_ Intensity. — — Example: E it N ——_1— +" a _ Onit . | — = : * ‘Gaussian Suxface : A Gaussian Surface is a closed Surface through Which the Piux of Nectow | calculated. Note : Must be closed Dimaginary Surface. 3) surface made by electric Sines of force in the fasm of Flux Cd). “yt 4 em Gaussian 1 ; ‘ Example: = ZC YE + SUS FACE ard | me | sux Pace Flux Ch) 2 Flux is nothing but it's of force electric charges. note; “Too types : ) Magnetic flux 2) electric flux —_| # /Blectric flux Cde) 21 mount of electric — ___lines_of forces ame : nasmally passing through EE gi n_Susface Area ___. ve = EACOSO al surface) Ge = Edscosm (Fox small suxface) Note:- - Unit: (Voltmetess’) Vm * _.choage density : “Too types : ‘:). suyface charge density Co) 1 2) -Lineay chasge density Ca) 1) (Susface chasge density (Ca) ve fe = one For spherical, plane Sheet 7 A i 2) (Linears (charge ‘density (A) tea = Bon f Fos cyuindsical § Ki Gousstaw : the electvic flux Ch) across ony closed susface is i: _- propastional to the net electwic te en charge by the _Also Surface. = Edeceso | ti # | mapplicabionwe? Mauss lauar: W ic Fi sity due 8 ical hell Jollor hi -@Bm ni im Te find an expression of electvic field Interisity due Uniformly choxged sphevical Shell oy Hollows Sphere. + Considey_a sphere of Radius R with It's centye © Susface is chosged Unifowmnly fromm outside. * chayges fowm no-of electwic tines of foxce dueto this Gaussian susface fess axound tte: Surface. + !%5' is’ the distance (radius) of the Gaussian susface from centre ‘0’ Let p any point _on gaussian Surface See ee eee having Axea ‘ds’ | + The electwic Pielcl and Axea ds cane in —— : : . Cw =0") Now to find electric Prete intensity We have id = Edscoso costo)’ = 1 d= Eds Now = | Eds Gee | ude =. EA Since A= 4732 Csphese) : de = E4nx? —— ) Now the chasge density = Cod) i [ A a= oA a = 4m — @ ¢ Aveaof rain & Surface We know that. From Gauss Law te O = Sane? f from and 24 “ EANY*= ~ fo oar? eR? . vo E beany? fox? rR? Hence this is an E = ert | expression ee 9 7 DSOMs cols, OR point P Lies on the Surface of the charged Sphere + BER fermen aed Pee e 4 : ~ ot (2) 1 ‘point p lies inside the sphere Note: a There {s:no chaxge inside sic the 6usface we ae q=0 We know that on-the gaussian susface having Area ‘ds’ i releh + nsiv We con vite @ = Edscoso “1 COSCO) =I, > = Eds be= feds ~. Oe= EA bes antl —O) 2 ali the susface is fielel with Chaxge: Now from Gauss Lato 4 oe _ s {from 1 £24 fo. ire ang : Hence this is an expession t “Enteo i =a DOMs __ #9) €lectwie fieid idusto a chawged loPinite plane Sheet: Cam) os (am) “an .expression of - electvic dueto chasged Infinite plane sheet. @ Congides_a__Unifoamy _chasged Infinite plane sheet with susPace charged density Cor) @ tet Pp any peint at olistance mand p' at distance w+ ® To find electwic field duaeto a chasged Infinite plane sheet at Pp and p! Gaussian. gs as as TF iach at \ ee — ds ca ot ds & << + af jo J oa VY pt + yo Gy Pe Ae at ¥ oes We can Write the total flux trough the Closed Susface is given a» 3b. = [Edscoso],, + fedscoso]y, = ds + Eds coso = @=(0) de = 2EdS Cosa) =} = f2eds a ob = 2e(ds oe i p= 256 —0) Now Ley | Susface chasge density oe A q=,-c4 —t fsom Gouss Law — b= €.- oe ca +++ from €27 4} anCii) “288 = 65 oS S : E= se : ion ectaic. | (Potential ¢ Enewsyd + => _tlectyostatic potential Enesay fs the Weskdone against electrostatic forsee. Le du= -Fdo Unit: Jowle GW) note: lev = 1-6x1e'9 5 Imev = b6 x19? > bev = texie!§s (Expression fins_i potential senexgy : «C 3m) > find an éxpwession fos Potential Enesgy of an electrostatic charges. * Let us Consided the electostetic Pieid duete a sousee G@) Placed at to) ~ Wet G%) Brought feom point A +o 8 at Respective ob’stance Gn) and Gi) fromm __ Co) > +0 Feseenae SB —<— Oe ae 7 = We Know that du = -faw — {PY deen) -. for toted Enesay U_= [du J a 3 U_ =. | -Fde "1 v2, a@ Sl ants ye 0 tu — eee 2@ FE 4nto) ye ‘ : Coulembs Law r ve ~ US pe Ag [bas tee v GQ tn Ur ere ee v1 a U= ae A ¥ =v 4Nte | -2Ft ie , ce " ' se asaseeas (ae ie |= AD sy, ie star an U= ~4neo LF Jy es Te find +he welation bet electic fietel And electzic, Potential We know thet : : Ee 2 E = eS oo Te= 4. In. vectow for > = ec: Le iy a : dj F = UE —Q.) => dw == Edt ——( From i) diy == from potentiaf_ DeFA ~. dws adv — (ii) now from ) and (iil) , We get manuel a 32> adv = -TEdIX adv = -ddsEdx CcoSO (Pf @ =0° 2: then cose) =} a Adv = -VEdx : 7a e — ot = le = = —? Hence This iS an expression of Relation betn electuic Field And Electric Potential. na |Electricipotentia) due to an: jelectare dipole: =f 2m | 3m) To find electaic petentral due to an electric dipole.... Gnsidev, © We have Ga) and €a) chasges at a point CA) and (B) ° the electsic clipole moment beth these two point chasges . Le Cp= ax20) 2 bet ‘c’ be any point neas the electaic dipole at’ distence cx) from (Co). e let ts) fs the distance betn GOand (QO) Dow ,See the Pig given below . 30M7 ns we Can losite , As We Knoto that the potential, due te chaage 4 .at (c) 1 To re Ni = 3S a7 eae) Also — the 'petentiat cue to chawge & at_ © 1 -4 - Vena gree fy cee 1D. Noto the teta)d potential at point ©) Peom ean (1) and (ii) “VS av CaSO we EVE 4 Angle ts used for cupee 7 i — oe SAX a HE. a a = tese = 19.0.4 som Fig - V = TAnfer = SS since oe fv = anew Ce=aday So > the above expression shows the expression of electvic potential) dueto atpol. (Electrostatic Potentials Aux to ajsystem of iCharsges. C&m| 3m) => Te Find an expression of electrostatre Potentia} due _to asystem of chaages. Consides_a_ System of chasges, 4,42 Ch oagoogs Gn at distances %,%2,¥%3 eioceoa ages pectivery som point (>) Th a ae tno ee $d 2 3 3 Hexe the potential (Mi) at point (P) dug to jee the change (yy tg 1 4 M = 476" “yi eek Ore given by ‘ ne eoleeseeee : No = ARES eo lerergga ess Vg = "ARE," a Also _ er No = 37s 76, oe Su es) tio: inci to calculate total potentials wis Mt Ve tvs ---.. +Vn egg (erp pe a = S| = a ttt cee eS Mv ‘wT rr TS Fry os. =o te VE aR FF nce e 2 expsession Shows the Electsostatic Potential aueto a system of chasges . (Equipatential(surfaceg * An equi potential Surface is that susface, at ever point of. Which the electric potential is the Same. on surface on tohich Potential is equal Csame) every whese : *E Repmesentatiani &F LeQuipotentia Suxfaces. lip fem Gi Cat eet : i Exlate: 1) Suxface @ have equal Suyface Potential Nalue every wherst &) surface @ have equa) sueface Potential Valug evegywhert 3) bikely busfaw ¢ €D hare the same. LL Gp 6 fom O97) } omate: Each _suxface have different un (Ales cuntaceqs GHD) Pee Oe) Cand £2 oT shikely Note: _Jou_can _dyaw Many Equipotential Suxtaces. = Propenties:ch: €quipotentia) Susfaces : (am) LW) The potential difference bei Any two pint on equipo tenti Surface is Zero. (ii) Woskdore is @lways zexo. (i)_The_disection of EF on _€quipotential susface fs pes penclicular (Ww) Two _equipetential susface can neves Intessect. ito each othet- | iP tines of Parca is _Weals then Equipotentia) susface js Also Weak , If Stseng then Also Stag SS # {Expressis on farfy relectsic (enerrg: of ——}__Litweiipeiat cofanegee — ~________ £OR i — E i eyia S for ig Point cchaxgesi. Cam) sel [Wo jon-s: a Enesgy of a system of 2 Peint changes. oe oP UW ce as , eI Fr Eonsides . Change :cqy) At. Point G) and ye a) ee (OO) | ______in Bringing (a) fom (02) to) thene will be some Wosk dong te Wok = Patented *% chawge ee, = @: are pe lw ato | ~4nt ti2 | Since W= U0 _ 2fU = eo st | Potentia) neway rhs a systenn of 1 “point echora‘es . .C Sen) : > |B find. an expression -of Potential eneasy fon_-a system of wv —peint chasges - a 2%, g 2 Ba) | eX, Dog Yq. 18 let consides Changes 4) » 22, 18, I ** Qn chayges ave _sepawated by distante Sir, W323, sq %4q) .---Bij Now to find Wark done bet” them the Waskdane betn 1. and 4p fe WE ame, te a) ____| the Waeskdene bet? Ai and ax Kee ge ete I) the Wastde bet” 43 and 49- | ' 24a. Lo ea ve Wa = 4760" Yaa Gip the Woxkdone het? 24 and 44 — = Qa Tp ve We = “ane.” Tay Uy) Similaatye the Werk dane beth po gigs Pe Cn nun her) Ws W FW. tis... tWn ee Also aidj 2 Weare, 7 a eu pant J since G eal Om me Ee S = => Hence this Is an expression ———~* ‘Potential: enengy /of a) ‘Single chauge lin an (extésna) Pield. Cam) To find an expression of Potential enengy ef a Single chasge in an Field . S a 6 v extesnaf Fieid Peto let 9 anys chasg-e placed in. i separated by Some _Idonts dane -. - Ww te We av pv: mY OS W = avc¥) on =) an ssion of a System two peint change in external ay ¥ x ae 1 Gre %, external tempeh) 4 _ieid et ie eS let consides (41) and (49) In _extexnaf =e i b . o& given above . fig ‘ ee en's find Loos dao to bring aod e, > ew av) —@ ha = aavCh) —i) aio = it, =— (iii) 7 ANE C12 : i 24 Tete wWesl dome WS Wit Wa + Wg Fs We OVC) + VO) +a ee Also ae c. Us aver) +4202) Fane eet ence i: i fxs Potentia) en: ofa aystem of two’ changes Potentiad ofa dipole es Rretol ' : =| “To find an expression of a dipole in__an_extexna) field. (casex\, dipole cotated wst displacement@do) =. Wark is done . dw = rde —f tis fore % of totation isk -T = ome - a uth --dw= PESING do fos tota) mk dane ; W = (duo a fred W = PESINodo oO “0: W_= PE feginedes @ Go Ww = pe[-coso | _ Wo= pe[ —cos®. - Ceoso) | We = pe[ -s0. +cos o | [a= Also U= pe C so ~ces0.)| => Hence this fs an expres stan_o> \f @=0° ©, = Jo" U_= PE CcCos@— cos@.) “+ UE PE( cos coy — cos cae) ) = t) ss le (0) = pus pel a | eects Conducted: Cmatenials which allows Cusrent) Gacilohant 2 (matesials Which deest allow Grrsent) # Pree changes CThose changes Which does't bonded) LBound. chaygeg * (These chasges which ase ‘bonded ) k Dielectrics * Cam) [en Ridechries ame Inculeding | materials whch can transpits ——_______ C+ransmits) the el ecdaric__Charg es- Epes: Tinos types. (i) Polaw olielectmics Gi) _~rom = Polaw dielectrics [Pola Dielectwicsj “These _dielectaics matesialg Which make Cc al dipole bond. And shows it aCe . é—e- = asymmetzica) shape. —LL— |_H (Nani Polaw aielectreiesys These dfelectwics matesialg which does net makes the dipole bond - And shows ——|_____symmetnit 2. - = eS ce ar er i ali Eq yy HC Canaan esa H- CR ¢ Polax) 2) H2, it "U 1H, CNon- Pola) # | (Dielectuics (Polawisation word Cm ox en) Polomisation i gion= polay clielectsicg . = o i ° on - pol inte polan_clielectaics Lo-e-t an electric Piet cathe oF Polazisation of nm — polaw Helectwices- See the fig = # | ction sofs felectwic Piel ‘ue to ! —__| + Polawi lon vo a e! ae = clielectrsi i aced in extemnal electric Preto, the Value ef the Field Inside the clelectsic fs less than —_| ew . Polavisation —__|_ nem - pelaw into Polax Hence the meduction of electric fieto| occurs - # |aCapacitoss : A device veed to store an _electsic change fs calted Capacitess . oR —_| “The watio of change pew ont — | é allo. a = @ re c= ae soe Ci Ca CUnit: Fated Cr) Qa: change. sr: potential Dimension : [i +497] Uses.of ‘Capacitor » @y__Capacitoys in. Sevies . Cam) a Cr ¢3 Vv Vv ' Va 13 SS ee o let cosider the Capacitoss (c1) (C2) and (ca) ane! crsrainged | in” senies having valtage Cv) (Va) and__(V3) o__Chasge is _wemains Same The tota) Equivalent Capacitors Im __Sewies We Can Calculate By — Ny,—=—V + Vo + V3 ca Teo! Since Ce NESS ao Cs a 2 oS paepacttiane a. Pasealted 6 —= (ag y_—_—_ > fing an_expression_of. ~Capa cicferrs- in_Passa)le] Ty ee = NC => aay ere c 2_and_cs np We can Pind @, = O,+ G2,.+ 93 — 7 gea_= ES) _ Cp = GV +oav +Cv ae Cp SC G2 ceca. —LL— Sioni amy Pos _N = Capacitaws in panaliel : le Co = Atc2a +c ----- +n => A Capacitor sq device used to store ange. quantity ef electric chawge. - Note: Symbolically Shown as ——Il-— 6 eels ; |) Sphemical Capacitor if i c i i). Cylindwical Capacitor @ iif en Conne’ +o the ve change flows to the Eatth |__=> roto plate (8) has only Cve)______ it and) reduces Change on the Potential) of the plate A . B # Capacitance: of Rorsallel- plate / Capacitors «Without Dielectrics €3&m) => Te find an expression of Capacitance of Pasalle| plate Capaciton A Acs) +i IF [+ [+] 4] + ie i+ f+] + 1 nee Lot Poralle pate Copaciters A and B wit > — sunface change clensity @ A C= = put (9) in (We get ve c= ® Noto_,__Ne__have e=— a wz td — © Also Sc Gi en — © From (4) ane (5) ey = Sen — (6) from (2) and (6) We get Bee Ly Hence this is an expression . (Capacitance lof (Parallel ‘Plate ‘Capaci'toy Lwith (clielectwic_imedium t— /C3m) To find an expression of Paratle) Plate Capacites With oli electyic medium th le le lal gy 4" Nowa Vy Potential due to dielectric Slab Va = Potential dusto aix gap. the total potential NE — &® Where y= Emt eG aM = St ~—@®._Lim= €6 J fox ; Vo = © (d-t). — (6) Ss y ony 4 et © 43 v= he + € f+ + Ca-t) | & 6 i] [es a : “ef put(D_in (3), We get : eL zene J+ ——ats [aD ¥ +] f Special cases: iP t=d GEo CF Td-dtat] c BI —Ge q > Hence +this_is an expuession — . | “Displacement Cuvwent 5 § Cam) Accasding to Ampere Cixcuital Lavo Gade = Ler But Accoscling to Maxwell , these Is anothes custent in the Ciscuit callecl as displacement Cupsent. 1 ve @Bdo = UeCt+To) “This “sesult's cabt ec} ar Ampest!s Maxwell Rule => (Displacement sCumment cig that | cumentt _lohich Comes into play inthe wegion in Which -the electwic Fietd and electwic flux changing with time. 2. Wek t b= - Diff wo. +. time Ct) beth side. ae ae) ae eda dt Felt fo aS At —= — SS a ec at Aso Noo. Ampene!s etl ‘wle can be lsitten as 2 Gade = nee + sit) | => Hence this is an __expwessian_——- LiL enews cored ini Capactto 4 ‘Cami “Ts Find an expression fox _€nenay stored _ ‘in Capacitors - 1 +6-— Ne known thet 5 Cebeg ay ‘ the «math amount of wosbdme 1Pa small =e 1 of. Cl C i het? the plates te. dw=Nvdg = dq | > Hener this _is_an_expmeesiano: eneray stored in Capaci-tans stenec) an, electrical Polentia) Eneway pus ext = a 2 Wan de- Graff Generator t (Cam) potential 1 we give ch toa body , [t' potential increase Wi) When we give a chaage to a body | F | tif otentic i dischars Constructions 3 8B: Conveyey belt A__: Spray Brush C__: collecto Brush D__: Dome shaped Hollow Conductor Bokv E = Evacuated accelenating De tube Euprly P De_ Supply 8 steel chambes M__: ¢axthed metal Diagram of Vande Gaff Plate. Genevtatos ) —— | Usesi:___The main_use of Van_do Graaff generators |_____is te _produce_very high _enemgy chaxgeol asticles. |__#) to _study the nucleon slructuee |___iil)_to study different types oP nuclear sreactiang.

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