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Kenzie Dalphond 02/13/2023

Core Competences Reflection

For personal awareness and responsibility, I relate to this core competency because of
my self-determination and ability to be self-motivated. I am committed to my academics and
my self-determination helps me to get my work done on time and done to the best of my
ability. Since I have always been involved in team sports from a young age, I have constantly
had to balance the workload for school with my busy schedule. I’ve also been working as a
lifeguard, umpire for baseball and softball, and also at a golf course. My busy and active life has
taught me the value of hard work and my personal responsibility for me to be able to be
successful in all these aspects and maintain a balanced lifestyle.
For social responsibility, I value building strong relationships and solving problems in
peaceful and nonproblematic ways. In all my relationships, I have limited conflicts because I
come up with peaceful ways to solve problems and deal with them directly. I’ve noticed in
many of my peers all the drama and problems within relationships that have occurred and by
noticing this I have been able to reflect on my personal friendships and see how they differ
from me. Even though many people that I associate with have differing ideas and values, I am
still able to collaborate in a diverse environment to include others.
For critical thinking, I am able to analyze and critique my own work to better myself as a
student and an athlete. When I was playing volleyball, my coach filmed our games and practices
and posted it for all of us to see. Then I was able to watch it and critique my skills and technique
and use that information in my play in the future. Another example of how I have thought
critically is during physics 11 when we had to perform a self-designed lab. I was able to apply
my prior skills and material learned in the class to the lab. I used the topics we studied to come
up with a question and design a lab to test a theory.
For creative thinking, I can generate ideas and develop ideas by persevering and
understanding that failure can be productive. One of my favourite hobbies is sewing and rather
than following patterns I like to design my own. This involves a lot of failure while I navigate
some complicated designs and come up with new ideas to fix any problems that come up. Some
of my projects end up not working out and I learn from these mistakes and make my next
projects better.
For communication, I can connect and engage with others. In class I share my ideas
while also listening to other people’s ideas to further develop my own. I keep an open mindset
so that I can better understand their ideas and put myself in their shoes. I demonstrate these
actions in all of my classes, but specifically in classes with labs because there are many times
where we need to discuss confusing topics and there can often be disagreements in the
material. By being an effective communicator, I am able to listen to their ideas while using my
own ideas to contribute to solve difficult problems or interpret complex concepts.
For Personal and cultural identity, I can identify my personal values and choices by
understanding what is important to me and how these things shape the person I will be. My
most meaningful values to me are my family and friendships. By understanding how important
these things are to me, I focus a lot more of my energy on being there for my friends and family
by spending time with them and creating trust with them by sharing and listening to what they
have to say.

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