Spiritual Warfare - Lesson 2

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An introduction to Spiritual Warfare Lesson 2

1. Why was Satan cast out of Heaven? What was the rebellion in him? Read Isaiah 14:12,14 and list the meanings of the five I wills. a) I will b) I will c) I will d) I will e) I will 2. Satan is not only jealous of God, but he jealous of man as well. List two reasons.

3. How does Satan steal glory away from God?

4. Do you believe most Christians understand the glory of God to be the central issue in spiritual warfare? Why or why not?

5. Does the relationship between spiritual warfare and the glory of God change the way you perceive Satan and his work in your life? Worldview is defined as: The thought system we develop for explaining the world around us and our experiences in it. It is determined almost entirely by the society in which we grow up. In most instances, it is something that we absorb subconsciously more than something we adopt after careful study. 1 1= Timothy M Warner, Spiritual Warfare, (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books 1991), PG 24 6. With the above definition of worldview, describe how it affects our perception of reality. 7. Do you believe that most Christians maintain a scientific worldview or a biblical worldview? Why or why not?

Spiritual Warfare | Introduction Lesson 2

Christian Victory All Rights Reserved -1-

1. Why was Satan cast out of Heaven? What was the rebellion in him? Read Isaiah 14:12, 14 and list the meanings of the five I wills. a. I will ascend to Heaven Satan wants to be in a place that is exclusively for God b. I will raise my throne above the stars Refer to Daniel 8:9,10 and Revelation 12:4 as well) The stars are referred to as angels as well, so Satans statement says that he wants to be above the other angels. c. I will sit on the mount of assembly Scholars believe that the Mount of the Assembly is the center of Gods earthly rule and is the throne of the Messiah. Satan is then challenging Christs role as king. (See Matt 4:89) d. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. Clouds are associated with Gods glory. Once again Satan wants the position of the Lord. (See Exodus 13:21,40:34,38 and 1Kings 8:10,11 e. I will make myself like the Most High. Here is Satans final challenge and defiance of God. The Created wanting to rise up to/surpass the Creator. See Isaiah 43:10b, 44:6,45:56,45:21,23

2. Satan is not only jealous of God, but he jealous of man as well. List two reasons: Psalm 8:5 and Genesis 1:26,27 3. How does Satan steal glory away from God? 4. Do you believe most Christians understand the glory of God to be the central issue in spiritual warfare? Why or why not?

5. Does the relationship between spiritual warfare and the glory of God change the way you perceive Satan and his work in your life? Worldview is defined as: The thought system we develop for explaining the world around us and our experiences in it. It is determined almost entirely by the society in which we grow up. In most instances, it is something that we absorb subconsciously more than something we adopt after careful study. 1 1= Timothy M Warner, Spiritual Warfare, (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books 1991), PG 24 6. With the above definition of worldview, describe how it affects our perception of reality.
Spiritual Warfare | Introduction Lesson 2
Christian Victory All Rights Reserved -2-

We are usually more aware of the people who live around us, than we are of the Holy Spirit who lives within us. Other Views Animistic Worldview: Believes that spiritual power permeates everything in the world. This spiritual power can be in a rock, a cow as it is capable of permeating everything. For animists, spiritual power is a neutral force to be manipulated for good or evil. In their view, the natural and supernatural realms are so intricately linked together that they are forever mixed and inseparable. Scientific World View: This view has divided reality into two distinct parts, the supernatural and natural spheres. This places everything into an either or category. Religious or secular, spiritual or physical, etc. In this view, ultimately, God exists in Heaven alone and man exists on earth with no connection between the two. Scriptural Worldview: This view brings balance needed to correct the world around us and accurately assess the status of our foe. This view maintains that there are three different beings interacting together: God, angels and humans. Scripture supports the concept of two realms, a spiritual realm, and a physical realm that are connected by the presence, function, and activities of both good and evil angels. 7. Do you believe that most Christians maintain a scientific worldview or a biblical worldview? Why or why not? "Many of us are constantly defeated by what is happening around us because we aren't ready to accept that the battle is God's, not ours. Even when we realize our own powerlessness to cope with the enemy, we are afraid to let go and trust ourselves to God's power...the only way out of that dilemma is a step of faith on our part." ~Power In Praise 15, Merlin Carothers. (FP) Food for thought: Knowing that it was impossible for Satan to overcome God, why do you think that he became jealous? Practical application: How will a biblical worldview and an understanding of the glory issue change your daily Christian walk? Digging Deeper: Utilize commentaries and outside resources to study Isaiah 14: 12, 14 and write a one page summary of your findings.

Spiritual Warfare | Introduction Lesson 2

Christian Victory All Rights Reserved -3-

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