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Corporate Payments System (CPS)

Product Manual
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Copyright © 2018 Nedbank Ltd. All rights reserved.

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this document may be reproduced in any way without written permission from Nedbank Ltd.

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The recipient of this document agrees to keep this document confidential and to not use or
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Throughout this document the user/reader is referred to as he/him. This is for ease of reading
and should be taken to also mean she/her.




Corporate Payments System (CPS)
Product Manual


About this manual 7

1.1 About the Nedbank Corporate Payment System 8
1.2 CPS Payments Offering 8
1.2.1 EFT Credit 8
1.2.2 Real Time Payments 8
1.2.3 Send iMali 9
1.2.4 Ecobank (ETI) Solution 9
1.3 CPS Collections Offering 10
1.3.1 Normal or EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) debit orders 10
1.3.2 Early Debit Orders 10
1.3.3 DebiCheck 10 How users benefit from DebiCheck 11 Other benefits include: 11
1.4. Benefits of utilising the Nedbank Corporate Payment System 12


2.0 Processes and rules for EFT debit orders & NAEDO 13
2.1 General mandate rules 13
2.2 Abbreviated Short Names 14
2.3 Accuracy of account and branch numbers 14
2.4 Mandates 14
2.4.1 Written mandates 14
2.4.2 Voice-recorded mandates 14
2.5 Disputes 15
2.5.1 Disputes lodged within 40 calendar days after the debit order action
date 15
2.5.2 Disputes lodged more than 40 calendar days after the debit order
action date 15
2.6 Returns and Unpaid debit orders 16
2.6.1 Rules and exceptions regarding Returns and Unpaids 16
3.0 Processes and rules for DebiCheck 17
3.1 How DebiCheck debit orders are processed 17
3.2 Measures to eliminate fraud/unauthorised collections 17
3.3 Abbreviated Short Name (ASN) 17
3.4 DebiCheck transaction types for mandate registration 18
3.5 Payment types 21
3.6 Mandates 21
3.6.1 Mandate types 22
3.6.2 Requirements for all mandate types 22
3.6.3 Mandate authentication 24
3.6.4 Mandate management 24


3.6.5 Mandate amendment 25
3.6.6 Mandate cancellation 25
3.7 Disputes 25
3.7.1 Dispute ratios 26
3.8 Validations on payment instruction 26
3.9 Responsibilities 27
3.9.1 Sponsoring Bank (Nedbank) 27
3.9.2 System Operator and third party payment providers 28
3.9.3 Users 29
3.10 Client confidentiality 29
3.11 Stop Payments 29


4.1 Technical requirements and process of enablement 30
4.2 Client profile setup options 30
4.3 Rejection percentage 32
4.4 Transaction accumulation options 33
4.5 Unpaid instructions 33
4.6 Limits 33
4.7 Available balance 35
4.8 Front-end file authorisation 35
4.9 Client responsibilities 35
4.10 Provision of data 35
4.11 Cut-off times 36
4.12 Early debit order 41
4.13 Beneficiary directory file 42
4.14 Unpaid transactions 42

Transport mechanisms 43
5.0 Connect:Direct 43
5.1 Outgoing files – EFT/ NAEDO (client to Nedbank) 43
5.1.1 Transaction instruction file 44
5.1.2 Disallow instruction file 44
5.2 Incoming files (Nedbank to client) 48
5.2.1 NACK file 48
5.2.2 ACK file 53 ACK file layout 54
5.2.3 Duplicate file 57
5.2.4 Unpaids file 58
5.2.5 NAEDOS response file/s 61
5.3 DebiCheck debit orders 65
5.3.1 Mandates management 65
5.4 Web Services 103
5.4.1 Mandate Management – Initiation, Amendment and Cancellation 103
5.4.2 Acknowledgement of online mandate requests 117
5.5 Mandate Enquiry 118
5.5.1 Response Signature 120
5.6 How to know if the mandate is accepted 124
5.6.1 Mandate Enquiry 124
5.6.2 Call Back Web Service/Messaging Queue (MQ) 124
5.7 Messaging Queue 132
5.7.1 Mandate Management 132
5.7.2 Mandate Enquiry 132


5.7.3 Client Preferences for Mandates 132
5.7.4 Client Preferences for Collection 141
5.7.5 Client Preferences for Dispute 141
5.8. Ecobank (ETI) Solution 142
5.8.1 Outgoing files – ETI 142 Requirements 142 Message Layouts 144 Pain.001 Message 144 Payment Initiation Message – Domestic Payment
(Pain.001.001.03) 145 Payment Initiation Message – ETI Payment (Pain.001.001.03) 149
5.8.2. Incoming Files 154 Requirements 154 Status Report – SR001: Transformation Layer ACK/ NACK
(Pain.002.001.03) 155 Status Report - SR002: ETI ACK/ NACK (Pain.002.001.03) 157 Status Report - SR003: CPS ACK/ NACK (Pain.002.001.03) 159 Status Report - SR005: ETI Response (Pain.002.001.03) 161 Status Report - SR006: Unpaids (Pain.002.001.03) 163
5.9 Connectivity 165
5.9.1 Hardware and software requirements for Connect:Direct 166
5.10 Security 168
5.10.1 Sterling Secure Proxy 168
5.10.2 Secure Plus 170
5.11 Testing 171
5.12 CPS Billing 173
5.13 Checklist 174
5.14 Client services 174



DebiCheck Interface Requirements 183

Appendix A – Mandate Cancellation Reason Codes 183
Appendix B – Mandate Frequency Codes 184
Appendix C – Account Types 185
Appendix D – Service Identification Codes 185
Appendix E – Mandate Amendment Reason Codes 187
Appendix F – Debit Entry Class Codes 187
Appendix G – Table of Error Codes 188
Appendix H – Payment Status Group Codes 197
Appendix J – Mandate Rejected Reason Codes 197
Appendix K – Debit Sequence Types 197
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules 198
Appendix M – Amendment Rules 200
Appendix N – Return Codes at Header Level 205
Appendix O – Message Element Names 205
Appendix P – Tracking Codes 208
Appendix Q – Dispute Rules 208
Appendix R – Additional Rules 210
Appendix R1 – Suspension Rules 210
Cycle Date Rule 210


Duplicate Check Rule 211
Appendix S – Real Time and Batch Element Combinations 211
Appendix T – Participating Banks 212
Appendix U – 6 and 7 Day Collections Processing 212
Appendix V – Local Instrument Codes 214
Appendix W – Payment Cancellation Reason Codes 215
Appendix X – External Return Reason Codes – Mandates 216
Appendix Y – Mandate Paper and Voice Contract 217
Appendix AA – Mandate Status Reason Codes (MDTE) 219
Appendix AB – Mandate Status Reasons (Batch Response and EOD Status
Report) 219
Appendix AC – Permitted Character Set 220

EFT Debit Orders 221

Appendix 2A: EFT Written Mandate 221
Appendix 2B: Standard for EFT Voice-recorded Mandate 223

Appendix 3A: NAEDO Written Mandate 224
Appendix 3B: Standard for NAEDO Voice-recorded Mandate 226

EFT debit order and NAEDO 227

Appendix 4A: EFT Debit Order and NAEDO confirmation to accountholder

EFT debit order and NAEDO: Interface requirements 228

Appendix 5A: NAEDOS Entry Class Codes 228
Appendix 5B: ACB Entry Class Codes 229
Appendix 5C: ACB Unpaid Reason Codes 230
Appendix 5D: NAEDOS Response Codes 231

DebiCheck Business Requirements 232

Appendix 6A: Data Elements Business Requirements 232

Document references 236




About this manual
This manual consists of the following three main sections:

A. A introduction to the CPS system and debit orders in South Africa

B. The requirements and processing rules that apply to:

• Normal / EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) debit orders;
• NAEDO (Non-Authenticated Early Debit Orders); and
• DebiCheck (Authenticated Collections).

C. The steps and technical requirements when setting up the Corporate Payment
System (CPS) functionality between Nedbank and a client organisation.

This manual uses icons to highlight information items and tasks that must be completed by the
client, Nedbank or both. These icons are as follows:

Icon Description



Very important information





1.1 About the Nedbank Corporate Payment System

The Corporate Payments System (CPS) is Nedbank’s host-to-host solution that provides organisations
with a convenient way to send high- and low-volume transactions directly from their line-of-business
(LOB) systems to Nedbank. This secure solution allows direct data exchange between the organisation
and Nedbank. The CPS host to host offering further provides the user with both Payments and
Collections functionality.

1.2 CPS Payments Offering

Payments services are critical to any organisation as these services are often utilised for salaries,
creditors, wages etc. The CPS host to host solution has the following payment services available for
the user’s consumption:
1.2.1. EFT Credit
1.2.2. Real Time Clearing
1.2.3. Send I-Mali

1.2.1 EFT Credit

The EFT Credit Service enables the user to process payments to a third party entirely by computerised
means without any manual intervention. The user accepts that these payments will not be made
immediately but either later that same day or on a future date.

These credits may be processed against current, savings and transmission accounts, and - under
certain circumstances – bonds, loans and subscription share accounts. Transactions greater than R5
million Rand will be processed using the real time capability as directed by the South African Reserve
Bank (SARB).

The user is required to ensure that the correct beneficiary account number and branch code are
provided to the bank when issuing the payment instruction as all processing/transfer of funds is
performed solely based on this account number and branch code.

1.2.2 Real Time Payments

A Real Time transaction is an electronic credit payment instruction issued by the user to transfer funds
to the account of a beneficiary/ third party within as short as a time period of 60 seconds.




The real time payment instruction submitted by the user can be processed via Real Time Clearing
(RTC) or Real time Line (RTL)/ Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS).

The RTC service is commonly utilised in instances whereby the user requires the funds to reflect
immediately on the beneficiary’s account. The maximum transaction amount which can be processed
over the RTC service is R 5 million. It should be noted that not all South African banks participate in
the RTC environment, hence if a real time payment is required to be processed to a non participating
bank, the payment will route to the destination bank via the RTL/ RTGS service.

The RTL/ RTGS service is primarily utilised for the processing of higher value payments (i.e. payments
greater than R5 million) and payments to non-participating RTC banks. When transactions are
processed via RTL/ RTGS, the time period up to which the beneficiary’s account will reflect the funds
can span to an hour.

As part of the CPS Real Time offering the user has 3 options available to him, which are as follows:
• Real Time Only – all user transactions are processed via RTL/ RTGS regardless of value of payment
• RTL Choice by Client – the user has the ability to stipulate on the file which transaction needs to
be processed via RTC or RTGS
• RTC Choice by Bank – the user provides Nedbank with the option of choosing the manner in which
the transactions within the file are processed depending on bank participation in the RTC
environment i.e. via RTC or RTGS

1.2.3 Send iMali

Send iMali via CPS is a single or bulk money transfer capability, enabling payment from the user’s line
of business directly to a valid South African cell phone number. CPS allows a minimum of R20 and a
maximum amount of R4000 per transaction to be processed. Transactions can only be sent in
multiples of R10. Recipients are notified via sms of the transfer of funds and have two days to
withdraw the full amount (i.e. no partial withdrawals) at no cost to them.
Should the funds not be withdrawn within the two day timeframe, the funds are returned to the user
as an unpaid.

1.2.4 Ecobank (ETI) Solution

The Ecobank (ETI) Solution allows for users to submit payment files to Nedbank for onward payment
to any Ecobank account holder, irrespective if the country in which he may reside. The ETI solution is
enabled via the Nedbank CPS integration to the Ecobank Host to Host system. Files submitted to
Nedbank, by the user, are forwarded onto Ecobank for processing and payment to the destination
account holder.

It is important to note that the client is required to be a joint client of both

Nedbank and Ecobank with accounts at both institutions to allow for the
onward payment processing as values are transferred domestically.




1.3 CPS Collections Offering

The CPS solution provides the user with various mechanisms to facilitate collections. A debit order is
the primary collection method used by a user to provide the bank with instructions to recover funds
from the account of a paying customer or accountholder who has given them authority (a mandate)
to do so via a signed physical or electronic document or a voice-recording.

Debit orders can typically fall into the three categories as follows:

1.3.1 Normal or EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) debit orders

An EFT debit or Normal Debit Order is a collection mechanism which is available to the user as part of
the CPS Host to Host Offering. In order for the collection to be processed, the user is required to
obtain authorisation from the consumer to debit his bank account. This authorisation is typically
provided by the consumer in the form of an electronic, paper or voice mandate to debit his bank
account with a specific amount on a certain date.

1.3.2 Early Debit Orders

South Africa is the only country in the world that uses the Early Debit Order (EDO) collection system.
It has existed since 2006 and consists of payment streams for:
• AEDO (Authenticated Early Debit Orders);
The AEDO collection method allows for the customer to authorise the debit order using his
debit/ cheque or credit card and associated pin.
• NAEDO (Non-Authenticated Early Debit Orders).
The NAEDO system allows for the use of paper-based or voice-recorded mandates to
authorise debit order transactions. This has been a significant contributor to the growing
numbers of questionable debits and resulting increase in disputes and reversals of successful
transactions by customers. For this reason, this form of debit order is being phased out.

1.3.3 DebiCheck
In recent years, the payments industry in South Africa has seen a steady rise in debit order abuse. This
includes a significant increase in debit orders processed to bank accounts without a mandate from
consumers as well as the reversal of legitimate debit orders by consumers.

To protect users and consumers the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) and Payments Association of
South Africa (PASA) instructed all banks to implement an enhanced debit order solution. DebiCheck
is the industry’s response to this instruction.

DebiCheck allows consumers to provide an electronic confirmation to their bank - using card and PIN
technology – of the mandate initiated by the user. The mandate contains specific details of the debit
order such as the amount, date of collection and frequency of collection.




Prior to processing the debit order, the bank is able to compare the payment instruction it receives
from the user against the authenticated mandate received from the consumer to ensure that the
transaction meets all the agreed criteria.

This authentication process gives the user certainty of payment, protects consumers from fraudulent
or incorrect debits, and significantly reduces the potential for disputes.

1 Companies currently using the NAEDO payment type can continue to

do so until 1 October 2020.
2 Existing NAEDO will be phased out until fully replaced by DebiCheck.
3 No new NAEDO will be allowed from 1 May 2020.

DebiCheck is being implemented in phases over two-and-a-half years. This allows companies to
accommodate existing or current mandates that are processed in the early processing window (EPW)
for a limited period.

The migration from EDO to DebiCheck will be managed according to the directive from the SARB. As
of 1 November 2021, only DebiCheck debit orders will be processed in the early-debit-order
processing window. All other debit orders will be processed as EFT debit orders. How users benefit from DebiCheck

While DebiCheck delivers significant benefits to the payments processing industry as a whole, and all
its participants, the system is especially beneficial to users:
• with a technologically advanced infrastructure and entrenched processes in their line-of-
business system, for example Oracle, SAP or Pastel;
• that require a high degree of automation for transaction processing and reconciliation;
• that require early debit order window processing;
• that process large volumes of transactions; and/or
• that require the ability to track successful debit order processing and represent debit orders
for up to 10 consecutive days. Other benefits include:

• Reduced dispute ratios due to upfront authentication of mandates and improved dispute
monitoring processes.
• Upfront information for consumers about debits authorised for processing against their bank
• Improved tracking process to quickly identify if any debit orders have been processed illegally.
• Verification of the consumer account during mandates registration to help reduce fraud.




• Ease of use thanks to mechanisms for users to confirm and update mandates themselves.
• The ability to collect money in the Early Processing Window.
• Detailed reports on the mandate life cycle to ensure compliance with banks’ mandate
• Credit tracking for up to 10 days.
• Full compliance with industry regulations.
• Secure and guaranteed output between the user and Nedbank.

1.4. Benefits of utilising the Nedbank Corporate Payment System

Bulk processing • Transactions can be processed in bulk allowing for users to

process a higher volume of transactions.
• User can benefit from the efficiency gains associated with
bulk processing
Improved turnaround times • High- or low-volume electronic funds transfer (EFT)
transactions are done quicker.
More effective control and • Total control over the management of collection activities
working capital management and daily financials.
• Up-to-date information for financial and operational
purposes, resulting in improved cash flow management
and reconciliation.
Enhanced accuracy and • Full automation with no manual intervention reduces the
security risk of fraud and human error.
Improved systems and • Better collections and collection rates through credit
processes if the DebiCheck tracking.
option is used in conjunction • Industry standardisation leads to reduced development
with CPS and systems integration time and effort.
• The variable mandates option allows you to manage
preferred mandates on a daily and monthly basis during
peak periods.
• Volumes of unpaids are reduced.
Improved protection • Lower risk of consumer abuse.
• Reduced risk of forged disputes and queries by consumers,
resulting in better business operations.
• Reduced operation risk due to the secure file processing
• No manual intervention and related human error.
Control over the credit limit/ • Credit limit or available balance as per organisation’s
available balance requirement

Management of limits • The variable limit option allows the organisation to

manage preferred limits on a daily and monthly basis
during peak periods





2.0 Processes and rules for EFT debit orders & NAEDO
The rules and requirements specific to EFT debit orders and NAEDOs are as follows:

2.1 General mandate rules

• Before any EFT debit order or NAEDO can be processed, the following is required:
• A copy of the written mandate signed by the accountholder; or
• The voice-recorded mandate (reduced to writing within 30 days from the date of
accountholder authorisation and conforming to the minimum requirements set out in
Appendix 2B: Standard for EFT voice-recorded mandate and Appendix 3B: Standard for
NAEDO voice-recorded mandate,
• EFT debit orders and NAEDOs must be presented for payment according to the mandate.
• A user may not cede or assign any of its rights in terms of a mandate it holds to any third
party, unless:
• the agreement to which the mandate relates is also ceded or assigned to that third party; and
• such cession or assignment of the agreement is communicated to the consumer.
• If all the requirements mentioned in the previous point are not complied with, the user may
not cede or assign the mandate to the third party and the third party may not present any
debit orders to the collecting bank for processing against the account of the consumer in
terms of the ceded or assigned mandate.
• When an agreement or mandate is ceded, the user’s abbreviated name (see 2.2 below) must
change to that of a third party’s abbreviated name and agreement reference.
• The user or the third party must provide one month’s notice of the user’s or third party’s new
abbreviated name and agreement reference prior to the processing of any future debit orders
to the consumer’s account.
• The notice mentioned in the previous point must be attached as an addendum to the
• If a written mandate can’t be produced, it will be taken to mean that no such mandate exists.
• Users must retain all mandates for at least seven years after all payments have been paid in
terms of the underlying agreement to which that mandate relates. Alternatively, the mandate
must be kept for at least seven years after the last debit order has been presented for
processing. Whichever event is the later.
• At the request of the collecting bank the user must provide (at its own cost) an auditor’s
certificate confirming the existence of any written mandates (which excludes voice-recorded
mandates reduced to writing).
• A mandate may be withdrawn at any time by the consumer by giving notice to the user.




2.2 Abbreviated Short Names
• The collecting bank must validate the abbreviated short names (ASN) of all users of the debit
order system, including users that submit directly to a PSO. This validation may be outsourced
to a PSO.
• The ASN and agreement reference must stay the same between the user and the consumer
for the duration of the agreement. The ASN, as specified in the mandate, must also be shown
on the account statements, regardless of who submits the debit order for processing. Only in
the event of assignment or cession may the ASN change.
• Monthly volume is monitored per ASN.

2.3 Accuracy of account and branch numbers

Users must ensure that the account numbers used are accurate and belong to the intended
beneficiary, as the EFT Service operates solely on account numbers.
• Incorrect account and or branch numbers will be handled as follows:
• If the error is detected by the homing bank at the time of posting the transaction to the
account, the item will be returned.
• If a credit is paid to the incorrect account as a result of an incorrect account number the user
can request the bank / branch concerned to assist with recovery of the amount involved. The
bank is not under any obligation to assist beyond supplying the name and address of the
person who was paid in error. The user must then seek recourse from the party concerned.
• Users may not generate debit transactions to reverse a credit transaction or vice versa.

2.4 Mandates
• No debit orders can be processed against a consumer’s bank account without a mandate.
• All debit orders processed must be mandated, but not necessarily authenticated (see below).
• EFT debit orders do not require electronic authentication. However, they require a mandate
before being processed. The mandate can be given telephonically, in writing, or electronically
through the paying bank.

2.4.1 Written mandates

An EFT debit order and/or NAEDO written mandate must conform to the minimum requirements as
specified in Appendix 2A: EFT written mandate and Appendix 3A: NAEDO written mandate to this

2.4.2 Voice-recorded mandates

An EFT debit order and NAEDO voice-recorded mandate must conform to the minimum
requirements specified in and attached hereto as Appendix 2B: Standard for EFT voice-recorded
mandate and Appendix 3B: Standard for NAEDO voice-recorded mandate respectively.




2.5 Disputes
An EFT debit order or a NAEDO will be regarded as being disputed only when the consumer
personally informs the paying bank that:
• he did not authorise the debit order; or
• the debit order was in contravention of his authority; or
• the user was instructed to cancel the debit order; or
• payment of the debit order had been stopped by the user or the collecting bank.

2.5.1 Disputes lodged within 40 calendar days after the debit order action date
On receipt of a dispute, the collecting bank must reverse the EFT debit order or NAEDO, refund the
amount to the consumer’s account immediately, and recover the funds from the user.

2.5.2 Disputes lodged more than 40 calendar days after the debit order action date For written mandates

• As soon as a consumer lodges the dispute with the paying bank it will begin processing that
dispute in line with its internal processes.
• When the collecting bank is informed of the dispute by the paying bank, it has 30 calendar
days to resolve the dispute.
• The collecting bank must respond within seven calendar days of receiving the dispute by
• rejecting the dispute if it is unable to identify the debit order to which that dispute relates
due to being given incorrect information; or
• providing the paying bank with a copy of the written mandate held by the user and signed by
the consumer.
• Should the collecting bank fail to revert in seven days, it must (within 30 days):
• refund the amount of the debit order to the paying bank (which will then refund the
consumer); and
• debit the account of the user for the amount of the disputed debit order.
• If the collecting bank provides the paying bank with a copy of the consumer’s signed mandate,
and the paying bank acknowledges that this conforms to the specifications set out in Error!
Reference source not found. or Error! Reference source not found., the dispute will be
deemed to be resolved.
• If the written mandate is not in accordance with the specifications mentioned above, the
paying bank has the right to demand a refund from the collecting bank.
• Neither the collecting bank or paying bank will become involved in a dispute between the
user and the accountholder regarding the validity of the written mandate. For voice-recorded mandates

• Where the user holds a voice-recorded mandate:




o The collecting bank must refund the paying bank within 30 calendar days after the
date the dispute was lodged and recover the funds from the user.
o Neither the collecting bank nor the paying bank will become involved in a dispute
regarding the existence, content and/or validity of voice-recorded mandates,
whether reduced to writing or not.

2.6 Returns and Unpaid debit orders

• If, for any reason, a paying bank is unable to process a debit order from a consumer’s account,
it will return the debit order, together with the reasons for non-payment, to the collecting
• When a debit order is returned as ‘unpaid’ the user may not resubmit that debit order until
the next action date.
• When a debit order is returned ‘account closed’ or ‘payment stopped’, the user may not
resubmit the debit order.
• Statistics relating to Returns and Unpaids are reported to PASA.

2.6.1 Rules and exceptions regarding Returns and Unpaids

• Any debit order returned by the paying bank as ‘invalid’ because of system or technical errors
it experienced can be resubmitted by the user.
• If a debit order is returned ‘not provided for’ on two consecutive action dates, the user must
remove the debit order from the system until the user has received a new mandate from the
accountholder to meet future payments.
• Unpaids must not exceed 10% of the total volume of transactions presented, unless a valid
reason for the contravention is provided.

Users may not generate debit orders to reverse or correct a credit that has
been incorrectly processed.




3.0 Processes and rules for DebiCheck
This section details the processes and rules for the new DebiCheck debit order payment service.

3.1 How DebiCheck debit orders are processed

• Debit orders are only processed against a consumer’s account if the mandate for the debit
order has electronically been confirmed by the consumer.
• The mandates are registered upfront, allowing consumers to electronically authenticate
(once-off) at the start of the contract and authorise future-dated deductions from their bank
accounts for payments such as insurance premiums, loan repayments, etc.
• The DebiCheck has built-in checks to ensure all users submit mandates to consumers.
• All mandates are authenticated upfront by means of a card or electronic mechanism and will
be registered with the consumers’s bank.
• The DebiCheck process ensures that the paying bank verifies all subsequent debit order
instructions received from a user against the registered and authenticated consumer
mandate before the debit order is processed.

Users who want to collect in the Early Processing Window must participate
via DebiCheck. Alternatively, they may choose to collect in the normal EFT
Debit Order run.

3.2 Measures to eliminate fraud/unauthorised collections

In addition to DebiCheck’s built-in security features, the following additional measures help to
eliminate fraud or unauthorised collections:
• Penalties for any debit order found to be without a mandate after the transaction has been
disputed by a consumer.
• Electronic authentication by the consumer(by means of an OTP or other technology) before
any payment transaction is processed.
• Registration of a unique ASN to each user. Based on the ASN, the rates of successful,
unsuccessful and disputed transactions will be monitored and any user found to be in breach
may be subject to a full audit.
• Users processing debit orders without adequate mandates will be blocked from debit order

3.3 Abbreviated Short Name (ASN)

• The collecting bank must validate the abbreviated short names (ASN) of all users of the debit
order system, including users that submit directly to a PSO. This validation may be outsourced
to a PSO.




• The ASN and agreement reference must stay the same between the user and the consumer
for the duration of the agreement. The ASN, as specified in the mandate, must also be shown
on the account statements, regardless of who submits the debit order for processing. Only in
the event of assignment or cession may the ASN change.
• Monthly volume is monitored per ASN.

3.4 DebiCheck transaction types for mandate registration

The following three main non-financial message flows (processes) apply:

• Authorise mandate
• Amend mandate
• Cancel mandate

As new authentication methods of mandates need to be specified, the following high level scenarios
may apply. These are detailed in the following sections.

Transaction Type
Authorise mandate Non-card Non-card Card
Authentication key included in request No No Yes
Request and Response Real time Batch Real time

Transaction Type 1
Authorise mandate – non-card; authentication key not included in request; real-time request and

This scenario occurs when a consumer needs to authorise future debit orders initiated by a user. The
process of authorising the mandate needs to be completed in real time. However, the consumer does
not have an authentication key to include in the request message.

The scenario typically applies to a current NAEDO user who wishes to move to DebiCheck to benefit
from early processing. The business need is to confirm the authentication of the mandate in real time.
The consumer may be face-to-face with the user or the contract may take place telephonically. Post
agreement of the contract services, the consumer is required to approve the mandate electronically.
Since the mandate is real time, the consumer is allowed a time frame from receipt of mandate to end
of day to approve aforementioned mandate.




Transaction Type 2
Authorise mandate - non-card; authentication key not included in request; batched request and

This takes place when a consumer needs to authorise future debit orders initiated by a bank/user.
The process of authorising the mandate is delayed and submitted in batch by the bank/user. Further,
the consumer has no authentication key to be included in the request message.

This scenario may typically apply to a current NAEDO user who wishes to move to DebiCheck to
benefit from early processing. The authentication of the mandates submitted in batch need to be
confirmed and the responses are also delayed. The consumer may be face-to-face with the user or at
a distance. This scenario could therefore also apply to businesses that contract services with payers
telephonically. Post agreement of the contract services, the consumer is required to approve the
mandate electronically. Since the mandate is a batch mandate request, the consumer is allowed a
maximum of two (2) business days to approve aforementioned mandate.




Transaction Type 3
Authorise mandate – card; authentication key included in request, real-time request and response.

This involves the process of authenticating the consumer and the mandate through a card and PIN
mechanism, where the consumer is typically face-to-face with the user and a card accepting device is
available. The process of authorising the mandate needs to be completed in real time. The payer’s
authentication key is already coupled with the message.




3.5 Payment types
DebiCheck caters for the following payment types:
Recurring collection A collection with a repetitive frequency as agreed
between a consumer and user.

Represented collection A submission of a collection by a user for a previously

unsuccessful collection.

First collection First collection of a series of direct debit instructions.

Last/Final collection Final collection of a series of direct debit instructions.

Once-off collection Used for a single collection OR an irregular collection for

an underlying contract, settlement of a contract, or
where an arrear amount exceeds the maximum
collection amount. It is used within the boundaries of a
fixed mandate.

3.6 Mandates
No debit orders can be processed against a consumer’s bank account without a mandate. Users must
obtain a mandate from the consumer before processing debit orders.




Users, who choose to collect in the EPW, must participate as DebiCheck users. In this case, consumers
must be sent an authentication request. Alternatively, users may choose to do collections in the
normal EFT debit order run.

3.6.1 Mandate types

Fixed Contracts where the instalment is a fixed amount per collection and
is not linked to an increase or a link rate. The fixed amount is known
and authenticated by the consumer. This is typically used for short-
term contracts such as microloans.

Variable Contracts where the instalment is calculated monthly on the value of

the product at a quoted rate. It can be amended by the user in
relation to variables that are known and authenticated by the
consumer. This calculated instalment amount and maximum
instalment amount is known and authenticated by the consumer.
Contract types include annual increases and loans linked to the
interest rate, such as home loans, life insurance policies, motor
vehicle finance and personal loans.

Usage based Contracts that have an amount due to the value of a maximum
amount that can be collected by the user. This maximum amount is
known and authenticated by the consumer. Examples include a
collection that is defined by the client’s usage of a service during a
payment cycle, such as cellphone contracts and municipal service

3.6.2 Requirements for all mandate types

a) The minimum information which must appear in all mandate types (i.e. fixed, variable or
usage-based) for voice, written or electronic (not incorporated into the contract document)
or which is to appear in the contract document (in which the mandate is also embedded), is
set out in point c below.
b) If the information is in the contract document, this would have to be disclosed in order to
evidence the existence of the information set out below (assuming not all the below
information is set out in the mandate embedded in the contract)[1].
c) The minimum requirements to be contained in the mandate or contract are as follows:
i. Full username (registered name, including trading name);
ii. Abbreviated short name (to enable a the consumer to identify who debited their
iii. Contract reference number;
iv. First collection date if required;

The mandate must include all the crucial criteria. If all the elements are available in the contract, then they need
not appear in the mandate as long as they are referenced correctly. The user will decide whether the mandate and
contract are separate documents or. The mandate is only completed when it has been accepted by the consumer.




v. Collection date (i.e. if salary date is stated, an indicative date as to when the amount
may be deducted from the consumer’s account is to be provided[2]);
vi. Frequency of the collection (weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, annually,
biannually, and monthly by rule. An example of the latter is, 3rd Friday of every
month. If the user chooses collection ‘monthly by rule’, due to the specificity of the
TRS, only certain frequencies are allowed, accordingly a table would have to be
included in the mandate. Refer to mandate frequency codes of the TRS.
vii. Date adjustment rule. This field is used to indicate that the collection date may or
may not change and is intended to be used for either indicating (i.) a fixed collection
date [i.e. the date adjustment rule indicator is ‘no’] or (ii.) a collection date that may
change [i.e. the date adjustment rule indicator is ‘yes’].
d) Consumer’s details. These must include:
i. Surname, full name or initial of consumer;
ii. Identity, passport number or temporary residence ID;
iii. their bank (paying bank);
iv. account number [3];
e) Disclosure to the consumer (as opposed to consent) for tracking.
f) Explicit authority by the consumer to debit their account (e.g. ‘I hereby authorise the bank to
debit my account’);
g) The authorisation of the accountholder (a wet signature, biometric record, legally acceptable
“electronic signature” and / or voice recorded verbal consent) and the date on which such
authorisation was granted.

In addition to the information listed above, the following further information is required per mandate

Fixed Mandate Variable Mandate Usage Based Mandate

Initial Amount Initial Amount Initial Amount
An amount that is not the same as An amount that is not the same as An amount that is not the same as
the instalment amount. Insert in the instalment amount. Insert in the instalment amount. Insert in
mandate, if applicable. mandate, if applicable. mandate, if applicable.

Instalment Amount Instalment Amount Instalment Amount

A fixed recurring amount. A predetermined recurring amount Presented if available.
(subject to the adjustment category

Maximum amount Maximum Amount Maximum amount

Can be up to 1.5 times greater than Must always appear
the instalment amount.

While the mandate may allow for the insertion of the words ‘salary date’, from a technical perspective this needs to
be catered for by answering ‘yes’ to the date adjustment rule indicator and providing an indicative date on which the
consumer’s salary is paid.
It is assumed that the bank’s universal code will be used, however if a specific branch code is needed
instead of a universal branch code, the consumer will be required to supply the actual branch code to be




Can be up to 1.5 times greater than
the instalment amount (subject to
the adjustment category changes).
Adjustment Category Adjustment Category Adjustment Category
Not required to be presented. Refers to the ability of the user to Refers to the ability of the user to
Refers to the ability of the user to adjust the instalment amount and / adjust the instalment amount and /
adjust the instalment amount and / or maximum amount: this may be or maximum amount: this must be
or maximum amount: this must be never, quarterly, biannually, never, quarterly, biannually,
defaulted to ‘never’. annually, when the repo rates annually, when the repo changes.
changes. Other than when ‘repo Other than when ‘repo rate’ or
rate’ or ‘never’ is elected, one of the ‘never’ is elected, one of the
following must appear: following must appear:
Adjustment amount (an amount • Adjustment amount (an amount
that the instalment and / or that the instalment and / or
maximum collection amount may be maximum collection amount may be
adjusted based on adjustment
adjusted based on adjustment
• OR
OR • Adjustment rate (a rate that the
Adjustment rate (a rate that the instalment and / or maximum).
instalment and / or maximum). collection amount may be adjusted
collection amount may be adjusted based on adjustment category).
based on adjustment category).

3.6.3 Mandate authentication

All DebiCheck debit orders must be authenticated. The new DebiCheck system uses electronic
authentication, such as card and PIN authentication when a consumer is in a store or SMS or USSD
instructions from the consumer’s bank, which he or she is then required to confirm. These processes
will replace signed paper mandates, which are difficult to verify prior to processing a debit order
payment instruction.

No user may submit transactions unless authorised to do so by its payer.

Authority to do so is given via an authenticated mandate being in place.
Users may only process in the interbank payment system via a sponsoring
bank with which they have an agreement.

3.6.4 Mandate management

• The user must keep a copy of the mandate and contract in a form that enables the efficient
resolution of consumer disputes.
• Mandates contained within the Mandate Register must not be duplicated. Control
mechanisms must be built in to prevent this.
• Mandates must contain the minimum data elements as defined in Appendix 6A: Data
Elements Business Requirements.




• Users must retain all mandates for a minimum period of seven (7) years after the last payment
instruction relating to the mandate was processed.
• Upon request from the sponsoring bank (Nedbank), users are required to produce, at their
own cost, a copy of any mandate that is requested.
• Upon request from the sponsoring bank (Nedbank), users are required to produce, at their
own cost, an auditor’s and/or compliance officer’s certificate confirming the existence of valid
• A user may not, without the written consent of the consumer, cede or assign any of its rights
in terms of a mandate it holds to any third party unless:
o the agreement is also ceded or assigned to that third party; and
o such cession is communicated to the consumer and a new reference of contract is
provided, before any debit payment instructions are processed in terms of the ceded
or assigned mandate.
• The mandate database, if used, can be housed at the user or delegated to a PSO/service
provider/sponsoring bank.

3.6.5 Mandate amendment

• The user must notify the consumer before updating either the instalment amount or
maximum collection amount fields in the mandate.
• The user must receive outcomes (i.e. where the amendment was authorised, not authorised,
or no response by the payer) of the amendment prior to submission of the next payment
• A consecutive amendment of a mandate can only be made once the response to the initial
amendment request has been received.
• The user and paying bank must keep an audit trail of all amendments to the mandate to be
able to manage any queries or disputes.

3.6.6 Mandate cancellation

• A mandate may be withdrawn at any time by the user via the mandate cancellation process.
• Mandate cancellation requests can be processed in batches or in real time per request.
• When the payment instruction is returned “Account Closed” the paying bank must suspend
the mandate and the user must send a mandate cancellation request.

3.7 Disputes
• A consumer can dispute a DebiCheck transaction on his/her account at a branch of the paying
bank by following the defined dispute rules.
• The sponsoring bank (Nedbank) must monitor all disputes lodged against its users.
• No disputes will be allowed after 12 months from the action date.
• Disputes will be allowed on the conditions NOT represented in the decision tree illustrated in
Appendix Q – Dispute Rules.




3.7.1 Dispute ratios

• Dispute ratios for all users are monitored on a monthly basis by all DebiCheck participating
• The dispute ratio threshold is currently set at 0.5% of a user’s transaction volumes, but will
be reviewed every six months (or earlier should the need arise) by the PCH PG to determine
• If a user has a dispute ratio above the threshold, the sponsoring bank (Nedbank) must
investigate the reasons for the higher dispute ratio rate.
• Such investigation must include:
o an analysis per dispute code;
o a report submission to PASA EXO that includes findings and corrective measures to
be taken;
o a rehabilitation period, per user, of a maximum of three months to ensure
compliance to the dispute ratio rule. After this, if the user still exceeds the allowed
dispute ration, penalties will be applied to the sponsoring bank (Nedbank);
o a limitation on the user that does not allow it to change sponsoring banks during the
investigation and rehabilitation periods. Only once the user has successfully been
rehabilitated, and is fully compliant, will that user be allowed to change sponsoring
• In terms of the Compliance Enforcement Process, penalties will be levied against the
sponsoring bank (Nedbank) should the bank not sufficiently manage its users to ensure they
comply with the dispute ratio rule.
• Users that are unable to provide a mandate on request will be added to the Debit Order Abuse
(DOA) list.

3.8 Validations on payment instruction

The paying bank is required to validate the payment instructions received from the user in the
payment instruction file before processing. Should the rules be breached, the instruction will be
rejected upfront. Such upfront rejection will take place in the following scenarios:

Action Date




Collection Amount

3.9 Responsibilities

3.9.1 Sponsoring Bank (Nedbank)

• Must ensure system operators and TPPPs only process transactions for users that have a
direct relationship with them.
• Must ensure users are contactable and abide by Section 9.4.4 and 9.4.3 of the Banking Code
of Conduct based on disputes and stop payments, respectively.
• Has the right to request an audit of their users, at the cost of the entity being audited.




• Must validate the ASNs of all its users and ensure that all users have ASNs per nominated
bank account.
• In the event of assignment/cession, the user’s ASN may be changed. The sponsoring bank
(Nedbank) must verify the change of name document. Users must provide one month’s notice
of the changed details prior to the processing of any future debit payment instructions to the
consumer. The notice must reflect the new user’s ASN and must be kept as an addendum to
the agreement. The user must ensure the mandate has been updated with the paying bank.
Refer to the authentication rules as noted in Appendix 6A: Data Elements Business
• Must ensure that the ASNs of all users are available for other participants to query.
• Must ensure that the user utilises the following mandate types:
o Fixed – for contracts of fixed amounts per collection. This fixed amount due is known
and authenticated by the payer.
o Variable – for contracts with amounts due per collection that can be amended by the
user in relation to variables that are known and authenticated by the payer. (An
example would include annual increases, interest rate linked loans).
o Usage based – for contracts that have an amount due to the value of a maximum
amount that can be collected by the user. This maximum amount is known and
authenticated by the consumer. An example would include a collection that is defined
by the client’s usage of a service during a payment cycle, e.g. a cellphone contract.

3.9.2 System Operator and third party payment providers

• Must meet all the standards as required by its sponsoring bank, including:
o a short name for each user on behalf of which it processes; and
o processing for one layer of users only.
• Must not allow any equipment and/or systems used to store payment card Track 2
information or PIN.
• Must provide for sanctions in cases of non-compliance of users.
• Must have a breach clause allowing immediate suspension of a user in cases of risk introduced
or if breached.
• Must provide for a service level agreement (SLA) between the sponsoring bank (Nedbank)
and its system operator as well as an agreement between the SO and its users.
• Must ensure that all requests for authentication are delivered to the sponsoring bank
(Nedbank), either in real time or batch, according to the method being applied.
• Must ensure that all payment instructions are submitted to the user’s sponsoring bank.
• Must be able to stop services to a user immediately on instruction of the sponsoring bank




3.9.3 Users

• In the event of assignment/cession, the user’s ASN may be changed. Users must provide one
month’s notice of the change prior to processing any future debit payment instructions to the
consumer. The notice must reflect the user’s new ASN and must be kept as an addendum to
the original agreement. The user must ensure the mandate has been updated with the paying
• A mandate can be unsuspended by a user and requires reauthentication by the payer.

3.10 Client confidentiality

• Only under the following conditions will any participants disclose the contact details of
consumers or users to a requesting bank:
o Tracing of payments - The sponsoring bank (Nedbank) must provide the user‘s
contact details.
o Disputes - The paying bank must provide the payer’s (accountholder’s) contact details
once a dispute is logged by the payer (accountholder).
• Sponsoring banks will disclose user contact details to the paying bank in the case of
unidentified debit orders (where debit orders cannot be adequately linked to a user). These
users must be flagged for review via the DOA process at PASA.

3.11 Stop Payments

• The consumer has the right to request a stop payment against any future-dated DebiCheck
collections registered against his/her account.
• A stop payment suspends the mandate indefinitely and the user must receive notification of
this state. The user may then seek to resolve the issue with the consumer and may request
that the mandate be unsuspended. This action would have to be authorised by the consumer.
• Where a stop payment request is received, the consumer must provide all the details
necessary for the request to be completed by the paying bank. The paying bank may capture
these details at its discretion.
• This information must then be made available to the sponsoring bank (Nedbank) which must
make it available to its users.
• On receipt of the stop payment request, the paying bank must suspend the mandate and not
process future debit payment instructions against this mandate.
• When the debit payment instruction is returned due to a stop payment instruction from the
paying bank, users may not resubmit future dated debit payment instructions applicable on
the agreement, unless authentication to do so has been received by the consumer and the
suspension has been lifted.
• There is no exclusion period for a stop payment. It is enforced immediately, provided the
payment instruction has not already been presented.
• A stop payment instruction must also stop any payment instruction that is already in tracking.
This must be effective before the start of the next day’s tracking requests.
• If the user does not seek to reinstate the mandate, it must then cancel that mandate.




This section contains the relevant specification details for development of the processes and
technology required to enable the CPS functionality between Nedbank and a client.

4.1 Technical requirements and process of enablement

The client’s technical team liaises with Nedbank’s integration team to set up CPS. The file layout is
created in the LOB system using the following guidelines:
• File names are according to required file-naming conventions.
• Connect:Direct / Messaging Queues / Web Services are set up.
• Connectivity for file transfer is established.
• Secure Plus (encryption software) is set up.
• An end-to-end testing process is completed and signed-off

Any additional client-specific requirements will be specified by Nedbank’s integration manager

according to the client’s setup.

Clients can engage with the Nedbank Transactional Banker for any clarification

4.2 Client profile setup options

A unique profile number (or numbers) will be assigned to each client. The profile number is used to
identify clients who use CPS. There are various options available to the client when setting up a CPS
profile. The profile setup determines the parameters according to which files and transactions will be
processed. The following profile setup options are available:

Nominated and charge account

A minimum of one Nedbank account must be used. This account can act as both a transactional and
charges account.




Service types
CPS caters for the following transaction service types:
• Real time line (RTL) – credits only

• Real time clearing (RTC) – credits only

• Same-day value (SDV) – credits and debits

• One-day value – credits and debits

• Two-day value – credits and debits

• Send iMali – credits only

• DebiCheck – debits only

• NAEDO – debits only (existing clients only – this is being

phased out)

Memo update option

This option is only available for Nedbank-to-Nedbank transactions. A memo update is the real-time
online reserving of funds and updating of information. The information created during the batch runs
will overwrite these memo update transactions. These transactions cannot be disallowed.

Service type rollover

CPS provides functionality to roll over a transaction if the cut-off time for a specific service type has
been missed, or if there is insufficient lead time to meet the transaction action date. The following
rollovers can be catered for:
• Two-day to one-day or SDV
• One-day to SDV
• SDV to next-day SDV

Check digit validation

Check digit validation (CDV) verifies the accuracy of an account number structure according to the
rules provided by a bank. In other words it is used to verify the correctness of the nominated and
destination accounts. The service will validate the account number and branch code, and transactions
that fail the validation process will be rejected.

Transaction rejection option

A client can choose to have only the rejected instructions returned or to have the entire file,
containing both the rejected and accepted instructions, returned. Transactions in a file will be
validated until the rejection percentage is reached and a NACK will be returned in accordance with
the profile settings.

If a NACK file is received, any transaction validated with an accepted status

will not be processed. This option needs to be set before the client can start




The matrix below illustrates which ACK and NACK layout can be expected, depending on the client
profile option chosen:
Test file type to be sent Expected results

Profile – rejected Profile – return all

transactions only transactions
Send a file that will result in an ACK with no A B
rejected items in it.
Send a file that will result in an ACK with a few B B
rejected items in it. Ensure that the rejection
percentage is not breached, as this will result in a
NACK message.
Send a file that will result in a NACK as a result of C C
file validation failure, i.e. as a result of errors
relating to security, the header or the trailer.
Send a file that will result in a NACK as a result of D D
the rejection percentage having been breached.

File types
Header Transaction detail Trailer
A – ACK ✓ ✓
B – ACK ✓ ✓ ✓
C – NACK ✓ ✓
D – NACK ✓ ✓ ✓

4.3 Rejection percentage

The rejection percentage forms part of the CPS authentication and integrity test. The system default
rejection percentage is 25%. A rejection percentage will need to be defined for a client if the system
default is not applicable.

When validating the client’s transaction instructions, a percentage of the rejected instructions is
calculated in relation to the total number of instructions. Where this calculated percentage exceeds
the defined percentage, the entire validation process is stopped and a NACK is returned. Transactions
will be included in the NACK in accordance with the profile settings.




4.4 Transaction accumulation options
With CPS catering for a high volume of EFT transactions, a corporate client is able to stipulate how
these transactions ought to be reflected on the bank account statement – either individually/
itemised or as a single accumulated/aggregated total split between debits and credits. The
accumulated/ aggregated total sums up all transactions for a specific date, displaying a single total for
each debit and each credit transaction type on the client’s bank statement. The client also has the
option of inserting a preferred narrative that will appear on the nominated account statement for all
accumulated/aggregated totals.

4.5 Unpaid instructions

A client can stipulate how unpaid transactions (‘unpaids’) are to be displayed on the bank statement, i.e.
as individual transactions or as a single accumulated/aggregated total for each rejecting bank. This is
specific to EFT transactions.

4.6 Limits
Client limits
Limits are imposed on all payments and collections done by means of CPS. Depending on the client’s
profile, one or both of the following are required:
• Debit limits Debit item limits, debit daily limits and debit monthly limits.
These will need to be defined in conjunction with the client’s
relationship manager.

• Credit limits Credit item limits, credit daily limits and credit monthly limits.
These will need to be defined in conjunction with the client’s
relationship manager.

• DebiCheck limits DebiCheck item limits, DebiCheck daily limits and DebiCheck
monthly limits. These will need to be defined in conjunction with
the client’s relationship manager.

The limits set on the client’s profile are as follows:

Regulatory limits
National Payments System (NPS) limits are imposed by the regulator as follows:

• EFT debit limits – R1 000 000 for collections

• NAEDO limits – R30 000 for collections
• AEDO limits – R30 000 for collections
• DebiCheck limits – R1 000 000 for authenticated collections
• Credit limits – R5 000 000 for payments including RTC




When the limits are exceeded, CPS will reject the transaction. Any payment
greater than R5 million will be processed by means of real-time gross
settlement (RTGS) if the RTL service type is enabled on the client’s profile.

Client-imposed limits
Limits that are requested by the client and approved by Nedbank. This means that clients set up their
own limit structure based on the minimum and maximum amounts required for transacting. Note: The
regulatory limits are not client-imposed.

Client item limits

A client item limit is a limit imposed for each transaction within a file. Item limits are validated on receipt
of the input file data. If a transaction amount exceeds the approved item limit, the transaction will be
rejected due to a limit breach.

Client daily limits

The maximum value of transactions a client can submit per day. If the total daily value of transactions
exceeds the approved daily limit, the transaction will be rejected due to a limit breach.

Client monthly limits

The maximum value of transactions a client can submit in a month. If the total monthly value of
transactions exceeds the approved monthly limit, the transaction will be rejected due to a limit breach.

Account item limits

The maximum value for each transaction against a nominated account. If a transaction amount exceeds
the account item limit, the transaction will be rejected due to a limit breach.

Account daily limits

The maximum value per day for all transactions against a nominated account. If the total value of
transactions exceeds the account daily limit, then the respective transactions will be rejected due to a
limit breach.

Account monthly limit

The maximum value in a month for all transactions against a nominated account. If the total value of
transactions exceeds the account monthly limit, then the respective transactions will be rejected due to
a limit breach.

Variable-limit option
The client has the option of setting up a variable-limit structure, either per day or for a specified
period/date range within the month (e.g. a higher limit during peak periods and lower limit during off-
peak periods).

Limit threshold notification

The client has the option of stipulating a percentage threshold for limits. Once the percentage has been
reached, an email notification is sent to the client.




4.7 Available balance
The ‘available balance’ option enables clients to process financial instructions against available funds in
their nominated account. This processing is based on the following rules:
• Only payments are allowed.
• Same-day, one-day, two-day and RTL transactions can be submitted.
• Transactions cannot be rolled over to the next available business day, as transactions are
processed on the date received.
• The client cannot disallow a file if the profile is set up to utilise the available balance, as the
funds are reserved once the file is processed.
• Should a transaction fail due to insufficient funds, the entire file will be rejected, as no partial
financial processing is allowed even if there are multiple transactions in the file.
• The nominated account balance will be notionally reduced by the value of the successful
transactions in the file.

4.8 Front-end file authorisation

The client has the option to configure their profile to make use of the NetBank Business channel to view
or authorise the transaction files before they are processed by Nedbank. The client has a choice to have
either one or two users to authorise the files for processing.

4.9 Client responsibilities

The client must
• ensure that all relevant technical users are present for the configuration and installation of,
and training relating to, the Connect: Direct software.
• acknowledge responsibility to ensure that the connection is maintained when sending and
receiving files.
• accept responsibility for ensuring that file requirements and content are correct before
submitting files to Nedbank.
• submit ‘file disallows’ before 14h00 on the extract date.
• ensure that the necessary limits are sufficient to cater for daily and monthly transactions and,
if amendments are required, contact the relationship manager to arrange the required limits.

4.10 Provision of data

• Data will be relayed between the client and Nedbank by means of a secure link.
• Nedbank will verify the input data received from the client, based on the validation rules in
• The client is responsible for the provision of the link. Should the client prefer to make use of
a service provider to provide the link, this must be governed by a separate agreement with
that service provider that does not contain any provisions that are in conflict with the
provisions of the client’s agreement with Nedbank




4.11 Cut-off times
Transaction cut off times
Where a cut off time has been breached, transactions will be rejected unless the rollover option (refer
to the next section) has been enabled.

The following are the cut-off times by which transactions must be received for processing by Nedbank.
Service type Us-on-us transactions Us-on-them transactions
Monday – Friday Saturday Monday – Friday Saturday
Same-day value (SDV) 18:30 13:30 16:30 09:30
One-day service 18:30 13:30 16:30 09:30
Two-day service 18:30 13:30 14:30 08:30
Real-time line (RTL) 18:30 13:30 15:30 10:00
RTC 18:30 13:30 01:00 01:00
NAEDO / QED/ DebiCheck 16:00 10:00 16:00 10:00
Disallow 14:00 N/A 14:00 N/A
EFT Recalls (One-Day and 13:30 10:00 13:30 10:00
Two-Day service only)
Send i-mali 18:30 18:30 N/A N/A

The system limits for RTC are as follows:

Day Time Transaction value maximum limit per item

Monday – Friday 00:01 – 16:00 Five million rand
(excluding public holidays) (R5 000 000)
All other times (week 16:01 – 00:00 Two hundred and fifty thousand rand
nights, weekends and prior to the (R250 000)
public holidays) forthcoming
business day.
For example,
weekends, the
limit applies from
16:01 on Friday
through to 00:00
on Sunday




Example submission day and action dates, excluding future-dated transactions:

Latest time for Nedbank to receive

Submission day input file on submission day Action date
On-us transactions – one-day service
Monday 18:30 Tuesday
Tuesday 18:30 Wednesday
Wednesday 18:30 Thursday
Thursday 18:30 Friday
Friday 18:30 Saturday
Saturday 13:30 Monday
On-them transactions – one-day service
Monday 16:00 Tuesday
Tuesday 16:00 Wednesday
Wednesday 16:00 Thursday
Thursday 16:00 Friday
Friday 16:00 Saturday
Saturday 09:30 Monday
On-us transactions – two-day service
Monday 18:30 Wednesday
Tuesday 18:30 Thursday
Wednesday 18:30 Friday
Thursday 18:30 Saturday
Friday 18:30 Monday
On-them transactions – two-day service
Monday 14:30 Wednesday
Tuesday 14:30 Thursday
Wednesday 14:30 Friday
Thursday 14:30 Saturday
Friday 14:30 Monday




Public holidays
If the action date falls on a Sunday or public holiday (which are automatically updated by CPS
every year), CPS will process the file on the next available processing day.
Note: Future-dated transactions have not been included in the table above.

Example of submission dates for ‘disallow’ files.

Latest time for Nedbank to receive
Submission day disallow file on extraction day Extraction date
Same-day value
Monday 14:00 Monday
Tuesday 14:00 Tuesday
Wednesday 14:00 Wednesday
Thursday 14:00 Thursday
Friday 14:00 Friday
One-day service
Monday 14:00 Monday
Tuesday 14:00 Tuesday
Wednesday 14:00 Wednesday
Thursday 14:00 Thursday
Friday 14:00 Friday
Two-day service
Monday 14:00 Monday
Tuesday 14:00 Tuesday
Wednesday 14:00 Wednesday
Thursday 14:00 Thursday
Friday 14:00 Friday




Mandate cut off times
Cut off times for mandates are specific to the transaction type (TT) and whether it is processed in real
time or batch. Mandates are always 7-day processing.

Real Time
TT1 Start Time End Time
Initiation 03:00 21:00
Amend and Cancel 03:00 21:00
Mandate Status and Acceptance Report 03:00 21:00

TT3 Start Time End Time

Initiation, Amend and Cancel 03:00 21:00
Mandate Status and Acceptance Report 03:00 21:00

TT2 Day 0
Request Initiate 03:00 19:30
Amend 03:00 19:30
Mandate Cancel 03:00 19:30
Request for Information 08:00 17:30

Pre-processing ACK/NACK – Immediately after Pre-processing

First Response Final Response

Client responses 12:00 22:30
(Day 1 and Day 2)
Response for Mandate Information 12:00 22:30
(Day 0 and Day 1)

Collection Cut off times

Collections Start Time End Time
Request and ACK/NACK 00:00 17:00
1st Response 07:00
2nd Response 02:00 (day+1)




Weekends and Public Holidays
Collections Start Time End Time
Request and ACK/NACK 00:00 12:00
1st Response 07:00
2nd Response 02:00 (day+1)

Rollover options
CPS provides the functionality to roll over a transaction if it has missed the cut-off time for a specific
service type, or if there is not enough lead time to meet the transaction action date. An example would
be where a client submits a transaction for a two-day service type after the cut-off time for two-day
service types. CPS can then roll over the transaction to an SDV or one-day service type, depending on the
type of transaction.

Available rollover options are illustrated in the table below:

Service type Payment rollover option Collection rollover option
Two-day to one-day to SDV to SDV
One-day to SDV N/A
SDV to next-day SDV to next-day SDV

In order for a transaction to be paid on the client’s specified action date, it must be processed by CPS
before the cut-off time. Files that are delivered to CPS late will be rejected, unless otherwise specified
on the client’s CPS profile.

Example of Nedbank transaction dates

Nedbank processing calendar – April 20xx

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Family Day Freedom




Using the above calendar, the table below indicates the upload date and the transaction action date for
certain services.
Service File submission day Transaction action date should be
SSV 25 April 26 April
One-day 27 April 29 April
Two-day 22 April 28 April
Two-day 21 April 28 April

4.12 Early debit order

The early-debit-order (EDO) system is a facility aimed at successful collection as soon as funds become
available in the destination bank account. The EDO service provided by Nedbank Limited is the non-
authenticated early- debit-order system (NAEDOS). This is being modified to provide for the new
DebiCheck process, with NAEDO being phased out.
EDO runs as closely as possible to salary and wage credits to bank accounts to minimise returned debits.
These debits will be processed on a randomised basis, providing every user (including the client’s own
bank) with an equal and fair opportunity to recover payments due from the account. Clients have the
option to utilise DebiCheck or to continue using the existing EFT debit order functionality on CPS.

The following banks are EDO participating issuers and acquirers. ‘Issuer’ refers to all incoming
transactions and ‘acquirer’ refers to all outgoing transactions.

EDO participating bank Acquirer Issuer

Nedbank Limited Yes Yes
ABSA Bank Limited Yes Yes
Standard Bank of South Africa Limited Yes Yes
FirstRand Bank Limited Yes Yes
CAPITEC Bank Limited Yes Yes
South African Bank of Athens Limited Yes Yes
Mercantile Bank Limited Yes Yes
African Bank Yes No
Ubank Limited (previously known as TEBA Bank) Yes Yes
Bidvest Bank No Yes

EDOs, including DebiCheck transactions, can be displayed in one of the following formats on the
nominated account statement, depending on client preference:
• Itemised Transactions will reflect individually on the nominated account statement.

• Consolidated Transactions will reflect as an accumulated total per day on the nominated
account statement.




4.13 Beneficiary directory file

The beneficiary directory file (BDF) is a list containing details of approved beneficiaries. These details
include: the account number, branch code and beneficiary referencing rules. They are preloaded for the
client’s convenience. The client will input only required details such as the BDF number, BDF name and
a valid BDF narrative when making payments to bank-approved beneficiaries. Reference validation is
available for certain approved beneficiaries. Note: Transactions to approved beneficiaries will appear
itemised on the nominated bank account statement.

4.14 Unpaid transactions

An unpaid transaction (‘unpaid’) is any transaction (debit or credit) submitted by means of CPS that has
been returned by the destination bank. This may include Nedbank as the returning bank. Unpaid
transactions can be further subdivided into financial or non-financial returns. A non-financial return
refers to a transaction that may have been redirected. This means that the original transaction has been
redirected to a different account held at the destination bank. A financial return refers to a transaction
that may have been returned by the destination bank due to a variety of reasons, such as ‘account closed’
or ‘insufficient funds’.

Unpaid transactions are returned electronically with a detailed description of each unpaid transaction
included in the ‘unpaids’ file sent to the client daily, where applicable.

Unpaid items can be returned up to 40 days after the action date of the
original transactions.

Unpaids reporting on the client statement

The client has the option of selecting either an itemised or consolidated settlement to a nominated
• ‘Itemised settlement’ option - Unpaids will be settled individually to the client’s nominated
account, with each individual unpaids record reflected on the client’s nominated-bank-
account statement.
• ‘Consolidated settlement’ option - Unpaids will be settled per bank to the client’s nominated
account. The settlement will be shown as a consolidated amount per destination bank.




Transport mechanisms
CPS, NAEDOs, QEDs / DebiCheck and Final Transaction Information (FTI) all require the same setup to
send and receive files. This includes:
• Connect:Direct software;
• Security protocol; and
• Leased-line connection.

These are discussed in detail in the following sections.

5.0 Connect:Direct
In order to process a client’s payment or collection instructions, one or more files containing the
instructions must be sent to Nedbank using the Connect:Direct file transport mechanism.

5.1 Outgoing files – EFT/ NAEDO (client to Nedbank)

A file containing the client’s EFT/ NAEDO instructions must be sent to Nedbank. The client’s LOB system
will produce and transfer these files.
• Each field within the file must be in a fixed format (i.e. if a field is defined with a length of 20
characters and only 12 characters are actually used, the field must be appropriately padded
with spaces for alphanumeric fields and zeros for numeric fields to a total of 20 characters).
• The hash total (used for security) must be padded with spaces if it does not fill the entire
allocated 256 characters.
• Also, very importantly, every record length should equal 320 characters – unused characters
at the end of any record must be space-filled.
• After each record a new line must be started. This is the equivalent of a carriage return/line
feed in a Windows/DOS-based OS and a line feed in a UNIX-based OS. This is very important
for the calculation of the security authentication code.
• The standard naming convention for files will therefore be in the following format:
PNGG00.CDPACK. ****I000.D0.SQ320
o Nedbank will assign a unique two-length alpha character code to each of the CPS corporate
clients. ‘***’ represents the client identifier AA, AB, AC, etc. This unique code will be
incorporated into the file name as displayed above.
o The three digits, represented by 000, represent a sequential number (starting from 001 and
going up to a maximum of 999) that the client, on a daily basis, needs to incrementally
increase per file type on submission of new files. The sequential numbering has to be reset
every day per file type.
o During testing the following file naming convention will be used:
QNGG00.CDPACK. ***I000.D0.SQ320.
Note: A ‘Q’ will be used instead of a ‘P’ for the first character.




Any invalid field in the header and trailer will invalidate the entire file, whereas any
invalid field appearing within the item section of the file will invalidate only that

Even though it may contain new EFT transactions, a file should not contain a
duplicate file name and/or file sequence number, as the file will not be processed.

There are two types of files that can be sent:

• Transaction instruction file
• Disallow instruction file

5.1.1 Transaction instruction file

This contains all EFT transactions that will be sent to Nedbank for processing.

The ‘transaction instruction’ file will have to adhere to the following naming
PNGG00.CDPACK. ***I000.D0.SQ320

5.1.2 Disallow instruction file

CPS has the functionality to cancel transactions submitted previously, but not yet processed. A ‘disallow
instruction’ file contains a list of all transactions that a client wishes to have stopped. All fields within the
item layout section of the file will be the same as those of the original transaction (except for the
payment reference number field). The cut-off time for a ‘disallow instruction’ file is 14h00 (refer to
Section 4.11 for details of the cut off times).

For 2 Day Dated services and NAEDO specifically, should the user submit a Disallow instruction post the
cut-off time, CPS will automatically convert the Disallow into a Recall instruction. If the recall request has
been processed successfully (i.e. the financial was processed), the result will be sent to the user in the
Unpaids file with a status “Unpaid”. However, if the request had not been processed successfully, the
status of the transaction on the Unpaids file will reflect “Recall”.

The file-naming convention for a ‘disallow instruction’ file will be the same as that for the ‘transaction
instruction’ file. See previous section for transaction instruction file.

Even if the ‘disallow-instruction’ file contains transactions submitted in a previous

file, the file sequence number must be a new one.



CORPORATE PAYMENTS SYSTEM | 44 Transaction/ Disallow instruction file layout

File header layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by

Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Value = 01 – header record identifier.

Client profile Numeric ✔ 10 This is a unique number that Nedbank will assign to
number the client.

File sequence Numeric ✔ 24 This will be a unique number for each file.
number The first 10 digits will be the Client Profile Number;
the next eight digits will be the date (YYYYMMDD),
which is the date on which the file is submitted,
followed by a six-digit sequential number.
File type Numeric 2 01 – transaction instructions.
02 – disallow instructions.

Nominated Numeric ✔ 16 The client’s account number has to be a Nedbank

account number account.

Charges account Numeric 16 Account from which CPS charges/fees will be drawn
number for this file. Has to be a Nedbank account. Can be
the same as the nominated account.
Statement Alpha- ✔ 30 Where clients have chosen accumulated entries to
narrative numeric appear on the statement, the client has the option
to select either this narrative to appear on the
client’s statement or the file number.
Filler Alpha- ✔ 220 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.

New line feed Special ✔ N/A A new line must be started after each record.




Item layout
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Value = 02 – transaction record identifier.

Nominated Numeric 16 This is the client’s account and it must be a

account number Nedbank account. For this transaction only, it will
override the nominated account appearing in the
Payment Numeric ✔ 34 Unique number per transaction. The first 24 digits
reference will be the file sequence number and the last 10
number digits will be a client-generated sequential
Destination Numeric ✔ 6 Any valid branch code. For credit card and BDF
branch code payments this will be zeros.

Destination Numeric ✔ 16 Any valid account number. For credit card

account number payments this should be the credit card plastic
number suffixed with zeros. For BDF payments
this field must contain the BDF number with
leading zeros.
Amount Numeric ✔ 12 The maximum is 999999999999. The last two
digits represent the cents value.

Action date Numeric ✔ 8 YYYYMMDD – represents the date the transaction

must be processed. For NAEDOS transactions the
action date must be populated with the file
submission date + 1 (according to the file
sequence number field above) and it must be a
valid working day, i.e. the action date will be the
next available working day. NAEDOS transactions
need to be submitted a minimum of a day before
the action date and never on the action date.
Reference Alpha- ✔ 30 This is the reference that will appear on the
numeric destination account statement.
For NAEDOS and EFT debit transactions, the first
10 characters refer to the user abbreviated short
names, which is the reference that is to appear on
the statement. The next 14 characters refer to the
contract reference, which is the contract or policy
reference; and the last six characters will be the
cycle date in the format YYMMDD. The cycle date,
together with the contract reference and user
reference, forms the unique identifier for the
transaction. The first 24 characters must be
unique and static.
Destination Alpha- ✔ 30 This must be in upper case and must contain the
accountholder’s numeric name of the destination accountholder in the
name format: surname followed by initials.
For BDF payments the recommended value in the
field is the BDF name (will assist in tracing the
Transaction Numeric ✔ 4 This field must contain 0000 for debits. A debit is
Type the movement of funds from the destination
account to the nominated account. This field
must contain 9999 for credits. A credit is the
movement of funds from the nominated account
to the destination account. This field must contain
9999 for BDF payments.




Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Client type Numeric ✔ 2 Below is a list of the various client types, with the
associated codes:
• Default - 01
• Financial institution - 01
• Private client - 02
• Private non-residential client – 03
Charges account Numeric ✔ 16 Nedbank account from which the CPS
number charges/fees are drawn for transactions included
in the file.
Service type Numeric ✔ 2 Below is a list of service types
available with the associated codes:
6 01 – SDV
7 02 – RTL
8 03 – one-day
9 04 – two-day
10 10 – NAEDOS
11 15 - RTC
12 22- Send Imali
The RTL service cannot be used for BDF
Original payment Numeric 34 This will contain the payment reference number
reference of the original payment instruction where the file
number type is 02 (disallow). The field will be blank
(spaces) if the file type is 01.
Entry class Numeric ✔ 2 For NAEDOS transactions where the service type
= 10, please refer to the NAEDOS entry class
codes (Appendix 5A), and for EFT transactions
refer to the ACB entry class codes (Appendix 5B).
Nominated Alpha- 30 This is the nominated reference that will reflect
account numeric on the nominated account statement.
BDF indicator Alpha 1 The BDF payment indicator is B and is only
mandatory for BDF payments. The B-indicator
must be specified for all BDF payments. If
unspecified, the transaction will be processed as a
normal non-BDF transaction and will result in a
rejection or an unpaid transaction.
Filler Alpha- ✔ 75 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.

New line feed Special ✔ N/A A new line must be started after each record.




File trailer layout
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Value = 03 – trailer record identifier.

Total number of Numeric ✔ 8 The total number of transactions within the file,
transactions excluding header and trailer details.

Total value Numeric ✔ 18 The total value of transactions within the file,
excluding header and trailer details.

Filler Alpha- ✔ 292 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.


New line feed Special ✔ N/A A new line must be started after each record.

5.2 Incoming files (Nedbank to client)

Nedbank will provide the client with electronic feedback on processed transactions. The responses sent
to the client will be in one of the following formats, depending on the nature of the response:
• NACK file
• ACK file
• Duplicate file
• Unpaids file
• NAEDOS response file, where applicable

These are detailed in the following sections:

5.2.1 NACK file

A NACK file is sent to the client when the transaction instruction file and/or the ‘disallow instruction’ file,
forwarded by that client either fails the file authentication and integrity test or exceeds the defined
rejection percentage (refer to Section 4.2 for the ‘Transaction rejection’ option).

File authentication validation failure

When the file fails the file authentication validation, CPS will return only the header and trailer of the
original file, amended to include three additional fields:
• File status
• Rejection reason
• Hash total

The NACK file will use the same two characters used in the input file and will be named as follows:





• The ‘***’ represents the client identifier, AA, AB, AC, etc., with N indicating 'file not
acknowledged'. This unique code will be incorporated into the file name, as displayed above.
• The three digits represented by 000 refer to a sequential number, which will be the same as
for the corresponding input file.

During testing the following naming convention will be used:

‘Q’ is used instead of ‘P’. NACK file layout

The file layout below will be used when the file authentication validation fails:

File headers
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.
Client profile number Numeric ✔ 10 Same as original file.
File sequence number Numeric ✔ 24 Same as original file.
File type Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.
Nominated account number Numeric ✔ 16 Same as original file.
Charges account number Numeric ✔ 16 Same as original file.
Filler Alpha- ✔ 250 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A A new line must be started after each record.

File trailer
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.
Total number of transactions Numeric ✔ 8 Same as original file.
Total value Numeric ✔ 18 Same as original file.
Filler Numeric ✔ 52 Zero-filled.
File status String ✔ 8 Value = rejected.
Reason String ✔ 30 Reason for the file being rejected.
Filler Alpha- ✔ 202 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A A new line must be started after each record.




File security record layout
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Value = 04 – file security record identifier.
Hash total Alpha- ✔ 256 The hash total is used for security purposes. The
numeric hash total must be padded with trailing spaces if
it is less than the allocated 256 characters.
Filler Alpha- ✔ 62 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A A new line must be started after each record.

File rejection percentage breach

When a file exceeds the rejection percentage, one of the following actions will be taken:
• The CPS will take into account the client’s ‘rejection transaction’ option before returning the
file to the client. If the option has been set to ‘return only the rejected items’, all rejected-
transaction instructions up to the point where the percentage was exceeded, will be
• If the client’s option is set to ‘return the entire file’, all transaction instructions (both accepted
and rejected) validated up to the point where the percentage was exceeded, will be returned
to the client.
• If the defined percentage is not exceeded, but some transactions fail the validation, the
rejected transactions will be returned with the ACK.

Transaction instructions exceeding the defined rejection percentage will not be

validated and will be returned only if so required by the client’s profile setting. Should
a NACK include transactions with an ACCEPTED status, these transactions will not be
processed, as the entire file is rejected. NACK file with transactions layout

The following layout is used to return a NACK file with transactions:




File header layout
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.

Client profile number Numeric ✔ 10 Same as original file.

File sequence number Numeric ✔ 24 Same as original file.

File type Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.

Nominated- account number Numeric ✔ 16 Same as original file.

Charges account number Numeric ✔ 16 Same as original file.

Filler Alpha- ✔ 250 The filler area MUST CONTAIN

numeric SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A Same as original file.

Item layout
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.

Nominated- account number Numeric ✔ 16 Same as original file.

Payment reference number Numeric ✔ 34 Same as original file.

Destination branch code Numeric ✔ 6 Same as original file.

Destination account number Numeric ✔ 16 Same as original file.

Amount Numeric ✔ 12 Same as original file.

Action date Numeric ✔ 8 Same as original file.

Reference Alpha- ✔ 30 Same as original file.

Destination accountholder’s Alpha- ✔ 30 Same as original file.
name numeric
Transaction type Numeric ✔ 4 Same as original file.

Client type Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.

Charges account number Numeric 16 Same as original file.

Service type Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.

Original payment reference Numeric 34 Same as original file.

Transaction status Alpha- ✔ 8 REJECTED or ACCEPTED.
Reason Alpha- ✔ 98 Reason(s) why item was rejected.
Filler Alpha- ✔ 2 The filler area MUST CONTAIN
numeric SPACES.




Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
New line feed Special ✔ N/A Same as original file.

File trailer layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.

Total number of rejected Numeric ✔ 8 Total number of rejected

transactions transactions.
Total value of rejected Numeric ✔ 18 Total value of rejected
transactions transactions.
Total number of accepted Numeric ✔ 8 Total value of accepted
transactions transactions.
Total value of accepted Numeric ✔ 18 Total value of accepted
transactions transactions.
Total number of transactions in Numeric ✔ 8 Total number of all transactions
original file received in the original file.
Total value of transactions in Numeric ✔ 18 Total value of all transactions
original file received in the original file.
File status String ✔ 8 REJECTED.

Reason String ✔ 30 Reason for the file being rejected.

Filler Alpha- ✔ 202 The filler area MUST CONTAIN

numeric SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A Same as original file.

File security record layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Value = 04 – file security record
Hash total Alpha- ✔ 256 The hash total is used for
numeric security purposes. The hash
total must be padded with
trailing spaces if it is less than
the allocated 256 characters.
Filler Alpha- ✔ 62 The filler area MUST CONTAIN
numeric SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A Same as original file.




5.2.2 ACK file
An ACK file is returned to the client after the individual transaction instructions have been validated. On
completion of the validations, any rejected transaction instructions will be returned to the client. The
accepted transactions will be stored for further processing.

The rejected instructions, if any, are returned in the ACK file. The ACK file will vary in size depending on
the selected option. Only rejected transactions will be returned if the ‘return rejected transactions only’
profile option is chosen, otherwise the entire file will be returned. However, should the number of
rejected-transaction instructions exceed the rejection percentage, the file will not be processed ('NACK').

The ACK file will use the same two characters as those used in the input file and will be named as follows:


• The ‘***’ represents the client identifier, AA, AB, AC, etc., with A being for 'acknowledgement
of the file'. This unique code will be incorporated into the file name, as displayed above.
• The three digits represented by 000 refer to a sequential number, which will be the same as
that for the corresponding input file.

During testing the following naming convention will be used:

QNGG00.CDPACK.***A000.D0.SQ320 (‘Q’ is used instead of ‘P’).

When the client makes use of the CPS front-end file authorisation function, a second ACK file will be sent
to that client after the file has been actioned on the front end. This second ACK will have the following
naming convention:

QNGG00.CDPACK.***H000.D0.SQ320 (‘Q’ is used instead of ‘P’).

Where the client elects to receive a final ACK file that contains details of real-time transactions processed
for the day, the file will have the following naming convention:

QNGG00.CDPACK.***Z000.D0.SQ320 (‘Q’ is used instead of ‘P’).




File header
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.
Client profile number Numeric ✔ 10 Same as original file.
File sequence number Numeric ✔ 24 Same as original file.
File type Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.
Nominated-account number Numeric ✔ 16 Same as original file.
Charges account number Numeric ✔ 16 Same as original file.
Filler Alpha- ✔ 250 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A Same as original file.

File trailer
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.
Total number of transactions Numeric ✔ 8 Same as original file.
Total value Numeric ✔ 18 Same as original file.
File status String ✔ 8 Value = ACCEPTED.
Reason String ✔ 30 Reason field will be left blank.
Filler Alpha- ✔ 256 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A Same as original file.

File security record layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Value = 04 – file security record identifier.
Hash total Numeric ✔ 256 The hash total is used for security purposes.
The hash total must be padded with trailing
spaces if it is less than the allocated 256
Filler Alpha- ✔ 62 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A Same as original file.

Return the entire file

If a client wishes the entire file to be returned after the transaction validation process, a file similar to
the one defined below will be used. However, the following exceptions will apply:
• The file status will read ACCEPTED.
• The ‘reason’ field in the file trailer will display an error description if the file has been rejected;
otherwise it will be left blank.
• The transaction status could read either ACCEPTED or REJECTED, depending on the
transaction validation, provided the rejection percentage has not been breached.




• The ‘reason’ field will be populated only where the transaction has been rejected and will be
populated with the relevant rejection reason(s).

File header layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.

Client profile number Numeric ✔ 10 Same as original file.

File sequence number Numeric ✔ 24 Same as original file.

File type Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.

Nominated- account number Numeric ✔ 16 Same as original file.

Charges account number Numeric ✔ 16 Same as original file.

Filler Alpha- ✔ 250 The filler area MUST CONTAIN

numeric SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A Same as original file.

Item layout
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.

Nominated- account number Numeric 16 Same as original file.

Payment reference number Numeric ✔ 34 Same as original file.

Destination branch code Numeric ✔ 6 Same as original file.

Destination account number Numeric ✔ 16 Same as original file.

Amount Numeric ✔ 12 Same as original file.

Action date Numeric ✔ 8 Same as original file.

Reference Alpha- ✔ 30 Same as original file.

Destination accountholder’s Alpha- ✔ 30 Same as original file.
name numeric
Transaction type Numeric ✔ 4 Same as original file.

Client type Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.

Charges account number Numeric 16 Same as original file.

Service type Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.

Original payment reference Numeric 34 Same as original file.

Transaction status Alpha- ✔ 8 Value = REJECTED or ACCEPTED.
Reason Alpha- ✔ 98 Reason(s) why item was
numeric rejected.




Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Filler Alpha- ✔ 2 The filler area MUST CONTAIN
numeric SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A Same as original file.

File trailer layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.

Total number of rejected Numeric ✔ 8 Number of items rejected.

Total value of rejected Numeric ✔ 18 Value of items rejected.
Total number of accepted Numeric ✔ 8 Number of items accepted.
Total value of accepted Numeric ✔ 18 Value of items accepted.
Total number of transactions in Numeric ✔ 8 Number of all items received.
original file
Total value of transactions in Numeric ✔ 18 Value of all items received.
original file
File status String ✔ 8 ACCEPTED.

Reason String ✔ 30 Reason field will be left blank.

Filler Alpha- ✔ 202 The filler area MUST CONTAIN

numeric SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A Same as original file.

File security record layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Value = 04 – file security
record identifier.
Hash total Alpha- ✔ 256 The hash total is used for
numeric security purposes. The hash
total must be padded with
trailing spaces if it is less than
the allocated 256 characters.
Filler Alpha- ✔ 62 The filler area MUST CONTAIN
numeric SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A Same as original file.

A short description detailing the reason for a status will be provided at a record level.




5.2.3 Duplicate file
A duplicate file is sent to the client when the ‘transaction instruction’ file forwarded by that client
contains a duplicate file name. When the file fails due to the ‘duplicate file name’ validation, CPS will
return only the header and trailer of the original file, amended to include three additional fields:
• File status
• Rejection reason
• Hash total

The duplicate file will use the same two characters used in the input file and will be named as follows:


• The ‘***’ represents the client identifier, AA, AB, AC, etc., with D denoting ‘duplicate file
response name’. This unique code will be incorporated into the file name, as displayed above.
• The three digits represented by 000 is a sequential number, which will be the same as the
corresponding input file number.

During testing the following naming convention will be used:

QNGG00.CDPACK.***DOO.DO.SQ320 (‘Q’ is used instead of ‘P’). Duplicate file layout

File header
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.
Client profile number Numeric ✔ 10 Same as original file.
File sequence number Numeric ✔ 24 Same as original file.
File type Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.
Nominated-account number Numeric ✔ 16 Same as original file.
Charges account number Numeric ✔ 16 Same as original file.
Filler Alpha- ✔ 250 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A A new line must be started after each




File trailer
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Same as original file.
Total number of transactions Numeric ✔ 8 Same as original file.
Total value Numeric ✔ 18 Same as original file.
Filler Numeric ✔ 52 Zero-filled.
File status String ✔ 8 Value = rejected.
Reason String ✔ 30 Reason for the file being rejected.
Filler Alpha- ✔ 202 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A A new line must be started after each

File security record layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Value = 04 – file security record identifier.
Hash total Alpha- ✔ 256 The hash total is used for security purposes.
numeric The hash total must be padded with trailing
spaces if it is less than the allocated 256
Filler Alpha- ✔ 62 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A A new line must be started after each

5.2.4 Unpaids file

Once the transaction instructions have been validated by CPS, they will be routed to the relevant
payment mechanism for onward processing. The payment mechanisms include internal Nedbank
systems and ACB (non-Nedbank bank accounts).

The situation may arise where these payment mechanisms (excluding real-time payments or RTGS) will
reject the routed transaction instructions for some reason. These rejected or unpaid transaction
instructions will be returned to CPS and will then be sent back to the client.

The ‘unpaids’ file will use the same two characters used in the input file and will be named as follows:





During testing the following naming convention will be used:

QNGG00.CDPACK.***O001.D0.SQ320 (‘Q’ is used instead of ‘P’).

• The *** represents the client identifier, AA, AB, AC, etc., with O being for ‘unpaids file’. This
unique code will be incorporated into the file name, as displayed above.
• The digits 001 will always be used, as only one file is produced daily.

If the unpaids file naming option is set as ‘date’, the file will be named as follows:


During testing the following naming convention will be used:

QNGG00.CDPACK.***O0MMDD.D0.SQ320 (‘Q’ is used instead of ‘P’). Unpaids file layout

The following file format will be used when sending unpaid transactions back to the client:

File header layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Value = 01 – header record identifier.

Client profile number Numeric ✔ 10 The unique Nedbank-assigned client

File sequence number Numeric ✔ 24 The first 10 digits are the client’s profile
number plus eight digits for the date on
which the unpaids are created as well as a
six-digit sequence number, which will be
File type Numeric ✔ 2 03 – CPS unpaids file.

Filler Alpha- ✔ 282 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.

New line feed Special ✔ N/A A new line must be started after each




Item layout
Data element Data type Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric 2 Value = 02 – transaction record identifier.

Record type Numeric 2 01 – unpaid;

02 – homeback;
03 – redirect;
Payment reference Numeric 34 The payment reference number of the original
number transaction instruction.
Nedbank reference Numeric 8 An internal Nedbank reference number.
Rejecting-bank code Numeric 3 The code of the bank rejecting the transaction
instruction. Left blank when record type is 02 or 03.
Rejecting-bank branch Numeric 6 The code of the bank branch rejecting the transaction
code instruction. Left blank when record type is 02 or 03.
New destination branch Numeric 6 Will provide for the new destination branch code if the
code original transaction instruction was redirected. Left
blank when record type is 01 or 02.
New destination account Numeric 16 Will provide for the new destination account number if
number the original transaction instruction was redirected. Left
blank when record type is 01 or 02.
New destination account Numeric 1 Will provide for the new destination account type if
type the original transaction was redirected. Left blank
when record type is 01 or 02.
Status Alpha- 8 Status of the transaction instruction.
Reason Alpha- 100 Reason description if the transaction instruction has
numeric been rejected.
Unpaids user reference Alpha- 30 This is the original narrative sent on the input file. This
numeric field will be populated according to the reason code
option according to the loading document:
• overwrite first two characters of narrative;
• insert first two characters of narrative;
• overwrite last two characters of narrative.
Filler Numeric 1 Will always be numeric.

Original homing account Numeric 11 The destination account as supplied on the client’s
number input file.
Original account type Numeric 1 Account indicator in accordance with input file to ACB.

Amount Numeric 10.2 The amount of the transaction.

Original action Numeric 6 The date on which the transaction was actioned.
Class Numeric 2 Contains the entry class as defaulted on the file sent to
Tax code Numeric 1 Will contain 0.

Reason code Numeric 2 Unpaid reason code as returned from ACB or iVeri, if
applicable. Refer to Appendix 5C - Unpaid Reasons
Original homing account Alpha- 30 Original homing (destination) account name.
name numeric




Data element Data type Length Comments Populated by
New sequence number Numeric 6 Will contain the sequence number for a redirect, or
else 0.
Number of times Numeric 2 Number of times the transaction has been redirected.
New action date Numeric 6 Will contain the date on which the entry should be
Filler Alpha- 23 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special N/A A new line must be started after each record.

File trailer layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Value = 03 – trailer record identifier.

Total number of Numeric ✔ 8 Total number of transactions within the

transactions file, excluding header and trailer details.
Total value Numeric ✔ 16,2 Total value of all transactions within the
file, excluding header and trailer details.
Hash total Alpha- ✔ 256 The hash total is used for security
numeric purposes. The hash total must be padded
with trailing spaces if it is less than the
allocated 256 characters.
Filler Alpha- ✔ 35 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A A new line must be started after each

File security record layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Value = 04 – file security record identifier.

Hash total Alpha- ✔ 256 The hash total is used for security
numeric purposes. The hash total must be padded
with trailing spaces if it is less than the
allocated 256 characters.
Filler Alpha- 62 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A A new line must be started after each

5.2.5 NAEDOS response file/s

CPS can provide three different options for the NAEDOS response files to the client. Option 1 is to send
a single response file every morning to the client. Option 2 is to send two response files where file (01)
is sent in the morning and the second file (02) is sent in the afternoon. Option 3 is to send three response
files where file (01) is sent in the morning, the second file (02) is sent in the afternoon and the third (03)
is sent in the early hours of the morning. The files will contain the following transactions:
• All successful transactions.




• All unsuccessful transactions.
• All transactions that have been flagged for credit tracking.

Note that the second and third files can be blank if there are no responses.
CPS will deliver the NAEDOS response files to clients who have submitted NAEDOS transactions, on an
action date.

The NAEDOS response file is named as follows:


• The *** represents the client identifier, AA, AB, AC, etc., with R being for ‘response file’. This
unique code will be incorporated into the file name, as displayed above.
• The two digits represented by 00 is a number that will be either 01 or 02, as two response
files will be produced.

During testing the following naming convention will be used:

QNGG00.CDPACK.***R000.D0.SQ320 (‘Q’ is used instead of ‘P’). NAEDOS response file layout

The file layout below is used for returning NAEDOS transactions:

File header layout

Data element Data type Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric 2 Value = 01 – header record identifier.

Client profile number Numeric 10 The unique Nedbank-assigned client number.

File sequence number Numeric 24 The first 10 digits will be the client profile number
plus eight digits for the date on which the
responses are created as well as a six-digit
sequence number, which will be 000001.
File type Numeric 2 04 – NAEDOS response file.

Filler Alpha- 282 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.

New line feed Special N/A A new line must be started after each record.




Item layout
Data element Data type Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric 2 Value = 02 – transaction record identifier.

Record type Numeric 2 04 – NAEDOS response file.

Payment reference number Numeric 34 The payment reference number of the original
transaction instruction.
Nedbank reference number Numeric 8 An internal Nedbank reference number.

Rejecting-bank code Numeric 3 Will be left blank. Must be space-filled.

Rejecting-bank branch code Numeric 6 Will be left blank. Must be space-filled.

New destination branch code Numeric 6 Will be left blank. Must be space-filled.

New destination account Numeric 16 Will be left blank. Must be space-filled.

New destination account Numeric 1 Will be left blank. Must be space-filled.
Status Alpha- 8 Status of the transaction instruction. Will be
numeric populated with status accepted or rejected.
Reason Alpha- 100 Reason description if the transaction instruction
numeric has been rejected.
User reference Alpha- 30 This is the original narrative sent on the input file.
numeric The first two characters will be replaced by the
reason code below (successful or unsuccessful).
Filler Numeric 1 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.

Original homing account Numeric 11 The destination account as supplied on the client’s
number input file.
Original account type Numeric 1 Account indicator in accordance with input file to
Amount Numeric 10,2 The amount of the transaction.

Original action date Numeric 6 The date on which the transaction was actioned.

Class Numeric 2 Will contain the NAEDOS entry class as selected on

the original input file.
Tax code Numeric 1 Will contain 0 (zero-filled).

Reason code Numeric 2 Reason code as returned from ACB (successful or

unsuccessful). Refer to Appendix 5D: NAEDOS
Response Codes.
Original homing account Alpha- 30 Original homing (destination) account name.
name numeric
New sequence number Numeric 6 Will contain 0 (zero-filled).

Number of times redirected Numeric 2 Will contain 0 (zero-filled).

New action date Numeric 6 Will contain the date on which the transaction was
actually processed.
Filler Alpha- 23 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special N/A A new line must be started after each record.




File trailer layout
Data element Data type Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric 2 Value = 03 – trailer record identifier.

Total number of transactions Numeric 8 Total number of transactions within the file,
excluding header and trailer details.
Total value Numeric 16,2 Total value of all transactions within the file,
excluding header and trailer details.
Hash total Numeric 256 The hash total is used for security purposes. The
hash total must be padded with trailing Hex 00
characters if it is less than the allocated 256
Filler Alpha- 35 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special N/A A new line must be started after each record.

File security record layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Record identifier Numeric ✔ 2 Value = 04 – file security record
Hash total Alpha- ✔ 256 The hash total is used for security
numeric purposes. The hash total must be
padded with trailing Hex 00 characters
if it is less than the allocated 256
Filler Alpha- ✔ 62 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special ✔ N/A A new line must be started after each




5.3 DebiCheck debit orders
This mechanism is used when a response from the bank is not expected in real time. Requests are sent
using files. Clients can send one or multiple requests in the same file. When using this mechanism, clients
need to advise Nedbank where collection / mandate files can be picked up using Connect:Direct.

The following restrictions apply:

Restriction Minimum Maximum
Number of mandate or collection requests per file 1 75 000
Number of mandates or collection files per day 0 999

All input files need to follow the below fixed length structure to send data to

Even though it may contain new DebiCheck transactions, a file should not contain a
duplicate file name/sequence number, as the file will not be processed.

5.3.1 Mandates management Request File – Mandate Initiation, Amendment, Cancellation, and Request for Information
• File Length – 1100
• Structure – Please refer to the layout below
• Location – As advised by the client during client onboarding

The following file naming convention applies to the request file:

PNGG00.CDPACK. ******G000.D0.SQ1100
For testing – please replace ‘P’ with ‘Q’

• Nedbank will assign a unique identifier up to a 4-length alpha character code to each of the
CPS corporate clients.
• The ****** represents the client identifier, AA, AB, AAA, AAAA etc. This unique code will be
incorporated into the file name, as displayed above.
• The three digits, represented by 000, is a sequential number (starting from 001 and going up
to a maximum of 999) that the client, on a daily basis, will incrementally increase on
submission of new files. The sequential numbering will have to be reset every day.
• Clients also need to specify the designated location on a given server where they want to
receive responses (including ACK/NACK) files.




Each file in mandate maintenance can have a single type of transactions e.g.
Mandate Initiation file can only contain initiation transactions and not amendment/
cancellation transactions.

Mandate Amendment rule

Only elements that require update in the mandate register or are mandatory need
be included in the mandate amendment request. Optional fields which does not
require amendment must not be populated, else will be rejected.

File header layout

Data element Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated
type by
Initiation Amendment Cancellation Request for

Record Numeric M M M M 2 Value = 01 – header record identifier.


Message Alpha- M M M M 34 • 3 AN = “021”

Identification numeric • 1 AN = “/”
• 5 AN = ID of the service, refer to
Appendix D – Service Identification
• 1 AN = “/”
• 8 AN = Client Profile Number
• 1 AN = “/”
• 8 N = Creation Date
• 1 AN = “/”
• 6 AN = File Number
Charges Numeric M M M M 16 Client Charge Account
account NOTE - Pricing Engine will use
number Mandate Charge Account captured at
the time of onboarding for billing.
Creation Date Date M M M M 19 The format for local time is YYYY-
and time MM-DDThh:mm:ss.

Initiating Alpha- M M M NA 35 NB/CC number for internal clients

Party numeric and client profile number for external
Client Profile Numeric M M M M 10 This is a unique number that
Number Nedbank will assign to the client. This
is the CPS_ID number.
Instructing Alpha- M M M M 6 Contains the creditor bank (210002).
Agent numeric

Instructed Alpha- M M M M 6 Contains identifier of ACH – 210000.

Agent numeric

Filler Alpha- M M M M 972 The filler area MUST CONTAIN

numeric SPACES.

New line feed Special M M M M N/A A new line must be started after each




Data layout
Data Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Element by
Initiation Amendment Cancellation Request for

Record Numeric M M M M 2 Data record identifier – Value = 02.


Amendmen Alpha- NA M M NA 4 Amendment Codes as contained in the

t/ numeric Mandate Reason Code Table:
Cancellatio Appendix E – Mandate Amendment Reason
n Reason Codes.
Cancellation Codes as contained in the
Mandate Cancellation Reason:
Appendix A – Mandate Cancellation Reason
Client Alpha- M M M NA 35 For use by creditor for internal referencing.
Reference numeric Free format alpha-numeric field.

Contract Alpha- M NA O NA 14 Creditor contract number and may only

Reference numeric change prior to any collection having taken
place. This will appear on the statement
and will be referenced in Mandate
Suspension, etc.
Tracking Alpha- M O M NA 1 For cancellation request:
Indicator numeric Valid values are “T” and “F”:
(Service • If “T” cancel record in Tracking.
Level) • If “F” don’t cancel record in Tracking.

Debtor Alpha- M M NA NA 4 • Code 0226: no authorisation is required

Authentica numeric as the amendment/s will be in line with
tion initial mandate terms.
Required • Code 0227: debtor authorisation is
(Local required.
Instrument • For cancellation, it will be spaces.
) Appendix S – Real Time and Batch Element
Instalment Code M M NA NA 4 Valid Codes include:
Occurrence • OOFF – Once Off
(Sequence • RCUR – Recurring
Frequency Code M O NA NA 4 See Table of Mandate Frequency Codes.
Appendix B - Mandate Frequency Codes.

Mandate Date M NA NA NA 10 YYYY-MM-DD

Initiation This can’t be future date or past date.
First Date O O NA NA 10 YYYY-MM-DD
Collection If the first collection date is populated, then
Date the first collection amount must also be
populated and vice versa.
Collection Alpha- C C N/A NA 3 This must be ZAR.
Currency numeric

Instalment Decimal C C N/A NA 15 Must contain a value for “FIXED” and

Amount (13,2) “VARIABLE” Debit Value Types.

Collection Alpha- M O N/A NA 3 This must be ZAR.

Currency numeric




Data Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Element by
Initiation Amendment Cancellation Request for

Maximum Decimal M O N/A NA 15 MaximumiInstalment amount that may be

Collection (13,2) collected under an agreement between
Amount user and payer. Maximum amount of any

Creditor Alpha- O O N/A NA 11 Scheme ID of creditor like ‘Church Fund’,

Scheme ID numeric etc.
(Creditor This is a free format alpha-numeric field.
Creditor Alpha- M O M NA 35 Should denote a clear creditor name to
Name numeric identify the creditor.
Can be the same as ultimate creditor name.
Mandate Alpha- M M M NA 23 • 4 N = Client id
Request numeric • 10 AN = Original System Date (YYYY-
Transaction MM-DD)
Identifier • 9 N = Mandate sequence number

When cancelling a registered mandate, a

new MRTI must be issued, and the
MandateReferenceNumber (MRN) is
When cancelling an inflight mandate (with
reason code MICN/MACN), then the MRTI
must be same as that of original

Creditor Alpha- M O O NA 30 Mobile or landline number, needs to cater

Telephone numeric for the international standard (+27)
Contact “+27823509883”.
Creditor Alpha- O O O NA 90 Email address
Email numeric
Creditor Alpha- M O O NA 19 This is bank account number of creditor.
Account numeric The account number should be right
Number justified.
This is the nominated account.
Creditor Alpha- M O O M 6 The 6-digit branch sort code is required to
Bank numeric identify the bank. Eg.198765.
(Creditor This will be defaulted to Nedbank’s
Branch universal branch code.
Number) For Request for information, creditor bank
member id needs to be passed.
Ultimate Alpha- O O O NA 35 The underlying agreement lies with the
Creditor numeric ultimate creditor.




Data Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Element by
Initiation Amendment Cancellation Request for

Creditor Alpha- M M M M 10 Abbreviated Short Name.

Abbreviate numeric For amendment and cancellation, Creditor
d Short Abbreviated Short Name should be same as
Name what is present in mandate database.
Appendix M – Amendment Rules.
Debtor Alpha- M O M NA 35 Name of debtor as per bank account
Name numeric record.

Debtor Alpha- M O N/A NA 35 Values allowed:

Identificati numeric • 1 AN = Document type
on - P = Passport
- I = ID Document
- T = Temporary residence ID
• 1 AN = “/”
• 33AN = Identification Document Number

Debtor Alpha- O O N/A NA 30 Mobile or landline number, needs to cater

Telephone numeric for the international standard (+27)
Contact “+27823509883”.
Details International Standard mobile or landline
numbers consists of a "+" followed by the
country code (from 1 to 3 characters) then
a "-" and finally, any combination of
numbers, "(", ")", "+" and "-" (up to 30
characters). Pattern \+[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9()+\-
Debtor Alpha- O O N/A NA 90 Email address.
Email numeric
Debtor Alpha- M O O NA 19 This is bank account number of debtor.
Account numeric
Debtor Alpha- M C O NA 12 Account Type table.
Account numeric If debtor account number is present,
Type account type must be populated.
Appendix C - Account Types.
Debtor Alpha- M C M M 6 The 6-digit branch sort code is required to
Bank numeric identify the bank.
(Debtor Actual branch number & can use universal
Branch sort code.
Number) For a request for information, the debtor
bank member ID needs to be passed.
Ultimate Alpha- O O N/A NA 35 Ultimate debtor name.
Debtor numeric
Original Alpha- NA M NA NA 35 For use by creditor for internal referencing.
Client numeric This should be populated with original
Reference value of mandate/initiation request




Data Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Element by
Initiation Amendment Cancellation Request for

Original Alpha- NA O NA NA 14 This is the Creditor Contract number and

Contract numeric may only change prior to any collection
Reference having taken place. This will appear on the
statement and will be referenced in
Mandate Suspension, etc.
This should be populated with original
value of mandate/initiation request.
Original Alpha- NA M NA NA 35 Original creditor name.
Creditor numeric This should be populated with original
Name value of mandate/initiation request.

Original Alpha- NA M NA NA 23 • 4 N = Client ID

Mandate numeric • 10 AN = Original Date
Request • 9 N = Mandate sequence number
Transaction This field is created by the creditor bank
Identifier and is unique.
This should be populated with original
value of Mandate/Initiation request.
Original Alpha- NA M NA NA 35 Original debtor name.
Debtor numeric This should be populated with original
Name value of mandate/initiation request.
Original Alpha- NA M NA NA 6 The 6-digit branch sort code is required to
Bank numeric identify the bank.
(Debtor Actual branch number & can use universal
Branch sort code.
Number) This should be populated with original
value of mandate/initiation request.
Authentica Alpha- M M M NA 9 Must contain “BATCH”.
tion Type numeric

Collection Alpha- M M N/A NA 2 Contains a number for the day aligned to

Day numeric frequency.
Appendix B - Mandate Frequency Codes.
Date Alpha- M O N/A NA 1 This field may contain:
Adjustment numeric • "Y" = Yes
Rule • "N" = No
Adjustment Alpha- M O N/A NA 1 This field may contain:
Category numeric • N - Never
• Q - Quarterly
• A - Annually
• B - Bi-annually or
• R - Repo
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.

Sign Char C C N/A NA 1 Values can be:

Indicator • ‘+’ or spaces to indicate positive value
• ‘-’ to indicate negative value
Will only be populated if adjustment rate is




Data Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Element by
Initiation Amendment Cancellation Request for

Adjustment Numeric O O N/A NA 8(3,5) Adjustment rate to increase or decrease by

Rate per adjustment category.
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Adjustment Alpha- O O N/A NA 3 This must be ZAR.
Amount numeric
Sign Char C C N/A NA 1 Values can be:
Indicator • ‘+’ or spaces to indicate positive value
• ‘-’ to indicate negative value
Will only be populated if Adjustment
amount is present.
Adjustment Decimal O O N/A NA 15 Adjustment amount to increase/decrease
Amount (13,2) by per adjustment category.
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Mandate Alpha- N/A M C M 22 • 4 AN = Bank Number
Reference numeric • 8N = Mandate Creation Date
Number • 10AN = Free format

For Amendment: This is the original

Mandate Reference Number, the unique
mandate identification. This number must
be unique in the industry for the lifetime of
mandate (including time in the archives).
If Cancellation is for inflight, then Mandate
Reference Number will not be there and if
cancellation is for registered mandate then
Mandate Reference Number needs to be
Collection Alpha- O O NA NA 3 This must be ZAR.
Currency numeric

First Decimal O O NA NA 15 If the first collection date is populated, then

Collection (13,2) the first collection amount must also be
Amount populated and vice versa.
Debit Value Alpha- M O O NA 11 Values are:
Type numeric • FIXED

Mandate Alpha- NA NA NA M 35 • 4 N = Client id

Informatio numeric • 4 AN = “MDTE"
n Request • 10 AN = Original System Date (YYYY-
Identifier MM-DD)
• 9 N = Mandate sequence number
This field is created by the originator of the
message and is unique.

Request Alpha- NA NA NA M 10 Must contain “MANDATE”.

Type numeric




Data Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Element by
Initiation Amendment Cancellation Request for

Filler Alpha- M M M M 170 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.


New line N/A M M M M N/A A new line must be started after each

File trailer layout

Data Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated
element type by
Initiation Amendment Cancellation Request for

Record Numeri M M M M 2 Value = 03 – trailer record identifier.

identifier c

Total Numeri M M M M 8 Total number of data records.

number of c
Filler Alpha- M M M M 1090 This will have SPACES.

New line Special M M M M N/A A new line must be started after each
record. ACK / NACK – Status Report – Mandate Initiation, Amendment, Cancellation and Request for
• File Length – 1100
• Structure – Please refer to the layout below
• Location – As advised by the client during client onboarding

The following file naming convention applies to the ACK / NACK file:

ACK: PNGG00.CDPACK. ******J000.D0.SQ1100

NACK: PNGG00.CDPACK. ******Q000.D0.SQ1100
For testing ‘P’ will be replaced with ‘Q’.

• Nedbank will assign a unique identifier up to a 4-length alpha character code to each of the
CPS corporate clients.
• The ****** represents the client identifier, AA, AB, AAA, AAAA etc. This unique code will be
incorporated into the file name, as displayed above.
• The three digits, represented by 000, is a sequential number (same as that of input file




ACK will be consolidated per file – meaning if creditor has sent 1 file with 100
transactions, an ACK file with 100 transactions will be returned.

• If there is any structural or data attribute related issue, then the full file will be rejected.
• ACK/NACK will be given to all clients and this will be after pre-processing validation.
• Rejections due to duplication will also be a NACK (N) and not duplicate (D).

File header layout

Data element Data type Length Comments Populated by

Record identifier Numeric 2 Header record identifier.

Value = 01.
Message Identification Alpha- 34 Unique identifier of the message submitted
numeric by the Bank.
Original Message Alpha- 34 The Message ID sent by the customer in the
Identification numeric request message.
Client Profile Number Numeric 10 This is a unique number that Nedbank will
assign to the client. This is the CPS_ID

Data layout
Data element Data type Length Comments Populated by

Record identifier Numeric 2 Data record identifier.

Value = 02
Client Reference Alpha- 35 Same as input file
Contract Reference Alpha- 14 Same as input file
Mandate Request Alpha- 23 Same as input file.
Transaction Identifier numeric
Creditor Account Alpha- 19 Same as input file.
Number numeric
Creditor Abbreviated Alpha- 10 Same as input file.
Short Name numeric
Debtor Account Alpha- 19 Same as input file.
Number numeric
Debtor Account Type Alpha- 12 Same as input file.
Debtor Bank (Debtor Alpha- 6 Same as input file.
Branch Number) numeric
Original Client Alpha- 35 Same as input file.
Reference numeric
Mandate Reference Alpha- 22 Same as input file.
Number numeric
Mandate Information Alpha- 35 Same as input file.
Request Identifier numeric
Request Type Alpha- 10 Same as input file.




Data element Data type Length Comments Populated by

Transaction Status Alpha- 4 This must contain a value in Payment

numeric Status Group Code.
Appendix H – Payment Status Group Code.
Reason Code Alpha- 120 It will have the reason code of the
numeric rejection.
It can have multiple error code up to 20
without comma.
Appendix G – Table of Error Codes.
Filler Alpha- 730 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special N/A A new line must be started after each

File trailer layout

Data element Data type Length Comments Populated by

Record identifier Numeric 2 Trailer record identifier.

Value = 03
Total number of rejected Numeric 8 Total number of rejected
transactions transactions.
Total number of accepted Numeric 8 Total number of accepted
transactions transactions.
Total number of transactions in Numeric 8 Total number of all transactions
original file received in the original file.
File status Alpha- 8 REJECTED/ACCEPTED.
File Rejection Reason Code Alpha- 30 Reason code for the file being
numeric rejected.

Filler Alpha- 1036 The filler area MUST CONTAIN

numeric SPACES.
New line feed Special N/A NEW LINE. Response File – Mandate Acceptance Report – Mandate Initiation, Amendment and Cancellation
• File Length – 1100
• Structure - Please refer layout below
• Location – As advised by the client during Client Onboarding
• This will have mix response, for Initiation, amendment and cancellation.

The following file naming convention applies to the response file:

1st Response: PNGG00.CDPACK. ******T001.D0.SQ1100

2nd Response: PNGG00.CDPACK. ******T002.D0.SQ1100
For testing ‘P’ will be replaced with ‘Q’.




• Nedbank will assign a unique identifier up to a 4-length alpha character code to each of the
CPS corporate clients.
• The ****** represents the client identifier, AA, AB, AAA, AAAA etc. This unique code will be
incorporated into the file name, as displayed above.
• The three digits, represented by 000, is a sequential number (same as that of input file

The response file will be generated twice per day and will cater for the following:
• TT2 mandate where rejections pacs.002 are received from the debtor bank and ACH (Final
• If partially accepted, then only negative transaction detail is returned. If fully accepted, then
only the failed transactions will be shown. If fully rejected due to header error, only group
header error is returned.
• All mandates suspended for today (Suspension).
• All TT2 mandates where a Pain.012 is received (TT2 Response).
• Final fate (no response) pain.012 of all expired TT1 delayed request (TT1 Response).
• * Pain.012 in batch will contain at least one acceptance message, but can have more than
one also.

File header layout

Data element Data M/O/C/NA Length Comments Populated in case of: Populated
type by
Record Numeric M 2 Header record identifier. Debtor response for
identifier Value = 01. initiation, amendment
cancellation, status
report (Rejection- all),
Message Alpha- M 34 • 3 AN = “021” Debtor response for
Identification numeric • 1 AN = “/” initiation, amendment,
• 5 AN = ID of the service, cancellation, status
refer Appendix D - Service report (Rejection- all),
Identification Codes suspension.
• 1 AN = “/”
• 8 AN = Client Profile Number
• 1 AN = “/”
• 8 N = Creation Date
• 1 AN = “/”
• 6 AN = File Number
Can’t be used for tie back.
Creation Date Date M 19 The format for local time is Debtor response for
and time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. initiation, amendment,
This field is used to provide cancellation, status
Creditor with Mandate report (Rejection- all),
Creation Date. suspension.
Can’t be used for tie back.
Initiating Party Alpha- O 35 Same as input file. Debtor response for
numeric initiation, amendment,
cancellation, status
report (Rejection- all).




Data element Data M/O/C/NA Length Comments Populated in case of: Populated
type by
Client Profile Numeric M 10 This is a unique number that Debtor response for
Number Nedbank will assign to the initiation, amendment,
client. This is the CPS_ID cancellation, status
number. report (Rejection- all),
Instructing Alpha- M 6 Contains identifier of ACH – Debtor response for
Agent numeric 210000. initiation, amendment,
cancellation, status
report (Rejection- all),
Instructed Alpha- M 6 Contains identifier of Creditor Debtor response for
Agent numeric bank- 210002. initiation, amendment,
cancellation, status
report (Rejection- all),
Filler Alpha- M 988 The filler area MUST CONTAIN Debtor response for
numeric SPACES. initiation, amendment,
cancellation, status
report (Rejection- all),
New line feed Special M N/A A new line must be started Debtor response for
after each record. initiation, amendment,
cancellation, status
report (Rejection- all),

Data layout
Data Element Data M/O/C/NA Length Comments Populated in case of: Populated
type by
Record Numeric M 2 Data record identifier. Debtor response for
identifier Value = 02. initiation, amendment,
cancellation, status
report (Rejection- all),
Original Alpha- O 34 Will only be populated in case Status report
Message ID numeric of rejection from DR (Rejection-all)
Can’t be used for tie back.
Original Alpha- O 35 Populated as per valid value: Status report
Message Type numeric • Initiation (Rejection-all)
• Amendment
• Cancellation
Will only be populated in case
of rejection from DR
Accepted Ind O 5 This has a TRUE/FALSE value. Debtor response for
Indicator True indicates mandate initiation, amendment,
request (Initiation/10/11) has cancellation
been accepted.




Data Element Data M/O/C/NA Length Comments Populated in case of: Populated
type by
Payment Code O 4 This is for failure at group StatusrReport
Status Group level. (Rejection-all)
Code (Header It can only have PART and
level code) RJCT.
Appendix H – Payment Status
Group Codes.
Reason Code Alpha- O 6 Appendix G – Table of Error Status report
(Header level numeric Codes. (Rejection-all)
code) • Reason code will only be
populated in case of PART
and RJCT.
• The Reason Code must
contain 902203 for Batch
when all rejected
• The Reason Code must
contain “NONREF” when
the Payment Status Group
Code is “PART”.

Rejected Alpha- O 4 This is for pain.012. Debtor response for

Reason Code numeric Appendix X- External Return initiation, amendment,
Reason Codes – Mandates. cancellation

Error Codes Alpha- O 120 Can have multiple error codes Status report
(Transaction numeric up to 20 without comma. (Rejection-all)
level code) Appendix G – Table of Error

Transaction Alpha- O 4 This is the rejection at Status report

Status numeric transaction level in pacs.002. (Rejection-all)
This must contain “RJCT”.
Will only be populated for
rejected transactions.
Appendix H – Payment Status
Group Code.

Client Alpha- O 35 For use by creditor for internal Debtor response for
Reference numeric referencing initiation, amendment,
Free format alpha-numeric cancellation, status
field. report (Rejection- all),
Contract Alpha- O 14 This is the Creditor Contract Debtor response for
Reference numeric number and may only change initiation, amendment,
prior to any collection having cancellation, status
taken place. This will appear report (Rejection of
on the statement and will be Initiation, amendment,
referenced in Mandate cancellation initiation)
Suspension, etc. *if provided in request
Tracking Alpha- O 1 Valid values are “T” and “F”, Debtor response for
Indicator numeric same as input file initiation, amendment,
(Service Level) cancellation, status
report (Rejection of
Initiation, amendment,
cancellation initiation)
*if provided in request




Data Element Data M/O/C/NA Length Comments Populated in case of: Populated
type by
Authorisation Alpha- O 4 • Code 0226 - no Debtor Response for
Code numeric authorisation is required as initiation, amendment,
Debtor it is in line with initial status report (Rejection
Authenticatio mandate terms of initiation,
n Required (amendment). amendment initiation)
(Local • Code 0227 - debtor *if provided in request
Instrument) authorisation is required.
• For cancellation, it will be
Appendix S – Real Time and
Batch Element Combinations.
Instalment Code O 4 Valid Codes include: Debtor Response for
Occurrence • OOFF – Once Off initiation, amendment,
(Sequence • RCUR - Recurring status report (Rejection
Type) of initiation,
initiation)*if provided in
Frequency Code O 4 Appendix B - Mandate Debtor Response for
Frequency Codes. initiation, amendment,
status report (Rejection
of initiation,
initiation)*if provided in
Mandate Date O 10 YYYY-MM-DD. Debtor response for
Initiation Date initiation, status report
(From Date) (Rejection- initiation)
First Date O 10 YYYY-MM-DD. Debtor Response for
Collection initiation, amendment,
Date status report (Rejection
of initiation,
*if provided in request.
If the first collection
date is populated, then
the first collection
amount must also be
populated and vice
Collection Alpha- O 3 This must be ZAR. Debtor Response for
Currency numeric initiation, amendment,
status report (Rejection
of initiation,
provided in request
Instalment Decimal O 15 The collection amount. Debtor Response for
Amount (13,2) Must be present for “Fixed” or initiation, amendment,
“Variable” type mandates. status report (Rejection
of initiation,
provided in request




Data Element Data M/O/C/NA Length Comments Populated in case of: Populated
type by
Collection Alpha- O 3 This must be ZAR. Debtor Response for
Currency numeric initiation, amendment,
status report (Rejection
of initiation,
provided in request
Maximum Decimal O 15 Maximum Instalment Amount Debtor Response for
Collection (13,2) that may be collected under initiation, amendment,
Amount an agreement between user status report (Rejection
and payer. Maximum amount of initiation,
of any instalment. amendment)*if
Example: provided in request
0.04 – 0.00
0.05 – 0.10
0.07 – 0.10
Creditor Alpha- O 11 Scheme ID of creditor like Debtor Response for
Scheme ID numeric Church Fund etc. initiation, amendment,
(Creditor This is a free format alpha- status report (Rejection
Scheme numeric field. of initiation,
Name) amendment)*if
provided in request
Creditor Alpha- O 35 Should denote a clear creditor Debtor response for
Name numeric name to identify the Creditor. initiation, amendment,
Can be the same as ultimate cancellation status
creditor name. report (Rejection-
initiation, amendment,
cancellation )
*if provided in request
Mandate Alpha- O 23 • 4 N = Client ID Status report
Request numeric • 10 AN = Original System (Rejection- all)/ Debtor
Transaction Date (YYYY-MM-DD) response for initiation,
Identifier • 9 N = Mandate sequence amendment/
number cancellation *if
This field must match back to provided in request
the original request message.
Creditor Alpha- O 30 Mobile or landline number, Debtor response for
Telephone numeric needs to cater for the initiation, amendment,
Contact international standard (+27) cancellation status
Details e.g. “+27823509883”. report (Rejection-
initiation, amendment,
cancellation )*if
provided in request
Creditor Email Alpha- O 90 Email Address. Debtor response for
Contact numeric initiation, amendment,
Details cancellation status
report (Rejection-
initiation, amendment,
cancellation )
*if provided in request
Creditor Bank Alpha- O 6 The 6-digit branch sort code is Debtor response for
(Creditor numeric required to identify the bank– initiation, amendment,
Branch 198765. cancellation status
Number) report (Rejection-
initiation, amendment,
cancellation )*if
provided in request




Data Element Data M/O/C/NA Length Comments Populated in case of: Populated
type by
Creditor Alpha- O 19 This is a bank account Debtor response for
Account numeric number. initiation, amendment,
Number This is the nominated account. cancellation status
report (Rejection-
initiation, amendment,
cancellation )
*if provided in request
Ultimate Alpha- O 35 The underlying agreement lies Debtor response for
Creditor numeric with the Ultimate Creditor. initiation, amendment,
Name cancellation status
(Ultimate report (Rejection-
Creditor initiation, amendment,
Identifier) cancellation )*if
provided in request
Creditor Alpha- O 10 Abbreviated Ultimate Creditor Debtor response for
Abbreviated numeric Short Name. initiation, amendment,
Short Name cancellation status
report (Rejection-
initiation, amendment,
cancellation )*if
provided in request
Debtor Alpha- O 35 The originating account name Debtor response for
Account numeric is mandatory for AC. initiation, amendment,
Name cancellation status
report (Rejection-
initiation, amendment,
cancellation )
*if provided in request
Debtor Alpha- O 35 Values allowed: Debtor response for
Identification numeric • 1 AN = Document type initiation, amendment
- “P” = Passport status report (Rejection-
initiation, amendment)
- “I” = ID Document
*if provided in request
- “T” = Temporary
residence ID
• 1 AN = “/”
• 33AN = Identification
Document Number
Debtor Alpha- O 30 Mobile or landline number. Debtor response for
Telephone numeric Needs to cater for the initiation, amendment
Contact international standard (+27) status report (Rejection-
Details e.g. “+27823509883” initiation, amendment)
International Standard mobile *if provided in request
or landline numbers consists
of a "+" followed by the
country code (from 1 to 3
characters) then a "-" and
finally, any combination of
numbers, "(", ")", "+" and "-"
(up to 30 characters). Pattern
Debtor Email Alpha- O 90 Email address. Debtor response for
Contact numeric initiation, amendment
Details status report (Rejection-
initiation, amendment)
*if provided in request




Data Element Data M/O/C/NA Length Comments Populated in case of: Populated
type by
Debtor Alpha- O 19 This is a bank account Debtor response for
Account numeric number. initiation, amendment,
Number cancellation status
report (Rejection-
initiation, amendment.
*if provided in request
Debtor Alpha- O 12 Same as input file. Debtor response for
Account Type numeric initiation, amendment,
cancellation status
report (Rejection-
initiation, amendment.
provided in request
Debtor Bank Alpha- O 6 The 6-digit branch sort code is Debtor response for
(Debtor numeric required to identify the bank. initiation, amendment,
Branch Actual branch number & can cancellation status
Number) use universal sort code. report (Rejection-
initiation, amendment.
*if provided in request
Ultimate Alpha- O 35 Ultimate debtor name. Debtor response for
Debtor Name numeric initiation, amendment,
status report (Rejection-
initiation, amendment)
*if provided in request
Authenticatio Alpha- O 4 Response on authentication Debtor response for
n Status numeric initiation request to Debtor. initiation, amendment
Indicator • If the accepted indicator is
true, the Authorisation
Code must contain “AAUT“
• If the accepted indicator is
false the Authorisation Code
must contain “NAUT” or
Authenticatio Alpha- O 9 Must contain REAL /BATCH Debtor Response for
n Type numeric depending on transaction Initiation/ Amendment/
type: Cancellation Status
TT1 – “REAL TIME” Report (Rejection-
TT2 – “BATCH”. Initiation/ Amendment/
Cancellation )
*if provided in request
Collection Day Alpha- O 2 Contains a number for the day Debtor Response for
numeric aligned to frequency. Initiation/ Amendment
Appendix B - Mandate Status Report
Frequency Codes. (Rejection- Initiation/
Amendment *if
provided in request
Date Alpha- O 1 This field may contain: Debtor Response for
Adjustment numeric • Y = Yes Initiation/ Amendment
Rule Indicator • N = No Status Report
(Rejection- Initiation/
Amendment *if
provided in request




Data Element Data M/O/C/NA Length Comments Populated in case of: Populated
type by
Adjustment Alpha- O 1 This field may contain: Debtor Response for
Category numeric • N - Never Initiation/ Amendment
• Q - Quarterly Status Report
• A - Annually (Rejection- Initiation/
• B - Bi-annually Amendment *if
• R - Repo provided in request
Appendix L – Adjustment
Sign Indicator Char O 1 Values can be: Debtor Response for
• ‘+’ or spaces to indicate Initiation/ Amendment
positive value Status Report
• ‘-’ to indicate negative (Rejection- Initiation/
value. Amendment)
Will only be populated if *if provided in request
Adjustment rate is present.
Adjustment Numeric O 8(3,5) Adjustment rate to increase or Debtor Response for
Rate decrease by per Adjustment Initiation/ Amendment
Category Status Report
Appendix L – Adjustment (Rejection- Initiation/
Rules. Amendment *if
provided in request
Adjustment Alpha- O 3 This must be ZAR. Debtor Response for
Amount numeric Initiation/ Amendment.
Currency Status Report
(Rejection- Initiation/
Amendment *if
provided in request
Sign Indicator Char O 1 Values can be: Debtor Response for
• ‘+’ or spaces to indicate Initiation/ Amendment
positive value Status Report
• ‘-’ to indicate negative (Rejection- Initiation/
value. Amendment)
Will only be populated if *if provided in request
Adjustment amount is
Adjustment Decimal O 15 Adjustment Amount to Debtor Response for
Amount (13,2) increase/decrease by per Initiation/ Amendment
Adjustment Category. Status Report
Appendix L – Adjustment (Rejection- Initiation/
Rules. Amendment *if
provided in request
Authenticatio Alpha- O 20 Debtor Bank authorisation Debtor Response for
n Channel numeric channel to Debtor (e.g. ATM Initiation/ Amendment
Internet banking, mobile and
For 0226, where authorisation
is not required, notification
will be populated in this field
and authentication status
indicator will have AAUT.




Data Element Data M/O/C/NA Length Comments Populated in case of: Populated
type by
Mandate Alpha- O 22 • 4AN = Bank Number (Bank Debtor Response for
Reference numeric Number) 4N Initiation/ Amendment/
Number • 8N = Mandate Creation Cancellation/
Date 8N Suspension
• 10AN = Free format

This is the original Mandate

Reference Number - the
unique mandate
identification. This number
must be unique in the industry
for lifetime of mandate
(including time in archives).
Debtor Bank provides this
unique mandate identification
in this response if Debtor
authorises the mandate.
If Authentication Status
Indicator = AAUT, MRN must
have a value.
Collection Alpha- O 3 This must be ZAR. Debtor Response for
Currency numeric Initiation/ Amendment
Status Report
(Rejection- Initiation/
Amendment *if
provided in request
Initial Amount Numeric O 15 If the first collection date is Debtor Response for
(First (13,2) populated, then the first Initiation/ Amendment
Collection collection amount must also Status Report
Amount) be supplied. (Rejection- Initiation/
Amendment *if
provided in request
Debit Value Alpha- O 11 Values are: Debtor Response for
Type numeric • FIXED Initiation/ Amendment/
• VARIABLE CancellationStatus
• USAGE BASED Report (Rejection-
Initiation/ Amendment/
Cancellation )
*if provided in request
Mandate Alpha- O 10 YYYY-MM-DD. Debtor Response for
Authenticatio numeric Initiation/ Amendment/
n Date Cancellation
Mandate Alpha- O 10 Values are: Debtor Response for
Status numeric • Rejected - Mandate Initiation/ Amendment/
rejected by Debtor or CancellationStatus
rejected due to validation at Report (Rejection-
ACH/DR bank Initiation/ Amendment/
• Active - Mandate is created Cancellation),
and approved by Debtor Suspension
• Suspended - Mandate has *if provided in request
been systematically
• Cancelled - Mandate is no
longer used.




Data Element Data M/O/C/NA Length Comments Populated in case of: Populated
type by
Mandate Alpha- O 105 Appendix AB – Mandate Debtor Response for
Status reason numeric Status Reason (Batch Initiation/ Amendment/
Response and EOD Status Cancellation
Report). Status Report
(Rejection- Initiation/
*if provided in request
Mandate Alpha- O 3 This can have values: Debtor Response for
Initiation Type numeric • TT1 Initiation/ Amendment/
• TT2 Cancellation
Status Report
(Rejection- Initiation/
*if provided in request
Filler Alpha- M 5 The filler area MUST CONTAIN Debtor Response for
numeric SPACES. Initiation/ Amendment/
Cancellation/ Status
Report (Rejection-all)/
New line feed Special M N/A A new line must be started Debtor Response for
after each record. Initiation/ Amendment/
Cancellation/ Status
Report (Rejection-all)/

File trailer layout

Data element Data type M/O/C/NA Length Comments Populated
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Trailer record identifier.
Value = 03.
Total number of Numeric M 8 The total number of transactions within
transactions the file, excluding header and trailer
Filler Alpha- M 1090 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special M N/A A new line must be started after each
record. Response File of Mandate Enquiry (Request for Information)

• File Length – 1100

• Structure -- Please refer below layout
• Location – As advised by Client during Client On boarding




The following file naming convention applies to the response file:

1st Response: PNGG00.CDPACK. ******W001.D0.SQ1100

2nd Response: PNGG00.CDPACK. ******W002.D0.SQ1100
For testing ‘P’ will be replaced with ‘Q’.

• Nedbank will assign a unique identifier up to a 4-length alpha character code to each of the
CPS corporate clients.
• The ****** represents the client identifier, AA, AB, AAA, AAAA etc. This unique code will be
incorporated into the file name, as displayed above.
• The three digits, represented by 000, is a sequential number (same as that of input file

The mdte.002 (responses) will be sent twice to the client. The first response will be sent at 12h00 and
the second at 22h00. The second response will only include information that was not sent in the first
response. These responses will not be file-to-file tie back.

File header layout

Data element Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated
type by
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Value = 01 – header record identifier.

Mandate Alpha- M 34 • 3 AN = “021”

Download numeric • 1 AN = “/”
Message • 5 AN = ID of the service, refer to Appendix D - Service
Identification Identification Codes (MANOC).
• 1 AN = “/”
• 8 AN = Client Profile no.
• 1 AN = “/”
• 8 N = Creation Date
• 1 AN = “/”
• 6 AN = File Number
Creation Date and Date M 19 The format for local time is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.
Time This field is used to provide Creditor with Mandate
Creation Date.
Client Profile Numeric M 10 This is a unique number that Nedbank will assign to the
Number client. This is the CPS_ID number.
Instructing Agent Alpha- M 6 Contains identifier of ACH.
Instructed Agent Alpha- M 6 Contains the creditor bank (210002).
Filler Alpha- M 1023 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record.




Data layout
Data element Data Mandatory Length Populated in Comments Populated
type case of: by
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Status Report Value = 02 – data record identifier.
/ mdte.002
Original Message Alpha- O 34 Status Report This is obtained from Message Id of
Id numeric Original Message.
Payment Status Code O 4 Status Report This can contain RJCT/PART.
Group Code Appendix H – Payment Status Group
Reason Code Alpha- O 6 Status Report Will only be populated in case of RJCT in
numeric Payment Status Group Code.
Appendix G – Table of Error Codes.
Mandate Request Alpha- O 23 Status Report, Will only be populated in case of RJCT in
Transaction numeric mdte.002 Payment Status Group Code.
Identifier • 4 N = Bank Number
• 10 AN = Original System Date (YYYY-
• 9 N = Mandate Sequence No
This field is created by the originator of
the message and is unique. This is used to
identify the mandate in error.
Transaction Alpha- O 4 Status Report Will only be populated in case of RJCT in
Status numeric Payment Status Group Code.
This will have RJCT.
Reason Code Alpha- O 6 Status Report Will only be populated in case of RJCT in
numeric Payment Status Group Code.
Appendix G – Table of Error Codes.
Mandate Alpha- O 35 mdte.002 This field must be the same as the data
Information numeric supplied in the Mandate Request
Request (Mdte.001).
Creditor Bank Alpha- O 6 mdte.002 The 6-digit branch sort code is required to
Member ID numeric identify the bank. Eg.198765.

Debtor Bank Alpha- O 6 mdte.002 This is the identifier of the Debtor Bank.
Member ID numeric
Accepted Ind O 5 mdte.002 Must contain TRUE or FALSE. TRUE
Indicator indicates that the mandate requested was
Response Reason Alpha- O 4 mdte.002 This field indicates if request was rejected,
Code numeric and the reason for rejection. Mandate
Reason Codes as contained in Appendix J
Mandate Rejected Reason Codes.




Data element Data Mandatory Length Populated in Comments Populated
type case of: by
Mandate Status Alpha- O 4 mdte.002 This will reflect the status of the mandate
numeric as listed in Appendix AA – Mandate Status
Reason Code (MDTE).
Client Reference Alpha- O 35 mdte.002 For use by creditor for internal
numeric referencing.
Contract Alpha- O 14 mdte.002 This is the Creditor Contract number and
Reference numeric may only change prior to any Collection
having taken place. This will appear on the
statement and will be referenced in
Mandate Suspension, etc.
Tracking Alpha- O 1 mdte.002 Valid values are “T” or “F”
Indicator (Service numeric
Debtor Code O 4 mdte.002 (0226, 0227, 0228,0229, 0230).
Authentication Appendix S – Real Time and Batch
Required (Local Element Combinations.
Instrument Code)
Instalment Code O 4 mdte.002 Valid Codes are:
Occurrence • OOFF – Once Off
(Sequence Type) • RCUR – Recurring

Frequency Code O 4 mdte.002 See Table of Mandate Frequency Codes.

Appendix B – Mandate Frequency Codes.
Mandate Date O 10 mdte.002 Format is YYYY-MM-DD.
Initiation Date
(From Date)
First Collection Date O 10 mdte.002 Format is YYYY-MM-DD.
Date If the first collection date is populated,
then the first collection amount must also
be populated and vice versa.
Collection Alpha- O 3 mdte.002 This must be ZAR.
Currency numeric
Instalment Decimal O 15 mdte.002 The collection amount.
Amount (13,2)
Collection Alpha- O 3 mdte.002 This must be ZAR.
Currency numeric
Maximum Decimal O 15 mdte.002 The Max collection amount.
Instalment (13,2)
Creditor Scheme Alpha- O 11 mdte.002 Scheme ID of creditor, for example
ID (Creditor numeric "Church Funds".
Scheme Name) This is a free format alpha-numeric field.
Creditor Name Alpha- O 35 mdte.002 Should denote a clear creditor name to
numeric identify the creditor.
Can be the same as ultimate creditor
Creditor Alpha- O 30 mdte.002 Mobile or landline number, needs to cater
Telephone numeric for the international standard (+27)
Contact Details e.g. “+27823509883”.
Creditor Email Alpha- O 90 mdte.002 Email address.
Contact Details numeric




Data element Data Mandatory Length Populated in Comments Populated
type case of: by
Creditor Bank Alpha- O 6 mdte.002 The Creditor Bank Branch number.
(Creditor bank numeric
Branch Number)
Creditor Account Alpha- O 19 mdte.002 This is a bank account number.
Number numeric This is the nominated account.
Ultimate Creditor Alpha- O 35 mdte.002 Name of Ultimate Creditor.
Name numeric Name in case of third party involvement
in collection.
Creditor Alpha- O 10 mdte.002 Ultimate Creditor Abbreviated Short
Abbreviated numeric Name.
Short Name
Debtor Name Alpha- O 35 mdte.002 Name of debtor as per bank account
numeric record.
Debtor Alpha- O 35 mdte.002 • 1 AN = Document type
Identification numeric - P = Passport
- I = ID Document
- T = Temporary residence Id
• 1 AN = “/”
• 33AN = Identification Document No.

Debtor Alpha- O 30 mdte.002 Mobile or landline number, needs to cater

Telephone numeric for the international standard (+27)
Contact Details e.g. “+27823509883”.
International Standard mobile or landline
numbers consists of a "+" followed by the
country code (from 1 to 3 characters) then
a "-" and finally, any combination of
numbers, "(", ")", "+" and "-" (up to 30
characters). Pattern \+[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9()+\-
Debtor Email Alpha- O 90 mdte.002 Email address.
Contact Details numeric
Debtor Account Alpha- O 19 mdte.002 This is a debtor bank account number.
Number numeric
Debtor Account Alpha - O 12 mdte.002 Account Type table.
Type Numeric Appendix C – Account Types.

Debtor Bank Alpha- O 6 mdte.002 This is the debtor bank branch code.
(Debtor bank numeric
Branch Number)
Ultimate Debtor Alpha- O 35 mdte.002 Name of ultimate debtor.
Name numeric
Authentication Alpha- O 9 mdte.002 Must contain “REAL TIME” or “BATCH” or
Type numeric “PREAUTH”.
Collection Day Alpha- O 2 mdte.002 Contains a number for the day aligned to
numeric frequency.
Appendix B – Mandate Frequency Codes.
Date Adjustment Alpha- O 1 mdte.002 This field may contain:
Rule Indicator numeric • Y = Yes
• N = No




Data element Data Mandatory Length Populated in Comments Populated
type case of: by
Adjustment Alpha- O 1 mdte.002 This field may contain:
Category numeric • N-Never
• Q-Quarterly
• A-Annually
• B-Bi-annually
• R-Repo
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Sign Indicator Char O 1 mdte.002 Values can be:
• ‘+’ or spaces to indicate positive value
• ‘-’ to indicate negative value.
Will only be populated if Adjustment rate
is present.
Adjustment Rate Numeric O 8(3,5) mdte.002 Adjustment rate to increase or decrease
by per Adjustment Category.
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.

Adjustment Alpha- O 3 mdte.002 This must be ZAR.

Amount Currency numeric
Sign Indicator Char O 1 mdte.002 Values can be:
• ‘+’ or spaces to indicate positive value
• ‘-’ to indicate negative value.
Will only be populated if Adjustment
amount is present.
Adjustment Decimal O 15 mdte.002 Adjustment Amount to increase/decrease
Amount (13,2) by per Adjustment Category.
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Authentication Alpha- O 20 mdte.002 Debtor Bank authorisation channel to
Channel numeric Debtor (e.g. ATM Internet banking, mobile
and card)
For 0226, where authorisation is not
required, notification will be populated in
this field and authentication status
indicator will have AAUT.
Mandate Alpha- O 22 mdte.002 • 4AN = Bank Number (Bank Number)
Reference numeric • 8N = Mandate Creation Date
Number • 10AN = Free format
This is the original Mandate Reference
Number, the unique mandate
identification. This number must be
unique in the industry for the lifetime of
the mandate (including time in archives).
Debtor Bank provides this unique
mandate identification in this response if
Debtor authorises the mandate.
If Authentication Status Indicator = AAUT,
must have a value.
Collection Alpha- O 3 mdte.002 This must be ZAR.
Currency numeric
First Collection Decimal O 15 mdte.002 If the first collection date is populated,
Amount (Initial (13,2) then the first collection amount must also
Amount) be supplied.




Data element Data Mandatory Length Populated in Comments Populated
type case of: by
Debit Value Type Alpha- O 11 mdte.002 Must contain:
numeric • FIXED

Mandate Date O 10 mdte.002 Mandate Authentication Date (YYYY-MM-

Authentication DD).
Filler Alpha- M 223 Status Report This will have SPACES.
numeric / mdte.002
New line Special M N/A Status Report A new line must be started after each
/ mdte.002 record.

File trailer layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Value = 03 – trailer record identifier.

Total number of Numeric M 8 Total number of all transactions.

Filler Alpha- M 1090 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record.

5.3.2 Collections
Request file (Collection Request / Recall Request)
• File Length – 320
• Structure – Please refer to the layout below
• Location – As advised by the client

The following file naming convention will apply to the request file:

PNGG00.CDPACK. ******C000.D0.SQ320
For testing please replace ‘P’ with ‘Q’.

• Nedbank will assign a unique identifier up to a 4-length alpha character code to each of the
CPS corporate clients.
• The ****** represents the client identifier, AA, AB, AAA, AAAA etc. This unique code will be
incorporated into the file name, as displayed above.
• The three digits, 000, represent a sequential number (starting from 001 and going to a
maximum of 999) that the client, on a daily basis, will incrementally increase on submission
of new files. The sequential numbering will have to be reset every day.
• Clients also need to specify the designated location on a given server where they want to
receive the response (including ACK/NACK) files.




1. An AC Collection file coming from the client will only contain AC transactions.
2. Corporate clients and LOB will need to request a recall file per collection request

File header Layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record Numeric M 2 Value = 01 – header record identifier.

Client profile Numeric M 10 This is a unique number that Nedbank will assign to the
number client. This is the CPS_ID number.

File Numeric M 24 This will be a unique number for each file.

sequence The first 10 digits will be the client profile number; the next
number eight digits will be the date (YYYYMMDD), which is the date
on which the file is submitted, followed by a six-digit
sequential number.
File type Numeric M 2 01 – Transaction instructions.
38- Recall

Nominated Numeric M 16 The client’s account number has to be a Nedbank account

account which is linked to client’s profile.
Charges Numeric M 16 Account from which AC charges/fees will be drawn for this
account file. Has to be a Nedbank account loaded to that client
number profile and setup as charge account. Can be the same as
the nominated account.
Statement Alpha- O 30 It should have spaces.
narrative numeric

Filler Alpha- M 220 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.


New line Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record.

Data layout
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record Numeric M 2 Value = 02 – transaction record identifier.

Nominated Numeric M 16 This is the client’s account and it must be a Nedbank

account account. For this transaction, only it will override the
number nominated account appearing in the header.
Payment Numeric M 34 Unique number per transaction. The first 24 digits will be
reference the file sequence number and the last 10 digits will be a
number client-generated sequential number.
Destination Numeric M 6 Any valid Debtor branch code.
branch code E.g. universal sort code i.e. 198765.




Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Destination Numeric M 16 Any valid Debtor account number. This must be the same
account debtor account number as the mandate
Amount Numeric M 12(10,2 The maximum is 999999999999. The last two digits
) represent the cents value.

Action date Numeric M 8 YYYYMMDD – represents the date on which the transaction
must be processed. Action date populated should be a
future date and it must be a valid working day. AC
transactions need to be submitted a minimum of a day
before the action date and never on the action date.
Reference Alpha- O 30 This is the reference that will appear on the destination
numeric account statement.
The first 10 characters refer to the user abbreviated short
name, which is the reference that is to appear on the
statement. The next 14 characters refer to the contract
reference, which is the contract or policy reference; and
the last six characters will be the cycle date in the format
YYMMDD. The cycle date, together with the contract
reference and user reference, forms the unique identifier
for the transaction. The first 24 characters must be unique
and static.
Destination Alpha- M 30 This must be in upper case and must contain the name of
account numeric the destination accountholder in the format: surname
holders followed by initials.
Transaction Numeric M 4 This field must contain 0000 for collections.

Client type Numeric M 2 This field must contain 00.

Charges Numeric O 16 Account from which AC charges/fees will be drawn for this
account file. There has to be a Nedbank account loaded to that
number client profile and setup as charge account. Can be the same
as the nominated account.
Service type Numeric M 2 Below is the service type available for AC transactions:
• 23 – AC

Original Numeric O 34 This will contain the payment reference number of the
payment original payment instruction. The field will be blank
reference (spaces) if the file type is 01.
number It will be mandatory for recalls when file type = 38.
Tracking Numeric M 2 Tracking Code defines the number of days for which
Code tracking is requested.
Appendix P – Tracking Codes.
Nominated Alpha- O 30 This is the nominated reference that will reflect on the
account numeric nominated account statement.
reference This field is applicable only for collection request.
Filler Alpha M 1 This field should contain spaces.

Mandate Alpha- M 22 This is the original Mandate Reference Number, the unique
Reference numeric mandate identification. This number must be unique in the
Number industry for lifetime of mandate




Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Debit Alpha- O 4 List of Debit Sequence Types:
Sequence numeric • FRST - First
Type • OOFF - Once-Off
• RCUR - Recurring
• RPRE - Represented
• FNAL - Final
Appendix K – Debit Sequence Types.
Filler Alpha- M 49 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.

New line Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record.

File trailer layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record Numeric M 2 Value = 03 – trailer record identifier.

Total number Numeric M 8 The total number of transactions within the file, excluding
of header and trailer details.
Total value Numeric M 18 The total value of transactions within the file, excluding
(16,2) header and trailer details.

Hash Total Alpha- M 256 The hash total is used for security purposes. The hash total
numeric must be padded with trailing spaces if it is less than the
allocated 256 characters.
Filler Alpha- M 36 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.

New line feed Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record. ACK / NACK – (Collection / Recall)

• File Length – 320
• Structure – Please refer to the layout below
• Location – As advised by the client

The following file naming convention will apply to the files:

ACK: PNGG00.CDPACK.******S000.D0.SQ320
NACK: PNGG00.CDPACK.******B000.D0.SQ320
For testing please replace ‘P’ with ‘Q’.

• Nedbank will assign a unique identifier up to a 4-length alpha character code to each of the
CPS corporate clients.




• The ****** represents the client identifier, AA, AB, AC, AAA, AAAA etc. This unique code will
be incorporated into the file name, as displayed above.
• The three digits, represented by 000, is a sequential number (starting from 001 and going up
to a maximum of 999) that the client, on a daily basis, will incrementally increase on
submission of new files. The sequential numbering will have to be reset every day.

File header layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Same as original file.

Client profile number Numeric M 10 Same as original file.

File sequence Numeric M 24 Same as original file.

File type Numeric M 2 Same as original file.

Filler Alpha-numeric M 282 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.

New line feed Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record.

Data layout
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Same as original file.

Payment reference Numeric M 34 Same as original file.

Transaction Status Alpha- M 8 Status of the transaction.
Reference Alpha- O 30 Same as original file.
Mandate Reference Alpha- M 22 Same as original file.
Number numeric
Debit Sequence Alpha- O 4 Same as original file.
Original payment Numeric O 34 Same as original file.
reference number This is applicable in case of Recall.
Reason Alpha- O 120 Reason of the rejection.
numeric Appendix G – Table of Error Codes.
Will contain spaces when successful.
Filler Alpha- M 66 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special M N/A Same as original file.




File trailer layout
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Same as original file.

Total number of Numeric M 8 Total number of rejected transactions.

rejected transactions
Total value of rejected Numeric M 18 Total value of rejected transactions.
transactions (16,2)
Total number of Numeric M 8 Total number of accepted transactions.
accepted transactions
Total value of Numeric M 18 Total value of accepted transactions.
accepted transactions (16,2)
Total number of Numeric M 8 Total number of all transactions received in the
transactions in original original file.
Total value of Numeric M 18 Total value of all transactions received in the
transactions in original (16,2) original file.
File status String M 8 REJECTED/ACCEPTED.

Reason String O 30 Reason for the file being rejected. Spaces in case
of ACK.
Filler Alpha- M 202 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record.

File security record layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Value = 04 – file security record identifier.

Hash total Alpha- O 256 The hash total is used for security purposes. The
numeric hash total must be padded with trailing spaces if
it is less than the allocated 256 characters.
Filler Alpha- M 62 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record. Response File

• File Length – 320
• Structure - Please refer layout below
• Location – As advised by the client




The following file naming convention will apply to the response file:

PNGG00.CDPACK. ******K000.D0.SQ320
For testing please replace ‘P’ with ‘Q’.

• Nedbank will assign a unique up to a 4-length alpha character code to each of the CPS
corporate clients.
• The ****** represents the client identifier, AA, AB, AC, AAA, AAAA etc. This unique code will
be incorporated into the file name, as displayed above.
• The three digits, represented by 000, is a sequential number (starting from 001 and going up
to a maximum of 999)

Client should receive 2 responses per day:

13 First response will include all successful, unsuccessful and in tracking
14 Second response will include only final responses.

File header layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Value = 01 – header record identifier.

Client profile number Numeric M 10 The unique Nedbank-assigned client number.

This is the CPS_ID number.
File sequence number Numeric M 24 The first 10 digits are the client profile
number plus eight digits for the date on
which the responses are created as well as a
six-digit sequence number, which will be
File type Numeric M 2 04 – Response file.

Filler Alpha- M 282 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.

New line feed Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record.




Data layout
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Value = 02 – transaction record identifier.

Record type Numeric M 2 04 – Response file.

Payment reference Numeric M 34 The payment reference number of the original

number transaction instruction.
Nedbank reference Numeric M 8 An internal Nedbank reference number which
number will always be 00000000.
Rejecting-bank code Numeric O 3 This field should have 3 spaces.

Rejecting-bank branch Numeric O 6 This field should have 6 spaces.

New destination Numeric O 6 This field should have 6 spaces.
branch code
New destination Numeric O 16 This field should have 16 spaces.
account number
New destination Numeric O 1 Will be left blank. Should be space-filled.
account type
Status Alpha- M 8 Status of the transaction instruction. Will be
numeric populated with status “Accepted” or “Rejected”
or Tracking.
Reason Alpha- O 100 6-character reason code sent to client if the
numeric instruction has been rejected or if the
transaction is in tracking. Spaces in case of
successful transaction.
Appendix G – Table of Error Codes.
User reference Alpha- M 30 This is the original narrative sent on the input
numeric file comprising abbreviated short name,
contract reference and cycle date.
Filler Numeric M 1 The filler area MUST be zero.

Original homing Numeric M 11 The destination account as supplied on the

account number client’s input file.
Original account type Numeric M 1 Account type as supplied on the client’s input
Amount Numeric M 12 The amount of the transaction.
Original action date Numeric M 6 Action date as supplied on the client’s input file.

Tracking Code Numeric M 2 Will contain the tracking code as selected on

the original input file.
Appendix P – Tracking Codes.

Tax code Numeric O 1 Will contain 0 (zero-filled).

Reason code Numeric M 2 Reason code to be filled with 00.

Original homing Alpha- M 30 Original homing (destination) account name.

account name numeric
New sequence Numeric O 6 This field should be filled with zeroes.




Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Number of times Numeric O 2 This field should be filled with zeroes.
New action date Numeric M 6 Will contain the date on which the transaction
was actually processed.
Filler Alpha- M 24 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record.

File trailer layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Value = 03 – trailer record identifier.

Total number of Numeric M 8 Total number of transactions within the file,

transactions excluding header and trailer details.
Total value Numeric M 18 Total value of all transactions within the file,
(16,2) excluding header and trailer details.
Filler Alpha- M 292 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record.

File security record layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Value = 04 – file security record identifier.

Hash total Alpha- O 256 The hash total is used for security purposes. The
numeric hash total must be padded with trailing Hex 00
characters if it is less than the allocated 256
Filler Alpha- M 62 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record. Duplicate File

A duplicate file is sent to the client when the ‘transaction instruction’ file forwarded by the client
contains a duplicate file name. When the file fails due to the ‘duplicate file name’ validation, CPS will
return only the header and trailer of the original file.

• File Length – 320

• Structure – Please refer layout below
• Location – As advised by the client




The following file naming convention will apply to the duplicate file:

PNGG00.CDPACK. ******M000.D0.SQ320
For testing please replace ‘P’ with ‘Q’.

• Nedbank will assign a unique identifier up to a 4-length alpha character code to each of the
CPS corporate clients.
• The ****** represents the client identifier, AA, AB, AAA, AC, AAAA etc. This unique code will
be incorporated into the file name, as displayed above.
• The three digits, represented by 000, is a sequential number (starting from 01 and going up
to a maximum of 999) that the client, on a daily basis, will incrementally increase on
submission of new files. The sequential numbering will have to be reset every day.

File header layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Same as original file.

Client profile number Numeric M 10 Same as original file.

File sequence number Numeric M 24 Same as original file.

File type Numeric M 2 Same as original file.

Nominated Charge Numeric M 16 Same as original file.

Filler Alpha- M 282 Same as original file.
New line feed Special M N/A Same as original file.

File trailer layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Same as original file.

Total number of Numeric M 8 Same as original file.

Total value Numeric M 18 (16,2) Same as original file.

Filler Numeric M 52 Zero filled.

File Status Alpha- M 8 Value = REJECTED.

Reason Alpha- M 30 Reason for file being rejected.
Filler Alpha- M 202 SPACES.
New line feed Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record.




File security layout
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Value = 04 – file security record identifier.

Hash Total Alpha- O 256 The hash total is used for security purposes.
numeric The hash total must be padded with trailing
spaces if it is less than the allocated 256
Filler Alpha- M 62 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record.

5.3.3 Disputes
In the event that a Creditor and Debtor are unable to agree on a reversal or refund transaction, the
Debtor has the right to declare a dispute and request his bank to perform a charge-back transaction
on his behalf. These disputed transactions which are reversed by Nedbank will be sent to Creditor in
dispute file.

• File Length – 320

• Structure – Please refer layout below
• Location – As advised by the client

The ‘Dispute’ file will use the same client prefix used in the input file and will be named as follows:
PNGG00.CDPACK. ******U000.D0.SQ320
For testing please replace ‘P’ with ‘Q’.

• Nedbank will assign a unique identifier up to a 4-length alpha character code to each of the
CPS corporate clients.
• The ****** represents the client identifier, AA, AB, AC, AAA, AAAA etc. This unique code will
be incorporated into the file name, as displayed above.
• The three digits, represented by 000, is a sequential number (starting from 001 and going up
to a maximum of 999). The sequential numbering will have to be reset every day.




File header layout
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Value = 01 – header record identifier.

Client profile number Numeric M 10 The unique Nedbank-assigned client number. This
is the CPS_ID number.
File sequence Numeric M 24 The first 10 digits will be the client’s profile number
number plus eight digits for the date on which the unpaids
are created as well as a six-digit sequence number,
which will be 000001.
File type Numeric M 2 03 – CPS unpaids file.

Filler Alpha- M 282 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.

New line feed Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record.

Data layout
Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Value = 02 – transaction record identifier.

Record type Numeric M 2 01 – unpaid.

Payment reference Numeric M 34 The payment reference number of the original

number transaction instruction.
Nedbank reference Numeric M 8 An internal Nedbank reference number which will
number always be zero.
Rejecting-bank code Alpha- O 3 It should have 3 spaces.
Rejecting-bank Alpha- O 6 It should have 6 spaces.
branch code numeric
New destination Alpha- O 6 It should have 6 spaces.
branch code numeric
New destination Alpha- O 16 It should have spaces.
account number numeric
New destination Numeric O 1 It should have zero.
account type
Status Alpha- M 8 Status of the transaction instruction will be
numeric “unpaid”.
Reason Alpha- M 100 One of the following reason codes which should
numeric be populated:
• AM02 - Not allowed amount
• DT01 - Invalid date

Unpaid User Alpha- M 30 This is the original narrative sent on the input file
reference numeric comprising a short name, contract reference and
cycle date.
Filler Numeric M 1 This field must contain zero.

Original homing Numeric M 11 The destination account as supplied on the

account number client’s input file.
Original account type Numeric M 1 The account type as supplied on the client’s input




Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Amount Numeric M 12(10, The amount of the transaction.
Original action date Numeric M 6 Action date as supplied on the client’s input file.

Tracking code Numeric M 2 Contains the tracking code as defaulted on the file
Appendix P – Tracking Codes.
Tax code Numeric O 1 Will contain 0.

Reason code Numeric M 2 Reason code to be filled with 00.

Original homing Alpha- M 30 Original homing (destination) account name.

account name numeric
New sequence Numeric O 6 This should contain 6 zeroes.
Number of times Numeric O 2 It should always be zero i.e. 00.
New action date Numeric M 6 Will contain the date on which the entry should
be unpaid/redirected.
Filler Alpha- M 24 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record.

File trailer layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Value = 03 – trailer record identifier.

Total number of Numeric M 8 Total number of transactions within the file,

transactions excluding header and trailer details.
Total value Numeric M 18 Total value of all transactions within the file,
(16,2) excluding header and trailer details.
Filler Alpha- M 292 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record.

File security record layout

Data element Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Record identifier Numeric M 2 Value = 04 – file security record identifier.

Hash total Alpha- O 256 The hash total is used for security purposes. The
numeric hash total must be padded with trailing Hex 00
characters if it is less than the allocated 256
Filler Alpha- M 62 The filler area MUST CONTAIN SPACES.
New line feed Special M N/A A new line must be started after each record.




5.4 Web Services
This is an online service provided by Nedbank. It is restricted to mandates. Nedbank’s response is
delivered in real time to the client. The client can only send one request at a time through this

5.4.1 Mandate Management – Initiation, Amendment and Cancellation Request Signature File layout: online request for mandate initiation -

Data element PDDM Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated LOB
type By version
Message n/a Alpha- M 34 Indicates the type of message and to LOB
Identification numeric uniquely identifies the message. bridge
It will be formed as below:
• 3 AN = “100” ACH ID for REAL TIME
• 1 AN = “/”
• 5 AN = ID of the service - Appendix
D - Service Identification Codes.
• 1 AN = “/”
• 8 AN = Client Identifier (Client profile
• 1 AN = “/”
• 8 N = Creation Date
• 1 AN = “/”
• 6 AN = File Number

Creation Date Creation Alpha- M 19 The format for local time is YYYY-MM- LOB
Time Date Time numeric DDThh:mm:ss.
Has to be current date and no past and
future date.
Initiating Initiating Alpha- M 35 AS per CR 71 – LOB
Party Party numeric For internal clients, must include the
NB/CC number of initiator of request.
For external clients, this will have the
Client Profile number.
Instructing Instructing Alpha- M 6 Contains the creditor bank = e. g. LOB
Party agent numeric 210002.

Instructed Instructed Alpha- M 6 Will contain the identifier of LOB

Party agent numeric destination institution.
Appendix T – Participating Banks.

Charges Charges Long M 16 Account from which AC charges/fees LOB

Account account will be drawn for this file. Has to be a
Nedbank account loaded to that client
profile and set up as charge account.
Can be the same as the nominated
NOTE - Pricing Engine will use the
Mandate Charge Account captured at
the time of onboarding for billing. The
Charge Account in this request will not
be used for billing.




Data element PDDM Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated LOB
type By version
Client profile ClientProfile Numeric M 10 This is a unique number that Nedbank LOB
number will assign to the client. This is the
CPS_ID number.
Client Client Alpha- M 35 For use by creditor for internal LOB
Reference Reference numeric referencing
This is a free format alpha-numeric
Contract Contract Alpha- M 14 This is the Creditor Contract number LOB
Reference Reference numeric and may only change prior to any
collection having taken place. This will
appear on the statement and will be
referenced in Mandate Suspension,
Tracking Tracking Enum M 1 Indicates whether tracking is required LOB
Indicator Indicator or not.
Value T/F.
Debtor Debtor Open M 4 Local Instrument: LOB
Authenticatio Authenticati Enum Code Description
n Required on Required 0227 Debtor authorisation is
0228 Authorisation has been done
0229 Authorisation is required in
real time and cell number is required
0230 Authorisation is required in
real time and is processed using cell
number registered at bank.
Appendix S – Real Time and Batch
Element Combinations.
Instalment Instalment Open M 4 Sequence Type: LOB
Occurrence Occurrence Enum Code Description
OOFF Once Off
RCUR Recurring
Appendix K – Debit Sequence Types.
Frequency Frequency Code M 4 Code Description LOB
• WEEK Weekly
• FRTN Fortnightly
• MNTH Monthly
• QURT Quarterly
• MIAN Biannual
• YEAR Annual
• ADHO Monthly by Rule
Appendix B – Mandate Frequency

Mandate Mandate Date M 10 Mandate Initiation Date (From Date) - LOB

Initiation Initiation YYYY-MM-DD.
Date Date This can’t be future date or past date.
First First Date O 10 If the first collection date is populated, LOB
Collection Collection then the first collection amount must
Date Date also be populated and vice versa.
Collection Collection Alpha- O 3 This must be ZAR. LOB
Currency Currency numeric




Data element PDDM Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated LOB
type By version
Instalment Instalment Decimal O 15(13,2 The collection amount. LOB
Amount Amount ) This field will be mandatory if the
mandate type is FIXED
Should not be greater than maximum
collection amount.
Maximum Maximum Alpha- M 3 This must be ZAR. LOB
Collection Collection numeric
Currency Currency
Maximum Maximum Decimal M 15(13,2 Maximum Instalment Amount that may LOB
Collection Collection ) be collected under an agreement
Amount Amount between user and payer. Amount for
Maximum Collection Instalment.
0.04 – 0.00
0.05 – 0.10
0.07 – 0.10
Creditor Creditor Alpha- O 11 Creditor Scheme Name. LOB
Scheme ID Scheme ID numeric Not a required field.

Creditor Creditor Alpha- M 35 Should denote a clear creditor name to LOB

Name Name numeric identify the creditor.
Can be the same as the ultimate
creditor name.
Mandate n/a Alpha- M 23 This field is created by the originator of LOB
Request numeric the message and is unique. bridge
Transaction • 4 N = Client ID
Identifier • 10 AN = Original System Date (YYYY-
• 9 N = Mandate sequence number

Creditor Creditor Alpha- M 30 Mobile or landline number, needs to LOB

Telephone tele contact numeric cater for the international standard
Contact details (+27)
Details e.g. “+27823509883”.
Creditor Email Creditor Alpha- O 90 Email address of creditor. LOB
Contact Email numeric
Details Contact
Creditor Creditor Alpha- M 6 The 6-digit branch sort code is required LOB
Branch Branch numeric to identify the bank of creditor –
Number Number 198765.
This will be defaulted to Nedbank’s
universal branch code.
Creditor Creditor Alpha- M 19 Creditor Account Number in bank. This LOB
Account Account numeric is the nominated account.
Number Number
Ultimate Ultimate Alpha- O 35 Name of Ultimate Creditor Name in LOB
Creditor Creditor numeric case of third party involvement in
Name Name Collection.
Creditor Creditor Alpha- M 10 Abbreviated Short Name of creditor. LOB
Abbreviated Abbreviated numeric
Short Name Short Name
Debtor Name Debtor Alpha- M 35 Name of debtor as per bank account LOB
Name numeric record.




Data element PDDM Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated LOB
type By version
Debtor Debtor Alpha- M 35 Combination of Document Type and LOB
Identification Identificatio numeric Identification Document Number of
n Debtor.
Values allowed:
• 1 AN = Document type
- “P” = Passport
- “I” = ID Document
- “T” = Temporary residence ID
• 1 AN = “/”
• 33AN = Identification Document
Debtor Debtor tele Alpha- O 30 Mobile or landline number. Needs to LOB
Telephone contact numeric cater for the international standard
Contact details (+27)
Details e.g. “+27823509883”
in the event that debtor authentication
is required (local instrument) = 229,
this field must be populated.
International Standard mobile or
landline numbers consists of a "+"
followed by the country code (from 1
to 3 characters) then a "-" and finally,
any combination of numbers, "(", ")",
"+" and "-" (up to 30 characters).
Pattern \+[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9()+\-]{1,30}.
Debtor Email Debtor Alpha- O 90 Email address of debtor. LOB
Contact Email numeric
Details Contact
Debtor Debtor Alpha- M 19 This is bank account number of the LOB
Account Account numeric debtor.
Number Number
Debtor Debtor Alpha- M 12 Debtor Account Type. LOB
Account Type Account numeric Appendix C – Account Types.
Debtor Debtor Alpha- M 6 The 6-digit branch sort code is required LOB
Branch Branch numeric to identify the bank of Debtor Actual
Number Number branch number & can use universal
sort code.
Ultimate Ultimate Alpha- O 35 Name of ultimate debtor. LOB
Debtor Name Debtor numeric
Message Message Alpha- O 8 Used for Card Present (CP) card LOB
Authenticatio Authenticati numeric authentication for TT3.
n Code on Code Must be populated with MAC (as
defined by Debtor Bank) used in ISO
8583 message from request to Debtor
Bank – 1st leg.
MAC may contain spaces.
Authenticatio Authenticati Alpha- M 9 Must contain REAL TIME/ PREAUTH LOB
n Type on Type numeric depending on transaction type -
• TT1 - “REAL TIME” or




Data element PDDM Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated LOB
type By version
Collection Collection Alpha- M 2 Contains a number for the day aligned LOB
Day Day numeric to frequency
Appendix B – Mandate Frequency
Date Date Alpha- M 1 Indicate whether collection day could LOB
Adjustment Adjustment numeric change.
Rule Indicator Rule This field may contain:
Indicator • “Y” = Yes
• “N” = No
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Adjustment Adjustment Alpha- M 1 Refers to the ability to adjust the LOB
Category Category numeric Instalment Amount and Maximum
Collection Amount.
This field may contain:
• “N”- Never
• “Q”- Quarterly
• “A”- Annually
• “B”- Bi-annually
• “R”- Repo
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Adjustment Adjustment Numeric O 8(3,5) Rate that the Instalment Amount and LOB
Rate Rate Maximum Collection Amount can be
adjusted based on Adjustment
This value can be negative
‘-’ to indicate negative value.
Adjustment rate to increase or
decrease per Adjustment Category.
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Adjustment Adjustment Alpha- O 3 This must be ZAR. LOB
Amount Amount numeric
Currency Currency
Adjustment Adjustment Decimal O 15(13,2 Amount that the Instalment Amount LOB
Amount Amount ) and Maximum Collection Amount can
be adjusted based on Adjustment
Category. This value can be negative:
use ‘-’ to indicate negative value.
Adjustment Amount to
increase/decrease per Adjustment
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
First First Alpha- O 3 This must be ZAR. LOB
Collection Collection numeric
Currency Currency
First First Numeric O 15(13,2 If the first collection date is populated, LOB
Collection Collection ) then the first collection amount must
Amount Amount also be populated and vice versa. Do
not populate in the case of FIXED Debit
value type.
Debit Value Debit Value Alpha- M 11 Must contain: LOB
Type Type numeric • FIXED




Data element PDDM Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated LOB
type By version
N/A Party Alpha- M 12 Subscription to control where the LOB
Identifier numeric messages originate from.

N/A Employee Numeric O 6 The employee number of the employee LOB

number requesting the operation – only needed
if coming from a back-end system.

N/A Operation Alpha- O 100 The name of the operation in the LOB
name numeric service – only needed if coming from a Bridge
back-end system.

N/A Operation Alpha- O 3 Indicates the type of operation – only LOB

type numeric needed if coming from a back-end Bridge
Valid codes:
• “NAP” - Not applicable
• “P12” - Pain 12 Response
• “REQ” - Request
• “RES” - Response
• “RSP” - Immediate PAIN12 Rsp



CORPORATE PAYMENTS SYSTEM | 108 File layout: online request for mandate amendment

Amendment rule: Only elements that require updating in the mandate register, or
are mandatory, need be included in a mandate amendment request. Optional fields
that do not require amendment must not be populated or the request will be

Data element PDDM Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated LOB

type By Version

Message N/A Alpha- M 34 Indicate the type of message and to LOB

Identification numeric uniquely identify the message. Bridge
It will be formed as below:
• 3 AN = “100” ACH ID for REAL TIME
• 1 AN = “/”
• 5 AN = ID of the service - Appendix D -
Service Identification Codes.
• 1 AN = “/”
8 AN = Client ID
• 1 AN = “/”
• 8 N = Creation Date
• 1 AN = “/”
• 6 AN = File Number

Creation Date CreationDat Alpha- M 19 The format for local time is YYYY-MM- LOB
Time eTime numeric DDThh:mm:ss.

Initiating InitiatingPar Alpha- M 35 AS per CR 71 – LOB

Party ty numeric For internal clients, must include the
NB/CC number of initiator of request.
For external clients, this will have Client
Profile number.
Instructing InstructingA Alpha- M 6 Contains the creditor bank = 210002. LOB
Party gent numeric

Instructed InstructedA Alpha- M 6 Will contain the identifier of destination LOB

Party gent numeric institution.
Appendix T – Participating Banks.
Client profile ClientProfile Numeric M 10 This is a unique number that Nedbank LOB
number will assign to the client. This is the CPS_ID
Charges ChargesAcc Numeric M 16 Account from which AC charges/fees will LOB
Account ount be drawn for this file. Has to be a
Nedbank account loaded to that client
profile and setup as charge account. Can
be the same as the nominated account.
Amendment Amendmen Open M 4 Reason for amendment Appendix E – LOB
Reason tReason Enum Mandate Amendment Reason Codes.

Client ClientRefer Alpha- M 35 For use by creditor for internal LOB

Reference ence numeric referencing.

Tracking TrackingIndi Enum O 1 Indicate that tracking is required or not. LOB

Indicator cator Value T/F.




Data element PDDM Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated LOB
type By Version

Debtor DebtorAuth Open M 4 Local Instrument: LOB

Authenticatio enticationR Enum Code Description
n Required equired • 0226 - No authorisation is required as
it is in line with initial mandate terms
• 0227 - Debtor authorisation is required
• 0228 - Authorisation has been done
• 0229 - Authorisation is required in real
time and cell number is required
• 0230 - Authorisation is required in real
time and is processed using cell
number registered at bank.
Appendix S – Real Time and Batch
Element Combinations.
Instalment Instalment Open M 4 Sequence Type: LOB
Occurrence Occurrence Enum Code Description
OOFF Once Off
RCUR Recurring
Appendix K – Debit Sequence Types.
Frequency Frequency Code O 4 Code Description LOB
• WEEK - Weekly
• FRTN - Fortnightly
• MNTH - Monthly
• QURT - Quarterly
• MIAN - Biannual
• YEAR - Annual
• ADHO - Monthly by Rule
Appendix B – Mandate Frequency Codes.
Refer Appendix M – Amendment Rules.
First FirstCollecti Date O 10 YYYY-MM-DD. LOB
Collection onDate Should be a valid processing day after
Date Mandate authorisation.
If the first collection date is populated,
then the first collection amount must
also be populated and vice versa.
Collection CollectionC Alpha- O 3 This must be ZAR. LOB
Currency urrency numeric

Instalment InstalmentA Decimal O 15(13,2 The collection amount. LOB

Amount mount ) This field will be mandatory if the
mandate type is FIXED.
Should not be greater than maximum
collection amount.
Maximum MaximumC Alpha- O 3 This must be ZAR. LOB
Collection ollectionCur numeric
Currency rency

Maximum MaximumC Decimal O 15(13,2 Maximum Instalment Amount that may LOB
Collection ollectionAm ) be collected under an agreement
Amount ount between User and Payer.
Amount for Maximum Collection
0.04 – 0.00
0.05 – 0.10
0.07 – 0.10




Data element PDDM Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated LOB
type By Version

Creditor CreditorSch Alpha- O 11 Creditor Scheme Name. LOB

Scheme ID emeID numeric

Creditor CreditorNa Alpha- O 35 Should denote a clear creditor name to LOB

Name me numeric identify the Creditor.
Can be the same as ultimate creditor
Mandate MandateRe Alpha- M 23 • 4 N = Client ID LOB
Request questTransa numeric • 10 AN = Original System Date (YYYY- Bridge
Transaction ctionId MM-DD)
Identifier • 9 N = Mandate sequence number.
This field is created by the originator of
the message and is unique.
Can be used for tieback.
Creditor CreditorTel ALPHA- O 30 Mobile or landline number, LOB
Telephone eContactDe NUMERI needs to cater for the international
Contact tails C standard (+27)
Details e.g. “+27823509883”.
Creditor Email CreditorEm Alpha- O 90 Email Address of Creditor. LOB
Contact ailContactD numeric
Details etails
Creditor CreditorBra Alpha- O 6 The 6-digit branch sort code is required LOB
Branch nchNumber numeric to identify the bank of creditor – 198765.
Number This will be defaulted to Nedbank’s
universal branch code.
Creditor CreditorAcc Alpha- O 19 Creditor Account Number in bank This is LOB
Account ountNumbe numeric the nominated account.
Number r
Ultimate UltimateCre Alpha- O 35 Should denote a clear creditor name to LOB
Creditor ditorName numeric identify the creditor.
Name Can be the same as ultimate creditor
Creditor CreditorAbb Alpha- M 10 Creditor Abbreviated Short Name. LOB
Abbreviated reviatedSho numeric Creditor Abbreviated Short Name should
Short Name rtName be same as what is present in mandate
Appendix M – Amendment Rules.
Debtor Name DebtorNam ALPHA- O 35 Name of debtor as per bank account LOB
e NUMERI record.
Debtor DebtorIdent Alpha- O 35 Combination of Document Type and LOB
Identification ification numeric Identification Document Number of
Values allowed:
• 1 AN = Document type
- “P” = Passport
- “I” = ID Document
- “T” = Temporary residence ID
• 1 AN = “/”
• 33AN = Identification Document




Data element PDDM Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated LOB
type By Version

Debtor DebtorTele Alpha- O 30 Mobile or landline number, LOB

Telephone ContactDet numeric needs to cater for the international
Contact ails standard (+27)
Details e.g. “+27823509883”
in the event that debtor authentication
required (local instrument) = 229, this
field must be populated.
International Standard mobile or landline
numbers consists of a "+" followed by the
country code (from 1 to 3 characters)
then a "-" and finally, any combination of
numbers, "(", ")", "+" and "-" (up to 30
characters). Pattern \+[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9()+\-
Debtor Email DebtorEmai Alpha- O 90 Email address of debtor. LOB
Contact lContactDet numeric
Details ails
Debtor DebtorAcco Alpha- O 19 Debtor Account Number in bank. LOB
Account untNumber numeric
Debtor DebtorAcco Alpha- O 12 Debtor Account Type. LOB
Account Type untType numeric Appendix C – Account Types.

Debtor DebtorBran Alpha- O 6 The 6-digit branch sort code is required LOB
Branch chNumber numeric to identify the bank of debtor’s
Number actual branch number & can use
universal sort code.
Ultimate UltimateDe Alpha- O 35 Name of ultimate debtor. LOB
Debtor Name btorName numeric

Message MessageAut Alpha- O 8 Used for Card Present (CP) card LOB
Authenticatio hentication numeric authentication for TT3.
n Code Code Must be populated with MAC (as defined
by Debtor Bank) used in ISO 8583
message from request to Debtor Bank –
1st leg.
MAC may contain spaces.
Authenticatio Authenticati Alpha- M 9 Must contain REAL TIME/PREAUTH LOB
n Type onType numeric depending on transaction type -
TT1 - “REAL TIME” or
For PREAUTH – MAC is mandatory field.
Collection CollectionD Alpha- M 2 Contains a number for the day aligned to LOB
Day ay numeric frequency.
Appendix B – Mandate Frequency Codes.
Date DateAdjust Alpha- O 1 This field may contain LOB
Adjustment mentRuleIn numeric “Y” = Yes
Rule Indicator dicator “N” = No
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.




Data element PDDM Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated LOB
type By Version

Adjustment Adjustment Alpha- O 1 This field may contain LOB

Category Category numeric “N”-Never,
“B”-Bi-annually or
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.

Adjustment Adjustment Numeric O 8(3,5) Adjustment rate to increase or decrease LOB

Rate Rate by per Adjustment Category.
‘-’ to indicate negative value.
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Adjustment Adjustment Alpha- O 3 This must be ZAR. LOB
Amount AmountCur numeric
Currency rency
Adjustment Adjustment Decimal O 15(13,2 Adjustment Amount to LOB
Amount Amount ) increase/decrease by per Adjustment
‘-’ to indicate negative value.
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Mandate MandateRe Alpha- M 22 • 4 AN = Bank Number LOB
Reference ferenceNu numeric • 8N = Mandate Creation Date
Number mber • 10AN = Free format
This is the original Mandate Reference
Number - the unique mandate
identification. This number must be
unique in the industry for lifetime of
mandate (including time in archives).

First FirstCollecti Alpha- O 3 This must be ZAR. LOB

Collection onCurrency numeric
First FirstCollecti Numeric O 15(13,2 If the first collection date is populated, LOB
Collection onAmount ) then the first collection amount must
Amount also be populated and vice versa.
This field will be mandatory if the
mandate type is FIXED.
Should not be greater than maximum
collection amount.
Debit Value DebitValueT Alpha- O 11 Must contain: LOB
Type ype numeric • FIXED

Client ClientRefer Alpha- M 35 For use by creditor for internal LOB

Reference ence numeric referencing.
This should be populated with original
value of Mandate/Initiation request.




Data element PDDM Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated LOB
type By Version

Contract ContractRef Alpha- O 14 This is the Creditor Contract number and LOB
Reference erence numeric may only change prior to any collection
having taken place. This will appear on
the statement and will be referenced in
Mandate Suspension, etc.
This should be populated with original
value of Mandate/Initiation request.
Creditor CreditorNa Alpha- M 35 Should denote a clear creditor name to LOB
Name me numeric identify the creditor.
Can be the same as ultimate creditor
This should be populated with original
value of mandate/initiation request.
Mandate MandateRe Alpha- M 23 • 4 N = client ID LOB
Request questTransa numeric • 10 AN = Original System Date (YYYY-
Transaction Id ctionId MM-DD)
• 9 N = Mandate
sequence number
This field is created by the originator of
the message and is unique.
Can be used for tieback.
This should be populated with original
value of mandate/initiation request.
Debtor Name DebtorNam Alpha- M 35 The originating account name. LOB
e numeric This should be populated with original
value of the mandate/initiation request.

Debtor DebtorBran Alpha- M 6 The 6-digit branch sort code is required LOB
Branch chNumber numeric to identify the bank of Debtor
Number Actual branch number & can use
universal sort code.
This should be populated with original
value of mandate/initiation request.



CORPORATE PAYMENTS SYSTEM | 114 File layout: online request for Mandate Cancellation
Data element PDDM Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated LOB
type By Version
Message n/a Alpha- M 34 Indicates the type of message and LOB
Identification numeric uniquely identifies the message. Bridge
It is formed follows:
• 3 AN =
- “021” ACH ID for BATCH
- “100” ACH ID for REAL TIME
• 1 AN = “/”
• 5 AN = ID of the service: Appendix D
- Service Identification Codes.
• 1 AN = “/”
8 AN = Client Id
• 1 AN = “/”
• 8 N = Creation Date
• 1 AN = “/”
• 6 AN = File Number
Creation Date CreationDat Alpha- M 19 The format for local time is YYYY-MM- LOB
Time eTime numeric DDThh:mm:ss.

Initiating InitiatingPar Alpha- M 35 AS per CR 71 – LOB

Party ty numeric For internal clients, must include the
NB/CC number of initiator of request.
For external clients, this will have Client
Profile number.
Instructing InstructingA Alpha- M 6 Contains the creditor bank = 210002. LOB
Party gent numeric

Instructed InstructedA Alpha- M 6 Will contain the identifier of destination LOB

Party gent numeric institution.
Appendix T – Participating Banks.
Charges ChargesAcc Numeric M 16 Account from which AC charges/fees LOB
Account ount will be drawn for this file. Has to be a
Nedbank account loaded to that client
profile and setup as charge account.
Can be the same as the nominated
Client Profile ClientProfile Numeric M 10 This is a unique number that Nedbank LOB
Number will assign to the client. This is the
CPS_ID number.
Cancellation Cancellation Alpha- M 4 Reason for Cancellation LOB
Reason Code Reason numeric Appendix A – Mandate Cancellation
Reason Codes.
Client ClientRefere Alpha- M 35 For use by creditor for internal LOB
Reference nce numeric referencing.

Contract ContractRef Alpha- O 14 This is the Creditor Contract number LOB

Reference erence numeric and may only change prior to any
collection having taken place. This will
appear on the statement and will be
referenced in stop payment, etc.
Tracking TrackingCan Closed M 1 Indicate that tracking is required or not. LOB
Cancellation cellationInd Enum Value T/F
Indicator • If “T” cancel record in Tracking
• If “F” don’t cancel record in Tracking




Data element PDDM Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated LOB
type By Version
Creditor CreditorNa Alpha- M 35 Should denote a clear creditor name to LOB
Name me numeric identify the Creditor.
Can be the same as ultimate creditor
Mandate MandateRe Alpha- M 23 This field is created by the originator of LOB
Request questTransa numeric the message and is unique. Bridge
Transaction ctionId • 4 N = Client ID
Identifier • 10 AN = Original System Date (YYYY-
• 9 N = Mandate sequence number
When cancelling a registered mandate,
a new MRTI must be issued, and the
MandateReferenceNumber (MRN) is
When cancelling an in-flight mandate
(with reason code MICN/MACN), then
the MRTI must be same as that of
original initiation/amendment request.
Creditor CreditorTele ALPHA- O 30 Mobile or landline number, LOB
Telephone ContactDet NUMERI needs to cater for the international
Contact ails C standard (+27)
Details e.g. “+27823509883”.
Creditor Email CreditorEm Alpha- O 90 Email address of creditor LOB
Contact ailContactD numeric
Details etails
Creditor CreditorBra Alpha- O 6 The 6-digit branch sort code is required LOB
Branch nchNumber numeric to identify the bank of creditor–
Number 198765.
This will be defaulted to Nedbank’s
universal branch code..
Creditor CreditorAcc Alpha- O 19 Creditor Account Number in bank. This LOB
Account ountNumbe numeric is the nominated account.
Number r
Ultimate UltimateCre Alpha- O 35 Name of Ultimate Creditor Name in LOB
Creditor ditorName numeric case of third party involvement in
Name collection
Creditor CreditorAbb Alpha- M 10 Creditor Abbreviated Short Name. LOB
Abbreviated reviatedSho numeric Should be the same as what is present
Short Name rtName in mandate database.

Debtor Name DebtorNam ALPHA- M 35 Name of debtor as per bank account LOB
e NUMERI record.
Debtor DebtorAcco Alpha- O 19 Debtor Account Number in bank LOB
Account untNumber numeric
Debtor DebtorAcco Alpha- O 12 Debtor Account Type. LOB
Account Type untType numeric Appendix C – Account Types.

Debtor DebtorBran Alpha- M 6 The 6-digit branch sort code is required LOB
Branch chNumber numeric to identify the bank of Debtor.
Number Actual branch number & can use
universal sort code.




Data element PDDM Data Mandatory Length Comments Populated LOB
type By Version
Authenticatio Authenticati Alpha- M 9 Must contain REAL TIME/ PREAUTH LOB
n Type onType numeric depending on transaction type -

Mandate MandateRef Alpha- O 22 • 4 AN = Bank Number LOB

Reference erenceNum numeric • 8 N = Mandate Creation Date
Number ber • 10AN = Free format

This is the original Mandate Reference

Number - the unique mandate
identification. This number must be
unique in the industry for the lifetime
of the mandate (including time in
The condition is that it may be blank if
the sender wishes to cancel a mandate
initiation request that may be in-flight
or has timed out. Otherwise if it is not
populated, existing mandates on the
mandate register may not be cancelled.
If cancellation is for inflight, then the
Mandate Reference Number will not be
there and if Cancellation is for
registered mandate then Mandate
Reference Number needs to be passed.
Debit Value DebitValueT Alpha- O 11 Must contain: LOB
Type ype numeric • FIXED

5.4.2 Acknowledgement of online mandate requests

The bank will send immediate acknowledgement to the client of all the online mandate requests. This
is to inform the client that the request has been received and sent for further processing.




Response layout (the same for initiation, amendment and cancellation)

Data element Data Initiation Amend Cancellati Length Comments Populated

type ment on By
Result Code Alpha- M M M 3 Result Code.
numeric Appendix N – Return Code at Header
Result Description Alpha- O O O 255 The description of the result code.

MessageIdentificat Alpha- O 34 To indicate the type of message and

ion numeric uniquely identify the message.

MandateRequestTr O 23 Created by the originator of the

ansactionId message and is unique.
• 4 N = Client ID
• 10 AN = Original System Date used
for tie back on responses (YYYY-MM-
• 9 N = Mandate sequence number

ClientProfile Numeri O 10 This is a unique number that Nedbank

c will assign to the client. This is the
CPS_ID number.
InstructingAgent Alpha- O 6 Will contain the destination bank/ACH
numeric (210000).
Appendix T – Participating Banks.
InstructedAgent Alpha- O 6 Contains the creditor bank = 210002.

5.5 Mandate Enquiry

Request Signature

Retrieve Mandate
Data Data type PDDM Mandator Length Comments Populated LOB
element y By version
Max Record Numeric MaxRecord M 20 The maximum number of records to LOB
Count sCount respond with if found.

Continuatio Numeric Continuati O 4 Continuation value to indicate more LOB

n Value onValue data expected.

Client Numeric ClientProfil M 10 This is a unique number that Nedbank LOB

Profile e will assign to the client. This is the
CPS_ID number.
Mandate Date MandateIni M 10 Mandate Initiation Date LOB
Initiation tiationDate (From Date) - YYYY-MM-DD.
Date From From If Initiation Date is to be passed, then
both From and TO must be passed.
Mandate Date MandateIni M 10 Mandate Initiation Date LOB
Initiation tiationDate (To Date) - YYYY-MM-DD.
Date To To If Initiation Date is to be passed, then
both From and TO must be passed.




Data Data type PDDM Mandator Length Comments Populated LOB
element y By version
Mandate Alpha- MandateR O 22 • 4 AN = Bank Number LOB
Reference numeric eferenceN • 8N = Mandate Creation Date
Number umber • 10AN = Free format

This is the original Mandate Reference

Number, the unique mandate
identification. This number must be
unique in the industry for the lifetime of
mandate (including time in the archives).
Mandate Alpha- MandateR O 23 This field is created by the originator of LOB
Request numeric equestTran the message and is unique.
Identifier sactionId
Ultimate Alpha- UltimateCr O 35 Name of ultimate creditor in case of LOB
Creditor numeric editorNam third party involvement in collection.
Name e
Debtor Alpha- DebtorAcc O 19 Debtor Account Number in bank. LOB
Account numeric ountNumb
Number er
Debtor Alpha- DebtorIden O 35 Combination of Document Type and LOB
Identificatio numeric tification Identification Document Number of
n Debtor
Values allowed:
• 1 AN = Document type
- P = Passport
- I = ID Document
- T = Temporary residence ID
• 1 AN = “/”
• 33AN = Identification Document
Mandate Alpha- Open O 9 Current Status of mandate: LOB
Status numeric Enum(10) • Active - Mandate is created and
approved by Debtor.
• Cancelled - Mandate is no longer
• Inactive - Mandate created, awaiting
confirmation from Debtor bank.
• Revoked - Mandate has been revoked
by a Mandate Cancellation Request.
• Suspended - Mandate has been
systematically suspended.
• Completed - Mandate which is in
Active, Suspended or Cancelled status.
• Pending - Mandate is in progress and
awaiting confirmation from Debtor.
• Rejected - Mandate rejected by
Debtor or rejected due to validation.
Contract Alpha- ContractRe O 14 This is the Creditor Contract number and LOB
Reference numeric ference may only change prior to any collection
having taken place. This will appear on
the statement and will be referenced in
Mandate Suspension, etc.




Get Mandate Details
Data element Data type PDDM Mandatory Length Comments Populated
Client Profile Numeric ClientProf O 10 This is a unique number that Nedbank will assign
ile to the client.

Mandate Alpha- MandateI O 35 This field is created by the originator of the

Request numeric dentifier message and is unique.
Mandate Alpha- MandateR O 22 • 4 AN = Bank Number
Reference numeric eferenceN • 8N = Mandate Creation Date
Number umber • 10 AN = Free format

This is the original Mandate Reference Number,

the unique mandate identification. This number
must be unique in the industry for the lifetime of
mandate (including time in the archives).

5.5.1 Response Signature

Retrieve Mandate
Data element Data type Length Comments Populated
Result Code Alpha- 3 Indicator of status of request
numeric Refer Appendix N – Return Code at Header Level.
Result Alpha- 100 Associated description for the returned Result Code.
Description numeric
Continuation Numeric 4 Continuation value to indicate more data expected.
Contract Alpha- 14 This is the Creditor Contract number and may only change prior to any
Reference numeric Collection having taken place. This will appear on the statement and
will be referenced in Mandate Suspension, etc.

Debtor Account Alpha- 35 Name of Debtor as per bank account records.

Name numeric
Debtor Account Alpha- 19 Debtor Account Number in bank.
Number numeric
Creditor Alpha- 19 Creditor Account Number in bank.
Account numeric This is the nominated account.
Creditor Alpha- 10 Abbreviated Short Name of creditor.
Abbreviated numeric
Short Name
Mandate Date 11 Mandate Initiation Date
Initiation Date (From Date) - YYYY-MM-DD




Data element Data type Length Comments Populated
Mandate Status Alpha- 9 Current status of mandate:
numeric • Active - Mandate is created and approved by debtor.
• Cancelled - Mandate is no longer used.
• Inactive - Mandate created, awaiting confirmation from debtor
• Revoked - Mandate has been revoked by a Mandate Cancellation
• Suspended - Mandate has been systematically suspended.
• Completed - Mandate is in Active, Suspended or Cancelled status.
• Pending - Mandate is in progress and awaiting confirmation from
• Rejected - Mandate rejected by debtor or rejected due to

Mandate Alpha- 22 • 4 AN = Bank Number

Reference numeric • 8 N = Mandate Creation Date
Number • 10AN = Free format

This is the original Mandate Reference Number, the unique mandate

identification. This number must be unique in the industry for lifetime
of mandate (including time in archives).
Mandate Alpha- 35 A unique mandate request id by creditor bank.
Request numeric

Get Mandate Details

Data element Data type Length Comments Populated
Result Code Alpha- 3 Indicates the status of request.
numeric Appendix N – Return Code at Header Level.
Result Description Alpha- 100 Associated description for the returned Result Code.

Client Reference Alpha- 35 For use by creditor for internal referencing.

Contract Reference Alpha- 14 This is the Creditor Contract number and may only change prior
numeric to any collection having taken place. This will appear on the
statement and will be referenced in Mandate Suspension, etc.
Tracking Indicator Alpha- 1 Valid values are “T” and “F”.
Debtor Alpha- 4 • 0226 - no authorisation is required as it is in line with initial
Authentication numeric mandate terms (amendment).
Required (Local • 0227 - debtor authorisation is required.
Instrument) • 0228 - authorisation has been done.
• 0229 - authorisation is required in real time and cell number is
• 0230 - authorisation is required in real time and is processed
using cell number registered at bank.




Data element Data type Length Comments Populated
Instalment Code 4 Valid Codes include:
Occurrence • OOFF – Once Off
(Sequence Type) • RCUR – Recurring
Appendix K – Debit Sequence Types.
Frequency Code 4 Mandate Frequency.
Appendix B – Mandate Frequency Codes.
First Collection Date Date 10 YYYY-MM-DD.

Collection Currency Alpha- 3 This must be ZAR.

Instalment Amount Decimal 15 The collection amount.
(13,2) This field will be mandatory if the mandate type is FIXED.
Should not be greater than maximum collection amount.
Maximum Collection Alpha- 3 This must be ZAR.
Currency numeric
Maximum Instalment Decimal 15 Maximum amount of any instalment.
Amount (13,2)
Creditor Scheme ID Alpha- 11 Scheme ID of creditor, e.g. ‘Church Fund.’
(Creditor Scheme numeric This is a free format alpha-numeric field.
Creditor Name Alpha- 35 Should denote a clear creditor name to identify the creditor.
numeric Can be the same as ultimate creditor name.
Mandate Request Alpha- 23 This field is created by the originator of the message and is
Transaction ID numeric unique.
Creditor Telephone Alpha- 30 Mobile or landline number,
Contact Details numeric needs to cater for the international standard (+27)
e.g. “+27-823509883”.
Creditor Email Alpha- 90 Email address.
Contact Details numeric
Creditor Bank Alpha- 6 The 6-digit branch sort code is required to identify the bank–
(Creditor Branch numeric 198765.
Creditor Account Alpha- 19 Creditor Account Number in bank.
Number numeric This is the nominated account.
Ultimate Creditor Alpha- 35 Same as input file.
Name (Ultimate numeric
Creditor Identifier)
Creditor Abbreviated Alpha- 10 Ultimate Creditor Abbreviated Short Name.
Short Name numeric
Debtor Account Alpha- 35 Name of debtor as per bank account record.
Name numeric
Debtor Identification Alpha- 35 Values allowed:
numeric • 1 AN = Document type
- P = Passport
- I = ID Document
- T = Temporary residence ID
• 1 AN = “/”
• 33 AN = Identification Document Number




Data element Data type Length Comments Populated
Debtor Telephone Alpha- 30 Mobile or landline number,
Contact Details numeric needs to cater for the international standard (+27)
e.g. “+27823509883”.
In the event that debtor authentication is required (local
instrument) = 229, this field must be populated.
International Standard mobile or landline numbers consists of a
"+" followed by the country code (from 1 to 3 characters) then a
"-" and finally, any combination of numbers, "(", ")", "+" and "-"
(up to 30 characters). Pattern \+[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9()+\-]{1,30}.
Debtor Email Contact Alpha- 90 Email address.
Details numeric
Debtor Account Alpha- 19 Debtor Account Number in bank.
Number numeric
Debtor Account Type Alpha- 12 Appendix C – Account Types.
Debtor Bank (Debtor Alpha- 6 The 6-digit branch sort code is required to identify the bank.
Branch Number) numeric Actual branch number and can use universal sort code.
Ultimate Debtor Alpha- 35 Name of ultimate debtor.
Name numeric
Last Amendment Alpha- 10 Date when last amendment was done on mandate.
Date numeric
Business Status Alpha- 4 Reason for Mandate Amendment/Cancellation.
Reason Code numeric Appendix A – Mandate Cancellation Reason Codes.
Appendix E – Mandate Amendment Reason Codes.
Is Pending 5 Indicate that if Amendment is in progress for Mandate.
Message Numeric 8 Used for Card Present (CP) or Card Not Present (CNP) card
authentication code authentication for TT3.
Must be populated with MAC (as defined by Debtor Bank) used in
ISO 8583 message from request to Debtor Bank – 1st leg.
MAC may contain spaces.
Authentication Type Alpha- 9 Must contain REAL TIME/ PREAUTH depending on transaction
numeric type:
For PREAUTH – MAC is mandatory field.
Collection Day Alpha- 2 Contains a number for the day aligned to frequency.
numeric Appendix B – Mandate Frequency Codes.
Date Adjustment Rule Alpha- 1 This field may contain:
Indicator numeric • Y = Yes
• N = No
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Adjustment Category Alpha- 1 This field may contain:
numeric • N - Never
• Q - Quarterly
• A - Annually
• B - Bi-annually
• R - Repo
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Adjustment Rate Numeric 8 Adjustment rate to increase or decrease by per Adjustment
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.




Data element Data type Length Comments Populated
Adjustment Amount Alpha- 3 This must be ZAR.
Currency numeric
Adjustment Amount Decimal 15 Adjustment Amount to increase/decrease by per Adjustment
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Collection Currency Alpha- 3 This must be ZAR.
Initial Amount (First Numeric 15 Same as input file.
Collection Amount) (13,2)
Debit Value Type Alpha- 11 Must contain:
numeric • FIXED

Mandate Status Alpha- 9 Current Status of mandate:

numeric • Active - Mandate is created and approved by Debtor
• Cancelled - Mandate is no longer used
• Inactive - Mandate created, awaiting confirmation from Debtor
• Revoked - Mandate has been revoked by a Mandate
Cancellation Request
• Suspended - Mandate has been systematically suspended.

Mandate Reference Alpha- 22 • 4 AN = Bank Number

Number numeric • 8 N = Mandate Creation Date
• 10 AN = Free format

This is the original Mandate Reference Number, the unique

mandate identification. This number must be unique in the
industry for lifetime of mandate (including time in archives).

5.6 How to know if the mandate is accepted

When a mandate is maintained using Web Services, the following processes can be followed by the
client to establish if that mandate has been accepted.

5.6.1 Mandate Enquiry

The client can initiate a mandate enquiry on the web to establish the status.

5.6.2 Call Back Web Service/Messaging Queue (MQ)

For mandate initiation, amendment and cancellation requests, after acknowledgement of the request
receipt, the client will be informed of its acceptance (e.g. pain.012) or rejection during processing
(e.g. pacs.002). This notification will take place via the call back service. This is applicable for




Immediate Response: The bank will send immediate acknowledgement to the client
for all the mandate online requests. The purpose of this acknowledgement is to
inform client that the request has been received and sent for further processing.

Request Signature file layout

Data element Data type Length Mandatory Comments Populated by LOB version
Message Alpha- 34 M Indicate the type of message and
Identification numeric to uniquely identify the message.
Creation Date and Date 19 M The format for local time is YYYY-
Time MM-DDThh:mm:ss.
Initiating Party Alpha- 35 O AS per CR 71 –
numeric For internal clients, this must
include the NB/CC number of
initiator of request.
For external clients, this will have
Client Profile number.
Instructing Party Alpha- 6 M This is the member number of
numeric debtor bank.
Appendix T – Participating Banks.

Instructed Party Alpha- 6 M Will contain the identifier of

numeric creditor bank - 210002.

Client Profile Numeric 10 M This is a unique number that

Nedbank will assign to the client.
This is the CPS_ID number.




Data element Data type Length Mandatory Comments Populated by LOB version
Original Message Id Alpha- 34 O The Message id sent by the
numeric customer in the request message
used for tie back on responses.
Original Message Alpha- 35 O Populated as per original message
Type numeric type (Initiation).
Valid values to be added.
OriginalCreationDate Date 19 M The format is
Time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss as per
original message.
GroupStatusCode Open 4 M The Status can be:
Enum • ACCP

MessageReturnCode Alpha- 35 M Return Code for the error.

Numeric Appendix G – Table of Error
MandateRequestTra Alpha- 23 M This field is created by the
nsactionId Numeric originator of the message and is
• 4 N = Client ID
• 10 AN = Original System Date
• 9 N = Mandate sequence
TransactionStatus Alpha- 4 O This must contain “RJCT” or
Numeric “ACCP”.
MessageReturnCode Alpha- 35 O Return Code for the error.
Numeric Appendix G – Table of Error
MandateReferenceN Alpha- 22 O • 4 AN = Bank Number
umber Numeric • 8N = Mandate Creation Date
• 10 AN = Free format

This is the original Mandate

Reference Number - the unique
mandate identification. This
number must be unique in the
industry for the lifetime of the
mandate (including time in
Original Message Id Alpha- 34 O The Message ID sent by the
numeric customer in the request message,
used for tie back on responses.
Original Message Alpha- 35 O Populated as per original message
Type numeric type (Initiation)
Valid values to be added.
Accepted Indicator Ind 5 M This has a true/false value.

Reason Code Alpha- 3 O Mandate Reason Code.

numeric Appendix E – Mandate
Amendment Reason Codes.
Client Reference Alpha- 35 M For use by creditor for internal
numeric referencing.
It will be unique per mandate.




Data element Data type Length Mandatory Comments Populated by LOB version
Contract Reference Alpha- 14 O This is the Creditor Contract
numeric number and may only change
prior to any collection having
taken place. This will appear on
the statement and will be
referenced in Mandate
Suspension, etc.
Tracking Indicator Alpha- 1 O Valid values are “T” and “F”.
Debtor Alpha- 4 O • 0226 - no authorisation is
Authentication numeric required as it is in line with
Required (Local initial mandate terms
Instrument) (amendment).
• 0227 - debtor authorisation is
• 0228 - authorisation has been
• 0229 - debtor authorisation is
required in real time and cell
number is required.
• 0230 - authorisation is required
in real time and processed
using cell number registered at
Appendix V – Local Instrument
Instalment Code 4 O Valid Codes include:
Occurrence • OOFF – Once Off
(Sequence Type) • RCUR – Recurring
Appendix K – Debit Sequence
Frequency Code 4 O Mandate Frequency.
Appendix B – Mandate Frequency
Mandate Initiation Date 10 O YYYY-MM-DD.
First Collection Date Date 10 O YYYY-MM-DD.
Should be valid processing day
after mandate authorisation.
If the first collection date is
populated, then the first
collection amount must also be
populated and vice versa.
Collection Currency Alpha- 3 O This must be ZAR.
Instalment Amount Decimal 15,2 O The collection amount.
This field will be mandatory if the
mandate type is FIXED.
Should not be greater than
maximum collection amount.
Maximum Collection Alpha- 3 O This must be ZAR.
Currency numeric
Maximum Decimal 15,2 O Maximum amount of any
Instalment Amount instalment.




Data element Data type Length Mandatory Comments Populated by LOB version
Creditor Scheme ID Alpha- 11 O Scheme ID of creditor, e.g. Church
(Creditor Scheme numeric Fund, etc.
Name) This is a free format alpha-
numeric field.
Creditor Name Alpha- 35 O Should denote a clear creditor
numeric name to identify the creditor.
Can be the same as ultimate
creditor name.
Mandate Request Alpha- 23 M This field is created by the
Transaction ID numeric originator of the message and is
• 4 N = Client ID
• 10 AN = Original System Date
• 9 N = Mandate sequence
Creditor Telephone Alpha- 30 O Mobile or landline number,
Contact Details numeric needs to cater for the
international standard (+27)
e.g. “+27823509883”.
Creditor Email Alpha- 90 O Email address.
Contact Details numeric
Creditor Account Alpha- 19 O Creditor Account Number in bank.
Number numeric This is the nominated account.
Creditor Bank Alpha- 6 O The 6-digit branch sort code is
(Creditor Branch numeric required to identify the bank –
Number) 198765.
Ultimate Creditor Alpha- 35 O Ultimate creditor name.
Name (Ultimate numeric If the Creditor Name is the same
Creditor Identifier) as the Ultimate Creditor Name,
append an additional character to
the Creditor Name to
differentiate the two.
Creditor Abbreviated Alpha- 10 O Ultimate Creditor Abbreviated
Short Name numeric Short Name.
Debtor Telephone Alpha- 30 O Mobile or landline number,
Contact Details numeric needs to cater for the
international standard (+27)
e.g. +27823509883.
In the event that debtor
authentication is required (local
instrument) = 229, this field must
be populated.
International Standard mobile or
landline numbers consists of a "+"
followed by the country code
(from 1 to 3 characters) then a "-"
and finally, any combination of
numbers, "(", ")", "+" and "-" (up
to 30.
Debtor Email Alpha- 90 O Email address.
Contact Details numeric
Debtor Account Alpha- 35 O Name of debtor as per bank
Name numeric account record.




Data element Data type Length Mandatory Comments Populated by LOB version
Debtor Identification Alpha- 35 O Values allowed:
numeric • 1 AN = Document type
- P = Passport
- I = ID Document
- T = Temporary residence ID
• 1 AN = “/”
• 33AN = Identification
Document Number
Debtor Account Alpha- 19 O Debtor Account Number in bank.
Number numeric
Debtor Account Type Alpha- 12 O Debtor Account Type.
numeric Appendix C – Account Types.
Debtor Bank (Debtor Alpha- 6 O The 6-digit branch sort code is
Branch Number) numeric required to identify the bank.
Actual branch number & can use
universal sort code.
Ultimate Debtor Alpha- 35 O Name of ultimate debtor.
Name numeric
Authentication Alpha- 4 M If the accepted indicator is true,
Status Indicator numeric the Authorisation Code must
contain “AAUT“, or if the
accepted indicator is false the
Authorisation Code must contain
“NAUT” or “NRSP”.
Authentication Type Alpha- 9 M Must contain REAL TIME/
numeric PREAUTH depending on
transaction type -
• TT1 - “REAL TIME” or
For PREAUTH – MAC is mandatory
Collection Day Alpha- 2 O Contains a number for the day
numeric aligned to frequency.
Appendix B – Mandate Frequency
Date Adjustment Alpha- 1 O This field may contain:
Rule Indicator numeric • Y = Yes
• N = No
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Adjustment Category Alpha- 1 O This field may contain:
numeric • N - Never
• Q - Quarterly
• A - Annually
• B - Bi-annually or
• P - Repo
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Adjustment Rate Numeric 8(3,5) O Adjustment rate to increase or
decrease by per Adjustment
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Adjustment Amount Alpha- 3 O This must be ZAR.
Currency numeric




Data element Data type Length Mandatory Comments Populated by LOB version
Adjustment Amount Decimal 15,2 O Adjustment Amount to increase /
decrease by per Adjustment
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Authentication Alpha- 20 O Debtor bank authorisation
Channel numeric channel to debtor.
For 0226, where authorisation is
not required, notification will be
populated in this field and
authentication status indicator
will have AAUT.
Mandate Reference Alpha- 22 O • 4 AN = Bank Number
Number numeric • 8N = Mandate Creation Date
• 10 AN = Free format

This is the original Mandate

Reference Number - the unique
mandate identification. This
number must be unique in the
industry for the lifetime of the
mandate (including time in
Debtor bank provides this unique
mandate identification in this
response if debtor authorises the
If Authentication Status Indicator
= AAUT, MRN it must have a
Collection Currency Alpha- 3 O This must be ZAR.
Initial Amount (First Numeric 15 O If the first collection date is
Collection Amount) (13,2) populated, then the first
collection amount must also be
populated and vice versa.
Populate only in the case of
variable and usage-based
mandate types. And populate
only when different from
instalment amount.
Debit Value Type Alpha- 11 O Must contain:
numeric • FIXED

Mandate Alpha- 10 O YYYY-MM-DD.

Authentication Date numeric
Post Back URL 255 O Callback address to send client
status update to




Response Signature
Data element Data type Length Comments Populated by
Client profile Numeric 10 This is a unique number that Nedbank will assign to the client. This is
number the CPS_ID number.
Original Mandate Alpha- 34 Indicate the type of message to uniquely identify the message.
Identification numeric
Result Code Alpha- 3 Indicator which states the status of request.
numeric Refer Appendix N – Return Code at Header Level.
Result Alpha- 100 Associated description for the returned ResultCode.
Description numeric




5.7 Messaging Queue
This is another online service provided by Nedbank. It is restricted to mandates. Responses are
provided to the client in real time. The client can only send one request at a time through this
mechanism. Nedbank will support MQ version 7.5 and recommends that use the same.

5.7.1 Mandate Management Request

Structure is the same as Mandate Management Web Service (Section 5.4)
Queues will be allocated during client onboarding. Response

Structure is the same as Mandate Management Web Service (Section 5.4)
Queues will be defined at the time of client onboarding

5.7.2 Mandate Enquiry Request

Structure is the same as Request for Mandate Information Online (Section 5.4)
Queues will be defined at the time of client onboarding Response

Structure is the same as Response for Mandate Information Online (Section 5.4)
Queues will be defined at the time of Client Onboarding

5.7.3 Client Preferences for Mandates

The following client mandate preferences are illustrated below:
15 First Response
16 Final Response
17 EoD Status Report
18 Blank File
19 TT Preference
20 TT Connectivity Preference




Will be consolidated per client and will be a preference.

The expected content of these files should be a state change of all mandates for the current date,
applicable across all streams. It must include:
• All mandates suspended for today
• All TT2 mandates for which a response is received
• TT2 mandate where rejections pacs.002 are received from debtor bank and ACH
• TT1 mandates where no response is received [Expired Mandate Rq - Past SLA].




Will be consolidated per client and will be provided to all creditors

The content of these files is expected to include a state change of all mandates for the current date,
applicable across all streams. It must include:
• All mandates suspended.
• All TT2 mandates for which a response is received
• TT1 mandates where no response received [Expired Mandate Rq - Past SLA].
Note: It will include everything since the last response to creditor. EoD Status Report (Daily Mandate Status Report)

If the client chooses to receive the status of all the mandate requests (initiation/amendment and
cancellation) submitted by them on a particular day, this will comprise mandates submitted in real
time and batch.




21 End of Pain processing day – response of any mandate request submitted on that day by creditor (e.g.
22 Will contain fate of TT1, TT2 and TT3 requests.
23 Excluding Mandate Status Reason Code (MDTE).

The file will be named as follows:

PNGG00.CDPACK. ******T999.D0.SQ1100
For testing – please replace ‘P’ with ‘Q’




EoD Status Report layout
Data element Data type Length Comments Populated
Initiating Party Alpha-numeric 35 As per CR 71, it will contain NB/CC number for internal clients
and client profile number for external clients.
Client profile Numeric 10 This is a unique number that Nedbank will assign to the client.
number This is the CPS_ID number.
Creation Date and Date 19 The format for local time is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.
Original Message Alpha-numeric 34 This is obtained from the MsgId of the original message.
Original Message Alpha-numeric 35 Populated as per original message type.

Original Creation Date 19 The format is

Date and Time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss as per original message.

Requested By Alpha-numeric 35 Requested By.

Instructing Agent Alpha-numeric 6 Contains the creditor bank for input (210002).

Instructed Agent Alpha-numeric 6 Contains identifier of ACH - 210000/ Debtor bank depending on
transaction type
• For TT1/TT3- ID of Debtor bank
• For TT2- ID of ACH

Accepted Indicator Ind 5 This has a true/false value.

Rejected Reason Alpha-numeric 4 Mandate Reason Code.

Code Appendix X – External Return Reason Codes - Mandates.
Transaction Status Alpha-numeric 4 This must contain “RJCT” or “ACCP”.

Reason Code Alpha-numeric 120 Valid Reason Codes.

Appendix G – Table of Error Codes.
Client Reference Alpha-numeric 35 For use by creditor for internal referencing.

Contract Alpha-numeric 14 This is the Creditor Contract number and may only change prior
Reference to any collection having taken place. This will appear on the
statement and will be referenced in Mandate Suspension, etc.
Tracking Indicator Alpha-numeric 1 Valid values are “T” or “F”.
(Service Level) For Cancellation request:
• If “T” cancel record in Tracking
• If “F” don’t cancel record in Tracking

Debtor Alpha-numeric 4 0226 - no authorisation is required as the amendment/s will be

Authentication in line with initial mandate terms.
Required (Local 0227 - debtor authorisation is required.
Instrument) 0228 - authorisation has been done.
0229 - authorisation is required in Real Time and cell number is
0230 - authorisation is required in Real Time and is processed
using cell number registered at bank.
Appendix S – Real Time and Batch Element Combinations.
Instalment Code 4 Valid Codes include:
Occurrence • OOFF – Once Off
(Sequence Type) • RCUR – Recurring
Appendix K – Debit Sequence Types.




Data element Data type Length Comments Populated
Frequency Code 4 Appendix B – Mandate Frequency Codes.

Mandate Initiation Date 10 YYYY-MM-DD. This should be current date and not a date in
Date (From Date) future or past.
First Collection Date 10 YYYY-MM-DD. If the first collection date is populated, then the
Date first collection amount must also be populated and vice versa.
Collection Alpha-numeric 3 This must be ZAR.
Instalment Decimal 15 The collection amount.
Amount (13,2) Must contain value for "FIXED" and "VARIABLE" mandate type.
Collection Alpha-numeric 3 This must be ZAR.
Maximum Decimal 15 Maximum Instalment Amount that may be collected under an
Collection Amount (13,2) agreement between User and Payer. Maximum amount of any
0.04 – 0.00
0.05 – 0.10
0.07 – 0.10
Creditor Scheme Alpha-numeric 11 Scheme ID of creditor like Church Fund etc.
ID (Creditor This is a free format Alpha-numeric field
Scheme Name)
Creditor Name Alpha-numeric 35 Should denote a clear creditor name to identify the creditor.
Can be the same as ultimate creditor name.
Original Mandate Alpha-numeric 23 • 4 N = Client ID
Request Tx ID • 10 AN = Original System Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
• 9 N = Mandate sequence number
This field must match back to the original message.
Creditor Alpha-numeric 30 Mobile or landline number,
Telephone Contact needs to cater for the international standard (+27)
Details e.g. “+27823509883”.
Creditor Email Alpha-numeric 90 Email Address.
Contact Details
Creditor Bank Alpha-numeric 6 The 6-digit branch sort code is required to identify the bank. –
(Creditor Branch 198765.
Creditor Account Alpha-numeric 19 This is bank account number of creditor. This is the nominated
Number account.
Ultimate Creditor Alpha-numeric 35 The underlying agreement lies with the Ultimate Creditor.
Name (Ultimate
Creditor Identifier)
Creditor Alpha-numeric 10 Creditor Abbreviated Short Name.
Abbreviated Short
Debtor Name Alpha-numeric 35 Name of debtor as per bank account record.




Data element Data type Length Comments Populated
Debtor Alpha-numeric 35 Values allowed:
Identification • 1 AN = Document type
- P = Passport
- I = ID Document
- T = Temporary residence ID
• 1 AN = “/”
• 33AN = Identification Document Number
The ID document number should be right justified.
Debtor Telephone Alpha-numeric 30 Mobile or landline number, needs to cater for the international
Contact Details standard (+27)
In the event that debtor authentication required (local
instrument) = 229, this field is mandatory to be populated.
International Standard mobile or landline numbers consists of a
"+" followed by the country code (from 1 to 3 characters) and
finally, any combination of numbers, "(", ")", "+" and "-" (up to
30 characters). Pattern \+[0-9]{1,3}[0-9()+\-]{1,30}.
Debtor Email Alpha-numeric 90 Email address.
Contact Details
Debtor Account Alpha-numeric 19 This is bank account number of the debtor.
Debtor Account Alpha-numeric 12 Account Type table.
Type If Debtor Account number is present, account type must be
Appendix C – Account Types.
Debtor Bank Alpha-numeric 6 The 6-digit branch sort code is required to identify the bank.
(Debtor Branch Actual branch number. Can use universal sort code.
Ultimate Debtor Alpha-numeric 35 Name of ultimate debtor.

Authentication Alpha-numeric 4 If the accepted indicator is true, the Authorisation Code must
Status Indicator contain “AAUT “, or if the accepted indicator is false the
Authorisation Code must contain “NAUT” or “NRSP”.
Authentication Alpha-numeric 9 Must contain REAL TIME/ BATCH/ PREAUTH depending on
Type transaction type -
• TT1 - “REAL TIME” or
• TT2 - “BATCH” or
For PREAUTH – MAC is mandatory field.
Request Alpha-numeric 1 1 = original message
Transmission 2 = resent message
Number 3 = resent message
4 = resent message
Collection Day Alpha-numeric 2 Contains a number for the day aligned to frequency.
Appendix B – Mandate Frequency Codes.
Date Adjustment Alpha-numeric 1 This field may contain:
Rule Indicator • "Y" = Yes
• "N" = No




Data element Data type Length Comments Populated
Adjustment Alpha-numeric 1 This field may contain
Category • N-Never
• Q-Quarterly
• A-Annually
• B-Bi-annually
• R-Repo
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Adjustment Rate Numeric 8(3,5) Adjustment rate to increase or decrease by per Adjustment
Adjustment Alpha-numeric 3 This must be ZAR.
Amount Currency
Adjustment Decimal 15 Adjustment Amount to increase/decrease by per Adjustment
Amount (13,2) Category.
Appendix L – Adjustment Rules.
Authentication Alpha-numeric 20 Debtor Bank authorisation channel to debtor.
Channel For 0226, where authorisation is not required, notification will
be populated in this field and authentication status indicator will
have AAUT.
Mandate Alpha-numeric 22 • 4 AN = Bank Number
Reference Number • 8N = Mandate Creation Date
• 10 AN = Free format
This is the original Mandate Reference Number -,the unique
mandate identification. This number must be unique in the
industry for the lifetime of the mandate
Collection Alpha-numeric 3 This must be ZAR.
Initial Amount Decimal 15 If the first collection date is populated, then the first collection
(First Collection (13,2) amount must also be populated and vice versa.
Debit Value Type Alpha-numeric 11 Must contain:

Mandate Date 10 YYYY-MM-DD.

Mandate Request Alpha-numeric 9 The field may contain:
Status • Pending - Mandate is in progress and awaiting confirmation
from Debtor.
• Rejected - Mandate rejected by Debtor or rejected due to
• Active - Mandate is created and approved by Debtor.
• Cancelled - Mandate is no longer used
• Timeout - Timeout.

Mandate Status Alpha-numeric 105 Mandate Status Reason Description.

Reason Appendix AB – Mandate Status Reason (Batch Response and
Description EOD Status Report). Except for Suspension Reasons.
Total Mandates Numeric Total number of mandates.

Total Accepted Numeric Total number of mandates accepted.

Total Rejected Numeric Total number of mandates rejected.

Total Outstanding Numeric Total number of mandates outstanding.



CORPORATE PAYMENTS SYSTEM | 139 Blank File TT Preferences TT Connectivity Preferences




5.7.4 Client Preferences for Collection

Data element Comments Populated by

ACK / NACK file option Select any one of them:
Return invalid instructions only
Return both valid and invalid instructions
Rejection percentage:
If Yes, mention range (1-99)

Receive empty file – collection Select any one of them:

Transaction Accumulation Clients selects any one of them:
Reflect transactions individually
Reflect transactions as a single accumulated total per day*
Reports Client selects the report:
AC-Disputes report
Security 1. Select security level
1.1. No security
1.2. Line security
1.2.1 Connect Direct (Secure Plus)

2. File Security
2.1 3DES
2.2 PGP
2.3 SFTP
2.4 FTPS

5.7.5 Client Preferences for Dispute

Data element Comments Populated by

Disputes File Client has to select one of them:
1. Send always (receive empty file or not)
2. Send only when disputes exist
Transaction accumulation Client has to select one:
1. Reflect transactions individually
2. Single accumulated total per day

1. For DebiCheck, the only applicable limit is currently the NPS Limit, which is
2. The client statement will show the narrative with dispute reason codes at the




5.8. Ecobank (ETI) Solution

The Ecobank (ETI) Solution allows for users to submit one payment file to Nedbank which contains
transaction information for both onward payment, in foreign currency, to any Ecobank account holder
as well as any payment, in local currency, to any South African bank account.

5.8.1 Outgoing files – ETI Requirements

• In order to process the user’s ETI payment instructions, an ISO20022 Pain.001 message
containing the transaction information must be sent to Nedbank.
• The user’s LOB system will both produce and transfer these messages to Nedbank’s Host to
Host system.
• Each field within the file must be in a fixed format (i.e. if a field is defined with a length of 20
characters and only 12 characters are actually used, the field must be appropriately padded
with spaces for alphanumeric fields and zeros for numeric fields to a total of 20 characters).
• All Payment Initiation messages sent to Nedbank must comprise of the following mandatory
parts, as below:
o Part 1: Group Header
▪ The Group Header is presented only once in the Pain.001 message. It is the
set of characteristics which is shared by all individual transactions included
in the message1
o Part 2: Payment Information
▪ Payment Information can be repeated. It is the set of characteristics which
applies to the debit side of the payment transaction2
o Part 3: Credit Transfer Transaction Information
▪ Credit Transfer Transaction Information forms part of Payment Information
and can be repeated. It provides information pertaining to the credit side
of the payment transaction.

Below is a pictorial view of a standard Payment Initiation message:




definitions sourced from Swift MyStandards ISO20022 Payments Initiation Message Catalogue

• The Payment Initiation message may contain one or several Payment Information parts to
which one or several Credit Transfer Transaction Information are included.
• There are two Payment Initiation message layouts provided in this document, i.e. for
domestic payment and ETI payment. Should a user wish to submit both domestic and ETI
payment instructions in a single payment initiation message they can do so by creating
different Payment Informations for the different payments. See below for pictorial view of
the message structure in this instance.

• All payment initiation messages sent to Nedbank must be well formed and valid.



The message layouts contained in this document are aligned to the Swift MyStandards ISO20022
Standards Release – Payments and Cash Management -Payment Initiation Messages

Below is the explanation of each column presented in the layouts below:

• Data Element – short name identifying an element within the XML message
• Message Elements – element name used in MyStandards ISO20022 Payment Initiation message
• X-Path – Direct path to specific message element
• Data Type – indicates ISO data type
• Length – Maximum number of characters which can be input for the specified element
• Comments – Description of the data element
• Populated by – Responsible party for population of the element within the message Pain.001 Message

This contains the ETI transactions that will be sent to Nedbank for processing.

The ‘pain.001’ message will have to adhere to the following naming convention:
(e.g. CCINP_L_20171010_000123_D_AA.XML) whereby:
• A – Service ID (e.g. CCINP – Customer Credit = pain.001, SR001 – Status
Report = pain.002)
• B – Test/Live Indicator (e.g. T = TEST, L = LIVE)
• C – File Date CCYYMMDD
• D – File Sequence Number numeric 6
• E – File Type (e.g. D = Data future use perhaps S =SOD, E =EOT)
• F –CPS Client prefix min 2 max 4.



CORPORATE PAYMENTS SYSTEM | 144 Payment Initiation Message – Domestic Payment (Pain.001.001.03)

Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by

Group 1 - Level 1 - (/Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/GrpHdr) [1 - 1]

Message Message Identification /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/GrpHdr Alpha- ✔ 34 Unique identification of the message assigned
Identification /MsgId Numeric by the Initiating Party.

Message Identification is comprised on the

• Batch Indicator (021): 3 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Service Identification Code (CCINP):
5 digits
• Client ID (profile number): 8 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Date – Current request date: 8 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Unique Sequence Number:
6 digits (from1 to a maximum 999999)
Creation Date & Creation Date Time /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/GrpHdr DateTime ✔ 23 Date and time at which one or more payment
Time /CreDtTm instructions were created

Number of Number Of Transactions /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/GrpHdr Numeric ✔ 15 The total number of credit transfers (PmtInf
payment /NbOfTxs tags) within the request file
Control sum of Control sum /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/GrpHdr Numeric ✔ 18 The total value of credit transfers (PmtInf tags)
all payment /CtrlSum within the request file within the request file
Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Profile id Initiating Party /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/GrpHdr Numeric ✔ 10 This is a unique number that Nedbank will
Identification /InitgPty/Id/OrgId/Othr/Id assign to the client.
Organisation Identification
Group 2 - Level 1 - (/Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf) - [1 - 999]

Payment batch Payment Information Identification /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 24 Unique identification of the
id PmtInfId PaymentInformation
part assigned by the Initiating Party.

The payment batch ID is comprised of the

• Client Profile ID
• Creation Date
• Unique Batch Sequence Number
Payment Payment Method /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Text ✔ 3 Method of payment
Method PmtMtd For all credit transfers utilise TRF in this field

Number of Number Of Transactions /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtIn Numeric ✔ 15 The total number of credit transfers (PmtInf
payment f/NbOfTxs tags) within the batch
Control sum of Control sum /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Decimal ✔ 18 The total value of credit transfers (PmtInf tags)
each payment CtrlSum Number within the batch
Type of Payment Type Information /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Text ✔ 3 Field must be CPS
transaction Service Level PmtTpInf/SvcLvl/Prtry
Action Date Requested Execution Date /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Date ✔ 10 YYYYMMDD – represents the date the
ReqdExctnDt transaction must be processed
Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Profile id Debtor /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 10 This is a unique number that Nedbank will
Identification Dbtr/Id/OrgId/Othr/Id assign to the client.
Organisation Identification
Client Type Debtor /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 2 Field must be 01
Identification Dbtr/Id/OrgId/Othr/SchmeNm/Prtry
Organisation Identification
Scheme Name
Nominated Debtor Account /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 16 The client’s account number has to be a
Account Identification DbtrAcct/Id/Othr/Id Nedbank account.

Nominated Debtor Agent /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 6 Universal Nedbank branch code – 198 765
branch code Financial Institution Identification DbtrAgt/FinInstnId/Othr/Id
Changes Charges Account /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 16 Account from which charges/fees will be drawn
Account Identification ChrgsAcct/Id/Othr/Id for this file.
Other Has to be a Nedbank account. Can be the same
Identification as the nominated account.

Group 3 - Level 2 - (/Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/CdtTrfTxInf) [1 - 999] * [1 - 75000]

End to End Id Payment Identification /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 34 Unique identifier for payment.
End To End Identification CdtTrfTxInf/PmtId/EndToEndId Comprises of profile ID, date, file sequence
number & transaction sequence number
Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Service type Payment Type Information /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 3 Below is a list of payment service types
Service Level CdtTrfTxInf/PmtTpInf/SvcLvl/Prtry Numeric available with the associated codes:
Proprietary • SDV – Same Day Value
• RTL – Real Time Line
• RTC – Real Time Clearing
• 1DY– One-day Dated Credit
• 2DY – Two-day Dated Credit
Amount Amount /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 12 The maximum is 999999999999. The last two
Instructed Amount CdtTrfTxInf/Amt/InstdAmt digits represent the cents value.

Destination Creditor /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 30 Beneficiary name.

account Holder Name CdtTrfTxInf/Cdtr/Nm numeric This must be in upper case and must contain
Name the name of the destination accountholder in
the format: surname followed by initials.
Destination Creditor /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 6 Any valid branch code. For credit card
branch code Identification CdtTrfTxInf/Cdtr/Id/OrgId/Othr/Id payments this will be zeros.
Organisation Identification
Destination Creditor Account /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 16 Beneficiary account number.
account Identification CdtTrfTxInf/CdtrAcct/Id/Othr/Id Any valid account number. For credit card
Number Other payments this should be the credit card plastic
Identification number suffixed with zeros.

Reference Remittance Information /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 30 This is the reference that will appear on the
Structured CdtTrfTxInf/RmtInf/Strd/CdtrRefInf/ numeric nominated account statement.
Creditor Reference Information Ref
Beneficiary Remittance Information /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 30 This is the reference that will appear on the
Description Structured CdtTrfTxInf/RmtInf/Strd/AddtlRmtInf numeric destination account statement.
Additional Reference Information Payment Initiation Message – ETI Payment (Pain.001.001.03)

Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by

Group 1 - Level 1 - (/Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/GrpHdr) [1 - 1]

Message Message Identification /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/GrpHdr Alpha- ✔ 34 Unique identification of the message assigned
Identification /MsgId Numeric by the Initiating Party.

Message Identification is comprised on the

• Batch Indicator (021): 3 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Service Identification Code (CCINP):
5 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Client ID (profile number): 8 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Date – Current request date: 8 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Unique Sequence Number:
6 digits (from1 to a maximum 999999)
Creation Date & Creation Date Time /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/GrpHdr DateTime ✔ 23 Date and time at which one or more payment
Time /CreDtTm instructions were created

Number of Number Of Transactions /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/GrpHdr Numeric ✔ 15 The total number of credit transfers (PMTINF
payment /NbOfTxs tags) within the request file
Control sum of Control Sum /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/GrpHdr Numeric ✔ 18 The total value of credit transfers (PMTINF
all payment /CtrlSum tags) within the request file within the request
batches file
Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Profile id Initiating Party /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/GrpHdr Numeric ✔ 10 This is a unique number that Nedbank will
Identification /InitgPty/Id/OrgId/Othr/Id assign to the client.
Organisation Identification

Group 2 - Level 1 - (/Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf) - [1 - 999]

Payment batch Payment Information Identification /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 20 Unique identification of the
id PmtInfId PaymentInformation
part assigned by the Initiating Party.

The payment batch ID is comprised of the

• Client Profile ID
• Creation Date
• Unique Batch Sequence Number
Payment Payment Method /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Text ✔ 3 For all payments utilise TRF in this field
Method PmtMtd

Number of Number Of Transactions /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 15 The total number of credit transfers (PmtInf
payment NbOfTxs tags) within the batch
Control sum of Control Sum /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Decimal ✔ 18 The total value of credit transfers (PmtInf tags)
each payment CtrlSum Number within the batch
Type of Payment Type Information /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Text ✔ 3 Field must be ETI
transaction Service Level PmtTpInf/SvcLvl/Prtry
Payment Payment Type Information /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Text ✔ 10
Product Local Instrument PmtTpInf/LclInstrm/Prtry
Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Action Date Requested Execution Date /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Date ✔ 10 YYYYMMDD – represents the date the
ReqdExctnDt transaction must be processed

Profile id Debtor /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 10 This is a unique number that Nedbank will
Identification Dbtr/Id/OrgId/Othr/Id assign to the client.
Organisation Identification
Nominated Debtor Account /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 16 The client’s account number has to be a
Account Identification DbtrAcct/Id/Othr/Id Nedbank account.
Nominated Debtor Agent /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 6 Universal Nedbank branch code – 198 765
branch code Financial Institituition Identification DbtrAgt/FinInstnId/Othr/Id
Changes Charges Account /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 16 Account from which charges/fees will be drawn
Account Identification ChrgsAcct/Id/Othr/Id for this file.
Other Has to be a Nedbank account. Can be the same
Identification as the nominated account.

Group 3 - Level 2 - (/Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/CdtTrfTxInf) [1 - 999] * [1 - Max number of transactions ETI can accept]
End to End Id Payment Identification /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 20 Unique identifier for payment.
End to End Identification CdtTrfTxInf/PmtId/EndToEndId Comprises of profile ID, date, file sequence
number & transaction sequence number
Amount Amount /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 12 The maximum is 999999999999. The last two
Instructed Amount CdtTrfTxInf/Amt/InstdAmt digits represent the cents value.
Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Destination Creditor /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 30 Beneficiary name.This must be in upper case
Account Holder Name CdtTrfTxInf/Cdtr/Nm numeric and must contain the name of the destination
Name accountholder in the format: surname followed
by initials.
Destination Creditor /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 16 Beneficiary postal address code
Account Holder Postal Address CdtTrfTxInf/Cdtr/PstlAdr/PstCd numeric
Postal Code Post Code
Destination Creditor /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 35 Beneficiary city/ town name
Account Holder Postal Address CdtTrfTxInf/Cdtr/PstlAdr/TwnNm numeric
City Town Name
Destination Creditor /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 2 Beneficiary country code
Account Holder Postal Address CdtTrfTxInf/Cdtr/PstlAdr/Ctry numeric
Country Country
Destination Creditor /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 35 Beneficiary postal address
Account Holder Postal Address CdtTrfTxInf/Cdtr/PstlAdr/AdrLine numeric
Address Address Line
Destination Creditor /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 6 Any valid ETI branch code.
Account branch Identification CdtTrfTxInf/Cdtr/Id/OrgId/Othr/Id
code Organisation Identification
Destination Creditor Account /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Numeric ✔ 16 Any valid ETI account number to which the
Account Identification CdtTrfTxInf/CdtrAcct/Id/Othr/Id credit is to be processed to.
number Other
IBAN Creditor Account /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 34 International Bank Account number - identifier
Identification CdtTrfTxInf/CdtrAcct/Id/IBAN numeric used internationally by financial institutions to
IBAN uniquely identify the account of a customer.
Destination Creditor Account /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 3 Identification of the currency in which the
Account Currency CdtTrfTxInf/CdtrAcct/Ccy numeric account is held.
Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Ultimate Ultimate Creditor /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 2 Country code of bank which destination
Beneficiary Postal Address CdtTrfTxInf/UltmtCdtr/PstlAdr/Ctry numeric account is held
Country Country
BIC Ultimate Creditor /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 11 Bank Identification Code
Identification CdtTrfTxInf/UltmtCdtr/Id/OrgId/BICO numeric
Organisation Identification rBEI
Ultimate Ultimate Creditor /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 35 Branch details for bank at which Ultimate
Beneficiary Identification CdtTrfTxInf/UltmtCdtr/Id/OrgId/Othr numeric Beneficiary account is held
branch Organisation Identification /Id
Ultimate Ultimate Creditor /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 35 Ultimate beneficiary code
Beneficiary code Identification CdtTrfTxInf/UltmtCdtr/Id/OrgId/Othr numeric
Organisation Identification /SchmeNm/Prtry
Scheme Name
Ultimate Ultimate Creditor /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 35 Bank at which ultimate beneficiary account is
Beneficiary bank Identification CdtTrfTxInf/UltmtCdtr/Id/OrgId/Othr numeric held
Organisation Identification /Issr
Reference Remittance Information /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 30 This is the reference that will appear on the
Structured CdtTrfTxInf/RmtInf/Strd/CdtrRefInf/R numeric nominated account statement.
Creditor Reference Information ef
Beneficiary Remittance Information /Document/CstmrCdtTrfInitn/PmtInf/ Alpha- ✔ 30 This is the reference that will appear on the
Description Structured CdtTrfTxInf/RmtInf/Strd/AddtlRmtInf numeric destination account statement.
Additional Reference Information
5.8.2. Incoming Files Requirements
Nedbank will provide the client with status reports (pain.002 messages) on processed transactions (see
Appendix 1 for pain.002 layout). The responses sent to the client will be in one of the following formats,
depending on the nature of the response:
• SR001: Transformation Layer ACK/ NACK (applies to both Domestic Payment and ETI
payment transactions)
o Result of structual validation performed (against the pain.001 schema)
• SR002: ETI ACK/ NACK (applies to ETI payments only)
o Result of initial level functional validation performed by Ecobank
• SR003: CPS ACK/NACK (applies to domestic payments only)
o Result of initial level functional validation performed by Nedbank
• SR005: ETI Response (applies to ETI payments only)
o Final fate of payment instructions
• SR006: Unpaids File (applies to domestic payments only)
o Contains Rejected/ Unpaid transactions post final processing



CORPORATE PAYMENTS SYSTEM | 154 Status Report – SR001: Transformation Layer ACK/ NACK (Pain.002.001.03)

Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by

Group 1- Level 1- (/Document/ CstmrPmtStsRpt/GrpHdr) [1 - 1]

Message Message Identification /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/GrpHdr Alpha- ✔ 34 Message Identification is comprised on the
Identification /MsgId Numeric following:
• Batch Indicator (021): 3 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Service Identification Code (SR001):
5 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Client ID (profile number): 8 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Date – Current request date: 8 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Unique Sequence Number:
6 digits (from1 to a maximum 999999)

Creation Date & Creation Date Time /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/GrpHdr DateTime ✔ 23 Date and time at which status report was
Time /CreDtTm created

Group 2 - Level 1 - (/Document/ CstmrPmtStsRpt/ OrgnlGrpInfAndSts/) [1 - 1]

Original Message Original Message Identification /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGr Alpha- ✔ 34 Message identification as per original file
Identification pInfAndSts/OrgnlMsgId Numeric
Original Message Original Message Name /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGr Alpha- ✔ 12 Field will always contain the following value:
Name Identification pInfAndSts/OrgnlMsgNmId Numeric "PAIN.001.003"

Group Status Group Status /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGr Alpha- ✔ 4 ACK file will contain ACCP in this field
pInfAndSts/GrpSts Numeric NACK file will contain RJCT in this field
Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Reason for status Status Reason Information /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/ Alpha- ✔ 35 This tag appears only in case of NACK For
Reason OrgnlGrpInfAndSts/StsRsnInf/Rsn/Prt Numeric NACK, message will contain the Error Detail
Proprietary ry

Error Detail Status Reason Information /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/ Alpha- 105 This tag appears only in case of NACK
Additional information OrgnlGrpInfAndSts/StsRsnInf/AddtlIn Numeric
Value f/Value
Group 3 - Level 1- (/Document/ CstmrPmtStsRpt/ OrgnlPmtInfAndSts/) [1 -N]

Original Payment Original Payment Information /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Numeric ✔ 24 Payment batch ID as per original file
batch Id Identification mtInfAndSts/OrgnlPmtInfId
Reason for status Status Reason Information /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Alpha- ✔ 35 This tag appears only in the case of ACK
Reason mtInfAndSts/StsRsnInf/Rsn/Prtry Numeric For ACK, message will be "Accepted By Volante
Proprietary Gateway"

Additional Status Reason Information /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Alpha- 105 This tag appears only in the case of ACK
Information Additional information mtInfAndSts/StsRsnInf/AddtlInf/Valu Numeric For ACK, message will be "Accepted By Volante
Value e Gateway" Status Report - SR002: ETI ACK/ NACK (Pain.002.001.03)

Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by

Group 1- Level 1- (/Document/ CstmrPmtStsRpt/GrpHdr) [1 -1]

Message Message Identification /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/GrpHdr Alpha- ✔ 34 Message Identification is comprised on the
Identification /MsgId Numeric following:
• Batch Indicator (021): 3 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Service Identification Code (SR002):
5 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Client ID (profile number): 8 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Date – Current request date: 8 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Unique Sequence Number:
6 digits (from1 to a maximum 999999)

Creation Date & Creation Date Time /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/GrpHdr DateTime ✔ 23 Date and time at which status report was
Time /CreDtTm created

Group 2 - Level 1 – (/Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGrpInfAndSts/) [1 - 1]

Original Message Original Message Identification /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGr Alpha- ✔ 34 Message identification as per original file
Identification pInfAndSts/OrgnlMsgId Numeric
Original Message Original Message Name /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGr Alpha- ✔ 12 Field will always contain the following value:
Name Identification pInfAndSts/OrgnlMsgNmId Numeric "PAIN.001.003"

Group Status Group Status /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGr Alpha- ✔ 4 ACK file will contain ACCP in this field
pInfAndSts/GrpSts Numeric NACK file will contain RJCT in this field
Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Reason for Status Status Reason Information /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGr Alpha- ✔ 105 Provides reason for status
Additional Information pInfAndSts/StsRsnInf/AddtlInf/Value Numeric
Group 3- Level 1- (/Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlPmtInfAndSts/) [1 -N]

Original Payment Original Payment Information /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Numeric ✔ 20 Payment batch ID as per original file
batch Id Identification mtInfAndSts/OrgnlPmtInfId Status Report - SR003: CPS ACK/ NACK (Pain.002.001.03)

Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by

Group 1- Level 1- (/Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/GrpHdr) [1 -1]

Message Message Identification /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/GrpHdr Alpha- ✔ 34 Message Identification is comprised on the
Identification /MsgId Numeric following:
• Batch Indicator (021): 3 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Service Identification Code (SR003):
5 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Client ID (profile number): 8 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Date – Current request date: 8 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Unique Sequence Number:
6 digits (from1 to a maximum 999999)

Creation Date & Creation Date Time /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/GrpHdr DateTime ✔ 23 Date and time at which status report was
Time /CreDtTm created
Group 2- Level 1- (/Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGrpInfAndSts/) [1 -1]

Original Message Original Message Identification /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGr Alpha- ✔ 34 Message identification as per original file
Identification pInfAndSts/OrgnlMsgId Numeric
Original Message Original Message Name /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGr Alpha- ✔ 12 Field will always contain the following value:
Name Identification pInfAndSts/OrgnlMsgNmId Numeric "PAIN.001.003"

Group Status Group Status /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGr Alpha- ✔ 4 ACK file will contain ACCP in this field
pInfAndSts/GrpSts Numeric NACK file will contain RJCT in this field
Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Reason for status Status Reason Information /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGr Alpha- 105 Reason(s) why message was rejected.
Additional Information pInfAndSts/StsRsnInf/AddtlInf/Value Numeric This tag appears only in the case of NACK

Group 3 - Level 1 – (/Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlPmtInfAndSts/) [1 - N]

Original Payment Original Payment Information /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Numeric ✔ 24 Payment batch ID as per original file
batch Id Identification mtInfAndSts/OrgnlPmtInfId
Payment batch Payment Information Status /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Alpha- ✔ 4 ACK file will contain ACCP in this field
status mtInfAndSts/PmtInfSts Numeric NACK file will contain RJCT in this field
Group 4 - Level 2 – (/Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlPmtInfAndSts/TxInfAndSts/) [1 - N]

Original End to Original End to End Identification /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Alpha- ✔ 34 End to End ID as per original file
End ID mtInfAndSts/TxInfAndSts/OrgnlEndT Numeric
Transaction status Transaction status /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Alpha- ✔ 4 Accepted (ACCP) or Rejected (RJCT)
mtInfAndSts/TxInfAndSts/TxSts Numeric

Reason for Status Status Reason Information /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Alpha- 105 Reason(s) why transaction was rejected. This
Additional Information mtInfAndSts/TxInfAndSts/StsRsnInf/A Numeric tag will appear on in the case of NACK
Value ddtlInf/Value
Amount Original Transaction Reference /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Numeric ✔ 12 Transaction amount as per original file
Amount mtInfAndSts/TxInfAndSts/OrgnlTxRef
Instructed Amount /Amt/InstdAmt Status Report - SR005: ETI Response (Pain.002.001.03)

Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by

Group 1- Level 1- (/Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/GrpHdr/) [1 -1]

Message Message Identification /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/GrpHdr Alpha- ✔ 34 Message Identification is comprised on the
Identification /MsgId Numeric following:
• Batch Indicator (021): 3 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Service Identification Code (SR005):
5 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Client ID (profile number): 8 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Date – Current request date: 8 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Unique Sequence Number:
6 digits (from1 to a maximum 999999)

Creation Date & Creation Date Time /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/GrpHdr DateTime ✔ 23 Date and time at which status report was
Time /CreDtTm created
Group 2- Level 1- (/Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGrpInfAndSts/) [1 -1]

Original Message Original Message Identification /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGr Alpha- ✔ 34 Message identification as per original file
Identification pInfAndSts/OrgnlMsgId Numeric

Original Message Original Message Name /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGr Alpha- ✔ 12 Field will always contain the following value:
Name Identification pInfAndSts/OrgnlMsgNmId Numeric "PAIN.001.003"

Reason for Status Status Reason Information /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGr Alpha- 105 Information received from ETI
Additional Information pInfAndSts/StsRsnInf/AddtlInf/Value Numeric
Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by

Group 3 - Level 1 – (/Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlPmtInfAndSts/) [1 - N]

Original Payment Original Payment Information /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Numeric ✔ 20 Payment batch ID as per original file
batch Id Identification mtInfAndSts/OrgnlPmtInfId

Group 4 - Level 2 – (/Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlPmtInfAndSts/TxInfAndSts/) [1 - N]

Original End to Original End to End Identification /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Alpha- ✔ 34 End to End ID as per original file
End ID mtInfAndSts/TxInfAndSts/OrgnlEndT Numeric
Transaction status Transaction status /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Alpha- ✔ 4 Accepted (ACCP) or Rejected (RJCT)
mtInfAndSts/TxInfAndSts/TxSts Numeric

Status Reason Status Reason Information /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Alpha- ✔ 35 Reason for transaction status as per Appendix 2
Reason mtInfAndSts/TxInfAndSts/StsRsnInf/R Numeric
Proprietary sn/Prtry
Additional Status Reason Information /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Alpha- 105 Reason(s) why transaction was rejected as per
Information Additional Information mtInfAndSts/TxInfAndSts/StsRsnInf/A Numeric Appendix 3
Value ddtlInf/Value
Amount Original Transaction Reference /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Numeric ✔ 12 Transaction amount as per original file
Amount mtInfAndSts/TxInfAndSts/OrgnlTxRef
Instructed Amount /Amt/InstdAmt Status Report - SR006: Unpaids (Pain.002.001.03)

Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by

Group 1 - Level 1- (/Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/GrpHdr/) [1 -1]

Message Message Identification /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/GrpHdr Alpha- ✔ 34 Message Identification is comprised on the
Identification /MsgId Numeric following:
• Batch Indicator (021): 3 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Service Identification Code (SR006):
5 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Client ID (profile number): 8 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Date – Current request date: 8 digits
• Separator (/): 1 digit
• Unique Sequence Number:
6 digits (from1 to a maximum 999999)

Creation Date & Creation Date Time /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/GrpHdr DateTime ✔ 23 Date and time at which status report was
Time /CreDtTm created
Group 2 - Level 1- (/Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGrpInfAndSts/) [1 -1]

Original Message Original Message Identification /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGr Alpha- ✔ 34 Message identification as per original file
Identification pInfAndSts/OrgnlMsgId Numeric
Original Message Original Message Name /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlGr Alpha- ✔ 12 Field will always contain the following value:
Name Identification pInfAndSts/OrgnlMsgNmId Numeric "PAIN.001.003"

Group 3 - Level 1 – (/Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlPmtInfAndSts/) [1 - N]

Original Payment Original Payment Information /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Numeric ✔ 24 Payment batch ID as per original file
batch Id Identification mtInfAndSts/OrgnlPmtInfId
Group 4 - Level 2 – (/Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlPmtInfAndSts/TxInfAndSts/) [1 - N]
Data element Message Elements X – Path Data type Mandatory Length Comments Populated by
Original End to Original End to End Identification /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Alpha- ✔ 34 End to End ID as per original file
End ID mtInfAndSts/TxInfAndSts/OrgnlEndT Numeric
Transaction status Transaction Status /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Alpha- ✔ 4 Status of the transaction instruction
mtInfAndSts/TxInfAndSts/TxSts Numeric

Reason for Status Status Reason Information /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Alpha- ✔ 105 Reason description if the transaction
Additional Information mtInfAndSts/TxInfAndSts/StsRsnInf/A Numeric instruction has been rejected.
Value ddtlInf/Value
Amount Original Transaction Reference /Document/CstmrPmtStsRpt/OrgnlP Numeric ✔ 12 Transaction amount as per original file
Amount mtInfAndSts/TxInfAndSts/OrgnlTxRef
Instructed Amount /Amt/InstdAmt
5.9 Connectivity

The CPS service uses a dedicated leased line for the secure transfer of files as this is the
most reliable and secure method of connectivity for this service. The client is required to
install a leased line for file transfer between its Line-of-Business (LOB) system and CPS.
The application for a leased line is set up between the client and the service provider.

The Connect:Direct (C:D) software has been chosen by Nedbank as the preferred file
transfer mechanism, as it securely coordinates the interchange of files between the client
and Nedbank. The client will load the C:D software and this will then be configured. Once
the C:D configuration has been completed; the connection will undergo end-to-end
testing between Nedbank and the client.




5.9.1 Hardware and software requirements for Connect:Direct
C:D for UNIX and its related software require the following hardware and software.
Note: C:D for UNIX supports systems running in 32- or 64-bit mode.

Component or Functionality Hardware Software RAM (min.) Disk Space (min.)

IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX HP Integrity HP-UX version 11iv3 or higher 2 GB 50 MB

with TCP/IP, Sterling File system with Intel Note Not supported with FASP.
Accelerator, or (Fix Pack 3 Itanium processor
and higher) FASP
IBM® System AIX versions 7.1 and 7.2. 2 GB 50 MB
pSeries, POWER7
or greater SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (ppc64le) 2 GB 50 MB
processor version 12.4 and greater.
required Note Not supported with FASP.

Sun SPARC system Solaris version 10, update to level 11 (Jan 2 GB 50 MB

2013) or higher, and Solaris 11.
Note Not supported with FASP.
Intel and AMD Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 7 (7.2 or 2 GB 50 MB
x86-64 above)

Any point release of SuSE Linux Enterprise 2 GB 50 MB

Server version 12.x
Linux zSeries Any point release of Red Hat Enterprise 2 GB 50 MB
Linux version 7.x.

Any point release of SuSE Linux Enterprise 2 GB 50 MB

Server version 12.x.
Note Not supported with FASP.
Sterling Connect:Direct File Same as Same as requirements for IBM 2 GB 275 MB
Agent requirements for Connect:Direct for UNIX
Connect:Direct for Java™ Standard Edition 6, installed with
UNIX Sterling Connect:Direct File Agent
Note On Linux zSeries, the JRE is not bundled
with Sterling Connect:Direct File Agent. You
must obtain and install Java Standard Edition
8 before you install Sterling Connect:Direct
File Agent.
Connect:Direct Secure Plus Same as Same as requirements for Connect:Direct 2 GB 70 MB
requirements for Secure Plus.
IBM Java Standard Edition 8, installed with
Connect:Direct for Connect:Direct Secure Plus.
High-Availability support IBM System IBM HACMP
pSeries, POWER7
or greater
Sun SPARC system SunCluster 2.2, 3.0 or 3.2

SNA connectivity IBM System Install and configure Communications Server

pSeries, POWER7 for AIX® V6.
or greater




Component or functionality Hardware Software RAM Disk space (min)
Sun SPARC systems Install and configure SNAP-IX Gateware
software DATA Connection Limited

Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows and related software require the following
hardware and software.

Component Hardware Software

Connect:Direct for 512 MB RAM (min.) 1 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating system options:
Microsoft Windows GB or more Microsoft Windows Server 2016 with Desktop Experience
recommended Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
600 MB disk space Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows 10
Microsoft Windows 8
Clustered environment supported on:
Microsoft Windows 2012 Server
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Microsoft Windows Server 2016
Microsoft TCP/IP Support Microsoft TCP/IP WinSOCK interface installed as part of the Microsoft
Windows system

Database Software 2 GB or more. The Install one of the following before you install Connect:Direct for
amount may vary Microsoft Windows:
depending on the
product configuration Note
and usage. PostgreSQL is the default database provided and installed with IBM
Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows release 6.0
• Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (and future Fix Pack) are
supported. This software is not provided. You can configure
SQL Server during the IBM® Connect:Direct installation.

Note Local-domain access must be available to Microsoft SQL Server.

For more information, see the IBM Connect:Direct for Microsoft
Windows Getting Started Guide.
Connect:Direct File Agent Same as Same requirements as Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows
requirements for
Connect:Direct for
Microsoft Windows
IBM Connect:Direct Same as Same requirements as Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows
Requester requirements for
Connect:Direct for
Microsoft Windows

Connect:Direct for Same as This software is required to build the samples, but is not required to
Microsoft Windows SDK requirements for run the samples.
Connect:Direct for
Microsoft Windows




5.10 Security

5.10.1 Sterling Secure Proxy

Nedbank provides a secure layer called Sterling Secure Proxy, which relays messages
between the trading partner connection and the trusted zone application connection
within the bank to allow the remote trading partner to move data in and out of the trusted
zone application. The Sterling Secure Proxy creates an SSL session break for Sterling
Connect:Direct protocol. This is a primary Sterling Secure Proxy security feature.

Sterling Secure Proxy authenticates a remote trading partner in the DMZ, before creating
a separate SSL session into the trusted zone. This allows for the creation of firewall rules
to prevent trading partners from obtaining direct access to applications in the trusted
zone. It also allows users to keep sensitive data out of the DMZ.

The SSL session break occurs because the trading partner connects to Sterling Secure
Proxy in the DMZ and not to the application in the trusted zone. The trading partner is
unaware that Sterling Secure Proxy is deployed and believes it is connecting to the back-
end system.

Sterling Secure Proxy negotiates an SSL session with the remote trading partner and
authenticates the trading partner's certificate, if SSL client authentication is configured.
Sterling Secure Proxy then enforces user authentication to validate that the trading
partner uses a valid user ID and password.

After the SSL session is established and the user ID and password is authenticated, Sterling
Secure Proxy initiates a separate SSL session to the application in the trusted zone.

After the application in the trusted zone authenticates Sterling Secure Proxy using SSL
client authentication and user ID and password authentication, Sterling Secure Proxy
communicates messages between the trading partner and trusted zone application
connection to allow the remote trading partner to move data in and out of the trusted
zone application.






5.10.2 Secure Plus

Secure Plus is the recommended security protocol. It is strongly recommended that the
security level be applied and tested in the quality assurance (QA) environment before the
profile is moved to production. The client can speak to the integration manager for details
about Secure Plus.

Secure Plus software overview

The Secure Plus software package has two security options, namely secure socket layer
(SSL) and transmission layer security (TLS).

Secure Plus security protocols




5.11 Testing

All clients must go through a testing period before going live with the system. This is
mainly to verify connectivity, data integrity and client system changes and/or
development. This is referred to as QA (Quality Assurance) testing.

Requirements for the test environment

• The client needs to be connected via C:D or the client can email the test files for
processing. Nedbank does allow testing without C:D.
• Additional protocol testing is required where web services or IBM MQ are utilised.
• A rejection percentage option greater than 0 (zero) should be defined.
• The specified file layouts must be adhered to:
o EFT - both transaction instruction and disallow instruction files
o DebiCheck - request files for mandate management, mandate enquiry
and collections.
• QA environments should be in place during testing on both Nedbank and the
client’s side.

Test scenarios

• Tests will cover the following scenarios, but can be tailored to the client’s needs:
• The ability to receive ACK, NACK and the NAEDOS response files, where
applicable, from CPS.
• Additional testing is required where DebiCheck is selected as the service type.
• The DebiCheck service requires mandate registrations. Testing must therefore
o Mandate initiation by collector
o Mandate acceptance by end user (collectee)
o Mandate amendments
o Mandate deletions/cancellations
• Encryption for the client-selected security level.
• The sending and processing of collection and payment instructions according to
the various service types for both on-us and on-them transactions, in accordance
with the intended production profile.
• For DebiCheck where credit tracking is allowed, additional testing is required to
simulate number of days tracked.
• The sending and processing of forward-dated instructions.
• The use of nominated account(s) set up in accordance with the intended
production profile. This will include limits testing against:
o Account limits
o Daily limits
o Item limits
o Monthly limits




• The transfer of corrupt files and/or instructions to CPS.
• Unpaids file testing.
• Service type rollover options in accordance with the intended production profile.

Process for QA testing

During the test phase the following key aspects must be verified:
• Connectivity using the client’s chosen delivery protocol must be stable and in
• Specified file layouts must be adhered to.
• Business processes aligned with business requirements.

The client organisation must meet the following requirements before testing may begin:
• The file layouts must be set up.
• The client organisation and Nedbank must have parallel QA environments in

During testing the following naming convention will be used:

• Example: QNGG00.CDPACK. ***I000.D0.SQ320
o A ‘Q’ is used instead of a ‘P’.
o ‘Q’ refers to a QA testing file, while ‘P’ refers to a production file.

QA data is for testing purposes only and is not to be used for any decision-making
processes regarding customers.




5.12 CPS Billing

The client and the transactional banker discuss and agree to CPS fees. The loading
document, detailing the various services and fees for the CPS service, is included in the
initial application form (the fees payment system document). The billing cycle for CPS fees
is from the 26th of the current month to the 25th of the following month.

Cumulative monthly fees will appear on the client’s charge account statement (depending
on the standard fees and the service type selected by the client for the profile setup). The
statement description for each service type is given below:

Description on charge Definition Description on charge Definition

account statement account statement
Connect: Direct monthly Monthly fee for Connect: 2-D DATED DR on-them Two day service debits
(standard fee) Direct service (volume) – Nedbank to other banks
SSV CR on-us Same-day-service credits RTL – CREDIT on-us Real-time credit
(volume) – Nedbank to Nedbank (volume) – Nedbank to Nedbank
SSV CR on-them Same-day-service credits RTL – CREDIT on-them Real-time credit
(volume) – Nedbank to other bank (volume) – Nedbank to other bank
SSV DR on-us Same-day-service debits NAEDOS SUCC DR on-us Early debit order successful
(volume) – Nedbank to Nedbank (volume) – Nedbank to Nedbank
SSV DR on-them Same-day-service debits NAEDOS SUCC DR Early debit order successful
(volume) – Nedbank to other banks on-them (volume) – Nedbank to other bank
1-D DATED CR on-us One-day-service credits NAEDOS UNSUCC DR Early debit order unsuccessful
(volume) – Nedbank to Nedbank on-us (volume) – Nedbank to Nedbank
1-D DATED CR on-them One-day-service credits NAEDOS UNSUCC DR Early debit order unsuccessful
(volume) – Nedbank to other banks on-them (volume) – Nedbank to other bank
2-D DATED CR on-us Two-day-service credits Unpaid transactions Same as specified
(volume) – Nedbank to Nedbank (volume)
2-D DATED CR on-them Two-day-service credits Rejected transactions Same as specified
(volume) – Nedbank to other banks (volume)
2-D DATED DT on-us Two-day-service debits Disallow Txns (volume) Disallowed transactions
(volume) – Nedbank to Nedbank
RTL Real time clearing RTL – CREDIT on-them Real-time clearing
(volume) (volume) – Nedbank to other banks




5.13 Checklist
This checklist can be used to ensure that all the technical requirements are complete so
that CPS can be successfully integrated into the client’s existing systems.

No Item Completed
1 File layout created in LOB system ❑
2 Connect:Direct installed ❑
3 Leased line installed ❑
4 Security setup ❑
5 File names according to file-naming convention ❑
6 Testing process completed ❑

5.14 Client services

All requests to change the profile or stop a transaction must be made via one of the
following methods:
Transactional Banker Client can hand the request to
the transactional banker, who
will manage the processing of
the request.

Hand delivery Requests may be hand Nedbank Client Enablement Roodepoort

delivered to Nedbank Client Lakeview Campus
Enablement. 16 Constantia Boulevard, Constantia
Roodepoort, 1709
The collection box is in the reception area.

Nedbank Client Enablement Cape Town

1st Floor, Protea Assurance Building
Green Market Square
Cape Town
The collection box is in the reception area.

Fax Requests may be faxed to 0860 110 782

Nedbank Client Enablement.
Client support 24-hour support is available to Working hours – 011 295 8737
the client for all product-related After hours – 083 627 7712
and technical enquiries.

Email Requests can be emailed to

Nedbank Client Enablement. za




No Acronym/Term Definition
1 ASN Abbreviated Short Name. The shortened version of the user’s
registered trading name, as agreed to, and validated by, the
collecting bank and displayed by the paying bank on the
account statement of the consumer for the purpose of
identifying the user, limited to 10 characters.

2 AC Authenticated Collections renamed as DebiCheck.

3 ACB Automated Clearing Bureau. Acts as a switching house for low-

value interbank processing.

4 ACB processing date The date on which ACB processes a financial instruction.

5 Account An account held with a paying bank in the name of the


6 Accountholder The consumer and/or holder of an account.

7 ACH Automated Clearing House.

A central processing mechanism through which financial
institutions agree to exchange payment instructions or
financial obligations

8 ACK Acknowledgement.

9 ACK message file An acknowledgement message or message file sent to or

received from another system to indicate that the file sent or
received was valid for processing.

10 ACT Authenticated Collections Transaction.

11 Action date The date on which a payment instruction is to be processed.

12 AEDO Authenticated Early Debit Order. This is an EDO created by the

consumer in real time and authenticated by means of a bank
card and PIN at a POS device.

13 Agreement The contractual arrangement, including a loan agreement or a

sales agreement, between an accountholder and a user.

14 Algorithm A set of instructions based on a specific rule or formula.

15 Alleged Fraud Any claim made with regards to a transaction or potential

transaction allegedly intended to defraud or deceit the banks,
user or accountholders.

16 Authentication Key The means by which the paying bank verifies that the message
received has been legitimately endorsed by their payer. For
example, an accountholder access password, personal
Identification Number (PIN), One Time Password (OTP), etc.




No Acronym/Term Definition
17 Authentication Request The interbank message submitted by the sponsoring bank to
the paying bank, via the PSO, which requests the
authorisation/approval from the payer for the debit order,
using one of the recognised authentication methods.

18 Authentication Response A message whereby the paying bank, via the PSO, provides the
sponsoring bank with the outcome of authorisation.

19 Authorise or Authorised A positive acknowledgement received by the paying bank

from the payer against an authentication request.

20 Available balance Utilisation of funds available in the nominated account. This

means that Nedbank will not prefund the value of transactions

21 Bank-approved beneficiaries Companies or institutions with which Nedbank has a payment

agreement for the client’s convenience, e.g. Telkom.

22 Bankserv South African Bankers Services Company Limited. Provides

various services to banks. One of its roles is to act as a
payment clearing house system operator, i.e. every
transaction directed from one bank to another must be
cleared by Bankserv.

23 Client For the purposes of this document, ‘client’ refers to a

Nedbank CPS user or CPS client.

24 Collecting participant A bank or PSO, which presents a debit order against an

accountholder’s account on behalf of a user.

25 Connect:Direct (C:D) A secure file transfer mechanism coordinating the interchange

of data between the CPS client and Nedbank.

26 Consumer The payer of the debit order collected by the user.

27 CPS Corporate Payment System

28 CR Credit. The movement of funds from a nominated account to

a destination account. 9999 denotes a credit in the input file
or the file layout.

29 Credit limit utilisation A prefunded, approved limit for transactional purposes, i.e.
item, daily and monthly transaction and account limits.

30 Credit tracking Refers to the representation of collections. This is done in

cases where funds were not available at the time of first
presentment and can be done up to a maximum allowed per
payment instrument.

31 Cut-off times Latest times by which transactions must be received.

Transactions received after the cut off time (for each service
type) will be rejected.

32 Dated service The ACB one-day and two-day services are collectively known
as ‘the dated service’. This term refers to future-dated
payment instructions that will not be processed instantly, as
the action date is set to at least the following day’s date.
These payment instructions will usually be stored for at least
one day prior to being processed.




No Acronym/Term Definition
33 DR Debit. The movement of funds from a destination account to a
nominated account. 0000 denotes a debit in the input file of
the file layout.

34 DebiCheck A new payment service whereby a consumer will agree to a

debit order payment through authentication of a mandate
within specific parameters in the early morning window. The
paying bank will, prior to processing, check the debit order
payment instruction from the company/user against the
authenticated mandate to ensure that the debit is within the
parameters agreed to.

35 Debit order An EFT, EDO or AC payment instruction issued by the

collecting participant on the user’s instruction to the paying
participant, requesting the latter to debit the accountholder’s
account in favour of the user on an action date.

36 Destination account number An account into which credits will be paid or against which
debits will be drawn according to the CPS client’s instructions.

37 Disallow A payment instruction received by the CPS that effectively

recalls a non-effected payment instruction.

38 Dispute A disagreement lodged by a consumer with the paying

participant in respect of a debit order, based on the reasons
mentioned in this manual. Disputes translate into either
dispute requests or dispute actions.

39 Dispute action A successful dispute request resulting in a reversal of funds to

the payer.

40 Dispute ratio The percentage of debit orders disputed vs. the number
processed by a user.

41 Dispute ratio threshold The level set by the industry to monitor the efficiency of the
debit order system. Currently determined to be 0.5% of a
user’s transaction volumes. PASA will investigate the user
once the dispute ratio rises above this threshold.

42 Dispute request The action/enquiry by the payer to challenge the validity of a

(successful) collection against their account.

43 DOA Debit Order Abuse.

The processing of a debit order by a User against an
accountholder’s account without a Mandate or with a
Deficient Mandate

44 Early collections Collections processed in the early morning window after

salary credits have been processed.

45 Early Processing Window The period directly after each day’s salary run when early
debit orders are processed.

46 EDO Early Debit Order. EDOs are used to collect money from the
consumers’ bank accounts earlier in the day than normal debit

47 Effected-payment instruction Describes a payment instruction processed by the CPS and

forwarded to another system for further processing.




No Acronym/Term Definition
48 EFT Electronic Funds Transfer.

49 EFT Credits Credits that are processed electronically to the consumer’s

account on the morning of the action date.

50 EFT Debit Order A debit order that is presented for payment against the
consumer’s account after EDOs.

51 EFT written / EFT voice-recorded A written or voice-recorded mandate for EFT, which conforms
mandate to the content contained in Appendix 2A: EFT Written
Mandate and Appendix 2B: Standard for EFT Voice-recorded
Mandate respectively.

52 EoD End of Day.

Specific time for a specific service where no further processing
is allowed.

53 Homeback A transaction that has already been processed by a sending

bank and forwarded to Bankserv for onward processing to the
recipient bank. Bankserv (for a variety of reasons) returns the
transaction to the sender as a homeback, upon which the
sending bank will reverse the transaction and notify the
originator of the instruction.

54 Host-to-host Secure method of data interchange between the user and


55 Lead time Minimum elapsed time needed to effect a transaction on the

action date.

56 LOB Line-of-business.

57 LOB system Line-of-business system. The core system, run and maintained
by the client, to process generic and financial transactions.

58 Mandate The approval/authorisation given by the consumer to the user

allowing the user to collect money from the consumer’s bank
account on a predetermined date for goods or services
rendered by the user, without having to initiate the payment
every month.

59 Mandate database/register A systematically organised repository of mandates and

contains, as a minimum, the essential data elements required
for the mandate authentication and payment validation

60 Memo update The real time online reserving of funds and updating of
information. The information created during the batch runs
will overwrite these memo update transactions. These
transactions cannot be disallowed.

61 MQ Messaging Queue.

62 mPOS Mobile Point of Sale.

63 NACK Not acknowledged.




No Acronym/Term Definition
64 NACK message file A not-acknowledged message or message file sent to or
received from another system to indicate that the file sent or
received was invalid for processing.

65 NAEDO Non-authenticated Early Debit Order. An EDO that is not

electronically authenticated by the accountholder.

66 NAEDOS Non-authenticated Early Debit Order System.

67 NAEDOS response file A file sent to the client reflecting the processing status of
submitted transactions.

68 Nominated account number The client’s Nedbank account number into which credits will
be paid or against which debits will be drawn.

69 NPS National Payments System.

70 NPSD National Payment System Department.

71 NPS limits The National Payments System limits set by the South African
Reserve Bank (SARB).

72 OS Operating system.

73 OTP One Time Password.

74 Participant A bank which is a member of the PCH, that has entered into
one or more bilateral clearing agreements with another
member or members of the PCH, in terms of which such
member participates in the PCH.

75 PASA Payments Association of South Africa.

76 PASA EXO Payments Association of South Africa Executive Office.

77 Payer (also consumer or The holder of the account at the paying bank on which debits
accountholder) will be debited in payment of a payment instruction. Includes
natural persons and incorporated entities using an official
identification number.

78 Paying Bank The party (i.e. the accountholder’s bank) making the payment,
on behalf of the payer, pursuant to the receipt of a payment

79 Payment Cycle A time period relating to the start and end of the frequency of
the payment instruction.

80 Payment Instruction An instruction to a bank to transfer funds or make a payment.

81 Paying Participant (Paying Bank) The bank that debits the accountholder’s account, pursuant to
the receipt of a debit order.

82 Payment System A system that enables payments to be effected or facilitates

the circulation of money, and includes any instruments and
procedures relating to the system.

83 PCH Payment Clearing House. Any formal arrangement between

banks whereby they exchange payment Instructions.

84 PCH PG Payment Clearing House Participant Group.




No Acronym/Term Definition
85 PDDM Party Direct Debit Mandate.

86 PIN Personal Identification Number.

87 POS Point of Sale.

88 Profile number The client identification number. This is unique for each client.

89 PSO PCH System Operator.

90 PSO/PCH System Operator A person appointed as agent by the collecting participant to

provide a service to such collecting participant. The
appointment is subject to the authorisation of PASA as a
‘service provider’ as contemplated in clause 13 of the PCH

91 PSP Payer Service Provider.

92 QA Means quality assurance and refers to the quality assurance

environment. This environment is a ‘mirror’ of the production
environment used for integrated system testing. It is the last
step before promoting any applications into the production

93 QED Qualified Early Debit.

94 RAEDO Remote Authenticated Early Debit Order.

95 R/D Refer to drawer (on cheque).

96 Redirect Occurs when an account has been transferred to another

branch of the same bank. The effect of a redirect is as follows:
where a payment instruction received via ACB has been
routed to a beneficiary client, and he or she has a redirect
instruction in place, the beneficiary bank will transfer the
funds to the redirected account, as well as generate a redirect
notification and return this to the originating bank.

97 Rollover The moving of a file action date in respect of a specific service

type to the next available processing date The purpose of a
rollover is to cater for files submitted after the cut off time for
a specific service type (time-related). Based on the rollover
option, Nedbank will roll over the action date to the next
available working day that satisfies the client’s rollover option
(this is optional and should be enabled on the client’s profile,
if required).

98 Rollover of non-processing The moving of action date to the next available processing
action date date for files submitted with action date on a Sunday or a
public holiday. The purpose of a rollover is to cater for files
submitted with an action date on a Sunday or public holiday
(non-working day). Nedbank will roll over the action date to
the next available working day (this is optional and should be
enabled on the client’s profile, if required).

99 RTL Real time line. Real time settlement and reflection of funds in
the destination account.




No Acronym/Term Definition
100 RTGS Real time gross settlement. Real time settlement and
reflection of funds in the destination account.

101 SARB South African Reserve Bank.

102 SDV Same-day-value service. Payment instructions submitted for

processing on the business day, which is the action date.

103 Secure Plus Security mechanisms for the transfer of electronic CPS files
between the client and Nedbank.

104 SFG Sterling file gateway.

105 Sponsoring Bank The participant bank with which the user entered into an
agreement. The sponsoring bank (Nedbank) may itself be a
user, i.e. Nedbank Homeloans.

106 SO System Operator. A person appointed as agent by the

collecting bank to provide a service to a collecting bank, which
appointment is subject to the authorisation of PASA as
contemplated in Clause 13 and 14 of the PCH Agreement and
“Service Provider” shall have the same meaning.

107 SSL Secure socket layer.

108 STS protocol Station-to-station protocol.

109 Stop Payment The action whereby a payer requests the paying bank to stop
all future AC debit payment instructions related to a specific
AC mandate on their account.

110 TLS Transmission layer security.

111 TPPP Third Party Payment Provider. There are two types of TPPP:
Beneficiary Service Provider (BSP) and Payer Service Provider
(PSP). A PSP or BSP, in terms of SARB Directive 1 of 2007,
accepts money or the proceeds of payment instructions from
two or more payers. A TPPP acting as a BSP is typically
enabled by a SO, who provides the technology but does not
accept the funds into their own account for on payment to
another party.
All TPPPs and SOs need to be registered by a sponsoring bank
(Nedbank) with PASA.

112 Triple DES/3DES Encrypting or decrypting three times with DES algorithm.

113 TT Transaction Type.

114 User The collector of the funds. Typically: a client or organisation

(including a bank) that uses the DebiCheck system to collect
from consumers; or a client or organisation that submits EFT
debit orders directly to a collecting participant or a PSO, or
EDOs directly to the collecting participant for processing.

115 Unpaid(s) Transactions already processed by the collecting bank and

sent to the paying bank for settlement. The paying bank
cannot not process the debit order for a number of possible
reasons, and returns the transaction as unpaid.




No Acronym/Term Definition
116 Us-on-them Transactions originating from Nedbank and directed to other
banks (non-Nedbank account – external).

117 Us-on-us Transactions directed from one Nedbank account to another

Nedbank account (Nedbank to Nedbank – internal).

118 Variable limits Setting specified limits per day or for a specified date range on
a monthly cycle.




DebiCheck Interface Requirements
Appendix A – Mandate Cancellation Reason Codes

Reason Codes Reason Description

MCES Mandate Cancelled due to Early Settlement
CEXP Contract Expired
MCFR Mandate Cancellation due to Fraud
MICN Mandate Initiation Cancelled
MACN Mandate Amendment Cancelled
MD17 Mandate Cancellation/Amendment requested by Initiating Party




Appendix B – Mandate Frequency Codes

Frequency Codes Frequency Description

WEEK Weekly: Event takes place once a week
01 (Monday)
02 (Tuesday)
03 (Wednesday)
04 (Thursday)
05 (Friday)
06 (Saturday)
07 (Sunday)
FRTN Fortnightly: Event takes place once every two weeks
(01 Monday to 07 Sunday (1st week); 08 Monday to 14 Sunday (2nd week)).
MNTH Monthly Event: Event takes place once every month, or once a month.
99 – Last Day
(for February date is 28 if previously indicated 29th).
QURT Quarterly Event: Event takes place once every three months, or four times a year.
99 – Last Day
(for February date is 28 if previously indicated 29th).
MIAN Bi Annual: Event takes place once every six months, or two times a year.
99 - Last Day
(for February date is 28 if previously indicated 29th)
YEAR Annual Event: Event takes place once every year.
99 - Last Day
(for February date is 28 if previously indicated 29th)
ADHO Monthly by Rule:
01 - Last Monday
02 - Last Tuesday
03 - Last Wednesday
04 – Last Thursday
05 - Last Friday
06 - Last Saturday
07 - First Monday
08 - First Tuesday
09 - First Wednesday
10 – First Thursday
11 - First Friday
12 - First Saturday
14 - 2nd Last Day
99 - Last Day




Appendix C – Account Types

Account Type Code Definition

CACC Current Account
SVGS Saving Account
TRAN Transmission Account

Appendix D – Service Identification Codes

Service Codes Message Type Service Code Description Financial

BEINP camt.056 Bank Error Cancellation Request Input to PSO No
BEOUT camt.056 Outward Bank Error Cancellation Request to banks No
CLINP camt.056 Cancellation Request Input to PSO No
CLOUT camt.056 Outward Cancellation Request to banks No
DDINP pacs.003 Direct Debit Input to PSO No
DDOUT pacs.003 Direct Debit Output to banks No
DRINP pacs.002 Input Debit Responses to PSO Yes or No
DROUT pacs.002 Outward Debit Response to Banks Yes or No
MANAC pain.012 Mandate Acceptance Input to PSO No
MANAM pain.010 Mandate Amendment Input No
MANCN pain.011 Mandate Cancellation Input No
MANCO pain.011 Mandate Cancellation Output From PSO No
MANDR pain.012 Delayed Response to Mandate Maintenance Messages No
MANIN pain.009 Mandate Initiation Input No
MANIR pain.012 Immediate Responses to Mandate Maintenance Messages No
MANOC pain.012 Mandate Acceptance Output from PSO No
MANOM pain.010 Mandate Amendment Output from PSO No
MANOT pain.009 Mandate Initiation Output from PSO No
MANRF mdte.002 Response with Mandate Information Output from PSO No
MANRI mdte.001 Request for Mandate Information Input to PSO No
MANRO mdte.001 Request for Mandate Information Output from PSO No
MANRT mdte.002 Response with Mandate Information Input to PSO No
RBINP camt.029 Bank Error Resolution of Investigation Input to PSO No
RBOUT camt.029 Outward Bank Error Resolution of Investigation to banks No
REINP pacs.004 Bank Error Debit Returns Input to PSO Yes
REOUT pacs.004 Bank Error Cancelled Debit Returns to banks Yes
RIINP camt.029 Resolution of Investigation Input to PSO No




Service Codes Message Type Service Code Description Financial
RIOUT camt.029 Outward Resolution of Investigations to banks No
RTINP pacs.004 Disputed Debit Returns Input to PSO Yes
RTOUT pacs.004 Disputed Outward Debit Returns to banks Yes
SPINP camt. 055 Mandate Suspension Input to PSO No
SPOUT camt. 055 Outward Mandate Suspension Request to banks No
SRINP pacs.002 Mandate Suspension Response Input to PSO No
SROUT pacs.002 Outward Mandate Suspensions Responses to banks No
ST012 pacs.002 Mandate Acceptance Acknowledgement No
STAVF pacs.002 Validation Failure of mandate acceptance message No
STMAN pacs.002 Mandate Maintenance acknowledgment message No
STMDF pacs.002 Validation Failure of Mandate Maintenance message at debtor No
STMVF pacs.002 Validation Failure of Mandate Maintenance message No
ST002 pacs.002 Validation Report: Rejected Direct Debits No
ST003 pacs.002 Validation Report: Returns Validation Yes or No
ST004 pacs.002 Validation Report: Payment Cancellation No
ST006 pacs.002 Validation Report: Debit Responses Yes or No
ST007 pacs.002 Validation Report: Mandate Suspension Confirmation No
ST008 pacs.002 Validation Report: Mandate Suspension Request No
ST009 pacs.002 Validation Report: Resolution of Investigation No
ST100 pacs.002 Mandate Initiation/amendment/acceptance validation No
Creditor Bank
ST101 pacs.002 Mandate Information Rejection at debtor bank report: TT2 No
ST102 pacs.002 Validation of ST101 Mandate Information Rejection report TT2 No
ST103 pacs.002 Mandate Information Rejection report to sending bank No
ST104 pacs.002 Mandate Initiation / Amendment / Acceptance Validation No
debtor bank
ST105 pacs.002 Mandate Information creditor bank No
ST106 pacs.002 Mandate information debtor bank No
ST901 pacs.002 Validation Report: Bank Error Cancellation No
ST902 pacs.002 Validation Report: Bank Error Resolution No
ST903 pacs.002 Validation Report: Bank Error Payment Return No




Appendix E – Mandate Amendment Reason Codes

Mandate Reason Codes Reason Description Clarification of Reason Codes

MD16 Request by Customer Cancellation / Amendment requested
by the debtor
MD17 Cancellation/Amendment requested by If we obtain an amended on a
Initiating Party cancelled mandate, this code is used
MD19 Unsuspend a Mandate with changes Unsuspend Mandate (with changes)
MD20 Unsuspend an Unchanged Mandate Unsuspend Mandate (no change)
MS02 Reason has not been specified by Customer rejects Mandate

Appendix F – Debit Entry Class Codes

Entry Class Codes Entry Class Description

0021 Insurance Premium
0022 Pension Fund Contribution
0023 Medical Aid Fund Contribution
0026 Unit Trust Purchase
0028 Charitable or Religious Contributions
0031 Hire Purchase Repayment
0032 Account Repayment
0033 Loan Repayment (other than Mortgage)
0034 Rental-Lease (other than Property)
0035 Service Charge (Maintenance of Service Agreements, etc.)
0036 Service Charge (Variable Amounts)
0037 Value Added Tax (Vat collection)
0041 Rent (Property)
0042 Bond Repayment
0044 Bank Use - Debit Transfer
0046 Bank use - Cheque Card Debits




Appendix G – Table of Error Codes

Error Code Description

900000 Transaction successful - Successful debit or mandate accepted
900002 Insufficient funds - The account does not have sufficient funds available to process the
transaction. (Unsuccessful Debit)
900003 Debits not allowed to this account - The type of account does not allow debit transactions.
900004 Payment stopped by consumer - Prior to presentment, the accountholder has instructed
the debtor that this transaction may not be processed to the account. The issuer may
previously have sent an E1 stop presentment to the acquirer.
900005 Dormant account - The account has been inactive for a period and no debits are allowed to
this account.
900006 Account frozen - There is a restriction on the account e.g. card stolen, potential fraud under
investigation, etc.
900008 Account in liquidation - The accountholder has been placed under liquidation. No
transactions allowed.
900010 Account in sequestration - The accountholder has been placed under sequestration. No
transactions allowed.
900012 Account closed - The account has been closed by the account holder, or is dormant and has
been closed after a period. No transactions allowed.
900018 Accountholder deceased - The account holder has been declared deceased. No transaction
900022 Account effects not cleared - There are currently insufficient funds available; however,
there are uncleared funds on the account that will become available once cleared. If
applicable, this response may be used instead of 900002 after tracking has completed. The
transaction needs to be re-presented. Note, however, that there is no indication of how
long the clearing period is or the amount involved in uncleared effects.
900026 No such account - The account number supplied is not found on the issuer’s system where
the collection is taking place.
900040 Item limit exceeded
902149 Mandate in suspended state
900044 The debtor bank is currently unable to process due to a system problem and has issued the
900044 response as notification of a problem. The creditor bank is to take no action as the
transaction is at the issuer. The debtor bank will process the transaction and respond with a
900099 or other final response once the system problem is resolved.
900048 Debtor account number fails CDV routine
900056 Not FICA compliant - Transactions may not be processed to the account as FICA
requirements are outstanding.
900099 Held for re-presentment - Currently insufficient funds, but tracked for tracking period. The
acquirer is to take no action as the transaction is at Issuer.
901000 Message identifier MsgId is missing
901001 Identifier code in message identifier is invalid
901002 Generation number in message identifier is invalid
901005 Message identifier is not unique
901006 Creation date missing
901007 Creation date and time in group header are invalid
901008 Number of transactions in header not numeric
901009 Number of transactions invalid at group level
901010 Control sum is not numeric
901011 Control sum is not equal to sum of transactions
901012 Total interbank settlement amount is not numeric




Error Code Description
901013 Total interbank settlement amount does not equal the sum of the transactions
901015 Interbank settlement date is invalid
901016 Clearing system identifier is invalid
901017 Instructing agent invalid
901018 Invalid payment identifier structure
901019 Identifier code in payment identification is invalid
901020 Identifier code in payment identification does not match instructing agent
901021 Settlement date is not a valid date
901022 Settlement date invalid for credit transfer service
901023 Payment identifier transaction sequence number invalid
901024 Duplicate payment transaction identifier
901025 Payment type information, clearing channel not equal to RTGS
901026 Service level is invalid
901027 Category purpose code is invalid
901029 Currency code on transactions differ from that on the group header
901030 Interbank settlement date is supplied in group header and transactions
901031 The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO
901032 Exchange rate is not permitted unless instructed amount is supplied
901033 Incorrect charge bearer content
901034 Ultimate debtor name is same as debtor name
901035 Debtor name field is spaces
901036 Debit account is missing
901037 Debit agent is missing
901038 Creditor name field is spaces
901039 Ultimate creditor name is the same as creditor name
901040 Creditor account is missing
901041 The country code is invalid in regulatory details
901042 The regulatory reporting transaction code is invalid
901043 Creditor agent is missing
901044 The ACH identifier is incorrect
901045 Invalid service code
901046 Invalid group reason code
901047 Unable to match group message identifier on payment return
901048 Return identifier must be unique
901049 Return transaction sequence number must be contiguous
901050 Return transaction sequence number must start at one daily
901051 Invalid Transaction identifier
901052 Original Payment Identifier not matched
901053 Returned interbank settlement amount not equal to original amount
901054 Invalid transaction return reason code
901055 Settlement method is invalid
901056 Duplicate credit transfer
901057 Cancellation did not match original payment at ACH
901058 Duplicate credit return
901059 Resolution of investigation not matched to original cancellation request
901060 Invalid tracking code




Error Code Description
901061 Invalid instalment sequence
901062 Invalid entry class
901063 Interbank settlement amount currencies differ
901064 Incorrect cycle date
901065 The contact details for the creditor are missing
901066 The creditor account number is invalid
901067 The creditor branch code or BIC code is invalid
901068 The debtor account type is invalid
901069 The debtor branch code is invalid
901070 Invalid debit sequence type
901072 The first collection date is not in the future
901073 The last collection date is not in the future
901075 Payment original Bic invalid
901076 Payment destination Bic invalid
901077 Creditor account is invalid
901078 Instructing agent is invalid
901079 Instructed agent is invalid
901080 Original message type invalid
901081 Invalid status group code
901082 Invalid reason code
901083 Invalid creditor contact details
901084 Invalid debit value type
901085 Initiating party may not be spaces
901086 Invalid mandate reason code
901087 Invalid accept indicator
901088 Mandate request type is invalid
901089 Transaction ID not matched to original transaction ID
901090 Ultimate creditor name may not be spaces
901091 Ultimate debtor name may not be spaces
901092 Mandate reference number may not be blank or spaces
901093 Contract reference not matched to original
901094 Invalid instructed amount on mandate suspension
901095 Mandate acceptance out of sequence
901100 Tracking code invalid
901101 Invalid authorisation code
901102 Invalid instalment occurrence
901103 Invalid instalment frequency
901104 Invalid mandate initiation date on mandate
901105 Invalid TO date on mandate
901106 Invalid first collection date on mandate
901107 Invalid final collection date on mandate
901108 Invalid instalment amount on mandate
901109 Invalid initial amount on mandate
901110 Invalid final collection amount on mandate
901111 Instalment amount is greater than the maximum collection amount
901112 Invalid maximum collection amount on mandate




Error Code Description
901113 Invalid creditor agent on mandate
901114 Invalid creditor account number on mandate
901115 Invalid debtor account number on mandate
901116 Invalid debtor agent on mandate
901117 Invalid authorisation code on mandate
901118 Invalid authentication type indicator on mandate acceptance
901119 Invalid debit value type on mandate
901120 Invalid collection day on mandate
901121 Invalid date adjustment rule indicator on mandate
901122 Invalid debtor identifier on mandate
901123 Debtor account number fails CDV
901124 Mandate reference number is blank or spaces
901125 Invalid adjustment category on mandate
901126 Invalid adjustment rate on mandate
901127 Invalid adjustment amount on mandate
901128 Invalid creditor name on mandate
901129 Invalid ultimate creditor on mandate
901130 Invalid ultimate debtor on mandate
901131 Invalid contract reference on mandate
901132 First collection date on mandate may not be amended to an earlier date
901133 Contract reference not permitted to be amended post the initial collection
901135 Tracking cancellation indicator invalid
901134 Invalid initiating party
901136 Mandate requested identifier not found
901137 First collection date on mandate may not be amended to an earlier date
901138 Mandate amendment not matched
901139 Mandate amendment date invalid
901140 Mandate is not in a status to be amended
901141 Mandate amendment date error
901142 Mandate amendment failed due to collection response outstanding
901143 Mandate cancellation reason code is invalid
901144 Original mandate request identification is not matched
901145 Mandate cancellation not matched using mandate reference number
901146 The first collection date must be 4 days greater than load date
901147 Invalid debtor name on mandate
901148 Interbank settlement amount is zero
901149 Instalment amount may not be greater than maximum amount
901150 First collection date must be greater than or equal to from date
901152 The collection amount may not exceed the maximum collection amount
901153 The maximum amount may not change
901154 The country on the address fields may not be changed
901155 The creditor scheme may not be changed
901156 Creation date and time may not be in the future
901158 Message is not for this system
901159 The mandate amendment reason code is invalid
901160 Institution is not logged onto system




Error Code Description
901161 Mandate not at a state that allows for amendments
901162 Mandate reference number is required
901163 Mandate request transaction identifier is spaces
901164 Bank in mandate request transaction identifier is invalid
901165 Date in mandate request transaction identifier is invalid
901166 Invalid first collection amount on mandate
901167 Control sum MAC validation failure
901168 Seven consecutive unsuccessful collections. Mandate suspended
901169 Amendment not in period of adjust category
901170 Creditor abbreviated short name may not be spaces
901171 Interbank settlement date is outside the range into the future
901172 Duplicate direct debit request
901173 Duplicate debit return
901174 Duplicate cancellation request
901175 Duplicate mandate suspension request
901176 Duplicate mandate suspension confirmation
901177 Transaction disputed based on invalid date
901178 Transaction disputed based on invalid amount
901179 Sequence number in mandate request transaction number invalid
901180 Invalid transaction status
901181 Multiple collections in a payment cycle
901182 Invalid authorisation code as per accept indicator
901184 MAC key does not match
901185 Mandate request transaction identifier must match original message
901186 The debtor account type and account number are required on amendment
901187 MAC is required if debtor authentication required element = 0228
901188 Creditor abbreviated short name not matched
901189 MAC must not be populated if debtor authentication required element is not 0228
901190 Invalid adjustment rate or amount for category on mandate
901191 The debtor bank branch number and account number are required on amendment
901192 MAC is invalid
901193 Invalid adjustment category for debit value type “FIXED”
901195 If the first collection date is populated, then the first collection amount must also be
901196 Invalid creditor bank member ID
901197 Invalid debtor bank member ID
901198 Currency code must be “ZAR” for South Africa
901199 Mandate requires re-authentication
902001 Assignment may not be spaces
902003 Service ID on assignment is invalid
902004 Identifier code in assignment ID invalid
902005 Invalid file type
902006 File number is not in sequence
902007 Assigner identifier code invalid
902008 Assignee identifier code invalid
902009 Creation date invalid




Error Code Description
902012 Original interbank settlement amount is zero
902013 Original interbank settlement date is spaces
902015 Cancellation code is invalid
902016 Confirmation status is invalid
902017 Original transaction ID is spaces
902018 Original transaction end-to-end ID is spaces
902019 Transaction cancellation status code is invalid
902020 Cancellation status reason code is invalid
902021 Original interbank settlement amount is zero on ROI
902022 Original interbank settlement date is spaces on ROI
902023 Cancellation request is out of date
902024 Mandate suspension sequence number error
902025 Mandate suspension identifier invalid
902026 Original interbank settlement amount does not match transaction amount
902027 Invalid mandate suspension identifier
902028 Response not matched to request
902029 Internal system error on real time system
902100 Debit amount not equal to initial amount
902101 Debit amount not equal to instalment amount
902102 Debit amount exceeds maximum collection amount
902103 Debit amount exceed final collection amount
902104 Debit date must equal first collection date on mandate
902105 Invalid collection day
902106 Creditor name must equal creditor name on mandate
902107 Invalid creditor abbreviated short name on debit
902108 Debtor name must equal debtor name on mandate
902109 Debtor account must be equal to debtor account on mandate
902110 Mandate ID on debit must equal the mandate reference number on mandate
902111 Contract reference does not match mandate
902112 Mandate Authentication Date is invalid
902113 Unable to validate file number, invalid originating bank identifier
902114 Invalid country code
902115 Debit amount exceeds instalment amount on mandate
902116 Debit amount may not exceed maximum collection amount on mandate
902117 First instalment is not equal to first collection amount on mandate
902118 Debtor account is not open and active
902119 Unable to reach debtor for authentication
902120 Duplicate acceptance message identifier
902121 Invalid file structure
902122 Amendment cannot be processed while previous amendment not accepted
902123 Invalid debtor name of mandate information request
902124 Bank identifier on file name must be the same as instructing agent bank identifier
902125 Instructing agent and instructed agent cannot have the same bank identifier
902126 Mandate is not in a status to be cancelled
902127 Invalid mandate download request type
902134 Message id structure incorrect




Error Code Description
902135 Invalid personal identification type
902136 Mandates not allowed against this account
902137 Debit sequence type not equal instalment occurrence on mandate
902138 Debit sequence type not valid for instalment occurrence on mandate
902139 Collection amount is greater than instalment amount
902140 Tracking period not equal to mandate
902141 Mandate request identifier structure error
902142 Cell phone number is invalid
902143 An amend to the field requires a new mandate
902144 Once off instalment is not equal to first collection amount on mandate
902145 Mandate has expired
902146 Mandate initiation request has expired
902147 Original message identification is not matched
902148 Authentication status is invalid
902151 Request transmission number must be 1,2,3, or 4
902152 Request transaction identifier must be unique
902153 Reason code must be supplied
902154 Invalid amendment - account & ID number in same amendment request – new mandate
902200 Duplicate request. Account invalid
902201 Duplicate request. duplicate request, response from debtor still pending.
902202 Duplicate request. Previously authorised
902203 File rejected. All transactions invalid. See reasons for rejection on transaction information.
902204 Duplicate request. Mandate already exists
902205 Duplicate message. Message rejected
902206 File exceed maximum specified number of records
902207 Mandate reply already processed
902208 Duplicate response for mandate request
902232 Mandate cancelled due to early settlement
902233 Contract expired
902234 Mandate cancellation due to fraud
902235 Mandate instalment amount exceeds industry limit
902236 Adjustment amount required for amendments to adjustment category
902237 Collection received from creditor under investigation for DOA
902317 Debit sequence type not equal instalment occurrence on mandate
902318 Debit sequence type not valid for instalment occurrence on mandate
902319 Mandate cancelled, collection removed from tracking
902335 Mandate instalment amount exceeds industry limit
902400 Relationship between message identification, authentication type and debtor
authentication required is incorrect




Error Code Description
Error Codes to be used by Debtor bank when rejecting a mandate initiation on account number
910000 Successful
910001 Account number is invalid
910002 Account is not matched to ID number
910003 Account number not linked to client’s profile
910004 Account open and active, incorrect contact details (0229)
910005 Account open and active, no contact details
910006 Multiple signatories not allowed on account
Generic error messages when a mandatory element is not populated
910099 Message element <Message Element Name> must not be zero or spaces
ACH real time error messages when bank is not available (only for Interface Specification)
999901 Bank not available
999999 Message timed out
Proprietary Error Codes
E00001 Invalid header record id
E00002 Invalid client ID. The client ID should be active.
E00003 Invalid charges account number.
E00004 The message ID must not be blank or spaces.
E00005 The creation date and time must not be blank or spaces.
E00006 Invalid trailer record ID
E00007 Invalid data record ID
E00008 Invalid Total number of transaction
E00009 Invalid total value
E00010 Invalid hash total
E00011 Record count should not cross maximum record count.
E00012 The charges account number must not be blank or spaces.
E00013 Invalid ACH ID
E00014 Client ID in message ID should be same as client profile number
E00015 Invalid sequence number in message ID
E00016 Date in message ID should be same as creation date
E00017 Invalid client ID - client does not exist
E00018 All transactions fail
E00019 Incorrect field length/Invalid file length
E00020 No transactions on file
E00021 Future file date
E00022 Error code for mandatory field validation fail
E00023 Technical error
E00024 Rejected due to file rejection
E00025 Invalid structure/ data attributes in file
E00126 Amendment reason is mandatory
E00127 Client reference is mandatory
E00128 Tracking indicator is mandatory
E00129 Debtor authorisation required is mandatory
E00130 Instalment occurrence is mandatory




Error Code Description
E00131 Frequency is mandatory
E00132 Mandate initiation date is mandatory
E00133 Collection instalment currency is mandatory
E00134 Collection instalment amount is mandatory
E00135 Max collection currency is mandatory
E00136 Max collection amount is mandatory
E00137 Mandate request transmission number is mandatory
E00138 Creditor branch number is mandatory
E00139 Debtor identification is mandatory
E00140 Debtor branch number is mandatory
E00141 Authentication type is mandatory
E00142 Collection day is mandatory
E00143 Date adjustment rule ind is mandatory
E00144 Adj category is mandatory
E00145 Debit value type is mandatory
E00146 Mandate info request identifier is mandatory
E00147 Request type is mandatory
E00148 Request type enum
E00149 Cancellation reason is mandatory
E00150 Original client ref is mandatory
E00151 Original creditor name is mandatory
E00152 Original trans ident is mandatory
E00153 Original debtor name is mandatory
E00154 Original debtor branch number is mandatory
E00155 Client ID with status blocked in db
E00156 Client ID with status deleted in db
E00157 File date is in past
E00158 Duplicate file for current date
E00258 Unsuccessful recall / stop-tracking
E00259 Stop presentation found
E00260 Input file is empty
E00261 No header record
E00262 Invalid client profile
E00263 Client profile does not exist
E00264 Duplicate file sequence number
E00265 No trailer record on file
E00266 Trailer not last record
E00267 Invalid charge account
E00268 Invalid record identifier
E00269 Client blocked
E00270 Client deleted
E00271 More than one header
E00272 File name incorrect
E00273 Client ID, file prefix mismatch
E00274 File is a duplicate




Error Code Description
E00275 Client not loaded for recalls
E00276 Invalid client type
E00277 Invalid transaction type
E00278 Action date not populated
E00279 Invalid charge branch code
E00280 Record vetted
E00281 Number of rejected transactions is more than the threshold value

Appendix H – Payment Status Group Codes

Code Name
ACCP Accepted Customer Profile
PART Partially Accepted
RJCT Rejected

Appendix J – Mandate Rejected Reason Codes

Mandate Reject Reason Code Reject Reason Description

MDNF Unique Mandate Not Found
NMTC Short Name on Mandate Request cannot be matched

Appendix K – Debit Sequence Types

Code Name Definition

FRST First First collection of a series of direct debit instructions
OOFF Once-Off Direct debit instruction where the debtor's authorisation is used to initiate
a single direct debit transaction
RCUR Recurring Direct debit instruction where the debtor's authorisation is used for regular
direct debit transactions initiated by the creditor
RPRE Represented Collection used to re-present previously reversed or returned direct debit
FNAL Final Final collection of a series of direct debit instructions




Appendix L – Adjustment Rules

No Condition Adjustment Rule

1 If Debit Sequence Type = “FRST”, and ➢ Action Date must equal Collection Day on
Date Adjustment Indicator = “N” mandate or next processing day

2 If Debit Sequence Type = “RPRE”, and ➢ Action Date must equal Collection Day on
Date Adjustment Indicator = “N” mandate or next processing day

3 If Debit Sequence Type = “FNAL”, and ➢ Action Date must equal Collection Day on
Date Adjustment Indicator = “N” mandate or next processing day

4 If Adjustment Category is populated and ➢ Adjustment Amount must not be populated

not equal to “N” or “R”, and
Adjustment Rate is populated
If Adjustment Category is populated and ➢ Adjustment Rate must be populated
not equal to “N” or “R”, and
Adjustment Amount is not populated
5 If Adjustment Category is populated and ➢ Adjustment Rate must not be populated.
not equal to “N” or “R”, and
Adjustment Amount is populated
If Adjustment Category is populated and ➢ Adjustment Amount must be populated.
not equal to “N” or “R”, and
Adjustment Rate is not populated
6 If Adjustment Category is equal to “N” or “R” ➢ neither Adjustment Rate nor Adjustment
Amount is required

The debtor bank must only allow amendments that adhere to the adjustment
category rolling period from the last amendment.




Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment Rules
Category Amount Rate
Never <not set> <not set> All changes require authentication

Quarterly X <not set> The rand value of the increase must be less than or equal to the
Adjustment Amount.
The date of the last non-authenticated adjustment to either
amount must be at least three months ago.
Quarterly <not set> x% The percentage increase must be less than or equal to the
Adjustment Rate.
The date of the last non-authenticated adjustment to either
amount must be at least three months ago.
Biannual X <not set> The rand value of the increase must be less than or equal to the
Adjustment Amount.
The date of the last non-authenticated adjustment to either
amount must be at least six months ago.
Biannual <not set> x% The percentage increase must be less than or equal to the
Adjustment Rate.
The date of the last non-authenticated adjustment to either
amount must be at least six months ago.

Annual Y <not set> The rand value of the increase must be less than or equal to the
Adjustment Amount.
The date of the last non-authenticated adjustment to either
amount must be at least one year ago.
Annual <not set> y% The percentage increase must be less than or equal to the
Adjustment Rate.
The date of the last non-authenticated adjustment to either
amount must be at least one year ago.
Repo <not set> <not set> The date of the adjustment must be within 90 days of the last
rate change published by SARB.




Appendix M – Amendment Rules
Only elements that have changed need be included in mandate amendment requests.
Data element to be Description Notification or re- Validate Additional rules
stored in Mandate authorise with payer if collection/debit
Register amended payment instruction
(pain.010) where against mandate (as
Debtor Authentication per pacs.003)
Required = 0226)

Initial Amount The first / initial Re-authenticate Yes, if provided and The initial amount
collection value different to may exceed or vary
instalment amount. from the instalment
Debit Value Type or maximum
against Debit collection amount.
Sequence Type:
Fixed (First)
Variable (First)
Usage (First)
Instalment Amount The regular Re-authenticate if Yes Instalment Amount
collection amount outside adjustment Refer to Validation cannot exceed
rules Rules Maximum
Collection Amount,
if populated.
If Adjustment
Category = Never,
Re-authentication is
Maximum The maximum Notification for Yes Maximum
Collection Amount amount that the Fixed, Variable and Refer to Validation Collection Amount
user/creditor is Usage-based Rules can only be 1.5
allowed to collect times greater than
per debit payment the Instalment
instruction/collectio Amount for Fixed
n within the and Variable
frequency as Mandate Types.
mandated by the If Adjustment
payer/debtor Category = Never,
Re-authentication is
Adjustment Refers to the ability Notification No
Category to adjust the
instalment amount
and maximum
collection amount.
(never, quarterly,
bi-annual, annually,




Data element to be Description Notification or re- Validate Additional rules
stored in Mandate authorise with payer if collection/debit
Register amended payment instruction
(pain.010) where against mandate (as
Debtor Authentication per pacs.003)
Required = 0226)

Adjustment Amount Amount that the Re-authenticate No

instalment amount
and maximum
collection amount
can be adjusted
based on
category. This value
can be negative.
Adjustment Rate Rate that the Re-authenticate No
instalment amount
and maximum
collection amount
can be adjusted
based on
category. This value
can be negative.
Tracking Indicator Specified if tracking Notification Yes
may be used for
Mandate Initiation Date on which No, not a No
Date mandate is first changeable field
submitted for
Mandate Date on which the No, not a No
Authentication Date mandate changeable field
process was
completed by
Paying/Debtor Bank
that will be
indicated in the
response message.
Must be stored for
First Collection Date The date on which Re-authenticate Yes
the first collection
(initial and/or
instalment amount)
can occur each time
the mandate is




Data element to be Description Notification or re- Validate Additional rules
stored in Mandate authorise with payer if collection/debit
Register amended payment instruction
(pain.010) where against mandate (as
Debtor Authentication per pacs.003)
Required = 0226)

Collection day Action month and Re-authenticate Yes Validation can only
date – be done on weekly
payer's/debtor’s and monthly but
preferred recurring not on other cycle
day for collection periods.
from their bank
account. Relative to
Date Adjustment Used to indicated Re-authenticate Yes
Rule Indicator that collection day
could change (yes
(Y) / no (N))
Frequency Frequency of New Mandate Yes Debtor bank will
collections (weekly, required check for 2
monthly, quarterly, payments per
annually, bi- action date.
fortnightly, monthly
by rule). Relative to
collection day.
User/Creditor Name Ultimate creditor Mandate No
name amendment must
be sent by
user/creditor and
user/creditor needs
to notify
User/Creditor Ultimate creditor Re-authenticate Yes Follow re-
Abbreviated Short abbreviated short assignment process.
Name name to be Creditor
displayed on the Abbreviated Short
bank statement Name a mandatory
field for security
matches by the
debtor bank.
Mismatches have to
reported (fraud
report) by the
debtor bank
Sponsoring/ Identification of Mandate No
Creditor Bank sponsoring/creditor amendments will be
bank (member done in bulk by the
code) new sponsoring
bank/creditor bank




Data element to be Description Notification or re- Validate Additional rules
stored in Mandate authorise with payer if collection/debit
Register amended payment instruction
(pain.010) where against mandate (as
Debtor Authentication per pacs.003)
Required = 0226)

Contract Reference The number issued Notification if prior N/A A contract

Number by the user/creditor to initial collection, reference may only
to the payer/debtor else new mandate be amended by the
to identify the required Ultimate Creditor, if
contract between no AC Payment
the parties. only Instruction was
one contract presented against
reference number the payer’s account.
per mandate.
Payer/Debtor Name Individual’s Name User can send an No
who is responsible amendment request
for the mandate for the mandate
authentication and database and
payment for the mandate register to
collection be in sync.
Payer /Debtor Designated Notification No
Identification individual’s ID
Payer/Debtor Account number Notification if in Yes
Account Number same bank,
otherwise new
mandate required
Payer/Debtor Account type Notification No
Account Type (cheque, savings,
Paying/Debtor Bank Identification of New mandate Yes
paying/debtor bank required
(member code)
Debit Value Type = Indicator to New mandate No
Fixed, Variable OR describe the required
Usage-based mandate type.

Mandate reference Unique industry- New mandate Yes

wide reference required
number for the
mandate, generated
by the mandate
initiation process
(will be provided by
the paying/debtor
bank in




Data element to be Description Notification or re- Validate Additional rules
stored in Mandate authorise with payer if collection/debit
Register amended payment instruction
(pain.010) where against mandate (as
Debtor Authentication per pacs.003)
Required = 0226)

Message MAC or No, not a No

authentication code authenticated changeable field
signature, if
generated by
Authorisation Code Code in user’s No, not a No If mandate
/creditor’s changeable field amendment - must
amendment request identify if re-
to advise if mandate authentication is
requires required.
authentication from If Paying/Debtor
payer/debtor, or Bank needs to re-
mandate does not authenticate based
require on mandatory fields
authentication from for re-
payer/debtor. authentication, but
flag is not set, then
paying/debtor bank
rejects request.
Authentication Identifies the No, not a No
channel mechanism used by changeable field
paying/debtor bank
to payer/debtor for
for 0226, where
authorisation is not
notification will be
populated in this
field and
status indicator will
have AAUT

Notification or re-authentication is dependent on:

• use of the “Debtor Authentication Required“ field and
• the above rules
“Debtor Authentication Required“ values: 0226 = no authorisation required
0227 = debtor authorisation required

If mandate amendment is received with ➢ return error code 901199 –

No Authorisation Required (0226) but ➢ “Mandate requires re-authentication“.
Authorisation is required (0227)




If Mandate Amendment is received on a ➢ return error code 902143 –
field which requires a new mandate ➢ “Amendment to the field requires a
new mandate”

Mandate stays authenticated if amount and date elements amendments are re-

Appendix N – Return Codes at Header Level

Return Code Return Code Description

R00 Successful
R01 Technical error
R02 Invalid client profile
R03 Invalid charge account number
R04 Invalid data in request
R05 Client profile does not exist
R06 Client profile is blocked/deleted
R07 Charge account number does not exist for the client profile
R08 Mandate SC found
U0 Undefined

Appendix O – Message Element Names

This table provides the abbreviated element names to be returned in the fields Message
Element Name in status reports. These are the selected options:
Message Element Message Element Name
<AdjstCtgy> Adjustment Category
<Assgne> Assignee
<Assgnr> Assigner
<AthnctnTp> Authentication type
<Authstn> Authorisation (MAC)
<Cdtr> Creditor
<CdtrAcct> Creditor Account
<CdtrAgt> Creditor Agent
<Chnnl> Authentication Channel
<ChrgBr> Charge Bearer
<CllctnDy> Collection Day




Message Element Message Element Name
<ClrSys> Clearing System Identifier
<ColltnAmt> Collection Amount
<Conf> Status of Investigation
<CreDtTm> Creation Date and Time
<CtctDtls> Creditor Details
<CtgyPurp> Category Purpose
<CtrlSum> Control Sum
<CxDtls> Cancellation Details
<CxlId> Cancellation Identifier
<CxlRsnInf> Cancellation Reason Code
<CxlRsnInf> Cancellation Reason Information
<CxlStsRsnInf> Cancellation Status Reason Code
<Dbtr> Debtor
<DbtrAcct> Debtor Account
<DbtrAgt> Debtor Agent
<DbVlTp> Debit Value Type
<DtAdjRl> Date Adjustment Rule
<EndToEndId> End to End Transaction Identifier
<FrDt> From Date
<Frqcy> Frequency
<FrstColltnDt> First Collection Date
<GrpSts> Group Status
<InitgPty> Initiating Party
<InstdAgt> Instructing Agent
<InstgAgt> Instructing Agent
<IntrBkSttlmAmt> Interbank Settlement Amount
<IntrBkSttlmDt> Interbank Settlement Date
<LclInstrm> Local Instrument
<MaxAmt> Maximum Collection Amount
<MndtId> Mandate Identifier
<MndtInfRqstId> Mandate Information Request Identifier
<MndtReqId> Mandate Required Identifier (Contract Reference)
<MndtRfNbr> Mandate Reference Number
<MsgId> Message Identifier
<NbOfTxs> Number Of Transactions




Message Element Message Element Name
<Nm> Name
<Ocrncs> Occurrences (Sequence Type/ Instalment Occurrences)
<OrgnCreDtTm> Original Creation Date and Time
<OrgnlEndToEndId> Original End to End Identifier
<OrgnlInfstdAmt> Original Instructed Amount
<OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt> Original Interbank Settlement Amount
<OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt> Original Interbank Settlement Date
<OrgnlMsgId> Original Message Identifier
<OrgnlMsgNmId> Original Message Name Identifier
<OrgnlTxId> Original Transaction Identifier
<ReqdColltnDt> Requested Collection Date
<RmtInf> Remittance Information
<Rsn> Reason Code
<RtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt> Returned Interbank Settlement Amount
<SeqTp> Debit Sequence Type
<Sts> Status of Investigation
<StsRnInf> Status Reason Information
<SttlmMtd> Settlement Method
<Tp> Account Type
<TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt> Total Interbank Settlement Amount
<TtlRtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt> Total Returned Interbank Settlement Amount
<TxId> Transaction Identifier
<TxSts> Transaction Status
<UltmCdtr> Ultimate Creditor
<UltmDbtr> Ultimate Debtor




Appendix P – Tracking Codes

Tracking Codes Tracking Description

01 1-Day Tracking
02 2-Day Tracking
03 3-Day Tracking
04 4-Day Tracking
05 5-Day Tracking
06 6-Day Tracking
07 7-Day Tracking
08 8-Day Tracking
09 9-Day Tracking
10 10-Day Tracking
00 No Tracking

Appendix Q – Dispute Rules

Note: Any condition not represented in the Dispute Rules (decision tree) is reversible.
* To determine the legitimacy of a dispute and the reversibility of collection, refer to
rules extract on disputes below for information.






Appendix R – Additional Rules

Payment Mandate Rule – Allow transaction for processing if…

Instruction Type
(collection) Type

…Collection Amount ≤ Instalment Amount

Upfront Rejection if Collection Amount > Instalment Amount
…Collection Amount ≤ Instalment Amount
Recurring Variable
Upfront Rejection if Collection Amount > Instalment Amount
…Collection Amount ≤ Maximum Collection Amount
Upfront Rejection if Collection Amount > Maximum Collection
…Collection Amount ≤ Maximum Collection Amount
ALL Upfront Rejection if Collection Amount > Maximum Collection
…Collection Amount = Initial/First Collection Amount
First Collection ALL Upfront Rejection if Collection Amount ≠ Initial /First Collection
…Collection Amount ≤ Maximum Collection Amount
ALL Upfront Rejection if Collection Amount > Maximum Collection
…Collection Amount = Instalment Amount
Once-off ALL
Upfront Rejection if Collection Amount ≠ Instalment Amount
*The Repo Rate table has been removed as per simplification requirement 8/9/2016

Appendix R1 – Suspension Rules

When a mandate is suspended, all future-dated collections should be lifted / cancelled.

When the payment instruction is returned “Account Closed”, the paying bank will
suspend the mandate and the user must send a mandate cancellation request.

The user will be notified of suspension. Below are the scenarios that will trigger suspension:
• Stop payment
• Successful OOFF collection
• Successful FNAL collection
• Collection resulting to account closed
• Seven consecutive unsuccessful collections

Cycle Date Rule

Cycle Day (derived from cycle date) must match collection day.
If adjustment date is ‘N’, action date is the processing date.




Duplicate Check Rule
A duplicate check will be performed at the creditor bank on below fields:
1. Message ID
2. Mandate Request Transaction ID
3. Combination of below fields should be unique wherever applicable:
• Debtor Account Number
• Contract Reference Number
• Creditor Abbreviated Short Name
• Sequence Type

Appendix S – Real Time and Batch Element Combinations

Message Message Debtor Authentication

Delivery Authentication Type
Type Identification Required
Real Time TT1 “100” ACH ID for “REAL TIME” 0226 = no authorisation is
REAL TIME required
0227 = debtor authorisation is
0229 = authorisation is required
in Real Time and cell number is
0230 = authorisation is required
in Real Time and is processed
using cell number registered at

Real Time TT3 “100” ACH ID for “PREAUTH” 0228 = authorisation has been

Batch TT2 “021” ACH ID for “BATCH” 0226 = no authorisation is

BATCH required as the amendment/s
will be in line with initial
mandate terms
0227 = debtor authorisation is




Appendix T – Participating Banks


Standard Bank of S.A. 210001 Yes Yes
Nedbank 210002 Yes Yes
First Rand Bank 210003 Yes Yes
S.A. Bank of Athens LTD 210006 Yes Yes
African Bank 210007 Yes Yes
Mercantile Bank 210009 Yes Yes
Capitec Bank Limited 210010 Yes Yes
ABSA 210016 Yes Yes
Ubank LTD 210019 Yes Yes
Citibank 210033 No Yes
Bidvest Bank LTD 210044 Yes Yes
Finbond Mutual Bank 210055 Yes Yes

Appendix U – 6 and 7 Day Collections Processing

Business days Monday to Saturday (excluding Public Holidays).
Processing Days Monday to Saturday for 6-day processing members, (excluding public
holidays) or Monday to Sunday for 7-day processing members (including
public holidays).

• Mandates = a 7-day processing service
• Collections = a 6- or 7-day processing service, as determined by the bank
• The CIM900 contains fields that identify 6- or 7-day processing banks for collections
• The submitting bank must send the debit request file to the ACH as per 6- / 7-day
processing rules (examples below)
• The receiving bank will receive the debit request file 1 day prior to the processing
date from the ACH
• As the date rollover occurs during the previous day, the request files will be sent out
the physical day prior to action date
• Processing options for 6- and 7-day processing is indicated as per table below
• Invalid processing options indicated by a “X” in table below will be rejected by the




Day of week Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday
Saturday Sunday Monday
ACH File Friday for
for for for
Release day Saturday
Sunday Monday Tuesday Explanation
Date 2 3 4 5 6
Day Type Normal Saturday Sunday Normal
Scenario 1
A 6-day processing bank sends a
file to a 6-day processing bank on
Friday the 2nd and action day is
Saturday the 3rd.
Scenario 2
A 6-day processing bank sends a
Action Date
3 6 x 6 7 file to a 6-day processing bank on
6 to 6
Saturday the 3rd and action day is
Tuesday the 6th.
A 6-day processing bank sends a
file to a 6-day processing bank on
Tuesday the 6th and action day is
Wednesday 7th.
Scenario 1
A 6-day processing bank sends a
file to a 7-day processing bank on
Friday the 2nd and action day is
Saturday the 3rd
A 6-day processing bank sends a
file to a 7-day processing bank on
Saturday the 3rd and action day is
Action Date Sunday the 4th, Monday the 5th
3 4/5/6 X 6 7
6 to 7 (Public Holiday) or Tuesday 6th.
A 6-day processing bank can also
send on Monday 5th for Tuesday
Scenario 3
A 6-day processing bank sends a
file to a 7-day processing bank on
Tuesday the 6th and action day is
Wednesday 7th.

Scenario 1
A 7-day processing bank sends a
file to a 6-day processing bank on
Friday the 2nd and action day is
Action Date Saturday the 3rd.
3 x x 6 7
7 to 6 Scenario 2
A 7-day processing bank sends a
file to a 6-day processing bank on
Monday the 5th (Public Holiday) for
Tuesday 6th.

Action Date All days are valid for submission

3 4 5 6 7
7 to 7 and processing.




Appendix V – Local Instrument Codes
This table is the list of payment instrument identification codes, as published for ISO 20022
in the External Code Set under the tag “LocalInstrument”.

Local Instrument Code Local Instrument Description

TRF Credit Transfer
DDT Direct Debit
RDD Returned Direct Debit
RTR Returned Credit Transfers
ONCL Overnight Clearing
SDCL Same-day Clearing
BTR Bank Transfer
IAT International Transfer
POP Point of Sale
TEL Telephone imitated entry
WEB Internet initiated payment
0000 Business Payment
0001 Converted bank payment
0002 Standing order
0004 Pre-authorised direct debit
0005 Non pre-authorised direct debit
0019 Business-to-customer direct debit
0058 Business-to-business direct debit
0085 2-day direct debit
0089 Urgent pre-authorised direct debit
0090 Mass payment beneficiary
0091 Mass payment ours
0092 Mass payment shared
0220 Standing authorisation general
0221 Once off authorisation
0222 Standing Authorisation companies
0223 Standing Authorisation lotteries
0224 Standing Authorisation charities
0225 Once-off tuition fees
0226 No authorisation is required as the amendment/s will be in line with initial
mandate terms
0227 Debtor authorisation is required
0228 The authorisation has been done
0229 Authorisation is required in real time and cell number is required
0230 Authorisation is required in real time and is processed using cell number
registered at bank




Appendix W – Payment Cancellation Reason Codes

Reason Codes Reason Description

AGNT Agent in the payment workflow is incorrect
CURR Incorrect Currency of the payment
CUST Requested by Customer: Cancellation requested by the Debtor
Cancel Upon Unable to Apply: Cancellation requested because an
investigation request has been received and no remediation is possible
DUPL Duplicate payment: Payment is a duplicate of another payment
Fraudulent Origin: Cancellation requested following a transaction that was
FRAD originated fraudulently. The use of the Fraudulent Origin code should be
governed by jurisdictions
Technical Problem: Cancellation requested following technical problems
resulting in an erroneous transaction
UPAY Undue Payment: Payment is not justified
RMTT Remove transaction from tracking




Appendix X – External Return Reason Codes – Mandates

Code Name Description

AC01 IncorrectAccountNumber Format of the account number specified is not
AC04 ClosedAccountNumber Account number specified has been closed on the
receiver's books
AC06 BlockedAccount Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of
transactions against it.
AM05 Duplication Duplication
BE05 UnrecognisedInitiatingParty Party who initiated the message is not recognised
by the end customer
BE06 UnknownEndCustomer End customer specified is not known at associated
Sort/National Bank Code or no longer exists in the
DT01 InvalidDate Invalid date (e.g. wrong settlement date)
MD02 MissingMandatoryInformationInMandate Mandate-related information data required by the
scheme is missing
MD07 EndCustomerDeceased End customer is deceased
MD09 NoMandateServiceOnCustomer Account is not open to specified mandate services
MD11 UnrecognisedAgent Agent to whom the message needs to be
forwarded cannot be located
MD12 NotUniqueMandateReference Mandate identification is not unique to the
MD13 IncorrectCustomerAuthentication There is a problem with the customer
MD16 RequestedByCustomer Cancellation/amendment requested by the debtor
MD17 RequestedByInitiatingParty Cancellation/amendment requested by the
MD18 RequestedByInitiatingPartyAndCustomer Cancellation/amendment requested by the
creditor and the debtor
MS02 NotSpecifiedReasonCustomer Generated Reason has not been specified by end customer
MS03 NotSpecifiedReasonAgentGenerated Reason has not been specified by agent




Appendix Y – Mandate Paper and Voice Contract
Current Rules Version 23

1. The minimum information which must appear in all mandate types for voice, written
or electronic (not incorporated into the contract document), or which must appear in
the contract document (in which the mandate is also embedded), is set out in point 3
2. The contract document must be disclosed in order to prove the existence of the
information set out below (if not all set out in the mandate embedded in the
3. The minimum requirements to be contained in the mandate / contract are the

3.1 Full user name (registered name, including trading name);

3.1 Abbreviated short name (to enable a debtor to identify who debited their
account, i.e. same included on the bank statement of the debtor);
3.3 Contract reference number;
3.4 1st collection date if required;
3.5 Collection date (.i.e.. if salary date is stated, an indicative date as to when the
amount may be deducted from the accountholders account is to be provided2);
3.6 Frequency of the collection (weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, annually,
biannually, and monthly by rule). If the user elects to allow for collection ‘monthly by
rule’, due to the specificity of the TRS, only certain frequencies are allowed. A table
would then have to be included in the mandate. Refer to mandate frequency codes of
the TRS.
3.7 Date adjustment rule – a field used to indicate that the collection date may or may
not change and is intended to be used for either indicating (i) a fixed collection date [i.e.
the date adjustment rule indicator is ‘no’] or (ii) a collection date that may change [i.e.
the date adjustment rule indicator is ‘yes’].
3.8 Accountholder’s details must include the following:
3.8.1 Surname, full name or initial of accountholder;
3.8.2 Identity, passport number or temporary residence ID;
their bank (as paying bank);
3.8.3 account number 3;
3.8.4 Disclosure to the account holder (as opposed to consent) for tracking.

The mandate must include all the crucial criteria – if all the elements are available in the contract, then
they need not appear in the mandate as long as it is referenced correctly. Whether it is to be one single
or separate documents will depend upon the creditor. Mandate only comes into completeness when
accepted by the debtor.
Please note that while the mandate may allow for the insertion of the words ‘salary date’, from a
technical perspective this is catered for by answering ‘yes’ to date adjustment rule indicator and by
providing an indicative date.
3 For operational purposes: further information may be required in the event that a specific branch code
as opposed to a universal branch code is required in relation to exceptions [this needs to be elaborated




3.8.5 Explicit authority by the account holder to debit their account (I hereby authorise
the bank to debit my account);
3.8.6 Consent / authorisation of the accountholder (a wet signature; biometric record,
a legally acceptable “electronic signature” and / or voice recorded verbal consent) and
the date upon which such consent / authorisation was granted. The further information
which is to appear over and above the information stated above, is set out in respect of
each mandate type –
Fixed Mandate Variable Mandate Usage Based Mandate
Initial Amount Initial Amount Initial Amount
An amount that is not the An amount that is not the An amount that is not the
same as the instalment same as the instalment same as the instalment
amount - insert in mandate, amount - insert in mandate, if amount - insert in mandate,
if applicable. applicable. if applicable.

Instalment Amount Instalment Amount Instalment Amount

The amount is a fixed The amount is predetermined Is presented if available.
recurring amount. and recurring (subject to the
adjustment category

Maximum amount Maximum Amount Maximum amount

Can be up to 1.5 times can be up to 1.5 times greater Must always appear.
greater than the instalment than the instalment amount
amount. (subject to the adjustment
category changes).
Adjustment Category Adjustment Category Adjustment Category
Not required to be Refers to the ability of the Refers to the ability of the
presented - refers to the creditor (user) to adjust the creditor (user) to adjust the
ability of the Creditor (user) instalment amount and / or instalment amount and / or
to adjust the instalment maximum amount. This may maximum amount: this must
amount and / or maximum be never, quarterly, be never, quarterly,
amount: this must be biannually, annually, or when biannually, annually, when
defaulted to never. the repo rates changes. Other the repo changes. Other than
than when ‘repo rate’ or when ‘repo rate’ or ‘never’ is
‘never’ is elected, one of the elected, one of the following
following must appear: must appear:
- Adjustment amount (an - Adjustment amount (an
amount that the amount that the
instalment and / or instalment and / or
maximum collection maximum collection
amount may be amount may be adjusted
adjusted based on based on adjustment
adjustment category) category) OR
- OR - Adjustment rate (a rate
- Adjustment rate (a rate that the instalment and /
that the instalment and or maximum). Collection
/ or maximum). amount may be adjusted
Collection amount may based on adjustment
be adjusted based on category).
adjustment category).




Appendix AA – Mandate Status Reason Codes (MDTE)
Mandate Status Status Description
ACTV Active
SUSP Suspended
CNCL Cancelled

Appendix AB – Mandate Status Reasons (Batch Response and EOD Status Report) Suspension Reasons
Reason Description
Contract cancellation initiated by debtor
Contract expired
Contract amended
Mandate suspended seven consecutive unsuccessful collections
Mandate suspended - final collection
Mandate suspended – once-off collection
Mandate suspended - account not in a state for collections *For remaining status

Message Type Mandate Request Status Mandate Request Status Reason Description
Pending debtor authorisation
Validation successful
Active NA
Pacs.002 rejection reason from TRS
Debtor decline reason (Pain.012) from TRS
Timeout Timeout (only applicable for TT1 and TT3)

Pending debtor authorisation

Validation successful
Active Amendment reason code description from TRS
Pacs.002 rejection reason from TRS
Debtor decline reason (Pain.012) from TRS
Timeout Timeout (only applicable for TT1 and TT3)

Pending Validation successful

Cancelled Cancellation reason code description from TRS
Rejected Pacs.002 rejection reason from TRS/Rejection due to Pain.012
Timeout Timeout (only applicable for TT1 and TT3)




Appendix AC – Permitted Character Set
The character set for authenticated collections caters for both upper- and lower-case
alphabetic characters. The permitted character set is defined as follows:

A–Z alphabetic (upper case) + plus

a–z alphabetic (lower case) $ dollar
0–9 numeric ; semi-colon
. period = equal
- hyphen @ at
* asterisk ? question mark
, comma : colon
( left parenthesis ~ tilde
) right parenthesis / forward slash
% percentage
_ underscore




EFT Debit Orders
Appendix 2A: EFT Written Mandate
Authority and mandate for payment instructions: Paper
a) Authority
EFT written mandate

Given by
Name of accountholder
Address details
Address line 1

Address line 2
Bank account details
Bank name

Branch name and town

Branch number

Account number

Type of account  Current / Cheque  Savings  Transmission

Name of beneficiary
Address line 1

Address line 2

Abbreviated short name to be used: Refer to our contract reference number

Contract reference number

I/We hereby authorise you, _________________________________________(service provider name), to issue and

deliver payment instructions to your banker for collection against my/our abovementioned account at my/our
abovementioned bank, on condition that the sum of such payment instructions will not differ from my/our obligations as agreed
to in the agreement.
The individual payment instructions authorised here must be issued and delivered on the date when the obligation is
due and the amount of each individual payment instruction may not differ, as agreed to in terms of the agreement.
The payment instructions authorised here must include the contract reference number to identify the specific contract.
The contract reference number should be added to this form in section E before the issuing of any payment instruction and
communicated directly after having been completed.
Note: This authority and mandate must be given in writing or electronically in terms of the electronic
communications and transactions Act 25 of 2002, Chapter 3, Part 1.




I/We agree that the first payment instruction will be issued and delivered on ______________________ (date) and
thereafter regularly on the _________________ of each month.
 However, if the date of the payment instruction falls on a non-processing day (weekend or public holiday) I/we
agree that the payment instruction may be debited against my/our account on the following business day;
Subsequent payment instructions will continue to be delivered in terms of this authority until the obligations in terms of
the agreement have been paid or until this authority is cancelled by me/us by giving you notice in writing of not less
than the interval indicated above and sent by prepaid registered post or delivered to your address indicated above.
a. Mandate
I/We acknowledge that all payment instructions issued by you will be treated by my/our abovementioned bank as if the
instructions had been issued by me/us personally.
Note: This authority and mandate must be given in writing or electronically in terms of the Electronic
Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002, Chapter 3, Part 1.
b. Cancellation
I/We agree that, although this authority and mandate may be cancelled by me/us, such cancellation will not cancel the
agreement. I/We also understand that I/we cannot reclaim amounts that have been withdrawn from my/our account
(paid) in terms of this authority and mandate if such amounts were legally owing to you.
c. Assignment
I/We acknowledge that this authority may be ceded or assigned to a third party if the agreement is also ceded or
assigned to that third party.
Note: The EFT user may add or delete (at his own risk) from the above minimum requirements.

Signed at

Signature as used for operating on the account

Assisted by


For office use

d. Agreement reference number
The agreement reference number is _________________________________________




Appendix 2B: Standard for EFT Voice-recorded Mandate

EFT voice-recorded mandate

Abbreviated short name on

bank statement
The inscription used on the bank statement of the payer must be stated.
Collecting bank’s name
The name of the bank collecting the debit order.
Call centre name
The name of the call centre obtaining the voice-recorded mandate.
Confirm that the accountholder - as verified by means of surname, initials
and identity number - has:
- authorised a deduction for (describe the underlying
commercial agreement for instance insurance premiums);
- for an amount specified;
- from his/her bank account stating such bank account
- as from the deduction start date;
- confirming the inscription (user abbreviated name) that will be
used on the payer’s bank account.

Contact telephone number

The number used to contact the accountholder must be recorded
including confirmation whether such number relates to his/her cellular,
work or home.

Contact reference number

The day on which the conversation took place.

Current date
The day on which the conversation took place.

It must be clearly stated that a deduction has to be made against the
accountholder’s bank account.
Deduction dates
The first and subsequent dates from which the deduction on the bank
account must be made.
Payer bank particulars
The name of the bank, account number, branch code and type of account
against which the deduction must be made.

Surname and initial

The surname and initials of the accountholder on whose account the
deduction must be made.

Value amount
The deduction amount.




Appendix 3A: NAEDO Written Mandate
Authority and mandate for payment instructions: Paper
a) Authority
NAEDO written mandate

Given by
Name of accountholder
Address details
Address line 1

Address line 2
Bank account details
Bank name

Branch name and town

Branch number

Account number

Type of account  Current / Cheque  Savings  Transmission


Name of beneficiary
Address line 1

Address line 2

Abbreviated short name to be used: Refer to our contract reference number

Contract reference number

I/We hereby authorise you, ________________________________________(service provider name), to issue and

deliver payment instructions to your bank for collection against my/our abovementioned account at my/our
abovementioned bank.
The individual payment instructions authorised here must be issued and delivered monthly/bi-
monthly/threemonthly/six-monthly/annually/weekly/bi-weekly*) on the date when the obligation in terms of the
agreement is due.
The amount of each individual payment instruction may not differ, as agreed in the agreement.
Note: This authority and mandate must be given in writing or electronically in terms of the electronic
communications and transactions Act 25 of 2002, Chapter 3, Part 1.
*Delete what is not applicable




The payment instructions authorised here must include the number in the payment instructions to enable you to
identify the agreement on your bank statement. The number should be added to this form in section E before any
payment instruction is issued and communicated directly after having been completed by you.
I/We agree that the first payment instruction will be issued and delivered on ____________________ (date) and,
thereafter regularly according to the agreement, except for the payment instructions due in December, which may be
debited against account on* ______________________________________
*If applicable
 However, if the date of the payment instruction falls on a non-processing day (weekend or public holiday) I/We
agree that the payment instruction may be debited against my/our account on the following business day; or
 If the date of the instruction falls on a non-processing day (weekend or public holiday), I/we agree that the payment
instruction may be debited against my account on the business day prior to non-processing day.
 To allow for tracking of dates to match flow of credit at no additional cost to myself/ourselves***.
 I/We authorise the originator to make use of the tracking facility as provided for in the EDO system at no additional
cost to myself/ourselves.
***Please indicate
Subsequent payment instructions will continue to be delivered in terms of this authority until the obligations in terms of
the agreement have been paid or until this authority is cancelled by me/us by giving you notice in writing of not less
than the interval indicated above and sent by prepaid registered post or delivered to your address indicated above.
a. Mandate
I/We acknowledge that all payment instructions issued by you will be treated by my/our abovementioned bank as if the
instructions had been issued by me/us personally.
Note: This authority and mandate must be given in writing or electronically in terms of the Electronic
Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002, Chapter 3, Part 1.
b. Cancellation
I/We agree that, although this authority and mandate may be cancelled by me/us, such cancellation will not cancel the
agreement. I/We also understand that I/we cannot reclaim amounts that have been withdrawn from my/our account
(paid) in terms of this authority and mandate if such amounts were legally owing to you.
c. Assignment
I/We acknowledge that this authority may be ceded or assigned to a third party if the agreement is also ceded or
assigned to that third party.
Note: The NAEDO user may add or delete (at his own risk) from the above minimum requirements

Signed at

Signature as used for operating on the account

Assisted by


For office use

d. Agreement reference number
The agreement reference number is _________________________________________




Appendix 3B: Standard for NAEDO Voice-recorded Mandate

NAEDO voice-recorded mandate

Abbreviated name on bank statement

The inscription used on the bank statement of the payer must be stated.
Beneficiary name
The name of the collecting party
Call centre name
The name of the call centre obtaining the voice-recorded mandate.
Confirm that the payer - identified by the surname, initials and identity
number in this section – has:
- authorised a deduction for (describe the underlying commercial
agreement or instance insurance premiums);
- for an amount specified from his/her bank account;
- stating such bank account particulars;
- as from the deduction start date;
- confirming the inscription (user abbreviated name) that will be
used on the payer’s bank account.

Contact telephone number

The number used to contact the payer must be recorded including
confirmation whether such number relates to his/her cellular, work or home
Contact reference number
The unique identifier that relates to the underlying business transaction.
Current date
The day on which the conversation took place.
It must be clearly stated that a deduction has to be made against the payer’s
bank account.
Deduction dates
The first and subsequent dates from which the deduction on the bank
account must be made.
 To allow for tracking of dates to match flow of credit at no additional
cost to myself/ourselves. I/we authorise the originator to make use of
the tracking facility as provided for in the EDO system at no additional
cost to myself.
Please tick.
Payer bank particulars
The name of the bank, account number, branch code and type of account
against which the deduction must be made.
Surname and initial
The surname and initials of the payer on whose account the deduction must
be made.
Value amount
The deduction amount.




EFT debit order and NAEDO
Appendix 4A: EFT Debit Order and NAEDO confirmation to accountholder

Contract agreement number

Commencement action date


Abbreviated name
Must appear on your client’s statement

User contact details




EFT debit order and NAEDO: Interface requirements
Appendix 5A: NAEDOS Entry Class Codes

Entry class Entry class description Entry class Entry class description
codes codes
01 NAEDO – Two-day tracking 12 NAEDO – No tracking
02 NAEDO – Four-day tracking 13 NAEDO – One-day tracking
03 NAEDO – Five-day tracking 14 NAEDO – Three-day tracking
04 NAEDO – Six-day tracking 15 NAEDO – Seven-day tracking
05 NAEDO – Eight-day tracking 16 NAEDO – 14-day tracking
06 NAEDO – Nine-day tracking 17 NAEDO – 21-day tracking
07 NAEDO – 10-day tracking 18 NAEDO – 10-day tracking




Appendix 5B: ACB Entry Class Codes
Note: This is not exhaustive and may be extended.
Class Special classes Class Credit transactions
10 Contras 61 Salary
Class Special classes 62 Pension
21 Insurance premium 63 PAYE
22 Pension fund contribution 64 Salary deduction: mortgage bond
23 Medical aid fund contribution 65 Salary deduction: insurance premium
26 Unit trust purchase 66 Mortgage bond repayment
28 Charitable or religious contributions 67 Value-added tax (VAT) payment
31 HP repayment 68 Bank use – mortgage bond settlement
32 Account repayment 69 Salary deduction: miscellaneous
33 Loan repayment (other than 70 Annuity
34 Rental-lease (other than property) 71 Dividend
35 Service charge (maintenance of 72 Interest
service agreements, etc. – fixed
36 Service charge (variable amounts) 75 Agent’s commission
37 Value-added tax (VAT) collection 76 Bank use – cheque card credit
41 Rent (property) 80 Insurance premium refund
42 Bond repayments 81 Payment to creditor
44 Bank use – debit transfer 82 Payment of insurance claims
46 Bank use – cheque card debits 83 Medical aid refunds
51 Municipal accounts: water and lights 86 Unit trust repurchase
52 Municipal accounts: rates 88 Bank use – credit transfer
53 Telephone accounts 91 Bankserv service charge
54 Bank use – credit card merchant – 92 Bankserv use
electronic funds transfer
55 Bank use – credit cardholder – 93 Bankserv use
electronic funds transfer
56 Bank use – service charge exempt 94 Bank use – credit card merchant –
duty and service fee from electronic funds transfer
57 Bank use – garage card 95 Bank use – credit cardholder –
electronic funds transfer
58 Bank use – service charge 96 Bank use – commission payment,
garage card
59 Bankserv use – service charge 97 Bank use – refund, garage card




Appendix 5C: ACB Unpaid Reason Codes

Code Unpaid reason

02 Not provided for (equivalent to R/D on a cheque)
03 Debits not allowed to this account
04 Payment stopped (by accountholder)
06 Account frozen (as in divorce etc.)
08 Account in sequestration (private individual)
10 Account in liquidation (company)
12 Account closed (with no forwarding details)
16 Account transferred (to another banking group)
18 Accountholder deceased
22 Account effects not cleared
26 No such account
56 Not FICA compliant

Code Dispute reason

30 No authority to debit
32 Debit in contravention of payer’s authority
34 Authorisation cancelled
36 Previously stopped via stop-payment advice

Code Reserved for future use

55 Reserved for future use
57 Reserved for future use
58 Reserved for future use
59 Reserved for future use
60 Reserved for future use

Code User withdrawal request

28 Recall/Withdrawal

Code Redirected transactions

14 Account transferred within banking group




Appendix 5D: NAEDOS Response Codes

Response codes Response code description

00 Transaction successful
02 Insufficient funds
03 Debits not allowed to this account
04 Payment stopped by accountholder
05 Account dormant
06 Account frozen
08 Account in liquidation
10 Account in sequestration
12 Account closed
18 Accountholder deceased
22 Account effects not cleared
26 No such account
30 No authority to debit
32 Debit in contravention of payer’s authority
34 Authorisation cancelled
36 Previously stopped via stop payment advice
40 Item limit exceeded
42 AEDO MAC verification failure
44 Unable to process
46 Account in advance
48 Account number fails CDV routine
56 Not FICA compliant
99 Held for re-presentment
E1 Payer request to stop presentations
E4 Generic response, error not catered for
E8 Successful recall
E9 Unsuccessful recall
F0 Transaction failed in validation




DebiCheck Business Requirements
Appendix 6A: Data Elements Business Requirements

Data Element Description Re-Authorise with Validate against Additional Rules

Payer if Amended Collection/ Debit
Payment Instruction

Instalment Value Detail

Initial Amount The first / initial collection Yes Yes, if provided and The initial amount may
value only allowed once exceed or vary from
instalment or maximum
collection amount.
Reset once user sends an
amendment request to
initial amount (scenario
with cell phone contract
Instalment The regular collection Yes, If provided in the Yes Instalment amount
Amount amount authorisation of cannot exceed maximum
mandate. collection amount
subject to adjustment
rules (adjustment
category & adjustment
Maximum The maximum amount that Yes. Yes Payment amount cannot
Collection the user is allowed to Reauthorisation exceed maximum
Amount collect per debit payment subject to adjustment collection amount.
instruction/collection rules (adjustment Maximum collection
within the frequency as category & adjustment amount can only be 1.5
mandated by the payer amount/rate) times greater than the
instalment amount, if
instalment amount is
provided on
authorisation for fixed
and variable mandates.
Usage based mandates
are not subject to this
rule, even when the
optional “instalment
amount” field is provided
in the mandate.
Adjustment Refers to the ability to Yes No Debtor bank to validate
Category adjust the instalment on amendment request
amount and maximum
collection amount. Never,
quarterly, biannual, annual,
or repo.

Adjustment Amount by which that the Yes No Debtor bank to validate

Amount instalment amount and on amendment request
maximum collection
amount can be adjusted
based on adjustment
category. This value can be




Data Element Description Re-Authorise with Validate against Additional Rules
Payer if Amended Collection/ Debit
Payment Instruction
Adjustment Rate Rate that the instalment Yes No Debtor bank to validate
amount and maximum on amendment request
collection amount can be
adjusted based on
adjustment category. This
value can be negative.
Tracking Specified if tracking may be Yes, only if changes Yes
Indicator used for collections from no tracking to
allow tracking

Mandate Date Detail

Mandate Date on which mandate is No No

Initiation Date first submitted for

Mandate Date on which the mandate No No

Authentication authentication process was
Date completed by
paying/debtor bank that
will be indicated in the
response message. Must be
stored for each

First Collection The date on which the first Yes. Yes Reset once user sends an
Date collection (initial and/or Reset once user sends amendment to initial
instalment amount) can an amendment to amount (scenario with
occur each time the initial amount cell phone contract
mandate is authorised. upgrades

Collection day Action date – Yes if date adjustment Yes

payer's/debtor’s preferred rule indicator = N
recurring day for collection
from their bank account.
relative to frequency.

Date Used to indicate that Yes Yes

Adjustment Rule collection day could change
Indicator (yes / no)

Frequency Frequency of collections Yes Yes Debtor bank will check

(weekly, monthly, for two payments per
quarterly, annually, bi- action date in relation to
annually, fortnightly, frequency.
monthly by rule). Relative
to collection day.

User/Creditor Detail
User/ Creditor Ultimate user name No. Mandate Yes
Name amendment must be
sent by user/creditor
& user/creditor needs
to notify payer/debtor
User/ Creditor Ultimate user abbreviated No. Mandate Yes
Abbreviated short name to be displayed amendment must be
Short Name on the bank statement sent by user/creditor
& user/creditor needs
to notify payer/debtor




Data Element Description Re-Authorise with Validate against Additional Rules
Payer if Amended Collection/ Debit
Payment Instruction
Collecting Identifies the user/creditor No, Mandate Yes
Agency that is sending debit orders amendment must be
on behalf of the ultimate sent by user
creditor if they are not the
same. May be an SO or
TPPP (Name needs to be
Sponsoring/ Identification of No. Mandate No
Creditor Bank sponsoring/creditor bank amendments will be
(member code or BIC) done in bulk by the
new sponsoring
bank/creditor bank)

Contract The number issued by the No. N/A

Reference user/creditor to the New mandate
Number payer/debtor when a required
contract is concluded
between both parties. only
one contract reference
number per mandate.

Payer/Debtor Detail

Payer/Debtor Name of individual No. The user can send No

Name responsible for the an amendment
mandate authentication request for the
and payment for the mandate database and
collection mandate register to be
in sync.

Payer /Debtor Designated individual’s ID Yes No

Identification number/passport number
Payer/Debtor Account number Yes. Yes
Account Account number for
Number the same bank
Payer/Debtor Account type (cheque, No No
Account Type savings, etc.)

Paying/Debtor Identification of No Yes

Bank paying/debtor bank New mandate
(member code or BIC) required
Ultimate Identification of No No
Payer/Debtor contracting party if
identification different from payer




Data Element Description Re-Authorise with Validate against Additional Rules
Payer if Amended Collection/ Debit
Payment Instruction

General Attributes

Debit Value Indicator to describe the Yes Yes

Type = mandate type.
Fixed, Variable
OR Usage-based

Mandate Unique industry-wide No. Yes

reference reference number for the New mandate
mandate, generated by the required
mandate initiation process
(will be provided by the
paying bank in
authorisation request)

Message MAC or authenticated No. Not a changeable

authentication key/electronic signature, if field
code generated by
authentication mechanism
Authentication Indicator in user’s No. Not a changeable No If mandate amendment -
indicator amendment request to field must identify if re-
advise if mandate requires authorisation is required
authentication from payer, - if paying/debtor bank
or mandate does not needs to re-authorisation
require authentication based on mandatory
from payer fields for re-
authorisation, but flag is
not set, then
paying/debtor Bank
rejects request.

Authentication Identifies the mechanism No No

channel used by paying/debtor
bank to payer for




Document references
The following documents are referenced in this manual. Should there be updates or additions to
these documents, the changes should be incorporated in this manual.
No Document title File name Document Document Referenced sections
owner date
1 CPS Product CPS Product CIB 22-May-15 B2 – Client profile setup options
Manual Manual - B3 – Client responsibilities
February2015.doc B4 – Provision of data
B5 – Cut off times
B6 – Rollover options
B7 – EDO
B8 – Beneficiary directory file
B9 – Unpaid transactions
B11 – EFT/NAEDO: Connect Direct
B16 – Connectivity
B17 – Hardware and software
B18.2 – Security
B19 – Testing
B20 – CPS Billing
B21 – Checklist
B22 – Client services

2 EFT debit order 5458ned_NAEDO CIB 28-Sep-15 A3 - Normal/EFT debit order & NAEDO
and NAEDO 2015-09-28.doc C1 Appendix A1, A2
Clearing Rules C2 Appendix B1, B2
Manual C3 Appendix C1
C4 Appendix D1, D2, D3, D4
Clearing Rules
version: 2/2013
(effective 1
October 2013)
Clearing Rules
version: 2/2013
(effective 1
October 2013)
3 AC User Manual User CIB 29-Apr-16 B5.1 – Mandate cut off times
Manual_V1.0.doc B5.2 – Collection cut off times
x B10 – Transport mechanisms
B12 – AC: Connect Direct
B13 – Web Services
B14 – Messaging Queue
B18.1 – Sterling Secure Proxy
Appendices F1-F17




No Document title File name Document Document Referenced sections
owner date
4 AC User Manual User CIB 16-May-17 B5.1 – Mandate cut off times
Manual_V2.4.doc B5.2 – Collection cut off times
x B10 – Transport mechanisms
B12 – DebiCheck: Connect Direct
B13 – Web Services
B14 – Messaging Queue
B18.1 – Sterling Secure Proxy
Appendices A-AD
5 AC User Manual MIS_5756_UserM CIB 13-Jun-17 B5.1 – Mandate cut off times
anual v2.6.docx B5.2 – Collection cut off times
B10 – Transport mechanisms
B12 – DebiCheck: Connect Direct
B13 – Web Services
B14 – Messaging Queue
B18.1 – Sterling Secure Proxy
Appendices A-AD
6 AC User Manual MIS_5756_UserM CIB 5-Mar-18 B5.1 – Mandate cut off times
anual v3.3.docx B5.2 – Collection cut off times
B10 – Transport mechanisms
B12 – DebiCheck: Connect Direct
B13 – Web Services
B14 – Messaging Queue
B18.1 – Sterling Secure Proxy
Appendices A-AD
7 Mandate Mandate CIB 26-Apr-16 B15 – Client preferences for mandates
Preferences Preferences
(embedded in AC .pptx
User Manual)
8 Rules Document Authenticated PASA 18-Nov-15 0 – Mandate management
Collections - Rules 0 – Mandate amendment
document_Versio 0 – Mandate cancellation
n 22 - with QM A4.16.5 -Dispute ratios
highlights.DOC A4.17 – Responsibilities
A4.18 – Client confidentiality
A4.19 – Stop payments
Appendix 6A- Data Elements Business
9 SARB collections Authenticated CIB 25-Feb-16 A4.9 – AC Transaction types
environment collections
review Nedbank
Presentation v 4
Documents referenced in Authenticated Collections Nedbank Presentation v4 0
Collections -
on 22




No Document title File name Document Document Referenced sections
owner date
on 10
rsion 13
Presentation 3
Dec 2012 Final
10 Dispute Rules Decision Tree_AC PASA 8-Feb-16 A4.16 – Dispute Rules
11 Dispute Rules Decision Tree_AC PASA 15-Sep-16 A4.16 – Dispute Rules
Dispute Rules
12 Validation Rules Decision Tree_AC PASA A4.16.6 – Validation Rules
13 Validation Rules Decision Tree_AC PASA 24-Aug-16 A4.16.6 – Validation Rules
Validation Rules
14 Requirements for Requirements for PASA 1-Mar-16 A4.11 - Mandates
an AC mandate an AC mandate
15 AC Transactional AC CIB Ap-16 A4
Banker cheat cheatsheet_Final
sheet April 2016.docx

Documents referenced in Authenticated Collections Nedbank Presentation v4 0:

• Authenticated Collections - Rules document_Version 22
• Authenticated Collections Business Requirements Document_Version 10
• Authenticated Collections Technical Requirements Specifications_Version 13
• Collections Review Presentation 3 Dec 2012 Final




Nedbank Corporate Headoffice
135 Rivonia Road Sandown Sandton 2196
PO Box 1144 Johannesburg 2000
Tel: +27 (0)11 294 4444
This communication has been prepared solely for information purposes. It is strongly recommended
that appropriate professional advice be sought before acting on any information contained herein.
While every care has been taken in preparing this communication, no representation, guarantee,
warranty or undertaking, expressed or implied, is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the
information or representations.
All information contained herein is subject to change after publication, at any time, without notice.
The past performance of any investment product is not an indication of future performance.

Nedbank Limited Reg No 1951/000009/06, VAT Reg No 4320116074, 135 Rivonia Road, Sandown,
Sandton, 2196, South Africa. We subscribe to the Code of Banking Practice of The Banking Association
South Africa and, for unresolved disputes, support resolution through the Ombudsman for Banking
Services. We are an authorised financial services provider. We are a registered credit provider in terms
of the National Credit Act
(NCR Reg No NCRCP16).

Published September 2012




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