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This review literature has been organized in 4 parts which is included “Books”
“Articles, Research papers , Websites
5.1. BOOKS
1.Edited By Nalin Rajan,(2007), 21st Century Journalism in India: Sage
Publication India Pvt Ltd
21st Century Journalism in India is a path-breaking book that looks at the practices
and theories of journalism in the 21st century. This collection of writings by
practicing journalists is perhaps unique in that they have turned the spotlight on
their own profession. The book covers the subject in five parts.
2. Latika Padgaonkar, Shubha Singh (2012), Breaking News, Her Own Way,
Competition the Book Shop. ISBN - 9789381626498
Making News, Breaking News, Her Own Way is about the lives and work of some
of the most outstanding women journalists of our time who redefined and gave a
whole new meaning to what constitutes news, in terms of values and themes. The
groundbreaking work done by these journalists won them the prestigious Chameli
Devi Jain Award for Outstanding Women Media person The stories range from the
days of Prabha Dutt and Usha Rai, torchbearers for a whole generation of women
journalists, to those like Tavleen Singh, Barkha Dutt and Madhu Kishwar, who are
in the forefront of the media today. This book also pays tribute to India’s first
photographer Homai Vyarawalla, who captured a whole era of great historical
change with her lens.
3. Usmani,B.D ( 2007) Writing and Reporting in Modern Journalism, Anmol
Publications Pvt. Ltd. ISBN PB : 8126130504
Writing is a serious job and demands enough precaution. While writing, selection
of words and the way to synthesize them in a sentence is of great import. As a
profession, writing has become a popular option to opt for. There are various areas
where a writer can make good fortune through his thoughtful, analytical and
descriptive writing. Writing for newspapers as a correspondent, as a book-
reviewer, as a feature writer, and as an editor, etc. are some of them.
4. Syed, M H (2006), Encyclopedia of Practical Journalism set of 3 Vols.)
Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. ISBNB: 8126130067
Journalism is one of the promising and paying professions now-a-days. It has
power, glamour, respect, knowledge and what not. Earlier a mission, it has now
been transformed into a profession, now. Practical Journalism includes various
tasks. Gathering information, putting them in a proper order, arresting various
incidents in camera, preparing a news story, analyzing and synthesizing the facts,
etc. are to mention a few. Above all, indomitable courage, power of endurance,
unshakable confidence and clinical outlook are some other traits of a journalist.
Present book elaborates more on the aspects of practical journalism, its pros and
cons and various other aspects, which have to be taken into consideration before
embarking on this adventurous profession
5. Chauhan Swati.(2007), Principles and Practices of Professional Journalism,
Kanishka Publishers/Distributors, ISBNPB : 8173919054
This book deals in detail the various elements and concepts of professional
Journalism, including that of underdeveloped journalism. Case studies have been
given regarding ways and means of strengthening professional journalism. A
comparative analysis of modern trends in journalism has been made. Special focus
lies on evolution and growth of professional journalism in India, particularly from
the point of view of mass-communication and journalism studies and education.
Relevant case studies have been presented enumerating the realities of professional
6. Keval J. Kumar (2012), Mass Communication in India, Jaico Publishing
House ISBN: 9788172243739
The traditional discipline of Mass Communication now stands challenged by the
rapid integration of telecommunications, computing, broadcasting and other media.
It gives Comprehensive and critical account of recent developments in the media
industries. The author focuses on media analysis and critique, to reflect
contemporary trends in communication theory and research. An entirely new
section on Telecommunications and New Information Technology has been
7. Samir Kumar Singh (2011) Print Media Communication, Jnanada
Prakashan, ISBN: 9788171392971
Fifty years back the feeling and the thinking that the electronic communications
were killing print. That judgments has proved wrong or at least premature.
Particularly as the apparent decline coincided with a drop in newspaper circulation.
The analysts so explained the statistics as to raise doubts that the decline was real;
experts disagreed about whether or not a problem in fact existed, and if it did, just
how serious it was; and historians pointed out that concern about declining literacy
had surfaced before and seemed cyclical in nature.
8. K. M. Shrivastava(2007) News Agencies: From Pigeon to Internet, Sterling
Publishers Private Limited, ISBN: 9781932705676
Tracing the history and growth of international news agencies during the past 25
years, this analysis clarifies the role of such agencies and discusses why most have
successfully survived the onset of technological developments such as the Internet.
Profiles of several key news organizations, including those in India, are included,
as well as a discussion of industry values and diversification strategies.
9. Philip Meyer: 01-Sep-2009. The Vanishing Newspaper: Saving Journalism
in the Information Age University of Missouri Press, ISBN: 9780826218582
Five years ago in The Vanishing Newspaper, Philip Meyer offered the newspaper
industry a business model for preserving and stabilizing the social responsibility
functions of the press in a way that could outlast technology-driven changes in
media forms. Now he has updated this groundbreaking volume, taking current
declines in circulation and the number of dailies into consideration and offering a
greater variety of ways to save journalism.
10. M.L. Jena (2006), Women in World Journalism Pointer Publishers ISBN:
News media produced by, for and about women have long been crucial
mechanisms by which women can define the alternative visions of womanhood
and cultivate new socio-political landscapes. Alternative news media advocated
versions of women’s social, political, and cultural roles that were quite different
from those proposed by or imposed by mainstream media. Such media have
enabled women to exchange and share news unlikely to find a home in mainstream
media institutions and to develop journalistic and media skills. This book describes
the entry of women into journalism, their struggles to gain equality and their
determined efforts to ensure that their voice too was heard. Women journalists all
over the world more or less face the same kind of problem initially-the resistance
to their entry by their male colleagues.
11. Ved Prakash Gandhi (2007), Electronic Media Communication and
Management, Elements and Areas, Kanishka Publishers, Distributors, ISBN:
This book provides an introductory overview of electronic media and the systems
involved such as management information system and electronic mail message
systems. After the introductory overview, focus shifts to radio, radio-news, radio-
commentary and other associated features. An attempt has been made to create of
comprehensive understanding of the inherent powers of news media in modern day
12. Robin Jeffrey (2000) India's Newspaper Revolution: Capitalism, Politics
and the Indian-Language Press 1977-99,Oxford University Press, SBN:
This book shines a light into a black hole: the revolution in India's newspapers, and
the reading habits of its people, since the late 1970s. Although scholars have
written exhaustively about the centrality of print for the making of the modern
west, the transformation of Indian-language newspapers has passed almost
unnoticed. Spotlighting vast yet neglected changes, India's Newspaper Revolution
engages not only social scientists and historians, but advertising, marketing and
media practitioners. While newspapers elsewhere struggle to hold readers, Indian
daily circulations have increased by close to 500 per cent in twenty years. The
book pinpoints the role of advertising in propelling a print boom in ten major
Indian languages;
13. K.B. Datta ,(2005) Mass Media in India, Akansha Publishing House,
ISBN: 81-8370-001
The present book is a compilation of informative articles on Mass Media in general
and its status in India in particular, provides basic information on the topic in
historical perspective. Traditional Mass Media in India; Print Media: Evolution and
Development; News Coverage for Masses; Newspapers as Mass Media; The Print
Media in Information Age; Video Flow into India; Television and Mass
Communication; Television Policy in India; Television and social Change.
14. Paranjoy Guha Thakurta(2011), Media Ethics: Truth Fairness and
Objectivity, Oxford University Press, Second Expanded Edition ISBN:
The book discusses in detail about various aspects of media ethics such as- Truth,
Fairness, Objectivity, Information Sources, Sensitivity. Privacy, Media market,
Paid News Corruption in the Indian Media, Media Laws. Sting Journalism,
Web2.0. Ethics of Advertising, Ethics of Public Relations, Media Freedom. The
book is aimed at sensitizing aspiring media students to issues faced by working
professionals. It offers a theoretical rationale for acting in an ethical manner and
provides practical guidelines as well. approach, the book is useful to those who are
working as journalists and have to frequently confront ethical issues while
fulfilling their professional obligations.
15. Jagadish Chakravarthy (2004), Changing Trends in Public Broadcasting
Journalism, Authors press, ISBN: 8172731876
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the changing trends in global
broadcasting systems. All major issue are explained in terms of examples from the
real world. It is hoped that the book will serve as a valuable reference work for
decision-makers, planners, researchers, students, media professionals and the
general public."
16. Name of the book: Author/Authors: -Peter Steven(2005), The No-Nonsense
Guide to Global Media. Rawat Publisher ISBN: 8170339405
From the silver screen to pay-per-view TV, the media are a significant force in
society; and never more so than now, in the era of globalization. This No-Nonsense
Guide introduces the political economy of the major media - film, television, radio,
recording, publishing and the internet - from mega-mergers to new technologies.
Author Peter Steven also emphasizes the diversity of local media production and
audiences and their responses around the world
17. Stuart Allan and Einar Thorsen ED.(2009), Citizen Journalism: Global
Perspectives, Peter Lang (New York) ISBN:9781 43310295-0
The book, Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives examines the spontaneous
actions of ordinary people, caught up in extraordinary events, who felt compelled
to adopt the role of a news reporter. This collection draws together 21 original,
thought-provoking chapters.
18.. P.V. L. Narasimha Rao(2011) Style in Journalism, Roadworthy
Publications Pt. Ltd. ISBN: 9350180251
With the phenomenal growth of newspapers and periodicals in India, their styles
have become as unique as the identities of individuals. Keeping track of the
changing scenario in the Indian English press, this book presents a critical study of
stylistic variations followed by leading dailies and periodicals. The exposition is
supported by an in-depth analysis of historic case studies like Indira Gandhi's
assassination, Bhopal gas tragedy and terrorism in Punjab.
19. Ruchi Jaggi ,February 3, 2010, Trends in Indian Journalism,
The article looks at the transformation of Indian journalism in the context of
changing newspaper content, commercialization and sensationalism. In a nutshell,
journalism became a more glamorous and pro-active profession. The trend of
media trials adorned with sensationalism has taken away a major chunk of
credibility from it. Media’s representation of causes and the phenomenon of media
trials have also brought in a public awakening long-awaited in the otherwise
somber state of social slumber.
20. Prof. Pradeep Mathur, July-Dec. 2006, Media, Technology and Rural
Development, Indian Media Studies Journal • Vol.1 • No.1.
Rural Development is need of the hour for a country like India, which is on the
threshold of being a big world power with the capacity to influencing the course of
events on our planet. However, this is a dream which we can realize only when we
are a country with no internal dissensions and strife, a country with affair
economic system and cohesive social order .In fact the essence of development lies
not in a regimented system where none dares to disagree but in all -inclusive
dispensation in which every one plays an equal role. The quest for rural
development must lead us in the direction of empowering those sections of society
who are in the need of being empowered.
21. Alok Verma 14 January 2003, Indian media should gear up for technology
impact Indiantelevision dot com's yearender
The new technologies are accelerating a shift of power away from traditional
voices of authority in journalism and politics. However, new media designers
predict that the day-to-day mass audience will splinter further into niches, because
people will want to create their own customized flows of information. In politics,
citizens already are treated as demographic niches, and our common values rarely
are addressed. The new technologies offer journalists not only the potential perils
of competition and scrutiny but also the potential benefits of an expanded role:
connecting citizens to information and to each other.
22. Haas Tanni, Professor, 2011, The state of public journalism today, Journal
of Global Communication, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
Drawing on various sources of evidence, this brief article shows that news
organizations’ commitment to public journalism is best characterized as
ambiguous. Following a description of the Associated Press Managing Editors’
efforts to promote public journalism through its “National Credibility Roundtables
Project”, and other ongoing public journalism initiatives around the world, it
discusses a number of efforts to nurture a critical public sphere about journalism
through so-called “editorial (board) blogs”.
23 Vineet Kaul, 2012, The Pros and Cons of New Media and Media Freedom,
Kaul, J Mass Commun Journalism 2012, 2:5
In Asian Countries media freedom is a controversial issue, on one side right to
information and freedom of expression is provided on other side media regulations
and Press laws are ready to curb the media freedom. New media often get involved
in struggles for new freedoms. This article is to discuss issues of new media in the
governance of freedom of press. The Internet is an indispensable source of
information today. At the same time, the freedom of new media - like other media -
is dynamically related to the overall societal context as regards press freedom
dispensations. Old and new media realms do have different issues, and there are
particular matters for developing countries.
24. Dr. Jain Sonika, 2010, Understanding Observation—A Tool in Media
Research, Media Watch, Volume: 1, Issue: 2. Print ISSN : 0976-0911.
This article is based on secondary research undertaken by the author and is aimed
at encouraging a discussion on the often ignored research tool called observational
method used in media research especially those that are qualitative in nature. The
article clarifies that observation manifests in two dimensions where the first refers
to the degree of participation of the researcher in the situation which is being
studied this ranges from direct observation to participant observation.
25. S. Nordqvist, M. Picha, May 23, 2007,Mobile e-paper devices– changing
media habits and challenging traditional journalism
In only a few years time, we will see a dramatic change on the media market when
handheld mobile e-paper devices make their entry into everyone's daily life. In this
paper we want to focus on what the media landscape will look like in a few years,
especially when it comes to consumers, technology, and media companies. How
will the innovation of e-readers change the profession and business of journalism?
The concept of mobile e-reading All across the world, reading news, books, and
personal documents on different kinds of mobile devices are already under way.

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