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Olivia P.O.


I woke up by my alarm clock screaming through my ears. I growled in annoyance and started my
morning routine. After completing my breakfast, I checked my appearance in the mirror and rushed
off to the bus stop. When I reached there, I searched for YM but I couldn’t find her. I was like
WHAT!! She will not come to school today??? After wondering why YM is not here I sat on a bench
and stabilize my breath. Around freaking 15 minutes later, the bus arrived. I get in the bus and I
found YM is already there. I rushed to her and sat beside her. (End of Olivia P.O.V)

Olivia: Good morning…

YM: Good morning, madam… Why are you looking like you looked for someone??? Do you have a
boyfriend?? Is he in this bus? Where is he???

Olivia: Yahhhh… it’s nothing. I actually looking for you… and I don’t have BOYFRIEND!!!

YM: Ok…Don’t shout in my ear… Then, if my eardrums blast who’s gonna take care of me? Anyways
why are looking for me?

Olivia: Oh…. About that… I thought you’ll also wait here for the bus and when I can’t find you there, I
thought you’re absent today….

YM: You coconut head!! Why would I wait here??? My house is very very far from your residential
area… How am I gonna come here to wait for the bus?? I should take bus from there to come here….

Olivia: Ohhh….yes…I didn’t think about that…

YM: Aishhhh…. you dumb head… (Knocks Olivia’s head)

Olivia: Yahhh….Ok….sorry…..STOB IT…

YM: (Laughs) What are you? A baby? It’s stop it…

Olivia: Yeahh… I also said that…

YM: It’s STOP IT. You said STOB IT…. You don’t know the spelling??? (Chuckles) Come, I teach you…

Olivia: Aisshhh… I’m just kidding…

YM: No…no…. you must learn it… Repeat after me…

Olivia: Yah!! Seriously??? Whatever!!!

YM: Repeat it… S.T.O.P.

Olivia: S.T.O.P.

YM: Good…now spell I.T.

Olivia: I.T.

YM: Now say it together… STOP IT

Olivia: Ok Madam… STOP IT…

YM: Well done (Claps her hands)

Olivia: Thank you (Bows down in tiny and chuckles)

YM: My pleasure (Chuckles)

A/N P.O.V:-

Well, I guess Olivia is dumb… (Olivia: What did you say??) Huhhh…...nothing…nothing… I’m just
kidding. Anyways, after sometime the bus had reached the school. They walked to the class
together. On the way, Olivia told YM that she will announce her decision on playing the Ouija board
in the recess time. YM nods to her statement. Then, their lessons started. YM, Olivia and Maggie
always share glances at each other during the lessons. Don’t know why??? Well, YM already
informed Maggie about Olivia’s statement in the morning. Still then, Olivia seems concerned about
her friends’ response in the recess so they just share glances that can make her feel confident about
her choice…... We’ll see what the boys will say. Anyways, after a couple of boring lessons the recess
has finally arrived. They get their breakfast out of their bag and went to the canteen. They settled
down and started munching on their breakfast. That’s when GYR decided to break the silence…...
(End of A/N P.O.V)

GYR: Why everyone is so silent today? It feels weird…

Maggie: Is it? Then, let’s talk now…

GYR: Do you think I’m kidding???

Maggie: No…why?

KNE: Stop… He is talking about the silence in the class…Nobody talks in class today and Olivia, YM
and Maggie always share glances during the lesson… It seems so weird that none of you didn’t did
this before so what’s the matter?

Olivia: Well, I got a thing to tell you guys… (Looks at Maggie and YM)

YM & Maggie: (Gave a reassuring smile)

NOTE: (Hi my loves. Can I call you, my loves? Or my readers are enough? Anyways, here another
chapter. Hope you like it… Don’t forget to vote. Wait for the next chapter patiently… Bye, my

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