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Büşra YAVUZER | 20420091057

The Place of International Organizations in International Politics and UN.
As the most obvious result of globalization, international politics has undergone a major
transformation. Due to the changing nature of the globalizing international system, the system
has become multidimensional and new actors have been included in the international system.
International organizations, which are among the actors involved in the international system,
have begun to be effective in shaping the foreign policies of states. International organizations
and especially the United Nations (UN) are important fields of study of the "international
relations discipline". On the other hand, it can easily be said that the UN has attracted the
attention of the general reader within the framework of current world politics developments.
Because international organizations such as the UN can be seen as separate subjects from
states and arouse curiosity when their institutional structures, their own decision-making
mechanisms, the rules of law they create and the “separate/independent policies” they can put
into practice. On the other hand, it is clear that some states that come to the fore in an
international organization or the international system in general can enable these "independent
actors" to take decisions in line with their own "national policies". Therefore, answers to
questions such as how and why international organizations were established, how they
correspond to a need in the international system or how they function are actually important
for understanding global politics in general. What makes this field even more interesting is
that it is not only located at the intersection of international politics disciplines, but also
directly concerns sub-disciplines such as political science and political history.
In the International System, efforts to establish peace are as old as conflicts. The
destructiveness of a widespread war, especially with the contribution of technology, further
strengthened this thought. For this reason, contrary to Aristotle's claim, wars are no longer a
means of acquiring property and efforts to maintain global peace have gained more
importance. In this context, the first collective organization, the League of Nations (NL),
established after the First World War, While it was buried in history as a failed attempt with
the outbreak of the Second World War, it could not destroy the hope of global peace. The
United Nations (UN), which was established after the Second World War, is the only means
of overcoming the anarchy produced by the sovereign states, according to some, and a
structure suitable for the globalization of economic and social relations, according to some.
Despite many different approaches and criticisms on this issue, the UN still maintains its
feature of being an opportunity to solve the increasingly difficult global problems.
In general, clusters that come together in an organized manner and are in mutual relations are
called systems. In line with this definition, the two most striking features of the system are
that it is collective and organized, that is, it operates within the framework of certain rules. In
this context, in order to define the "International System", it is necessary to find actors in
mutual relations and to maintain these relations depending on certain rules, that is, to be
organized in a sense. Today, one of the most important actors of the international system is
the UN, which is an international organization.
Diversifying and differentiating the logic of interstate relations has gained a new dimension
with the establishment of the United Nations (UN), which also prohibits the use of force with
the establishment of the United Nations (UN) before the end of the Second World War. So
much so, the UN Treaty. The Westphalian System will also begin to be called the "UN
system", as the Westphalian System is placed at the center of the international relationships
system for various reasons that will be discussed in the future. Thus, the UN will be one of the
main parameters of modern international relations and the legal system. The importance of
this in terms of our subject is that the importance of the international organizations that the
UN Charter provides a legal basis and even encourages increases.
As a matter of fact, with the effect of increasing international contact or positive-negative
interaction, many international organizations, some of them under the umbrella of the UN,
were established in the period following the establishment of the UN. With the effect of the
Cold War that started in the first half of the 1950s, the division of the world into two, and the
establishment of "intra-Bloc" organizations that can be said to be twins of each other, and this
led to the establishment of a globally assertive "original" organization like the Non-Aligned
Movement by the "Third World" states. In the same period, many regional organizations,
large and small, were established.
Finally, it can be said that globalization debates, which are on the agenda, have serious effects
especially on the UN and similar international organizations. Although it is defined in
different ways, globalization, which is the process of making certain socio-economic, socio-
cultural, socio-political and legal parameters work on a global scale, seriously affects the
traditional actors of the field of international relations, especially states. It is clear that it is no
longer very explanatory to consider the international organizations established for the
"cooperation" of independent and sovereign states in the classical sense within the framework
of the same approach in the globalization period, when independence and sovereignty are now
given "different" meanings. In other words, economic, military, political, etc. in the classical
In short, although states continue to be the traditional actors of the international system
despite all the discussions, the international organizations established by them for various
reasons, on the one hand, are also the collective extension of the states, and on the other hand,
they are increasingly operating in the system as actors with their own autonomy and even
decisiveness. . Today, in order to analyze many international issues well, it is necessary to
follow and take into account the meaning and functions of the international organizations that
make up the "UN system", as well as the states in the broadest sense.

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