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5 April 2023


Johns Hopkins University
Center for Research and Reform in Education (609) 707-0965
300 E Joppa Road, 5th floor, Baltimore, MD 21286


2021 – Senior Researcher| Johns Hopkins University

Center for Research and Reform in Education

2021 – Adjunct Faculty| Susquehanna University

Department of Education

2020 –21 Postdoctoral Fellow | University at Buffalo, SUNY

Center for the Study of First-Generation College Student Experiences


2020 Ph.D., Education | Johns Hopkins University

Area of study: Quantitative methods, Research Design, Education Policy and
Dissertation: Testing the Promise of Restorative Practices for Reducing Teacher
Turnover in Hard-To-Staff Schools

2014 M.S., Education (Middle Years) | Saint Joseph’s University

Alliance for Catholic Education Teaching Fellow

2011 B.A., Linguistics | Georgetown University, cum laude



Brantlinger, A., Grant, A. A., & Cooley, L. (forthcoming) How Long Do Community Insiders and
Outsiders Stay?: Mathematics Teacher Preparation and Retention in an Urban School District.
American Journal of Education.

Brantlinger, A. & Grant, A. A. (2022) The First School Retention of Community-Based Teachers of
Color and Elite College Graduates: Implications for the Recruitment, Selection, and Training of
Urban Mathematics Teachers. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 30(111).

Grant, A. A., Mac Iver, D. & Mac Iver, M. A. (2022). The impact of Restorative Practices and
Diplomas Now on school climate and teachers’ turnover intentions: Evidence from a cluster

multi-site randomized control trial. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness.
DOI: 10.1080/19345747.2021.2018745

Grant, A. A. & Brantlinger, A. (2022). Demography as Destiny: Explaining the Turnover of

Alternatively Certified Mathematics Teachers in Hard-to-Staff Schools. Teachers College Record,
124(4), 35-64.

Brantlinger, A., Grant, A. A., Miller, J., Viviani, W., Cooley, L., & Griffin, M. (2020). Maintaining
gaps in teacher diversity, preparedness, effectiveness, and retention? A program theory evaluation
of mathematics teacher training in the New York City Teaching
Fellows. Educational Policy.

Grant, A. A., Hann, T., Godwin, R., Shackelford, D., & Ames, R. T. (2020). A framework for
graduated teacher autonomy: Linking teacher proficiency with autonomy. The Educational Forum.
DOI: 10.1080/00131725.2020.1700324

Grant. A. A., Jeon, L., & Buettner, C. K. (2019). Chaos and professional commitment in the early
childhood education classroom: Direct and indirect associations through teaching efficacy. Teaching
and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies, 81, 50-60. DOI:

Grant. A. A., Jeon, L., & Buettner, C. K. (2019). Relating teachers’ working conditions and well-
being to their career intentions and commitment to their job. Educational Psychology, 39(3), 294-312.
DOI: 10.1080/01443410.2018.1543856

Jeon, L., Buettner, C. K., Grant, A. A., & Lang, S. N. (2019). Early childhood teachers' stress and
children's social, emotional, and behavioral functioning. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology,
61, 21-32. DOI: 10.1016/j.appdev.2018.02.002

Jeon, L., Buettner, C. K., & Grant, A. A. (2018). Early childhood teachers’ psychological well-being:
Exploring potential predictors of depression, stress, and emotional exhaustion. Early Education and
Development, 29(1), 53-69. DOI: 10.1080/10409289.2017.1341806

Wolf, R., Cook, M., Grant, A., Reid, A. J., Neitzel, A., Ross, S.M., & Risman, K. (2022). An
Evaluation of the Literacy-Infused Science Using Technology Innovation Opportunity (LISTO)
Validation Project (Valid 45). Baltimore, MD: Center for Research and Reform in Education,
Johns Hopkins University.

Cook, M., Grant, A., Reid, A. J. & Ross, S.M. (2022). An Evaluation of Empowering Teachers of English
Language Learners (ETELL). Baltimore, MD: Center for Research and Reform in Education, Johns
Hopkins University.

Grant, A., Cook, M., & Ross, S.M. (2022). Analyses of 2021 Summer BOOST Program in Pittsburgh Public
Schools: Impacts on Reading, Math, and SEL. Baltimore, MD: Center for Research and Reform in
Education, Johns Hopkins University.

Grant, A. A., Cook, M. A., & Ross, S. M. (2022). Analyses of 2020-21 Math and Reading Achievement for
Students Receiving Catapult Learning’s Intervention Services in ADNY Schools. Prepared for Archdiocese

of New York. Baltimore, MD: Center for Research and Reform in Education, Johns Hopkins

Grant, A. A., Cook, M. A., & Ross, S. M. (2022). Correlational Study of 2020-21 Catapult Learning’s
Extended Learning Year Program in NYC. Prepared for Archdiocese of New York. Baltimore, MD:
Center for Research and Reform in Education, Johns Hopkins University.

Cook, M. A., Grant, A. A., & Ross, S. M. (2022). The Impacts of i-Ready Instruction on Student Reading
and Math Achievement in Multiple School Districts. Prepared for Curriculum Associates. Baltimore, MD:
Center for Research and Reform in Education, Johns Hopkins University.

Morisson, J. R., Grant, A. A., & Cook, M. A. (2021). Psychometric Analysis of the GBH Making North
America Assessment. Prepared for WGBH Boston Education Department. Baltimore, MD: Center
for Research and Reform in Education, Johns Hopkins University.

Morisson, J. R., Cook, M. A., Grant, A. A., & Laurenzano, M. (2021). Pilot Evaluation of the GBH
PBS LearningMedia Curriculum: The Great War. Prepared for WGBH Boston Education Department.
Baltimore, MD: Center for Research and Reform in Education, Johns Hopkins University.

Grant, A. A. (2018). School Climate and Restorative Practices: An Overview. Prepared for the Open Society
Foundation. Baltimore, MD: Institute for Education Policy, Johns Hopkins University.

MacIver, D., Grant, A. A., Balfanz, R., Byrnes, V. Clark, E., & Lofton, R. (2018). Combining
Restorative Practices with Diplomas Now: Results from a Randomized Control Trial Evaluating Impacts on
Teacher’s Practices, Students’ Disciplinary Problems, Suspensions/Expulsions and Conflict in Big City Schools.
Prepared for the Atlantic Philanthropies. Baltimore, MD: Center for the Social Organization of
Schools, Johns Hopkins University.

Grigg., J. & Grant, A. A. (2017). Educational and Life Outcomes of BCP Graduates. Prepared for the
Baltimore Curriculum Project and Baltimore Education Research Consortium. Baltimore, MD:
Johns Hopkins University.

Grant, A. A., Marcucci, O. & MacIver, D. (forthcoming) Creating a Safe and Healthy School:
Restorative Practices. In Eds. C. C. Morphew, V. C. Jones, & A. E. Cuerton (Eds.), Safe and Healthy
Schools in the 21st Century. Johns Hopkins University Press

Grant, A. A. & MacIver, D. J. (2022) Restorative Practices as a social justice intervention in urban
secondary schools: Impacts and challenges. In C. A. Mullen (Ed.), Handbook of social justice
interventions in education. Springer International Publishing.


Grant, A. A., Byrnes, V., Clark, E., MacIver, D., Balfanz, R., & Lofton, R. (under review at Journal of
Education for Students Placed at Risk) Combining Restorative Practices with Diplomas Now: Results
from a randomized control trial evaluating impacts on teacher’s practices, students’ disciplinary
problems, suspensions/expulsions and conflict in big city schools.

Brantlinger, A. & Grant, A. A. (under review at Sociology of Education) Capital Flight: Examining
Teachers’ Socioeconomic Status and Early-Career Retention.

Grant, A. A. & Brantlinger, A. (under review at Teaching and Teacher Education). It’s Tough to Make
Predictions, Especially About the Future: The Difference Between Teachers’ Intended and Actual

Bostic, B. & Grant, A. A. (under review at Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk) Can teacher
collaboration buffer against a reliance on exclusionary discipline? An exploratory study of collegial
social networks in New York City high schools.

Viviani, W., Brantlinger, A., & Grant, A. A. (under review at Teacher Education Quarterly) Preparing
Teachers for Success and Retention.

Tomcics, A. & Grant, A. A. (under review at Research in the Teaching of English) Immoral Values:
Analyzing the Non-Use pf LGBTQ-Inclusive Texts in Schools.


Grant, A. A. (in preparation). Examining Causal Heterogeneity in the Effect of School Safety on
Teacher Turnover.

Grant, A. A. (in preparation) Teachers getting restorative? Restorative practices implementation,

school climate, and teachers' turnover intentions.

Grant, A. A. (in preparation) The relationship between restorative practices and teachers’ turnover
intentions: Evidence from a multi-city sample.



2022 Grant, A. A. & Brantlinger, A. M. It’s Tough to Make Predictions: The Difference Between
Teachers’ Turnover Intentions and Their Actual Turnover. Paper presentation at the
2021 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA,
April), San Diego, CA.

Grant, A. A. The Relationship Between Restorative Practices and Teachers’ Turnover Intentions:
Evidence from a Multi-city Sample. Paper presentation at the 2021 annual meeting of
the Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP, March), Denver, CO.

2021 Bostic, B. & Grant, A. A. The Relationship Between Teacher Collaboration and Student
Discipline Outcomes in New York City High Schools. Paper presentation at the
2021annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA,
April), [Virtual].

Grant, A. A. Are Teachers Actually Getting Restorative? Variation in Restorative Practices

Implementation and Its Impact on School Climate and Teachers’ Turnover Intentions. Paper

presentation at the 2021 annual meeting of the Association for Education
Finance and Policy (March), [Virtual].

2020 Grant, A. A., Siegel-Stechler, K., & Plasman, J. Development and Validation of a Cross-
Sector School Culture Survey. Poster presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of the
Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP, March), (Conference

Grant, A. A. Testing the Promise of Restorative Practices For Reducing Teacher Turnover In
Hard-To-Staff Schools. Poster accepted for presentation at the 2020 annual meeting
of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE, March),
Washington, DC. (Conference canceled).

Grant, A. A. School Safety and Teacher Turnover in NYC: A Case of Causal Heterogeneity.
Poster accepted for presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for
Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE, March), Washington, DC.
(Conference canceled).

Miller, J., Grant, A. A., Griffin, M. J., Viviani, W. & Brantlinger, A. M. Program Theory
Evaluation of Mathematics Teacher Training in the NYC Teaching Fellows Program [Paper
Session]. AERA Annual Meeting (April), San Francisco,
CA (Conference Canceled).

Grant, A. A. Teachers Getting Restorative? Restorative Practices Implementation, School

Climate, and Teachers' Turnover Intentions [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual
Meeting (April), San Francisco, CA (Conference

2019 Grant, A. A., MacIver, D., Balfanz, R., Byrnes, V. Clark, E., & Lofton, R. Combining
Restorative Practices with Diplomas Now: Results from a Randomized Control Trial
Evaluating Impacts on Teacher’s Practices, Students’ Disciplinary Problems,
Suspensions/Expulsions and Conflict in Big City Schools. Paper presentation at the 2019
annual meeting of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness
(March), Washington, DC.

Grant, A. A. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Environmental Chaos: Teachers’ Perspectives
of School Order. Paper presentation at the 2019 annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association (April), Toronto, Canada.

Grant, A. A. Who’s Left? Patterns of Turnover in NYCTF Mathematics Teachers and the
Impact of School Climate. Paper presentation at the 2019 annual meeting of the
American Educational Research Association (April), Toronto, Canada.

2018 Grant, A. A. The impact of Restorative Practices on teachers’ turnover intentions. Division H
Graduate Student In-Progress Research presentation at the 2018 annual meeting
of the American Educational Research Association (April), New York, NY.

Jeon, L., Buettner, C. K., & Grant, A. A. Early childhood teachers’ psychological well-being:
Exploring potential predictors of depression, stress, and emotional exhaustion. Paper in

Roberts, A. (chair) symposium, Teachers’ mental health and psychological well-
being across contexts, at the 2018 annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association (April), New York, NY.

2017 Organized Paper Symposium: Early Childhood Educators’ Social-Emotional Capacity and
Classroom Quality.
Jeon, L., Buettner, C. K., Pierce, J. L., & Grant, A. A. The moderating role of preschool
teachers’ depression on the associations between children’s disabilities status and social-
behavioral competence. Paper presentation at the 2017 biennial meeting of the
Society for Research in Child Development (April), Austin, TX.
Grant. A. A., Jeon, L., & Buettner, C. K. Relating teachers’ working conditions and well-
being to their career intentions and commitment to their job. Paper presentation at the
2017 biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (April),
Austin, TX.

Alfes, C., Robinson, G., Grant, A. A., Jeon, L., & Buettner, C. K. Teachers' mindfulness
and preschool student outcomes: Potential social, emotional, and cognitive benefits. Poster
presentation at the 2017 biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child
Development (April), Austin, TX.

Grant, A. A. & Jeon, L. Teacher turnover in hard-to-staff schools: A review of theory in the
literature. Paper presentation at the 2017 annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association (April), San Antonio, TX.

Fonseca, E., Grant, A. A., & Stein, M. Measurement Variation in Teacher Turnover and
Workplace Conditions Research. Paper presentation at the 2017 annual meeting of
the American Educational Research Association (April), San Antonio, TX.

Jeon, L., Buettner, C. K., & Grant, A. A. The role of early childhood teachers’ sense of
community and work engagement in child development. Poster presentation at the Society
for Prevention Research 25th annual meeting (May 2017), Washington, DC.

Jeon, L., Buettner, C. K., Grant, A.A., & Lang, S. N. Exploring the role of teachers’ stress
in young children’s social-emotional development. Paper presentation at the 2017 annual
meeting of European Early Childhood Education Research Association (August),
Bologna, Italy.

2016 Grant, A., Jeon, L., & Buettner, C. Self-Efficacy as a Mediator of the Association Between
Classroom Chaos and Early Childhood Educators’ Occupational Commitment. Poster
presentation at the Society for Prevention Research (May), San Francisco, CA.


2020 Grant, A.A. The Impact of Restorative Practices and Diplomas Now on School Climate and
Teachers’ Turnover Intentions: Evidence from a Cluster Multi-site Randomized Control Trial.
Online poster presentation at Johns Hopkins EdD Orientation/Residency.

2017 Parkhideh, A., Grant, A. A., & Jeon, L. Chaos in the School Environment: Teacher
Perceptions and Measures. Poster presentation at the Hopkins CARES symposium
(August), Baltimore, MD.


2016 Shia, K., & Grant, A. A. Links between parent-teacher relationships and parent-teacher reported
child behavioral outcome discrepancies. Poster presentation at the Hopkins CARES
symposium (July), Baltimore, MD.

Grant, A., Godwin, R., Hann, T., & Shackelford, D. Graduated Teacher Autonomy: A
Theoretical Framework for Teacher Evaluation. Poster presentation at the Eastern
Evaluation Research Society (May), Galloway, NJ.


2023 The Career Trajectories and Retention of Urban Mathematics Teachers from a Nationally-
Prominent Alternative Certification Program in New York (February 2023). MLDS Center
Research Series Virtual Brown Bag hosted by Maryland Longitudinal Data Systems
(MLDS). Co-presented with Andrew Brantlinger.

2019 The Evidence Base behind Restorative Practices – in Seminar in Elementary Schools
(teacher preparation course), Johns Hopkins University

2018 Survey Methods – in Research Methods in Psychology (undergraduate course),

Goucher College


2021 Outstanding Dissertation Award in the Field of School Climate ($), AERA School
Community, Climate, and Culture SIG

2020 CaRing Award (leadership and community service), Johns Hopkins University

2019 Doctoral Fellow, Institute for Education Policy, Johns Hopkins University

2018 Travel award ($), AERA Division H

Alumni Association Student Grant, Johns Hopkins University Alumni Council,
awarded to support Education Doctoral Speaker Series

2017 Travel Award ($), AERA Division L

2016 Top Poster Award ($), Eastern Evaluation Research Society


2020 – Senior Researcher | Center for Research and Reform in Education, Johns
Hopkins University
PIs: Steven Ross, PhD and Jennifer Morrison, PhD
Lead and co-lead quantitative methodologist on multiple evaluation projects,
including: Project VICTORY (IES grant, TAMU); ETELL (IES grant, TAMU);
LISTO (IES grant, TAMU); Catapult Learning Programs; Curriculum Associates’

iReady; Pittsburgh Public Schools summer BOOST program; Frog Street Pre-K
Curriculum in Texas

2017 – Research Methods and Statistical Consultant | New York City Teaching
Fellows (NYCTF), University of Maryland, College Park
National Science Foundation Grant, PI: Andrew Brantlinger, PhD
Evaluated NYCTF secondary mathematics teaching program on teacher distribution,
preparedness, effectiveness, and retention

2020 – 21 Research Center Developer and Leader | Center for the Study of First-
Generation College Student Experiences, Department of Education
Leadership and Policy, University at Buffalo
PIs: Nathan Daun-Barnett, PhD and Raechele Pope, PhD
Designed study (quantitative and qualitative) to describe experiences of first-
generation college students at UB and evaluate the effectiveness of programs and
policies on student outcomes; Coordinated across university departments for data
collection and program evaluation

2018 – 20 Survey Developer | Program on Educational Pluralism: School Culture

Survey, Institute for Education Policy, Johns Hopkins University
Koch Foundation grant, PI: Ashley Berner, PhD
Developed, tested, piloted, validated, and distributed a new survey measuring school
culture based on thorough review of theory

2017 – 20 Doctoral Researcher | Restorative Practices and Diplomas Now, Center for
Social Organization of Schools, Johns Hopkins University
i3 Institute of Education Sciences & Atlantic Philanthropies grant, PIs: Doug MacIver, Ph.D.
and Robert Balfanz, PhD
Led analysis of experimental evaluation of Restorative Practices in 9 US urban
districts, on implementation, school climate, student behavior, attendance,
suspensions and teachers’ turnover intentions

2018 – 20 Doctoral Fellow| Institute for Education Policy, Johns Hopkins University
Wit & Wisdom (curriculum) evaluation in Cumberland County School
District, NC
Knowledge Map (curriculum evaluation) tool development
Research team member contributing to research tool development, data collection,
and project reports including: Wit & Wisdom implementation evaluation,
Knowledge Map development and assessment

2017 – 18 Doctoral Researcher | Vision for Baltimore, Center for Research and Reform
in Education, Johns Hopkins School of Education
Vision to Learn, Baltimore City; PI: Robert Slavin, PhD
Collected baseline data regarding the number of students wearing glasses in
classrooms before receiving corrective eyewear as part of a district-wide vision

2017 Research Consultant | Baltimore Children’s Scholarship Fund

Developed plan (including survey) for collecting data on current students and alumni
to illustrate outcomes of the scholarship

2017 Evaluator and Research Consultant | The Science of Teaching Academy,

Johns Hopkins Science of Learning Institute
Institute of Education Sciences Development grant, PIs: Kelly Fisher, Phd and Kristin Gagnier,
Developed adapted CLASS-secondary observational tool to evaluate instructional
quality for teacher-learners (in program designed to enable teachers to use scientific
research about teaching and learning in their classrooms); Implemented
observational tool including training, calibration among team for reliability, scoring
and data entry, and scoring reliability checks

2016 – 17 Research Project Developer | Teachers and their School Environments

(TSE), Johns Hopkins School of Education
Designed mixed methods research study (focus groups, interviews, surveys,
observations); Recruited 3 schools; Collected data to understand teachers’
perspectives of environmental chaos

2015 – 17 Doctoral Researcher | Social-Emotional Capacity of Teachers (SECAP) &

Executive Functioning (EF), Johns Hopkins School of Education
The Science of Learning Institute grant, PIs: Lieny Jeon, PhD and Cynthia Buettner, PhD
Coordinated research team and lab (of 5 undergraduate research assistants) to
oversee recruitment, data collection (survey, observational, child assessment), and
management; Analyzed teachers’ well-being and job attitudes in relation to their
work environments and students’ development

2016 Research Manager | Baltimore Curriculum Project

Abell Foundation grant, Laura Doherty
Developed research approach to gathered and analyze data for tracking Charter
school graduate outcomes

2015 - 16 Doctoral Researcher | Equipping High School Teachers to Increase Student

Motivation and Course Passing Rates, Johns Hopkins School of Education
Institute of Education Sciences Development grant, PI: Martha MacIver, PhD
Developed and refined PD sessions about teaching math and science to boost
student motivation and engagement; Captured detailed ethnographic field notes
about teacher learning during PD sessions; Conducted diagnostic, qualitative
observations of teachers’ classrooms to identify needs for teacher PD

2015-16 Doctoral Researcher | STEM Achievement in Baltimore Elementary Schools

(SABES), Johns Hopkins School of Education
National Science Foundation grant, PI: Carolyn Parker, PhD
Administered teacher surveys and pre- and post-tests for students at control and
treatment schools; Adjudicated responses to student assessments and teacher surveys
and entered them into online database


2021-23 Adjunct Professor – Undergraduate and Master’s Program

Susquehanna University
Undergraduate Courses: Introduction to Education & Society
Master’s Courses: Education Research Methods
Critical Issues and Trends in Education
Master’s Thesis
Student Teaching (Supervisor)

2020 Winter Instructor – Breaking in Baltimore: Urban Education

Undergraduate level, College of Arts and Sciences, Johns Hopkins University
• Redesigned Community Based Learning course

2019 Fall Teaching Assistant – Basic and Inferential Statistics

Doctoral level, Education PhD program, Johns Hopkins University

2019 Spring Teaching Assistant – Research Methods II

Doctoral level, online Education EdD program, Johns Hopkins University

2019 Fall Instructor – The Achievement Gap: Looking at and Re-evaluating how we
study educational inequity
Undergraduate level, College of Arts and Sciences, Johns Hopkins University

2019 Fall Instructor – The Achievement Gap: Looking at and Re-evaluating how we
study educational inequity
Undergraduate level, College of Arts and Sciences, Johns Hopkins University
• Newly designed seminar course as part of Special Opportunities for
Undergraduate Learning

2017 Fall Teaching Assistant – Hierarchical Linear Models

Doctoral level, Education PhD program, Johns Hopkins University


Ryan Higgins: Higgins, R. (2023) Restoring Effectively: A Phenomenological Examination of the Relationship
Between Restorative Discipline and Teacher Retention. Drexel University

Julie Miller: Miller, J. (2023) Teacher Retention and Student Perceptions of School Climate. University of
Maryland: College Park.

2020 – 21 Research Team Coordinator and Graduate Student Supervisor
Center for Study of First-Generation College Student Experiences,
University at Buffalo

2016 – 17 Coordinator and Advisor for Undergraduate Research Assistants

SECAP project, Johns Hopkins University

2017 Advisor for Summer Research Intern: Arianna Parkhideh

Center for Talented Youth, Johns Hopkins University

2016 Advisor for Summer Research Intern: Katie Shia

Center for Talented Youth, Johns Hopkins University

2012 – 14 Graduate Teaching Fellow – Alliance for Catholic Education at Saint Joseph’s
University – Philadelphia, PA
2012 – 15 Fifth Grade Teacher – St. Martin of Tours (Independence Mission School),
Philadelphia, PA
Inclusive 5th grade classroom teacher for 28 students at Title I school
Taught English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Religion
Integrated CCSS and NGSS into existing curriculum and materials; Implemented
PBIS and MTSS (RTI) interventions; Evaluated using Danielson framework;
Designed lessons using UBD



Introduction to Statistics (Instructor: Dr. Jeffrey Grigg)
Linear Models (Instructor: Dr. Julia Burdick-Will)
Categorical Data Analysis (Instructor: Dr. Lingxin Hao)
Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) (Instructor: Dr. Lieny Jeon)
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) & Factor Analysis
(Instructor: Dr. Lieny Jeon)
Longitudinal and Panel Data Analysis (including Event History Analysis)
(Instructor: Dr. Lingxin Hao)
Causal Inference (Part I & II) (Instructor: Dr. Steve Morgan)
Survey Design (Instructor: Dr. Hunter Gehlbach)

Additional Trainings (and Experience): Mixed Methods, Qualitative (Focus Groups and
Interview, Observation), Difference-in-difference analysis, Program Evaluation, Implementation
evaluation, Randomized control trials (block and cluster designs), Measurement testing and
development, Matching methods (EIR)

Software: Stata (preferred), SPSS, HLM, R, Dedoose, NVivo, Excel

2022 What Works Clearinghouse – Group Design Standards
2016 Pre-K Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) Observer | Teachstone
2014 Teacher, 4th-8th Grade (Middle Years) | Pennsylvania

2023 IES Methods Training in Economic Evaluation | Center for Benefit-Cost Studies of
Education, University of Pennsylvania

2022 Matching Methods | SREE Workshop

What Works Clearinghouse Training
Having Hard Conversations Workshop | Susquehanna University

2021 Matching Methods | EIR Workshop

Difficult Conversations: Designing Effect Classroom Discussion and Discussing
Controversial Topics | Paula McAvoy, University at Buffalo
Lessons Learned (Online Teaching Series): Moving Beyond Theory to Improve
Student Learning | Center for Educational Innovation (CEI) Conference, University
at Buffalo, Flower Darby
Modern Meta-Analysis Research | AERA/NSF/ICPSR Workshop, Terri Pigott and
Joshua Polanin and Ryan Williams
Supervising Student Employees, Effectively Manage Remote Employees, Avoiding
the Zoom Gloom, How to Lead an Effective Virtual Meeting on Zoom | University
at Buffalo Workshops
Creating the Beloved Community Symposium | University at Buffalo, Terri Watson
Exploring and Unpacking Post-PhD Career Possibilities: Recognizing and
Articulating the Value of What You've Learned as a Graduate Student | CIRTL

2020 Engaging Students through High-Impact Practices | CIRTL Network

“Make Good Trouble" Now: Teach-In for Racial Equity | University at Buffalo
The Postdoc Academy: Succeeding as a Postdoc | EdX, Boston University
CTSI Effective Teaching for the Culturally Responsive Educator Workshop Series |
University at Buffalo
William L. Boyd National Educational Politics Workshop | UCEA & AERA
Civic Engagement Certificate | Center for Social Concern, Johns Hopkins University
Educational Pluralism + Research to Policy (Graduate Student Colloquium) |
Charles Koch Foundation

2019 Leadership Certificate | Contemplative Leaders in Action

Heterogenous Treatment Effects | SREE Pre-conference, Luke Miratrix and Avi
William L. Boyd National Educational Politics Workshop | UCEA & AERA
Wit & Wisdom Curriculum Implementation Observation | Institute for Education
Policy, Johns Hopkins University
Schools, Prisons & Concentrated Poverty: Addressing Challenges, Generating
Solutions Symposium | Everyone Graduates Center, Johns Hopkins University

2018 Teaching Academy Certification | Center for Educational Resources, Johns Hopkins
Instructional Practice Guide (IPG) Observer | Achieve the Core
Restorative Practices | International Institute for Restorative Practices
William L. Boyd National Educational Politics Workshop | UCEA & AERA

2017 Creative Strategies for Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches in Mixed
Methods Research | AERA Methods Session, Elizabeth Creamer
William L. Boyd National Educational Politics Workshop | UCEA & AERA

2016 The Coleman Report at Fifty: Its Relevance for Policy and Practice Today | Johns
Hopkins University

2014 Leadership Development (Robert A. Fox Leadership Program) | University of



2016 – 18 Co-Chair, Education Doctoral Student Association, JHU
2016 – 18 Student Representative, School of Education Doctoral Committee, JHU
2016 – 17 Student Peer Mentor, JHU


Journals: Teachers College Record
Education Management, Administration, and Leadership
Teaching and Teacher Education
British Journal of Educational Psychology
Asia Pacific Education Review
International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management

Conferences: Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE) (2022)

American Educational Research Association (AERA) (2020-22)

Foundations & Government:

2021 Head Start University Partnerships: Building the Evidence Base for ECE Workforce
Well-Being Grant Review (OPRE, Administration for Children and Families,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

2015 – American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Division H: Research, Evaluation, and Assessment in Schools
Division L: Educational Policy and Politics
SIGs: School Community, Climate, and Culture; Catholic Education
2019 – 20 Division L Graduate Student Committee
2019 – Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE)
2019 – 22 Association for Educational Finance and Policy (AEFP)
2016 – 17 Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD)
2015 – 17 Society for Prevention Research (SPR)

2017 – 21 School Board Member, Holy Angels Catholic School (Baltimore, MD)
– Strategic Planning Committee
2018 – 20 Engaged Graduate Student Network (Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD)
2018 Tutor, Reading Partners (Robert W. Coleman Elementary, Baltimore, MD)


Steven M. Ross
Director of Center for Research and Reform in Education
Johns Hopkins School of Education
300 E Joppa Road, 5th floor
Baltimore, MD 21286

Andrew Brantlinger, PhD

Associate Professor
University of Maryland, Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership
Benjamin Building
College Park, MD 20742

Douglas J. MacIver, PhD

Center for Social Organization of Schools
Johns Hopkins School of Education
2800 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21211


• Education Policy
• Research Methods (Quantitative and Mixed Methods)
• Research Design and Evaluation in Education
• Survey Design and Issues of Measurement
• Urban Education
• Critical Review of Sociology of Education
• Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in School Settings
• Learning Design and Environment
• Methods of Teaching in the Elementary and Middle School
• History and Philosophy of Education


• Education equity
• Teacher turnover
• School environments (school climate and culture) and organization
• Urban education
• Schools in historically marginalized and traditionally underserved communities
• Restorative Practices
• First-generation college students
• Hidden curriculum in higher education
• Teachers’ development and psychological well-being


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