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1. Discuss three theories that can be applied in the conceptual model.

Classical Condition Theory

Classical conditioning has been applied in marketing and advertising to influence consumer
behavior, particularly in relation to packaging. By pairing a product with certain sensory cues,
such as color, shape, or texture, companies can create a conditioned response in consumers that
increases their desire to purchase the product.
For example, a food company may use bright, eye-catching colors on its packaging, which can
become associated with the taste and quality of the food. Over time, consumers may develop a
positive conditioned response to these colors, leading them to choose a particular brand over
others with less appealing packaging.
Similarly, the shape and texture of a product's packaging can also influence consumer behavior.
For example, a beverage company may use a distinctive bottle shape or texture that becomes
associated with the taste and quality of the product. This can create a positive conditioned
response in consumers, leading them to choose that brand over others with less appealing
Overall, classical conditioning can be a powerful tool for companies looking to influence
consumer behavior through packaging. By carefully selecting sensory cues and pairing them with
their products, companies can create positive associations in the minds of consumers, leading to
increased sales and brand loyalty.

Theory of Planned Behavior

The theory of planned behavior is a psychological model that explains how people's attitudes,
beliefs, and intentions influence their behavior. This theory has been applied in marketing and
advertising to understand how consumers make decisions about purchasing products, including
those related to packaging.
According to the theory of planned behavior, people's behavior is influenced by three factors:
their attitudes toward the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control.
Attitudes refer to an individual's beliefs and feelings about a particular behavior or object, such
as their perception of the value or quality of a product's packaging. Subjective norms refer to the
social pressure and influence of others on an individual's behavior, such as the opinions of
friends or family members about a product's packaging. Perceived behavioral control refers to an
individual's perceived ability to perform the behavior, such as their ability to open or use a
product's packaging.
When it comes to packaging, the theory of planned behavior suggests that companies can
influence consumer behavior by influencing their attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived
behavioral control related to the packaging. For example, companies may create packaging that
is aesthetically pleasing, easy to use, or eco-friendly, which can improve consumer attitudes
toward the product and increase the perceived behavioral control. Companies may also use
marketing campaigns or social media influencers
to create positive subjective norms around their packaging, such as promoting the packaging as
trendy or high-quality. Overall, the theory of planned behavior can help companies understand
how consumers

make decisions about packaging and how they can influence those decisions by targeting
attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. By creating packaging that aligns
with these factors, companies can increase the likelihood that consumers will choose their
product over competitors.

Theory of Perceived Value

The theory of perceived value is a marketing concept that explains how consumers perceive the
value of a product or service based on their perception of the benefits they will receive and the
cost they will incur. In packaging, the theory of perceived value suggests that consumers make
purchasing decisions based on their perception of the value of the product's packaging.
Perceived value in packaging can be influenced by several factors, including the design,
functionality, and materials used in the packaging. For example, a product with packaging that is
visually appealing, easy to use, and made from sustainable materials may be perceived as having
higher value by consumers than a product with plain, difficult to open, and non-sustainable
Furthermore, the perceived value of packaging can also be influenced by the product's price. If a
product's packaging is perceived to be of high value, consumers may be willing to pay a higher
price for the product. Conversely, if the packaging is perceived to be of low value, consumers
may be less willing to pay a higher price.
The theory of perceived value in packaging can be used by companies to design packaging that
aligns with consumer preferences and increases the likelihood of a purchase. By creating
packaging that is visually appealing, functional, and sustainable, companies can increase the
perceived value of their product and attract consumers who value those characteristics.
Additionally, companies can use pricing strategies that align with the perceived value of their
packaging to maximize profits and increase customer satisfaction.
2. Suggest which theory is most suitable and why.
The theory of consumer perceived value is suitable for the packaging concept because packaging
plays a crucial role in shaping a consumer's perception of a product's benefits and value.
Packaging is often the first point of contact between a consumer and a product. It can convey
information about the product's features, benefits, and quality, and can also create an emotional
connection with the consumer. A well-designed and effective package can enhance the
perceived value of a product by providing functional benefits, creating a positive emotional
response, and indicating environmental responsibility. It also provides a framework for
understanding how packaging influences a consumer's perception of a product's value

3. Write referenced definitions of all the variables in your model

➢ Packaging aesthetics: Packaging aesthetics refers to the visual and sensory appeal of a
product's packaging. Aesthetics can influence a consumer's perception of a product's
quality, value, and desirability. Aesthetics can be achieved through a variety of design
elements, including color, typography, graphics, texture, shape, and material choice.

➢ Eco-Labeling: Eco-labeling refers to the process of labeling products and packaging with
environmental information, such as their environmental impact, sustainability, or eco-
friendliness. Eco-labels can take different forms, such as logos, symbols, or text, and can
be voluntary or mandatory.

➢ Packaging Utility: packaging utility refers to the practical and functional aspects of
packaging that provide value to consumers. Utility can include a variety of features and
benefits, such as protection, preservation, convenience, and portability.

➢ Brand Image: Brand image refers to the perception or impression that consumers have
of a brand. It encompasses a variety of factors, including the brand's reputation,
personality, values, quality, and overall image. Brand image can be shaped by a variety
of factors, including marketing efforts, product quality, customer experiences, and
public perception.

➢ Purchase Intention: Purchase intention refers to a consumer's willingness or

inclination to buy a particular product or service in the near future. It reflects the
probability that a consumer will make a purchase based on their current interest in the
product, its perceived value, and their overall financial situation.

4. How these variables relate with each other in the light of the selected
Packaging utility, packaging aesthetics, eco-labeling, brand image and purchase intention are all
factors that can impact a consumer's perceived value of a product. When combined, these
factors can work together to enhance the perceived value of a product in the eyes of the
Packaging utility refers to the functional benefits that packaging provides to consumers, such as
protection, convenience, and ease of use. If a product's packaging provides these functional
benefits in a way that meets the consumer's needs, it can increase the perceived value of the
product by making it more useful and convenient.
Packaging aesthetics, on the other hand, refers to the visual design elements of a product's
packaging, such as its color, shape, and graphics. If a product's packaging is aesthetically
pleasing, it can create a positive emotional response in the consumer and enhance the perceived
value of the product by making it more visually appealing and attractive.
Eco-labeling refers to product labeling that indicates the environmental attributes of a product,
such as its level of sustainability or carbon footprint. If a product is labeled as eco-friendly, it can
increase the perceived value of the product by creating additional benefits beyond the product's
core functionality, such as being better for the environment or more socially responsible.
Moreover, these variables build a positive brand image in the consumer’s mind and increase
their purchase intention
5. Illustrate your Conceptual Model

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