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(Grace Arena)
Angwa Tomato, Gauraka
BIBLE STUDY July 06, 2022
TEXT: HABAKKUK 2:1-4; PROV. 29:18; GEN.15:1-6
INTRODUCTION: What you cannot see for yourself in the nearest future, you can hardly come by. God
works with the vision you have of yourself. All great achievers in life, business, career, ministry, and
politics are men and women of vision. No man ever became anything worthwhile or worth celebrating
without the emblem of a great vision. People fail and become frustrated in life because they lack the
vital element of success and happiness called Vision. The infallible, ever current word of God says in,
“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. No man can
escape perishing and failing when he lacks vision for life. But success and happiness in life belongs to
men and women of vision. It means Vision is highly essential for survival.
So what is Vision? Vision can be described as the picture of a preferred future. Vision is seeing
tomorrow from today. Vision is seeing the end from the beginning. Vision is seeing the ultimate purpose
of God for your life or existence.
The Basic Elements of Vision
A Vision is: 1.A Picture (of your destiny) 2.Your Future Rom. 8:18 3. Clear Exod 3:7-8, 17 4. Possible;
Feasible 5. Challenging; Tasking
Gives Direction – a road map for our lives towards destiny, purpose and dreams. Evokes Passion; strong
emotion. The clearer the vision, the stronger the passion. Motivates – Those who lack motivation in life
truly lacks vision. Prioritizes your life and time. Disciplines your actions and behavior. Your vision actually
determines your esteemed values. Those who lack good values and virtues actually lack good vision for
their lives. Protects you from total failure and falling. The fulfillment of vision is the key to happiness in
Habakkuk 2:1- what he will say – True vision about your life, business, ministry, career, education,
marriage and so on comes from what God says to you; not what your parents, brothers or friends thinks
or says to you but what GOD says. What he will say unto me, - From original bible language, that
scripture is better read as what he will say in me,. God speaks the vision into your heart. So you need a
listening ear and inner eyes to see it. So that when you are challenged or reproved about your vision,
you will have an unshakeable answer.
1. Write the Vision – An unwritten vision is a soon forgotten vision. The faintest pen is always sharper
than the brightest brain. Revelations 1:19-Write the things which thou hast seen…
2. Make it plain upon Tables – Interpret the vision into easy, readable language and goals. Break into
parts, pieces and bits. Divide into sections and segments; into projects and targets.
3. That he may run – who is the he? Yourself first, and then others. The vision should include the support
and help of others. There should be the “he” that will read and run with it. Where there is no vision the
people perish; where there are no people, the vision also perish. 4. That he may – Avoid
Discouragement and embrace Courage both from you and others, But mostly from others. Don’t ever be
discouraged, God will send those that must support and run with the vision. 5. That he may run – Work
out the vision into fulfilment through commitment, dedication and diligence. Move the vision from
paper to possibility; from images to reality. Put in the energy, time, ideas and money.6. That readeth
(reads) it – Continuous reading. Daily seeing the written vision. Consistently indoctrinate yourself and
those around you about the vision for your life, for the business or organization you run. What you
consistently see daily, and habitually say will eventually materialize in the physical.
7. Wait for the Appointed Time of Fulfillment – There is a time lag or period from the
conception/inception of the vision to the birth and completion of the vision. Work with that time. And
don’t be in a hurry. Wait patiently for the promise.
CONCLUSION: Heb 6:12 that ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience
inherit the promises

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