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Urban Environments (p157 onwards)

This is a comprehensive overview. We have covered certain aspects in

more detail in class, but your text book is a great source of information
that you should be making use of during your revision.

Urbanisation and its processes

1. State four factors that make urban living different to rural life.

2 a. Which parts of the world currently have the largest level of urbanisation?

b. where are the lowest level?

3. What proportion of the world now lives in an urban environment?

4 a. In which parts of the world is the rate of urbanisation increasing the most rapidly?

b. why?

5. Sketch fig 6.5 (p159) – The urbanisation pathway – study this.


6. What are; a. Agglomeration

b. Suburbanisation?

7. What are dormitory settlements and why might they not have the variety of services that their
population might lead you to imagine? (think of where people work)

8. What are; a. Counter urbanisation

b. Urban re-imaging and

c. urbanisation of suburbs

9. Sketch fig 6.7 p161

Urbanisation and the rise of megacities (p162)

10. What ‘drives’ urbanisation?

11. Try to explain what the ‘multiplier effect’ is in this situation.

12 a. What is a megacity?

b. try to describe their distribution (fig 6.9 p163)

13 a. Sketch fig 6 p 163

b. What are ‘economies of scale’?

14. ‘Megacities become powerful cores that create large peripheries around them’ What does this

15. What is a ‘global city’?

16. Problems of rapid urbanisation (p164)

Summarise the problem

Access to water/ electricity
Traffic congestion
Social problems
Environmental issues

17. The Urban Land-use pattern (p166)

Write THREE things that might affect land values in an urban area.

18. List the 4 zones of a city

19. Urban Challenges in the DEVELOPED world

Copy out fig 6.1 on p 168

20. Look through the Hong Kong case study

21. Urban Challenges in the DEVELOPING and EMERGING world

Summarise these

22. Developments on the urban fringe

Retail Parks, Industrial estates, Business parks and Science parks. For each one give a one sentence

23. Using a case study, state 6 facts/ ways in which urban living can be made more sustainable.

24. Managing Urban Challenges at Local, National and International scales. Give two egs for each.

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