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Health, Safety & Environment

Lecture 2: Industrial accidents and their types

Engr. Iram Zahra

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MUST

Date: 30/10/2021
• In today's a highly competitive atmosphere every organization having a no. of problems and one
of such problem is industrial accidents.
• In rare sense / means we can an industrial accidents is part of an industry.
• Due to increase in the literacy rate , freedom to the media , and activeness of labors unions higher
management to lower staff manger are all strive to reduce the accidents and prefer on the safety
• Due to advancement in the technology and automation increase this also leads to a different and
very harmful type of accidents.
• A little careless ness may cause a very harmful accidents

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What is an Accident
“An accident is an unplanned & uncontrolled event which causes or is likely to cause an injury”.
• It is some thing which unexpected , un-predictable or intended or not desired.
• An accidents may cause a result of some unsafe activity, act, working condition etc.
• It can be defined as “An accident or occupational accident is an event of accident that suddenly
occurs when one or no. of employees / workers placed in plant.
• For instance, In an organization a person / labor while working receiving an electric current, a
labor cut his finger from machine, blast in chemical industry because of various reasons, fired in
textile section etc.
• These are all the example of industrial accidents

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Types of Accidents
A)- According to the length of recovery
1- First aid accidents
These are small accidents. Here these worker receives first aid at plant hospital and
then return to the job.
2- Home case accidents
The worker loses reminder of shifts or turn on which the accidents has occurred
3- Long time accidents
Here worker loses a day or shift in which accidents occur. Compensation is given to
the employee by employer for the severity of accident.

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Types of Accidents
B)- According to the nature of injury
1- Fetal accidents

It includes the accidents that could result in the death of the injured worker. The death could occur
on the spot due to the unbearable injuries.

2- Temporary Disability

Accident that reduces the earning capacity of an employee when he engaged in the injury. But once
he got OK he start work again

3- Permanent Disability

An accident that reduces completely reduces the earning capacity of an employee

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Category of Accidents

There are Four categories of Accidents,

1- Minor Accidents
2- Reportable Accidents
3- Fatal Accidents
4- Accidents Due To Dangerous Occurrence

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Category of Accidents

1- Minor Accidents

It includes all those accidents that are

• Less harmful in nature to the worker
• Preventing employees from working for the period less than 48 hours from the time of accidents.
• These accidents are not reported to the higher management.
• These accidents are easily control.

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Category of Accidents

2- Reportable Accidents

• It includes the category of accidents which is little complicated then of minor accidents.
• Here the injuries caused to the worker prevent him from working for the period of 48
hours or more.

• Here supervisor is responsible to report to the higher management and arrange another
worker so that the production could not be affected.

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Category of Accidents

3- Accidents Due To Dangerous Occurrence

These occurs due to

• Bursting of vessel for containing steam under pressure greater then atmospheric pressure.
• Failure of crank or other appliances.
• Explosion of fire causing damage to any room or place where person are employed.
• Explosion of container used for storage of any gas or liquid at a pressure greater than
atmospheric pressure

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Causes of Accidents

As we know that an accidents is an unplanned activity and hence an accidents don’t have any
specific cause to occur , the causes of accident vary from situation to situation.

• In general sense an accident may be cause due to ……….

• Technical cause
• Human cause

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Causes of Accidents

1- Technical Causes

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Causes of Accidents


The mechanical factors includes;

Unsafe mechanical design and construction, Hazards arrangement ,In proper machine guarding, defective
device, improper material handling, leaking and value etc.


The environmental factors includes

Two low and too high temperature to cause shivering and sweating respectively, too high humidity to
cause fatigue and drowsiness, defective and illumation, inadequate rest and brakes b/w working hours,
poor housekeeping, noise, bad order and flash coming from near by machinery, equipment or process etc.

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Causes of Accidents

2- Human Causes

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Causes of Accidents

It includes
• Age
• Health
• Lack of knowledge & skill
• Improper attitudes towards work.
• Emotional instability such as jealousy.
• Mental worries
• Non-use safety device
• Working and unsafe speed.
• Improper use of tools.

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Accidents Investigation
Investigation can be done according to the category of accidents and therefore the procedure for
investigation is vary from situation to situation.

There are three types of procedure for investigating the accidents.

• Procedure for investigating Minor Accidents.

• Procedure for investigating Reportable Accidents
• Procedure for investigating Fatal & Poisson Accidents.

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Accidents Investigation
1- Procedure for investigating of Minor Accidents

The procedure for investing such types of accidents is that as soon as accidents occur first aid shall
be given to the injured. These accidents are not reported to the higher management and they are
easily controlled by foreman and supervisor.

2- Procedure for investigating of Reportable Accidents

In this type of accidents head of the department choose a senior person for inquiry after receiving
report of supervisor. Also, it is duty of supervisor to report to the higher management to temporary
arrange another worker so that the production could not affected.

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Accidents Investigation

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Accidents Investigation

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Accidents Investigation

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Accidents Investigation

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