Ana Parcial 3

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1. Have you ever bought anything at a street market?

if I have bought several times in the market, but kitchen things

2. Are there many in your country?
Maybe yes, but I have not been to many, only the one in the province.
3. What are they like?
The ones here are small and there are many, they sell different things

4.Can you get bargains?

There are times that yes, that depends on the person who treats us

5.What day of the week do they take place?

I think every day

6. Can you buy quality goods in street markets?

I think so, everything depends on where you go and the quality of the product

7. Mention some of the things you can buy in them.

We can find varieties of things starting with legumes, vegetables, crafts, clothes among other things.

8. What are the advantages of buying in a street market?

One of the advantages of buying on the street is that we can find the most inexpensive and cheap

9. What are the disadvantages?

the disadvantages could be that you give us some shoddy stuff

10. Have you been to an auction in a street market?

No, never

11. Are the goods they sell specially prepared for this sale?

12. If the things you buy are no good, can you return them?

I think that the things we buy can no longer be returned as well as in stores

13. Do you get a receipt when you buy something?

I don't get any cash receipt when I buy something

14.1s there a famous street market in your country?

Yes, there is a famous street market in Panama, never been. the name was mentioned last class but I
don't remember it

15. Are prices fixed or you can bargain?

many times the prices are fixed and they do not affect the price

16. Can you get any antiques in these markets?

I don't really know that depends on the markets we can go to

17. Do stall-holders talk much?

if the merchants talk a lot, in order to sell their products

18. Do you remember what they say?

19. Are there any gimmicks to attract people? what?

if there are tricks to attract people to put things in offers give promotions.

20. Can you pay with a credit card at these stalls?

I think not, they are paid in cash

21 .Will they accept cheques?

No, because I think it would be a bit complicated for them

22. Would you like to work on one of these stalls?

I would not like to work in these positions because they would be very overwhelming for me and I
also do not have the creativity to attract people to my business

23. What would you say to possible clients?

24. What would you like to sell?

I would like to sell handmade things, and things for the home that were unique

25. Do you think they earn good money, or just enoughto get by?

I think not enough win because there are many people who do not like to go there and if they go
they may not buy anything

26. At what time does a street market start business?

early oh at dawn, in order to start organizing things with time

27. At what time do you think they have to get up?

they have to get up at dawn

28. How many hours do they work?

It all depends on the person since they are independent, they can leave at any time they want

29. At what time do they 'close'?

maybe when they are locked up in the market they will all leave in the middle of the afternoon or

30.1s it tiring work?

Yes, since there are times when they do not have sales and have to stay all day to be able to sell

31. Is it hard working on a stall in winter?

Yes, because the water and the premises can often get wet

32. How do you get warm?

33. Is it good or bad for the health working on a stall?

In my opinion it all depends on what is done

34. If they only work on Saturdays, what do you think they do the other days?

Saturdays would be fine since on the other days they can have another exta job

35. Are there street markets on weekdays?

Yes, most are from Monday to Friday

36. Are these markets unfair competition for shops?

no, but at the same time maybe yes because in the market we can find things that we do not find in
the stores

37. Are you in favour or against street markets in general?

I am not against the street markets since they are people who work horrendously to support their

38.Could stolen goods be sold in a street market?

no, because it would be illegal

39. Would you buy something extremely cheap suspecting it is stolen?

If I suspect that it is stolen, I would not buy it

40. Do you think street markets have a future?

In my opinion, street markets can have a future if they make their expenses well oh have a good
organization in their coming.

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