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i am grateful for the laptop i have

i am grateful for the sleep i got to complete today

i am grateful for the bed i am sitting on
i am grateful for all the things i have
i am grateful for the parents i got to get wellwishes from


1 Rs 5000 in 10 days
2 68 kg in 12 days
3 starting up a buisness
4 20 rejections 5 talks with new girls everyday
5 no acne


1 healthy
2 discipline
3 gratitudeness
4 humility
5 Carefree

didn;t wake up early today , just did some timepass after waking up , need to sleep
early and make an alaram for sleep at 8 .. if i can do that i am good to go nad my
day would mostly be perfect .
i just wrote my values and goals which i would write everyday from now and follow
thwm too
so heres my todays routine
10 :40 meditation and kaizen
11 brkfast
11:30 90 min
1 break
1 :10 60 min
2:10 60 min
3:10 block
5 insta
5:20 gym
7 dinner
8 sleep

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