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The present study sought to the relationship between the length-weight of the Chevron
snakehead (Channa striatus) to its chemical composition. Samples were collected from
October 2016 till January 2017 from streams in UPMKB, Bintulu. Total length, standard
length and weight for each whole sample were measured prior to preparation for proximate
analysis (lipid, ash and crude protein). Lipid and protein content were analyzed and
calculated based on wet weight basis. The results obtained showed that
Log10W=3.1122Log10L - 2.2619 where r2 is 0.9683 for the length weight relationship equation
of W=0.0048L3.094. Analysis using correlation indicated no significant relationship between
weight and protein but showed there was a significant relationship between weight and

Channa striata, commonly known as the striped snakehead belongs to the family Channidae
and is known locally in Malaysia as “ikan haruan”, other names for this fish include the
common snakehead, snakehead murrel and the chevron snakehead. It is a commonly
occurring species which can be found in a variety of freshwater bodies including ditches,
swamps, streams and paddy fields. This fish has a widespread natural range which spreads
from South Asia to the majority of South East Asian countries. Snakeheads are commonly
consumed throughout their natural geographic range and are of considerable economic
importance. In South East Asia snakeheads are sought after for their supposed medicinal
properties (Jais, 2007).In Malaysia Channa striata is most often consumed as a traditional
therapeutic agent for treating wounds and relieving pain especially for recovery from
childbirth and surgical operations ( Siti Zubaidah et. al, 2015). Over the past few decades
scientific research has shown evidence of the medicinal properties in consuming Channa
striata (Allah et. al., 2014). Interestingly recent genetic studies have shown that Channa
striata is in fact a species complex (Conte-Grand et al., 2017). Commercial aquaculture of
the snakehead has been carried out extensively in countries such as the Philippines, China,
Thailand and Indonesia (Jais, 2007). However, wild caught snakeheads still hold a premium
over cultured stock as they are regarded as tastier and healthier than their cultured
counterparts (Nurul Amin et al. 2014).

The relationship between length and weight is an important aspect of ichthyology. The size
of an organism includes both length and weight which increases during development. There
has been a fair amount of studies conducted on various aspects of length-weight
relationship, growth and condition factor for species of the genus Channa (Kumar et. al.,
2013), however less studies have been conducted regarding the relationship between
length-weight to chemical composition of the species. In fish, the length –weight
relationship can help to establish variations in expected weight from a known length group
which in turn can be used to yield useful biological information. Thus the purpose of this
study was to determine the relationship between the length and weight of wild caught
striped snakehead Channa striata and its chemical composition (protein, crude lipid,
moisture, dry matter and ash).
2.0 Methodology

50 fish of various sizes were collected from stagnant and flowing water bodies within the
UPMKB campus grounds. Captured fish were transferred live to the nutrition lab of the
Department of Animal Science and Fisheries UPMKB. Fish were euthanized using an
overdose of MS222 and wet weight was recorded after draining the buccal cavity and blot
drying samples. Samples were subsequently stored in a deep freezer at a temperature
below 0oC.

2.1 Chemical Analysis

Moisture content from samples was determined based on the AOAC procedure using a
forced air oven at 135oC for 3 hours at then repeated at 30 minutes intervals until a constant
weight was achieved. The subsequent loss in weight was calculated as the moisture
content. The crude lipid content was quantified using the chloroform methanol lipid
extraction (Bligh and Dyer 1959). The determinations of crude protein were carried out
using Kjeldahl method based on the AOAC Kjeldahl procedure. The estimation of ash was
carried out according to procedures by AOAC through dry-ashing in a muffle furnace at
600oC for 3 hours.

2.2 Statistical Analysis

The analysis of covariance was performed to determine the variation in ‘b” for each
chemical composition. The statistical significance of isometric exponent (b) was analysed
through a function ts=(b-3)/Sb (Soskal and Rohlf, 1987) where ts is the ‘t” student statistical
test value, ‘b’ is the slope and Sb is the standard error of ‘b’. Comparative analysis between
the obtained values of the t-test and each respective critical values allowed for the
determination of the ‘b’ values whether statistically significant or not which in turn allowed
for division into either isometric range (b=3) or allometric range (negative allometric: b<3).
The statistical software R was used for analysing data.
3.0 Results and Discussion

The equation for the length weight relationship of snakehead Channa striata was
determined as W = 0.0056L3.1075. The value of ‘b’ for snakehead as determined in this study
was 3.1075 (b> 3). This is in agreement with Schneider et. al (2000) which stated that the
value of b is close to 3 for all species of fish. The results indicate that the growth of
snakehead Channa striatais is positive allometric meaning that weight increases faster than
length. No relationship between ash and length-weight could be determined. The results of
this study showed that an increase in lipid content correlated to increasing fish size. The
study also determined that crude protein content was negatively correlated to weight
although no statistical significance could be determined. This is in agreement with Gam et.
al (2006) which stated that smaller snakeheads contained significantly higher amounts of
protein than larger individuals. The results of the study indicates that there is a significant
relationship between weight and lipid content of snakehead Channa striata whereas no
significant relationship could be determined for ash and crude protein.


700 f(x) = 0.00557172279377148 x^3.10754157561228

R² = 0.968258772035841


Total Weight (g)






10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Total length (cm)

Figure 1: Length weight relationship of snakehead Channa striata


f(x) = 3.11223197584658 x − 2.26189224966483
Log totalR²weight
= 0.968132058813991



1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7

Log total length

Figure 2: Log transformed data of total length and total weight of snakehead Channa striata

Table 1: Pearson Correlation Coefficients of ash and weight where N = 50 Prob > |r| under
H0: Rho=0

  Ash weight
Ash 1.0000 0.1298
0 4


weight 0.1298 1.0000

4 0





f(x) = 0.0197584167600488 x + 75.7592187539621

ash dm basis R² = 0.0168595748883045




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Total weight (g)

Figure 3: The relationship between ash and total weight of snakehead

Table 2: Pearson’s Correlation Coefficients of lipid and weight where N = 50 Prob > |r| under
H0: Rho=0

  lipid weight
lipid 1.00000 0.36088


weigh 0.36088 1.00000





Lipid (g)
f(x) = 0.0535917278091353 x + 20.3849727937228
R² = 0.130237856169297


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Total weight (g)

Figure 4: the relationship between lipid and total weight

Table 3: Pearson’s Correlation Coefficients of crude protein and weight where N = 50 Prob >
|r| under and H0: Rho=0

  protein weight
protein 1.00000 -0.16569


weight - 1.00000

f(x) = − 0.0188300003931067 x + 161.942639185093
140 R² = 0.0274516697408744

Crude protein (g)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Total weight (g)

Figure 5: Relationship between crude protein and total weight

4.0 Conclusion

The results from the present study indicate that there is a significant relationship between
the weight of the chevron snakehead and their lipid content. However the results also
indicated that there was no significant relationship between the weight of the chevron
snakehead and both crude protein and ash content.
Thus, further studies are required to further elucidate that relationship between length and
weight and the biochemical composition of this species.

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Putra Malaysia, Malaysia.” Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 12(2): 979–

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