Tag Questions Exercises

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He is a good boy, isn’t he?
The girl didn't come here yesterday, did she?
They will go away, won't they?
She hasn't left, has she?

1. You aren't afraid of snakes,…………………….?

2. Ann isn't at home,…………………….?
3. You don't know French,…………………….?
4. Tom didn't see her,…………………….?
5. This isn't yours,…………………….?
6. Mary wasn't angry,…………………….?..
7. Bill hasn't had breakfast,…………………….?
8. You won't tell anyone,…………………….?
9. I didn't wake you up,…………………….?
10. Tom doesn't like oysters,…………………….?
11. You don't want to sell the house,…………………….?
12. It doesn't hurt,…………………….?
13. People shouldn't drink and drive,…………………….?
14. You aren't going alone,…………………….?
15. They couldn't pay the rent,…………………….?
16. You don't agree with Bill,…………………….?
17. There wasn't a lot to do,…………………….?
18. I needn't say anything,…………………….?
19. That wasn't Ann on the phone,…………………….?
20. You didn't do it on purpose,…………………….?
21. This won't take long,…………………….?
22. She doesn't believe you,…………………….?
23. It didn't matter very much,…………………….?
24. He shouldn't put so much salt in it,…………………….?
25. Mary couldn't leave the children alone,…………………….?
26. You aren't doing anything tonight,…………………….?
27. You wouldn't mind helping me with this,…………………….?
28. George hadn't been there before,…………………….?
29. The children weren't surprised,…………………….?
30. You wouldn't like another drink,…………………….?
31. Tom doesn't have to go to lectures,…………………….?
32. Bill hasn't got a car,…………………….?
33. Bill couldn't have prevented it,…………………….?.
34. I needn't wait any longer,…………………….?
35. There weren't any mosquitoes,…………………….?
36. The fire wasn't started deliberately(thận trọng) ,…………………….?
37. The children can read French,…………………….?
38. He's ten years old,…………………….?
39. Bill came on a bicycle,…………………….?
40. The Smiths have got two cars,…………………….?
41. Your grandfather was a millionaire,…………………….?
42. Tom should try again,…………………….?
43. It could be done,…………………….?
44. Your brother's here,…………………….?
45. That's him over there,…………………….?
46. George can leave his case here,…………………….?
47. This will fit in your pocket,…………………….?
48. His wife has headaches quite often,…………………….?
49. She's got lovely blue eyes,…………………….?
50. The twins arrived last night,…………………….?
51. Mary paints portraits,…………………….?
52. Bill puts the money in the bank,…………………….?
53. Bill put the money in the bank,…………………….?
54. Prices keep going up,…………………….?
55. I've seen you before,…………………….?
56. Bill's written a novel,…………………….?
57. His mother's very proud of him,…………………….?
58. The twins used to play rugby,…………………….?
59. Tom might be at home now,…………………….?
60. We must hurry,…………………….?

I. With 'LET'S', the tag question is ' SHALL WE '.

1. Let's go to the beach, ……………………………………… ?

2. Yes. Let's go for a walk, ……………………………………… ?
3. Let's apologize, ……………………………………… ?
4. Let's not commit suicide , ……………………………………… ?
5. Let's go for a walk , ……………………………………… ?
6. Let's try again, ……………………………………… ?

II. We use a POSITIVE TAG QUESTION after a sentence containing a negative word such as “

1. Your parents never invited their neighbours, ……………………………………… ?

2. There was hardly anything to eat, ……………………………………… ?
3. His grandfather could barely see, ……………………………………… ?
4. His wife seldom left him alone, ……………………………………… ?
5. Nobody lives in this house, ……………………………………… ?
6. You've never liked me, ……………………………………… ?
7. There was hardly anybody in the streets, ……………………………………… ?
8. Your brother never does the housework, ……………………………………… ?
9. No, I'd never cheat, ……………………………………… ?
10. They hardly stopped the car , ……………………………………… ?
11. I hardly speak French, ……………………………………… ?
12. He has never been to Dublin, ……………………………………… ?
13. He never sees his father, ……………………………………… ?
14. They never watch TV in the evening, ……………………………………… ?

III. With an imperative, the tag question is ' WILL YOU '.
1. Close the window, ……………………………………… ?
2. Open the window, ……………………………………… ?
3. Don't forget my phone number, ……………………………………… ?
4. Do listen, ……………………………………… ?

NEITHER ” we use ' THEY ' in the tag question.

1. Nobody asked for me, ……………………………………… ?

2. Nobody screamed, ……………………………………… ?
3. Neither of the two, smiled, ……………………………………… ?
4. Nobody answered his letters , ……………………………………… ?
5. Nobody knows, ……………………………………… ?
6. Anyone can come, ……………………………………… ?
7. Everybody loves Miami, ……………………………………… ?
8. No one was there, ……………………………………… ?
9. Not everybody was invited to share in the harvest, ……………………………………… ?
10. No one would arrive late, ……………………………………… ?
11. Neither of them will see us, ……………………………………… ?
V. When the subject is “ NOTHING , EVERYTHING , SOMETHING ” we use ' IT ' in the tag
1. Nothing bad happened, ……………………………………… ?
2. Nothing has been tempted to rescue her, ……………………………………… ?
3. Nothing will be done, ……………………………………… ?
4. Everything is OK , ……………………………………… ?

VI. In the present tense, if the subject is 'I', the auxiliary changes to 'are' or 'aren't'.
1. I'm sitting next to you, ……………………………………… ?
2. I am early, ……………………………………… ?
3. I am not early , ……………………………………… ?

VII . If the main verb in the sentence is 'have' (not an auxiliary verb), it is more common to use 'do'
in the question tag.
Tag questions for verbs : have , have to -> don’t , doesn’t , didn’t
have got -> haven’t , has got -> hasn’t
have / has + Pii -> haven’t , hasn’t + Pii
1. You have a new car , ……………………………………… ?
2. You have got two sisters , ……………………………………… ?
3. Kate has already replied, ………………………….. ?
4. You've lost your way, ………………………….. ?
5. We have to be off before ten , ………………………….. ?
6. The poor girls had to attend a boring course, ………………………….. ?
7. The poor boy has to copy a long list of words, ………………………….. ?
8. They haven't bought a house yet, ………………………….. ?
9. She has found out the secret, ………………………….. ?
10. You have already visited Paris, ……………………………………… ?

VIII. With “ USED TO” , we use ' DIDN'T ‘ in the tag question.
1. You used to work here, ……………………………………… ?

1. That's cheap, ……………………………………… ?
2. There's not much we can do about it, ……………………………………… ?
3. There are enough chairs, ……………………………………… ?
4. This isn't what you expected, ……………………………………… ?

Make Tag questions for the following sentences:

1. Harry takes sugar in tea, __________?
2. The lift isn't working today, __________?
3. It never works very well, __________?
4. Everybody realized the danger, __________?
5. There was a lot of noise here, __________?
6. Nobody complained about the noise, __________?
7. Mary hardly ever cooks, __________?
8. We had to wait for a long time to get our visa, _________?
9. They don't allow pet dogs in this shop, __________?
10. Nothing went wrong with him, __________?
11. He never takes advice, __________?
12. There used to be trees here, __________?
13. I am too impatient, __________?
14. Dick wouldn't tell anyone about this story, __________?
15. Let's go out tonight, __________?
16. Sue doesn't know John, __________?
17. There is an exam tomorrow, __________?
18. We've seen that movie before, __________?
19. He'd never met her before, __________?
20. You don't really love her, __________?
21. This will work well, __________?
22. I couldn't help it, __________?
23. You'll tell me if she calls, __________?
24. We'd never have known, __________?
25. The weather's bad today, __________?
26. She won't be late tomorrow, __________?
27. Nobody knows the answer, __________?
28. The moon goes round the earth, __________?
29. Elephants live in Europe, __________?
30. He's still sleeping at the moment, __________?
31. Mary goes to school, __________?
32. We won't be late tonight, __________?
33. Someone called me last night, __________?
34. They will wash the car, __________?
35. We must lock the doors, __________?
36. I'm correct, __________?
37. Linda bought a car yesterday, __________?
38. John wouldn't want to invite my Dad, __________?
39. Jack hasn't got a piece of paper, __________?
40. George used to work here, __________?
41. He's never liked her, __________?
42. Everyone warned you before, __________?
43. Jack went to the supermarket, __________?
44. Jane and Tom have never been to Las Vegas, __________?
45. Jim doesn't live in Missouri, __________?
46. Mrs. Brown has a new car, __________?
47. Simon is from Singapore, __________?
48. Paul didn't recognize me last week, __________?
49. Cars pollute the environment, __________?
50. Mr. Richard has been to Scotland recently, __________?
51. Andrew won't tell her this secret, __________?
52. Hugh had a red car, __________?
53. George Washington was the first President of the United States, __________?
54. We lost the game, __________?
55. Jack and Jill didn't go up the hill, __________?
56. She can't swim, __________?
57. Jack and Jill brought us some water, __________?
58. Jane likes vegetables, __________?
59. Mary can't swim very well, __________?
60. You're new here, __________?
61. We've spoken about that, __________?
62. I don't need to say any more, __________?
63. You wouldn't work for Michael again, __________?
64. Carol saw Louise last night, __________?
65. He will be coming tonight, __________?
66. Hillary loves to bake, __________?
67. The weather is very nice today, __________?
68. Bill hasn't quit smoking yet, __________?
69. George was a very bad student, __________?
70. Everybody is here now, __________?
71. There is nothing wrong, __________?
72. Mike mustn’t come late, __________?
73. She is collecting stamps, __________?
74. They often watch TV in the afternoon, __________?
75. David has cleaned your bike, __________?
76. John and Max don't like Maths, __________?
77. Peter played handball yesterday, __________?
78. Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, __________?
79. Lewis could have bought a new car, __________?
80. The train is arriving on time, __________?
81. Kevin spent all his money yesterday, __________?
82. He had hardly left the office when the telephone rang, __________?
83. Max'd better stay here for a week, __________?
84. Nothing was damaged during the storm, __________?
85. Mrs. Black doesn't believe her son is able to draw such a picture, __________?
86. He comes late sometimes, __________?
87. He failed to do anything last weekend, __________?
88. The Smiths hardly ever go on travel, _________?
89. Jack and Jill went up the hill, __________?
90. There are seven days in a week, __________?
There  there
This/That  it
These/Those  they

Multiple Choice
1. He couldn’t swim, ______?
A. could him B. could he C. couldn’t he D. couldn’t him
2. Nobody cheated in the exam, ______?
A. did they B. didn’t they C. did he D. didn’t he
3. You have seen this film, ______?
A. haven’t you B. have you C. do you D. don’t you
4. His name is Messi, ______?
A. isn’t he B. is he C. is it D. isn’t it
5. Let’s have a drink, ______?
A. don’t we B. do we C. shall we D. shan’t we
6. He can speak three languages, ______?
A. can he B. can’t he C. isn’t he D. is he
7. I think she is a good teacher, ______?
A. don’t I B. do I C. is she D. isn’t she
8. You went on a picnic last week, ______?
A. didn’t you B. didn’t I C. did you D. does he
9. Teresa is an accountant,___?
A. aren't she B. doesn't she C. isn't she D. she isn't
10. I am a good worker,___?
A. I am B. do I C. amn't I D. aren't I
11. Peirre is a grandfather,___?
A. he isn't B. isn't he C. he is D. doesn't he
12. Kate is a doctor, ___?
A. she is B. is she C. doesn't she D. isn't she
13. Jacques and Alicia are students, ___?
A. aren't they B. are they C. isn't he D. isn't they
14. Mario is at work right now, ___?
A. aren't they B. isn't he C. is he D. isn't she
15. You and I are busy right now, ___?
A. aren't I B. aren't we C. we aren't D. aren't you
16. It's windy today, ___?
A. am I B. aren't they C. isn't it D. isn't he
17. You wanted that, ______?    
A. would you     B. didn't you     C. wouldn't you     D. do you
18. He saw that, ______?    
A. is he     B. won't he     C. didn't he     D. doesn't he
19. You know that's right, ______?    
A. would you     B. wouldn't you     C. don't you     D. didn't you
20. He wil be coming, ______?    
A. is he     B. did he     C. doesn't he     D. won't he
21. After all this time you'd think he'd have forgotten, ______?    
A. didn't you     B. wouldn't you     C. don't you     D. do you
22. The amount he is suffering from hay fever he needs to see a doctor, ______?    
A. doesn't he     B. did he     C. won't he     D. is he
23. You may think you know the answer but you don't, ______?    
A. don't you     B. would you     C. wouldn't you     D. do you
24. After working so hard he didn't deserve to fail the exam, ______?    
A. doesn't he     B. did he     C. won't he     D. is he
25. You wouldn't report me, ______?    
A. don't you     B. would you     C. wouldn't you     D. do you
26. He isn't going to like this, ______?    
A. didn't he     B. did he     C. won't he     D. is he
27. Sabine was an actress, ___?
A. was she? B. didn't she C. wasn't she D. she wasn't
28. I was very tired, ___?
A. did I B. weren't I C. was I D. wasn't I
29. Alexander was a factory owner, ___?
A. he wasn't B. wasn't he C. he was D. didn't he
30. Monica was here, ___?
A. she was B. wasn't she C. didn't she D. was she
31. Hanna and Alicia were students, ___?
A. weren't they B. were they C. wasn't he D. wasn't they
32. John was at work yesterday, ___?
A. weren't they B. wasn't he C. was he D. were he
33. Jim was your neighbor, ___?
A. was he B. didn't you C. weren't you D. wasn't he
34. You haven’t seen him this morning, ___?
A. had you   B. have you     C. is it           D. will you
35. The United States is in North America, ___?
A. is it     B. was it     C. isn’t  it         D. could it
36. You were late today, ___?
A. were you     B. have you     C. did you     D. weren’t you
37. Tom can’t work with animals, ___?
A. they can             B. can they               C. can he           D. can’t he
38. Mom, when I was five I couldn’t swim, ___?
A. can I       B. couldn’t I             C. could I           D. could you
39. The meal won’t be ready, ___?
A. won’t they         B. won’t it           C. will you           D. will it
40. You prefer drinking nescafe to tea, ___?
A.  do it         B. don’t you           C. did you             D. can you
41. I’m not allowed to  go to the movies, ___?
A. am I           B. am not I               C. aren’t I           D. is you
42. She isn’t watching television, ___?
A. isn’t she             B. is she         C. has she             D. she has
43. Neither of the boys came to school today, ___?
A. did he           B. didn’t they           C. did they         D. did she
44. Open the door for me, ___?
A. would you           B. did you             C. will it           D. has it
45. No-one likes the cake, ___?
A. does she           B. do he       C. do they           D. don’t they
46. Let’s go together, ___?
A. will you         B. shall you           C. shall I                 D. shall we
47. None of the children want to eat ice-cream, ___?
A. do they             B. do we           C. does she           D. does he
48. John doesn’t love Mary, ____________________ ?
A. doesn’t he B. didn’t he C. loves her D. Does he
49. I never said I love him, ____________________ ?
A. did we B. didn’t we C. didn’t I D. did I
50. There’s nothing we can do to help the boys, ____________________ ?
A. wasn’t there B. isn’t there C. was there D. is there
51. Mr. Smith gave his wife ten pounds for her birthday, __________________ ?
A. does he B. didn’t he C. not he D. didn’t she
52. The bus arrived on time, __________________ ?
A. doesn’t it B. hasn’t it C. will it D. don’t it
53. The old lady has stolen the money, __________________ ?
A. isn’t she B. hasn’t she C. didn’t she D. doesn’t she
54. The girls went to Richmond, ____________________ ?
A. did they B. didn’t they C. did the girls D. didn’t the girls
55. Neither of them will be treated preferentially, __________?
A. won’t they B. will they C. won’t them D. will them
56. I am right, _____?
A. am not I B. don’t I C. aren’t I D. am I
57. The picture cost 3,000 USD, __________ ?
A. does it B. did it C. doesn’t it D. didn’t it
58. Let’s go to the seaside, __________ ?
A. do you B. shall we C. do we D. will you
59. Everything was cheap then, __________?
A. wasn’t it B. weren’t they C. isn’t it D. aren’t they
60. You have tea for breakfast, __________ you?
A. haven’t B. don’t C. won’t D have
61. There is no one in the house, __________ ?
A. isn’t there B. is there C. is anyone D. isn’t
62. He seldom goes fishing, __________?
A. doesn’t he B. is he C. does he D. isn’t he
63. He used to sell traditional handicrafts, __________?
A. hasn’t he B. didn’t he C. doesn’t he D. wasn’t he
64. She had to do the shopping for her neighbour, __________ she?
A. didn’t B. hadn’t C. does D. isn’t
65. No one __________ here last night, did they?
A. came B. didn’t come C. had come D. hadn’t come
66. Linda never goes to school late, __________ she ?
A. does B. doesn’t C. will D. won’t
67. Everyone has equal rights under the law, __________ ?
A. have they B. haven’t they C. do they D. don’t they
68. She __________ here tomorrow, will she ?
A. won’t come B. comes C. will come D. came
69. Jack__________ to school late yesterday, didn’t he ?
A. didn’t go B. did go C. went D. had gone
70. Paco believes in ghosts, _________ ?
A. didn't he B. doesn't he C. won't he D. hasn’t he

1. You don’t know of any vacant apartments, do you?

2. He doesn’t need a furnished apartment, doesn’t he?
3. But I guess he can always rent some, can he?
4. The movers are not packing the book for us, aren’t they?
5. You’ve lived in Hollywood since many times, haven’t you?
6. You didn’t know anyone here first, did you?
Rewrite these sentences into tag questions
Eg: Do you really like learning English?
F You really like learning English, don’t you?
1. Doesn't your brother like watching TV?
2. Is Mary reading a book in her room?
3. Won't his parents buy him the new game?
4. Have you just used the computer?
5. Please,turn off the television?
6. Let's listen to the radio?
7. Are there many interesting programs tonight?
8. Am I late for the party?
9. Didn't Ba produce the first TV picture in 1920?
10. Do they never go to the theater?

 He didn't recognize me,                             ?

 Cars pollute the environment,                             ?
 Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently,                           ?
 The trip is very expensive,                              ?
 He won't tell her ,                         ?
 He sometimes reads the newspaper,                               ?
 You are Indian,                                ?
 Peggy didn't use the pencil,                                ?
 Mary has answered the teacher's question,                                    ?
 The boy is from Turkey,                            ?
 Sue wasn't listening,                                     .?
 Andrew isn't sleeping,                                 ?
 Tom and Maria will arrive at Heathrow,                               ?
  He's been to Texas,                           ?
 Dogs like meat,                                ?
 There are some apples left,                             ?
 I'm late,                          ?    
 Let's go,                              ?
 Don't smoke,                              ?
 He does sing in the bathroom,                              ?
 He'll never know,                                ?
 I think, he's from India,                             ?
a. Phần đuôi của “ I am” là “ aren’t I “ .
Eg: I’m going to do it again, aren’t I?
b. Imperatives and Requests ( Câu mệnh lệnh và câu yêu cầu):
+ Có phần đuôi là “won’t you?” khi câu phát biểu diễn tả lời mời:
Eg: Take your seat, won’t you? (Mời ông ngồi)
+ Có phần đuôi là “will you?” khi câu phát biểu diễn tả lời yêu cầu hoặc mệnh lệnh phủ định
Eg: Open the door, will you? ( Xin vui lòng mở cửa)
Don’t be late, will you ? (Đừng đi trễ nha)
c. Phần đuôi của câu bắt đầu bằng “ Let’s ...” : là “shall we ?”
Eg: Let’s go swimming, shall we?
Nhưng phần đuôi của “Let us / Let me” là “will you”
d. Nothing, anything, something, everything được thay là thế bằng “ It” ở câu hỏi đuôi:
Eg : Everything will be all right, won’t it?
No one, Nobody, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody, everybody, everyone được
thay thế bằng “They” trong câu hỏi đuôi.
Eg: Someone remembered to leave the messages, didn’t they?
Lưu ý: Nothing, Nobody, No one được dùng trong mệnh đề chính, động từ ở câu hỏi đuôi
sẽ phải ở dạng thức xác định. (Vì Nothing, Nobody, No one có nghĩa phủ định)
Eg: Nothing gives you more pleasure than listening to music, does it ?
e. This/ That được thay thế là “It”.
- Eg: This won’t take long, will it?
f. These/ Those được thay thế là “They”.
Eg: Those are nice, aren’t they?
g. Khi trong câu nói có từ phủ định như: seldom, rarely, hardly, no, without, never, few, little…
phần đuôi phải ở dạng khẳng định.
Eg: He seldom goes to the movies, does he?
- Nếu mệnh đề chính có các từ phủ định như neither,no, none, no one, nobody,nothing, scarcely,
barely, hardly, hardly ever, seldom …, thì câu hỏi đuôi ở thể khẳng định.
Examples: Nothing was said,................?
Peter hardly ever go to parties, ...................?
h. Nếu câu phát biểu có dạng : You‘d better → câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là : hadn’t you ?
You’d rather → câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là : wouldn’t you ?
You used to → câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là : didn’t you ?
III. Ý nghĩa của câu hỏi đuôi:
Ý nghĩa của câu hỏi đuôi phụ thuộc vào ngữ điệu diễn đạt nó:
- Nếu ta hạ giọng, có nghĩa là ta thực sự đặt câu hỏi cho người đối thoại và ta muốn người nghe
đồng tình với mình
- Nếu ta lên giọng câu hỏi đuôi thì ta muốn hỏi lại người nghe

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