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Leon Sutulov

Jonathan Ball
Chemistry 2022-2023
March 17th

The CHEMISTRY of Ice Cream

Who knew chemistry could be so tasty! Today we will be investigating colligative properties and
how they affect freezing points, and some edible results of energy changes.

Pre-Lab questions:

1. What is freezing point depression?

A property observed in solutions that result from the introduction of solute molecules to a
2. Is freezing an exothermic or endothermic process?
3. Is melting an exothermic or endothermic process?
4. How does energy flow? (from where to where?)
Energy is transferred between bond and bond and is released when new bonds form in

Investigate the effects of temperature change on phase changes Investigate the effects of
changes in freezing point

Utilize the law of conservation of energy

Apply these concepts to make ice cream!

Sugar Milk
Vanilla extract.

1. In a small bag, place 1 c. milk, 1/3 c. sugar, and ½ tsp. vanilla. Seal up the small bag.

2. In the large bag, get ice (fill just under halfway) and a scoop of salt. Put the small bag inside
the larger bag, seal it up.
3. SHAKE. Minimum of 10 minutes.

4. Check for solidification. If it's done-clean up, get a spoon, and enjoy!


1 After mixing all the ingredients, no big

changes still looks like milk, and no change in
temperature either appearance

2 After getting the ice and the salt in the big

bag it feels super cold, and adding the small
bag into the big bag, it still feels super cold.

3 After shake it for around 10 minutes my hand

were freezing and the little bag with the milk
got a change from liquid to like a slimy liquid,
(like yogurt texture)

4 After open the little bag it had some chunky

pieces of the milk freeze .

(while you answer the analysis questions.) Be careful not to get the salt/ice mixture into your ice


1. What state of matter was the milk when you began?


2. What state of matter was the milk when you were done?
Liquid (Aqueous)

3. In order to change the phase of the milk, what had to be removed?

The water molecules would need to be frozen in order to remove the energy heat from the milk

4. What happened to the heat energy that left the milk?

Is absorbed by the surrounding like the mixture of the ice with the salt.

5. Why was salt added to the ice?

So they have a reaction in which
The salt make the ice get into an a lower temperature in which the milk mixture freeze
6. If you did not add sugar, would the ice cream freeze faster or slower? Why? Explain, using
your knowledge of chemistry.
Thi would make the mixture freeze faster because sugar lowers the freezing point of the milk

7. Why did the outside of the bag get wet? (assume that your bag did not spring a leak.)
Because the water result of the mixture of ice and the salt result in a condensation out of the

8. Describe the transfer of energy that occurred in this lab.

Is a mix of absorption and release of heat energy as the ice and the salt mixture melted and

9. How could you improve your recipe?

I think making it less sweet and trying to get bigger bags to get a better mixture resulting in
better ice cream.


2. At the onset of arctic winter, large regions of the ocean's surface freeze. The ice that

forms is pure water; it does not contain any salt. Explain what happens to the

freezing point of the salt water found beneath the ice as winter progresses (ie. as

more ice forms).


Mixing the salt with the ice create a lower temperature, which allows the milk freeze and turn
into ice cream

Over the Lab we mixed milk, sugar, and vanilla extract into a little bag we put into a bigger bag
in which there is ice with salt which after getting mixed the salt lowered the temperature letting
the milk and the other ingredients slowly freeze until it turned into ice cream. Without forgetting
how cold was the big bag after shaking it for a few minutes

Mixing the ice with the salt results in big change in temperature this happens because the salt
dissolves in water ions, which change the hydrogen bonds with the water and preventing
formation of crystals below the 0 degree celsius, result of this is not available to make ice cream
which required a temperature below the o degree celsius. The addition of salt plays a critical
role in the sense of making the ice cream, allowing to get temperature below o celsius degrees
enough to freeze and turn the milk into ice cream.

Part 3:
Making it on a bigger scale with more ice and more salt to get more pronounced results. I think
that I was not the only group that struggled to have a good solid ice cream which is why they
should make it in a bigger bag to enjoy the ice cream. Some other issues were how cold the bag
gets, like there was a point in which shaking the bag wasn't an option of how cold it was, so
maybe being part of the lab to wear some gloves or something to hold the bag will be much

Part 4:
I think that using other flavors and other colerants will make the experiment much funnier and
diverse. Maybe using another type of sweater will also help to make more healthier ice cream.
But 100% will be a better experiment with the use of more material.

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