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Online pharmacy ( ‫اﺳﻣﮭﺎ‬heal )

The Web applica4on should enable a customer to complete the following tasks:
o Register at the pharmacy applica4on
o Login to the pharmacy
o Search for a medicine by providing, for example, few keywords
o Add medicines to a shopping cart.
o Remove medicines from the shopping cart
o List out the customer orders
o Checkout to order
o Display details of an order.

Students are required to suggest other applica4on domains with similar func4onali4es.
DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS A typed report is handed in for grading at the end of each
phase. Phase I: Report should include the following:

1. A detailed descrip4on of the applica4on domain of your choice. State as clearly as possible
what you want to include in.
2. A descrip4on of the func4onali4es that you plan to offer with ini4al design (Sketch of the
forms and interface)
3. The Database En4ty Rela4onship Diagram (ERD) and Schema (tables).

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