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is, 2GW|aD(t)|2. Maximizing the efficiency h of

the transfer with respect to the loading GW, given
Eq. 1, is equivalent to solving an impedance-
Wireless Power Transfer via Strongly matching problem. One finds that the scheme
works best when the source and the device are
Coupled Magnetic Resonances resonant, in which case the efficiency is

André Kurs,1* Aristeidis Karalis,2 Robert Moffatt,1 J. D. Joannopoulos,1 GW jaD j2

Peter Fisher,3 Marin Soljačić 1 h¼
GS jaS j þ ðGD þ GW ÞjaD j2

Using self-resonant coils in a strongly coupled regime, we experimentally demonstrated efficient

G W k2
nonradiative power transfer over distances up to 8 times the radius of the coils. We were able G G G
¼ h  D i S Dh 2 i ð2Þ
to transfer 60 watts with ~40% efficiency over distances in excess of 2 meters. We present a
1 þ GD GS GD þ 1 þ GGWD
GW k2
quantitative model describing the power transfer, which matches the experimental results to within
5%. We discuss the practical applicability of this system and suggest directions for further study.
The efficiency is maximized when GW/GD = [1 +
n the early 20th century, before the electrical- not interact with magnetic fields, so interactions (k2/GSGD)]1/2. It is easy to show that the key to

I wire grid, Nikola Tesla (1) devoted much

effort toward schemes to transport power wire-
lessly. However, typical embodiments (e.g., Tesla
with environmental objects are suppressed even
further. We were able to identify the strongly
coupled regime in the system of two coupled
efficient energy transfer is to have k2/GSGD > 1.
This is commonly referred to as the strong coupl-
ing regime. Resonance plays an essential role in

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coils) involved undesirably large electric fields. magnetic resonances by exploring nonradiative this power transfer mechanism, as the efficiency is
The past decade has witnessed a surge in the use (near-field) magnetic resonant induction at improved by approximately w2/GD2 (~106 for
of autonomous electronic devices (laptops, cell megahertz frequencies. At first glance, such typical parameters) relative to the case of induc-
phones, robots, PDAs, etc.). As a consequence, power transfer is reminiscent of the usual mag- tively coupled nonresonant objects.
interest in wireless power has reemerged (2–4). netic induction (10); however, note that the Theoretical model for self-resonant coils.
Radiative transfer (5), although perfectly suitable usual nonresonant induction is very inefficient Our experimental realization of the scheme con-
for transferring information, poses a number of for midrange applications. sists of two self-resonant coils. One coil (the
difficulties for power transfer applications: The Overview of the formalism. Efficient mid- source coil) is coupled inductively to an oscillat-
efficiency of power transfer is very low if the range power transfer occurs in particular regions ing circuit; the other (the device coil) is coupled
radiation is omnidirectional, and unidirectional of the parameter space describing resonant inductively to a resistive load (12) (Fig. 1). Self-
radiation requires an uninterrupted line of sight objects strongly coupled to one another. Using resonant coils rely on the interplay between
and sophisticated tracking mechanisms. A recent coupled-mode theory to describe this physical distributed inductance and distributed capaci-
theoretical paper (6) presented a detailed analysis system (11), we obtain the following set of tance to achieve resonance. The coils are made
of the feasibility of using resonant objects cou- linear equations: of an electrically conducting wire of total length
pled through the tails of their nonradiative fields : l and cross-sectional radius a wound into a helix
for midrange energy transfer (7). Intuitively, two a m ðtÞ ¼ ðiwm − Gm Þam ðtÞ þ of n turns, radius r, and height h. To the best of
resonant objects of the same resonant frequency ∑ ikmn an ðtÞ þ Fm ðtÞ ð1Þ our knowledge, there is no exact solution for a
tend to exchange energy efficiently, while dis- finite helix in the literature, and even in the case
sipating relatively little energy in extraneous off- where the indices denote the different resonant of infinitely long coils, the solutions rely on
resonant objects. In systems of coupled resonances objects. The variables am(t) are defined so that assumptions that are inadequate for our system
(e.g., acoustic, electromagnetic, magnetic, nucle- the energy contained in object m is |am(t)|2, wm (13). We have found, however, that the simple
ar), there is often a general “strongly coupled” is the resonant angular frequency of that isolated quasi-static model described below is in good
regime of operation (8). If one can operate in that object, and Gm is its intrinsic decay rate (e.g., agreement (within ~5%) with experiment.
regime in a given system, the energy transfer is due to absorption and radiated losses). In this We start by observing that the current must
expected to be very efficient. Midrange power framework, an uncoupled and undriven oscilla- be zero at the ends of the coil, and we make the
transfer implemented in this way can be nearly tor with parameters w0 and G0 would evolve in educated guess that the resonant modes of the
omnidirectional and efficient, irrespective of the time as exp(iw0t – G0t). The kmn = knm are coil are well approximated by sinusoidal current
geometry of the surrounding space, with low in- coupling coefficients between the resonant profiles along the length of the conducting wire.
terference and losses into environmental objects (6). objects indicated by the subscripts, and Fm(t) are We are interested in the lowest mode, so if we
The above considerations apply irrespective driving terms. denote by s the parameterization coordinate
of the physical nature of the resonances. Here, We limit the treatment to the case of two along the length of the conductor, such that it
we focus on one particular physical embodiment: objects, denoted by source and device, such that runs from −l/2 to +l/2, then the time-dependent
magnetic resonances (9). Magnetic resonances the source (identified by the subscript S) is driv- current profile has the form I0 cos(ps/l) exp(iwt).
are particularly suitable for everyday applica- en externally at a constant frequency, and the It follows from the continuity equation for
tions because most of the common materials do two objects have a coupling coefficient k. Work charge that the linear charge density profile is
is extracted from the device (subscript D) by of the form l0 sin(ps/l) exp(iwt), so that one-half
Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technol- means of a load (subscript W) that acts as a of the coil (when sliced perpendicularly to its
ogy, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 2Department of Electrical circuit resistance connected to the device, and axis) contains an oscillating total charge (of
Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of has the effect of contributing an additional term amplitude q0 = l0l/p) that is equal in magnitude
Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 3Department of
Physics and Laboratory for Nuclear Science, Massachusetts GW to the unloaded device object’s decay rate but opposite in sign to the charge in the other
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. GD. The overall decay rate at the device is there- half.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: fore G′D = GD + GW. The work extracted is de- As the coil is resonant, the current and charge termined by the power dissipated in the load, that density profiles are p/2 out of phase from each SCIENCE VOL 317 6 JULY 2007 83

other, meaning that the real part of one is maxi- the first term for our experimental parameters. about 5% off from the measured resonance at
mum when the real part of the other is zero. The coupled-mode theory decay constant for 9.90 MHz.
Equivalently, the energy contained in the coil the coil is therefore G = (Ro + Rr)/2L, and its The theoretical Q for the loops is estimated
is at certain points in time completely due to quality factor is Q = w/2G. to be ~2500 (assuming s = 5.9 × 107 m/ohm),
the current, and at other points it is completely We find the coupling coefficient kDS by but the measured value is Q = 950 ± 50. We
due to the charge. Using electromagnetic looking at the power transferred from the source believe the discrepancy is mostly due to the
theory, we can define an effective inductance to the device coil, assuming a steady-state solu- effect of the layer of poorly conducting copper
L and an effective capacitance C for each coil tion in which currents and charge densities vary oxide on the surface of the copper wire, to
as follows: in time as exp(iwt): which the current is confined by the short skin
ZZ Z depth (~20 mm) at this frequency. We therefore
m0 JðrÞ ⋅ Jðr′Þ use the experimentally observed Q and GS =
L¼ drdr′ ð3Þ PDS ¼ drES ðrÞ ⋅ JD ðrÞ
4pjI0 j2 jr − r′j GD = G = w/2Q derived from it in all subsequent
ZZ Z computations.
1 1 rðrÞrðr′Þ :  We find the coupling coefficient k experi-
¼ drdr′ ð4Þ ¼ − dr AS ðrÞ þ ∇fS ðrÞ ⋅ JD ðrÞ
C 4pe0 jq0 j2 jr − r′j mentally by placing the two self-resonant coils
ZZ (fine-tuned, by slightly adjusting h, to the same
where the spatial current J(r) and charge density ¼−
drdr′ resonant frequency when isolated) a distance
r(r) are obtained respectively from the current 4p D apart and measuring the splitting in the fre-
and charge densities along the isolated coil, in " : # quencies of the two resonant modes. Accord-
conjunction with the geometry of the object. As JS ðr′Þ rS ðr′Þ r′ − r ing to coupled-mode theory, this splitting
 m0 þ ⋅ JD ðr′Þ
defined, L and C have the property that the jr′ − rj e0 jr′ − rj3 should be Dw = 2[(k2 − G2)1/2]. In the present
energy U contained in the coil is given by work, we focus on the case where the two coils

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≡ −iwMIS ID ð8Þ are aligned coaxially (Fig. 2), although similar
U ¼ LjI0 j2 results are obtained for other orientations (figs.
2 Where M is the effective mutual inductance, f is S1 and S2).
1 the scalar potential, A is the vector potential, Measurement of the efficiency. The maxi-
¼ jq0 j2 ð5Þ and the subscript S indicates that the electric mum theoretical efficiency depends only on
field is due to the source. We then conclude the parameter k/[(LSLD)1/2] = k/G, which is
Given this relation and the equation of con- from standard coupled-mode theory arguments greater than 1 even for D = 2.4 m (8 times the
tinuity, the resulting resonant frequency is f0 = that kDS = kSD = k = wM/[2(LSLD)1/2]. When radius of the coils) (Fig. 3). Thus, we operate
1/[2p(LC)1/2]. We can now treat this coil as a the distance D between the centers of the coils in the strongly coupled regime throughout the
standard oscillator in coupled-mode theory by is much larger than their characteristic size, k entire range of distances probed.
defining a(t) = [(L/2)1/2]I0(t). scales with the D−3 dependence characteristic As our driving circuit, we use a standard
We can estimate the power dissipated by of dipole-dipole coupling. Both k and G are Colpitts oscillator whose inductive element con-
noting that the sinusoidal profile of the current functions of the frequency, and k/G and the sists of a single loop of copper wire 25 cm in
distribution implies that the spatial average of efficiency are maximized for a particular value radius (Fig. 1); this loop of wire couples in-
the peak current squared is |I0|2/2. For a coil of f, which is in the range 1 to 50 MHz for ductively to the source coil and drives the entire
with n turns and made of a material with con- typical parameters of interest. Thus, picking wireless power transfer apparatus. The load
ductivity s, we modify the standard formulas an appropriate frequency for a given coil size, consists of a calibrated light bulb (14) and is
for ohmic (Ro) and radiation (Rr) resistance as we do in this experimental demonstration, attached to its own loop of insulated wire, which
accordingly: plays a major role in optimizing the power is placed in proximity of the device coil and
transfer. inductively coupled to it. By varying the dis-
m0 w l Comparison with experimentally determined tance between the light bulb and the device coil,
Ro ¼ ð6Þ parameters. The parameters for the two iden- we are able to adjust the parameter GW/G so that
2s 4pa
tical helical coils built for the experimental it matches its optimal value, given theoretically
rffiffiffiffiffi  by [1 + (k2/G2)]1/2. (The loop connected to the
m0 p 2 wr4 2 wh2
validation of the power transfer scheme are h =
Rr ¼ n þ 3 ð7Þ 20 cm, a = 3 mm, r = 30 cm, and n = 5.25. Both
e0 12 c 3p c coils are made of copper. The spacing between
loops of the helix is not uniform, and we
0.18 Theory
The first term in Eq. 7 is a magnetic dipole encapsulate the uncertainty about their uniform- Experiment
radiation term (assuming r << 2pc/w, where c ity by attributing a 10% (2 cm) uncertainty to h. 0.16

is the speed of light); the second term is due to The expected resonant frequency given these 0.14
the electric dipole of the coil and is smaller than dimensions is f0 = 10.56 ± 0.3 MHz, which is 0.12
κ (106/s)

Fig. 1. Schematic of the exper-
imental setup. A is a single
copper loop of radius 25 cm that
is part of the driving circuit, 0.02
which outputs a sine wave with 0
frequency 9.9 MHz. S and D are 75 100 125 150 175 200 225
Distance (cm)
respectively the source and de-
vice coils referred to in the text. B is a loop of wire attached to the load (light bulb). The various ks represent Fig. 2. Comparison of experimental and theoret-
direct couplings between the objects indicated by the arrows. The angle between coil D and the loop A is ical values for k as a function of the separation
adjusted to ensure that their direct coupling is zero. Coils S and D are aligned coaxially. The direct couplings between coaxially aligned source and device coils
between B and A and between B and S are negligible. (the wireless power transfer distance).

84 6 JULY 2007 VOL 317 SCIENCE

light bulb adds a small reactive component to fer at that distance and the low efficiency of surface of the device coil, we calculate the maxi-
GW, which is compensated for by slightly retun- the Colpitts oscillator. mum values for the fields to be ERMS = 1.4 kV/m,
ing the coil.) We measure the work extracted by Concluding remarks. It is essential that the HRMS = 8 A/m, and SRMS = 0.2 W/cm2. The
adjusting the power going into the Colpitts coils be on resonance for the power transfer to be power radiated for these parameters is ~5 W,
oscillator until the light bulb at the load glows at practical (6). We find experimentally that the which is roughly an order of magnitude higher
its full nominal brightness. power transmitted to the load drops sharply as than cell phones. In the particular geometry that
We determine the efficiency of the transfer either one of the coils is detuned from resonance. we studied, the overwhelming contribution (by
taking place between the source coil and the For a fractional detuning Df/f0 of a few times the one to two orders of magnitude) to the electric
load by measuring the current at the midpoint of inverse loaded Q, the induced current in the device near-field, and hence to the near-field Poynting
each of the self-resonant coils with a current coil is indistinguishable from noise. vector, comes from the electric dipole moment
probe (which does not lower the Q of the coils A detailed and quantitative analysis of the of the coils. If instead one uses a capacitively
noticeably). This gives a measurement of the effect of external objects on our scheme is be- loaded single-turn loop design (6)—which has
current parameters IS and ID used in our the- yond the scope of this work, but we note here the advantage of confining nearly all of the
oretical model. We then compute the power that the power transfer is not visibly affected as electric field inside the capacitor—and tailors
dissipated in each coil from PS,D = GL|IS,D|2, humans and various everyday objects, such as the system to operate at lower frequencies, our
and obtain the efficiency from h = PW/(PS + metals, wood, and electronic devices large and calculations show (17) that it should be pos-
PD + PW). To ensure that the experimental small, are placed between the two coils—even sible to reduce the values cited above for the
setup is well described by a two-object cou- in cases where they completely obstruct the electric and magnetic fields, the Poynting vector,
pled mode theory model, we position the de- line of sight between source and device (figs. and the power radiated so that they fall below
vice coil such that its direct coupling to the S3 to S5). External objects have a noticeable thresholds specified by general safety regulations
copper loop attached to the Colpitts oscillator is effect only when they are within a few cen- [e.g., the IEEE safety standards for general public
zero. The experimental results are shown in timeters from either one of the coils. Some exposure (18)].

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Fig. 4, along with the theoretical prediction for materials (such as aluminum foil, Styrofoam, Although the two coils are currently of iden-
maximum efficiency, given by Eq. 2. We were and humans) mostly just shift the resonant fre- tical dimensions, it is possible to make the device
able to transfer several tens of watts with the quency, which can in principle be easily cor- coil small enough to fit into portable devices
use of this setup, fully lighting up a 60-W rected with a feedback circuit; other materials without decreasing the efficiency. One could, for
light bulb from distances more than 2 m away (cardboard, wood, and polyvinyl chloride) lower instance, maintain the product of the charac-
(figs. S3 and S4). Q when placed closer than a few centimeters teristic sizes of the source and device coils con-
As a cross-check, we also measured the total from the coil, thereby lowering the efficiency of stant, as argued in (6).
power going from the wall power outlet into the the transfer. We believe that the efficiency of the scheme
driving circuit. The efficiency of the wireless When transferring 60 W across 2 m, we cal- and the power transfer distances could be appre-
transfer itself is hard to estimate in this way, culate that at the point halfway between the ciably improved by silver-plating the coils, which
however, as the efficiency of the Colpitts os- coils, the root mean square (RMS) magnitude of should increase their Q, or by working with more
cillator itself is not precisely known, although it the electric field is ERMS = 210 V/m, that of the elaborate geometries for the resonant objects (19).
is expected to be far from 100% (15). Still, the magnetic field is HRMS = 1 A/m, and that of the Nonetheless, the performance characteristics of the
ratio of power extracted to power entering the Poynting vector is SRMS = 3.2 mW/cm2 (16). system presented here are already at levels where
driving circuit gives a lower bound on the ef- These values increase closer to the coils, where they could be useful in practical applications.
ficiency. When transferring 60 W to the load the fields at source and device are comparable.
over a distance of 2 m, for example, the power For example, at distances 20 cm away from the References and Notes
flowing into the driving circuit is 400 W. This 1. N. Tesla, U.S. patent 1,119,732 (1914).
yields an overall wall-to-load efficiency of 15%, 2. J. M. Fernandez, J. A. Borras, U.S. patent 6,184,651 (2001).
1 3. A. Esser, H.-C. Skudelny, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 27, 872
which is reasonable given the expected efficien- Theory (1991).
cy of 40 to 50% for the wireless power trans- 0.9 From experimental κ 4. J. Hirai, T.-W. Kim, A. Kawamura, IEEE Trans. Power
0.8 Experiment Electron. 15, 21 (2000).
0.7 5. T. A. Vanderelli, J. G. Shearer, J. R. Shearer, U.S. patent
η (Efficiency)

60 7,027,311 (2006).
Theory 0.6 6. A. Karalis, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljačić, Ann. Phys.,
50 Experiment 10.1016/j.aop.2007.04.017 (2007).
7. Here, by midrange, we mean that the sizes of the devices
40 that participate in the power transfer are smaller than
0.3 the distance between devices by a factor of at least 2 to
0.2 3. For example, if the device being powered is a laptop

30 (size ~50 cm) and the power source (size ~50 cm) is in
the same room as the laptop, the distance of power
20 0 transfer could be within a room or a factory pavilion (size
75 100 125 150 175 200 225
on the order of a few meters).
Distance (cm)
10 8. T. Aoki et al., Nature 443, 671 (2006).
Fig. 4. Comparison of experimental and the- 9. K. O’Brien, G. Scheible, H. Gueldner, in IECON ’03, 29th
oretical efficiencies as functions of the wireless Annual Conference of the IEEE (
75 100 125 150 175 200 225 xpl/RecentCon.jsp?punumber=9011) (2003).
power transfer distance. The shaded area rep- 10. L. Ka-Lai, J. W. Hay, P. G. W. Beart, U.S. patent 7,042,196
Distance (cm)
resents the theoretical prediction for maximum (2006).
Fig. 3. Comparison of experimental and theoret- efficiency and is obtained by inserting the the- 11. H. Haus, Waves and Fields in Optoelectronics (Prentice-
ical values for the parameter k/G as a function of oretical values from Fig. 3 into Eq. 2, with GW/GD = Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1984).
the wireless power transfer distance. The theory [1 + (k2/G2)]1/2. The black squares are the max- 12. The couplings to the driving circuit and the load do not
have to be inductive. They may also be connected by a
values are obtained by using the theoretical k and imum efficiency obtained from Eq. 2 and the
wire, for example. We have chosen inductive coupling in
the experimentally measured G. The shaded area experimental values of k/G from Fig. 3. The red the present work because of its easier implementation.
represents the spread in the theoretical k/G due to dots present the directly measured efficiency, as 13. S. Sensiper, thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
the 5% uncertainty in Q. described in the text. (1951). SCIENCE VOL 317 6 JULY 2007 85

14. We experimented with various power ratings from 5 to Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz (IEEE, Supporting Online Material
75 W. Piscataway, NJ, 2006).
15. W. A. Edson, Vacuum-Tube Oscillators (Wiley, New York, 19. J. B. Pendry, Science 306, 1353 (2004). SOM Text
1953). 20. We thank J. Pendry for suggesting the use of magnetic Figs. S1 to S5
16. Note that E ≠ cm0H, and that the fields are out of phase resonances and M. Grossman and I. Čelanović for technical
and not necessarily perpendicular because we are not in assistance. Supported by NSF Materials Research Science
a radiative regime. and Engineering Center grant DMR 02-13282, U.S. 30 March 2007; accepted 21 May 2007
17. See supporting material on Science Online. Department of Energy grant DE-FG02-99ER45778, and the Published online 7 June 2007;
18. IEEE Std C95.1—2005 IEEE Standard for Safety Levels Army Research Office through the Institute for Soldier 10.1126/science.1143254
with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Nanotechnologies under contract DAAD-19-02-D0002. Include this information when citing this paper.

Sea Anemone Genome Reveals Among Anthozoan cnidarians, the starlet sea
anemone Nematostella vectensis is an emerging
model system (12, 13). This estuarine burrowing
Ancestral Eumetazoan Gene anemone is found on the Atlantic and Pacific
coasts of North America, as well as the coast of
Repertoire and Genomic Organization southeast England (14). Nematostella cultures
are easily maintained in the laboratory; with
Nicholas H. Putnam,1 Mansi Srivastava,2 Uffe Hellsten,1 Bill Dirks,2 Jarrod Chapman,1 separate sexes, inducible spawning, and external
Asaf Salamov,1 Astrid Terry,1 Harris Shapiro,1 Erika Lindquist,1 Vladimir V. Kapitonov,3 fertilization (12, 15), embryos are available
Jerzy Jurka,3 Grigory Genikhovich,4 Igor V. Grigoriev,1 Susan M. Lucas,1 Robert E. Steele,5 throughout the year.
John R. Finnerty,6 Ulrich Technau,4 Mark Q. Martindale,7 Daniel S. Rokhsar1,2* Although cnidarians are often character-
ized as simple or primitive, closer study of

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Sea anemones are seemingly primitive animals that, along with corals, jellyfish, and hydras, Nematostella and its relatives has revealed
constitute the oldest eumetazoan phylum, the Cnidaria. Here, we report a comparative analysis of considerable molecular (16–19) and morpho-
the draft genome of an emerging cnidarian model, the starlet sea anemone Nematostella logical complexity (13). Based on expressed
vectensis. The sea anemone genome is complex, with a gene repertoire, exon-intron structure, and sequence tag (EST) analyses (17, 18) and the
large-scale gene linkage more similar to vertebrates than to flies or nematodes, implying that the targeted study of specific gene families
genome of the eumetazoan ancestor was similarly complex. Nearly one-fifth of the inferred genes [reviewed in (13, 16, 20–22)], signaling path-
of the ancestor are eumetazoan novelties, which are enriched for animal functions like cell ways and transcription factors involved in the
signaling, adhesion, and synaptic transmission. Analysis of diverse pathways suggests that these early patterning and development of bilaterians
gene “inventions” along the lineage leading to animals were likely already well integrated with are present in cnidarian genomes and are ac-
preexisting eukaryotic genes in the eumetazoan progenitor. tive in development (13, 23–28), indicating that
these pathways and regulatory mechanisms
ll living tissue-grade animals, or eu- identifying conserved ancestral features that have predate the eumetazoan radiation. Perhaps most

A metazoans, are descended from the last

common ancestor of bilaterians (flies,
worms, snails, and humans), cnidarians (anem-
an intrinsically slow rate of change and/or are
preserved by selective pressures. Comparisons
(4–6) between fruit fly, nematode, and vertebrate
notably, genes that establish the main body
axes in bilaterian embryos are also expressed
asymmetrically in Nematostella development,
ones, jellyfish, and hydra), and ctenophores (comb genomes reveal greater genomic complexity in even though cnidarians are conventionally
jellies) (1, 2). This eumetazoan ancestor lived the vertebrates [and other deuterostomes (7, 8)] viewed as radial animals [for a critical dis-
perhaps 700 million years ago. Although it is not as measured by gene content and structure, but at cussion, see (29)].
preserved in the fossil record (3), we can infer the same time show that many genes and net- Here, we report the draft genome of the
many of its characteristics—flagellated sperm, de- works are shared across bilaterians. Probing the starlet sea anemone and use its gene repertoire
velopment through a process of gastrulation, mul- ancestral eumetazoan genome requires sequences and genome organization to reconstruct features
tiple germ layers, true epithelia lying upon a from even deeper branches of the animal tree, of the ancestral eumetazoan genome. Analysis
basement membrane, a lined gut (enteron), a neuro- comparing bilaterian and nonbilaterian phyla. of the Nematostella genome in the context of
muscular system, multiple sensory systems, and In comparison with bilaterians, cnidarians ap- sequences from other eukaryotes reveals the ge-
fixed body axes—because these conserved fea- pear morphologically simple. The phylum is de- nomic complexity of this last common cnidarian-
tures are retained by its modern descendants. fined (2) by a sac-like body plan with a single bilaterian ancestor. The emerging picture from
Similarly, we can characterize the genome of oral opening, two epithelial tissue layers, the pres- the genome and EST studies (17, 18) is one of
this long-extinct eumetazoan progenitor by com- ence of numerous tentacles, a nerve net, and the extensive conservation in gene content, structure,
paring modern DNA and protein sequences and characteristic stinging cells (cnidocytes, literally and organization between Nematostella and ver-
translated as “nettle cells”) that give the phylum its tebrates. We show that even chromosome-scale
name (fig. S1.1G). The class Anthozoa (“flower linkage has been preserved between Nematostella
Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute, Walnut Creek, animals”) includes diverse anemones, corals, and and vertebrates. These are the most ancient con-
CA 94598, USA. 2Center for Integrative Genomics and sea pens, all of which lack a medusa stage. The served linkages known outside of prokaryotic
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of other cnidarian classes are united by their pelagic operons. In contrast, the fruit fly and nematode
California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 3Genetic Information
medusae and characteristically linear mitochon- model systems have experienced extensive gene
Research Institute, 1925 Landings Drive, Mountain View, CA
94043, USA. 4Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular drial genomes (9) into the Medusozoa, including loss (18), intron loss (30), and genome rearrange-
Biology, University of Bergen, Thormøhlensgt 55, 5008, Hydra and related hydroids, jellyfish, and box ment. Thus, from a genomic perspective, the
Bergen, Norway. 5Department of Biological Chemistry and jellies. The disparate bilaterian phyla of the early eumetazoan ancestor more closely resembled
the Developmental Biology Center, University of California, Cambrian suggest a Precambrian divergence of modern vertebrates and sea anemones.
Irvine, CA 92697, USA. 6Department of Biology, Boston
University, Boston, MA 02215, USA. 7Kewalo Marine Labora- the cnidarian lineage from the bilaterian stem, and
tory, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96813, USA. indeed some of the oldest animal body and em- Nematostella Genome Assembly and Gene Set
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: bryo fossils are plausibly relics of stem cnidarians The draft sequence of the Nematostella genome [reviewed in (10, 11)]. was produced with the use of a random shotgun

86 6 JULY 2007 VOL 317 SCIENCE

Wireless Power Transfer via Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonances
André Kurs, Aristeidis Karalis, Robert Moffatt, J. D. Joannopoulos, Peter Fisher and Marin Soljacic

Science 317 (5834), 83-86.

DOI: 10.1126/science.1143254originally published online June 7, 2007

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