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Task No .

Upload httpd.conf file to S3 bucket and
Download it from S3 using wget command

Method 2 : Giving Public Access To S3 Buckets & Files

1. Create A S3 Bucket from AWS Console

 Give bucket Public access  Un-tick block public access
 ACL’s Enabled
2. Click On Bucket & Go To Permission Section
 Edit access control list (ACL)
 Grant Permission To Everyone

3. Now On Permission Overview You Can See Access is Public

1. Create & Launch a ec2 Instance From AWS Console
 Allow Port No 22(SSH), Port No 80(HTTP)
2. Login into the instance using Public IP, Username & Key Pair
 ssh –i path_to_keypair ec2-user@public_ip
3. Elevate Up Privileges
 sudo su
4. Now Configure AWS
 aws configure
 aws s3 ls

5. Create a file with extension .conf

 vim file.conf
6. Now Copy The file To S3 Bucket
 aws s3 cp file.conf s3://hariom-s3-bucket/fileuploaded
ex. (aws s3 copy filename s3://bucketname/filename)


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