Introduction To Sequence

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Sequence is part and parcel of the topic in algebra and extendedly discuss in
the pre-calculus subject during our senior high school. However, the discussion was
limited to the known mathematical sequence and few application problems. In this
particular topic, the knowledge we had learned from the two basic subjects can be
used as our footing to learn further about the other form of sequence using the
concepts of calculus.
As we had learned before a sequence is an enumerated collection of objects in
which repetitions are allowed. Like a set, it contains members (also called elements,
or terms). The number of elements (possibly infinite) is called the length of
the sequence. Further, sequence is defined as nothing more than a list of numbers
written in a specific order. The list may or may not have an infinite number of terms in
them although we will be dealing exclusively with infinite sequences in this class.

At the end of the topic the students are expected to demonstrate the concepts
of sequence through writing terms, evaluating whether it converges or diverges,
describing the nth terms and using the properties of monotonic and bounded sequence.

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