Assignment (Evidence-Based Practices)

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Gov. D. Mangubat St., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñ as, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4341-42

School of Nursing ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED


LOPEZ. Rafael Benjamin C.

BSN 2-1
Care of Mother, Child, And Adolescent
1. Research evidence-based practices on maternal and child health (current or 5-10 years ago).
2. At least 2 EBP; indicate sources or references.

 Evidence-Based Interventions for Improvement of Maternal and Child Nutrition: What

Can Be Done and at What Cost (August 3-9, 2013)

- Maternal undernutrition adds to 800 000 neonatal passing every year through little for gestational
age births; hindering, squandering, and micronutrient lacks are assessed to underlie almost 3·1
million youngster passing yearly. Progress has been made with numerous intercessions actualized
at scale and the proof for adequacy of sustenance mediations and conveyance techniques has
developed since The Lancet Series on Maternal and Child Undernutrition in 2008. We did a
thorough update of mediations to address undernutrition and micronutrient insufficiencies in
ladies and kids and utilized standard strategies to evaluate developing new proof for conveyance
stages. We demonstrated the impact on lives spared and cost of these intercessions in the 34
nations that have 90% of the world's kids with hindered development. We likewise analyzed the
impact of different conveyance stages and conveyance alternatives utilizing network wellbeing
laborers to draw in helpless populaces and advance conduct change, access and take-up of
 Assessment of Knowledge of Evidence‐Based Maternal and Newborn Care Practices
Among Midwives and Nurses in Six Provinces in Indonesia (February 27, 2019)

- Discoveries from this examination demonstrate that birthing assistants and medical caretakers in
both puskesmas and emergency clinics have huge holes in information on maternal and infant
medical care rehearses. These information shortfalls represent a danger to successful help
inclusion, which thus may impact wellbeing results for moms and their infants. Despite the fact
that information doesn't generally convert into rehearses, helpless supplier abilities have been
related with delays in getting proper consideration. To lessen Indonesia's high maternal mortality
proportion, extra data ought to be gathered to comprehend factors that may influence wellbeing
laborers' presentation, including mentalities, fulfillment, certainty, and responsibility.


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