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| Fissiac S\] THE GREAT EASTERN INSTITUTE OF MARITIME 5 SHOES J a LABORATORY PRACTICAL PLAN Fors | REVENED& ARPROVEDBY | PRINCIPAL AHEAD | { F/SS/AC “LABORATORY PRACTIC! “SESSION SEMESTER ‘COURSE r a eMe | [ETO | CPR) | | | | OTHER | eer rere re aE} ‘Subject: Flectricity & Electronics Competency No2 ‘Subject code-P108 ‘Time Required: 1 Hour ‘Tople:- Recs Co our Codes and Neots scaler $°Cotme i [Result igmature of Faculty-tn-charge ~~ |THE GREAT EASTERN INSTITUTE OF MARITIME y ‘STUDIES eae s TABORATORY PRACTICAL PLAN |—_$+\~remewes ar | Fomsile or stereo SURES Page 3 of 2 Fiv/ac REV. No.: 00 DATE:24.02,2017 31/2 digi, 7-segment LCD Display. tur the metro F/33/AC “LABORATORY PRACTICAL PLAN” | SESSION __ SEMESTER COURSE | COURSE CODE common terminal for any (Operation ‘Measuring Voltage 1. Connect the black test lead to the Com jack and the red test lead to the “V / 0” irneory: The Multimeter |rront panel Description: | Measuring Current lead to the Com jack and 1 polarity of the red lead. ‘Garrat (mA) vataae (Vom) Resistance= V/E The Great Eastern Institute of Maritime Studies orm No.AC/F-O3A, Prog: TNC Lsboratory Practice! Plan Rev. 00 ‘Semester Being Date: 01/02/13 OBJECTIVES: After completion ofthis module, cadets to Measure the curent& volige (Casing multimetes) ia RC creat APPARATUS:-DC, Powersupply. RC Circuit, Connecting wires, multimeter ete ‘ercult composed of resistors and eapaciors driven by RC crt t= composad of one reisor and one capaci RC ereas can be used to filter a signal by Blocking eerain freque Solving this equation for V yields the form exponential decay t Vi) - he Fe , where Vis the capacitor alge aime = 0 “The ume required for the voige 10 y the RC time constant T=HC DIAGRAM: @ ep Om. | 1) VOLTAGE MULTIPLIER: - Y _ The Great Bastern Institute of Maritime Studies ‘Study of Megger | enc, ocr Insulation Between Armature and Field | (Observation: The Ohmic Value is tion Between Field and Ground (Body) : The Ohmic Value is The Great Bastern Institute of Maritime Studies an 1) Due to modulosion apering range of ena get erease 12) Due to modulanen efhcency of Pancmiston i meresess 53) The high ov wanemting °recenng antenna gets Secresscs = 1SKm Ifmedulation 1s novus then height of antenna required is 15 km, which i imposible. Hence by| modulation Mei of antenna decrsse= Modiistion- It's the process of combining an audio frequency (AF) signal wth rio frequency (Fear ‘wave, The AF signal is also called @ modulating wave and the resultant wave produced is called [Results [Signature of Faculty-In-charge hanging direction ‘A safety device wich wil “low (mt if the es $$ are toning trough it exceed» speifed value Reslsors Funtion of Conpenent Aw: ae ace | Component Circuit Symbol weed nad huang ec aes he ite eapecirisiing eh =, ea Seal em sich 9230 AC mains =] one" sir | pl: poe Nematy Ore COM Comme, LABORATORY PRACTICAL PLAN REVIEWED & APPROVED BY 'ssueor [PRINCIPAL HEAD Page tof4 F/SS/AC “LABORATORY PRACTICAL PLAN” DATE:24 02 2017, ‘SEMESTER ‘COURSE ‘doped onboard ships, Wh = suiped THe easy | ‘COURSE CODE | may a be green and yellow -strped he earth symbol 1s AC Power f taken between one ofthe (star connected) tree phuses be deltncomne ted or sia-connected 18 V nthe case of str-conneston outa wre zero oe a eas iru ted actos the Sphave lines (conetasion: «| gate of Facully-tn-eharge ‘motors which run on 230¥ ously meatone inthe Single EASTERN INSTITUTE OF MARITIME tot3 By Comneeting Wire 3)Mulumeter “Tube: lt ssa hollow glass tube, which is nterally coated with w luoreseent mater I filed fhaarzon er hrypton gas und some mercury ‘Ftament: Its made up of tungsten Fed inthe tube, the ends are passed tn ‘Starter: consis a las tube. whi 1A caput 15 connetied aos th the process repeated, the tbe occurs when the material eases prodaee elesitos 1 slice to open. resulting nthe ends fhe lam slowing shown inthe diagram ously ~ the staner contacts re in contact, (Faulty) slow ~the sate contacts are open. (Faulty) the stane 5m god condition (O.K.) STUDIES SDE APPROVED BY PRINCIPAL § HEAD ‘LABORATORY PRACTICAL PLAN ‘THE GREAT EASTERN INSTITUTE OF MARITIME SUEDE NR. FISsvac REV. No,: 00. DATE:24.02.2017, Page 1 of 3 FIS3/AC “LABORATORY PRACTICAL PLAN" SEE Ee A RSETOnE ren i —— | GME a i 7 (SPR al [Time Required:-2 Hours {Topi fudy the Maintenance of a Lead Acid Batt ‘Apparatus:- Fletical messuring instruments such 35 Safety Precautions How Does 2 Batlery Work? DISCHARGI P00, “Pb + 211380, “There isa danger of acid burns, while refilling or han revered by the proper use of eye shel, rubber shows, rubber gloves und rubber aprons wi nonslip soles Rubber shoes nd aprons need not be used only when bi re fry &Lead Acid Ac 1 PISO, 0 1G PROCESS (Reverse of Discharging Process) 2PHSO) + 0+ P60; + Pb + 280, ‘A batery i rete by alternating two differen metals sh as Lead Droxnle (P80), the postive tre output ots peell The rolye(batery aid) creates the ees tcl enerey lead sulphate) (water) (lea iver| he postive plate A mintre o ly explosive and hence the Dery sm ofthe other section and polarity. Donottouch the rs to the +Ve and Ve terminals of ng time because it puts Ieavy Toad on the cell sdentily the dead cell in Battery? §. What should be the level of electrolyte ima batery feel? STUDIES _ REV. No.: 00 LABORATORY PRACTICAL PLAN DATE:24.02.2017 ED EAPPROVED BY fe z IsSuEDBY MR Page 1 of 4 FI33/AC “LABORATORY PRACTICAL PLAN’ ]_COURSE_|__ COURSE CODE Conductor size far 3% Drop in Voltage Round-Trip Length of Conductor (Feet) 20/30 40] 60] 80] 100] 120) 140 ‘Minimum wire size (awa) SScciuwene Be i 4 i ee erte Oy arene PRLUNIT Compressor MANIFLOD CYLINDER . cams (Ta O- 1 1 22 Way 513 Way

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