Bruce Wagner/Bold Funding Fraud Judgement

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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY,ILLINOIS coItNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY DTVTSION PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, ex rel. Richard A. Devine,State's Attorney of Cook County,Illinois, Plaintiff, vs. BOLD FIINDING, INC.; and BRUCE WAGIYER,individually and as agentof Bold Funding,Inc.; Defendantsn vs. THE JOHN BUCK COMPAITIY; Nominal Defendant, vs. BUCK MANAGEMENT GROUP, LLC;
Nominal Defendant,

NO:04 CH 18658


Nominal Defendant.

FINAL DEF'AULT JUDGMENT AGAINST DEFENDAI\IT BOLD FUNDING, INC. AND DEX'ENDANTBRUCE WAGNER is Default Ordersagainst This cause comingbeforethe Court on the previouslyentered Bold Funding")andDefendant BruceWagner. Bold Funding,Inc. ("Defendant the Defendant for Bold Fundingdoesnot for is Counsel Defendant Counsel the People PRESENT; (Cantwell& Cantwell)is PRESENT; BruceWagner Defendant for Defendant exist;Counsel

Brucewagneris ABSENT; counsel for charterone Bank,NA is ABSENT;


companv ABSENT; coun*rf;ti;uck is and

Management LLCis Group,

counselfor The

w"s*";; overobjections; his fi: ,,'Y! ffil::;i;L:TTJff.l?i*'"}ffi#; Bruce

THE COURT F'INDSTHAT: I. JURISDICTION AND NOTICE A' This court hasjurisdictionoverthe subject matterandpartiesin this case. B' on February15'2006,thiscourt entered a Defaultorder against Defendant Brucewagner andstrucklis Answerto thepeopre's Amended c"*i-t"*t. c' on Ap/'lT'2006'this court entered a Defaultorder against Defendant Bold Fundingand struckitsAnswerto thepeople,s Amended Comptafnt. D' Defendant Bold FundingandDefendant Brucewagnerhavereceived adequate noticeof the People'sintentionto conduct Prove-up a hearing anoToLet the entryof a Final Default Judgment April 10,2006. on II. ADMISSIONS OF F,ACT Because the entryof a Default of eachDefendant, of the well-pleaded all Qrderagainst factscontained thePeople's in Amentded comptint*, J..*.a admiued against Defendant FundingandDefendant Bold BruceWagnei.

Thecourt hasconsidere People's dthe Amended prove-(rp complaint,the thepreviouslyentered Affidavits, and, ordersin this case; heardthe witness., has *ai"rii.ony presented the at

III. FINDINGS OT'F'ACTAND LAW A' At all relevant times,Defendant Bold Brucewagnerdidnot possess license engage the business.of FundingandDefendant a to in a mortgaffiker, a.;;";;;icing or a mortgage company, company Illinois. Neverthele*,tnJo".r.noTrr, in *htil;"r;.;;in lllinois, represented members thepublic that to of they couldlocateandsecure flrndingfor homeowners in foreclosure' Thereafter, Defendant retaineiih.r. *onies for their own use.

BoldFunding -Jb.["a*fi##;iler received thousandsdollars homeo*n"r, rl.p"rp?*-liproviaing of from ror funding them, the for Defendants not providesuchservices but did andthen

B' ThePeople's Amended Complaintstates cause actionunder a of the consumer and Deceptive practy:es Fraud Busineys ,lct sbts Lcs sojtj-rt ,rq.J (,,consum* q't ( Lonsumer rc Act,,)against f Fraud Defendant Bold FundingandnefendaniBruce wagner.

C. In the course tradeor commerce CookCounty,Illinois,in2004, Defendant of in Bold FundingandDefendant Bruce Wagnerengaged the following deceptive in actsin violation of the FraudAct: Consumer (i) As part of a fraudulent plan or scheme, Defendants falselyrepresented, directed the or private othersto falsely represent, Defendant that Bold Fundingwould locateandsecure funding,for a fee,for homeowners foreclosure; in whenin fact,Defendant Bold Funding providesuchservices did not providesuchservices. did not intendto and This activity is a violationof paragraph 505/2of the Consumer FraudAct [8 ] 5 ILCS 505/2J. (ii) The Defendants falsely represented, directedothersto falsely represent, or that private funding for homeowners only DefendantBold Fundinghad failed to secure on Bold Fundinghadnot whenin fact,Defendant one(1) or two (2) previousoccasions; privatefundingfor most,if not all, of its customers. This misrepresentationa is secured 50512 the Consumer of FraudAct ISI5 LCS 505/2J. violation of paragraph (iii) TheDefendants to falselyrepresented, directed or others falselyrepresent, that investors'group;whenin fact, Bold Fundingwasa privaterealestate Defendant Bold Fundingdid not invest,directly or indirectly, in real estate.This Defendant 50512 the Consumer of FraudAct [815 is misrepresentation a violationof paragraph

LCS s0s/2|.

(iv) TheDefendants falselyrepresented, directed or others falselyrepresent, to that Bureau twelve for of Bold Fundinghadbeena member theBetterBusiness Defendant joined the BetterBusiness (12) years; Bureaufor Bold Funding whenin fact,Defendant is 505/2of the the first time in 2004. This misrepresentationa violationof paragraph Consumer FraudAct [815 ILCS 505/2J. (v) The Defendants that falsely represented, directedothersto falsely represent, or who assisted homeowners foreclosure; in Defendant Bold Fundinghad staJfattorneys Bold Fundingdid not haveany attomeys staffwho assisted on when in fact, Defendant This misrepresentationa violationof paragraph is homeowners foreclosure. in 50512 of the Consumer FraudAct [815 ILCS 505/2J. (vi) The Defendants falsely represented, directedothersto falsely represent, or that Fundinghad helpedhomeowners savetheir homesfor the pasttwelve Defendant Bold (12) years;whenin fact,Defendant Bold Fundingdid not savehomes from foreclosure Bold Fundinghadonly existed andDefendant since2004. This misrepresentationa is 505/2of the Consumer FraudAct [8]5 ILCS 505/2J. violationof paragraph (vii) TheDefendants falselyrepresented, directed or others falselyrepresent, to that (74) Bold Fundinghadseventy-four regionaloffices;whenin f,act, Defendant Defendant Bold Fundingmaintained staffedonly one(1) office. This misrepresentationa and is violationofparagraphs0sl2 ofthe Consumer FraudAct [815 ILCS 505/2J.

THE COURT ORDERSTHAT: IV. PERMANENT INJTINCTION AND JUDGMENT A' Defendant Bold FundingandDefendant BruceWagner permanently are enjoined from owning,operating, managing, supervising form of business Illinois which offers or any in or providesanyresidential mortgage brokering, originating, loan servicingactivities. or B' Defendant Bold FundingandDefendant BruceWagner permanently are enjoined from offering or providinganyresidential mortgage brokering, originating, loan servicing lr activities to anymember thepublic located Illinois or for anypropertylocated lllinois. of in in C. Until theJudgment satisfied this case, is in Defendant Bold FundingandDefendant Wagnerarepermanently enjoinedfrom transfeningandlorwithdrawing"*y moniesfrom P*. Defendant Bold Funding's bankaccount #8482089638, aicharter Onena*,"Ne andDefendant Bold Funding'sbankaccount #991458544 attheNational city Bank. D. A JUDGMENT of $365,858.00 entered is against Defendant Bold Funding and Defendant jointly andseverally. BruceWagner, E. ThisJUDGMENT consists RESTITIUTION of $l15,858.00 thefollowing of for persons the following amounts a CML PENALTY of $250.000.00. in and Carrington Ash GabrielAvalos Annie Blandin Ruth Boston MichelleBoutan Steven Brandhandler Linda Brito Robin Brown DebraBryant SaundraButler Virgie Buchanan Loretta Campbell Bertha Caro TracieCastilleja RaymondCord Gail Coudret Emma Darey IreneDenchi

$s20.00 $1s00.00 $r470.00 $2150.00 $1000.00 $1900.00 $750.00 $6670.00 $r442.00 $1300.00 $1140.00 $420.00 $600.00 $740.00 $1200.00 $750.00 $1s00.00 $13s0.00

Linda DiBagno Yulanda Dudley Carl Foster Cynthia Gaither DonettaGallardo ColeenGladden Julie Glenn Donald Granger Tim Henry Terrie Hill Debra Hoffman Benjamin Jenkins Patricia Johnson Willie Johnson Elliot Jones ThomasJones Thelma Kelly CharlesKemp Donald Klein Angela Laz,zarano Mitchell & Maria Leach Vivian Lee CarmenLocke Sandral.udwig Darrell Mandrell Ron McClure Jim McNamara & ElizabethKeilman Tiffany Milter Anne Mitchell Cindy Morgans Julius Neveles PaW Newark RonnieNichols Norma Pettiford Jov Pinard

$1030.00 $850.00 $1160.00 $1090.00 $1470.00 $1300.00 $4060.00 $1800.00 $1200.00 $1150.00 $950.00 $1000.00 $3000.00 $1100.00 $2785.00 $1850.00 $1200.00 $1390;00 $800.00 $2000.00 $2700.00 $2400.00 $1060.00 $2000.00 $1000.00 $1850.00 $3550,00 $900.00 $1930.00 $300.00 $600.00 $600.00 $9s0.00 $700.00 $1500.00

Reyes Rebecca MellissaLynette Rice Debra Ritenour Henry Rudd, Jr. RobertaScaletta Calvin Smith CharlesSmith,Sr. Willie Smith, Jr. RodneySnitker John Staknis Tippett Keesha TeresaWallace Kerry Ward BetsyWatkins Bobby Whitehead David Whitehead& Jo Judd Evelyn Williams Shirley Williams Gregory Williams Norris Williams 'Winterstein William

$3000.00 $500.00 s2500.00 $2785.00 $2785.00 $1150.00 $630.00 $3820.00 $2000.00 $3140.00 $1300.00 $2430.00 $780.00 $2000.00 $1200.00 $84s.00 $71s.00 $500.00 $2100.00 $800.00 $1251.00

V. JURISDICTION RETAINED BY THE COURT by retained this Courtfor shallbe expressly of Jurisdiction this Final DefaultJudgment and of for the modificationof anyof its provisions, the enforcement compliance, for the which occursafterthe effectivedateof this Final Default Judgment. punishmentof any violation, VI. EFFECTIVE DATE shalltake effect immediatelyupon its entry. This Final Default Judgment


1 APR B?''IIfi

HiiHffii'''3f ,rr*?S?fi lL uo' OTIO.OKCOUitTY,



Richard A. Devine State'sAttorney of Cook County,Illinois Cook County State'sAttorney'sOffice ConsumerX'raudDivision 69 West Washington- Suite 930 Chicago,lL 60602 (main line) 312/603-8600 (fax) 3121603-9830 #10295

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