By The Shore

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By the shore

As I was walking down the long and sandy street with shops on either side, I spotted a boy wearing a
black oversized T-shirt and blue shorts. His hair was messy. He was looking here and there as if he were
looking for someone. The boy was sitting right in front of Sheena's flower shop. I stepped toward him
and asked, "Are you looking for someone?" The boy turned to face me. At that moment, I realized that
his eyes were hazel. He truly had a breathtaking look. "I am looking for one of my friends," he replied
slowly. "Did he ask you to wait here?" I asked him. "No, he didn't. He asked me to wait outside of this
shop. It has been hours, but he is not here yet. I really do not know much about this city, as I'm not from
here." The boy said sadly. "Why don't you join me for a walk?" I suddenly asked. The boy looked at me,
shocked. Even I was shocked by my own words. "I think it's a good idea." He smiled. 

While we were walking down the same sandy road, he shared some personal information with me. He
was one year older than me. He lived in Canvaria, a region well known for its floral cultivation. He was
asked to come here to finish a group assignment, but little did he know, he had teamed up with one of
the worst boys in our town. I told him some details about myself. "I have one younger sister. My family
adores me very much, and this blue color frock is my favorite dress." I really had no idea know where
that came from. I lacked the confidence to look into his mesmerizing hazel eyes. He chuckled a bit. "You
are quite funny." He laughed as he said.

I drove him to the lake next to our town. The water was clearly blue. The sound of the small waves rang
in my head. It was like peaceful music. The giant red maple tree swayed with the breeze. I felt calmed by
the sweet cherry fragrance of its flowers. I could see three bowerbirds flying freely in the sky. The view
in front of me was heavenly. "Your little town is beyond beautiful." The boy replied. "This is my favorite
place of all. Whenever I feel worried, I come here and wait for a while. Then my mind feels relaxed." I
answered. I looked at the boy. He had a kind of sad face. "What is it? Tell me anything you feel like
telling." I said. He took a deep breath, released it, and told me, "I was mostly caged in my room because
my mother fears she might lose me if I go outside. I rarely get to see the world beyond the four walls. I
do not want to live like that. Today, you made me feel very relaxed and happy. I wish I could be here for
the rest of my life." He spoke, looking at me like a child. I felt so bad for him. "Maybe you should try
talking to your mother. Maybe she is really afraid of losing you. That's how mothers are. The only
difference is the way your mother reacts." I said, looking at the deep blue sky. "Maybe I should try.
Thanks for the advice." He replied while smiling. I felt so great that I could offer someone a piece of

After spending more than three hours near the lake, we walked on the same sandy road, hoping to meet
Brayan, the one this boy had been looking for. After arriving at Sheena's flower shop, he said, "You are
the first girl I have ever talked to." I was kind of shocked after hearing that. "Well, you should try talking
to some other girls also. I am pretty sure they are eager to talk with you." He smiled at me. Then we saw
Brayan coming towards us, wearing a red jacket and black trousers. The boy was about to leave, but
before that, I asked him, "What is your name?" "It's Hope. What is yours?" He asked. "I am Funny. Hope
to see you soon, Hope." With that said, I began to walk along the same long, sandy road.

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