8.4 - Reactions of Metals With Water: Answer The Following

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4 – Reactions of metals with water

Answer the following
1. What happens when a metal reacts with water? Name two metals that are
most reactive and less reactive to water.
Ans. When a metal reacts with water, it produces a metal hydroxide and
hydrogen gas.
Metal + water → metal hydroxide and hydrogen
Most reactive – Sodium, Potassium
Less reactive – Calcium, Magneisum
2. Explain using particle theory, why the reaction between steam and
magnesium is more vigorous than between water and magnesium.
Ans. The particles in the steam are able to move freely and have a lot more
energy than the particles in the liquid water. The particles in the steam collide
with the particles on the surface of the magnesium more frequently than the
particles in the liquid water. This means that a reaction between steam and
magnesium is more vigorous than between liquid water and magnesium.

3. Complete the word equation for the following reactions.

a) Sodium + water → ____________________ + Hydrogen
b) ______________ + water → Potassium hydroxide + _______________
c) Magnesium + ______________ → Magnesium hydroxide + hydrogen
d) Magnesium + water(g) → ______________________ + hydrogen

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