Examen Unidad 2 Primer Trimestre

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Prueba escrita Unidad 2 – Primer trimestre – 1ro ESO – 2022/2023

Name: _______________________________ Group: __________ Mark: _________ / = _______/10

Grammar (20 points)

1 I need to buy __________________ vegetables.

2 I haven't got __________________ money.

3 There are __________________ plates in the cupboard.

4 Would you like __________________ sugar in your tea?

5 Don't put __________________ sugar in my tea, please!

6 Could you give me __________________ information, please?

7 I am writing __________________ tests today.

8 You can’t read __________________ newspapers in this café.

9 Do you collect__________________ stickers?

10 __________________ children are sitting in the park.

Respuesta al WRITING
WRITING (16 points)

Write 8 sentences describing the room in the picture. Remember to use there is / there are,
adjectives and prepositions of place.

LISTENING (10 points)

1 Listen to the dialogue between Karen and Jason. Then choose the correct answer. (5
1. What is Jason’s project about?

a. prime ministers b. famous homes c. gardens in London

2. Where is there a long table?

a. in the dining room b. in the office c. in the garden

3. What colour are the curtains?

a. black b. white c. yellow

4. Where is the garden?

a. at the front of the house b. on the side of the house c. behind the house

5. Whose house is it?

a. the Prime Minister’s b. Jason’s c. Karen’s

2 Listen again and say if the sentences are true or false. (5 points)

1. The house has got 1000 rooms.

2. It has got two dining rooms.

3. The hall has got blue walls.

4. The door is black.

5. The house is number 11.

READING (11 points)

Buckingham Palace is the official London residence and administrative headquarters of the British

Monarch. There are 770 rooms in this beautiful palace and more than 50,000 people visit the Palace

each year. There are 188 staff bedrooms and 78 bathrooms. There are 92 offices, where the

queen, her office staff, and family all work. State banquets are held in the Ballroom. There are

19 State Rooms that are used to entertain official guests.

Every summer the queen holds three garden parties on the grounds of the palace. Some

30,000 people are invited to the parties each year. The garden is the largest private garden in

the capital and boasts 325 wild-plant species, 30 species of breeding birds, and over 1,000

trees, including 98 plane trees and 85 different species of oak.

1. How many rooms are there in the Palace?

2. How many visitors to the palace are there every year?

3. How many rooms are there for working?

4. How big is the garden?

2 Say if the information is true or false (3 points)

1. There are no people living in the Palace.

2. The gardens have got many trees.

3. There are small parties every year in the garden.

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