IEEE WirelessComms Apr2010 ReliableData

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Reliable Data Delivery over Deep Space Networks: Benefits of Long Erasure
Codes over ARQ Strategies

Article  in  IEEE Wireless Communications · April 2010

DOI: 10.1109/MWC.2010.5450661 · Source: DLR


37 820

2 authors:

Tomaso de Cola Mario Marchese

German Aerospace Center (DLR) Università degli Studi di Genova


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ABSTRACT monly adopted for terrestrial environments,

where the TCP/IP protocol suite is the de facto
Achieving reliable communications in deep standard. However, the challenging peculiarities
LDPC encoding proc
space environments poses formidable network- of the interplanetary environment, such as very
ing challenges because of the extreme physical large propagation delays, outage events, band-
medium peculiarities. In this view, two possible width asymmetry, and high link error rates make
approaches can be considered to carry out reli- TCP-based protocols hardly applicable [3]. Slid-
able data transfers over deep space channels: ing window mechanisms and recovery proce-
automatic repeat request schemes and packet dures relying on either timeout expiration or
layer coding algorithms applied with long era- triple duplicate acknowledgment reception, as
k information
packets sure codes. In this respect, this article surveys used by TCP, are not effective in this context.
the mechanisms currently available from the The employment of a sliding window approach is
Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems severely impaired by very large bandwidth-delay
protocol stack, by reserving special attention, on products, which in deep space can be up to tens
LDPC decoding proc one hand, to the ARQ schemes currently imple- of megabytes. In addition, very large latencies
mented at the application layer and, on the experienced by deep space links, which can be as
other hand, to the potential offered by erasure long as many seconds, also imply long recovery
coding schemes. A comparative analysis gives phases, thus resulting in degraded performance.
some insights about the performance improve- Finally, yet important, TCP considers each pack-
Achieving reliable ments the packet layer coding methodology can et loss as due to congestion, and this is the moti-
bring. In particular, the results show that the use vation for the input rate reduction. On the
communications in of erasure coding is able to attain more satisfac- contrary, losses are mainly due to channel errors
tory performance results than ARQ-based in deep space: the rate reduction penalizes the
deep space environ- schemes in terms of reliability, data transfer channel throughput and consequently increases
ments poses delay, resource network utilization, and power
the delay of data transfers.
To contrast the aforementioned TCP short-
formidable network- comings, an alternative protocol architecture has
been devised within the Consultative Committee
ing challenges. Two INTRODUCTION for Space Data Systems (CCSDS): it consists of
Recent advances in telecommunication technolo- a set of protocol recommendations the design of
possible approaches gy, such as more effective modulation and chan- which is specifically tailored to the requirements
nel coding schemes, reduced size and costs of of space missions and the peculiarities of deep
can be considered: devices, large storage availability, and fast pro- space environments [4]. A fully operational pro-
automatic repeat cessing capabilities, paved the way for the exten-
sion of the Internet’s borders toward outer space
tocol stack, designed from the application layer
down to the physical layer, is specified as an
request schemes and regions [1, 2]. The National Aeronautics and alternative to the TCP/IP protocol suite. In par-
Space Administration (NASA) promoted space ticular, special attention has been paid to the
packet layer coding exploration programs aimed at deploying obser- protocol specifications of lower layers (i.e., phys-
vation and experimentation centers on the moon ical and data link) and the CCSDS File Delivery
algorithms applied and Mars. Consequently, the design and imple- Protocol (CFDP), which may be positioned at
mentation of a complex telecommunication the application and transport layers. Both the
with long erasure infrastructure suitable to offer connectivity to lower-layer protocols and CFDP implement
advanced recovery mechanisms: near-Shannon
codes. different nodes located very far from each other
will be necessary for the future. In principle, this limit channel coding the former, and powerful
can be done by simply extending the scope and automatic repeat request (ARQ) strategies the
functionalities of communication solutions com- latter.

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Due to physical The scientific community is active in this field

as shown by [5, 6, references therein]: the chal-
near-Earth or deep-space [8], depending on the
position of spacecraft with respect to Earth sta-
peculiarities of lenges of the deep space environment has fos- tions. The first case considers data communica-
tered research studies toward specific protocol tions performed between Earth control centers
transmission extensions, aimed at improving the speed and and other nodes located at altitude below 2 ⋅ 106
reliability of data transfers. From this viewpoint, km: signals experience propagation delays lower
channels and system erasure coding schemes applied at packet level than 6.6 s. The second case considers communi-
seem promising to guarantee higher robustness cations established between Earth and other
design limitations against consistent link errors and information loss nodes (e.g., spacecrafts and landers) located at
introduced by the [7]. This solution is documented in the literature distances farther than 2 ⋅ 106 km. Recent space
as packet-layer coding and has also been exten- missions related to Mars (the Mars Global Sur-
available power sively considered within CCSDS as a focus of the veyor exploration program) and Saturn (the
Long Erasure Codes Birds of a Feather (LEC Cassini-Huygens exploration program) belong to
budget, size, and BOF) activity, which is part of the Space Link the deep-space scenario. Propagation delays
Service (SLS) area [8]. The principle of this range from tens of minutes up to hours. From
cost of devices, deep approach is to apply encoding/decoding opera- this preliminary analysis, it is straightforward to
tions on a packet basis, in order to generate a see that the signal strength is severely degraded
space scenarios pose number of redundancy packets sufficient to con- by the free space loss, which can be as high as
challenges from both trast the physical environment impairments, rec-
ognized as information erasures at higher layers.
290 dB for Saturn–Earth communications (when
Saturn is in the closest position with respect to
the communication From this view, the advantages offered by such an Earth), achieved in the X frequency band (7–12.5
approach are attractive for the performance bene- GHz). In addition, other environment impair-
and networking fits they could bring with respect to ARQ-based ments such as solar wind, flares, and space ther-
solutions, whose retransmission latency is expect- mal noise also sum up to further reduce the
point of view. ed to degrade the overall system performance. received signal-to-noise ratio. Finally, outage
The above considerations on ARQ strategies events are also likely to happen due to synchro-
and erasure coding schemes are taken as the start- nization loss between receiving and transmitting
ing point in this work. The aim of this article is to stations and bad weather conditions, such as rain
review advantages and drawbacks of the two in the Ka frequency band (26.5–40 GHz) and
aforementioned approaches over deep space sce- wind. All the aforementioned aspects give rise to
narios. In addition, the case of hybrid-ARQ frequent information losses that can be quanti-
schemes, relying on the combination of ARQ and fied with raw channel bit error rates ranging
coding methodologies, is considered as well. On from 10–1 to 10–3.
the basis of this investigation, system design guide- Other important factors influencing the over-
lines are finally drawn up, taking into account all system performance are scarcity and asym-
implementation and the physical constraints intro- metric bandwidth availability. Usually, the uplink
duced by the deep space environment. (connecting Earth to spacecraft) is used to trans-
The remainder of this article is organized as port command messages and offers an available
follows. The next section briefly reviews the main bit rate in the order of 10 kb/s. The downlink
characteristics of the interplanetary environment handles image and measurement data, and offers
and discusses the research issues that are unex- a bit rate up to a few megabits per second.
plored or only partially addressed in the litera- These characteristics (large latency, highly
ture. We then describe the basic concepts of asymmetric bandwidth, error rates, and outage
packet-layer coding, and point out the implemen- events) make TCP-based protocols hardly appli-
tation challenges arising at the different layers in cable, since their performance is strictly influ-
which the erasure code schemes can be applied. enced by feedback delays and retransmission
We then review the main aspects of the CCSDS procedures that are expected to take place in
protocol stack by paying particular attention to response to congestion events. On the other
CFDP specifics and proposing possible improve- hand, the implementation of more sophisticated
ments to it. The performance analysis of relevant transmission protocols has to be carefully traded
case studies is then reported, and our main con- off with the current device hardware constraints
clusions are drawn in the final section. in terms of limited processing and storage capa-
bility, power budget, and size. This has immedi-
ate consequences on the telecommunication
DEEP SPACE SCENARIOS: system design, mostly concerning the downlink.
CHALLENGES AND OPEN ISSUES The availability of higher bit rates envisaged for
future space missions calls for more advanced
Due to physical peculiarities of transmission coding and modulation techniques (longer codes
channels and system design limitations intro- and higher-order modulations), the feasibility of
duced by the available power budget, size, and which has to be checked against the requirement
cost of devices, deep space scenarios pose chal- of lower complexity demanded for in situ
lenges from both the communication and net- devices. Another option is represented by the
working points of view [9]. possibility to increase the power supply availabil-
Concerning the former, particular attention ity to ensure satisfactory signal-to-noise ratio fig-
must be paid to the large distances that usually ures along with larger data rates, but the limited
separate the telecommunication nodes and imply power budget usually available on spacecraft
significant signal propagation delays. In princi- orbiting around remote planets (e.g., Saturn),
ple, by overlooking space missions currently and landers and rovers acting on the planet sur-
ongoing or scheduled for the future, it is possi- face make this option unpractical.
ble to classify the application scenarios as either Other design issues arise from the networking

58 IEEE Wireless Communications • April 2010

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point of view. NASA programs envision the

deployment of interplanetary Internet [5] based
damental to achieve satisfactory performance
[9]. Decoding operations at the destination are
In case of long
on a meshed topology in which the space nodes, accomplished as soon as a sufficient number of fading events,
serving as routers, are responsible for data stor- packets is received. In case of maximum distance
age and forwarding. From this perspective, atten- separable (MDS) codes, such as Reed Solomon channel coding alone
tion must be given to the nodes’ limited storing (RS) [10], just k out of n packets are needed for
capabilities, which could result in congestion successful decoding operations. Unfortunately, is not sufficient to
events, rare, for now, in this environment. In RS codes are nonlinear block codes [10] where-
view of the future space Internet, another impor- by the high software implementation complexity protect transmitted
tant aspect is represented by quality of service
management: although still missing in current
imposes the use of short codewords, resulting in
encoding/decoding algorithms that follow a time
data against errored
space network deployments, it deserves attention quadratic law. As an alternative, schemes relying bits. As a result, the
for the next-generation networks that will entail on low density parity check (LDPC) codes offer
both terrestrial and interplanetary links, and linear encoding/decoding complexity as they corrupted frame will
switching nodes. Traditionally, service level implement simple XOR operations. Unfortu-
requirements are matched in terrestrial Internet nately, unlike RS codes, they are not MDS be discarded at the
through differentiated services (DiffServ) or inte- codes, and decoding operations complete as
grated services (IntServ) methodologies applied soon as at least k(1 + ε) packets are received data link layer
at the network layer. However, the effective and
dynamic application of these schemes requires
correctly. In more detail, ε gives an indication of
the code inefficiency; it decreases to 0 as the
upon failed
signaling mechanisms that are not feasible in number k of coded packets increases [8]. Finally, computation
deep space environments because of the large coding solutions applying the concept of the digi-
propagation delays and high error rates, which tal fountain, such as LT, Tornado, and Raptor of the checksum
may severely impair the QoS management strate- codes [11], also deserve great attention and were
gy. A more viable alternative consists of defining initially considered within the CCSDS standard- or CRC.
static policies able to differentiate between low- ization process. Despite the advantages they may
priority data flows, such as image and measure- offer in terms of rateless coding (raptor codes),
ment retrieval, and high-priority ones such as they require the availability of a return channel
telemetry messages and emergency notifications, for signaling the completion of the decoding
and simple mechanisms to match the QoS procedure to the sender side, which otherwise
requirements in terms of loss and delay. would continuously transmit new redundancy
As a partial response to the design issues symbols, wasting power and deep space link
raised above, this article explores the benefits bandwidth. Hence, LDPC codes are currently
brought by the packet layer coding approach, regarded as more appropriate to meet the per-
which seems the key to guaranteeing satisfactory formance requirements of deep space communi-
information loss rates and data delivery delay. cations. Accordingly, the focus of this article is
Also, the impact on limited network resources only on LDPC-based codes achieving near-Shan-
and power budget are investigated by introduc- non limits [12], as presently done in the CCSDS
ing proper performance indicators. standardization process.


Packet layer coding approach can be applied at
OVERVIEW different layers of the protocol stack, from the
application down to the data link layer, where
Shadowing and fading events result in oscilla- actually a packet unit may be defined.
tions of the signal-to-noise ratio measured at the
destination, thus giving rise to bit errors within Application/Transport Layer Coding — It is applied on
frames. An effective way to combat link errors is end-to-end basis: the coding strategy can be con-
the employment of channel coding techniques figured according to the content carried by data
that are effective in either error correction or packets and the error protection they may need.
detection. However, for long fading events, This approach allows the underlying protocol
channel coding alone is not sufficient to protect stack to remain unmodified, offering several
transmitted data against errored bits. As a result, advantages in terms of flexibility and modularity
the corrupted frame will be discarded at the data of the whole deep space communication system
link layer upon failed computation of the check- design.
sum or cyclic redundancy check (CRC). This
results in packet erasures occurring in bursts, Network Layer Coding — It works on a point-to-
which should be recovered by the upper layers. point basis, thus allowing efficient contrast of
The idea is to tackle them through appropriate packet erasures experienced with different loss
erasure coding schemes, which complement the patterns in a multihop environment. The main
error protection already provided by the channel drawback is represented by the necessity to mod-
coding schemes implemented at the physical ify the different network layer protocol specifica-
layer. Erasure schemes basically follow the prin- tions that may be present on the network
ciples of forward error correction (FEC) segments, depending on the space missions. This
schemes: k source information units (hereafter may become too burdensome from the imple-
generally referred to as packets) are encoded mentation point of view.
into n units, of which n – k are redundancy pack-
ets. An important parameter is the code rate, Data Link Layer Coding — As outlined also for the
defined as the ratio between information and network layer, it works on a point-to-point basis.
total coded units (k/n): its proper tuning is fun- The coding strategy can be tuned according to

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Network layer: Two protocols have been pro-

Lossless data Image data
posed as alternatives to IP: the Space Packet
compression compression Application- Protocol and the Space Communication Protocol
Application layer specific Specification-Network Protocol (SCPS-NP). Both
protocols take care of addressing and routing operations.
Transport layer: CCSDS has developed the
Protocol Space Communications Protocol Specification-
Transport layer (CFDP) Transport Protocol (SCPS-TP) to provide end-
to-end reliable communication, as an alternative
to TCP.
Security sublayer SCPS-SP IPsec
Application layer: CFDP is designed to get
reliable file transfers. It follows an FTP-like
Network layer
Space packet SCPS-NP IPv4/IPv6 paradigm. Its implementation spans over appli-
cation and transport layers. In addition to CFDP,
Data link layer other specific applications such as asynchronous
TM space TC space AOS space Proximity-1
(data link data link data link data link (data link layer) message service are defined within the CCSDS
protocol sublayer) protocol protocol protocol
Proximity-1 protocol stack.
(Synchronization TM synchronization TC synchronization (coding and In this article particular attention is given to
and channel and channel coding and channel coding synchronization CFDP, whose main features are pointed out in
coding sublayer) layer)
the following. For a complete description of the
Physical layer RF and modulation systems Proximity-1 other aforementioned protocols, it is possible to
(Physical layer) refer to [4, references therein].

Figure 1. CCSDS protocol architecture: higher (light blue) and lower layer pro- The CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) [13]
tocols (dark blue) [4]. aims at transferring files from one filestore to
another, located in spacecraft and space stations.
The file to be transmitted is encoded into a
the channel quality, provided that information file delivery unit (FDU), composed of the file
about the signal degradation is available from itself and metadata necessary for data manage-
the physical layer. Also in this case, modifica- ment. The CFDP entity splits the FDU into
tions of different data link layer protocol specifi- CFDP protocol data units (PDUs) of variable
cations would be required, with an impact on the length. CFDP PDUs are structured into payload,
flexibility of the overall system design. containing up to 65,536 bytes, and header, con-
taining CFDP source and destination identifiers,
THE REFERENCE PROTOCOL ARCHITECTURE transfer file sequence number, as well as other
fields suited to allow the reconstruction of the
CCSDS PROTOCOL STACK: AN OVERVIEW FDU at the destination. Data transmission is
performed by CFDP entities according to two
CCSDS activity is primarily focused on the defi- operative modes, unacknowledged and acknowl-
nition and implementation of a protocol archi- edged. The former implements no mechanisms
tecture alternative to the existing ones (e.g., to ensure complete data delivery; communica-
TCP/ IP suite) to support effective data transfer tion reliability, where required, should be
over long delay and lossy networks, as in the ensured by proper mechanisms implemented
case of interplanetary networks. A full protocol within the underlying layers. The latter provides
stack, including all the protocols from the appli- reliable delivery of data by means of ARQ strate-
cation to the physical layer, has been recom- gies, relying on negative acknowledgment
mended, designed, and deployed in spacecraft, (NAK). The detection of missing CFDP PDUs is
satellites, and Earth stations. The protocol stack performed by the receiver, which notifies the
composition is shown in Fig. 1, where the sepa- loss of data to the sender by issuing NAK blocks
ration between higher- and lower-layer protocols according to four different algorithms: Immedi-
is highlighted. A short summary of each layer is ate, Deferred, Asynchronous, and Prompted. In
reported in the following. the first case a NAK issuance is performed as
Physical layer: CCSDS recommendations on soon as the loss of CFDP PDUs is detected.
RF and modulation systems focus on the most Deferred mode allows postponing the issuance
suitable transmission schemes to be adopted in of NAKs to the end of the file transfer. As far as
space missions, where either long-haul links (long- prompted and asynchronous modes are con-
range and bidirectional), established to allow com- cerned, the detection of missing blocks is trig-
munication between spacecraft and satellites very gered by external events, such as explicit
far from each other, or proximity links (short- (asynchronous mode) or periodical (prompted
range and bidirectional) are employed. mode) requests by the sender.
Data link layer: CCSDS has developed four
protocols: Telemetry (TM), Telecommand (TC), PROPOSED PROTOCOL SOLUTIONS
Advanced Orbiting Systems (AOS), and Proxim- The advantages offered by erasure codes, point-
ity-1 space link protocol-data link [4]. Their ed out in the previous section, support the idea
basic function is to forward transfer frames of of implementing a packet-layer coding strategy
fixed or variable length to the physical layer, by within the CCSDS protocol stack, as proposed
taking care of synchronization and channel cod- by the LEC BOF working group [8]. The frame
ing functions, along with encapsulation and error detection and correction functions per-
framing operations. formed by the CCSDS data link layer, depending

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on the specific implemented protocol, can give

rise to frame discarding events. The use of era- First CFDP PDU ith CFDP PDU Lth CFDP PDU
sure codes could be beneficial to recover from
frame losses that otherwise would trigger long Aggregation
retransmission periods performed by the CFDP of CFDP
entity, hence penalizing the overall system per- PDUs
Splitting into k
Four possible coding strategies can be taken information packets
in consideration:
1. Pure FEC
2. Type-I Hybrid ARQ LDPC encoding process
3. Type-II Hybrid ARQ
4. Weather Genie [14]
The first one consists of the generation and
transmission of information and redundancy
units over the forward link. Solutions 2 and 3
combine advantages of FEC and ARQ strate-
gies: Type-I Hybrid ARQ allows retransmitting Transmission of
k information n – k redundancy n packets over the
the information symbols that could not be recov- packets packets packet erasure
ered at the destination through erasure decod- channel
ing; Type-II Hybrid ARQ consists of sending
additional redundancy symbols upon notification
of failed erasure decoding at the receiver side. LDPC decoding process
Weather Genie exploits the availability of a All k packets
return channel to acquire information about the recovered
deep channel state and adapt the coding strategy
accordingly. It is immediately apparent that
some challenges can arise particularly for solu- reconstruction
tions 3 and 4, by virtue of the need for a return First CFDP PDU ith CFDP PDU Lv CFDP PDU
channel and for a protocol specifically designed
to use it. Hybrid ARQ-II demands a dedicated Figure 2. LDPC encoding/decoding process for CFDP.
protocol implemented at the receiver side to
request additional redundancy symbols. Like-
wise, Weather Genie requires a dedicated proto- acknowledged. In the first case the pure FEC
col able to estimate the channel state and scheme can be applied: the LDPC encoding
transmit it to the sender side. On the other schemes apply a high number of encoded infor-
hand, Type-I Hybrid ARQ, although demanding mation symbols for the sake of efficiency. To
for the return link like solutions 3 and 4, can be this end, at the source side, L CFDP PDUs are
implemented within layer protocols that already aggregated together and then split into k infor-
implement retransmission procedures (e.g., mation units, which will be submitted to the
CFDP) to recover from information losses. LDPC encoding process responsible for the gen-
According to these observations and taking eration of the coded units, as shown in Fig. 2.
under consideration the limited implementation Conversely, at the destination side, decoding
complexity allowed on space nodes, solutions 3 operations will be successful upon reception of a
and 4, while attractive, cannot presently be sufficient number of coded units, thus allowing
adopted in deep space environments and are not the aggregated CFDP PDUs to be reconstruct-
investigated hereafter. On the other hand, solu- ed. If decoding operations cannot complete, a
tions 1 and 2 easily meet the technological number of CFDP PDUs get lost. It is straight-
requirements of space nodes and are thoroughly forward to see that the optimal selection of code
investigated in the following. rate, size of encoded information units, as well
Although several alternatives could be con- as number of aggregated CFDP PDUs is essen-
sidered, CFDP is taken as the reference in this tial to improve system performance. This solu-
article for the integration of both pure FEC and tion will be referred hereafter to as CFDP —
Type-I Hybrid ARQ schemes. Unacknowledged with Coding (CFDP-UC).
The rationale under this choice is twofold. On the other hand, if CFDP works in
First, the implementation of packet-layer coding acknowledged mode, it is possible to take advan-
schemes within CFDP allows leaving the under- tage of both erasure codes and retransmission
lying protocol stack untouched, which defines functions, thus implementing Type-I Hybrid
different protocol specifications at the same ARQ. CFDP-Deferred is regarded as the most
layer (e.g., the network layer may implement IP, appropriate configuration, since data retransmis-
CCSDS SPP, or SCPS-NP). Second, this sions are performed at the end of the file trans- 1 In the presence of large
approach allows selection of the coding parame- fer, which is more effective in the presence of delays, the use of immedi-
ters (e.g., parity check matrix and coding code- large propagation delays.1 Encoding and decod- ate asynchronous, or
rate), taking control, at the same time, of the ing operations are performed exactly as for prompted retransmission
CFDP parameters (e.g., CFDP PDU size) appro- CFDP-UC. When decoding operations cannot schemes results in long
priate to meet the QoS requirements demanded be accomplished, the CFDP entity keeps track of recovery phases occurring
by the files to be transmitted. the lost CFDP PDUs and issues deferred NAKs during the transmission of
Pure FEC and Type-I Hybrid ARQ schemes in order to recover the missing information data PDUs, implying
can be implemented within CFDP depending on units. The source side, upon reception of NAKs, much longer data transfer
its operative modes: unacknowledged and re-encodes the missing PDUs and retransmits latencies.

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The efficiency of them over the space link. The use of coding
techniques also during the recovery phase is con-
at the application layer (i.e., CFDP), the success-
ful delivery of data alternates with occurrences
packet-layer coding sidered beneficial to increase the robustness of missed PDUs. Given the correlated nature of
against packet erasures, thus reducing the num- the deep space link, the erasure channel can be
has to be checked ber of retransmission loops. This solution is modeled as a first order two-state discrete-time
hereafter referred to as CFDP — Acknowledged Markov chain (DTMC) embedded in the trans-
against different Deferred with Coding (CFDP-ADC). mission of each PDU at the application layer.
Using erasure codes to ensure reliable data Two states, ON and OFF, are considered: no
performance delivery is expected to be an effective alternative information loss is observed in state ON, where-
indicators, according to ARQ schemes since retransmission strategies
performed over deep space links are likely to
as erasures are experienced in state OFF.
According to [15], erasure rates ranging from 0.1
to specific service degrade because of very large propagation up to 0.4 can be considered by varying the aver-
delays. On the other hand, the implementation age duration of the OFF state depending on the
requirements such as of coding techniques alone is not sufficient to frame length; on the other hand, the average
guarantee successful file delivery, because there duration of the ON state is kept fixed. In this
information loss and is some residual information loss that might be way, it is possible to relate the performance of
fully recovered by ARQ schemes. Nevertheless, the application layer to the length of the data
data delivery latency. it is also worth noting that the importance of file link layer frames. In particular, frame lengths
transfer reliability and respect for delivery con- ranging from 128 to 1024 bytes are considered,
straints basically depend on the specific file con- with a corresponding average number of erased
tent. Images and measurement file transfers can symbols ranging from 300 kb up to 1 Mb (in line
tolerate some information loss, but emergency with values presented in [15]).
or system messages should be delivered in a As far as propagation delay configurations
timely manner and without any information loss. are concerned, attention is focused on delays
This differentiation opens the door to QoS man- ranging from 1 up to 200 s, in order to consider
agement performed at the CFDP entity by tun- both near-Earth and deep space missions. The
ing protocol settings in order to match specific link bandwidth is set to 1 Mb/s and 1 kb/s for
file transfer requirements. Also, power consump- downlink and uplink, respectively.
tion and implementation complexity issues can-
not be neglected because spacecrafts and remote CASE STUDY: MAIN RESULTS
planet stations (landers and rovers) have strict The efficiency of packet-layer coding has to be
system design constraints. The implementation checked against different performance indicators
of erasure codes may imply waste of bandwidth according to specific service requirements such
and power roughly proportional to the amount as information loss and data delivery latency.
of generated redundancy symbols, thus requiring The comparison of the proposed CFDP enhance-
attentive configuration of the coding parameters. ments, CFDP-UC and CFDP-ADC, with respect
In addition, the encoding process requires the to standard CFDP-Deferred is performed
storage of CFDP PDUs in proper buffers, per- accordingly. In particular, the following protocol
formed before the encoding process. At the configurations have been considered in order to
receiver side, decoding operations need memory identify the role played by the key parameters in
space sufficient to accommodate the symbols system performance:
actually necessary to successfully reconstruct the • CFDP-UC and CFDP-ADC: CFDP PDUs are
original CFDP PDUs. In addition, if the erasure aggregated into information vectors carrying 1
codes are complemented by retransmission oper- Mbyte. Code rates varying between 0.125 and
ations (as for CFDP-ADC), the source side has 0.875 are considered. LDPC codes achieving
to provide space sufficient to store the entire near-Shannon limits are considered, with code
file. Bandwidth and power waste is approximate- inefficiency (ε) equal to 0.04
ly proportional to the amount of retransmitted • CFDP-Deferred. The CFDP PDU length is
data. varied between 1024 and 65,536 bytes.
All these factors along with performance fig- • As reported earlier, the length of data link
ures (i.e., file transfer reliability and delivery layer frames ranges between 128 and 1024
delay) play a fundamental role in the design of bytes. Encapsulation issues and overhead
an effective space telecommunication system. introduced by the overlying layers are consid-
Some relevant case studies are illustrated in the ered accordingly.
following in order to identify the most effective Three metrics are considered primarily: infor-
protocol configurations. mation loss (ILoss), data delivery latency (DDLa-
tency), and normalized goodput (NGoodput).
PROTOCOL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ILoss is defined as the ratio between the number
of correctly received and transmitted CFDP
DEEP SPACE LINK MODELING PDUs; DDLatency as the time duration elapsing
from the transmission of the first CFDP PDU
As introduced earlier, the physical peculiarities and the correct reception of all the CFDP PDUs.
of deep space environments (solar winds, flares, NGoodput is defined as the ratio between the
thermal noise), the reduction of the link budget amount of data correctly received at the destina-
margin due to atmospheric events occurring on tion and the time duration required by the trans-
the downlink, along with the possible loss of syn- fer, normalized to the available bandwidth. The
chronization at the receiver side give rise to cor- performance of the protocol solutions is tested
related symbol erasures, which may range from a by considering transfers of 100-Mbyte files,
few up to hundreds of data link layer frames. achieved between two space nodes that imple-
From the viewpoint of the performance observed ment a full CCSDS protocol stack.

62 IEEE Wireless Communications • April 2010

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ILoss gives interesting indications, especially

in the case of CFDP-UC, since the other solu- 1.1
tions can guarantee full delivery of data by using 1
retransmission functionalities. In particular, the
0.9 0.125
impact of data link layer frame length and code 0.250
rate deserves some attention (Fig. 3). The adop- 0.8
tion of code rate 0.875 does not offer satisfacto- 0.7 0.5
ry performance because the reduced number of 0.750

redundancy packets is not able to counteract the 0.875
erasures caused by link errors independent of 0.5
the coded packet size. If the code-rate is equal 0.4
to 0.750, registered performance starts with 0.3
ILoss equal to 1 when the sent frames carry 128
bytes; then the loss falls down below 0.3 as the
frame size increases its length to 256 bytes. ILoss 0.1
increases again while the coded packet size 0
increases its length from 384 to 768 bytes and 128 256 384 512 640 768 1024
keeps approximately the same value for 1024. Datalink frame length (bytes)
Concerning the other code rates, all registered
ILoss values overlap for any frame size, even if it Figure 3. CFDP-UC performance: information loss vs. data link frame size for
is possible to observe that when the frame size is different code-rates.
set to 512 bytes, the most satisfactory result is
achieved: ILoss of 0.07.
DDLatency and NGoodput performance is
obviously dependent on the propagation delay, 3500
especially in the case of CFDP-ADC and CFDP- CFDP-UP
Deferred since they can resort to retransmission 3000 CFDP-Deferred
procedures in case of CFDP PDU erasures.
Besides, the CFDP PDU and frame length
play an important role in CFDP-Deferred per- 2500
formance. In general, large PDUs at both appli-
DDLatency (s)

cation and data link layerd help reduce the 2000

overall transmitted overhead, thus improving the
protocol performance in case of no packet era- 1500
sures. In the investigated case, however, the larg-
er the frame length, the longer is the average
duration of OFF periods, according to the era-
sure channel model assumed in this article.
Hence, the frame size also impacts on the num- 500
ber of packet erasures, and then on the amount
of retransmissions to be performed during the 0
recovery phase. On the other hand, the CFDP 1 10 50 100 200
PDU length influences the transmitted overhead Propagation delay (s)
and the duration of the retransmission phases:
the larger the CFDP PDUs, the longer the recov- Figure 4. Protocol solution performance: data delivery latency.
ery phase is likely to be. Collected results show
that setting CFDP PDU and frame length to
4096 bytes and 512 bytes, respectively, represents mance because of the large propagation delays
the best compromise to achieve the highest per- experienced in the investigated environment.
formance. As far as CFDP-ADC is concerned, As observed for CFDP-ADC, the perfor-
the performance is ruled by both code rate and mance of CFDP-UC is also influenced by code
frame length. A large number of transmitted rate and frame length. The main difference is
redundancy symbols helps recover the informa- that no retransmission can be used to help recov-
tion erasures at the cost of bandwidth waste; on er erasures; hence, an attentive configuration of
the other hand, the frame length, as already the aforementioned two parameters is necessary
observed, impacts on link reliability in terms of to attain satisfactory results. As anticipated in
average number of erasures. In this case it is the analysis of ILoss, the most effective combi-
important to point out that the combined use of nation is given by code rate 0.750 and frame
packet-layer coding and retransmissions allows length 512 bytes.
achieving satisfactory performance even with The overall protocol performance is depicted
high code rate. Actually, the best protocol con- in Figs. 4 and 5, where only the most effective
figuration is given with frame length and code configurations are considered for the sake of
rate set to 512 bytes and 0.75, respectively. The simplicity. In particular, Fig. 4 shows the DDLa-
application of a higher amount of redundancy tency: CFDP-ADC performance is worse than
proved to not be beneficial to performance, CFDP-Deferred for lower delays since the
because, although reducing the number of retransmission of both information and redun-
retransmissions, it caused non-negligible waste dancy packets is performed. On the other hand,
of bandwidth. Conversely, in the case of low as delay jumps over 50 s, the trend inverts and
code rate, a larger number of retransmissions the DDLatency of CFDP-ADC is almost half of
takes place, thus affecting the overall perfor- the DDLatency of CFDP-Deferred for a propa-

IEEE Wireless Communications • April 2010 63

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gation delay of 200 s. DDLatency values regis- dancy and retransmitted bytes) is considered as a
tered for CFDP-UC are always below 1000 s rough measure of expended power. Storage
since no retransmission is performed, at cost of requirements are considered in terms of buffer
partial data delivery, as shown in Fig. 4. space availability, which is needed by each consid-
The NGoodput is depicted in Fig. 5: CFDP- ered protocol solutions to either perform retrans-
Deferred allows using network resources effi- missions or coding/decoding operations. The sum
ciently (NGoodput varies between 0.9 and 0.6) of these two factors (both measured in Mbytes),
when the propagation delay is lower than 50 s. referred to as Network Resource Cost (NRCost)
As the delay increases (i.e., from 50 s up to 200 allows shedding light on the relation between
s), the use of pure ARQ schemes is not effective. achieved performance and implementation cost.
CFDP-UC and CFDP-ADC are less efficient for In particular it is interesting to see how NRCost
low delays but offer better results, varying from scales in correspondence of different ILoss targets.
0.6 to 0.4, depending on the propagation delay In particular three ILoss targets were considered:
(Fig. 5); larger delays highlight the main perfor- 0.025, 0.05, and 0.15 respectively. These ILoss tar-
mance limits of pure ARQ mechanisms. gets are referred in terms of three different pro-
Finally, a very important factor that impacts on files: A (ILoss ≤ 0.025), B (0.025 < ILoss ≤ 0.05),
system design is given by hardware/software con- and C (0.05 < ILoss ≤ 0.15).
straints, considered here in terms of power budget It is relevant for space system design to identi-
and storage capacity. In order to take into account fy the cost components (in terms of retransmitted
power consumption issues, the total number of data and storage requirements) needed by the
transmitted data (comprehensive of both redun- protocol configurations to minimize the data
delivery delay, subject to the ILoss constraints
imposed by profiles A, B, and C. The perfor-
mance offered by the protocol solutions in terms
1 of the NRCost is shown in Fig. 6 vs. the propaga-
0.9 CFDP-ADC tion delay and the profile that can be satisfied. All
CFDP-Deferred profiles in Fig. 6 implies that profile A (the most
0.8 demanding) is satisfied together with the other
0.7 two, which are less restrictive. The differentiation
between the number of transmitted bytes and the

storage capability required by each node is high-
0.5 lighted through two different colors. Immediately
we see that CFDP-Deferred and CFDP-ADC can
match all ILoss targets as they allow reliable com-
0.3 munications. On the contrary, CFDP-UC can
0.2 match only profiles B and C, but with very limited
cost, whereas CFDP-ADC and CFDP-Deferred
0.1 require higher cost because of the retransmission
0 procedures that imply a larger amount of data to
1 10 50 100 200 be transmitted along with increased storage
Propagation delay (s)
capacity. Nevertheless, it is important to point out
that only CFDP-ADC and CFDP-Deferred can
Figure 5. Protocol solution performance: normalized goodput. match profile A’s target; in this view, CFDP-
ADC, especially for long propagation delays,
offers a better trade-off between retransmitted
data and storage space. This observation further
Storage space confirms the advantages offered by erasure cod-
300 Transmitted data ing, which is helpful in matching profiles B and C
at low cost (CFDP-UC) and also profile A
NRCost (Mbytes)

(CFDP-ADC), though at much higher cost.

200 Finally, it is also worth noting that as the cost
is a rough measure of the power consumption,
150 the current power budget available on spacecraft
100 and planetary nodes pushes toward CFDP-UC
for its quite satisfactory performance results.

The performance figures presented in the previ-
CFDP-UC(Profile B)
CFDP-UC (Profile C)
CFDP-ADC (All profiles)
CFDP-Deferred (All profiles)
CFDP-UC (Profile B)
CFDP-UC (Profile C)
CFDP-ADC (All profiles)
CFDP-Deferred (All profiles)
CFDP-UC (Profile B)
CFDP-UC (Profile C)
CFDP-ADC (All profiles)
CFDP-Deferred (All profiles)
CFDP-UC (Profile B)
CFDP-UC (Profile C)
CFDP-ADC (All profiles)
CFDP-Deferred (All profiles)
CFDP-UC (Profile B)
CFDP-UC (Profile C)
CFDP-ADC (All profiles)
CFDP-Deferred (All profiles)

ous section show the relationship between proto-

cols’ effectiveness and their configuration in
terms of key parameters (e.g., code rate, CFDP
PDU, and frame length) tested with different
propagation delays (1–200 s) and erasure rates
(0.1–0.4). The most important indication coming
from the performance analysis is that it is possi-
ble to identify the most appropriate protocol
1 10 50 100 200
solution and the related configuration indepen-
Propagation delay (s) dent of the data content to be transmitted. It is
worth noting that in spite of the powerful protec-
Figure 6. Protocol solution performance: network resource cost. tion against erasures provided by LDPC codes,

64 IEEE Wireless Communications • April 2010

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requirement is minimal delivery latency as tary Internet,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 42, no. 7, July
2004, pp. 108–18
the potentials of this
requested by alarm messages or other immediate
notifications, the use of CFDP-UC is to be con-
[4] CCSDS, “Overview of Space Communications Protocols,”
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Coding Techniques in Deep Space Environments,”
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[8] G. P. Calzolari et al., “Channel Coding for Future Space
strategies in terms
pure coding-based schemes. As a consequence, Missions: New Requirements and Trends,” Proc. IEEE,
the use of CFDP-UC seems more appropriate to vol. 95, no. 11, Nov. 2007, pp. 2157–70. of file transfer
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can be demanded in space missions. Further- Communication Protocols,” ACM Comp. Commun. Rev., reliability, data
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[10] I. S. Reed and G. Solomon, “Polynomial Codes over
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mentation. On the contrary, CFDP-ADC and [12] E. Paolini et al., “Generalized IRA Erasure Correcting utilization and power
CFDP-Deferred also require precise tuning of Codes for Hybrid Iterative/Maximum Likelihood Decod-
CFDP PDU length according to that of data link ing,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 12, no. 6, June 2008, consumption.
pp. 450–52.
layer frames in order to avoid encapsulation and [13] CCSDS, “CCSDS File Delivery Protocol, Recommenda-
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desired in data communications. 4, Blue Book, no. 3, 2007.
[14] M. Chiani, G. Liva, and E. Paolini, “Long Erasure Correcting
CONCLUSIONS Codes: A New Appealing Chance for Space Applications
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This work focuses on the performance require- [15] D. Divsalar and S. Dolinar, “Long Erasure Correcting
ments that future telecommunication infrastruc- Codes,” CCSDS Meeting, Washington, DC, Mar. 2008;
tures for space environments may pose, by
analyzing the features the CCSDS protocol stack BIOGRAPHIES
may offer, with particular respect to the higher TOMASO DE COLA ( received his Lau-
layers. In particular, the packet-layer coding rea degree (summa cum laude) in telecommunication
methodology possibly combined with ARQ mech- engineering from the University of Genoa, Italy, in 2001
anisms has been explored and investigated. The and his Qualification degree as a Professional Engineer in
2002. From 2002 until 2007 he worked with the Italian
rationale behind the use of erasure codes stems Consortium of Telecommunications (CNIT), University of
from the necessity of limiting data retransmission Genoa Research Unit as a scientist researcher. Since 2008
operations due to the very large latencies experi- he has been with the German Aerospace Centre (DLR),
enced in interplanetary networks. To this end, where he is involved in different European projects focus-
ing on different aspects of DVB standards, CCSDS proto-
two proposals whose design is inherited from cols and testbed design. He is a co-author of more than
CFDP-Deferred have been tested in order to 30 papers, including international conferences and jour-
show the benefits the application of erasure cod- nals. His main research activity concerns TCP/IP protocols,
ing may bring in deep space communications. The satellite networks, transport protocols for wireless links,
and interplanetary networks, as well as delay-tolerant
performance analysis confirmed the potential of networks.
this approach by highlighting the advantages
offered by the new strategies in terms of file M ARIO M ARCHESE [S‘94, M‘97, SM‘04] (mario.marchese@
transfer reliability, data delivery time, resource received his Laurea degree cum laude at the Uni-
versity of Genoa in 1992 and his Qualification as a Profes-
network utilization and power consumption. sional Engineer in April 1992. He obtained his Ph.D. (Italian
Dottorato di Ricerca) degree in telecommunications at the
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS University of Genoa in 1996. From 1999 to 2004 he worked
This work was partially funded by the European with CNIT, University of Genoa Research Unit, where he
was head of research. Since February 2005 he has been an
Community in the framework of the FP6 Sat- associate professor at the Department of Communication,
NEx NoE project. The project developed in two Computer, and Systems Science (DIST), University of
phases: SatNEx I and II, contract no. 507052 Genoa. He is the founder of and still technically responsible
and no. 027393, respectively. Finally, the authors for the CNIT/DIST Satellite Communications and Network-
ing Laboratory (SCNL) at the University of Genoa. He
would also like to thank Harald Ernst from ESA chaired the IEEE Satellite and Space Communications Tech-
and Gianluigi Liva from DLR for their very nical Committee from 2006 to 2008. He is an author and
helpful suggestions and comments about aspects co-author of about 200 scientific works in international
related to packet-layer coding. magazines, international conferences, and book chapters,
and the book Quality of Service over Heterogeneous Net-
works (Wiley, 2007). His main research activity concerns
REFERENCES are satellite and radio networks, transport layer over satel-
[1] K. Bhasin et al., “Advanced Communication and Net- lite and wireless networks, quality of service and data
working Technologies for Mars Exploration,” 19th transport over heterogeneous networks, and emulation
Annual AIAA Int’l. Commun. Satellite Sys. Conf., and simulation of telecommunication networks and satel-
Toulouse, France, Apr. 2001. lite components.

IEEE Wireless Communications • April 2010 65

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